Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes
Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes
Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes
(B. Eng, University of Technology, Vietnam)
assisted me in completion of this thesis. Also special thanks go to Professor Rob Y.H.
Davis) for his valuable suggestions, discussions and help in the research work.
providing the Research Scholarship during this doctoral study in the Department of
Civil Engineering.
My parents and sisters have been extraordinary sacrificial for providing me with
Dang The Cuong, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Tam and Mr. Tun Myint Aung for their kind help
and encouragement.
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ i
Summary....................................................................................................................... vi
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER 1. Introduction......................................................................................1
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................17
2.2.3 Membrane analysis ....................................................................................20
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................41
domes .........................................................................................................48
Table of Contents
Domes ..............................................................................................................67
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................68
4.3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................80
Table of Contents
So far, little research has been done on submerged large dome structures. This
prompted the present study on the optimal design of submerged domes for minimum
The first part of the thesis presents the membrane analysis and minimum
power series for the thickness variation of a submerged spherical dome was derived.
Further, based on a family of uniform strength designs associated with a given depth
of water and base radius of the dome, the optimal subtended angle 2α and the
optimal dome height for the minimum weight design of submerged spherical domes
were determined.
strength design, equations governing the meridional curve and thickness variation of
submerged domes were derived with allowance for hydrostatic pressure, selfweight
and skin cover load. The set of nonlinear differential equations, which correspond to a
notable advantage of the equations derived in this part is the parameterization of the
equations using the arc length s as measured from the apex of the dome. Such
single integration process whereas previous methods that made used of the Cartesian
coordinates gave problems when vertical or infinite slope was encountered in the
meridian curve. For the special case of a weightless dome without skin cover load,
the thickness of the dome was found to be constant when subjected to hydrostatic
pressure only. The shape of the dome was also found to agree well with the shape
currently reported in the literature. Further, parametric studies of dome shapes under
different water depths and selfweight also led to a better understanding of the optimal
shape of submerged domes. Numerical examples indicated that the airspace enclosed
by the optimal dome reduces in the presence of large hydrostatic pressure. The
In the second part of the thesis, the optimal design of domes against buckling is
significance in the design of these structures, most of the studies thus far have focused
on spherical domes using a thin shell theory. This study presents the formulation and
rotational shells generated by any meridional shape under external pressure. The
that the critical buckling pressure will not be excessively overestimated when the shell
is relatively thick.
The critical buckling pressure of moderately thick shells under uniform pressure,
formulated as an eigenvalue problem, is derived using the well accepted Ritz method.
One feature of the proposed method is the high accuracy of the solutions by using an
adequate number of terms in the Ritz functions. The formulation is also capable of
handling different support conditions. This is made possible by raising the boundary
equations to the appropriate power so that the geometric boundary conditions are
satisfied a priori. The validity of the developed Ritz method as well as the
convergence and accuracy of the buckling solutions are demonstrated using examples
solutions exist. Based on comparison and convergence studies, the Ritz method is
found to be an efficient and accurate numerical method for the buckling of dome
structures. New solutions for the buckling pressure of moderately thick spherical and
parabolic shells of various dimensions and boundary conditions are presented and,
although these results are limited by the material properties assumed, they are
Upon establishment of the validity of method and its ability to furnish accurate
results for the buckling of dome structures under uniform pressure, the research was
dome include the selfweight. New solutions for the buckling pressure of moderately
thick spherical and parabolic shells of various dimensions and boundary conditions
are presented. Further, based on a family of spherical and parabolic domes associated
with a given dome height submerged under a given water depth, we determine the
Pareto optimal design for maximum enclosed airspace and minimum weight dome
This thesis should serve as a useful reference source for vast optimal dome design
data for researchers and engineers who are working on analysis and design of shell
D water depth
H dome height
h dome thickness
s arc length along the meridian as measured from the apex of the
W0 dome weight
directions, respectively
z vertical coordinate
α subtended angle
meridian direction
direction, respectively
ν s , νθ Poisson’s ratios
ξ normalized thickness
φ meridian angle
Fig. 2.6 Free body diagram of dome above horizontal plane a-a..............................24
Fig. 2.9 Thickness variations of submerged domes for various water depths ..........34
Fig. 2.10 Family of uniform strength designed domes for a given base radius L .......35
Fig. 2.12 Variations of minimum weight W0 and α opt with respect to base radius L
List of Figures
Fig. 2.13 Variation of optimal dome height H opt / L with respect to water depth
D / L ............................................................................................................38
Fig. 3.2 Coordinate systems and parameters defining the shape of submerged dome
Fig. 3.4 Horizontal and vertical components of the meridian force Ns acting on the
ring foundation.............................................................................................48
Fig. 3.5 Coordinate system for the Runge-Kutta forward integration ......................53
Fig. 3.6 Weightless fully stressed submerged dome shapes under various water
depths ...........................................................................................................54
Fig. 3.7 Submerged dome shapes under selfweight and skin cover load for various
water depths .................................................................................................58
Fig. 3.8 Fully stressed submerged dome shapes with different selfweight parameter
β ...............................................................................................................60
Fig. 3.9 Variation of submerged dome weight respect to subtended base angle φb .62
Fig. 3.10 Optimal shapes of submerged domes with respect to water depths.............64
Fig. 4.1 Coordinate systems and parameters defining the shape of dome structures...
List of Figures
Fig. 6.4 Spherical dome under its own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure ..........120
Fig. 6.5 Variations of critical water depth Dcr = D / H with respect to normalized
thickness ξ = h / H of a hemispherical dome.............................................125
Fig. 6.6 Parabolic dome under its own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure ..........127
Fig. 6.7 Variations of critical water depth Dcr = D / H with respect to normalized
thickness ξ = h / H of a parabolic dome ....................................................130
Fig. 7.2 Family of spherical domes for a given dome height H ..............................134
Fig. 7.3 Family of parabolic domes for a given dome height H .............................134
Fig. 7.5 Trade-off curve of normalized dome weight Ŵa and normalized enclosed
airspace parameter Ŝ' a of spherical domes................................................140
Fig. 7.8 Trade-off curve of normalized dome weight Ŵa and normalized enclosed
airspace parameter Ŝ' a of parabolic domes ...............................................144
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Optimal values of base angle φb opt , apex thickness h0 opt , and curved
length lopt ................................................................................................65
Table 5.3 Comparison of critical buckling pressure ratio pcr/pcl of a 900 clamped
spherical dome (R/h = 25)........................................................................99
Table 5.4 Effect of transverse shear deformation on the buckling pressures pcr/E of
simply supported hemispherical domes .................................................101
List of Tables
Shell structures have been widely used since ancient times as one of the most common
types of structural form. One of the earliest applications of the shell as a structural
form is represented by beautiful domes that have been constructed as roofs for temples,
mosques, monuments and other buildings. A small dome was even discovered inside
the Bent Pyramid which was built during the Fourth Egyptian Dynasty in about 2900
B.C. (Cowan, 1977). However, domes were not widely used until the Roman Empire. A
good example of the dome construction during the Roman Empire is the Pantheon
dome, which had the longest span (43 m) prior to the 19th century and is still in use
today as a church. The Hagia Sophia of Constantinople (now Istanbul) was built
Michelangelo in about 1590. In the modern shell applications, many domes were
constructed all over the world for different purposes such as the Millennium Dome (in
England) for exhibition purposes and the Georgia Dome (in USA) for sporting events.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
As the population and urban development expand in coastal cities, city planners and
engineers resort to land reclamation and construction on and under the sea to create
additional space so as to ease the pressure on existing land use. In recent times, we
have seen very large floating structures being constructed on the coast of densely
populated cities. For example, Japanese engineers have constructed a floating steel
arch bridge that spans 410m across the Yumemai channel in Osaka (Watanabe and
floating amusement facility at Onomichi and floating emergency rescue bases in Osaka
Bay, Ise Bay and Tokyo Bay. Based on the knowledge gained from the Mega-Float
which measures 1000m x 60m x 3m test model for a floating runway (Yoshida, 2003),
the Japanese are considering the construction of a floating runway of 3.6km x 500m x
20m in the expansion programme for the Haneda International Airport. Other countries
having floating structures include Norway with its famous floating Bergsøysund bridge
and Nordhordland bridge (Watanabe and Utsunomiya, 2003), Hong Kong with its
floating desalination plant (Abdul Azis et al., 2002), North Korea with its floating
hotel, Canada with its floating heliport and piers, Brazil with its floating pulp plant and
Many submerged tunnels have been constructed to join two parts of cities across a
river or to connect two countries over a channel (for example the Channel Tunnel
Crossing between France and England and the Oresund Link between Sweden and
Denmark). These tunnels enhance greater connectivity, and help to redistribute the
Chapter 1: Introduction
seeking optimal shapes of these submerged tunnels in the form of funicular arches
have been carried out by Gavin and Reilly (2000), Wang and Wang (2002), Fung
(2003), Wang and Ler (2003) and Chai and Kunnath (2003).
Offshore activities are also increasing as mankind seeks to tap the riches of the seas
and oceans. In addition to drilling for oil and natural gas in deep water, there has been
recent interest among engineers to mine methane hydrate (Komai 2003; Ichikawa and
Yonezawa 2003) scattered over the seabed for a cleaner source of fuel. This 21st
century will also likely see the construction of floating and underwater cities, for
hotel with 220 underwater suites in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates
used to create the living environment suitable for sustaining human activities for a long
time (see Fig. 1.6). This vision prompted the author to study the optimal design of
(Source: http://www.tokyo-wankou.com/)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
In thin shell structures used in engineering practice, rotational shells or domes have the
widest application because of their elegance and strength. Large span vaults of
revolution, chiefly as the roofs of sacred buildings, were built in ancient times without
any strength calculations being used. Of course, the domes of stone or brick
constructed those days were many times thicker than the thin shells of buildings,
aircraft and naval structures built over the past forty years based on suitable analytic
The classical thin shell theory was firstly developed by Aron (1874). However, in
1888, Love (1888) noticed Aron’s inaccuracies and proposed a shell theory that is
analogous to the plate theory proposed by Kirchhoff (1876). Galerkin (1942) also
played an important part in the development of the theory of thin shell by his work.
Goldenweizer (1946) and Mushtari (1949) gave the basis for a general principle for
The above general thin shell theory of shells was preceded by the momentless or
membrane theory. Membrane theory was firstly used in 1833 by Lame and Claperon
(1833). In this work, Lamé and Claperon (1833) considered the symmetrical loading of
shells of revolution. Beltrami (1881) and Lecornu (1938) established the general form
contribution by reducing the equations of the problem to canonical sform and revealed
(1938) investigated the shell of revolution under arbitrary loads. So far, a brief mention
of thin shell theory and membrane theory for thin shell structures is given. In this next
part, a literature review on buckling analysis of the rotational shells will be presented.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Shell structures are efficient three-dimensional entities that are capable of resisting
inherent efficiency, coupled with elegant shapes and geometry, often results in
thicknesses that are small compared to their span length. Owing to their relatively
small thickness when compared to the length dimensions, the design strength of these
of the possible instability modes. Buckling of a structural component may affect the
strength or stiffness of the whole structure and even triggers unexpected global failure
The first notable buckling analysis of shell structures was carried out by Zoelly in
1915 for spherical caps under uniform external pressure. While earlier investigations
mainly centered on the provision of analytical solutions, later approaches relied more
(1976, 1984) developed a general-purpose computer program for the analysis of shells
of revolution based on the finite-difference method. At about the same time, Cohen
called the field method, for the analysis of stiffened, laminated axisymmetric shells.
Uddin (1987) solved the governing differential equations for axisymmetric buckling of
spherical shells. In Uddin’s (1987) paper, numerical results were presented for
spherical shells with various subtended angles and these results were in good
agreement with those obtained by Huang (1964), Budiansky (1959), Thurston (1961)
Chapter 1: Introduction
and Dumir (1984). Chao et al. (1988) presented a semi-analytical solution for
hemispherical shells with various boundary conditions. Their solutions were derived
from the Ritz method with the displacement functions approximated by Legendre
shells of revolution such as spherical caps, torispheres and hemispheres. Its first part is
devoted to linear buckling analysis in order to determine the appropriate divisors for
buckling pressures. Uddin and Haque (1994) also investigated the buckling behavior of
semi-ellipsoidal shells, where the critical buckling pressure was found to increase with
increasing ratio of minor axis to major axis lengths of the ellipsoidal shell, and the
Other notable contributions on this subject were made by Ross and his colleagues.
In 1981, Ross and Mackney (1983) presented a constant meridional curvature element
for the buckling of hemi-ellipsoidal domes under uniform external pressure. In this
study, only linear variations were assumed for the meridional and circumferential
displacements along the meridian of these elements. Ross (1990) presented a varying
meridional curvature element to extend this study. Furthermore, Ross (1996) extended
this work to a cubic and a quadratic variation being assumed for the meridional and the
comparisons were made between experiment and theory for both buckling and
vibration of hemi-ellipsoidal shell domes, which varied from very flat oblate vessels to
very long prolate vessels. In general, agreement between experiment and theory was
good for the hemi-spherical dome and the prolate vessels, but not very good for the flat
oblate vessels. Ross et al. (2001) conducted many experiments on buckling, post-
buckling and plastic collapse of spherical shells subjected to external pressure. Ross et
Chapter 1: Introduction
al. (2003) reported on a theoretical and an experimental investigation into six GRP
hydrostatic pressure.
subjected to a normal pressure. The solution was given within the context of the
linearized Sanders–Budiansky shell buckling theory and makes use of the differential
analysis of moderately thick laminated shallow annular spherical cap under transverse
load. Buckling under central ring load and uniformly distributed transverse load,
Recently, applying the boundary element formulation, Baiz and Aliabadi (2007)
presented the buckling analysis of shear deformable shallow shells. The boundary
However, their studies were confined to the treatment of spherical shells, and their
formulations were based on either classical thin shell theory or shallow shell theory. A
literature survey conducted as part of this study indicated that previous treatments of
moderately thick rotational shells had all assumed the specific shape of spherical
shells, limiting their general applications. The methodology developed herein for
Chapter 1: Introduction
Over the past four decades, structural optimization has widened considerably, but
requires the solution of two boundary value problems (static analysis and eigenvalue
solution) at each optimization step. While earlier investigations mainly centered on the
rotational shells depends on many variables, such as the geometric properties of the
shell, the material properties and the type of the applied loads. The various parameters
change the buckling behavior of shells, making it difficult to achieve a general optimal
design. Many techniques have been used for optimal design of shells under stability
A lateral pressured cylindrical shell was considered by Hyman (1971), Sun and Hansen
(1988), Sun (1989), Levy and Spillers (1989) and Gajewski (1990). More complex
optimization problems are presented in shells with a double curvature. In this case, a
barrel shaped shells under stability constraints was presented by Blachut (1987),
Krużelecki and Trzeciak (2000). As another attempt, the monograph by Hinton et al.
(2003) was devoted to the buckling analysis and optimization of plates and shells.
