Scopes Projects Nigeria Limited
Scopes Projects Nigeria Limited
Scopes Projects Nigeria Limited
Certification page
Rank/Position …………………………………………………………………………………
Department ………………………………………………………………………………….
College of Science and Engineering
Landmark University,
Kwara State.
Dear Sir,
In compliance with the requisition of the established authority of Landmark University, Omu-
Aran to prepare a detailed report of the Student Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) between
the period of March 2016 and August 2016, I consequently have the pleasure of submitting this
Yours faithfully,
This report is dedicated to God almighty who is the beginning and the end of my existence, the
reason I breathe, but for his grace and mercies I would not be writing this report this day. Also
to my lovely and wonderful parents Eng. and Mrs. Ikogba Sunday for your labor of love and
support through these years, to my brothers, sisters and friends a big thank you for your support
Preceding all others in spatial position, I deem it fit to express my sincere gratitude to the
ALMIGHTY GOD, THE SELF EXISTING ONE, ELOHIM, for sustaining my life up till this
present moment, for sound health, for knowledge and understanding, I cannot thank him
I will also like to acknowledge my parents, Engr. And Mrs. Ikogba S.C for their endless
supports in every areas for their labour of love, my brothers, Martins and Collins, my sisters,
my uncle and his wife, Pharm. And Mrs. Imieje Vincent for taking good care of me throughout
My lecturers would not be left out, God forbid!, I want to acknowledge my lecturers for their
endless effort in trying to bring out the very best in me, for their impact on me, also to the staffs
of SCOPE PROJECTS NIG LTD., may the good lord bless you all.
Finally I must not fail to acknowledge the Christian body here in LCA warri, for their good
will messages, inspiring words and good leadership, special thanks to Rev. AB Ogome and his
This technical report bears witness in details, the experience gained by the industrial trainee
during his six month period of attachment to a consultancy firm at SCOPE PROJECTS LTD,
having succeeded in mental design of a bridge between theory and actual practice in civil
engineering. Learning the applications of structural analysis in actual design of structures from
first principle.
The first chapter tells everything about SIWES, its origin, it’s funding, and the role of
government in SIWES, etc. the preceding chapter gives an oversight of what design is, ranging
from reinforced concrete design structures to the design of steel structures, introduction to
various software’s to aid structural design, the rudiments of detailing structural works, tests
The third chapter talks about the company of primary assignment, company profile, etc.
services rendered and experience gained was nailed down in chapter four also problems
encountered was also discussed here. At the end of it all, in the fifth chapter, conclusions and
recommendations are drawn out by the trainee on his personal opinion about the scheme, its
importance and relevance to the growth of engineering practice in our nation and schools and
suggestions on how it has further helped the trainee in preparing to face the challenges existing
Cover page
CERTIFICATION page............................................................................................................ii
Letter of transmission………………………………………………………………………..iii
Table of content……………………………………………………………………………vii-x
List of tables………………………………………………………………………………….xi
List of figures………………………………………………………………………………...xii
List of plates…………………………………………………………………………………xiii
2.2.1 LOADINGS…………………………………………………………………………...7 SYMBOLS…………………………………………………………………………..9
2.8.2 SCHEDULING………………………………………………………………………...22
3.3 COMPANY’S ORGANOGRAM………………………………………………………..49
CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED…………………………………………………..…50
5.1 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………….……….54
5.2 RECCOMENDATION…………………………………………………………..………55
Plate 2.1 (a) triaxial test equipment (b) soil in failure mode after test................................ 29
Plate 2.2 (a) Connection of steel truss to stanchion (b) cleat welded to steel truss for
connection to purlin................................................................................................................. 36
Plate2.3 (a) installation of roof trusses Using the derrick or hoist (b) installation of zed purlin
Plate 2.4 (a) zed purlins (b) bolt holes for connection of purlin to truss via the cleat ........ 38
Plate 2.6 (a) error 1(b) how the error was corrected (c) corrected ....................................... 53
The student work experience scheme (SIWES) is a skills training program designed to expose
and colleges of education for the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after
graduation and most importantly to bridge the gap existing between theory and practice of
engineering and technology, science, agriculture and other professional educational programs
in Nigeria tertiary institutions, hence SIWES is a course of study designed to enhance students
relevant productive skills and employability after labor and therefore is a major requirement
SIWES was established by ITF in the year 1973 to serve the problem of lack of adequate
graduates. The scheme educates students on industrial based skills essential for a smooth
transition from classroom to the world of work. SIWES training has become a crucial pre-
condition for the award of diploma and degree certificates in specific disciplines in most
institutions of higher learning in Nigeria in line with the government educational policy. The
SIWES brings about a hand-on-the job training in the industries. It creates a sort of link
1. To provide an avenue for students in industries of higher learning to acquire industrial
2. To prepare students for the work situations they are to meet after graduation.
4. To make transition from school to world of work easier and enhance students contact
thereby bridging the gap between college work and actual practice.
6. To enlist and strengthen employers involvement in the entire educational process for
SIWES is not only a necessity in my course of study but mandatory, this is because my course
of study as it were, is a field that requires not only a solid theoretical background but also a
very good practical knowledge on the job, therefore SIWES creates an avenue for this practical
knowledge to be acquired. SIWES makes the theoretical knowledge previously gained more
What will be the use of constructing without knowing how the structural elements are designed
and how they behave? What is the use of learning structural analysis when you do not have an
consultancy firm) to learn from first principle how these theories are applied in practice, how
to design and detail, not only how to design but produce a workable and economic structure.
