Part Iv - Annexes

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Annex A.1
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019

Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 43,103,728.13 44,391,008.78
Receivables 11,693,440.06 8,480,159.08
Inventories 92,699.00 32,875.00
Total Current Assets 54,889,867.19 52,904,042.86

Non-Current Assets
Receivables 4,375,233.49 2,363,071.73
Property, Plant and Equipment 417,232,227.99 387,600,347.19
Biological Assets 713,000.00 704,000.00
Total non-Current Assets 422,320,461.48 390,667,418.92

Total Assets 477,210,328.67 443,571,461.78

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities 129,729.30 2,501,749.68
Inter-Agency Payables 3,383,227.60 9,464,296.66
Intra-Agency Payables -
Trust Liabilities 3,446,980.21 3,440,733.65
Deferred Credits/Unearned Income 2,189,835.28 2,799,432.43
Total Current Liabilities 9,149,772.39 18,206,212.42

Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities -
Inter-Agency Payables 1,274,915.87
Intra-Agency Payables -
Trust Liabilities 1,384,796.53
Deferred Credits/Unearned Income -
Total Non-Current Liabilities - 2,659,712.40

Total Liabilities 9,149,772.39 20,865,924.82

Government Equity 468,060,556.28 422,705,536.96

Total Liabilities and Net Assets/Equity 477,210,328.67 443,571,461.78

Annex A.2
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Financial Position
As at December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 162,748.17 543,888.33
Receivables 1,570,156.03 3,750,445.87
Total Current Assets 1,732,904.20 4,294,334.20

Non-Current Assets
Receivables 2,189,835.28 -
Property, Plant and Equipment - -
Total Non-Current Assets 2,189,835.28 -

Total Assets 3,922,739.48 4,294,334.20

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities -
Inter-Agency Payables 31,723.39
Intra-Agency Payables -
Trust Liabilities -
Deferred Credits/Unearned Income 2,189,835.28 2,799,432.43
Total Current Liabilities 2,189,835.28 2,831,155.82

Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities - -
Deferred Credits/Unearned Income - -
Provisions - -
Other Payables - -
Total Non-Current Liabilities - -

Total Liabilities 2,189,835.28 2,831,155.82

Government Equity 1,732,904.20 1,463,178.38

Total Liabilities and Net Assets/Equity 3,922,739.48 4,294,334.20

Annex A.3
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Financial Position- Trust Fund
As at December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

ASSETS 2020 2019

Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 27,462,089.17 30,548,301.14
Inventories - -
Total Current Assets 27,462,089.17 30,548,301.14

Non-Current Assets
Receivables 100,000.00 100,000.00
Property, Plant and Equipment - -
- -
Total non-Current Assets 100,000.00 100,000.00

Total Assets 27,562,089.17 30,648,301.14

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities - -
Inter-Agency Payables 19,602,493.08 25,656,760.87
Intra-Agency Payables 7,959,596.09 4,991,540.27
Trust Liabilities - -
Total Current Liabilities 27,562,089.17 30,648,301.14

Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities - -
Other Payables - -
Total Non-Current Liabilities - -

Total Liabilities 27,562,089.17 30,648,301.14

Government Equity - -

Total Liabilities and Net Assets/Equity 27,562,089.17 30,648,301.14

Annex B.1
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Financial Performance
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019
Tax Revenue 3,507,180.67 3,309,863.98
Share from Internal Revenue Collections 154,118,363.00 137,024,642.00
Service and Business Income 7,442,598.62 8,250,694.07
Other Income 59,056.00
Total Revenue 165,068,142.29 148,644,256.05

Less: Current Operating Expenses

Personnel Services 57,321,781.99 60,032,463.62
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses 78,198,453.93 59,614,229.44
Non-Cash Expenses 32,184,161.70 30,790,832.19
Financial Expenses 24,000.00 44,000.00
Current Operating Expenses 167,728,397.62 150,481,525.25

Surplus (Deficit) from Current Operation (2,660,255.33) (1,837,269.20)

Add (Deduct)
Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy From 12,834,205.45
Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy To - -

Surplus (Deficit) for the period 10,173,950.12 (1,837,269.20)

Annex B.2
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Financial Performance
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019
Tax Revenue 1,293,985.47 1,304,883.22
Share from Internal Revenue Collections - -
Business and Service Income 504.35 615.94
Gains -
Other Income -
Total Revenue 1,294,489.82 1,305,499.16

Less: Current Operating Expenses

Personal Services -
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses 1,265,764.00 1,265,170.00
Non-Cash Expenses -
Financial Expenses -
Current Operating Expenses 1,265,764.00 1,265,170.00

Surplus (Deficit) from Current Operation 28,725.82 40,329.16

Add (Deduct)
Transfer, Assistance and Subsidy From - -
Transfer, Assistance and Subsidy To - -

Surplus (Deficit) for the period 28,725.82 40,329.16

Annex C.1
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity
For the Year ended December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

Accumulated Accumulated
Surpluses/(Deficit) Surpluses/(Deficit)
2020 2019

Balance , Beg. 422,705,536.96 428,020,656.20

Change in Accounting Policy
Prior Period Errors/Adjustments (1,533,373.71) (7,480,449.44)
Restated Balance 421,172,163.25 420,540,206.76
Add (deduct) Change in Net assets/Equity during the Year
Adjustment of net revenue recognized directly in net aassets/equity 36,714,442.91 4,002,599.40
Surplus (Deficit) for the period 10,173,950.12 (1,837,269.20)
Total recognized revenue and expenses for the period 46,888,393.03 2,165,330.20
Balance, End 468,060,556.28 422,705,536.96
Annex C.2
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity
For the Year ended December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