Chapter 1: Introduction
external and internal pressure have been carried out by Sun and Hansen (1988) and
Tennyson and Hanse (1983). Walker et al. (1995) studied the Pareto optimal design of
a symmetrically laminated shell with the objectives defined as the maximization of the
So far, little work has been done on the multi-objective optimization of submerged
domes against buckling. Prompted by this fact, we focus our study on the Pareto
This thesis investigates the optimal designs of submerged dome structures. First we
with a given depth of water and the dome’s base radius, the optimal subtended angle,
the optimal dome height and optimal thickness variation for the minimum weight
family of constant strength designs associated with a given water depth and dome
height, the optimal dome shape and the optimal thickness variation for minimum
Chapter 1: Introduction
In the second part of the thesis, we focus our attention on the optimal design of
rotational shells against buckling. For this research study, we first formulate the
buckling problem and derive the governing eigenvalue equation using the Ritz method.
The Ritz computer code for the buckling analysis is developed which can readily
handle any support edge condition. The buckling analysis and problems considered are
given below.
the Ritz method - The Ritz method was applied to determine the critical uniform
• Buckling analysis of moderately thick submerged domes using the Ritz method
- The Ritz method was applied to determine buckling load of submerged domes or the
maximum water depth that a rotational shell can sustain before buckling occurs. Next
we solve the optimal design problem of submerged domes against buckling as well as
whereby the dome will not buckle under the hydrostatic pressure and its own weight is
Results of the present study are useful in providing a basic knowledge for
constructing a submerged dome that will be used to create a living environment under
the sea. Moreover, the study may contribute to a better understanding of the buckling
Chapter 1: Introduction
The thesis focuses on identifying the optimal design of submerged spherical and
general dome structures. It is recognized that there are many criteria in designing a
submerged dome structure such as strength, buckling, vibration, wave, current and
blast effect. The current study only investigates the first two criteria, namely strength
and buckling criteria. Moreover, during the analysis, since the bending stress in thin
shell structures is negligibly small, we consider only domes under membrane stress
conditions. Future studies may be carried out to investigate the other criteria for
optimal design and also to investigate the bending of submerged domes under wave
of revolutions, the objectives and scope of study have been presented in this chapter.
spherical domes are investigated. In addition to the hydrostatic pressure, loads acting
on the dome include the selfweight and a skin cover load. Based on a family of
uniform strength designs associated with a given depth of water and the dome’s base
radius, we determine the optimal subtended angle 2α (and the optimal dome height)
selfweight and skin cover load, which are invariably present in this type of structure.
Based on a family of constant strength designs associated with a given water depth and
dome height, the optimal dome shape for minimum weight is determined.
Chapter 1: Introduction
By adopting Mindlin shell theory, the energy functionals and governing equations
are derived in Chapter 4 for the elastic buckling analysis of moderately thick rotational
shells under any rotational symmetric loading. Moreover, detailed formulations of the
spherical and parabolic domes) and under different loading conditions. In Chapter 5,
the buckling problem of rotational shells under uniform pressure is treated whilst
Chapter 6 considers the buckling problem of submerged rotational shells. The validity,
convergence and accuracy of the Ritz solutions are demonstrated using spherical shells
(a special case of rotational shells), where closed-form solutions exist for some cases.
ratios and different support conditions. The buckling solutions are presented for the
spherical and parabolic domes associated with a given dome height, we investigated
the Pareto optimal dome shape for minimum weight as well as maximum enclosed
airspace whereby the dome will not buckle under the hydrostatic pressure and its own
Chapter 8 summarizes the findings of this research study and presents some
This chapter is concerned with the membrane analysis and minimum weight design of
dome include the selfweight and a skin cover load. By adopting a uniform strength
design as governed by the Tresca yield condition, the variation of the shell thickness of
uniform strength designs associated with a given depth of water and the dome’s base
radius, we determine the optimal subtended angle 2α (and the optimal dome height)
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
2.1 Introduction
In 1958, Ziegler (1958) investigated the uniform strength design of spherical cupolas
under their own weight. Using the Tresca yield hexagon, he found that if the stress
point is restricted to the sides AB and AC of the Tresca hexagon (see Fig. 2.5), the
cupola uses less material than when the stress point is confined only to the Tresca side
AB. Issler (1964) considered membrane shell designs based on the Tresca hexagon as
well as on the von Mises ellipse. He treated shells under constant vertical dead load
per unit projected area. Schumann and Wuthrich (1972) and Sayir and Schumann
(1972) studied membrane shells without rotational symmetry. Prager and Rozvany
(1980) investigated the optimal design of spherical cupolas of a given base radius. The
cupolas are assumed to be constructed from a material with negligible tensile strength.
The combined action of the weights of the cupola proper and a cover of uniform
thickness was considered and the minimum weight design was examined. Nakamura et
al. (1981) extended Prager and Rozvany’s (1980) work to include the weight of the
roof cover, snow load, external and internal pressure. Moreover, Pesciullesi et al.
solving the eigenvalue problem associated with the integral equilibrium equations. So
far, the aforementioned studies on spherical domes do not include hydrostatic pressure.
This prompted us to study the membrane and minimum weight design of spherical
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
In formulating the classical thin shell theory, the following assumptions are made
(Love 1888)
thin shell.
• Strains and displacements that arise within the shell are small. This implies
that the products of deformation quantities occurring in the development of the theory
may be neglected, ensuring that the system is described by a set of geometrically linear
equations. This also makes it possible to formulate the equilibrium conditions of the
deformed middle surface with reference to the original position of the middle surface
prior to deformation.
• Straight line that are normal to the middle surface prior to deformation remain
straight and normal to the middle surface during deformation, and experience no
change in length. It implies that the direct strain in the direction normal to the middle
surface, and the shearing strains in planes perpendicular to the middle surface and due
to transverse shear forces, are all zero. This assumption is valid for thin shells.
However, when the shell is thick, it is necessary to incorporate the effect of transverse
shear deformation.
• The normal stresses σ z transverse to the middle surface are small, and can be
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
its plane as shown in Fig. 2.1. A point on the shell can be located by the θ - φ - r
coordinate system where r0 is the distance of one point on the shell to the axis of
rotation, and
r0 = r2 sin φ (2.1)
Shell axis
θ Parallel
r dθ
B D r 2
Meridian dφ
Referring to Fig. 2.2, s is the arc length along the meridian as measured from the
apex of the dome, r1 is the radius of curvature of the meridian. The principal radius r2
generates the middle surface of the dome in the direction perpendicular to the tangent
on the meridian. Referring again to Fig. 2.2, for the line element ds of the meridian, we
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
ds = r1 dφ (2.2a)
dz = ds sin φ (2.2c)
Generating (meridional) curve
φ r2 dz
r1 dr
For membrane theory to be valid in the analysis, the following conditions must be
• The middle surface of the shell is continuously curved and the curvatures are
slowly varying.
• The boundary forces and reactions of the boundary constraints are oriented
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
θ dθ
Nθ Nφθ
pφ ΟN
Nθ + φ θ dφ
pn Ο
Nθφ + θ θφ dθ
ΟN ΟNφθ r2
N φ + φφ dφ Nφθ + dθ
Ο Οθ
In general, the shell element is bounded by two meridional lines and two
Fig. 2.3. The conditions of its equilibrium will furnish three equations, which are
necessary for solving the three unknown stress resultants, namely, the meridian force
N φ , the hoop force N θ and the shear force N φθ . These three equilibrium equations
∂ (rN φ ) ∂N θφ
+ r1 − r1 N θ cos φ + pφ rr1 = 0 (2.3)
∂φ ∂θ
∂ (rN φθ ) ∂N θ
+ r1 + r1 N θφ cos φ + pθ rr1 = 0 (2.4)
∂φ ∂θ
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
Nφ Nθ
+ = − pn (2.5)
r1 r2
∂ (rN s ) ∂N θs
+ − N θ cos φ + p s r = 0 (2.6)
∂s ∂θ
∂(rN θs ) ∂N θ
+ + N θs cos φ + p s r = 0 (2.7)
∂φ ∂θ
N s Nθ
+ = − pn (2.8)
r1 r2
∂ (rNφ )
− r1 Nθ cos φ + pφ rr1 = 0 (2.9a)
Nφ Nθ
+ = − pn (2.9b)
r1 r2
∂ (rN s )
− Nθ cos φ + ps r = 0 (2.10a)
N s Nθ
+ = − pn (2.10b
r1 r2
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
h(φ ) O
φ α
From geometrical considerations, the base radius L = R sin α and the dome
pressure, its own selfweight and skin cover load. The loads are assumed to be
transmitted through the dome structure to the supporting ring foundation via membrane
forces only. By adopting a uniform strength design governed by the Tresca yield
condition (see Fig 2.5), the problem at hand is to seek the variation of the dome
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
prescribed value of base radius L, we determine the optimal value of α (and hence the
optimal shape) which gives the minimum weight of the submerged dome.
C σφ
σ0 σ0
Fig. 2.5 Tresca yield condition
selfweight and skin cover load. Assuming the dome to carry the load to the foundation
via membrane forces, we seek the variation of the shell thickness h with respect to the
meridian angle.
dF dF
f f
a a
Nφ Nφ
φ α
Fig. 2.6 Free body diagram of dome above horizontal plane a-a
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
Referring to Fig. 2.6, the vertical resultant force F on a free body of the spherical
where N φ = −σ φ h is the meridian force per unit length and σ φ the meridian stress.
given by
where f is the vertical force acting on an elemental strip of the dome (see Fig. 2.6)
and is given by
where p hv , p c , and p a are the vertical components of the hydrostatic pressure, the
skin cover load, and the selfweight, respectively, γ a is the specific weight of the dome
By taking total differential of Eq. (2.11) and noting that the meridian force is
( )
− σ φ h / sinφ + 2σ φ hcosφ = fR (2.14)
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
( )
− σ φ h / sinφ + 2σ φ hcosφ = [γ a h + pc + γ wcosφ (D + Rcosα − Rcosφ )]R (2.15)
Consider the fully stressed state of the dome material without tensile strength, i.e.
the stress point lying on side AC of the Tresca hexagon. The meridian and
σ φ = −σ 0 ; 0 ≥ σ θ ≥ σ φ (2.16)
σφ σ
σφ = , σ θ = θ = βσ φ , (2.18a-b)
σ0 σ0
h γ σ
h= , γ w = w2 0 , (2.18c-d)
h0 γ a h0
Rγ a
R= , (2.18e)
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
Dγ a pc
D= and p c = (2.18f-g)
σ0 γ a h0
Note that Eq. (2.17) contains the non-dimensional pressure p c which can be
(Ugural, 1999)
N φ + N θ = − Rp n (2.19)
where p n is the normal load component per unit area of the middle surface and is
positive when acting inwards. The normal load consists of components from the
hydrostatic pressure, dome selfweight and skin cover load and is given by
From Eqs. (2.16), (2.18), (2.19) and (2.20), the ratio of the circumferential stress
where 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 in order to ensure that the stress state condition (2.16) is satisfied.
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
p c R = 2 − R [1 + γ w (D + R cosα − R )] (2.23)
( )
h / sinφ + h (2cosφ − R ) + γ w R (D + R cosα )(1 − cosφ ) − γ w R 2 1 − cos 2φ + R − 2 = 0 (2.24)
Note that for the special case of zero hydrostatic pressure (i.e. γ w = 0 ), Eq. (2.24)
reduces to
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
h (φ ) = c0 + c1φ 2 + c 2φ 4 + c3φ 6 + ... + c nφ 2 n = ∑ ciφ 2i (2.26)
i =0
h / (φ ) = 2c1φ + 4c 2φ 3 + 6c3φ 5 + .... + 2nc nφ 2 n −1 = ∑ (2i )ciφ 2i −1 (2.27)
i =1
φ3 φ5 φ7
sinφ = φ − + − + ... ; (2.28a)
3! 5! 7!
φ2 φ4 φ6
cosφ = 1 − + − + ... (2.28b)
2! 4! 6!
By substituting the power series given in Eqs. (2.26) to (2.28) into Eq. (2.24) and
then comparing the coefficients, one obtains the following recursive formula for the
coefficients ci
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
D and α , and noting that p c = pc (γ a h0 ) , we can use Eq. (2.23) to calculate the
p c R + γ w R (D + Rcosα − R ) p c R + γ w R (D − H )
h0 = = (2.30)
2σ 0 − Rγ a 2σ 0 − Rγ a
The analytical solution for the normalized shell thickness is furnished by Eqs. (2.26)
and (2.29). In order to check the correctness of the analytical solutions, we can solve
differential equation (2.24) using the Runge-Kutta method (Kreyszig 1993). For this
test, a dome with dimensions R = 500cm, D = 4000cm, α = 2.5 radians and material
p c = 0.5 kgf/cm 2 are assumed. The analytical solution is computed using exponents of
n = 5, 7 and 9 while a very small step size of Δφ = 0.0001 rad is used for the fourth-
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
Runge-Kutta solution
1.8 Series solution (n=9)
Series solution (n=7)
1.6 Series solution (n=5)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
φ (rad)
Fig. 2.7 Thickness variation obtained by series and numerical methods
angle φ , obtained from both the analytical and numerical methods, are shown in Fig.
2.7. It can be seen that the thickness of the submerged dome is characterized by a fairly
rapid increase in the large meridian angle range (e.g. φ > 2 radians). The shell
thickness at φ = 2.5 radians is almost twice as thick as the shell at the apex. A
comparison between the analytical and numerical solutions also indicates that the
analytical solution agrees well with the numerical solution for all three exponents in
the small meridian angle range i.e. 0 ≤ φ < 2 radians. A slight divergence of the
analytical solution is noted in the large meridian angle range. However, an increasing
order of the exponent gives rise to a better agreement with the numerical solution. For
close to the numerical solution. This test establishes the correctness of the analytical
solutions and for practical applications, it will be assumed that a power series with 9
terms is sufficient for estimating the shell thickness. This number of terms will thus be
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
In order to satisfy the stress state condition (2.16), we have to ensure that the condition
0 ≤ β ≤ 1 is observed for the entire range 0 ≤ φ ≤ α . This implies that for a given water
depth D and base radius L (or dome radius R ), there is a critical subtended angle α cr
(or a critical dome height H cr = R(1 − cos α cr ) = L(1 − cos α cr ) / sin α cr ). The α cr value
transcendental equation:
⎛ n ⎞
(R cos α cr − 1)⎜ ∑ ciα cr2i ⎟ + p c R cos α cr + γ w R D = 0 (2.31)
⎝ i =0 ⎠
(α > α cr) region
(α = α cr) curve
α (rad) 2
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
D = Dγ σ s 0
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
various water depths D ranging from 625 cm to 4000 cm. The assumed material
properties are σ 0 = 75 kgf/cm 2 , γ a = 0.0024 kgf/cm 3 and the skin cover load is
taken as p c = 0.5 kgf/cm 2 . By solving Eq. (2.31), we obtain the variation of α cr with
respect to the non-dimensional water depth D as shown in Fig. 2.8. For a given water
depth D , the subtended angle α of the dome has a critical value α = α cr to ensure
that there is no tensile stress region in the entire dome structure. Domes shapes with
α > α cr in shaded region of Fig. 2.8 have the tensile stress region in the lower base of
domes. For example, if the dome is submerged in a water depth of D = 0.04 , the
maximum subtended angle that the dome can have is α cr = 1.877 radians. Beyond this
α cr value in the shaded area, a tensile stress region will appear in the lower base of the
dome. It can be seen that as α cr increases with water depth D, the dome is restricted to
a flatter profile.