The Working, Allowable or Permissible stress method is an elastic design method. In this
design method, members are designed to never go beyond their elastic range. The primary
benefit of this benefit is that the same loads used for checking flexural, shear, torsional and
axial design can also be used for serviceability checks, ie. The loads are not amplified. This
reduces book keeping efforts and removes one potential source of error introduction. In
In structural design, design constraints are frequently referred to as LIMIT STATES. Limit
States are conditions of potential failure Limit State (LS) or Load Resistance Factor (LRFD)
design uses the ultimate strength of a member, beyond initial yielding, to determine the
allowable strength. The primary benefit of the limit state design method is that it is generally
produces more economical designs than Working Stress Methods, and it provides a more
consistent safety factor across all elements. LRFD allows for more control and understanding
Strength based limit state are potential modes of failure. For steel members, the failure may be
either yielding (permanent deformation) or rupture (actual fracture). The required strength is
the internal force that you derive from your analysis of the structure being designed
A limit state beyond which the structure becomes unsafe for use.
Concrete is a composite inert material comprising of a binder course (e.g cement), mineral filler
(body) or aggregates and water. Aggregates on the other hand are two categories of fine (sand)
and coarse (gravel or crushed stones) aggregates. The aggregates are usually graded from fine
sand to stones of say 20mm in diameter depending on the job to be executed. There are two
types of concrete viz. (i) dense concrete and (ii) light weight concrete
Light weight concrete can be defined as those weighing less than 1920kg/m3 while dense
concrete is the most common form of concrete for reinforced work having an average density
of 2400kg/m3.
concrete and steel (or tendons in pre-stressed concrete) it has been observed from time past that
concrete is good in compression having a considerable crushing strength and good fire
resistance on the other hand steel is good in tension, shear and also compression. This
reinforced concrete can be used in the construction of structural members like beams, columns,
slabs, retaining walls, piles, etc. when a beam is idealized and constructed as simply supported
and then loaded it bends (hence it’s a flexural member) and the bottom is subjected to tension
and the top compression but this is not so for a cantilever beam, here the tension is at the top
and compression is at the bottom, this is why in a cantilever, the main reinforcement is provided
at the top to take care of the tension there. In engineering we design for safety, economy and
A building supported on load bearing walls is limited to two suspended floors in addition to
this condition the soil bearing capacity should be greater than 100kN/m 2 else the building
should be framed, the implication of load bearing walls is that a building can stand without
On the other hand a framed building is a building that consists of slab carried by a beam (a
structural element that primarily resist bending and it runs horizontally in a structure) which in
turn is supported by a column. This is where structural engineering comes into play, how the
various component elements of a building act together to form a supportive structure and
transmit forces down to the foundation, the main concern of a structural engineer is the
A major question young university engineers ask is how can I identify these structural
elements in a given architectural plan and carry out the design? For the purpose of description
1. Prepare a G.A drawing (general arrangement drawing)- in this stage the architectural
drawing is gridded and a positioning of the structural elements by inspection is carried out.
2. Structural planning stage: a structural scheme is devised to suit both the purpose of the
3. Structural analysis stage: when the loads are determined and their dispersal through the
4. Structural elements design stage: when the size needed for each member is calculated in
5. Structural detailing stage: when detail drawings are produced to illustrate how the structure
6. Structural specification stage: when the specification clauses are compiled to ensure that
the standard of materials and workmanship to be employed in the works comply with the
In determining the size of the individual elements it is necessary to carry out calculations, but
these, once understood, follow a logical sequence. To assist us in arriving at a logical sequence
we first need a set of guidelines. These may be found in relevant British Standards or codes of
practice which advise on how the materials we use, that is timber, concrete, masonry and steel,
behave in the form of building elements such as beams, columns, slabs and walls. These
standards play an important role in the provision of structural designs which are both safe and
economic and which comply with the building regulations and other statutory requirements. In
relation to their application in structural design the various standards and codes may be broadly
c.) Those relating to the actual design of structural elements in a specific material.
BS 6399 part 1 1984 loading for buildings-code of practical for dead and imposed loads
Table 2.1 standards relating to the design of structural elements
BS 5950 part 1 2000 structural use of steelwork in building- code of practice for
BS 8110 part 1 1985 structural use of concrete- code of practice for design and
It should be noted that there are two main theories used in analyzing structural members,
There are three conditions of loading for which a structural member may have to be designed:
dead loading, imposed loading and when so exposed, wind loading in some cases seismic
Design calculations:
The engineer needs to determine the following before embarking on the design calculations.
a. The concrete grade to be employed. For domestic buildings in the country it is advisable
b. The type of steel to be used. For domestic buildings, mild steel round bars may be
sufficient with steel stresses, not exceeding 250N/mm2. Whereas, however, such domestic
clients can guarantee the supply of high yield high tensile bars, such can be used with
stresses (in this country) limited to 410 N/mm2. Where massive reinforcements are expected
it may be more economical to use high tensile bars. Tensile strength above 410 N/mm2
should be used if only it can be justified by testing each various sizes of reinforcements
A design carried out for a client Mr. Jacob Ogbodu will be used to throw more light to
Note: the column, beam and foundation GA would be carried out using the ground floor
plan this is because the total load from the roof and the first floor is transferred to the ground
floor plan, hence the ground floor structural elements carries all loads.