Accumulated Accumulated
Surpluses/(Deficit) Surpluses/(Deficit)
2020 2019

Balance , Beg. 1,463,178.38 1,577,645.78

Change in Accounting Policy
Prior Period Errors/Adjustments 241,000.00 (154,796.56)
Restated Balance 1,704,178.38 1,422,849.22
Add (deduct) Change in Net assets/Equity during the Year
Adjustment of net revenue recognized directly in net aassets/equity
Surplus (Deficit) for the period 28,725.82 40,329.16
Total recognized revenue and expenses for the period 28,725.82 40,329.16
Balance , End 1,732,904.20 1,463,178.38
Annex D.1
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Cash Flows - General Fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Inflows
Collection from taxpayers 4,801,166.14 3,309,863.98
Share from Internal Revenue Allotment 154,118,363.00 137,024,642.00
Receipts from business/service income 7,398,734.89 6,413,378.62
Interest Income 43,863.73 34,192.15
Other Receipts 85,596,158.70 23,684,311.03
Total Cash Inflows 251,958,286.46 170,466,387.78
Cash Outflows
Payment of expenses
Payment to suppliers and creditors 68,851,326.95 47,237,473.92
Payments to employees 32,779,272.35 35,519,103.58
Interest Expenses - -
Other Disbursements 130,557,688.67 66,724,255.97
Total Cash Outflows 232,188,287.97 149,480,833.47
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 19,769,998.49 20,985,554.31
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Inflows
Proceeds from Sale of Investment - -
Proceeds from Sale/Disposal of Property, Plant
and Equipment - -
Proceeds from Sale of Non-Current Investment - -
Collection of Principal on loans to others entities - -
Total Cash Inflows - -
Cash Outflows
Purchase/Construction of Investment Property
Purchase /Construction of Property, Plant and 21,057,279.14 20,367,214.25
Purchase of Bearer Biological Assets
Total Cash Outflows 21,057,279.14 20,367,214.25
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities (21,057,279.14) (20,367,214.25)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash Inflows
Proceeds from Issuance of Bonds
Proceeds from Loans - -
Total Cash Inflows - -
Cash Outflows
Payment of Long-Term Liabilities
Payment of loan amortization - -
Total Cash outflows - -
Net Cash from Financing Activities - -
Total Cash Provided by Operating, Investing and (1,287,280.65) 618,340.06
Financial Activities
Add: Cash at the Beginning of the year 44,391,008.78 43,772,668.72
Cash Balance at the End of the year 43,103,728.13 44,391,008.78
Annex D.2
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Cash Flows - SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Inflows
Collection from Tax Payers -
Receipts from business/service income -
Interest Income 504.35 615.94
Other Receipts 1,017,150.69 1,361,299.12
Total Cash Inflows 1,017,655.04 1,361,915.06
Cash Outflows
Payment of expenses:
Payment to suppliers and creditors 891,342.61 1,383,446.61
Payments to employees - -
Interest Expenses - -
Other Disbursements 507,452.59 4,796.56
Total Cash Outflows 1,398,795.20 1,388,243.17
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (381,140.16) (26,328.11)
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Inflows
Proceeds from Sale of Investment - -
Proceeds from Sale/Disposal of Property, Plant
and Equipment - -
Proceeds from Sale of Non-Current Investment - -
Collection of Principal on loans to others entities - -
Total Cash Inflows - -
Cash Outflows
Purchase/Construction of Investment Property - -
Purchase of Construction of Property, Plant and
Equipment - -
Purchase of Bearer Biological Assets - -
Total Cash Outflows - -
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities - -
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash Inflows
Proceeds from Issuance of Bonds - -
Procceds from Loans - -
Total Cash Inflows - -
Cash Outflows
Payment of Long-Term Liabilities - -
Payment of loan amortization - -
Total Cash outflows - -
Net Cash from Financing Activities - -
Increase/Decrease in Cash (381,140.16) (26,328.11)
Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents January 1, 2020 543,888.33 570,216.44
Cash and Cash Equivalents December 31, 2020 162,748.17 543,888.33
Annex D.3
Municipality of Angadanan, Isabela
Statement of Cash Flows- Trust fund
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
( with comparative figures for CY 2019)

2020 2019
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Inflows
Collection from Tax Payers -
Receipts from business/service income -
Other Receipts 142,717,705.95 42,546,997.67
Total Cash Inflows 142,717,705.95 42,546,997.67
Cash Outflows
Payment of expenses:
to suppliers and creditors
Other Disbursements 145,803,917.92 26,658,128.76
Total Cash Outflows 145,803,917.92 26,658,128.76
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (3,086,211.97) 15,888,868.91
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash Inflows
Proceeds from Sale of Investment - -
Total Cash Inflows - -
Cash Outflows
Purchase/Construction of Investment Property - -
Total Cash Outflows - -
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities - -
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash Inflows
Proceeds from Issuance of Bonds - -
Total Cash Inflows - -
Cash Outflows
Payment of long-term liabilities - -
Total Cash outflows - -
Net Cash from Financing Activities - -
Net Increase in Cash (3,086,211.97) 15,888,868.91
Add: Cash at the Beginning of the period 30,548,301.14 14,659,432.23
Cash Balance at the End of the period 27,462,089.17 30,548,301.14
Annex E

Republic of the Philippines

Audit Team R2-03, LGS-E, Isabela II

Municipality of Angadanan
List of Stale Checks
As of December 31, 2020

Month Check No. Amount Total

March, 2019 602217 2,500.00
April, 2019 603148 5,110.71
May, 2019 602278 30,782.59
602903 38,046.43
602904 1,343.93
July, 2019 603741 9,800.00
Aug., 2019 620100 5,000.00
620110 3,000.00
620162 3,000.00
620253 2,500.00
620304 1,500.00
Sept., 2019 620811 800.00
Nov., 2019 621717 5,000.00
Dec., 2019 644642 572.00
Jan., 2020 644857 433,788.77 542,744.43

5% CF
Month Check No. Amount
Jan., 2020 604177 50,000.00
Feb., 2020 604185 50,000.00 100,000.00

Angadanan RHU
Month Check No. Amount
Jun. 2020 555217 18,000.00 18,000.00

Total Outstanding Checks 660,744.43

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Audit Team Member OIC-Audit Team Leader
Annex F
Republic of the Philippines
Audit Team R2-03, LGS-E, Isabela II