It is clear that the thickness variation of the submerged domes depends on the water
depth, the selfweight and the skin cover load. In this section, we study the effect of the
water depth D on the thickness variation when the dome shape is defined by a given
values of D . It can be seen that the normalized thickness at the base of the dome is
relatively sensitive to the water depth. A larger normalized thickness ratio at the base is
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
D = 0.03
D = 0.05
D = 0.128
h 1.4
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
φ (rad)
Fig. 2.9 Thickness variations of submerged domes for various water depths
For a given water depth D and a base radius L, there is a family of uniform strength
designed domes. Each dome is associated with a subtended angle α (or dome height
H = L(1 − cos α ) / sin α ) as shown in Fig. 2.10. However, there is a minimum weight
solution within this family of solutions that we want to seek because of its practical
importance. This optimal solution is associated with the optimal subtended angle α opt .
For a given base radius, the non-dimensional optimal height H opt = H opt γ a / σ 0 of the
H opt = (1 − cos α opt ) (2.32)
sin α opt
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
of the dome. The selfweight W0 can be calculated directly by integrating the product of
W0 = γ a ∫ h.2πRsinφ .Rdφ (2.33)
or in normalized form as
W0 2
πpc L2 p c sin 2α ∫0
W0 = = h sinφdφ (2.34)
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
0.3 L = 0.01
L = 0.02
L = 0.04
W0 0.2
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75
α (rad)
The variations of W0 with respect to the subtended angle α are shown in Fig.
2.11 for a given water depth D = 1500 cm for various base radii L = 0.01, 0.02 and
0.04. The variation of W0 is rather small over a wide range of α , especially when
the base radius of the dome is small. The insensitivity of the dome weight for
1 radian ≤ α ≤ 1.25 radians (which contains the optimal of subtended angle) is good
news for engineers as it means that there is some flexibility when designing the dome
shape without compromising too much on the optimum weight. It can be seen that the
Using the thickness variation h , as given by Eq. (2.26), one can obtain the
optimal value of the subtended angle α opt for a minimum value of W0 by a simple
minimization technique such as the Golden Section Search technique (Kreyszig 1993).
Figure 2.12 shows the values of α opt and Womin with D = 5000 cm for a wide range
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
of practical base radii L (i.e. 0.01 ≤ L ≤ 0.055). It can be seen that α opt varies in a
(rad) W0min
1.1 W0min
1.06 0.1
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Fig. 2.12 Variations of minimum weight W0 and α opt with respect to base radius L
The relationship between the optimal dome height and water depth is also of
interest in the minimum weight design of submerged domes. Figure 2.13 shows the
variations of the optimal dome height to base radius ratio H opt / L with respect to the
water depth to base radius ratio D / L . It can be seen that the optimal shape of the
spherical dome gets flatter with increasing water depth, but the optimal height to base
radius ratio varies within a small range ( 0.58 ≤ H opt / L ≤ 0.61 ) for a wide range of
practical water depths ( 5 ≤ D / L ≤ 30 ). For very deep water, the optimal height of the
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
Hopt /L 0.595
5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 2.13 Variation of optimal dome height H opt / L with respect to water depth D / L
Chapter 2: Uniform Strength Designs of Submerged Spherical Domes
In this chapter, we have derived an analytical expression in the form of a power series
for the thickness variation of a submerged spherical dome in a uniform strength design
as governed by the Tresca yield condition. Numerical examples show that the sum of
the first 9 terms in the power series is sufficiently accurately for practical applications.
Further, the optimal subtended angle αopt (and the optimal dome height H opt ) for the
minimum weight design of these domes have been determined. For very deep water, it
was found that the optimal height of the dome is approximately H opt / L = 1 / 3 or
α opt = π / 3 radians.
Although the present chapter considers only spherical domes, the next chapter
will treat non-spherical domes where the aim is to determine the optimal thickness
variation as well as the shape of fully stressed submerged domes for minimum weight.
This chapter is concerned with the membrane analysis and optimal design of constant
strength submerged domes. In addition to hydrostatic pressure, the domes are also
subjected to selfweight and skin cover load, which are invariably present in this type of
structure. Using membrane theory for thin shells and by adopting a fully stressed
design, equations governing the meridional curve of submerged domes are derived
with allowance for selfweight and skin cover load. The set of nonlinear differential
designs associated with a given water depth and dome height, the optimal dome shape
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
3.1 Introduction
In 1959, Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger (1959) presented the optimal shape for
domes under hydrostatic pressure only. Royles et al. (1980) pointed out that the
optimal shape of submerged domes is similar to the shape of a sea urchin, which is a
member of marine invertebrates in the phylum Echinodemata. Figure 3.1 shows the
calcareous shell of a sea urchin after its spines have been removed. Due to their
similarity, the optimal shape of fully stressed submerged domes under hydrostatic load
has been referred to as an Echinodome by Royles et al. (1980). So far, little work has
been done on the optimization of fully stressed submerged domes with allowance for
selfweight. Prompted by this fact, we focus our study on the membrane analysis and
the optimal shape of fully stressed domes under selfweight, hydrostatic pressure upon
submergence in water and skin cover load arising from attachments on the domes.
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
Figure 3.2 shows the geometry of the submerged dome as defined by its meridian.
Referring to the figure, r0 is the distance from a point on the meridian to the vertical
axis z, which is pointed in the gravity direction, and r1 is the radius of curvature of the
meridian. The principal radius r2 generates the middle surface of the dome in the
direction perpendicular to the tangent on the meridian. Only dome shapes involving
positive values of r1 and r2 are considered. A second coordinate system, defined by the
arc length s along the meridian angle φ , is also shown in Fig 3.2.
z h(φ)
r2 r1 H
Fig. 3.2 Coordinate systems and parameters defining the shape of submerged dome
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
thickness variation of the submerged dome under hydrostatic, selfweight and skin
cover load. The optimal shape of submerged domes for least weight condition is sought
respect to the angle φ and (iii) skin cover load pc . The positive direction of these
loads and their distributions are shown in Fig. 3.3. Note that the skin cover load pc in
Fig 3.3(c) is defined as force per unit surface area and is assumed to be constant in this
chapter. However, the skin cover load is indicated as varying in Fig. 3.3c due to the
projection of the skin cover load on the horizontal plane. In deriving the governing
equations for submerged domes, resolution of the forces normal and tangential to the
middle surface is appropriate. In this case, net components of the load’s normal pn and
p n = (γ a h + p c ) cos φ + γ w (D − H + z ) (3.1)
p s = (γ a h + p c )sin φ (3.2)
respectively where γ a is the specific weight of the dome material and γ w is the
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
CL γa (D-H+z) CL CL
γa h pc
Nφ Nθ
+ = − pn (3.3)
r1 r2
involve the determination of membrane forces for a defined geometry of the dome, the
task at hand corresponds to the inverse of the problem where the geometry of the dome
To this end, consider the special case of a fully compressed dome where the
σ φ = σ θ = −σ 0 (3.4)
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
buckling of the dome will not occur and that the stress condition defined by Eq. (3.4)
By substituting Eq. (3.4) and Eq. (3.1) into Eq. (3.3), one obtains the condition for
1 (γ a h + p c )r2 cos φ + γ w r2 (D − H + z ) − σ 0 h
= (3.5)
r1 σ 0 hr2
In order to facilitate the solution of Eq. (3.5), the following geometrical relations
r1 = (3.6a)
r0 = r2 sin φ (3.6b)
dz = ds sin φ (3.6d)
For generality, the following non-dimensional terms (denoted with over-bars) are
D= , L= , (3.7a-b)
r0 h
r0 = ,h= , (3.7c-d)
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
l z s
l = , z= , s= , (3.7e-g)
H H l
pc γ wH γ H
pc = ,α = , β = a (3.7g-i)
σ0 σ0 σ0
where l is the curve length for one-half of the meridian and s is the arc length along the
meridian as measured from the apex of the dome (see Fig. 3.2). Using the geometrical
relations of Eq. (3.6) and definitions in Eq. (3.7), the following differential equation
[ ]
(β h + pc )r0 cos φ + α r ( D − 1 + z ) − h sin φ l (3.8)
ds hr
In this case, the shape of the meridian, which is defined by the angular change of
the middle surface with respect to the arc length, depends on all three load
solved in combination with the equilibrium condition of the shell in the meridian
direction. To this end, the equation for equilibrium of forces in the s-direction, which is
(r0 N s ) − N θ cos φ = − p s r0 (3.9)
By substituting Eqs. (3.2), (3.4), (3.6) and (3.7) into Eq. (3.9), one obtains the
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
= (β h + p c )l sin φ
Thus Eqs. (3.8) and (3.10) correspond to the equilibrium condition for the shell of
revolution subjected to hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load. The two
= l cos φ (3.11)
= l sin φ (3.12)
which are obtained from Eqs. 3.6(c) and (d) using the definitions in Eq. (3.7). Note that
the shape of the fully stressed submerged dome is characterized in terms of the
normalized arc length s , which is measured from the apex. An auxiliary result that
forms a part of the solution includes the variation of the subtended angle φ and the
variation of the dome thickness with respect to the normalized arc length s .
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
Because substantial forces are developed in the dome due to the combined effects of
hydrostatic pressure, dome selfweight and skin cover load, an adequate foundation
must be provided for the dome in order to ensure its integrity. Typically, domes are
supported by a ring foundation at the base of the dome, where the loads are assumed to
be transmitted to the ring foundation via membrane actions only. However, for the
membrane theory to be valid for the aforementioned problem, the forces acting on the
dome must be in equilibrium with the forces acting on the ring foundation, and the
resulting deformation of the dome and ring foundation must be compatible at their
boundary. In order to eliminate bending in the dome, which is pre-requisite for the
membrane theory used here, the circumferential lengthening of the dome at the base
must be equal to that of the supporting ring foundation (due to the horizontal
Nzs Ns
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
N rs r0 N L
σk = = − s cos φb (3.13)
Ωk Ωk
where Ω k is the cross-sectional area of the support ring, φb is the subtended angle at
the dome base, L is the radius of the support ring, approximately equal to the radius at
the dome base. The hoop stress at the dome base is equal to
σb = (3.14)
where hb is the thickness at the dome base. By equating the hoop strain of the dome
− cos φb = θ (3.15)
Ek Ω k Ehb
where E denotes the Young’s modulus of the dome and E k denotes the Young’s
modulus of the supporting ring and the Poisson ratio has been assumed to be equal to
zero for both materials for simplicity. Therefore, the required cross-sectional area of
E Ns
Ωk = − Lhb cos φb (3.16)
Ek Nθ
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
Since the dome is assumed to be fully stressed, the circumferential stress and the
meridian stress are equal to σ 0 and will have the same sign. Since the required area of
the cross-section of the support ring has to be positive, Eq. (3.16) implies that in order
The inequality in Eq. (3.17) means that the subtended base angle φb of a fully
subtended base angle φb of less than π / 2 cannot be under a fully compressive stress
state. Note that this condition is independent of the hydrostatic pressure, dome
In this section, numerical solutions for the dome thickness and shape are determined
for two load cases. The first load case corresponds to purely hydrostatic pressure
whereas the second load case consists of hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin
cover load.
The thickness of the fully stressed dome can be represented as a function of elevation z
by substituting the geometrical relation dz = ds sin φ into Eq. (3.10). This leads to
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
= β h + pc (3.18)
For the case of hydrostatic pressure only, the selfweight and skin cover load are
dh h
= 0 ⇒ h = hc = c = constant (3.19)
dz D
Equation (3.19) implies that, for a fully stressed condition, a momentless dome
In order to obtain the shape of such a submerged dome, one needs only to solve Eqs.
(3.8), (3.11) and (3.12) since the thickness was determined to be constant. Therefore,
[ ]
dφ α r0 ( D − 1 + z ) − hc sin φ l
= (3-20 a)
ds hc r
= l cos φ (3-20 b)
= l sin φ (3.20 c)
For a given water depth D , specific weight of water γ w , dome height H, constant
is a unique shape for the fully stressed submerged dome (Timoshenko and Woinowsky-
Krieger, 1959 and Royles et al., 1980). In order to determine this dome shape, the
foregoing equations 3.20(a-c) are solved together with these boundary conditions that
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
φ (0) = 0 (3.21a)
r0 (0) = 0 (3.21b)
The set of nonlinear differential equations and boundary conditions i.e. Eqs.
(3.20)-(3.21) constitute a two-point boundary value problem that can be solved using
this method, the two-point boundary value problem is first converted into a set of
initial value problems and the differential equations integrated forward by using the
φ (1) ≥ π 2 (3.23)
where z (1) and φ (1) = φb are obtained from forward integration of the system of first
order differential equations Eqs. 3.20(a-c). Note that the subtended angle at the base
needs to satisfy the inequality φb ≥ π / 2 , as noted earlier, in order to ensure that the
deformation of the dome at the base is compatible with the circumferential lengthening
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
of the ring foundation. The foregoing optimization problem can be solved using the
generalized reduced gradient code GRG2 (Ladson et al. 1978). In this chapter, the
accuracy of the solution is ensured by taking a very small step size Δs = 0.001 in the
O s
z D
different water depths of D = 2000 cm, 2500 cm, 3000 cm and 3062 cm. The
following values are assumed in the calculation: hc = 10 cm, γ w = 1.10 −3 kgf/cm3 and
σ 0 = 75 kgf/cm2. These values give rise to α = 0.004. Using the shooting optimization
method, the shape of the submerged dome at different depths is plotted in the
normalized coordinates r and z in Fig. 3.6. The final results indicated that the
normalized curve length are l = 1.7240, 1.5355, 1.5071, 1.5732 for these depths. It can
be seen from Fig. 3.6 that the submerged dome changes from a shape that is relatively
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
flat for shallow water to one that is highly curved for deep water. Note that the
maximum water depth for this dome is D = 3.062 and is associated with the limiting
φb = π at its base. This limiting dome shape is often referred to as the Echinodome
shape, which is easily understood by its remarkable resemblance to the shape of the sea
urchin in Fig. 3.1 with the submerged dome shape at D = 3.3062 in Fig. 3.6. Also
note that for the case of D = 2 the slope of the meridian is nearly vertical at the base
0.4 D = 2.5
0.6 D = 3.062
1.0 r
-1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Although the above problem has been solved and well documented (see for
example Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger, 1959 and Royles et al., 1980), it should
be pointed out that our present formulation and solution technique have the following
Woinowsky-Krieger (1959), Royles et al. (1980) and Sofoluwe et al. (1981) divided
their calculations into three segments when integrating the dome shape in the x (or z)
direction. The three segments, which depend on the value of the angle φ , were
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
solution. In the method proposed in this chapter, the entire shape of the dome can be
determined without dividing the meridian into different segments since the integration
is carried out using the arc length coordinate s and there is no difficulty in the solution
for infinite slope. Although not explicitly shown in this chapter, the numerical solution
for the shape of a submerged dome under hydrostatic pressure alone compares well
al. (1981).
