4408 2017 Judgement 09-May-2017
4408 2017 Judgement 09-May-2017
4408 2017 Judgement 09-May-2017
this Court has to take the next step, leading to his conviction and
territory. This has never happened. This should never happen. But
2. The factual position which emerged in this case, during the course
from the Madras High Court to the High Court of Calcutta. The episode
Justices of the Madras High Court, to the then Chief Justice(s) of the
Supreme Court of India, seeking his transfer. The transfer of Shri Justice
3. During this period, and unconnected with the reasons for seeking
his transfer, the Registrar General of the Madras High Court approached
this Court, highlighting the fact that Shri Justice C.S. Karnan had
Court. Having heard the matter, a Bench of this Court, presided over by
The petition filed by the Registrar General was later assigned Special
the case. We may, for reason of brevity, leave out the past, and
commence with his letter dated 21.8.2015, addressed to the Chief Justice
roster, when he was deputed to the Madurai Bench of the Madras High
three months, he was unhappy with the roster assigned to him. In the
assigned to him, were taken away from his Board, by the Chief Justice of
the Madras High Court, and assigned to other Benches. Besides the
above personal grievances, he made direct and pointed allegations (in his
above letter dated 21.8.2015) against Shri Justice “… V.D. ...”, for having
for the position. Indeed, it was alleged, that his academic certificates
were bogus. It was also alleged (in the above letter dated 21.8.2015) that
the Judges of the Division Bench – Dr. Justice “… T.V. ...” and Shri
independently, but had been passing orders, at the asking of the then
Chief Justice of the Madras High Court. He also accused the Chief
Justice of the High Court, for having approached this Court, against the
suo-motu orders passed by him. The initiative at the hands of the Chief
Justice of the Madras High Court (to approach the Supreme Court) was
the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, for not having included him
responsibilities of the High Court. For this reason, he accused the Chief
the then Chief Justice of the Madras High Court (in the above
Court Judges, and at the same time ignored the under privileged castes
and tribes, as well as, the minorities. While concluding the letter dated
21.8.2015, Shri Justice C.S. Karnan expressed, that the Chief Justice of
the Madras High Court, had committed offences under the provisions of
addressed to the Home Secretary of Tamil Nadu. The instant letter was
judicial order”. In the above letter, Justice Karnan had directed the
Registry of the Madras High Court, to assign the suo-motu writ petition (-
6. Shri Justice C.S. Karnan wrote another letter to the then Chief
function for the inauguration of Regional Centres of the Tamil Nadu State
celebration. It was alleged, that even though his name was initially
the fact, that he had been repeatedly agitating on this issue, even on
Karnan again declared the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, an
7. In the above Special Leave Petition (Civil) no. 14842 of 2015 filed
I.A. no. 6 of 2016 was filed on 12.2.2016, by the Registrar General of the
reference was first made to the order dated 30.4.2015 passed by Justice
21.8.2015 to the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court (details narrated
explained (in I.A. no. 6 of 2016), that the allegations levelled by Shri
Academy, since its inception in 2001. The contents of I.A. no. 6 of 2016,
Shri Peter Ramesh Kumar on the ground, that he was facing threats to
his life, from a few Judges of the Madras High Court, wherein he
expressly named Shri Justice “… V.R. ….” (details narrated above). The
Last of all it was pointed out, that in terms of the roster issued by the
Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, with effect from 1.2.2016,
final hearing, and specially ordered matters. It was pointed out, that
assigned to him. It was also asserted, that Justice Karnan had been
matters before other Benches of the High Court. It was highlighted, that
he had even stayed judicial proceedings pending before the High Court.
In I.A. no. 6 of 2016, the Registrar General of the Madras High Court,
In the premises, it is most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble
Court may be pleased to:
(b) direct Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.S. Karnan not to exercise any
suo-motu powers of the High Court or to direct the Registrar,
Madras High Court, to register such suo-motu orders as being
pursuant to suo-motu writ petitions;
(c) restrain the Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.S. Karnan from hearing
or issuing directions or in any manner dealing or connected with
the proceedings relating to Suo-motu Judicial Order dated
5/8.2.2016 and 10.2.2016 of the High Court of Judicature at
(d) pass such other and further orders as this Hon’ble Court
may deem fit in the facts and circumstances of the matter.”