(1) BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. BS 8110 is divided into the following three parts:
Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction. Part 2: Code of practice for special
circumstances. Part 3: Design charts for singly reinforced beams, doubly reinforced beams
3. BS 6399: Design loadings for buildings, Part 1:Code of practice for dead and imposed
loads; Part2: Code of practice for wind loads; Part 3: Code of practice for imposed roof
The following data and equations are derived empirically, from the BS code(8110) they are
as follow:
1. fcu = 25N/mm2
2. fy = 410N/mm2
3. unit weight of concrete= 24kN/m2 , concrete cover = 25mm, fire resistance ( 1hr)
4. loading @ ULS W= 1.4Gk + 1.6Qk, where Gk= dead load, Qk= live load
5. M= wl2/8.(moment due to W)
7. La = 0.5+√0.25 − 0.9 , where la is the lever arm
8. Z= la d
Checks carried out include: a) deflection (b) shear (c) local bond SYMBOLS.
These have largely been taken from BS 8110. Note that in one or two cases the same symbol
is differently defined. Where this occurs the reader should use the definition most appropriate
Geometric properties:
b width of section
z lever arm
b effective span
Fk characteristic load
gk, Gk characteristic dead load, qk, Qk characteristic imposed load, wk, Wk characteristic wind
K′ coefficient given by Mu/fcubd 2 = 0.156 when redistribution does not exceed 10 per cent
Mu design ultimate moment of resistance
b width of column
h depth of column
le effective height
There are various types of slabs namely; (a)solid slabs (b) flat slabs (c)waffle slabs, etc. a
slab also may be classified based on the shape, such as, circular, rectangular, hexagonal,
etc. a slab can be analyzed as either simple supported or continuous, BS 8110-1:1997 gave
the step involved in this design, a slab is simply supported when there is no continuity at
all corners, hence no hogging moment at the corners, the opposite is the case for continuous
slabs, a slab can be simply supported on one edge and continuous on the other sides
whichever is the case. If two way see table 3.14 of BS 8110-1:1997. If slab is a cantilever
reinforcements are provided at the top not bottom, because tension in a cantilever is
developed at the top not bottom. A slab can either be supported on a wall (load bearing), a
beam or column (a flat slab), these are some facts we need to know about the slab.
For the sake of this design a duplex previously designed for Mr Jacob would be used,
Note: only panel 1(two way slab) and panel two (one way slab) would be designed.
Slab loading.
Finishes = 1.2kN/m2
Therefore Gk = 6.0kN/m2
BS 8110- Ly/lx = 1
short span
La=0.959 Provide
0.13%bh=227.5mm2. As = 377mm2
Continuous edge (hogging moment). Provide
long span
K=0.03, la= 0.95, As = 302.17mm /m
Table 3.15
Continuous edge discontinuous
Βvx = 0.4 0.26
19, 20.
Βvy= 0.4 0.26
Table 3.11 100𝐴𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑏𝑑 = 100×377/(1000×149)= 0.253
Vc= 0.51
Table 3.8
Vc > V, therefore no shear reinforcement
No shear rf. Needed
Table 3.10 fs = 58 𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝐴𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
= 205.27Nmm-2
Mf = 1.922
< 26 × 1.922
Slabs in general transfers load to the beam, a load bearing wall can also be used to receive load
from the slab. Beams carry lateral loads in roofs, floors etc. and resist the loading in bending,
shear and bond. Concrete is strong in compression but weak and unreliable in tension.
Reinforcement is required to resist tension due to moment. Initially the concrete in the
uncracked section will resist tension, but it soon cracks. The behaviour of the cracked section
(1) Preliminary sizing -The size of beam required depends on the moment and shear
that the beam carries. The reinforcement provided must be within the limits set out in BS8110:
(2) Estimation of loads – both the load due to self-weight and the life loads (BS 6399) are
(3) Analysis
(5) Curtailment and end anchorage – General and simplified rules for curtailment of bars
(7) Check deflection- Deflection is checked using the rules from BS8110: Part 1, section
With respect to the ultimate moment of resistance of the section a beam can either be singly
supported or continous.
*Due to page limit constraint, the detailed and in depth design of beams wont be considered
in this text.*
Columns are structural members in buildings carrying roof and floor loads to the foundations.
Columns are primarily compression members although they may also have to resist bending
moments transmitted by beams. An essential step in the design of a column is to determine
whether the proposed dimensions and frame arrangement will make it a short or a slender
column. If the column is slender additional moments due to deflection must be added to the
moments from the primary analysis. In general columns in buildings are ‘short’.
Clause of the code defines short and slender columns as follows:
1. For a braced structure, the column is considered as short if both the slenderness ratios lex/h
and ley/b are less than 15. If either ratio is greater than 15 the column is considered as slender.
2. For an unbraced structure, the column is considered as short if both the slenderness ratios
lex/h and ley/b are less than 10. If either ratio is greater than 10 the column is considered as
Foundations are required primarily to carry the dead and imposed loads due to the structure’s
floors, beams, walls, columns, etc. and transmit and distribute the loads safely to the ground.
The purpose of distributing the load is to avoid the safe bearing capacity of the soil being
Foundation failure can produce catastrophic effects on the overall stability of a structure so that
it may slide or even overturn. Such failures are likely to have tremendous financial and safety
implications. It is essential, therefore, that much attention is paid to the design of this element
of a structure.