For the second load case, the fully stressed dome is subjected to hydrostatic pressure,
selfweight and a skin cover load. Unlike the case of hydrostatic pressure only, the
dome thickness, which is defined by Eq. (3.10), cannot be uncoupled from the other
three nonlinear equations. Consequently, one has to solve a set of four nonlinear
ordinary differential equations as given by Eqs. (3.8), (3.10), (3.11) and (3.12)
[ ]
(β h + pc )r cos φ + α r ( D − 1 + z ) − h sin φ l (3.24a)
ds hr
= (β h + p c )l sin φ
= l cos φ (3.24c)
= l sin φ (3.24d)
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
φ (0 ) = 0 (3.25a)
h (0) = h0 (3.25b)
r (0 ) = 0 (3.25c)
z (0 ) = 0, z (1) = 1 (3.25d)
where h0 is the non-dimensional thickness at the apex of the dome. It should be noted
that for this problem, the thickness is no longer constant but varying along the
meridional curve.
Although the number of equations to be solved increases by one for the case of
combined hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load, these equations can
also be treated as a two-point boundary value problem and solved using the same
numerical technique described above for hydrostatic pressure only. The terminal
and the optimization problem is subjected to the inequality constraint given in (3.23).
The values z (1) and φ (1) are obtained from forward integration of the system of first
order differential equations Eq. 3.24(a-d). Since the shape of submerged domes
subjected to combined hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load has not
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
Studies on submerged arches (Gavin and Reilly, 2000 and Chai and Kunnath, 2003)
indicated that the shape of a momentless arch changes for a changing water depth. For
deep water, the large hydrostatic pressure results in a funicular shape that tends to be
circular, resulting in a small span length of the arch. On the other hand, shallow water
span. Although the observation was made on the basis of 2D structures, a shape change
In this section, the shape of a fully stressed submerged dome is investigated for
three water depths, namely D = 2000 cm, 2500 cm and 3000 cm. The height of the
the apex. The specific weight of water is taken as γ w = 1.10 −3 kgf/cm3 while the
specific weight of the dome material is taken as γ a = 0.0024 kgf/cm3. The uniform
skin cover load is assumed to be pc = 0.1 kgf/cm2, which is significant compared to the
allowable stress of σ 0 = 75 kgf/cm2. The shape of the meridian as obtained using the
shooting optimization technique is plotted in Fig. 3.7 using the normalized Cartesian
coordinates r0 and z . The same step size of Δs = 0.001 is used in this example.
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
0.4 D = 2.5
0.6 D = 3.5
1.0 r0
Fig. 3.7 Submerged dome shapes under selfweight and skin cover load
for various water depths
It can be seen from Fig. 3.7 that the meridional shape of the dome changes under
different water depths. Although the general shape of the dome under combined
hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load is similar to that under hydrostatic
pressure alone, the base horizontal coordinate is smaller in the case of combined
loading. For example, for the same normalized water depth of D = 3, the base
horizontal coordinate is rb = 0.6636 for the combined loading in Fig. 3.7, which is
considerably larger than the base horizontal coordinate of rb = 0.4291 for hydrostatic
pressure alone. The expansion in the base horizontal coordinate indicates the
importance of including the effect of selfweight and skin cover load for determining
the membrane (momentless) shape of the dome. It is also of interest to compare the
dome shapes under different water depths but in combination with selfweight and skin
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
cover load. For the combined loads shown in Fig. 3.7, the base horizontal coordinate of
the meridian reduces from rb = 0.8461 to rb = 0.6636 at the base as the water depth
alone. For the same increment of water depths from D = 2.5 to D = 3 , the horizontal
coordinate at the base reduces from rb =0.7990 to rb =0.4291 as shown in Fig. 3.6. For
the combined loads of hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load, the change
in the base horizontal coordinate is 21.6% as compared to 44.9% for the case of
hydrostatic pressure alone. This comparison indicates that water depth exerts a lesser
influence on the shape of fully stressed domes in the presence of selfweight and skin
cover load. It can also be seen that the dome in Fig. 3.7 approaches an Echinodome-
Although not explicitly shown in Fig. 3.7, the thickness of the dome increase
from the apex to the base. The thickness variation with respect to z , which is governed
by Eq. (3.15), depends only on selftweight, skin cover load and dome height, but does
In the application of submerged domes, various materials may be used for their
the membrane shape of the dome, the influence of selfweight is examined through a
β = γ a H /σ 0 .
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
0.4 β=0
β = 0.1
0.6 β = 0.5
1.0 r
corresponds to a weightless condition, β = 0.1 and β = 0.5 . Note that the skin cover
load skin is not included in this example i.e. pc = 0 kgf/cm2 so that the effect of
selfweight on the dome shapes can be readily observed. The resulting dome shapes are
plotted in Fig. 3.8, which indicates that the dome is characterized by a slight reduction
in curvature of the meridian for increasing selfweight. In particular, the dome base
radius increases with increased selfweight, which means that the dome shape deviates
from that of the Echinodome shape as the selfweight parameter β increases. It is also
evident from Fig. 3.8 there is a cross-over point where the coordinates of the meridian
remains relatively constant despite the changing values of β . For this example, the
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
that, for a given water depth and dome height, the shape of the domes is not unique but
rather consists of a family of curves each of which is associated with a different value
of the subtended base angle φb and dome apex thickness ho. Since each shape in the
family of curves gives rise to a different overall weight of the dome, the variation of
the dome weight with respect to base angle φb is important especially when the
optimal shape of the dome is to be determined. To this end, the weight of the
dimensionless form
W = = l ∫ h r0 ds (3.27)
2πγ a H 3 0
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
D = 10
D = 15
Dome weight W
0 π 1.6
1 1.2 1.4 1.8 2
Subtended angle φb
Fig. 3.9 Variation of submerged dome weight respect to subtended base angle φb
γ a = 0.0024 kgf/cm3, skin cover load of pc = 0.5 kgf/cm2 and an allowable stress of
σ 0 = 75 kgf/cm2. The overall normalized weight of the dome is calculated for three
normalized water depths of D = 5, 10 and 15 and is plotted against the subtended base
angle φb in Fig. 3.9. Note that, in order to ensure compatible deformation between the
ring foundation and the base of the dome, the subtended angle at the base must satisfy
φb ≥ π / 2 as discussed earlier. The feasible solution space for the overall dome weight
therefore lies to the right of the vertical line φb = π / 2 in Fig. 3.9. It can be seen from
the figure that the normalized dome weight decreases monotonically with increasing
values of the subtended base angle φb . Thus the problem of determining the optimal
shape, which is defined by the minimum weight of the submerged dome, is equivalent
to the problem of maximizing the subtended base angle φb . Note that even though the
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
size of the dome decreases with increasing water depth, as seen earlier in Fig. 3.7, the
overall weight of the dome actually increases with increased water depth. The increase
For a given water depth and dome height, the minimization of dome weight under the
combined hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load may be stated
mathematically as
φ (1) ≥ π 2 (3.29)
z (1) − 1 ≤ 10 −7 (3.30)
compatible deformations between the dome at the base and the ring foundation. The
inequality condition in Eq. (3.30) ensures the satisfaction of the terminal boundary
condition z (1) = 1 . It should be noted that the decision variables in the optimization
problem are the apex thickness h0 and the dome’s curve length l . The variation of the
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
D = 15
1.0 r
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 3.10 Optimal shapes of submerged domes with respect to water depths
parameters are assumed: dome height H = 1000 cm, selfweight γ a = 0.0024 kgf/cm3,
skin cover load pc = 0.5 kgf/cm2 and allowable stress σ 0 = 75 kgf/cm2. The optimal
shape of the dome is shown in Fig. 3.10 for three normalized water depths of D = 2, 5
and 15. It can be seen that the water depth affects the lower half of the dome i.e.
z ≥ 0.5 more so than the upper half of the dome. The optimal shape of the submerged
dome is also characterized by an increased curvature in the lower half of the dome for
increased water depth. The increased curvature for domes submerged in deep water is
accompanied by a reduced base radius. The increased water depth, however, has a
diminishing influence of the optimal shape of the dome. For example, for a change of
water depth from D = 2 to 5 (2.5-folded increase), the base radius reduces from rb =
0.4764 to 0.2808, which represents a 41.1% reduction. On the other hand, for the
change in water depth from D = 5 to 15 (threefold increase), the base radius reduces
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
completeness in the presentation of results, Table 3.1 shows the optimal value of the
base angle φb opt , apex dome thickness h0 opt , and curve length l opt where the subscript
opt is used to denote the optimal value. It can be seen that the optimal dome thickness
is significantly increased for a large water depth. For the normalized water depth of
D = 15, the normalized dome thickness at the apex is h0 opt = 0.004364 as compared to
the thickness of h0 opt = 0.000361 for the water depth of D = 2. The increase in
thickness is 12.1 times that of the thickness associated with D = 2. The increased
the dome. Although the variations of dome thickness may be different for different
water depths, the thicker shells needed for fully stressed domes in deep water
Table 3.1 Optimal values of base angle φb opt , apex thickness h0 opt ,
and curved length lopt
Chapter 3: Constant Strength Designs of Submerged General Domes
extends the analysis to submerged domes where pure membrane actions are assumed.
Equations governing the geometry of fully stressed submerged domes under combined
hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load are derived. These equations
describe the curvature and thickness variation of the dome as well as the Cartesian
coordinates of its meridian. For the special case of a weightless dome without skin
cover load, the thickness of the dome was found to be constant when subjected to
hydrostatic pressure only. The shape of the dome was also found to agree well with the
Although the set of governing equations for submerged domes is highly nonlinear,
the shooting optimization technique currently available in the literature was found to
be well suited for solving this problem. A notable advantage of the equations derived in
this chapter is the parameterization of the equations using the arc length s as measured
from the apex of the dome. Such parameterization allows the entire shape of the
methods cannot determine the Cartesian coordinates of the dome once vertical or
infinite slope is encountered in the meridian. Parametric studies of dome shapes under
different water depths and selfweight also led to an investigation of the optimal shape
of submerged domes. Numerical examples indicated that the airspace enclosed by the
optimal dome reduces in the presence of large hydrostatic pressure. The reduced
moderately thick domes under rotational loads. The domes have orthotropic properties
which include the isotropic case as a specialized case. In order to capture the effect of
transverse shear deformation, which is significant for moderately thick domes, Mindlin
shell theory is used. Based on Mindlin shell theory, the energy functional is derived
first. By using the Ritz method, the total potential energy functionals are minimized
With the aid of the commercial software package Mathematica (Wolfram, 1999), a
computer code was written to solve the eigenvalue equation for the critical buckling
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
4.1. Introduction
moderately thick domes. Most of these studies considered spherical domes and
adopted shallow shell theory. The buckling formulation and analysis developed in this
chapter are, however, applicable to domes of any meridional shape. Since the critical
buckling pressure for moderately thick domes may be sensitive to the transverse shear
deformation which depresses the buckling capacity, the effect of transverse shear
The buckling analysis is carried out using the well accepted Ritz method,
primarily for its simplicity and ease of implementation. The automation of the Ritz
with the boundary equations raised to appropriate powers so that the geometric
Ritz function terms in the solution, the critical buckling pressure of rotational shells
Using a computer code developed in this study, new buckling solutions for moderately
thick spherical and parabolic domes of various dimensions and boundary conditions
are presented. These solutions are deemed useful to engineers engaged in the design of
dome structures.
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
In order to define the dome geometry, two principal radii of curvature: r1 and r2 have
whereas the principal radius r2 generates the middle surface of the dome in the
buckling, may be determined from the generating curve r0 = f ( z ) using the following
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪ 2
⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
r1 = − (4.1a)
d 2 f (z )
dz 2
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪ 2
r2 = f ( z )⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬ (4.1b)
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
coordinate s, which is the arc length measured from the apex of the dome (see Fig.
4.1). In order to facilitate the transformation of functions associated with the problem,
which include strains, one observes the following geometric relation between ds and
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
⎡ ⎛ dr0 ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪
(ds ) 2
= (dz ) + (dr0 )
2 2
= ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ (dz ) = ⎨1 + ⎢
⎥ ⎬(dz )
⎢⎣ ⎝ dz ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎦ ⎪⎭
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪ 2
which leads to ds = ⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬ dz (4.3)
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
2 1/2
ds={1+[f'(z)] } dz r2
dz H
Fig. 4.1 Coordinate systems and parameters defining the shape of dome structures
Thus, for any function g(z), one may express its derivatives in either the z or s
∂g ( z ) ∂g ( z ) ∂z 1 ∂g ( z ) 1 ∂g ( z )
= = = (4.4)
∂s ∂z ∂s 1
∂z η ∂z
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2
⎫⎪ 2
⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪ 2
where η = ⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬ (4.5)
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
Generally, shell analyses are based on the classical thin shell theory (Aron 1874, Love
However, when dealing with moderately thick shells, the classical thin shell theory
under-predicts the deflections and over-predicts the buckling loads and natural
frequencies due to the effect of transverse shear deformations. As we are dealing with
moderately thick shells, it is necessary to adopt a more refined shell theory such as
Mindlin shell theory that will allow for the effects of transverse shear deformation. Assumptions
In Mindlin shell theory, the following assumptions are made (Mindlin 1951, Reddy
• Normals to the reference surface of the shell before the deformation remain
• The shell deflections are small so that strains may be treated as infinitesimal.
• The transverse normal stress is negligible so that the plane stress assumptions
can be invoked.
• The normals during bending undergo constant rotations about the middle
surface while maintaining the straightness and thereby admitting a constant shear strain
through the shell thickness. The constant rotations of the normals to the middle surface
The first four assumptions are the same as their classical thin shell counterparts.
The last assumption that allows the constant rotation of normal is the main difference
between Mindlin shell theory and the classical thin shell theory. The allowance of
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
constant rotation implies that transverse shear strain is constant through the thickness
of the shell. This, however, contradicts the fact that the actual transverse shear strain
distribution is parabolic through the thickness. As the constant strain (stress) violates
the statical requirement of vanishing shear stress at the surface of the shell, a shear
correction factor κ 2 was proposed by Mindlin (1951) to compensate for the error. He
pointed out that for an isotropic plate, the shear correction factor κ 2 depends on
Poisson’s ratio v and it may vary from κ 2 = 0.76 for v = 0.3 to κ 2 = 0.91 for v = 0.5.
