Stage 9 - Lesson 127
Stage 9 - Lesson 127
Stage 9 - Lesson 127
1. Therefore
He was busy with work, and thus could
not go to the theatre.
Compound adjectives
A well-behaved child
Adverb/adjective + participle
A badly planned wedding.
A beautifully designed jacket.
A slow-moving train.
Adjective + noun (that has the letters “ed” after it)
A long-haired girl
A four-lagged animal.
A blue-eyed baby
Stage 9 – lesson 130
Doubling consonants
A word of one syllable ends in a single
consonant preceded by a single vowel.
We are considering a limited number of
Which of these is your phone
We use in a more unlimited sense.
What’s your phone number?
Stage 9 – lesson 137
8 pints = 1 gallon
Stage 9 – lesson 139
Adjective + “-ish”
Rather/ more or less
France is not exactly a big country,
like Russia or the USA, but it’s biggish
compared with countries like England
and Scotland.
About – when we say a time of a day
Eightish = about eight
Stage 9 – lesson 140
Some in questions
When we expect a positive answer, and
especially when we offer something to
Would you like some more tea?
Is there somebody here you’re
looking for?
Would you like me to buy you
something nice for Christmas?
Stage 9 – lesson 141
Double contractions
I will have gone by tomorrow.
I’ll’ve gone by tomorrow.
Compound adjectives
The lesson lasted fifty minutes.
It was a fifty-minute lesson.
This car has four doors.
This is a four-door car.
A twenty-page document.
A twenty-pages document.
Stage 9 – lesson 142
At that time
I’m going to see him on Thursday,
so I can give the news then.
We’ll have dinner first, and then
watch TV.
In that case
If you don’t understand, then ask.
Stage 9 – lesson 142
Strong form weak form
Can /kæn/ /kǝn/
Than /ðæn/ /ðǝn/
But /bʌt/ /bǝt/
Some /sʌm/ /sǝm/
Your /jɔ: / /jǝ/
To /tu: / /tǝ/
Are /a: / /ǝ/
Was /woz/ /wǝz/
Stage 9 – lesson 143
Uses of the passive voice
When we do not know who does the
My car has been stolen.
When we do not want to say who does the
You were seen entering the office
without permission.
Stage 9 – lesson 143
When it is not important who does the
The Eiffel tower was built in 1889.