During the course of hearing in the above I.A. no. 6 of 2016 (wherein one
members of the Bench), the Court was informed, that Shri Justice C.S.
Karnan had already received the proposal for his transfer from the High
facts and circumstances of the case, this Court passed the following
order on 15.2.2016:-
High Court, Chennai, wherein he highlighted the fact, that he had passed
a suo-motu judicial order, against Shri Justice “… N.D. ...” (now retired),
asserting that Shri Justice “… N.D. ...” had produced bogus educational
Madras High Court. In the above letter, it was also pointed out, that an
enquiry into the matter was pending before the Supreme Court of India.
It was alleged, that the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, was
shielding the said Shri Justice “… N.D. ...”. It was also highlighted, that
Shri Justice “… S.K.K. ...” – the then Chief Justice of the Madras High
Court, was facing charges of corruption, and also, for having committed
Atrocities) Act, 1989. He also brought out that the then Chief Justice of
the Madras High Court, had engaged Shri Elephant Rajendran, for
appearing before the Supreme Court, despite the fact that the said
criminal case had also been registered against the said Advocate, for
the Public Prosecutor to collect the particulars of the above cases, and to
investigate them with the assistance of top police officials of the State. He
had also requested the State Public Prosecutor, to forward the results of
the investigation to him, so that he could produce the same before the
Supreme Court.
corruption in the High Court, inter alia at the hands of the following
Justice of the Madras High Court, to Shri “… P.K. ...”, Registrar of the
Madras High Court, and also, to Shri “… S.P. …”, Advocate - President,
12. Mr. Justice”… K.S. ...” (retired) the father of Mr. Justice “…
S.M.K. ...” has established an office in front of the Madras High
Court and is always found wandering at the Madras High Court
premises soliciting required clients with offers of favourable fruitful
orders as consequence of him being an Ex-Judge and exerting good
influence for his personal gain; this also being a proved case
known to the entire judiciary, advocates besides the general public.
2017, the issue of transfer of Shri Justice C.S. Karnan from the Madras
High Court to the High Court of Calcutta, had evoked animated public
debate. At this juncture, his attitude became far more aggressive, than
hitherto before. His insinuations were now more pointed, his prominent
singular focus being his colleague Judges, of the Madras High Court
(present and former), and the Judges of the Supreme Court, who had a
nexus with the Madras High Court, possibly under the belief, that they
were responsible for his tribulations. Included in the list, were also
Court. The contents of the letter indicate, that the concerned Judge
hosted by Judges at the Madurai Bench. It was alleged, that even though
the appointed time was 8.00 p.m., since he had not reached the dinner
venue, he was called on his telephone by Shri Justice “… M.M.S. ...”, and
was requested, that the Judges at the dinner venue were waiting for him
(Justice Karnan), and they would commence their dinner, only upon his
reaching the venue, he observed that most of the Judges had already had
their dinner, while the rest had already commenced their dinner. It was
the assertion of Justice Karnan, that he had been invited only for
irritating him, ragging him, and ridiculing him. Since the above actions
Karnan wrote in his above letter, that he reserved the right to invoke his
judicial power, and thereby, to take action against the concerned Judges
endorsed to the Prime Minister of India, the Union Law Minister and the
14. The second letter also dated 27.1.2017, was addressed to Shri
A.A. ...” and Mrs. Justice “… A.J. ...” for their role along with the other
Judges, in socially boycotting him (Justice Karnan), and for ragging him.
It was pointed out, that he had lodged a complaint against the said
had been sent to various dignitaries, including the Chief Justice of India.
The pointed insinuation against Shri Justice “… A.A. ...” and Mrs. Justice
“… A.J. ...” was, that they had developed illicit relations, inasmuch as,
they were behaving as husband and wife. It was also alleged, that the
of the relationship between Shri Justice “… A.A. ...” and her mother Mrs.
Justice “… A.J. ...” In the above second letter dated 27.1.2017, Justice
Karnan alleged, that the above mentioned Judges were chargeable under
Section 306 of the Indian Penal Code, alongwith other Judges, namely,
Shri Justice “… S.N. ...”, Shri Justice “… N.K. ...” and Shri Justice “…
S.M.K. ...”, who had misused their judicial power, to prevent the initiation
Karnan also accused the above two Judges, for having conspired with six
other named sitting Judges of the Madras High Court, for having
his father.
