Putting Value Back in Value Based Management
Putting Value Back in Value Based Management
Putting Value Back in Value Based Management
Traditional P&L and balance sheet approaches Value creation: historical metrics Value: forward-looking metrics
Revenues Return ratios DCF1-value
EBITDA1 –ROE1 Discounted EVA1
Net income –ROCE,1 ROIC1 IRR1
Book value –ROA1 CFROI1
ROS1 Economic profit or EVA1
EPS1 (diluted or not)
Relevance for management declining, but still widely used by companies for communication to investors (e.g., EPS)
Economic cost of the capital invested ignored Widely used concepts orientated towards taking into account the economic
cost offorthe
in the business
of company’s value
Growth, long-term performance, and sustainability not takenGrowth, long-term performance, and sustainability not taken into account
into account Explicit consideration of growth and long-term impact of decisions
High correlation to market value of company
Much harder to measure accurately and so can be gamed
epreciation, amortization; ROS = return on sales; EPS = earnings per share; ROE = return on equity; ROCE = return on capital employed; ROIC = return on invested capital; ROA = return on assets; EVA = economic value added; DCF = discoun
result, it was common to find projects in five years as measured by economic profit.
which much of the capital deployed in But because the company delivered its
businesses was wasted. growth by increasing prices, it ultimately
damaged its customer franchise and could
As managers focused on value creation and not sustain its growth rate.
the true economic cost of capital deployed
in the business, VBM proponents Companies that apply VBM at a more
introduced metrics to measure a business’s advanced level move beyond measurement
or program’s value, including return on to help the management team focus on the
invested capital (ROIC), economic profit, levers that can be used to improve the
cash flow return on investment (CFROI), or business. The best programs use value
economic value added (EVA™).1 The trees2 to identify underlying drivers of
advantages of different measures vary operating value. These have long been at
(Exhibit 1), but they all attempt to the core of VBM theory, but we find that
recognize the cost of capital in the they are still conspicuously missing in
benchmarks managers use to gauge the many applications.
value their decisions create.
Savvy VBM practitioners use these trees to
Yet many companies fall into the trap of identify areas of improvement, pushing deep
focusing their measurement too much on into a business’s operating performance and
historical returns, which are easily comparing it with others to create clear
quantified, and too little on more forward- benchmarks. These benchmarks can also be
looking contributors to value: growth and pegged to the performance of peers outside
sustainability. For instance, one consumer the company, or to the performance of
goods company (Exhibit 2) was able to similar internal businesses. One particularly
demonstrate strong economic returns for informative and credible internal benchmark
comes from analyzing the historical
Involve managers early in KPI1 definition process to ensure acceptance and accountability
Fact-based debate and challenge Discussions and decisions are based on factsDiscussions and decisions are based on personal preferences and past actions
Link to ‘real deliverables’ KPI framework leads to clear assignment of accountabilities for targets
work is done separately from the budget and targeting processes
performance. A year after introducing a the meeting shifted away from individual
VBM approach to make reported data successes and failures to a combination of
more transparent, the company had yet to shared lessons and problem solving on
see the improvements it expected. Worse, future risks and opportunities.
nearly everyone in the organization
recognized that official discussions about Next the company introduced a series of
performance were something of a sham. peer meetings among unit leaders without
Some managers misrepresented reports the division heads present. These meetings
of their actual performance in order to aimed to review plans and identify risks
create the appearance of meeting targets; and opportunities in order to set priorities
others built enough slack into future for allocating capital and resources. In the
performance targets to make sure they first year of operating under the new
would easily be met. processes, capital outlays dropped 25
percent and underlying profits, adjusted for
The company’s response: change the review
the usual modulations of the business cycle,
process. What had been a one-on-one
rose by 10 percent.
review involving the division head and unit
leader became a broader discussion
Not ingraining VBM in day-to-day
between the division head and all unit
business processes
leaders together. And rather than simply
Setting targets and committing to meet them
reviewing the data, the meeting focused on
is one thing. It’s another to make sure that
the most important lessons from the
performance targets are acted upon. This
previous reporting period, as well as the
process happens by making certain that
greatest risks and opportunities expected to
specific individuals are accountable and
appear in the coming reporting period.
responsible for making decisions and by
Emphasis at
guaranteeing a link between performance and an individual’s evaluation
process. individuals who fail to meet their targets
more than once. By tying performance
One energy company, for example, evaluation and compensation to individual
implemented a VBM program that seemed objectives, performance can also be aligned
to have all the right parts. But management with the objectives of the VBM program.
then failed to carry it over from a discrete
program in the finance department to A rule of thumb: until a VBM program is
engage the an integral part of how a company
manages, it will always be simply
Until a VBM program is an entire company. “something else to do” and will inevitably
This result was fail as employees continue to perform as
integral part of how a company despite the fact they always have. Finance department
manages, it will always be that the input is essential, for example, but
company’s delegating VBM to the finance department
simply something else to do
finance team as a discrete, isolated program is a surefire
and will inevitably fail. developed a way to snuff its potential.
scorecard covering financial performance,
operating drivers, organizational health,
and customer service. Nearly a year later, Too few VBM programs have fulfilled their
there was no discernible impact. Beyond early promise. But recognizing common
top-level conversations, few of the patterns in programs that have gone awry is
company’s managers used the scorecard a first step in moving VBM closer to its goal
— some didn’t even know what it was. to help line managers deliver better
had had no involvement in the performance for MoF
program’s shareholders.
development, little understanding of
the new scorecard was necessary, and no Richard Benson-Armer (Richard_Benson-
incentive to use it. The few that did use it Armer@McKinsey.com) is a principal in McKinsey’s
found that targets regularly were missed. Toronto office. Richard Dobbs (Richard_Dobbs
@McKinsey.com) is a principal in the London office,
Some companies overcome this pitfall by where PAUL Todd (Paul_Todd@McKinsey.com) is an
using a formal performance contract to associate principal. Copyright © 2004 McKinsey &
explicitly link the key performance Company. All rights reserved.
indicators—such as sales, profit margin,
return on investment, and customer The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable
satisfaction—with roles such as sales contributions of Joe Hughes, Tim Koller, and
manager, business unit manager, finance Carlos Murrieta to the development of this article.
manager, and call-center manager
respectively. This link forces an explicit
conversation to take place about whether 1
EVA is a registered trade mark of Stern, Stewart & Co.,
roles and decision rights are correctly lined New York, and is synonymous with the more generic term,
“economic profit.”
up. Other companies link their people-
Tom Copeland, Tim Koller, and Jack Murrin, Valuation:
evaluation system to hitting targets, with
Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, third
explicit rules about dismissals for edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
Copyright © 2004 McKinsey & Company