There are many types of foundations which are commonly used, namely strip, pad and raft. All
other types of foundations are variations of these as mentioned above. The foundation may bear
1. The soil properties and conditions
The choice is usually made from experience but comparative designs are often necessary to
determine the most economical type to be used. The size of a foundation bearing directly on
the ground depends on the safe bearing pressure of the soil, which is taken to mean the bearing
pressure that can be imposed without causing excessive settlement. Values for various soil
types and conditions are given in BS8004: Code of practice for foundations. In general, site
load tests and laboratory tests on soil samples should be carried out to determine soil properties
In the design of foundations, the areas of the bases in contact with the ground should be such
that the bearing pressures will not be exceeded. Settlement takes place during the working life
of the structure, “therefore the design loading to be considered when calculating the base
areas should be those that apply to the serviceability limit state and the bearing pressure for
Plate 2.0 (a) placement of ground beam reinforcement (b) ground beam already casted
Wind load on buildings is estimated in accordance with CP3: Chapter V: Part 2. The following
2. The design wind speed Vs is VS1S2S3 where S1 is a topography factor normally taken as 1,
S2 depends on ground roughness, building size and height above the ground and S3 is a
Suburbs of a city. The building size is in three classes, these classes are explained in the code
The height may refer to the total height of the building or the height of the part under
consideration. In a multi-storey building the wind load increases with height and the factor S2
2 N/m2 is the pressure on a surface normal to the wind and is modified by the dimensions of
4. Pressure coefficients are given for individual surfaces. External pressure coefficients Cpe
that depend on dimensions and roof angles are estimated for external surfaces. Depending on
whether openings occur on the windward or leeward sides, internal pressure or suction exists
inside the building. Tables and guidance are given in the code for evaluating external and
F=(Cpe−Cpi)qA where A is the area of the surface and Cpe and Cpi are added algebraically.
6. Force coefficients Cf are given to find the wind load on the building as a whole.
Cf is the force coefficient and Ae is the effective frontal area of the building. The use of force
used for multi-storey buildings. Wind loads should be calculated for lateral and longitudinal
directions to obtain loads on frames or shear walls to provide stability in each direction. In
The basic wind speed can be derived from an ISOPLETH for basic wind speed for wind loading
calculations in Nigeria in other words, a map of Nigeria showing the basic wind speed. A
structure above 2m can be loaded for wind as BS 6399-2:1997 specifies, but for heights of 5m
below most at times have insignificant wind force hence they are ignored, as wind pressure
The notional system of wind loading can be used in this case, where a certain percentage of the
dead and imposed load acting on the structure is used to load the structure laterally for wind.
They include:
(1) Shape factor (2) topography (3) exposure (4) ground roughness, etc.
Wind loading can be obtained by two methods as given in BS 6399 -2: 1997 namely; (1) the
information from the design engineer to the detailer and then the site or construction engineer.
Detailing and scheduling goes hand in hand and can both be done by the design engineer or the
detailer. Detailing can only really begin in earnest once the final design is available. The design
requirements are normally given to the detailer in the form of design calculations, marked up
GA drawings, beam schedules or completed pro forma or similar. It is important that detailing
is carried out with responsibilities and adequate timescales clearly defined. Issues such as site
constraints, relevant standards, laps, covers, concrete grades, holes, detailing preferences, etc
There are two types of detailing namely; (a) the designers detailing and (b) the contractors
detailing. The following includes the typical information required for detailing
• General Arrangement (GA) drawings: they must be fully dimensioned, with sufficient
sections and details, and should show or reference all necessary service holes, provisions for
Example: 20 T 2501,
This means the number of bars are 20 in number, the bar type is “T”, the bar diameter is 25mm,
bar mark number is 01, in some cases you can have “20T25 01 @ 300c/c, here 300c/c represents
BT – bottom top
For example, in a cantilever the mains bars should be placed at the top since tension is
developed at the top of a cantilever, fixity at a column beam junction can be provided by U-
bars or by L bars.
NOTE: *relevant codes of practice should be consulted to see the requirement for anchorages,
*detailing should not be toiled with as poor detailing might lead to the failure of the structure.
It is a list of reinforcement types, dimensions, quantities and bar mark numbers, cross-referring
No detailing no scheduling, they go together, reference codes for scheduling are as follows;
BS 8666, BS 4466:1989, BS 4066:1999, etc. The system for scheduling bars comprises;
4. Chemical attack
5. External physical and/or mechanical factors including alterations made to the structure
land. Typical examples of this include road and railway embankments, reservoirs and ramps.
A common solution to this problem is to build a natural slope between the two levels. However,
this is not always possible because slopes are very demanding of space. An alternative solution
which allows an immediate change in ground levels to be effected is to build a vertical wall
which is capable of resisting the pressure of the retained material. These structures are
commonly referred to as retaining walls. Retaining walls are important elements in many
building and civil engineering projects and the purpose of the following sections is to briefly
describe the various types of retaining walls available and outline the design procedure
Whatever the type of retaining wall, all retaining walls have to withstand lateral pressures either
from earth or any other material on their faces. The pressures acting on the walls try to move
the walls from their position. The walls should be designed so as to keep them stable in their
position. Generally, retaining walls can be divided into two major categories; which are:
1. Gravity retaining walls: they resist movement because of their heavy sections. They are
built of mass concrete or stone or brick masonry. No reinforcement is required in these walls.
2. Semi gravity retaining walls: they are not as heavy as gravity walls. A small amount of
3. Cantilever retaining walls: the stems of cantilever walls are thinner in section. The base
slab is the cantilever portion. These walls are made of reinforced concrete.
4. Counterfort retaining walls: they are similar to cantilever walls except that the stem of the
walls span horizontally between vertical brackets known as counterforts. The counterforts
5. Buttressed retaining walls: they are similar to counterfort walls except the brackets or
In all these cases, the backfill tries to move the wall from its position. The movement of the
wall is partly resisted by the wall itself and partly by the soil in front of the wall.
Mechanically stabilized retaining walls have their backfills stabilized by inclusion of
reinforcing elements such as metal strips, bars, welded wire mats, geotextiles, and geogrids.
These walls are relatively flexible and can sustain large horizontal and vertical displacement
without much damage. A cantilever wall was design for a building at Osubi part of Warri Delta
Generally, the design process involves ensuring that the wall will not fail either due to
foundation failure or structural failure of the stem or base. Specifically, the design procedure
As in the case of slabs, the design of retaining walls is usually based on a 1 m width of section.