On the other hand, by comparing the constitutive Mindlin shear force with the one
proposed by Reissner (1945), who assumed a parabolic shear stress distribution at the
outset of his plate theory formulation, the implicit shear correction factor becomes
κ 2 = 5 / 6 . This value of the shear correction factor has been commonly used for the
analyses of Mindlin plates and shells (see for example, Liew et al. 2004 and Hou et al.
distance ζ from the shell mid-surface are given by (Chao et al. 1988)
u~ ( z , ζ ) = u (z ) + ζψ ( z ) (4.6a)
~ ( z , ζ ) = w( z )
w (4.6b)
should be apparent that Eq. (4.6a) assumes that the meridional displacement varies
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
linearly across the thickness of the shell. Note that by setting ψ (z ) = , one recovers
1 ⎛ ∂r0 u w ∂r ψ ⎞
εθ = ⎜⎜ + + ζ 0 ⎟⎟ (4.7a)
1 + (ζ / r2 ) ⎝ ∂s r0 r2 ∂s r0 ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞
εs = ⎜⎜ + + ζ ⎟⎟ (4.7b)
1 + (ζ / r1 ) ⎝ ∂s r1 ∂s ⎠
1 ⎛ u ∂w ⎞
γ sζ = ⎜⎜ − + + ψ ⎟⎟ (4.7c)
1 + (ζ / r1 ) ⎝ r1 ∂s ⎠
where εθ is the normal strain in the direction of the parallel circles, ε s is the normal
strain in the meridional direction, and γ sζ is the transverse shear strain associated with
By invoking Eq. (4.2), the kinematic equations of Eqs. (4.7a-c) may be re-written as:
1 ⎛ ∂r0 u w ∂r ψ ⎞
εθ = ⎜⎜ + +ζ 0 ⎟⎟ (4.8a)
1 + (ζ / r2 ) ⎝ η∂z r0 r2 η∂z r0 ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞
εs = ⎜⎜ + +ζ ⎟ (4.8b)
1 + (ζ / r1 ) ⎝ η∂z r1 η∂z ⎟⎠
1 ⎛ u ∂w ⎞
γ sζ = ⎜⎜ − + + ψ ⎟⎟ (4.8c)
1 + (ζ / r1 ) ⎝ r1 η∂z ⎠
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪ 2
where η = ⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬ (4.5)
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
assumed to follow the orthotropic Hooke’s law in the form given by (Chao et al. 1988)
⎧σ θ ⎫ ⎡Q11 Q12 0 ⎤⎧ ε θ ⎫
⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎪ ⎪
⎨σ s ⎬ = ⎢Q12 Q22 0 ⎥⎥ ⎨ ε s ⎬ (4.9)
⎪τ ⎪ ⎢ 0 0 Q44 ⎥⎦ ⎪⎩γ sζ ⎪⎭
⎩ sζ ⎭ ⎣
where σ θ is the normal stress in the direction of the parallel circles, σ s is the normal
stress in the meridional direction, and τ sζ is the transverse shear stress, and
Eθ Es
Q11 = ; Q22 = ; (4.10a)
1 − v s vθ 1 − vφ vθ
where E s , Eθ , ν s and ν θ are the Young’s moduli and Poisson’s ratios in the direction
of the meridian and parallel circle, respectively, and Gsζ is the shear modulus in the
for the error inherent in the assumption of a constant shear strain (stress) in Mindlin
shell theory. The commonly accepted value of κ 2 = 5/6 is adopted for the correction
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
For an assumed kinematically admissible displacement field for the middle surface, the
elastic strain energy functional U of the rotational shell is defined as (Chao et al. 1988)
(σ θ ε θ + σ s ε s + τ sζ γ sζ )dV
2 ∫V
U= (4.11)
In view of the stress and strain relations Eq. (4.9), one obtains
2 ∫V
( )
Q11ε θ2 + 2Q12 ε θ ε s + Q22 ε s2 + Q44 γ s2ς dV (4.12a)
⎛ ζ ⎞⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎛ ζ ⎞⎛ ζ ⎞
dV = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟r0 dsdθdζ = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ηr0 dzdθdζ (4.12b)
⎝ r1 ⎠⎝ r2 ⎠ ⎝ r1 ⎠⎝ r2 ⎠
In view of Eqs. (4.8) and (4.12b) and after integrating Eq. (4.12) from θ = 0 through
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜ 1+ ⎟
A11 = ⎜ ⎟Q ;
⎜ ζ ⎟ 11
⎜1+ ⎟
⎝ r2 ⎠
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ⎟
A22 = ⎜ ⎟Q ; (4.13a-d)
⎜ ζ ⎟ 22
⎜ 1+ ⎟
⎝ r1 ⎠
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
A12 = Q12
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ⎟
A44 = ⎜ ⎟Q
⎜ ζ ⎟ 44
⎜ 1+ ⎟
⎝ r1 ⎠
one obtains the following expression for the elastic strain energy of the rotational shell
h/2 H ⎧⎪ ⎛ ∂r u w ∂r ψ ⎞
U =π ∫ ∫ ⎨ A11 ⎜⎜ + +ζ 0 ⎟⎟
−h / 2 0 ⎪⎩ ⎝ η∂z r0 r2 η∂z r0 ⎠
⎛ ∂r u w ∂r ψ ⎞⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞
+ 2 A12 ⎜⎜ 0 + +ζ 0 ⎟⎟⎜⎜ + +ζ ⎟ (4.14)
⎝ η∂z r0 r2 η∂z r0 ⎠⎝ η∂z r1 η∂z ⎟⎠
⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞
⎛ u ∂w ⎞
+ A22 ⎜⎜ + +ζ ⎟⎟ + A44 ⎜⎜ − + + ψ ⎟⎟ ⎬ηr0 dzdζ
⎝ η∂z r1 η∂z ⎠ ⎝ r1 η∂z ⎠ ⎪⎭
In applying the Ritz method, the work done by the external forces in moving from
total potential energy. To that end, the work done by the buckling pressure, according
∫ ∫ [Nθ (l ) [ (
W =
11 + l 212 + l 312 + N s l122 + l 222 + l 322 )
0 0
+ N θs (l12 l11 + l 21l 22 ) ηr0 dθdz (4.15)
where N θ , N s and N θs are taken as the initial membrane forces due to the critical
buckling pressure (see Fig. 4.2). Note that by virtue of axisymmetry displacements in
the assumed buckling mode of the dome, the in-plane shear force N sθ vanishes i.e.
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
N sθ = 0 (4.16)
Νθ Νs r
Νs + d Νs d φ φ
dφ dφ
1 Νs Νs
Furthermore, the initial membrane forces due to the critical buckling pressures
N θ = pnθ , N s = pn s , (4.17)
∂r0 u w
l11 = + l12 = 0
η∂z r0 r2
∂u w
l21 = 0 l 22 = + (4.18a-f)
η∂z r1
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
u ∂w
l31 = 0 l 32 = −
r1 η∂z
By substituting Eqs. (4.16), (4.17) and (4.18a-f) into Eq. (4.15), one obtains the
⎧⎪ ⎛ ∂r u w ⎞ 2
H ⎡⎛ ∂u w ⎞ 2 ⎛ u ∂w ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎫⎪
W = pπ ∫ ⎨nθ ⎜⎜ 0
+ ⎟⎟ + n s ⎢⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎬ηr0 dz (4.19)
0⎪ ⎝ η ∂z r r ⎠ ⎢ ⎝ η ∂z r ⎠ ⎝ r η∂z ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
⎩ 0 2 ⎣ 1 1
reference length H, which is the height, or by h , which is the thickness of the shell,
and the critical pressure and material properties are normalized by an effective
Young’s modulus E , which according to Tsai and Pagano (1968) may be taken as
z r r r
z= ; r0 = 0 ; r1 = 1 ; r2 = 2 ;
u w Hψ
u= ; w = ;ψ = ;
h h h
h ζ
ξ= ;ζ = ; (4.20a-n)
H h
ns n
ns = ; nθ = θ and
pH (1 − ν sν θ )
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
Π = U +W (4.21)
U (1 − v s vθ ) 1 / 2 1 ⎧⎪ ⎛ ∂r u w 2 2
∂r ψ ⎞ ⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞
U = = ∫ ∫ ⎨ A11 ⎜⎜
+ + ξζ 0 ⎟⎟ + A22 ⎜⎜ + + ξζ ⎟
πE h 3 −1 / 2 0 ⎪⎩ ⎝ η∂z r0 r2 η∂z r0 ⎠ ⎝ η∂z r1 η∂z ⎟⎠
⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞⎛ ∂r0 u w ∂r ψ ⎞
+ 2 A12 ⎜⎜ + + ξζ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ + + ξζ 0 ⎟⎟ (4.22)
⎝ η∂z r1 η∂z ⎠⎝ η∂z r0 r2 η∂z r0 ⎠
⎛ u ∂w ⎞
+ A44 ⎜⎜ − + +ψ ⎟⎟ ⎬ηr0 dz dζ
⎝ r1 η∂z ⎠ ⎪⎭
⎪ ⎡⎛ ∂u w ⎞ ⎛ u ∂w ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ∂r0 u w ⎞ ⎫⎪
2 2 2
W (1 − ν sν θ )
W = = λ ∫ ⎨n s ⎢⎜⎜ + ⎟ +⎜ − ⎟ ⎥ + nθ ⎜⎜ + ⎟ ⎬ηr0 dz
πE h 3 0⎪ ⎢ ⎝ η∂z r1 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ r1 η∂z ⎟⎠ ⎥ ⎝ η∂z r0 r2 ⎟⎠ ⎪
⎩ ⎣ ⎦ ⎭
where non-zero terms Aij are related to the material properties by:
⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ ⎟ ⎜1+ ξ ⎟
⎜ r1 ⎟ Q11 (1 − v s vθ ) ⎜ r1 ⎟ Eθ
A11 = ⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ E (4.24a)
ζ E ζ
⎜⎜ 1 + ξ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + ξ ⎟⎟
⎝ r2 ⎠ ⎝ r2 ⎠
ν s Eθ
A12 = (4.24b)
⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ ⎟ ⎜1+ ξ ⎟
⎜ r2 ⎟ Q22 (1 − v s vθ ) ⎜ r2 ⎟ Es
A22 = ⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟E (4.24c)
ζ E ζ
⎜⎜ 1 + ξ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + ξ ⎟⎟
⎝ r1 ⎠ ⎝ r1 ⎠
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ ⎟ 2
⎜ r1 ⎟ κ G sζ (1 − v s vθ )
A44 = ⎜ ⎟ (4.24d)
ζ E
⎜⎜ 1 + ξ ⎟⎟
⎝ r2 ⎠
suitable form for buckling analysis where its stationary condition is sought to yield the
4.3.1 Introduction
In 1909, Walter Ritz published a paper that demonstrates his method for minimizing a
functional, and determining the frequencies and mode shapes of structures. Since then,
the Ritz method has been widely used because of its simplicity in implementation.
Two years after Ritz’s paper (1909), Rayleigh (1911) published a book where he
complained that Ritz had not recognized his similar work (Rayleigh, 1877). Therefore
investigated carefully the historical works of Rayleigh and Ritz and arrived at the
conclusion that Rayleigh’s name should not be attached to the Ritz method.
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
ℜ( z ) ≈ ∑ ci pi ( z ) (4.25)
i =1
in which pi (z ) are the approximate functions which individually satisfy at least the
minimizing the energy functional ∏ with respect to each of the unknown coefficients
= 0; i = 1,2,......, N (4.26)
For buckling and vibration problems, the above set of homogeneous equations is
The exact solution is obtained if infinite terms are adopted in Eq. (4.25).
convergence to the exact solution. Some of the commonly used trial functions in the
Ritz method for plates and shells analysis are orthogonal characteristic beam
polynomials (Bhat 1985), spline and B-spline functions (Mizusawa 1986; Vermeulen
and Heppler 1998); pb-2 Ritz formulation (Lim and Liew 1994, Liew et al. 1995 and
Liew and Lim 1995); trigonometric functions (Lim et al. 2003) and two dimensional
polynomial functions with appropriate basic functions (Liew 1990; Liew and Wang
1992, 1993; Geannakakes 1995). Among them, the latter trial functions can be
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
modified and used for the analysis of axisymmetric rotational shells with general shape
and boundary conditions while the others may not be so convenient. Moreover, the
computational accuracy may also be increased since the polynomial functions admit
exact calculations of differentiation and integration of the functions (Liew et al. 1998).
functions are adopted together with basic functions comprising boundary equations
that are raised to appropriate powers in order to ensure the satisfaction of the geometric
boundary conditions.
treated as an eigenvalue problem may be solved by the Ritz method where the method
lends itself to yield reasonably accurate results. In using the Ritz method,
kinematically admissible Ritz functions are assumed for the deflection and rotation
components of the middle surface of the rotational shell. To that end, the normalized
u ( z ) = ∑ ci pi (4.27a)
i =1
w (z ) = ∑c p i i (4.27b)
i = N1 +1
ψ (z ) = ∑c p i i (4.27c)
i = N 2 +1
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
where N1, (N2 – N1) and (N3 – N2) correspond to the number of the polynomial terms
and ci the unknown coefficients for the displacements and rotation and the functions pi
The terms ηu , η w and ηψ are the product of the boundary equations raised to an
appropriate power so that the selected Ritz functions satisfy the geometric boundary
conditions. More specifically, η u , η w , and ηψ are given below for the following
In view of equations (4.22), after integrating Eq. (4.13) over the shell thickness h ,
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ
~ ⎜ r1 ⎟ Eθ
A11 = ∫ A11 dζ = ∫ ⎜ ⎟ E dζ (4.29a)
− ⎜1+ ξ ⎟⎟
1 1
⎝ r2 ⎠
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ
~ ⎜ r2 ⎟ Eθ
A22 = ∫ A22 dζ = ∫ ⎜ ⎟ E dζ (4.29b)
− ⎜1+ ξ ⎟⎟
1 1
⎝ r1 ⎠
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ
⎟ 2
⎟ κ G sζ (1 − vφ vθ )
2 2
~ ⎜ r2
A44 = ∫ A44 dζ = ∫ ⎜ ⎟ dζ (4.29c)
ζ E
− ⎜1+ ξ ⎟⎟
1 1
⎝ r1 ⎠
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
1 1
~ 2 2
ν θ Es
B12 = ∫A1
12 ζ dζ = ∫ 1 E
ζ dζ (4.29d)
− −
2 2
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ 1
~ ⎜ r1 ⎟ Eθ 2
D11 = ∫ A11ζ 2 dζ = ∫ ⎜ ⎟ E ζ dζ (4. 29e)
− ⎜1+ ξ ⎟⎟
1 1
⎝ r2 ⎠
1 1
~ 2 2
ν θ Es
D12 = ∫A
12 ζ 2 dζ = ∫
1 E
ζ 2 dζ (4. 29f)
− −
2 2
⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜1+ ξ 1
~ ⎜ r2 ⎟ Eθ 2
D22 = ∫ A22ζ 2 dζ = ∫ ⎜ ⎟ E ζ dζ (4. 29g)
− ⎜1+ ξ ⎟⎟
1 1
⎝ r1 ⎠
In view of Eqs. (4. 29a-g) and (4.28a-c), the energy functional U given by Eq.