Municipality of Angadanan
List of Unreleased Checks
As at December 31, 2020

Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1011-75 693624 12/29/2020 2020-12-3846 MARIA B. LUMADAY Reimbursement of accountable forms
2992-1011-75 693625 12/29/2020 2020-12-3847 SAINT VINCENT FERRER PARISH Financial assistance 30,000.00
2992-1011-75 693627 12/29/2020 2020-12-3848 ROSEMARIE D. GO Meals and snacks 9,800.00
2992-1011-75 693628 12/29/2020 2020-12-3849 Various Construction Supply 38,380.80
2992-1011-75 693629 12/29/2020 2020-12-3850 PHARMAHEALTH ENTERPRISES Various supplies 28,392.85
2992-1011-75 693630 12/29/2020 2020-12-3851 RICHELLE STICKER SIGN Reflectorized signage 47,320.96
2992-1011-75 693631 12/29/2020 2020-12-3852 FRANCIS PATTAD Meals and Snacks 17,500.00
2992-1011-75 693632 12/29/2020 2020-12-3853 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 4,634.66
2992-1011-75 693633 12/29/2020 2020-12-3854 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 8,939.02
2992-1011-75 693634 12/29/2020 2020-12-3855 SANDY PAGGAO Travelling expenses 2,600.00
Various Supplies /Senior Citizen and
2992-1011-75 693635 12/29/2020 2020-12-3856 MIKA GENERAL MERCHANDISE 139,518.72
2992-1011-75 693636 12/29/2020 2020-12-3857 PHARMAHEALTH ENTERPRISES Various Supplies 47,061.16
2992-1011-75 693637 12/29/2020 2020-12-3858 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 57,972.54
2992-1011-75 693638 12/29/2020 2020-12-3859 ROBERTO PAGGAO Various expenses 1,032.00
2992-1011-75 693639 12/29/2020 2020-12-3860 Various office supplies 4,315.72
2992-1011-75 693640 12/29/2020 2020-12-3861 RICHELLE STICKER SIGN Table signage 13,250.00
2992-1011-75 693641 12/29/2020 2020-12-3862 GEORGINA MAÑALAC Travelling expenses 5,940.00
2992-1011-75 693642 12/29/2020 2020-12-3863 CLIETS ARON GASPAR Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693643 12/29/2020 2020-12-3864 REYNALDO ANTONIO Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693644 12/29/2020 2020-12-3865 ROWENALYN LIMOS Financial assistance 5,000.00
Various kitchen utensils and office
2992-1011-75 693645 12/29/2020 2020-12-3866 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD 2,645.25
2992-1011-75 693646 12/29/2020 2020-12-3867 BELINDA M. VISPO Signage and labor 3,500.00
2992-1011-75 693647 12/29/2020 2020-12-3868 BELINDA M. VISPO Telephone Expenses 15,337.00
Meals and snacks during relief
2992-1011-75 693648 12/29/2020 2020-12-3869 BELINDA M. VISPO 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693649 12/29/2020 2020-12-3870 BELINDA M. VISPO Bill payment /PLDT 3,005.00
2992-1011-75 693650 12/29/2020 2020-12-3871 MARCELITA MANUGAY Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693651 12/29/2020 2020-12-3872 ANABELLE PANGANIBAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693652 12/29/2020 2020-12-3873 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Financial assistance 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693653 12/29/2020 2020-12-3874 RAIZA LUMELAY Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693654 12/29/2020 2020-12-3875 Financial assistance
PARLOR 7,000.00
2992-1011-75 693655 12/29/2020 2020-12-3876 MEDELINE CALLEJO Financial assitance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693656 12/29/2020 2020-12-3877 PACITA LACAR Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693657 12/29/2020 2020-12-3878 DINDO GALICIA Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693658 12/29/2020 2020-12-3879 YOLIZON DOMINGO Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693659 12/29/2020 2020-12-3880 ERWIN GANIO Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693660 12/29/2020 2020-12-3881 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Internet subscription 300.66
2992-1011-75 693661 12/29/2020 2020-12-3882 Various Construction Supply 34,560.00
2992-1011-75 693662 12/29/2020 2020-12-3883 Various Construction Supply 25,339.20
2992-1011-75 693663 12/29/2020 2020-12-3884 Various Construction Supply 11,520.00

Page 13 of 40
Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1011-75 693664 12/29/2020 2020-12-3885 ROMMEL G. ALOG Mobile expenses 4,005.00
2992-1011-75 693665 12/29/2020 2020-12-3886 VIRNA VERONICA M. SAMONTE Travelling expenses 9,000.00
2992-1011-75 693666 12/29/2020 2020-12-3887 GLENN BAQUIRAN Travelling expenses 13,310.00
2992-1011-75 693667 12/29/2020 2020-12-3888 BRYAN RICARDO Travelling expenses 1,750.00
2992-1011-75 693668 12/29/2020 2020-12-3889 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Coppermask expenses 1,900.00
2992-1011-75 693669 12/29/2020 2020-12-3890 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Groceries /Year end meeting 2,102.40
Meals and Snacks /Staff monthly
2992-1011-75 693670 12/29/2020 2020-12-3891 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT 3,648.00
2992-1011-75 693671 12/29/2020 2020-12-3892 EMELYN A. ALOG Travelling expenses 11,650.00
Fund transfer from 2992-1011-75 to
2992-1011-75 693672 12/29/2020 2020-12-3893 MUNICIPALITY OF ANGADANAN 312,003.00
2992-1011-75 693673 12/29/2020 2020-12-3894 ROSITA TALLOD Various Supplies 1,810.50
2992-1011-75 693674 12/29/2020 2020-12-3895 ROSITA TALLOD Various office supplies 1,248.00
2992-1011-75 693675 12/29/2020 2020-12-3896 MARILYN DELA CRUZ Travelling expenses 5,500.00
2992-1011-75 693676 12/29/2020 2020-12-3897 BELINDA M. VISPO Medico legal and necropsy 40,000.00
2992-1011-75 693677 12/29/2020 2020-12-3898 Various expenses 3,331.20
ISABELA ELECTRIC Electric expenses /Angadanan public
2992-1011-75 693678 12/29/2020 2020-12-3899 15,802.56
COOPERATIVE, INC. (ISELCO I) market Dec. 2020
2992-1011-75 693679 12/29/2020 2020-12-3900 Electric expenses /December 2020 124,324.83
2992-1011-75 693680 12/29/2020 2020-12-3901 JOSEPH CLEMENTE Various repair and maintenance 1,130.00
2992-1011-75 693681 12/29/2020 2020-12-3902 JOSEPH CLEMENTE Various supplies 13,719.00
Wages /December 2020
2992-1024-14 553778 12/29/2020 2020-12-104 AMPARO GASPAR 1,050.00
Professional fee (Pathologist)
2992-1025-97 555227 12/29/2020 2020-12-072 DIWATA GRACE BAUSA 3,000.00
/December 2020
Sub-total 1,236,750.03

