Forma 35
Forma 35
Forma 35
(See Rule 61 (1)]
Notice of Teonination of aan Agreement of
Hire PurchaH I uiase 1Hypothecation
,(To be made in duplicate ane the duplicate copy with lhe endorsement 01the Registeering Authority
___ -lo1le rBtume:d to the Fina~ simultaneously on making the entry in the CertifICate_of Rl!gistration)
The Registering Authority
l •••• that the zgreemeot of hire llII.f&haSe !ease hypothecation entered in to between us has been
tenninated. We therefore requested ili3t lfie note endofsed in celtifieateotReg1stration'VehltJe ..
(See Role 61-(1)] ,
Notice.o1 Tennination of san Agreement 01
Hire Purchase I Lease I Hypothecation
(To be made in duplicate ane the duplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registeering Authority
to be returned to the Financier sirm,dtaneously on making the entry in the certificate of Registration)
The Registering Authority.
We hereby declare that the agreement of hire purchase lease hypothecation entered in to between us has been
termi~ted. We therefore requested that the note endorsed in Certificate of Registration Vehicle;
OffICe Endorserr.ant
No. Oate "::-__ office Ofllle ---------
The Cancellation entry of the agrE.,ment of hire purchase {lease { hypothecation as requ~ted on the reveerse
(NBm'" and address of the financier)
. "',
The Cancellation entry of the agreement of hire purchase I lease I hypothecation 8S requested on the reveerse
(Name and address of the financier)