When designing a retaining wall, there are two major factors that are designed against in
retaining walls. They are overturning and sliding. Another factor to watch out for is the bearing
capacity of the soil at the base of the retaining wall. Fountain failure of the wall may arise due
to (a) sliding or (b) rotation. Sliding failure will occur if the active pressure force (FA) exceeds
the passive pressure force (FP) plus the friction force (FF) arising at the base/ground interface
(a)) where
FA = 0.5pah1
FP = 0.5pph2
FF = μWt
The factor of safety against this type of failure occurring is normally taken to be at least 1.5:
Ff +Fp/ Fa ≥ 1.5
This retaining wall was designed to hold a masonry wall (fence) which has collapsed thrice due
The passive earth pressure as well as the friction force between soil and retaining wall base
will be considered.
Kp =0.35 =2.86 = coefficient of passive pressure
Note ; Ɣ= Ɣdry –Ɣwater, this is the submerged unit weight since the soil is covered with water.
Total resisting force = passive pressure + friction force. =10.5 + 7.448 = 17.96kN
= (4.8×1.2)/3 = 1.92kNm.
= 8.232×0.4 + 4.8×0.5 +9.5×0.75 =12.82kNm.
Factor of safety against overturning = =6.7 >2, there will be no overturning, ok!
= + 8.232 (0.1) – 9.5 (0.25) = 0.37kNm.
N = 18.62kN
𝑀 0.37
= = 0.016 < D/6 , therefore maximum ground pressure occurs at the toe
𝑁 22.532
𝑁 6𝑀 22.532 6×0.37
Ptoe= + = + = 24.752kN/m2 < allowable
𝐷 𝐷2 1 12
22.532 6×0.37
Pheel = ̶ =20.311kN/m2
1 12
Fs = 0.5 ×ka ×Ɣ × ℎ2
M= = 1.55kNm.
K = 0.0023, la = 0.95, As =27.558mm2/m run , As min =0.13% = 260mm2 provide T12 @300c/c
Figure 2.1 retaining wall
P3 = 21.294 + [ ] ×0.5
= 29.818kN/m2
D=164mm, k =0.0017. La = 0.95, As = 20.411mm2/m, provide Y12 @ 300 c/c (377mm2) top
36.638×0.22 0.22 ×4.32
Design moment at point B, MB = - = 1kNm
2 2×0.9
The tri-axial test is the most common method used in soil mechanic laboratories for finding the
shear strength of a soil. The soil specimen is extruded from a 38mm diameter cutting tube,
capped top and bottom, and covered with a rubber membrane to prevent loss of moisture. The
prepared sample is placed in position and the transparent cylinder filled with water. A measured
pressure head is applied to the water, and the soil sample is then in similar conditions to the
site conditions, where this lateral pressure would be due to the surrounding soil. This lateral
A vertical load is now applied to the sample at a constant rate of strain until the sample fails.
This vertical applied pressure at failure, the deviator stress, may be measured on a proving ring,
and when added to the cell pressure gives the maximum principal stress. The tri-axial test may
be carried out under different conditions of drainage, and the type of test will depend upon the
site conditions and type of test will depend upon the site conditions and type of engineering
works being undertaken. An undrained test does not allow for drainage of the sample during
the test. Since drainage is not required, not only need there be no provision for the water in the
sample to drain but it is also unnecessary to allow time for drainage to occur. This test may
therefore be carried out very speedily and is sometimes referred to as the “quick test”. The
undrained test is a total stress analysis and is used where short term values of shear strength
are required such as for temporary excavations. It is also the standard test for bearing capacity
of foundations which is a “short term” case, since after initial loading the soil will consolidate
and gain in shear strength ( settlement is normally the main problem with foundations no the
bearing capacity).
Plate 2.1 (a) triaxial test equipment (b) soil in failure mode after test.
2) Calculate the axial strain, e (expressed as a decimal), for a given applied axial load, as
follows: e =DH/Ho
initial height of test specimen minus any change in length prior to loading.
3) Calculate the average cross-sectional area, A, for a given applied axial load as follows:
A = Ao/1-e
δ1 – δ3, for a given applied axial load as follows:
δ1 – δ3= P/A
P = measured applied axial load (corrected for uplift and piston friction, if required
difference (deviator stress) and axial strain, plotting deviator stress as ordinate and axial
strain (in percent) as abscissa. Select the compressive strength and axial strain at failure
equation shall be used to correct the principal stress difference or deviator stress for the
effect of the rubber membrane if the error in principal stress difference due to the
∆ (δ1 – δ3) = correction to be subtracted from the measured principal stress difference,
e1 = axial strain.
The Young’s modulus of the membrane material may be determined by hanging a 10.0-mm
wide strip of membrane over a thin rod, placing another rod along the bottom of the hanging
membrane, and measuring the force per unit strain obtained by stretching the membrane. The
modulus value may be computed using the following equation assuming units are consistent:
Em= FL/Am∆L
Am = twice the initial thickness of the membrane multiplied by the width of the membrane strip,
∆L = change in length of the membrane due to application of F. A typical value of Em for latex
7) Calculate the major and minor principal total stresses at failure as follows:
δ1 = major principal total stress deviator stress at failure plus chamber pressure.
8) Calculate the initial degree of saturation of the test specimen using the initial mass and
σ3 [kgf} kN 𝑨𝒐
(𝟏−𝑬) pressure [kPa]
[kPa] [kPa] σ1
C = 26.4 kN/m2
Ø = 14o where c = cohesion( equivalent to the intercept of the graph) and Ø =angle of internal friction.