2992-1011-75 693683 12/31/2020 2020-12-3903 MARIE GRACE R. LABUGEUN Travelling expenses 6,950.00
2992-1011-75 693684 12/31/2020 2020-12-3904 NIKKO VALENCIA Travelling expenses 610.00
2992-1011-75 693685 12/31/2020 2020-12-3905 MARIA B. LUMADAY Travelling expenses 1,500.00
2992-1011-75 693686 12/31/2020 2020-12-3906 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693687 12/31/2020 2020-12-3907 MARIA B. LUMADAY Labor / building maintenance 126,400.00
2992-1011-75 693688 12/31/2020 2020-12-3908 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Internet subscription 1,236.59
2992-1011-75 693689 12/31/2020 2020-12-3909 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Internet subscription 16,200.49
2992-1011-75 693690 12/31/2020 2020-12-3910 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Internet subscription 5,716.02
2992-1011-75 693691 12/31/2020 2020-12-3911 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Various expenses 5,000.00
Various expenses /Christmas lighting
2992-1011-75 693692 12/31/2020 2020-12-3912 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD 480.00
2992-1011-75 693693 12/31/2020 2020-12-3913 KARYL DIVINE RESPICIO Travelling expenses 2,400.00
2992-1011-75 693694 12/31/2020 2020-12-3914 YOLANDA B. ALOG Telephone Expenses 3,554.00
2992-1011-75 693697 12/31/2020 2020-12-3915 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 52,006.24
2992-1011-75 693698 12/31/2020 2020-12-3916 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 4,965.91
2992-1011-75 693699 12/31/2020 2020-12-3917 Various electrical supplies 57,948.75
2992-1011-75 693700 12/31/2020 2020-12-3918 RICHELLE STICKER SIGN Various tarpaulin 6,392.00
2992-1011-75 693701 12/31/2020 2020-12-3919 ROSEBELMA LABUGUEN Logical Assessment 4,500.00
2992-1011-75 693702 12/31/2020 2020-12-3920 ROSEBELMA LABUGUEN Logical Assessment 4,500.00
2992-1011-75 693704 12/31/2020 2020-12-3922 Financial assistance 30,000.00
POWER TOOLS TRADE CENTER, Repair and maintenance for service
2992-1011-75 693706 12/31/2020 2020-12-3924 18,928.57
INC. vehicle
2992-1011-75 693707 12/31/2020 2020-12-3925 1450 sets of COVID kit for children 404,834.82
FINDES for subsistency & laundry
2992-1011-75 693708 12/31/2020 2020-12-3926 LBP 38,709.53

Page 14 of 40
Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1011-75 693709 12/31/2020 2020-12-3927 POY AND BONSOL MINI MARTGroceries 5,280.00
Meals and snacks /Staff monthly
2992-1011-75 693710 12/31/2020 2020-12-3928 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT 2,547.84
2992-1011-75 693711 12/31/2020 2020-12-3929 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 2,941.44
2992-1011-75 693712 12/31/2020 2020-12-3930 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 3,648.00
2992-1011-75 693713 12/31/2020 2020-12-3931 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 12,365.76
2992-1011-75 693714 12/31/2020 2020-12-3932 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 4,312.32
2992-1011-75 693715 12/31/2020 2020-12-3933 HERALD JOY CASTILLO Travelling expenses 4,250.00
2992-1011-75 693716 12/31/2020 2020-12-3934 SJK STORE AND RESTAURANT Meals and snacks /TAGOT 12,288.00
2992-1011-75 693717 12/31/2020 2020-12-3935 MYRNA G. DE VERA Photocopy of SALN /Brgy 6,370.00
Remit withholding Tax /December
2992-1011-75 693718 12/31/2020 2020-12-3936 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR 381,018.29
Remittance of premiums /December
2992-1011-75 693719 12/31/2020 2020-12-3937 GSIS 618,732.18
2992-1011-75 693720 12/31/2020 2020-12-3938 JOELLE MATHEA S. PANGANIBAN Fuel expenses 7,951.90
2992-1011-75 693721 12/31/2020 2020-12-3939 MARIE EDEN ACOBA Various expenses /Dishdrainer 4,455.00
2992-1011-75 693722 12/31/2020 2020-12-3940 MARIA B. LUMADAY Wages /E-bamboo 15,395.00
2992-1011-75 693723 12/31/2020 2020-12-3941 ROXAN DE LEON Travelling expenses 2,250.00
2992-1011-75 693724 12/31/2020 2020-12-3942 VIRNA VERONICA M. SAMONTE Other expenses incurred while on OB 1,815.00
2992-1011-75 693725 12/31/2020 2020-12-3943 RODOLFO T. MATIAS Kyowa and key duplicate 819.50
HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL Remittance of premiums and
2992-1011-75 693726 12/31/2020 2020-12-3944 160,918.22
FUND loans /December 2020
2992-1011-75 693727 12/31/2020 2020-12-3945 MARIE EDEN ACOBA Travelling expenses 3,798.00
2992-1011-75 693728 12/31/2020 2020-12-3946 JES RAEL RESPICIO Travelling expenses 2,550.00
2992-1011-75 693729 12/31/2020 2020-12-3947 ELIZABETH HORMILLOSA Travelling expenses 770.00
2992-1011-75 693730 12/31/2020 2020-12-3948 ROSITA TALLOD Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693731 12/31/2020 2020-12-3949 ROSITA TALLOD 6pcs copper mask 2,280.00
2992-1011-75 693732 12/31/2020 2020-12-3950 MARLON DAIS Travelling expenses 10,640.00
2992-1011-75 693733 12/31/2020 2020-12-3951 JUANITO RAMIRO Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693734 12/31/2020 2020-12-3952 CLARISA SALES Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693735 12/31/2020 2020-12-3953 CLARITA MOSQUITO Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693736 12/31/2020 2020-12-3954 RODEL RAYMUNDO Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693737 12/31/2020 2020-12-3955 LEOMAR SADUL Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693738 12/31/2020 2020-12-3956 MYKEE LUMADAY Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693739 12/31/2020 2020-12-3957 KELVIN CLARK LACAR Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693740 12/31/2020 2020-12-3958 RODOLFO DARACAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693741 12/31/2020 2020-12-3959 ROMNICK PILAR Polo shirt & jacket for office staff 14,000.00
2992-1011-75 693742 12/31/2020 2020-12-3960 ADELA GAURAN Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693743 12/31/2020 2020-12-3961 ZENAIDA SALVADOR Financial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693744 12/31/2020 2020-12-3962 RAFAEL VIGAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693745 12/31/2020 2020-12-3963 BRYAN JERIC JASMIN Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693747 12/31/2020 2020-12-3964 Burial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693748 12/31/2020 2020-12-3965 Burial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693749 12/31/2020 2020-12-3966 Burial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693750 12/31/2020 2020-12-3967 Burial assistance 7,000.00
2992-1011-75 693751 12/31/2020 2020-12-3968 Burial assistance 7,000.00
2992-1011-75 693752 12/31/2020 2020-12-3969 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Travelling expenses 17,050.00
2992-1011-75 693753 12/31/2020 2020-12-3970 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Travelling expenses 5,200.00

