Water Code of The Philippines Implementing Rules and Regulations
Water Code of The Philippines Implementing Rules and Regulations
Water Code of The Philippines Implementing Rules and Regulations
same was filed, within thirty (30) days of the Council, unless otherwise allowed.
such disapproval, stating the reasons Except in cases of emergency to save
therefor. life or property or repairs in accordance
with plans originally approved, the
The Council shall, moreover, alteration or repair of these structures
furnish periodically all PW Regional shall not be undertaken without the
Directors, PW District Engineers, and NIA approval of the Council.
Regional Directors and Provincial Irrigation c) The right of a permittee to the Amount
Engineers, a list of approved water permits of water allowed in the permit is only to
granted within their respective areas of the portion or extent that he can use
jurisdiction. beneficially for the purpose stated in the
permit. The diversion of the water shall
Section 13. Conditions in Permits. – be from the source and for the purpose
Water Permits issued by the Council shall indicated in the permit and in no case
be subject to such terms, restrictions and should said use exceed the quantity and
limitations as it may deem proper to period indicated therein. In gravity
impose, and to any, or all of the following diversions, regulating gates of the canal
conditions: shall be closed when water is not
a) That within one (1) year from the d) The Council may, after due notice and
receipt of the permit the applicant shall hearing, reduce at anytime the quantity
submit to the Council for approval, the of water or adopt a system of
plans and specifications for the apportionment, distribution, or rotation
diversion works, pump structure, water thereof when the facts are
measuring device, and other required circumstances in any situation would
structures and in addition for private warrant the same in the interest of the
sector projects the implementing public and/or legal appropriations.
schedules of construction. No e) The Council may, after due notice and
construction work or private sector hearing, revoke the permit in favor of
projects shall commence until the plans, projects for greater beneficial use or for
specifications and implementing multi-purpose development, subject to
schedules are duly approved. When the compensation in proper cases.
diversion dam is temporary and less f) The Council shall revoke or suspend the
than two (2) meters high, the permit if the permittee violates
submission of plans for the dam may effluent/water quality standards as
not be required. determined by the National Pollution
b) The construction of the necessary Control Commission.
structures and diversion works shall g) At any time after completion of
begin within ninety (90) days from the diversion works and necessary
date of receipt of the approved plans, structures, non-use of the water for the
specifications and implementing purpose stipulated in the permit for a
schedules and shall be completed within period of three consecutive years, shall
the approved schedule unless extended render said permit null and void, except
by the Council for valid or justifiable as the Council may otherwise allow for
reasons: Provided, that water shall not reasons beyond the control of the
be diverted, pumped or withdrawn until permittee.
after such structures and works shall h) Any person in control of a well shall
have been inspected and approved by prevent the waste of water therefrom
and shall prevent water from flowing conducted by any person deputized by the
onto the surface of the land or into any Council to determine compliance with the
surface water without being beneficially conditions imposed in the permit and such
used, or into any porous stratum other order, rule or regulation the Council
underneath the surface. may issue.
i) Any person in control of a well shall
prevent water containing mineral or Section 17. Certificate of Compliance.
other substances injurious to the health – The Council shall issue a certificate of
of humans or animals or to agriculture compliance to the permittee/grantee after
or vegetation from flowing onto the being satisfied that the construction of the
surface of the land or into any surface necessary structures in connection with the
or into any other aquifer or porous water permit have been duly complied with.
stratum. Such certificate shall bear the signature of
the Executive Director.
Section 14. Periodic and Final
Inspection of Project – The council or its Section 18. Revocation of Permit. –
authorized agents who investigated the Any permit issued pursuant to these rules
application may conduct periodic inspection may be revoked by the Council, after due
while construction, alteration, or repair is in notice and hearing, for any of the grounds
progress as well as final inspection thereof provided herein or in the Code.
to ascertain whether or not the same is in
accordance with approved plans and Section 19. Recurrent Water Shortage.
specifications. – For the purpose of Articles 22 and 26 of
the Water Code, recurrent water shortage
A report of inspection within ten shall mean the natural periodic diminution
(10) days from date thereof shall be of water in a source of supply to a volume
submitted to the Council thru the Public or rate of flow insufficient to meet the water
Work Regional Director. requirements of all legal appropriator
Section 15. Notice and Completed
Structures/Diversion Works. – The permittee Section 20. Basic Diversion
shall inform the Council or its deputy Requirement for Agricultural Use. – Except
concerned, that the necessary structures and when otherwise justified by type of
diversion works required have been irrigation system, soil conditions, kind of
completed in accordance with approved crop, topography and other factors, water
plans and specifications. permits for agricultural use shall be granted
on the basis of one liter per second per
In addition, in cases of hectare of land to be irrigated.