These test results help us to know the shear strength of a cohesive soil which is useful in
Nc’= 9.31, Nq’= 2.55, NƔ’= 0.48, for a foundation depth of 1.5m and width, B=1m.
=282.97 kN/m2
Allowable bearing capacity using a factor of safety of 3 qall= qu/3 = 94.32 kN/m2
= 256.795kN/m2
𝑞𝑢−𝑞 256.795
qall(net) = = = 85.598 kN/m2.
𝐹𝑆 3
Note: there is a difference in the bearing capacity of the soil if the simplified Terzaghi’s
equation is used, the modified gives a more critical value of soil capacity.
Accurate detailing has an important role in the procurement and durability of reinforced
concrete structures. Design can be done by the best designers of professionals, without a good
detailing the whole design is useless. Detailing is a key man in the structural engineering
communication process, it conveys useful information from the design engineers to the site
engineers. Thus, very often it becomes a critical process in the construction programme.
Detailing can only really begin in earnest once the final design is available. The design
requirements are normally given to the detailer in the form of design calculations, marked up
Software’s used include; (a) Orion (b) AutoCAD (c) Autodesk robot (d) Scale
Past Engineers have spent large amounts of resources calculating these loads and forces acting
on a structure, but today the process is simplified through computational analysis using
tools to model and analyse buildings as well as other large and complex structures. With
software’s you can ensure that the design is structurally sound during the design stage before
the structure has been built. Throughout the design process you can predict the effect of applied
loads and adjust the design to correct any problems. With the analysis result you can verify and
adjust structural elements according to the local codes and regulations, this design process
allows you to guarantee the safety and cost-optimization of the structure. After multiple
iterations, you will have a series of highly documented reports that demonstrate the strength,
stiffness, stability and the overall quality of the structure upon completion you will have a
building that will withstand wind, seismic events and of course millions of footsteps daily.
Therefore, with structural design software’s, structural engineers can continue to pursue
grandiose structures with the confidence that their buildings will live up to heavy loads and
high expectations
The loads acting on the truss are as follows: roofing sheet (asbestos), purlin (zed), self-weight
of truss members (i.e tension and compression members), and wind load.
The main difference between a plane truss and a plane frame is that, a plane truss is not
designed to carry moment but a plane frame is designed to carry moment, this means than the
stanchions connected to the trusses must not have a fixed joint to the truss for the plane truss,
for a plane frame the reverse is the case. Also a plane truss will have a smaller section than a
The trusses can be installed using different instruments viz; the derrick or hoist, cranes (mobile
There are two principal methods for connecting together steel elements of structure, and the
1. Bolting, using ordinary or high strength friction grip (HSFG) bolts, is the principal method
Bolts are of different grades depending on the magnitude of forces being transmitted, they
range from grade 4.6, 8.8 and 10.9, these figures has different meanings, for grade 4.6, 4
represents the ultimate strength of the material i.e 40 𝑘𝑔𝑓⁄𝑚𝑚2 0r 400N/mm2 while 6
Plate 2.2 (a) Connection of steel truss to stanchion (b) cleat welded to steel truss for connection
to purlin.
Plate 2.3 (a) installation of roof trusses (b) installation of zed purlin and purlin acting as bracing
When designing purlins, the loads acting on it include, roof load, in some cases snow, purlin
self-weight, then additional allowance for hanging. To design the purlin you need the
manufacturer’s catalogue. In practice, the designer will invariably design the purlins for the
uniform load case, thereby arriving at a specific section depth and gauge. In the areas subject
to drift, the designer will maintain that section and gauge by reducing the purlin spacing local
to the greater loading in the area of maximum drift. (In some instances, however, it may be
possible to maintain purlin depth but increase purlin gauge in the area of the drift. An increase
in purlin gauge implies a stronger purlin, which in turn implies that the spacing of the purlins
Plate 2.4 (a) zed purlins (b) bolt holes for connection of purlin to truss via the cleat
Stanchion is a just another name for a steel column, it is a compression member and in rare
cases subjected to tension. It is designed to carry pure axial load (compression) as well as
moment. When the truss and column are analysed together we have a plane frame, but when
the truss is analysed separate from the column, that is called a plane truss, the difference is
stated above.
Plate 2.5 erection of stanchions.
The stanchions above were designed for a pig farm at ughoton area of warri, Delta state.
The major difference is that a strut is designed to carry pure compression while a column is
designed to carry both compression and moment (bending). But under axial load, strut and
column differ depending on whether they are stocky or slender, a stocky strut will fail by
crushing or squashing of the material, where the squash load is given by Ps = PyAg, while
Pc can be seen in table 24 BS 5950-1: 2000, for the steel to be adequate its compression
resistance must be equal or greater than the ultimate axial load, i.e. Pc ≥ F
The resistance of a member to overall buckling depends on the slenderness [ƛ]. The slenderness
is given by:
(1) For non-slender cross sections [class 1, 2 or 3] ƛ=
𝐿𝐸 𝐴𝑒𝑓𝑓 0.5
(2) For class 4 slender cross sections, ƛ= [ ]×[ ]
𝑟 𝐴𝑔
Maximum slenderness of steel columns carrying dead and imposed loads is limited to 180, if
(3) Determine the gross cross sectional area and radius of gyration( table 11 and 12)
(4) For class four slender sections calculate the effective area
(7) Select appropriate strut curve according to section shape and axis of buckling(table 23)
(8) Obtain the compressive strength from the strut table using the design strength and
(9) Calculate the compressive resistance Pc, if Pc < F, adopt a new section
(6) For axially loaded members calculate the tension capacity using the effective area
In the preparation of BEME (Bill of Engineering measurement and evaluation) you might have
seen some outrageous rate for concrete works, you might have wondered how this price came
to be, and it’s just quiet easy. For you to determine this price you must carry out a market
survey to know the price of each constituent of concrete (i.e. cement, sand, granite, etc.), of
course cement in Benue state would not cost the same as cement in Delta state, hence the unit
price of concrete varies from place to place. Also, most importantly your concrete mix ratio
must be known, don’t forget we are dealing with unit price of concrete, which is the price for
1M3 of concrete.