Page 15 of 40
Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1011-75 693755 12/31/2020 2020-12-3971 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses / SB office 4,684.82
2992-1011-75 693756 12/31/2020 2020-12-3972 BMW FUEL STATION fuel expenses /SB office 10,596.22
2992-1011-75 693757 12/31/2020 2020-12-3973 ROSEMARIE D. GO Cleaning of 5units Aircon 7,500.00
2992-1011-75 693758 12/31/2020 2020-12-3974 ROSEMARIE D. GO Cleaning of 5units Aircon 7,500.00
2992-1011-75 693759 12/31/2020 2020-12-3975 MARCELO VALDEZ Telephone Expenses 5,000.00
Labor /improvement of expand
2992-1011-75 693760 12/31/2020 2020-12-3976 MARIA B. LUMADAY 20,000.00
2992-1011-75 693761 12/31/2020 2020-12-3977 YOLANDA B. ALOG Various materials 3,040.00
2992-1011-75 693762 12/31/2020 2020-12-3978 YOLANDA B. ALOG Various materials 2,350.00
2992-1011-75 693763 12/31/2020 2020-12-3979 MYLENE DE LEON Travelling expenses 10,840.00
2992-1011-75 693765 12/31/2020 2020-12-3980 ROLANDO CORRALES Travelling expenses 6,750.00
2992-1011-75 693767 12/31/2020 2020-12-3982 ROSITA TALLOD 6pcs t-shirt and 6pcs jacket 8,700.00
2992-1011-75 693768 12/31/2020 2020-12-3983 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 1,881.60
2992-1011-75 693769 12/31/2020 2020-12-3984 Burial assistance 3,000.00
2992-1011-75 693770 12/31/2020 2020-12-3985 Burial assistance 7,000.00
2992-1011-75 693771 12/31/2020 2020-12-3986 MYRNA G. DE VERA 370 booklets of BIR form 0016 24,235.00
HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL Remittance of JO premiums and
2992-1011-75 693772 12/31/2020 2020-12-3987 17,490.20
FUND loans
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF Remittance of provincial share
2992-1011-75 693773 12/31/2020 2020-12-3988 55,625.31
ISABELA basic /November 2020
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF Remittance of provincial share
2992-1011-75 693774 12/31/2020 2020-12-3989
ISABELA SEF /November 2020 79,464.72
2992-1011-75 693775 12/31/2020 2020-12-3990 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR Remittance of EWT /December 2020 41,624.03
Remittance of Value Added Tax
2992-1011-75 693776 12/31/2020 2020-12-3991 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR 185,598.52
/December 2020
2992-1011-75 693777 12/31/2020 2020-12-3992 CB GENERAL ENTERPRISES Assistive device for PWD's 141,386.96
2992-1011-75 693778 12/31/2020 2020-12-3993 ANGADANAN WATER DISTRICT Water expenses /December 2020 39,615.52
Repair and maintenance for heavy
2992-1011-75 693779 12/31/2020 2020-12-3994 VILLAFLOR AUTO PARTS SUPPLY 23,808.00
Repair and maintenance for light
2992-1011-75 693780 12/31/2020 2020-12-3995 VILLAFLOR AUTO PARTS SUPPLY 6,672.00
2992-1011-75 693781 12/31/2020 2020-12-3996 WILLIARD JOSE NADUGO Travelling expenses 1,200.00
2992-1011-75 693782 12/31/2020 2020-12-3997 DAISY'S SARI-SARI STORE Various groceries 16,198.08
2992-1011-75 693783 12/31/2020 2020-12-3998 FERNALYN ASUNCION Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693784 12/31/2020 2020-12-3999 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 7,920.00
2992-1011-75 693785 12/31/2020 2020-12-4000 VICTORINO ACOB Travelling expenses 3,990.00
2992-1011-75 693786 12/31/2020 2020-12-4001 DAISY CONCEPCION Assorted Groceries 5,491.20
2992-1011-75 693787 12/31/2020 2020-12-4002 DAISY CONCEPCION Kitchen utensils/appliances 13,234.56
2992-1011-75 693788 12/31/2020 2020-12-4003 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 3,312.50
2992-1011-75 693789 12/31/2020 2020-12-4004 PETER VIGAN Travelling expenses 3,440.00
2992-1011-75 693790 12/31/2020 2020-12-4005 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 6,277.44
2992-1011-75 693791 12/31/2020 2020-12-4006 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 5,280.00
2992-1011-75 693792 12/31/2020 2020-12-4007 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 4,886.40
2992-1011-75 693793 12/31/2020 2020-12-4008 JOHN PAUL SIQUIAN Travelling expenses 25,800.00
2992-1011-75 693794 12/31/2020 2020-12-4009 JAWORSKY RESPICIO Travelling expenses 6,760.00
2992-1011-75 693765 12/31/2020 2020-12-3980 ROLANDO CORRALES Travelling expenses 6,750.00
2992-1011-75 693767 12/31/2020 2020-12-3982 ROSITA TALLOD 6pcs t-shirt and 6pcs jacket 8,700.00
2992-1011-75 693768 12/31/2020 2020-12-3983 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 1,881.60
2992-1011-75 693769 12/31/2020 2020-12-3984 Burial assistance 3,000.00