∫ ∫ {[A ]
N3 N3 1/ 2 1
i w j + B12 (wi q j + q i w j ) +
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~
U = ∑∑ q~ q~ j + D11 w
11 i
i =1 j =1 −1 / 2 0
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
+ A22 e~i e~j + D11 ~
ri r j + B12 (ei r j + ri e j ) + A12 (q~i e~j + q~ j e~i ) + (4.30)
+ D12 (w }
i r j + w j ri ) + B12 (q i r j + q j ri ) + B12 (wi e j + w j ei ) + A44 ti t j ci c jηr0 dz dζ
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
∂r0 u w N 3 ~
(a) + = ∑ ci q i (4.31)
η∂z r0 r2 i =1
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
∂r p p
and q~i = 0 i for i = 1 to N1, q~i = i for i = N1 +1 to N2 and q~i = 0 for i = N2 +1
η∂z r0 r2
to N3
∂r0 ψ N3
(b) ζ = ∑ ci w (4.32)
η∂z r0 i =1
~ = 0 for i = 1 to N , w
and w ~ = ξζ ∂r0 pi
~ = 0 for i = N +1 to N and w for i =
1 1 2
η∂z r0
i i i
N2 +1 to N3
∂u w N3
(c) + + = ∑ ci ~
ei (4.33)
η∂z r1 i =1
1 ∂pi p
and e~i = for i = 1 to N1, e~i = i for i = N1 +1 to N2 and e~i = 0 for i =
η ∂z r1
N2+1 to N3
∂ψ N3
(d) ξ = ∑ ci ~
ri (4.34)
η∂z i =1
~ ξ ∂pi
and ri = 0 for i = 1 to N1, ~
ri = 0 for i = N1 +1 to N2 and ~
ri = for i = N2 +1
η ∂z
to N3
u ∂w N3
(e) − + + ψ = ∑ ci ~
ti (4.35)
r1 η∂z i =1
and ~
p ~ 1 ∂pi for i = N +1 to N and ~
ti = − i for i = 1 to N1, ti = ti = pi for i =
1 2
r1 η ∂z
N2+1 to N3
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
Similarly, the work done by the external forces (Eq. 4.23) can be expressed as
N3 N3 1
W = ∑∑ λ ∫ {n s (u~i u~ j + g~i g~ j ) + nθ ~ y j }ηr0 dz
yi ~ (4.36)
i =1 j =1 0
∂r0 u w N 3 ~
(f) + = ∑ ci y i (4.37)
η∂z r0 r2 i =1
1 ∂r0 p i p
and ~
yi = y i = i for i = N1 +1 to N2 and ~
for i = 1 to N1, ~ y i = 0 for i =
η ∂z r0 r2
N2+1 to N3
∂u w N 3 ~
(g) + = ∑ ci u i (4.38)
η∂z r1 i =1
1 ∂pi p
and u~i = for i = 1 to N1, u~i = i for i = N1 +1 to N2 and u~i = 0 for i = N2 +1
η ∂z r1
to N3
u ∂w N3
(h) − = ∑ ci g~i (4.39)
r1 η∂z i =1
p 1 ∂pi
and g~i = i for i = 1 to N1, g~i = − for i = N1 +1 to N2 and g~i = 0 for i = N2+1
r1 η ∂z
to N3
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
The total potential energy functional given by Eqs. (4.21) (with (4.30) and (4.36))
Following the standard procedure for the Ritz method, the unknown coefficients ci are
= 0 ; i = 1, 2,..., N 3 (4.40)
where [K] and [M] are (N3 x N3) square matrices and {c} is a column vector consisting
the governing equation. With the aid of the commercial software package Mathematica
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
Two edge supporting conditions are considered, namely the clamped support and the
For a clamped edge, the boundary conditions are u (1) = w (1) = ψ (1) = 0 . In view
η u = (z − 1)z
η w = ( z − 1) (4.42)
η ψ = ( z − 1 )z
For a simply supported edge, the boundary conditions are u (1) = w (1) = 0 but
ψ (1) ≠ 0 . In view of these boundary conditions, the basis functions are given by
η u = ( z − 1)z
η w = ( z − 1) (4.43)
ηψ = z
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
well. Among other things, Mathematica (Wolfram 1999) allows its user to manipulate
symbols, numbers, data, and graphics. Such computing environments are already used
and vectors of a real and symmetric matrice. The Mathematica code to obtain buckling
Chapter 4: Energy Functionals and Ritz method for Buckling Analysis of Domes
the design of these structures, most of the studies thus far focused on rotational shells
of spherical shape using a thin shell theory. An attempt is made in this chapter to
thick rotational shells generated by any meridional shape under external uniform
using Mindlin shell theory so that the critical buckling pressure will not be excessively
The critical buckling pressure of thick shells under uniform pressure, formulated
as an eigenvalue problem, is derived using the well accepted Ritz method. Numerical
results, obtained from a computer program, were shown to be in close agreement with
existing buckling solutions for isotropic and orthotropic spherical shells. One feature
of the proposed method is that highly accurate solutions can be ensured by including
an appropriate number of terms in the Ritz functions. The formulation is also capable
appropriate power so that the geometric boundary conditions are satisfied a priori.
New solutions for the buckling pressure of moderately thick spherical and parabolic
shells of various dimensions and boundary conditions are presented and, although
these results are limited by the material properties assumed in this chapter, they are
This chapter is concerned with the elastic, axisymmetric buckling of moderately thick,
orthotropic domes under a uniform external pressure. For the buckling analysis, we
apply the Ritz method presented in Chapter 4. The validity of the developed Ritz
method as well as the convergence and accuracy of the buckling solutions are
structures) where closed-form solutions exist. Upon establishment of the validity of the
method and its ability to furnish accurate results, we generate extensive buckling
solutions for moderately thick spherical and parabolic domes of various dimensions
and boundary conditions. These new results, presented in tabulated form, are deemed
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
radius L, and uniform thickness h. The dome is formed by rotating a curve defined by
r0 = f ( z ) with (df / dz )z =0 = 0 , about the vertical z axis as shown in Fig. 5.1. The
dome is subjected to a static uniform external pressure p, and is free of geometric and
material imperfections. The problem at hand is to determine the critical pressure pcr for
r0 =f(z)
To consider the aforementioned buckling problem, one needs to first evaluate the
parameters for general energy functionals given by Eqs. (4.21), (4.22) and (4.23) in
Chapter 4. From statical considerations, the membrane force N s acting in the meridian
direction is given by
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
Ns = −
r2 sin 2 φ ∫ p cos φ sin φ r r dφ
1 2 (5.1)
r0 = r2 sin φ ; (5.2a)
1 pr02 pr
Ns = −
r2 sin 2 φ ∫ pr0 dr0 = −
0 2r2 sin φ
=− 2
⎛ Nφ ⎞ ⎛ r ⎞
N θ = −r2 ⎜⎜ p + ⎟⎟ = − pr2 ⎜⎜1 − 2 ⎟⎟ (5.4)
⎝ r1 ⎠ ⎝ 2r1 ⎠
By comparing the definitions of Eq. (4.17) with Eqs. (5.1) and (5.4), one can
deduce that
r2 ⎛ r ⎞
ns = − ; nθ = −r2 ⎜⎜1 − 2 ⎟⎟ (5.5)
2 ⎝ 2r1 ⎠
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
For the spherical dome, the meridional curve is defined by (see Fig. 5.2)
r0 = f ( z ) = 2 Rz − z 2 (5.6)
r0 = 2 R z − z 2 (5.7)
where R = R / H and z = z / H .
0 p
(a) (b)
By substituting Eqs. (5.5) and (5.7) into Eq.(4.1) and (4.20), one can obtain the
r1 = r2 = R (5.8)
n s = nθ = − (5.9)
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
For a given spherical dome with a subtended angle α (see Fig. 5.2a) and thickness
to radius ratio h/R, the non-dimensional terms R , ξ that appear in the energy
R 1
R= = (5.10a)
H (1 − cos α )
h h R T
ξ= = . = (5.10b)
H R H (1 − cos α )
equation (4.41) in Chapter 4, and upon solving the equation, one obtains the critical
p cr H (1 − ν sν θ )
buckling pressure parameter λ = of spherical domes. Results for
spherical domes with different thickness-to-radius ratios will be given in the next
To study the convergence of the Ritz solutions with respect to the number of
domes with radius-to-thickness ratios ranging from R/h = 10 to 1000 and with different
boundary conditions, namely, clamped and simply supported. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 show
the convergence studies of the critical buckling pressure parameter λ . It can be seen
that the Ritz solutions converge monotonically with increasing degrees of the
solutions (within 0.05% error), the number of polynomial terms required for each
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
displacement function is 40. This number of terms will be assumed to suffice for
generating accurate results for other spherical dome shapes in this chapter.
Uddin (1987, 1993) who used the multi segment method of integration of Kalnins and
Lestingi (1967) to solve the governing shell equations are included in Table 5.1. By
comparing Uddin’s results with the present Ritz solutions, it can be seen that for the
large radius-to-thickness ratios (e.g. R/h = 300), the converged results are found to be
in good agreement. However, for relatively small radius-to-thickness ratios (i.e. thicker
shells), the Ritz solutions are slightly lower than those presented by Uddin (1987). For
example, for R/h = 25, the difference between the converged Ritz solution and that of
Uddin (1987) is about 1.2% lower. This difference is due to neglect of the effect of
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
geometrically from that of a complete spherical shell, the critical buckling pressure of
the clamped spherical shell is nonetheless of the same order of magnitude when
compared to that of a complete shell with the same radius. For comparison of the
results obtained from the various methods, it is convenient to express the critical
end, it is instructive to note that the classical buckling pressure of complete isotropic
2E ⎛h ⎞
pcl = ⎜ ⎟ (5.11)
3 (1 − v 2 ) ⎝ R ⎠
p cr H (1 − ν 2 )
λ= (5.12)
and in view of Eqs. (5.11) and (5.12), the solution for incomplete shells can be
p cr 2 1 R R
=λ (5.13)
3 (1 − ν 2 ) h H
3 / 2
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
The ratio of critical buckling pressures in Eq. (5.13) will be used as the basis for
comparison of available solutions in the literature. Table 5.3 shows the comparison of
critical buckling pressures of the 900 clamped spherical domes with solutions by
various researchers for a small radius-to-thickness ratio of R/h = 25. Among these
researchers, only Uddin (1987) calculated the buckling pressure without adopting the
shallowness assumptions of shell structures. It can seen from Table 5.3 that the present
result, expressed as a ratio in Eq. (5.13), is less than that of Uddin (1987) due to the
effect of transverse shear deformation. Note that the current formulation may be used
to furnish the critical buckling pressure associated with the corresponding result based
on classical thin shell theory by setting a large value for the shear correction factor, say
κ 2 =1000. By doing so, the current formulation yields a ratio of pcr/pcl =1.120 which is
It can be seen from Table 5.3 that the prediction of the critical buckling pressure of
hemispherical domes with R/h = 25 varies among different researchers. The value
varies from a low ratio of 0.75 by Archer (1958) to a high ratio of 1.067 by Thurston
(1961). It should be noted that a shallow shell theory was assumed in the studies by
Huang (1964), Archer (1958), Dumir et al. (1984), Budiansky (1959) and Thurston
(1961). Their results are therefore expected to be lower than the results based on the
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
non-shallow shell theory, which is adopted herein. Also interestingly, their analyses,
which neglect the effect of transverse shear deformation and employ shallow shell
theory, yield critical buckling pressures that are comparable with the present result for
moderately thick shells. The good prediction is, in part, because the shallow shell
assumption lowers the critical buckling pressure whilst the neglect of transverse shear
deformation raises the critical buckling pressure. These are compensating effects that
have effectively canceled each other out for the considered shell problem.
As the critical buckling pressure may be sensitive to the amount of transverse shear
sensitivity study is made for isotropic hemispherical shells that are simply supported at
their edges. Table 5.4 presents the critical buckling pressure normalized by the Young’s
modulus i.e. pcr/E for radius-to-thickness ratios R/h ranging from 10 to 1000. The
conditions. Critical buckling pressures obtained using classical thin shell theory are
also included in the table so as to observe the effect of transverse shear deformation on
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
Table 5.4 Effect of transverse shear deformation on the buckling pressures pcr/E
of simply supported hemispherical domes
It can be seen from the results in Table 5.4 that, for a small shell thickness, as
reflected by a large radius-to-thickness ratio e.g. R/h > 100, the buckling pressure pcr/E
is close to the result obtained using thin shell theory (Muc 1992). However, for a large
shell thickness e.g. R/h < 100, the buckling pressure pcr/E based on Mindlin shell theory
is somewhat lower than their thin shell theory counterparts due to the shear
The versatility of the proposed method in this chapter will now be demonstrated using
earlier study by Muc (1992), the critical buckling pressure of a simply supported
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
⎛t⎞ A11 A22 − A122
pcr = 4⎜ ⎟ (5.14)
⎝R⎠ 12
We shall assess the accuracy of this formula by comparing it with our Ritz results.
For the subsequent numerical calculations, the orthotropic dome is assumed to be made
from a graphite/epoxy material with values of E s = 120 GPa, Eθ = 4.8 GPa, G sζ = 2.4
GPa and ν sθ = 0.25 taken from Chao et al (1988). Table 5.5 furnishes the results by
the present Ritz results based on Mindlin shell theory and its comparison with the thin
shell theory by Muc (1992). The results indicate that the normalized buckling pressure
as obtained by Mindlin shell theory may be noticeably smaller than that of thin shell
theory, depending on the thickness of the shell. In the case of thin shells (R/h > 200),
both results are in good agreement, which is expected. However, the difference
between the two theories increases in thick shells as characterized by R/h <200. In the
case of R/h = 25, the difference in critical buckling pressure is as high as 8%. The
thick shells is likely due to the neglecting of the transverse shear deformation.