appropriation of ground water the permittee
shall inform the Council as to the depth and Section 21. Construction/Repair of
diameter of the well, the drilling log, the Other Structures. – Apart from the structures
specifications and location of casings, required under Section 13 and except in
cementing, screens and perforations, and cases of emergency to save life or property,
the results of tests of capacity, flow, or repair in accordance with plans
drawdown, and shut-in pressure. previously approved, the construction or
repair of the following structures shall be
Section 16. Inspection of Works. – undertaken only after plans and
Inspection of the premises shall be specification therefor are approved by the
e) When there are unforeseen delays in the shores of seas and lakes shall be reckoned
approval of the application and from the line reached by the highest flood
appropriation of water is necessary which does not cause inundation or the
pending the issuance of a water permit, highest equinoctial tide whichever is higher.
unless the application is protested. Any construction or structure that
encroaches into such easements shall be
Temporary permits shall be granted ordered removed by the Minister of Public
by the Council on a case to case basis Works.
specifying the conditions and period under
which the permit is valid. The Council may Section 28. When Permit/Authority
delegate the issuance of temporary permits from the Minister of Public Works is Required. –
for a period of not exceeding six (6) months A permit/authority shall be secured from
and a quantity of not more than 200 liters the Minister of Public Works in the
per second. following instances:
rivers or streams shall be undertaken within environmental quality and public health,
the approved construction schedule; safety an welfare;
otherwise the permit shall automatically be b) To provide guidelines for local
cancelled unless a longer period is allowed. governments in the formulation of
regulatory ordinances regarding flood
Work for the restoration of a river plain use and occupancy;
or stream to its former bed shall be c) To draft recommend guidelines for
commenced within the two (2) years from flood plain management in a particular
the date of change in the course of the river flood control area in order to achieve
or stream and completed within one (1) year the goals and objectives thereof; and
from start of construction. d) To perform such other functions as the
Minister may direct.
Section 35. Establishment of Flood
Control Areas. - Whenever the Minister Section 37. Storage and Rafting of
deems it necessary to declare flood control Logs. - The Council, through its deputies
areas for the protection of flood plain lands, may prohibit or control the rafting or
he shall publish the same in three (3) storage of logs and other objects on river
newspaper of general circulation setting and lakes when:
forth the purpose of the declaration, the
geographic limits of the declared control a) It causes pollution of water used for
area, and the regulations necessary to domestic municipal purposes; and
achieve the objectives. b) It causes danger to structures such as
those for irrigation power and flood
Section 36. Inter-Agency Flood Plain control.
Management Committee. - The minister shall
form an Inter-agency Flood Plain Section 38. Prohibitions and
Management Committee for each flood Requirements on Water impoundment. - The
plain declared as flood control area, the Council shall, upon recommendation of the
members of which shall include, but not Ministry of Health, prohibit the impounding
limited to, representatives from the of water in ponds or reservoirs when:
a) The water is found to contain excessive
a) Ministry of Public Works pollutants;
b) National Power Corporation; b) It will degrade its quality;
c) Ministry of Local Government; c) Public health is endangered; and
d) National Irrigation Administration; and d) Such other similar situations.
e) National Water Resources Council,
Existing ponds or reservoirs falling
The functions of this Committee under the aforementioned cases shall be
shall be; ordered drained by the Council the reservoir
operation rule curve for approval which
a) To establish close liaison among shall be followed except during periods of
national and local government entities extreme drought and when public interest
and promote the best interest and the so requires, wherein in the Council may
coordinate protection and management change the operation during the period after
of flood plain lands for the mitigation due notice and hearing.
of flood damages viewed in a larger
context to include other aspects such as
The Council shall review well without securing a permit from the
periodically the rule curve for possible Council.