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Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1011-75 693770 12/31/2020 2020-12-3985 Burial assistance 7,000.00
2992-1011-75 693771 12/31/2020 2020-12-3986 MYRNA G. DE VERA 370 booklets of BIR form 0016 24,235.00
HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL Remittance of JO premiums and
2992-1011-75 693772 12/31/2020 2020-12-3987 17,490.20
FUND loans
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF Remittance of provincial share
2992-1011-75 693773 12/31/2020 2020-12-3988 55,625.31
ISABELA basic /November 2020
PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF Remittance of provincial share
2992-1011-75 693774 12/31/2020 2020-12-3989
ISABELA SEF /November 2020 79,464.72
2992-1011-75 693775 12/31/2020 2020-12-3990 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR Remittance of EWT /December 2020 41,624.03
Remittance of Value Added Tax
2992-1011-75 693776 12/31/2020 2020-12-3991 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR 185,598.52
/December 2020
2992-1011-75 693777 12/31/2020 2020-12-3992 CB GENERAL ENTERPRISES Assistive device for PWD's 141,386.96
2992-1011-75 693778 12/31/2020 2020-12-3993 ANGADANAN WATER DISTRICT Water expenses /December 2020 39,615.52
Repair and maintenance for heavy
2992-1011-75 693779 12/31/2020 2020-12-3994 VILLAFLOR AUTO PARTS SUPPLY 23,808.00
Repair and maintenance for light
2992-1011-75 693780 12/31/2020 2020-12-3995 VILLAFLOR AUTO PARTS SUPPLY 6,672.00
2992-1011-75 693781 12/31/2020 2020-12-3996 WILLIARD JOSE NADUGO Travelling expenses 1,200.00
2992-1011-75 693782 12/31/2020 2020-12-3997 DAISY'S SARI-SARI STORE Various groceries 16,198.08
2992-1011-75 693783 12/31/2020 2020-12-3998 FERNALYN ASUNCION Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693784 12/31/2020 2020-12-3999 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 7,920.00
2992-1011-75 693785 12/31/2020 2020-12-4000 VICTORINO ACOB Travelling expenses 3,990.00
2992-1011-75 693786 12/31/2020 2020-12-4001 DAISY CONCEPCION Assorted Groceries 5,491.20
2992-1011-75 693787 12/31/2020 2020-12-4002 DAISY CONCEPCION Kitchen utensils/appliances 13,234.56
2992-1011-75 693788 12/31/2020 2020-12-4003 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 3,312.50
2992-1011-75 693789 12/31/2020 2020-12-4004 PETER VIGAN Travelling expenses 3,440.00
2992-1011-75 693790 12/31/2020 2020-12-4005 POY AND BONSOL RESTAURANT Meals and snacks 6,277.44
2992-1011-75 693791 12/31/2020 2020-12-4006 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 5,280.00
2992-1011-75 693792 12/31/2020 2020-12-4007 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Groceries 4,886.40
2992-1011-75 693793 12/31/2020 2020-12-4008 JOHN PAUL SIQUIAN Travelling expenses 25,800.00
2992-1011-75 693794 12/31/2020 2020-12-4009 JAWORSKY RESPICIO Travelling expenses 6,760.00
2992-1011-75 693795 12/31/2020 2020-12-4010 JOEL M. MATIAS Travelling expenses 34,222.00
2992-1011-75 693796 12/31/2020 2020-12-4011 KRISTINE JOYCE YUZON Travelling expenses 6,720.00
2992-1011-75 693797 12/31/2020 2020-12-4012 JAY-AR ULEP Travelling expenses 7,760.00
2992-1011-75 693798 12/31/2020 2020-12-4013 ROMEO PALATTAO Travelling expenses 3,840.00
2992-1011-75 693799 12/31/2020 2020-12-4014 JULIUS CEASAR LEGASPI Travelling expenses 6,820.00
2992-1011-75 693800 12/31/2020 2020-12-4015 HARISON ALOG Travelling expenses 5,920.00
2992-1011-75 693801 12/31/2020 2020-12-4016 RAMY MELOCOTON Travelling expenses 8,560.00
2992-1011-75 693802 12/31/2020 2020-12-4017 FERVIN SISON Travelling expenses 6,760.00
2992-1011-75 693803 12/31/2020 2020-12-4018 JHAYPEE FANIO Travelling expenses 5,760.00
2992-1011-75 693804 12/31/2020 2020-12-4019 MARY ANN FRANCISCO Travelling expenses 6,720.00
2992-1011-75 693805 12/31/2020 2020-12-4020 JONATHAN SALVADOR Travelling expenses 10,120.00
2992-1011-75 693806 12/31/2020 2020-12-4021 RODOLFO LUNA Travelling expenses 14,280.00
2992-1011-75 693807 12/31/2020 2020-12-4022 POY AND BONSOL MINI MART Supplies /Disposable mask & alcohol 3,936.00
2992-1011-75 693808 12/31/2020 2020-12-4023 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 10,334.05
2992-1011-75 693809 12/31/2020 2020-12-4024 BMW FUEL STATION Fuel expenses 74,637.24
2992-1011-75 693810 12/31/2020 2020-12-4025 FLORIDA PUDOL Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693811 12/31/2020 2020-12-4026 ROMNICK PILAR Travelling expenses 2,250.00
2992-1011-75 693812 12/31/2020 2020-12-4027 DONA MAE C. DELA CRUZ Travelling expenses 750.00
2992-1011-75 693813 12/31/2020 2020-12-4028 200 bags of cement 44,160.00
2992-1011-75 693814 12/31/2020 2020-12-4029 55pcs of GI sheet 30,412.80