Market survey;
7 m3 = N114, 000
1 m3 of concrete is therefore = 114, 000÷7 =N 16, 285.71≈ 16,300.
This definitely cannot be the exact price due to the fact that there would be losses, and also
labour force, hence provision has to be made for that and others.
Allow for losses / waste 5% = N1, 060, note; the 5% is of (4,890 + 16,300).
Off because it involves reading or scaling (taking off) dimensions from a drawing and entering
this information in a standard manner on purpose ruled paper called dimension paper or take
off paper.
Table 2.4
Columns A – are the timesing columns; these columns are used to enter multipliers when there
Columns B – are the dimension columns; where the dimensions of the item being measured
are recorded.
Columns C – are the squaring columns; these columns are used to calculate the quantities
which are produced by multiplying the timesing factor in column A by the dimensions in
column B. The results are then totalled to derive the final quantity of work.
Columns D – are the description columns; these wider columns are used for descriptive content
such as location references and explanatory notes called annotations. Preliminary calculations,
called waste calculations may also be carried out in these columns. In the UK these columns
contain the written description, often abbreviated, of the item being measured.
The double lined column on the extreme left of the sheet is a binding margin and it is not used
in the taking off process. The division of the dimension paper into two halves permits a number
Note; 1) deductions are necessary where there are voids or openings, letters Ddt in the squaring
Also, all quantities are transferred to the bill of quantity (BEME), hence without taking off no
When carrying out take off for a building, the quantities are generated from the drawings
(2) Substructure (consist of the pile cap and the pier)
(3) Superstructure (consist of the cross beam/bent, the bridge deck, etc.)
(1) Preliminary estimates of the project costs at the different stages of the project.
(3) Estimating the work done for issuing the contractor payments.
The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is defined as a list of brief descriptions and estimated quantities.
The quantities are defined as estimated because they are subject to admeasurement and are not
expected to be totally accurate due to the unknown factor which occur in civil engineering
work. The objective of preparing the Bill of Quantities is to assist estimators to produce an
accurate tender efficiently and to assist the post contract administration to be carried out in an
efficient and cost-effective manner. It should be noted that the quality of the drawings plays a
major part in achieving theses aims by enabling the taker-off to produce an accurate bill and
also by allowing the estimator to make sound engineering judgments on methods of working.
Septic tanks are small, rectangular chambers (cylindrical in some cases), usually sited just
below the ground level, in which sewage is retained for 1- 3d. During this period the solids
settle to the bottom of the tank where they are digested anaerobically. A thick crust of scum is
formed at the surface and this helps to maintain anaerobic conditions. Although digestion of
the settled solids is reasonably good some sludge accumulates and the septic tank must be
desludged at regular intervals, usually once every 1-5 years. In the old days, sullage is
A two compartment septic tank is now generally preferred to one with only a single
compartment as the suspended solids concentration in its effluent is considerably lower. The
first compartment is usually twice that of the second. Two third of the tank volume is normally
reserved for the storage of accumulated sludge and scum, so that the size of the septic tank
should be based on 3d retention at start up; this ensures that there is at least 1d retention period
The tank should be emptied when it is approximately one third full of sludge. The desludging
(𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒,𝑚3 )
(𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑦𝑟)×(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛)
2.16.1 Drainage trench and soakaway design (DIGEST 365)
Both are a function of the discharge and the rate of infiltration, a soakaway can be designed to
dispose of storm water and also domestic water, which of storm water would not be discussed
here due to page limit constraint, but for the other the infiltration area is given by
𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 ( )
𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 ( d)
Remembering that the trench has two sides, the total trench length is given by
(𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎)/2
𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ
Scope projects/Matoy Limited are associate companies and have been in existence for more
than 15 years. Scope projects/Matoy Limited are located in the same building. The companies
established their office building in the year 1992. The companies have a staff strength of up to
25 individuals. Scope projects deals majorly with architectural practice while Matoy Limited
deals with civil and structural practice. The companies have chains of engineers and architects.
The companies have been involved in services such as the design and supervision of roads,
jettys, landscape and beautification, high rise buildings, medium rise buildings, drainages,
structural designs/drawings and residential buildings. Other services include land reclamation
and river channelization (dredging of rivers), subsoil investigation, water treatment plant, etc.
College of Education
Private Organizations
The company is divided into two main arms viz; ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING.
The architectural arm is headed by the managing director of SCOPE PROJECTS while the
1. OPERATIONS: it comprises of the drivers transporting staffs within and outside the
2. MAINTENANCE: this section deals with the general maintenance of machines and
4. Accounts: this section deals with financial issues of the company, disbursement of
salaries, etc.
6. Quality control and quality assurance unit: The Company operates procedures to ensure
that all Quality control tests are carried out on the various items of works carried out
during every product while quality assurance provides adequate confidence that a
product or service will satisfy given requirement for quality (note: in these units the
7. Design; this section deals with all design works, it is divided into the architectural and
structural parts. The engineering part is further divided into the design engineers and
The details of all activities in which I was involved in at Scope Projects/Matoy Limited during
Structural design both manual and software (Orion, AutoCAD and Autodesk ROBOT) as
well as detailing.