15. The third letter also dated 27.1.2017, was addressed by Justice
against Shri Justice “… S.N. …”, who had maintained two concubines,
namely, Mrs. “… J.(M) …” and Mrs. “… R.S. …” It was also alleged, that
the factual position pertaining to this illegal alliance, had been brought to
the notice of the Acting Chief Justice. Through the third communication
dated 27.1.2017, Justice Karnan had also enquired about the stage of
to the Prime Minister of India, with copies to the Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India, the Chief Justice
of the Madras High Court and the Registrar General of the Madras High
1990, which (according to him) favoured the upper castes, he adopted the
over a span of time, it was prima-facie felt, that his conduct towards a
large number of named Judges and the judiciary in general, had seriously
whether or not Shri Justice C.S. Karnan was guilty of having committed
above, was entrusted to the Attorney General for India. He was also
18. Shri Justice C.S. Karnan in response to the order dated 8.2.2017
Before obtaining any explanation from me, I wish to state that the
Courts have no power to enforce punishment against a sitting
Judge of the High Court. This said order does not conform to logic,
therefore it is not suitable for execution. The characteristic of this
order clearly shows that the upper caste Judges are taking the law
in their hands and misusing their judicial power by operating the
same against a SC/ST Judge (Dalit) with mala fide intention to get
rid of him. Therefore the Suo-motu Contempt Order dated
8.2.2017 is not sustainable under law. On 15.2.2016 I proclaimed
a statement in front of the Madras High Court premises which was
attended by the Press Media and Electronic Media wherein the
crucial statement by me was that Mr. Justice “… S.K.K. ...” is the
root of all corruption at the above-mentioned Court. To
substantiate my proclamation, I even offered to counteract any
contempt order he may level against me. However, it is apparent
that he was wary of facing the facts. Now, after keeping silence on
this crucial issue for over a year, or as the adage which says: “The
dust as settled down”, he brought up the issue aspiring himself as
a candidate for the elevation to the Apex Court. I now challenge
him even at this 11th hour to prove himself being an unblemished
Judge so that he may qualify for the elevation as a Supreme Court
A perusal of the above letter of Shri Justice C.S. Karnan very clearly
acknowledged, that he had addressed the media, after this Court had
had made against 20 named Judges of the Madras High Court. He also
declared before the Press, that the then Chief Justice of the High Court,
was at the top of the list, amongst corrupt Judges. He also affirmed,
register a case against two Judges of the Supreme Court (Shri Justice “…
J.S.K. …” and Mrs. Justice … “R.B. …”), with reference to a judicial order
passed by them.
19. Shri Justice C.S. Karnan, was duly served the notice in the
judicial order was passed on 13.2.2017. The above order confirmed the
interim directions issued by the first order (dated 8.2.2017). The Bench,
rather than taking any stringent steps against Justice Karnan, for not
the members of the Bench dealing with the contempt proceedings. In the
initiated against him. The short text of the above communication dated
(2) I reiterate as always done, during the last few years about
the high rate of Corruption at the Courts I served and still serving,
besides the Supreme Court of India. I will not cease my efforts and
will continue to fight until every wrong doing is uprooted.
(5) Mr. Justice “… N.K. ...”, Judge of the Madras High Court
kicked me with his shoe and slyly removed my name tag pinned on
my seat at a public function and I immediately reported this matter
to the Supreme Court with intimation to the Chairman of the
Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes Commission. This incident
smacks of the prejudice coming from a dignified Judge and is the
worst form of corruption as per the Atrocities Act of the Indian
Constitution. This complaint is pending with the Court for around
including Judges of the Supreme Court of India. His pointed and direct
21. Despite the fact that the Registry of this Court, had duly
presence of Shri Justice C.S. Karnan, this Court passed the following
order on 10.3.2017:-
22. On the very day the third judicial order dated 10.3.2017 was
of India, read with Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), passed
judiciary before the Parliament after due enquiry under the Judges’
Enquiry Act.
The above suo-motu order was endorsed to this Court. It was also
A perusal of the order passed by Justice Karnan, and the letter endorsed
Respected Sir,
On 9.3.2017 one Mr. Mathew, Advocate, his Cell no.