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
For parabolic domes, the meridional curve is defined by (See Fig. 5.3)
r0 = 4az (5.15)
where a = L2 / (4 H ) .
r0 = 4a z (5.16)
a L2 L2 z
where a = = 2
= and z =
H 4H 4 H
z z
r2 H
By substituting Eqs. (5.15) and (5.16) to Eq. (4.1) and (4.20), one can obtain the
2a ( a + z ) 2
r1 = (5.17)
r2 = 2 a (a + z ) (5.18)
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
n s = − a (a + z ) (5.19)
a (a + 2 z )
nθ = − (5.20)
a (a + 1)
equation (4.41) in Chapter 4, and upon solving the equation, one obtains the critical
p cr H (1 − ν sν θ )
buckling pressure parameter λ = of parabolic domes. Results for
parabolic domes with different height-to-base radius ratios and base radius-to-
Convergence study
Table 5.6 shows the convergence of the critical buckling pressure for an isotropic
parabolic dome of equal base radius and height, and clamped at the base. Results were
generated for domes with base-radius-to-thickness ratio from L/h = 50 to 300. It can be
seen from the table that the solutions from the Ritz method converge monotonically
when the number of terms in the polynomials is increased. The convergence criterion
for parabolic domes was also taken as 0.05%. It is of interest to note that the rate of
parabolic domes with a smaller L/h ratio, the critical buckling pressure converges
faster than that of large L/h ratios. Unlike the case for clamped hemispherical domes
where 40 terms are needed in the power series, only 30 terms are needed to satisfy the
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
material properties and support conditions. Tables 5.8 presents the critical buckling
pressures for parabolic domes of isotropic properties for both clamped and simply
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
For the case of orthotropic parabolic domes, the same material properties with Es = 120
GPa, Eθ = 4.8 GPa, Gsξ = 2.4 GPa and νsθ = 0.25 for a graphite/epoxy composite are
The critical axisymmetric buckling pressure pcr are presented in Table 5.9 for the
domes with simply supported edge and fixed edge. It can be seen from this two tables
that the critical buckling pressure pcr is sensitive to the edge support conditions. For
instance, for a base radius-to-thickness ratio of L/h =1/100 and base radius-to-height
ratio of L/H = 1 the critical buckling pressure increases from pcr = 5.6758 for the
simply-supported edge condition to 7.5879 for the fixed edge condition. This shows
that the critical buckling pressure increases by 1.34 times from the case of simply
supported domes to fixed edge domes in this particular dome dimensions. Similarly,
large increases in the critical buckling pressure are observed for other base radius-to-
In order to check our results, we employ the finite element package SAP2000
(Computers and Structures, Inc, 2007) to analyze the above parabolic dome example.
The type of shell element used is the thick shell element and the mesh design adopted
for the analysis is shown in Fig. 5.4. The critical buckling pressures furnished by
SAP2000 are pcr = 5.60892 for simply supported dome and pcr = 7.7375 for fixed
edge dome. These finite element results are in good agreement with our results (within
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
Chapter 5: Buckling of Domes under Uniform Pressure
The applicability of the Ritz method for various kinds of domes is demonstrated by
solving the buckling problems of spherical and parabolic domes. The results are
verified by comparing them with limited existing solutions. Based on these examples,
it can be concluded that the developed Ritz method can be readily applied for the
buckling analyses of arbitrarily shaped domes. In the next chapter, results for buckling
moderately thick domes. In addition to the water pressure, the domes are also subjected
to selfweight, which is invariably present in this type of structure. Applying the Ritz
method presented in Chapter 4, new buckling solutions for moderately thick spherical
and parabolic domes with various dimensions and boundary conditions are presented.
The validity of the method, convergence and accuracy of solutions are also
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Consider a dome of height H, base radius L, and uniform thickness h. The dome is
r0 r0
z p=
γa h z
ph =γw (D-H+z)
For a given dome height H, the problem at hand is to determine the critical pressure
pcr, for axisymmetric buckling of this submerged dome. This critical pressure will
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
provide information on the maximum height of water depth (or critical water depth)
Dcr for which the dome can be constructed without premature buckling failure.
selfweight p a = γ a h . The positive direction of these loads and their distributions are
ph =γw (D-H+z)
p1 = γw (D-H) p2= γw z
z z z
In the case of hydrostatic pressure (see Fig. 6.2a), we can separate the hydrostatic
pressure ph into two components p1 and p 2 . The pressure p1 is constant over the
surface of the dome (see Fig. 6.2b) and is calculated by the product of the distance
from the water level to the apex of the dome (D − H ) and the specific weight of the
water γ w , i.e.
p1 = γ w (D − H ) (6.1)
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
According to Eqs. (5.3) and (5.4) in Chapter 5, we obtain the internal forces of the
p1 r2
N s1 = − (6.2)
⎛ N ⎞
N θ 1 = − r2 ⎜⎜ p1 + s1 ⎟⎟ (6.3)
⎝ r1 ⎠
N s = pn s
N θ = pnθ (4.17)
p h1 = p1 = γ w ( D − H ) (6.4)
n s1 = − (6.5a)
⎛ n ⎞
nθ 1 = −r2 ⎜⎜1 + s1 ⎟⎟ (6.5b)
⎝ r1 ⎠
On the other hand, the pressure p 2 is linearly dependent on the distance z from
the apex of the dome (see Fig. 6.2c). We can see that z only varies for 0 to the dome
height H. Therefore, for a given dome height, the pressure p 2 does not depend on the
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
p2 = γ w z (6.6)
direction is given by
N s2 = −
r2 sin 2 φ ∫p
2 cos φr1 r0 dφ (6.7)
r0 = f ( z )
r0 = r2 sin φ (6.8)
N s 2 = −γ w
r02 ∫ z f (z ) f ' (z )dz
⎛ N ⎞
N θ 2 = −r2 ⎜⎜ γ w z + s 2 ⎟⎟ (6.10)
⎝ r1 ⎠
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Similar to the above case, one can obtain the loading parameters of rotational
ph 2 = γ w H (6.11)
ns 2 = −
Hr02 ∫ z f (z ) f ' (z )dz
⎛ z n ⎞
nθ 2 = − r2 ⎜⎜ + s 2 ⎟⎟ (6.12b)
⎝H r1 ⎠
In the case of selfweight (see Fig. 6.3), the internal membrane force is given by
N sa =−
r2 sin 2 φ ∫ p r r dφ
a 1 0 (6.13)
γa h z
In view of the geometric relations for rotational shells given in Eq. (6.8), Eq.
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
N sa = −γ a h 22
r0 ∫ f (z )ηdz
⎧⎪ ⎡ df ( z ) ⎤ 2 ⎫⎪ 2
where η = ⎨1 + ⎢ ⎬ . In view of Eq. (5.4), one obtains
⎪⎩ ⎣ dz ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
⎛ f ' ( z ) N sa ⎞
N θa = − r2 ⎜⎜ γ a h + ⎟ (6.15)
⎝ η r1 ⎟⎠
In view of Eq. (4.17) , one can obtain the geometrical and loading parameters of
the domes as
pa = γ a h (6.16)
n sa = − 22
r0 ∫ f (z )ηdz
⎛ f ' ( z ) n sa ⎞
nθa = − r2 ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ (6.17b)
⎝ η r1 ⎠
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
1/ 2 1 ⎧⎪ ⎛ ∂r u w ∂r ψ ⎞
⎛ ∂u w ∂ψ ⎞
U = ∫∫ ⎨ A11 ⎜⎜ + + ξζ 0 ⎟⎟ + A22 ⎜⎜ + + ξζ ⎟
Note that the work done by the hydrostatic pressure is the sum of the work done
by each load component p1 and p 2 . The work done by the hydrostatic pressure and
W = W1 + W2 + Wa (6.18)
1 ⎧⎪ ⎡⎛ ∂u w ⎞ 2 ⎛ u ∂w ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ ∂r0 u w ⎞ ⎫⎪
1 ⎧⎪ ⎡⎛ ∂u w ⎞ 2 ⎛ u ∂w ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ ∂r0 u w ⎞ ⎫⎪
1 ⎧⎪ ⎡⎛ ∂u w ⎞ 2 ⎛ u ∂w ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ ∂r0 u w ⎞ ⎫⎪
nφ 1 nθ 1
n s1 = ; nθ 1 =
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
p h1 (1 − ν sν θ ) γ w (D − H )(1 − ν sν θ )
λ1 = = ; (6.22a-c)
Eξ Eξ
ns 2 n
ns 2 = ; nθ 2 = θ 2
p h 2 (1 − ν sν θ ) γ w H (1 − ν sν θ )
λ2 = = (6.23a-c)
Eξ Eξ
n sa n
n sa = ; nθa = θa
p a (1 − ν sν θ ) γ a h(1 − ν sν θ )
λa = = (6.24a-c)
Eξ Eξ
The total potential energy functional Π of the dome under uniform pressure may
be written as
Π = U +W (6.25)
Following the standard procedure for the Ritz method in Chapter 4, the unknown
coefficients ci are obtained by extremizing the total potential energy functional Π , i.e.
= 0 ; i = 1,2,..., N 3 (6.26)
where [K] is stiffness matrix; [M1], [M2] and [Ma] are work matrices by the pressure
p1 , p 2 and p a and {c} is a column vector consisting of the coefficients ci . It is to be
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
noted that λ2 and λa are known from the information given on the dome height H,
dome thickness h, specific weight of water γ w and specific weight of dome material
γ w (D − H )(1 − ν sν θ )
λ1 = (6.28)
The critical water depth in which the submerged dome will buckle is given by
D = λ1 +H (6.29)
γ w (1 − ν sν θ )
thick spherical and parabolic domes with various dimensions and boundary conditions
under their own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure. The validity of the method,
For the subsequent numerical calculations, the dome is assumed to be made from a
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
γ w H (1 − ν sν θ ) 4.55 x10 −7
λ2 = = (6.30)
Eξ ξ
γ a h(1 − ν sν θ ) γ a H (1 − ν sν θ )
λa = = = 1.092 x10 −6 (6.31)
Eξ E
With the given value of normalized thickness ξ , substituting Eqs. (6.30) and
(6.31) to Eq.(6.16), one obtains the critical buckling parameter λ1 . Therefore, the
critical buckling water depth can also obtained from Eq. (6.29)
D = λ1 +H (6.32)
γ w (1 − ν sν θ )
Note that, in case of γ a = 0, one obtains the critical buckling of domes under
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Similarly to part 5.3.1 of chapter 5, for spherical domes, the meridional curve is
r0 = 2 R z − z 2 (6.33)
R z
where R = and z =
γ(D-H+z) p=
γa h
Fig 6.4 Spherical dome under its own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure
By substituting Eq. (6.30) to Eq.(4.1), one can obtain the geometric properties of
spherical shells
r1 = r2 = R (6.34)
In view of Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5), the parameters of the hydrostatic component p1
are given by
n s1 = nθ 1 = − (6.35)
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
By substituting Eq. (6.34) to Eqs. (6.11) and (6.12), one obtains the parameters of
hydrostatic component p 2
R (3R − 2 z )z
ns 2 = − (6.36)
12 R − 6 z
R z (4 z − 9 R )
nθ 2 = − (6.37)
12 R − 6 z
Similarly, by substituting Eq. (6.34) to Eqs. (6.16) and (6.17), the selfweight
parameters is given by
n sa = − (6.38)
2R − z
R 2 − 3z R + z 2
nθa = − (6.39)
2R − z
By substituting all the above geometric parameters into the eigenvalue equation
(6.27), one can obtain the buckling pressure parameters λ1 and the critical water depth
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Convergence study
Tables 6.1 and 6.2 show the convergence of the critical buckling pressure parameter λ1
for weightless hemispherical domes under hydrostatic forces by setting the specific
Table 6.3 and 6.4 show the convergence of the critical buckling pressure parameter
λ1 of hemispherical domes under their own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure with
The same as for the uniform pressure case, in order to obtain an accurate solution,
the number of terms in the power series is increased until the difference in the result is
less than or equal to 0.05%. It can be seen from the tabulated results that the critical
buckling pressure parameter λ1 achieves the required 0.05% accuracy when 40 terms
sufficient for accurate results of other spherical shells generated in this chapter.
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Figure 6.5 shows the variation of the critical water depth Dcr = D / H for which
that the dome can be constructed without buckling failure. Results were generated for a
spherical dome with a normalized base radius L = 1,2 and 3. It can be seen that, for a
same value of normalized thickness ξ , the normalized critical water depth Dcr of the
dome has the smaller base radius L much larger. For example, for the same
normalized thickness ξ = 0.01, the critical water depth Dcr =13.039 for the dome with
a normalized base radius L =3, which is considerably larger than the critical water
depth Dcr =1.19 of the dome with a normalized base radius L =1.
120 L=1
Dcr = D/H
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
ξ= h / H
Fig 6.5 Variations of critical water depth Dcr = D / H with respect to
normalized thickness ξ = h / H of a hemispherical dome
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Similar to part 5.3.2 of chapter 5, for parabolic domes, the meridional curve is defined
r0 = 4a z (6.40)
a L2 L2
where a = = =
H 4H 2 4
γ(D-H+z) p= γa h
z z
r2 D H
Fig 6.6 Parabolic dome under its own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure
Similarly the above spherical case, by substituting Eqs.(6.41) to Eqs (6.4), (6.5),
(6.11), (6.12), (6.16) and (6.17), one can obtain the geometric properties of parabolic
2a (a + z ) 2
r1 = (6.41)
r2 = 2 a (a + z ) (6.42)
• Hydrostatic component p1
n s1 = − a (a + z ) (6.43)
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
a (a + 2 z )
nθ 1 = − (6.44)
a (a + z )
• Hydrostatic component p 2
n s 2 = − z a (a − z ) (6.45)
⎛ az ⎞
nθ 2 = −2 z a (a − z )⎜⎜ z − ⎟ (6.46)
⎝ 4(a + z ) ⎟⎠
• Selfweight parameters:
n sa = −
2 a (a + z ) − a 2 + z a (a + z ) + a 3 (a + z ) ) (6.47)
3a z
nθa = −
( ( )
2a a 2 − z + a (a + z ) a − 2 z 2 ) (6.58)
3z (a + z )
Tables 6.5 and 6.6 show the convergence of the critical buckling pressure parameter
specific weight of the dome material as γ a = 0. Tables 6.7 and 6.8 show the
ratios from H/h = 10 to H/h = 300 with different boundary conditions: clamped, simply
The same for the uniform pressure case, in order to obtain an accurate solution, the
number of polynomial terms is increased until the difference in the result is less than or
equal to 0.05%. It can be seen from the tabulated results that the critical buckling
pressure parameter λ1 achieves the required 0.05% accuracy when 30 terms were
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
taken in the polynomial function. This number of terms is assumed to be sufficient for
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
Figure 6.7 shows the variation of the critical water depth Dcr = D / H for which
the dome can be constructed without buckling failure. Results were generated for
parabolic domes with normalized base radius L = 1,2 and 3. It can be seen that, for a
same value of the normalized thickness ξ , the normalized critical water depth Dcr of
the dome has the smaller base radius L much larger. For example, for the same
normalized thickness ξ = 0.01, the critical water depth Dcr =13.398 for the dome with
normalized base radius L =3, which is considerably larger than the critical water depth
150 L=1
Dcr = D/H
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
ξ= h / H
Fig 6.7 Variation of critical water depth Dcr = D / H with respect to normalized
thickness ξ = h / H of parabolic dome
Chapter 6: Buckling of Submerged Domes
The applicability of the Ritz method for various kinds of domes is demonstrated by
solving the buckling problems of spherical and parabolic domes under selfweight and
hydrostatic pressure. Based on these examples, it can be concluded that the developed
Ritz method can be readily applied for the buckling analyses of arbitrarily shaped
This chapter is concerned with the optimal design of moderately thick submerged
domes. In addition to the water pressure, we also take into consideration the
selfweight, which is a significant load for such long span structures. For a given dome
with f ′(0 ) = 0 and submerged in a given water depth, we seek the dome design for
minimum weight as well as maximum enclosed airspace whereby the dome will not
buckle under the hydrostatic pressure and its own weight. The performance index of
obtain Pareto optimal solutions. The buckling analysis of the submerged dome is
carried out using the Ritz method that was presented in Chapter 6.