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Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1011-75 693815 12/31/2020 2020-12-4030 DOLRIECH M. PATNAAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
2992-1011-75 693816 12/31/2020 2020-12-4031 FLORANTE G. SIQUIAN Telephone Expenses 2,937.11
2992-1011-75 693817 12/31/2020 2020-12-4032 RICHELLE STICKER SIGN Table signage 1,692.00
Telephone Expenses /November
2992-1011-75 693818 12/31/2020 2020-12-4033 JOELLE MATHEA S. PANGANIBAN 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693819 12/31/2020 2020-12-4034 JOELLE MATHEA S. PANGANIBAN Telephone Expenses /December 2020 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693820 12/31/2020 2020-12-4035 ROSEMARIE D. GO 14pcs costumized jacket/uniform 27,000.00
2992-1011-75 693821 12/31/2020 2020-12-4036 YOLANDA B. ALOG Various material supplies 9,604.50
Rental of welding machine/labor cost
2992-1011-75 693822 12/31/2020 2020-12-4037 HERALD JOY CASTILLO for the improvement of expand 7,500.00
2992-1011-75 693823 12/31/2020 2020-12-4038 MARIE GRACE R. LABUGEUN Meals /Staff monthly meeting 4,200.00
2992-1011-75 693824 12/31/2020 2020-12-4039 JOYCELYN A. SILVERIO Travelling expenses 3,600.00
2992-1011-75 693825 12/31/2020 2020-12-4040 CATALINA REMUDARO Travelling expenses 1,500.00
2992-1011-75 693826 12/31/2020 2020-12-4041 WENDIE MAE MARCOS Travelling expenses 5,300.00
2992-1011-75 693827 12/31/2020 2020-12-4042 BELINDA M. VISPO Various expenses 1,540.00
2992-1011-75 693828 12/31/2020 2020-12-4043 SUSIE MAE PAGALLAMAN Travelling expenses 320.00
2992-1011-75 693829 12/31/2020 2020-12-4044 KELVIN ALMAY CASTILLO Travelling expenses 16,900.00
2992-1011-75 693830 12/31/2020 2020-12-4045 BELINDA M. VISPO Travelling expenses 9,950.00
2992-1011-75 693831 12/31/2020 2020-12-4046 FLORENCE AGUSTIN Travelling expenses 1,700.00
WILMYR'S GENERAL Photocopy and book bind(hard copy)
2992-1011-75 693832 12/31/2020 2020-12-4047 57,600.00
MERCHANDISE of revenue tax code
2992-1011-75 693833 12/31/2020 2020-12-4048 BERNIE PILAR Travelling expenses 610.00
2992-1011-75 693835 12/31/2020 2020-12-4049 ROMEO BULAN Travelling expenses 1,440.00
2992-1011-75 693836 12/31/2020 2020-12-4050 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Internet subscription 1,111.17
2992-1011-75 693837 12/31/2020 2020-12-4051 RANDY LUMADAY Financial assistance 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693838 12/31/2020 2020-12-4052 MICHELLE ALIANGAN Financial assistance 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693839 12/31/2020 2020-12-4053 SHERWIN JACINTO Financial assistance 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693840 12/31/2020 2020-12-4054 ANNE KLEIN A. BARICAUA Various expense 9,058.00
2992-1011-75 693841 12/31/2020 2020-12-4055 ANNE KLEIN A. BARICAUA Tarpaulin /BPATS Training 2,085.00
2992-1011-75 693842 12/31/2020 2020-12-4056 FLORDELIZA NICOLAS Financial assistance 10,000.00
2992-1011-75 693843 12/31/2020 2020-12-4057 EMELY CORALDE Financial assistance 10,000.00
Repair and maintenance /Bldg. &
2992-1011-75 693844 12/31/2020 2020-12-4058 other structure /Construction 34,112.16
2992-1011-75 693845 12/31/2020 2020-12-4059 EDNA MARCELINO Financial assistance 10,000.00
Remittance of premiums /December
2992-1011-75 693846 12/31/2020 2020-12-4060 LBP-FAO-PHIC 83,405.24
2992-1011-75 693847 12/31/2020 2020-12-4069 Return unexpected balance 13,741.00
Fuel expenses /Construction of
2992-1020-82 622048 12/31/2020 2020-12-081 BMW Fuel Station 6,289.96
Sanitary landfill
Welfare goods expenses/Various
2992-1020-82 622051 12/31/2020 2020-12-082 DAISY'S SARI-SARI STORE 208,385.28
Fuel expenses /Construction of
2992-1020-82 622052 12/31/2020 2020-12-083 BMW Fuel Station 13,902.09
Sanitary landfill
2992-1020-82 622053 12/31/2020 2020-12-0854 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR Remittance of EWT /December 2020 16,901.48

2992-1020-82 622054 12/31/2020 2020-12-0855 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR Remittance of VAT /December 2020 41,477.21
2992-1020-90 604283 12/31/2020 2020-12-109 JOEL MATIAS Mobile expenses 4,005.00
2992-1020-90 604284 12/31/2020 2020-12-110 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Internet subscription 1,236.59
2992-1020-90 604286 12/31/2020 2020-12-111 RICHELLE STICKER SIGN Various expenses 5,752.80
Fund transfer from 2992-1020-90 to
2992-1020-90 604287 12/31/2020 2020-12-112 MUNICIPALITY OF ANGADANAN 721,699.00
2992-1020-90 604288 12/31/2020 2020-12-113 JOEL M. MATIAS Various expenses 9,445.00
2992-1020-90 604289 12/31/2020 2020-12-114 JOEL M. MATIAS Medical supplies & medicines 4,331.00
2992-1020-90 604290 12/31/2020 2020-12-115 Disinfectant spray 53,760.00

Page 18 of 40
Account No. Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
2992-1024-14 553779 12/31/2020 2020-12-105 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR Remittance of EWT /December 2020 167,093.53

2992-1024-14 553780 12/31/2020 2020-12-106 LBP-FAO-BIR-BTR Remittance of VAT /December 2020 547,316.40
Hazard pay and special risk
2992-1024-14 553781 12/31/2020 2020-12-107 BELINDA M. VISPO 522,081.91
2992-1025-97 555228 12/31/2020 2020-12-074 HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL 50pcs NBS kit 87,500.00
2992-1025-97 555230 12/31/2020 2020-12-075 Various lab. Supplies 73,821.43
RHU personnal /Maternal Care
2992-1025-97 555231 12/31/2020 2020-12-076 BELINDA M. VISPO 73,000.00
Package - Non PHIC
Sub-total 6,979,141.44
Grand Total 8,215,891.47

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Audit Team Member OIC-Audit Team Leader