9820535428, came to my residence voluntarily and insisted on me
to sign an order which was already prepared in my name. In the
said order I was required to give notice to the Hon’ble Judges as
named below:-
the Calcutta High Court to the Supreme Court, alongwith its enclosures.
The enclosures contained the text of a writ petition filed in the name of
Bijoy Krishna Adhikary, and also, the alleged draft order, which Justice
24. Whilst the contempt proceedings were going on, Justice Karnan
conduct, and the proceedings that had been initiated against him, he also
invoking Article 226 of the Constitution of India, read with Section 482 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure), dated 15.3.2017. The text of the above
26. The bailable warrant issued in this case, to procure the personal
Having signed the same in token of being duly served, Shri Justice C.S.
Shri Justice C.S. Karnan also addressed a letter dated 17.3.2017 to the
members of the Bench hearing this case. The text of the same, is
reproduced below:-
During the course of hearing, he also handed over to the Bench, the
Judges. Since the oral submissions made by Shri Justice C.S. Karnan
with the contents of the note extracted above, this Court passed the
It is pertinent to record, that after the above order had been dictated,
28. True to his statement, Shri Justice C.S. Karnan did not enter
appearance on next date of hearing, (on 1.5.2017). But having viewed his
31.3.2017, and having contrasted the same with the written text (- dated
25.3.2017), this Court was prima facie of the view, that he may not be in
A perusal of the above order reveals, that a further direction was issued
by Shri Justice C.S. Karnan, from time to time. By the instant direction,
cognizance of any order passed by Shri Justice C.S. Karnan, after the
administrative work.
29. In our considered view, it is not necessary for us to highlight all the
submissions made by Shri Justice C.S. Karnan to the media, as well as,
the orders passed by him. All these orders were placed in public domain
(by Justice Karnan), well before the same were delivered to this Court.
His interviews with the media, and the orders passed by him were
directed the Air Control Authority, New Delhi, not to allow any of the 7
members of the Bench to travel abroad; and by yet another order dated
7.5.2017, he sentenced all the 7 members of the Bench, and Mrs. Justice
reported by the media in India, as well as, by the foreign media. The BBC
30. The matter was finally taken up for hearing on 9.5.2017. During
Justice Karnan. He informed this Court, that the Board of Doctors had
approached Shri Justice C.S. Karnan, at his residence (along with police
personnel). He also informed the Bench, that Justice Karnan had met
the Board of Doctors, and had spoken to them. Justice Karnan, the
Bench was informed, told the Board of Doctors, that he was in a fit state
are of the view, that psychiatrists on the Board of Doctors, would have
during the above interaction. Had they found anything remiss, they
would have informed this Court accordingly. Since no report has been
defend himself.
31. In the above view of the matter, we would have to rely on the
dispatched to this Court from time to time, as also, during the course of
alternative with us. We had granted liberty to Justice Karnan vide our
order dated 1.5.2017, to furnish his response to the show cause notice (-
before 8.5.2017), with the clear indication, that if he choose not to file any
response, the Court would proceed with the matter by presuming, that he
32. On the merits of the controversy, this Court was assisted by Shri
factual position which had emerged, after this Court issued the show
pointed contention of the learned Attorney General, that Shri Justice C.S.
Karnan had also committed contempt, in the face of this Court, by openly
by passing orders which had neither any legal sanction nor any
reiterated the above position. Shri Rupinder Singh Suri, the President of
the Supreme Court Bar Association, and Shri Ajit Kumar Sinha, its
their submission, that Shri Justice C.S. Karnan was guilty of having
the Madras High Court, while endorsing the views expressed by all the
deferred till such time as Shri Justice C.S. Karnan demits his office as
Judge of the High Court. It was submitted, that Shri Justice C.S.
tarnished, in case Shri Justice C.S. Karnan was punished for contempt of
examined the text of the letters written by Shri Justice C.S. Karnan, from
this Court. We have also carefully analysed the orders passed by Shri
read with Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), even after the
was found to have become further aggressive, after this Court passed
orders from time to time, in this case. The contents of the letters
the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. His public utterances,
turned the judicial system into a laughing stock. The local media,
rode the Karnan wave. Even the foreign media, had its dig at the Indian
by Justice Karnan.