Modern urban drainage design using the EPASWMM Software ( attended a two day
intensive training organised by the Nigerian society of engineers the warri chapter)
Site visitation
Steel design ( trusses, purlins, stanchions, beams, baseplate design, stiffner design, splice,
Determination of soil bearing capacity using the TRIAXIAL test (unconsolidated
I was privileged to work in the design office and I was involved in various design projects and
detailing works, 2 duplexes were designed and detailed, I was also involved in the design of
a pig farm at ughoton warri, Delta state (both the steel works and concrete), the word of life
bible church hostel where I designed the combined footings for the building. Also I attended
a two day intensive seminar (training) organised by NSE (the Nigeria society of Engineers)
on the use of the EPASWMM (Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management
As long as engineering stands there will always be problems and challenges which must be
(1) In the detailing of structural members, I experienced difficulty in the placing of the
reinforcement especially in the detailing of reinforced concrete slabs, but after being
thought and with the help of some literature, my understanding was broadened.
(2) The first structure I designed using the ORION modelling suite, about 40% of the members
failed (both column and beam) sparse error was also experienced. The 40% failure was
due to large deflections arising from inadequate sections, so I was able to correct this by
increasing the sections where necessary or either reducing or increasing the reinforcements
(3) On site there was a breach in communication between the design engineer and the
fabricators of the steel trusses, the span of the trusses was measured “out to out” instead
of centre to centre of the circular hollow sections, so therefore the trusses did not lap at
the ridge, see figure(. To solve this the tee section cut form a universal beam section which
was used to join the truss to the circular hollow section stanchion, had to be protruded out,
to ensure that the two trusses lap and are bolted together see. figure (
(4) I was asked to design a solid slab of 7m by 7.1m, after designing as continuous, for a
depth of 175mm, the slab failed in deflection, in order not to increase the depth further, I
had to design as simply supported, and then provided the reinforcement gotten from the
simply support analysis as the main bars both top and bottom, then to take care of the
torsion at the edges, I provided the reinforcement derived from the continuous analysis as
stated in BS 8110-1:1997.
*NOTE*. It might not be economical to do this, but to play safe this has to be done as site
engineers might not follow specifications to cast a slab thicker than 175mm).
Plate 2.9 (a) error 1 (c) corrected
The student industrial work experience program ended on the 8th of August, 2016. In
retrospection of the past six months of the industrial training, it was a very essential era of life
both as an undergraduate student and as an aspiring structural engineer. This program has
without a shadow of doubt helped in the aspects of knowledge and experience. The worth of
practical knowledge against theoretical knowledge has now been realized. It must be stated
knowledge. There must be a good combination of both of those aspects for one to be an
Being exposed to the supervision of works done at site, doing setting outs etc., and many
important things regarding the technical area of civil engineering practice have been grasped.
Also, a good practice on using software such as Orion and Robot Structural Analysis was also
gained. Seeing the high level of professionalism and excellent work ethics exhibited by the
staff at Scope projects/Matoy Limited laid a good example of some of the attributes expected
of a good engineer. These features that have been exhibited by the staff will most definitely
Scope projects/Matoy Limited was a pleasant place to work at since all the staff members
treated the SWEP students in a friendly manner. The engineers and architects gave valuable
advice, helped to widen the knowledge and horizons of the SWEP students and also helped to
gather experience in technical aspects. All trainees’ were given freedom to learn at the company
and it was a trainee’s responsibility to make maximum use of the training period.
The real picture of civil engineering has really been captured during this period. As a civil
engineering undergraduate, an idea concerning WHAT one should practice and WHY one
should do that is now clear. In conclusion, the industrial training period was worthwhile as it
has given me confidence to fulfill my future ambitions – to be an excellent civil engineer and
establishment for future trainees, as they take the trainee through the rudiments of civil
A training session should be arranged at the end of the 200 level so that prior to
undergraduates in Landmark University getting into their departments in 300 level, it would
be easier for them to grasp the scope of the courses they will be taught in 300 level. It will
also be a good motivation for their further studies in masters and doctorate degree courses.
Design classes in schools should be more practical oriented. Students should be able to
identify these structural members and their properties not just doing only the theoretical
In all aspects of engineering softwares are being used in analysis and design, the student
having taken through the design should be introduced to softwares and also real life projects
and problems.
(1) BS 8110: Structural use of concrete; Part 1: Code of practice for design and
construction, 1997; Part 2: Code of practice for special circumstances, 1985; Part 3:
1985, Design charts for singly reinforced beams, doubly reinforced beams and
rectangular columns
(2) BS 6399: Design loading for buildings; Part 1: Code of practice for dead and imposed
loads, 1996; Part 2: (1997) Code of practice for wind loads,; Part 3: (1988) Code of
(3) CP3: 1972: Code of basic design data for the design of buildings; Chapter V: Part 2:
Wind loads.
(4) Chanakya Arya et al., (2009) Design of structural Elements: Concrete, Steelwork,
Masonry and Timber designs to British standards and Euro codes, Third Edition, Taylor
(5) Higgins, J.B. and Rogers, B.R.,(1998) Designed and detailed (BS 8110: 1997),
(6) Reynolds et al., (2008) Reynolds’s reinforced concrete designer’s handbook, 11th
(7) Mosley, W.H. and Bungey, J.H. (1987) Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd edn,
(8) Concrete Society and Institution of Structural Engineers (1983) Standard Method of
(9) TJ Mac Ginley and TC Ang (1987) Structural steelwork: design to limit state theory,
Butter worth Heinemann Ltd, London, pages (2-7, 24-35, 120, 171-289)