Sri Venkateswara University:: Tirupati: Bio-Data
Sri Venkateswara University:: Tirupati: Bio-Data
Sri Venkateswara University:: Tirupati: Bio-Data
A. General Information
h) Date of Appointment
B)Research guidance:
4.. Shaik parvez, D.Gowri Sankar Reddy “Implementation of Trasmit Diversity Schemes”
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 10, OCT 2015.pp 8422-8428
5.D.Gowri sankar Reddy , P Janardhana Reddy , “Image Compression with variable Threshold
and Adaptive Blocksize” International journal of Advanced Research in Electrical , Electronics
and Instrumentation Engineering. Vol 3 Issue 10 October 2014,ISSN Print : 2320-3765
7. Soma sundar Reddy,C and D.Gowri sankar Reddy “IRIS RECOGNITION SYTEM using
Biometric statistical features for identification”Golbal journal of Engg and Applied sciences
Volume 1,Number 4,pp 1-4
8..N.Anil Kumar , D.Gowri sankar Reddy “ image compression and denoising using tree adapted
wavelet shrinkage compression. Journal of Innovation in Electronics and communication.
Volume 2,issue 2 pp 252-2540
D)Number of workshops/Training programmes attended: 20
QIP short term course on Digital IIT Bombay 18th july to 22nd
image processing and Analysis jul 2011
for Remote sensing Bombay
Participated in one day national SVU College of Engineering, 28th April 2014
workshop on Advances in Signal Tirupati .
and Image Processing
Faculty development Program on SVU College of Engineering, 08th July, 2014
“Intellectual Property Rights” Tirupati and Tata Consultancy
Services Ltd., Hyderabad under
Participated in one week ISTE IIT kharaghpur 15-09-2014
workshop on control systems Kharaghpur To
Two-day Workshop on TEQIP-II , SVU College of 15th – 16th
“Initiatives for Quality Engineering, S.V. University, November, 2014
improvement in Engineering Tirupati
Participated in two day S V University college of 14-15 March 2015
workshop on Wavelet transform Engineering.
s in signal and processing S V university
Refresher course in UGC HRDC Centre 01.06.2015
Environmental studies S V Univeristy
E)Number of workshops/Trainining Programmes organized: 11