Chief Justices of the High Courts, but mostly against Judges of the
Madras High Court. The list of Judges against whom allegations were
his point of view, and the entire material, in the public domain. During
the course of hearing of the instant contempt petition, his ridicule of the
before. In this process, he even stayed orders passed by this Court. One
of the orders passed by him, restrained the Judges on this Bench, from
otherwise. We have not restricted, the media in any manner, other than,
(Jagdish Singh Khehar)
(Dipak Misra)
(Madan B. Lokur)
(Pinaki Chandra Ghose)
(Kurian Joseph)
New Delhi;
May 9, 2017.
Chelameswar, J.
the Collegium of the Madras High Court i.e. the then Chief
Justice and two senior most judges. After the completion of the
High Court and (4) that the conduct of some of the judges of the
Letter No.I – dated 03.01.2017 & Letter No.II – undated, but sometimes in
February 2017
enquiry. If the contemnor believes and has the material with him
to establish that some of the Judges of the Madras High Court are
of this nation.
defamation, both civil and criminal apart from any other legal
10. But the frequency and gravity with which the contemnor
against whom allegations are made, the image of the Madras High
But that did not deter the contemnor. His activity continued
the Chief Justice of India come to the conclusion that all the
fact that the present contempt proceedings are initiated suo motu
him not on the ground that his activity did not constitute
In one of the earliest legal pronouncements dealing with the subject, Justice
Wilmot in Rex v. Almon (1765) Wilmot’s Notes, 243 explained the philosophy behind the
power to punish for contempt of court. The passage now a classic exposition runs as
“The law of contempt is not made for the protection of judges who may be
sensitive to the winds of public opinion. Judges are supposed to be men of fortitude, able
to thrive in a hardy climate.” [ Douglas, J., Craig v. Harney, 331 US 367, 376 (1947)]
efficacy of the judiciary5, though they do not and should not flow
17. The power to punish for contempt of court has always been
“6. The law of contempt stems from the right of the courts to punish
by imprisonment or fines persons guilty of words or acts which either
obstruct or tend to obstruct the administration of justice. This right is
exercised in India by all courts when contempt is committed in facie
curaie and by the superior courts on their own behalf or on behalf of
courts subordinate to them even if committed outside the courts.
Formerly, it was regarded as inherent in the powers of a Court of
Record and now by the Constitution of India, it is a part of the powers
of the Supreme Court and the High Courts. …”
“The object of the discipline enforced by the Court in case of contempt of Court is
not to vindicate the dignity of the Court or the person of the Judge, but to prevent undue
interference with the administration of justice.” [Bowen, L.J. - Helmore v. Smith, (1887) 35
Ch D 449, 455]
19. This Court on more than one occasion examined the nature
“Para 15. Prior to the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, it was held that
the High Court has inherent power to deal with a contempt of itself
summarily and to adopt its own procedure, provided that it gives a fair
and reasonable opportunity to the contemnor to defend himself. But
the procedure has now been prescribed by Section 15 of the Act in
exercise of the powers conferred by Entry 14, List III of the Seventh
Schedule of the Constitution. Though the contempt jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court and the High Court can be regulated by legislation by
appropriate legislature under Entry 77 of List I and Entry 14 of List III
in exercise of which the Parliament has enacted the Act of 1971, the
“There are many kinds of contempts. The chief forms of contempt are
insult to Judges, attacks upon them, comment on pending
proceedings with a tendency to prejudice fair trial, obstruction to
officers of courts, witnesses or the parties, abusing the process of the
court, breach of duty by officers connected with the court and
scandalising the Judges or the courts. The last form occurs, generally
speaking, when the conduct of a person tends to bring the authority
and administration of the law into disrespect or disregard. In this
conduct are included all acts which bring the court into disrepute or
disrespect or which offend its dignity, affront its majesty or challenge
its authority. Such contempt may be committed in respect of a Single
Judge or a single court but may, in certain circumstances, be
committed in respect of the whole of the judiciary or judicial system.” 6
Judiciary have always been conscious 7 of the fact that the power
warranting its exercise. “The countervailing good, not merely of free speech
but also of greater faith generated by exposure to the actinic light of bona fide, even
“Para 65. Before stating the principles of law bearing on the facets of contempt
of court raised in this case we would like to underscore the need to draw the lines clear
enough to create confidence in the people that this ancient and inherent power,
intended to preserve the faith of the public in public justice, will not be so used as to
provoke public hostility as overtook the Star Chamber. A vague and wandering
jurisdiction with uncertain frontiers, a sensitive and suspect power to punish vested in
the prosecutor, a law which makes it a crime to publish regardless of truth and public
good and permits a process of brevi manu conviction, may unwittingly trench upon civil
liberties and so the special jurisdiction and jurisprudence bearing on contempt power
must be delineated with deliberation and operated with serious circumspection by the
higher judicial echelons. So it is that as the palladium of our freedoms, the Supreme
Court and the High Courts, must vigilantly protect free speech even against judicial
umbrage — a delicate but sacred duty whose discharge demands tolerance and
detachment of a high order.