A rule is a diagram showing the For this purpose, only wells with
minimum water level requirement in the casings not exceeding 75 millimeters in for
reservoir at a specific time to meet the the extraction of ground water shall
particular needs for which the reservoir is conform with the following requirements:
a) The well shall be so designed and
Furthermore anyone who operates a constructed that it will seal off
reservoir shall submit to the Council his contaminated water-bearing formations
plan for handling maximum discharge with or which have undesirable
a view to avoiding damage to life and characteristics;
property. b) There shall be no unsealed openings
around the well which may conduct
Section 40. Employment of Engineer surface water or contaminated or
in Dam Operations. - All operators of storage undesirable ground water vertically to
dams exceeding 10 meters, high or overflow the intake portion of the well;
dams exceeding 2 meters high from the c) All parts of a permanent well shall be of
stream bed shall make arrangements for the durable materials;
periodic inspection of said structures and its d) Wells constructed in a sand or gravel
operating equipment by a registered civil aquifer shall be provided with a water-
engineer for the purpose of identifying tight casing to a depth of 1.5 meters or
conditions which may adversely affect the more below the lowest expected
safety of these structures and giving advise pumping level, provided that where the
to the operator on the proper maintenance pumping level is less than ten (10)
and operation thereof. meters from the surface, the casing shall
extend three (3) meters below the
Section 41. Qualification of Well lowest pumping level,
Drillers. - No person shall be permitted to e) Casings of wells constructed in
undertake well drilling work unless he is sandstone aquifers where the over
duly registered with the Council as a well burden consists of unconsolidated
driller. No person shall be registered by the materials shall be grouted to a minimum
Council as a well driller unless he has at depth of ten (10) meters, provided, that
least any of the following qualifications: should there be an additional overlying
formation of creviced or fractured rock,
a) Graduation from high school with three the casing shall be grouted to its full
(3) years experience in will drilling work depth;
unless he is duly registered with the f) Casings of wells constructed in
driller registered with the Council; or limestone, granite or quartzite where the
b) A holder of a bachelor's degree in overburden consist of drift materials
geology or engineering with one (1) year shall be extended to a depth of at least
experience in actual drilling work. fifteen (15) meters, and firmly seated in
rock formation, provided, where the
Section 42. Permit to Drill a Well. - overburden is less than fifteen (15)
Except for domestic use, no person shall meters, the casing shall be extended
drill any well for the extraction of ground three (3) meters into uncreviced rock,
water or make any alteration to any existing
involved. The report shall contain the days from the date of receipt by the Office
following: concerned.
Section 76. Stay of Execution. - The (P500.00) Pesos and/or suspension of the
filing of petition for reconsideration and/or water permit/grant for a period of one
reinvestigation under the preceding section hundred twenty (120) days shall be imposed
or an appeal with the Court of First for the following violations:
Instance under Article 89 of the Code shall
not stay the execution of the decisions, a) unauthorized sale, lease or transfer of
resolution or order of the Council unless a water permits water rights;
bond as provided for in Article 88 shall b) failure to install a regulating and
have been posted. measuring device for the control of the
volume of water appropriated when
Section 77. Light Offenses. - A fine required;
of not more than Two Hundred (P200.00) c) nonpayment of water charges; and
Pesos and/or suspension of the d) violation of or non-compliance with any
permit/grant for a period of not more than order, rule or regulation of the Council.
sixty (60) days shall be imposed for any of
the following violations; Section 79. Grave Offenses. - A fine
of more than Five Hundred (500.00) Pesos
a) illegal taking or diversion of water in an but not exceeding One Thousand (P1,000)
open canal or reservoir; Pesos and/or revocation of the water
b) unauthorized utilization of an existing permit/grant of any other right to the use of
well or ponding or spreading of water water shall be imposed for any of the
for recharging subterranean or ground following violations:
water supplies;
c) appropriation of subterranean or a) drilling of a well without permit or with
ground water for domestic use by an expired permit;
overlying landowner without the b) failure to provide adequate facilities to
registration when required by the prevent or control disease whenever
Council; required in the construction of any
d) failure of the appropriator to keep a work for the storage, diversion,
record of water withdrawal when distribution and utilization of water;
required by the Council or by the rules c) construction of any hydraulic work or
and regulations of other water oriented structure without duly approved plans
agencies such as Water Districts created and specifications;
pursuant to Presidential Decree No. d) failure to comply with any of the terms
198, as amended, provided that such or conditions in a water permit or water
rules and regulations have been rights grant not covered by the
approved by the Council; preceding sections,
e) repair without permission of hydraulic e) non-observance of any standard for the
or structural features as originally beneficial use of water and/or schedule
involving alteration of its hydraulic or of water distribution;
structural features as originally f) use of water for a purpose other than
approved; and that for which a right or permit was
f) such other infractions as the Council granted;
may determine. g) malicious destructions of hydraulic
works or structure valued at not
Section 78. Less Grave Offenses. - A exceeding Five Thousand (P5,000.00)
fine of more than two Hundred (P200.00) Pesos;
Pesos but not exceeding Five Hundred
Alfredo L. Juino