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
shown in Fig. 7.1. The dome is deployed under a water depth of D and thus it is
shown in Fig. 7.1b where h is the thickness of the dome and γ a the specific weight of
the dome material. The dome is also assumed to be free of geometrical and material
γ(D-H+z) p= γa h
z z
r2 D H
For a given dome height H and water depth Drc0, there is a family of domes
defined by r0 = f ( z ) (see Fig. 7.2) that will not buckle when deployed in a given
water depth Dcr0. Based on this family of domes, we seek the dome with the
specialized for the optimization of a family of spherical domes (Fig. 7.2) and
parabolic domes (Fig 7.3) and extensive results are presented in this chapter.
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
Wa = 2γ a πh ∫ f ( z ) 1 + f ' ( z ) dz
S a = π ∫ [ f (z )] dz
Although Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2) are valid for any function f ( z ) , we first restrict our
study to a family of spherical domes for which the meridional curves is defined by
r0 = f ( z ) = 2 Rz − z 2 (7.3)
expressed as
r0 = 2 R z − z 2 (7.4)
where R = R / H and z = z / H .
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
By substituting Eq. (7.4) into Eq. (7.1) and in view of Eq. (4.20), one obtains the
Wap = 3
= πξ (L 2 + 1) (7.5)
Similarly, by substituting Eq. (7.5) into Eq. (7.2), one obtains the non-dimensional
S ap ⎛ L2 1 ⎞
S ap = = ⎜ + ⎟π (7.6)
H 3 ⎜⎝ 2 6 ⎟⎠
For a given dome height H, we can apply the Ritz method presented in Chapter 5
and the Bisection method (Kreyszig 1993) to seek for a family of spherical domes that
have the critical water depth D = Dcr 0 . In view of Eqs. (7.1) to (7.6), it can be easily
seen that, the spherical dome shape is defined by the dome height H and dome base
radius L. The dome weight and enclosed airspace increase with increasing base radius
However, the objective function of this optimal design involves the maximum
enclosed airspace and the minimum the material weight. In general, for a given dome
height and water depth, these aforementioned objectives are in conflict with each
As the dome height is prescribed, the dome base radius L (which will be
confined to ≤ L ≤ 3H from practical considerations) is taken as the decision
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
objectives in order to obtain Pareto optimal solutions for the bi-criterion optimization
One introduces S ' a = as the objective function for the enclosed space. Thus,
In order to get a better result in the Pareto optimization, one restricts each
Wa − Wa min
Wˆ a = (7.7a)
Wa max − Wa min
where Wa min , Wa min , S 'a min , S 'a max are the maximum and minimum values of the
weight and enclosed airspace parameters of the dome in prescribed range of L , i.e.
≤L ≤3
( )
The performance index J αˆ , βˆ ; L of the problem is given by
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
J = min[ J (αˆ , L )] = min αˆWˆ a + (1 − αˆ ) Sˆ ' a ] (7.9a)
subject to ≤ L ≤ 3 and Dcr = Dcr 0 (7.9b)
maximizes the enclosed airspace. For 0 < αˆ < 1 , the base radius L minimizing
In the optimization stages, one applied the Golden Section Search technique
Results for the single objective optimization are presented first. Figure 7.4 shows
αˆ = 1 , one obtains J (αˆ , L ) = Wˆ a , i.e. the performance index is the normalized dome
weight Wa . It is clear that the performance index J reaches the minimum value at the
boundary value of L = 1 / 3 , i.e. the minimum weight of the dome is obtained at the
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
In the case of α = 0 , one obtains J (αˆ , L ) = Sˆ ' a , i.e. the performance index is the
normalized enclosed airspace parameter S ' a . It is clear that the performance index J
reaches the minimum value at the boundary value of L = 3 , i.e. the maximum
enclosed airspace is obtained at the largest value of the normalized base radius L in
the given practical range ≤ L ≤ 3.
α =1 α =0
1/3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 7.5 shows the trade-off curve of normalized dome weight Ŵa and
normalized enclosed airspace parameter Ŝ ' a . The contributions these criteria are
plotted against each other to give the trade-off between the weightings α̂ =1 and
α̂ =0.
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
α = 0.25
α = 0.5
α = 0.75
1/3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure 7.6 shows the variations of the performance index J in the case of α =0.25;
0.5 and 0.75. In the case of α̂ = 0.25, one obtains the minimum value of the
performance index J at L =1.2. For α̂ =0.5 and 0.75, the performance index reaches
the minimum value at L =1.5 and L = 1.9. It can be seen that the Pareto optimal result
is highly dependent on the weight coefficient α̂ which the design engineer has to
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
optimal design of parabolic domes for which the meridional curve is defined by
r0 = 4az (7.10)
where a = L2 / (4 H ) .
expressed as
r0 = 4a z (7.11)
a L2 L2 z
where a = = 2
= and z = . By substituting Eq. (7.11) into Eq. (7.1) and
H 4H 4 H
Wap =
H 3
(L ( L
2 2
+ 4 − L + 4 L2 + 4 ) (7.12)
Similarly, by substituting Eq. (7.5) into Eq. (7.2), one obtains the non-dimensional
S ap πL 2
S ap = = (7.13)
H3 2
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
Results for the single objective optimization are presented first. Figure 7.7 shows
the spherical domes, the minimum weight of the dome is obtained at the lowest value
α =1 α =0
1/3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 7.8 shows the trade-off curve of normalized dome weight Ŵa and
normalized enclosed airspace parameter Ŝ ' a The contributions these criteria are
plotted against each other to give the trade-off between the weightings α̂ =1 and
α̂ =0.
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
α = 0.25
α = 0.5
α = 0.75
1/3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure 7.9 shows the variations of performance index J in the case of α =0.25; 0.5
and 0.75. In the case of α̂ = 0.25, one obtains the minimum value of the performance
index J at L =0.8. For α̂ =0.5 and 0.75, the performance index reaches the minimum
value at L =1.1 and L = 1.4. It can be seen that the Pareto optimal result is highly
dependent on the weight coefficient α̂ which the design engineer has to decide in
Chapter 7: Optimal Designs of Submerged Domes Against Buckling
thick dome. The performance index for the optimization problem is formulated as the
weighted sum of the dome weight and the enclosed airspace of the dome. It can be
seen that the Pareto optimal solutions are highly dependent on the weighting
coefficient α which has to be decided by the design engineer in consultation with the
This thesis was concerned with the optimal design of submerged domes where both
strength and buckling criteria have been taken into consideration. Membrane analysis
was carried out and minimum weight designs of submerged domes of uniform and
constant strength were investigated with the view to provide better designs for the
domes was also studied. By using the Ritz method, the buckling capacities of
moderately thick domes under their own selfweight and hydrostatic pressure were
under a given water depth, the optimal dome shapes for maximum enclosed airspace
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations
The first part of the thesis presented the membrane analysis and minimum weight
series, for the thickness variation of a submerged spherical dome of uniform strength
design as governed by the Tresca yield condition was presented. Numerical examples
showed that 9 terms in the power series sufficed for accurate solutions. Further, the
optimal subtended angle αopt and the optimal dome height H opt for the minimum
weight design of spherical domes were determined. It was found that α opt varies
within a narrow range of 1 radian ≤ α opt ≤ 1.25 radians. The insensitivity of the dome
weight over this range, which contains the optimal subtended angle, is a good feature
for engineers as it means that there is some flexibility when designing the dome shape
hydrostatic pressure, selfweight and skin cover load were derived. These equations
described the curvature and thickness variation of the dome as well as the Cartesian
coordinates of its meridian. The equations were purposely expressed in terms of the
arc length s as measured from the apex of the dome instead of using the Cartesian
coordinate system. This allowed the entire shape of the submerged dome to be
slope that may be encountered in the meridian curve. Based on parametric studies of
dome shapes under different water depths and selfweight, one may understand better
In the second part of the thesis, the optimal design of domes against buckling was
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations
significance in the design of these structures, most studies found in the open literature
thus far have focused on spherical domes modelled by classical thin shell theory. In
the present study, we developed the model and solution technique to predict the
meridional shape under external pressure. In order to capture the effect of transverse
shear deformation, which is significant for moderately thick shells, Mindlin shell
theory was used. Based on Mindlin shell theory, the energy functional was first
derived and the Ritz method was used to derive the eigenvalue equation. The Ritz
method was automated to handle any boundary conditions. This was made possible by
polynomial functions and boundary equations raised to appropriate powers; the latter
ensured the satisfaction of the geometric boundary conditions at the outset. The
results were more accurate than those reported earlier (such as by Uddin 1989, and
Muc 1992) since the effect of transverse shear deformation was incorporated.
Moreover, the Ritz method developed in the thesis was simple to understand and to
code. The Ritz results should be useful benchmark data for analysts developing
Upon establishing the validity of the Ritz formulation and computer code and its
ability to furnish accurate buckling results for dome structures under uniform
pressure, we extended the work to submerged domes with allowance for the effect of
selfweight. New solutions for the buckling pressure of moderately thick spherical and
Further, based on a family of spherical and parabolic domes associated with a given
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations
dome height submerged under a water depth, we determined the Pareto optimal dome
The vast optimal dome design data presented in this thesis should serve as a rich
reference source for researchers and engineers who are working on analysis and
The analysis and design of submerged domes involves the consideration of many
factors which expand the scope of this study for future research. Below are some
In this thesis, we dealt with moderately thick domes. The Mindlin shell theory is
adequate for the treatment of such shell structures. However, when the dome has a
very large thickness for deep sea deployment, it is necessary to use three-dimensional
elasticity theory to account for the thickness effect. Preliminary research along this
This thesis only dealt with axisymmetric dome structures as axisymmetric domes are
one of the most popular dome shapes. However, research should be extended to
rectangular or square plan area. Least weight designs of such domes approximated by
archgrids were investigated by Rozvany et al. (1982), Alwis and Wang (1985) and
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations
Thevendran and Wang (1986). However, the buckling capacities of such archgrids
This thesis focused on identifying the optimal design of submerged spherical and
considered the buckling problem which is the most important criterion in designing
thin shell structures. However, it is also important to consider the vibration behaviour
of such shell structures so as to avoid the resonant frequencies which may be excited
Kang and Leissa (2005) on the free vibration of domes can be applied to solve the
In this thesis, we considered selfweight, skin cover and the hydrostatic pressure as the
design loads on submerged domes. Although, in deep water, the hydrostatic pressure
is the largest load acting on submerged domes, other environmental loads such as
wave and current loads as well as incidental loads such as blast loads must be taken
into account.
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This part details the use of Mathematica (Wolfram 1999) to obtain the buckling
strength of rotational shells according to the Ritz method and the formulations
presented in Chapter 4.
• Material properties
νθs = 3 ê 10;
νsθ = 3 ê 10;
Eθ = 200 104 ;
Es = 200 104;
Gsz = Es ê 2 ê H1 + νsθL;
• Calculation of the material parameters for the stiffness matrix [K] (Eq.
Q11 = ;
Q22 = ;
νφθ Eθ
Q12 = ;
H1 − νθs νsθL;
5 Gsz
Q44 =
6 Eb
A11@z_D = Q11 IntegrateA , 8ζ, −1 ê 2, 1 ê 2<E;
1+ ξ
1+ ξ
1+ ξ
A44@z_D = Q44 IntegrateA , 8ζ, −1 ê 2, 1 ê 2<E;
1+ ξ
1+ ξ
1+ ξ
1+ ξ
f@z_D = 2 z R − z2 ;
r0@z_D = f@zD;
r1@z_D = R;
r2@z_D = R;
η@z_D =
H2 R − zL z
ns1@z_D = − ;
nθ1@z_D = − ;
• Geometrical properties of parabolic domes
A= ;
f@z_D = 2 A z ;
r0@z_D = f@zD;
2 HA HA + zLL 2
r1@z_D =
r2@z_D = 2 A HA + zL ;
η@z_D = $%%%%%%%%%%%% ;
A +z
ns1@z_D = − A HA + zL ;
è!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j
nθ1@z_D = −2 A HA + zL i j
+ 1z
k 2 H A + zL
ηu = Hz − 1L z;
ηw = Hz − 1L;
ηψ = Hz − 1L z;
ηu = Hz − 1L z;
ηw = Hz − 1L;
ηψ = z;
• The mathematically complete polynomial functions are formed as a list. (Eq.
∂z r0@zD
TableAqi = pi , 8i, 1, N1<E;
η@zD r0@zD
TableAqi = , 8i, N1 + 1, N2<E;
Table@ri = 0, 8i, 1, N1<D;
Table@ri = 0, 8i, N1 + 1, N2<D;
TableAri = ξ z i , 8i, N2 + 1, N3<E;
∂ p
K4@z_D = Table@D22@zD ri rj r0@zD η@zD, 8i, 1, N3<, 8j, 1, i<D;
K@z_D = K1@zD + K2@zD + K3@zD + K4@zD + K5@zD + K6a@zD + K6b@zD + K7a@zD + K7b@zD +
K8a@zD + K8b@zD + K9a@zD + K9b@zD + K10a@zD + K10b@zD + K11a@zD + K11b@zD;
• The elements of matrix [M] can be obtained as Eq. (4.37-39)
∂z r0@zD
TableAyi = pi , 8i, 1, N1<E;
η@zD r0@zD
TableAyi = , 8i, N1 + 1, N2<E;
For elastic buckling, the aforementioned eigenvalue problems can be expressed in the
for e.g. EISPAC (Smith et al., 1974), can be used to solve the problem. However, it
was found that the built-in function “Eigenvalues” in Mathematica (Wolfram, 1999)
Mathematica used the function DSYEVR in LAPACK<www.netlib.org/lapack/>
routines to calculate the numerical eigen values and vectors of a real and symmetric
specifying either a range of values or a range of indices for the desired eigenvalues.
DSYEVR first reduces the matrix A to tri-diagonal form T with a call to DSYTRD.
Then, DSYEVR calls DSTEMR to compute the eigen spectrum using Relatively
Journal Papers
1. Vo, K.K., Wang, C.M. and Chai, Y.H. (2007), “Buckling analysis of moderately
thick rotational shells under uniform pressure using Ritz method.” Journal of
optimization of submerged domes with allowance for selfweight and skin cover
3. Wang, C.M., Vo, K.K. and Chai, Y. H. (2006), “Membrane analysis and
List of Author’s Publications
Conference Papers
1. Vo, K.K., Wang, C.M. and Chai, Y.H. (2005) “Membrane analysis and
optimization of submerged domes with allowance for selfweight and skin cover
2. Wang, C.M., Aung, T.M. and Vo, K.K. (2005) “Ritz Method for Plastic
3. Wang, C.M. and Vo, K.K. (2004) “Least weight design of submerged spherical
Beijing, China.