Para 67. Considerations such as we have silhouetted led to the enactment of the
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, which makes some restrictive departures from the
traditional law and implies some wholesome principles which serve as unspoken
guidelines in this branch of law. …”
16. But when should silence cease to remain an option? Where is the
line to be drawn? A contemptuous action is punishable on the
touchstone of being a wrong to the public as distinguished from the
harm caused to the individual Judge. Public confidence in the judicial
system is indispensable. Its erosion is fatal. Of course, Judges by their
own conduct, action and performance of duties must earn and enjoy
the public confidence and not by the application of the rule of
contempt. Criticism could be of the underlying principle of a judicial
verdict or its rationale or reasoning and even its correctness. Criticism
could be of the conduct of an individual Judge or a group of Judges.
Whichever manner the criticism is made it must be dignified in
language and content because crude expressions or manifestations
are more capable of identification of the alleged wrong with the system
as a whole. Motives, personal interest, bias, pre-disposition etc.
cannot be permitted to be attributed as being responsible for the
judicial verdict, unless, of course, the same can be established as an
existing fact. It is the above category of acts or publications that would
fall within the prohibited degree warranting action in contempt law.”
been made in this country ever since the present legal system was
It can be seen from the above that any act which scandalises or
Section 2 (b) “civil contempt” means willful disobedience to any judgment, decree,
direction, order, writ or other process of a court or willful breach of an undertaking given
to a court.
“Para 34. It will be seen that the terminology used in the definition is borrowed from
the English Law of Contempt and embodies concepts which are familiar to that Law
which, by and large, was applied in India. The expressions “scandalize”, “lowering the
authority of the Court”, “interference”, “obstruction” and “administration of justice”
have all gone into the legal currency of our sub-continent and have to be understood in
the sense in which they have been so far understood by our Courts with the aid of the
English Law, where necessary.” – Shri Baradakanta Mishra’s case – See Footnote 6 supra
One of the consideration which weighed with the Law Commission for recommending
abolition of the offence of criminal contempt is the fact that there are other enactments
such as Public Order Act, 1986 and the Communications Act, 2003 which can sufficiently
take care of the situations where unfounded allegations which would otherwise have
constituted offence of scandilising the court are made.
portion is:
(11) There are several statutory offences covering the more serious
forms of behavior covered by scandalising, and civil defamation
proceedings are available in the case of false accusations of corruption
or misconduct.”
and recommended-
(1974) 1 SCC 374 - Shri Baradakanta Mishra v. The Registrar of Orissa High Court
& Another;
the Members of the Bench dealing with the case and had also
have before us is a Judge who has crossed even the most liberal
this court.
the immediate problem. This case highlights two things, (1) the
judiciary at all levels; and (2) the need to set up appropriate legal
impeachment – to be taken.
27. The conduct of the contemnor ever since his elevation to the
debate by all the concerned – the Bar, the Bench, the State and
28. We are only sad to point out that apart from the
to the system.
President of India.
this issue.
(J Chelameswar)
(Ranjan Gogoi)
New Delhi;
July 4, 2017
SLP(C) No. 14842/2015
(With WITH APPLN. (S) FOR directions and intervention and
and Office Report)
reasons for the same have been recorded in the two separate
constituted by him.
SLP(C) No. 14842/2015
(With WITH APPLN. (S) FOR directions and intervention and
and Office Report)