Page 19 of 40
Annex G

Republic of the Philippines

Audit Team R2-03, LGS-E, Isabela II

Municipality of Angadanan
Schedule of Long-outstanding Receivables
As of December 31, 2020

Name of Accountable Purpose Date Unliquidated Due Date for Age of Fund *Status of
Account Officer (AO)/ Granted/ Amount Liquidation Transfer/ AO/Employee/
No. Used Employee/Recipient Booked Cash Recipient
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 O/R Socorro Jacinto TEV-CIV Ref#533 July, 2006 5,000.00 Aug., 2006 above 3 yrs no longer connected w/ Agency
sub-total 5,000.00

2 O/R Norma Bartolome no purpose stated June, 2004 1,800.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs retired MTC personnel

3 O/R Johnny Dalupang TEV Ref#073 Jan., 2006 2,500.00 Feb., 2006 above 3 yrs no longer connected w/ Agency

4 O/R Anabelle Orprecio TEV 09-1302 Sept., 2005 1,750.00 Oct., 2005 above 3 yrs resigned
TEV 02-141 Feb., 2006 5,000.00 Mar., 2006 above 3 yrs
TEV 04-311 April, 2006 7,000.00 May, 2006 above 3 yrs
TEV 07-690 July, 2006 10,000.00 Aug., 2006 above 3 yrs
TEV 05-403 May, 2007 10,000.00 June, 2007 above 3 yrs
sub-total 33,750.00

5 O/R Josephine Lam TEV Ref#12-1673 Dec., 2005 1,800.00 Jan., 2006 above 3 yrs no longer connected with LGU
TEV-CIV Ref#219 June, 2009 3,000.00 July, 2009 above 3 yrs
sub-total 4,800.00

6 O/R Christaleen Paggao TEV Ref#544 May, 2006 4,000.00 June, 2006 above 3 yrs. no longer connected with LGU

7 O/R Bernadette Bayang TEV 05-1305 Sept., 2005 3,000.00 Oct., 2005 above 3 yrs. no longer connected with LGU

8 O/R Liberty Fanio no purpose stated Ref#1112 June, 2004 3,500.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs no longer connected with LGU
TEV Ref#05-432 May, 2006 5,000.00 June, 2006 above 3 yrs
TEV CIV ref#479 May, 2006 5,000.00 June, 2006 above 3 yrs
TEV CIV ref#718 Oct., 2006 1,500.00 Nov., 2006 above 3 yrs
sub-total 15,000.00

9 O/R Sherlyn Lorenzo TEV Ref#766 Aug., 2006 1,000.00 Sept., 2006 above 3 yrs no longer connected with LGU

10 O/R Jeannie Pazziuagan TEV Ref#822 Aug., 2006 1,280.00 Sept., 2006 above 3 yrs no longer connected with LGU

11 O/R Rocky Babaran TEV June, 2004 5,180.41 July, 2004 #REF! end of term

12 O/R Gloria Mirasol for comelec exp. June, 2004 1,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs still connected w/ LGU
for comelec exp. June, 2004 6,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs
for comelec exp.Ref#298 April, 2007 20,000.00 May, 2007 above 3 yrs
for comelec exp.Ref#341 April, 2007 15,000.00 May, 2007 above 3 yrs
for comelec exp. Ref#467 June, 2007 15,000.00 July, 2007 above 3 yrs
sub-total 57,000.00

13 O/R Francis Mirasol comelec exp. June, 2004 2,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs no longer connected with LGU

14 O/R Josephine Dupitas Miss Isabela Exp. June, 2004 17,500.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs ISU Teacher

15 O/R Leonardo Armando various exp. Ref#1350 Sept., 2005 5,000.00 Oct., 2005 above 3 yrs no longer connected w/ Agency

16 O/R Aquilino Acob fuel June, 2004 500.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs no longer connected w/ Agency

17 O/R Gilbert Bustamante fuel Ref#245 Aug., 2004 3,000.00 Sept., 2004 above 3 yrs no longer connected w/ Agency

18 O/R Melanio Bartolome aid to brgy. April, 2005 48,000.00 May, 2005 above 3 yrs. no longer connected w/ LGU

19 O/R Andres Pascua no purpose stated June, 2004 2,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs. Retired Comelec Employee
no purpose stated June, 2004 10,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated June, 2004 10,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated June, 2004 10,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
sub-total 32,000.00

Page 20 of 40
Name of Accountable Purpose Date Unliquidated Due Date for Age of Fund *Status of
Account Officer (AO)/ Granted/ Amount Liquidation Transfer/ AO/Employee/
No. Used Employee/Recipient Booked Cash Recipient

20 O/R Solitario Quillang no purpose stated Yr-2002 25,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs end of term
no purpose stated Yr-2002 9,500.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs
sub-total 34,500.00

21 O/R Leonardo Babaran, Jr. no purpose stated Yr-2002 15,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs end of term

22 O/R Jeanette Ong no purpose stated bal. Ref#1095 June, 2004 1,848.66 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs no longer connected w/ agency
no purpose stated bal. Ref#1128 June, 2004 22,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs
no purpose stated bal. Ref#1131 June, 2004 20,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs
sub-total 43,848.66

23 O/R Ronaldo P. Ong no purpose stated Ref#1150 June, 2004 100,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs. end of term
no purpose stated Ref#1184 bal. June, 2004 46,128.06 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
sub-total 146,128.06

24 O/R Felicitas P. Ong no purpose stated Ref#1086 bal. June, 2004 3,962.18 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs. end of term
no purpose stated Ref#1077 June, 2004 72,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1078 June, 2004 45,936.95 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1108 June, 2004 35,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1191 June, 2004 100,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1252 June, 2004 70,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1253 June, 2004 60,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1289 June, 2004 80,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1293 June, 2004 150,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1294 June, 2004 46,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1295 June, 2004 90,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1296 June, 2004 100,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1297 June, 2004 50,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs. Ref#1082/1085/1097
sub-total 902,899.13

25 O/R Mark Dominick Agustin no purpose stated bal. Ref#1274 June, 2004 136.15 Aug., 2004 over 3 yrs. end of term
no purpose stated Ref#1281 June, 2004 22,000.00 Aug., 2004 over 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1282 June, 2004 5,000.00 Aug., 2004 over 3 yrs.
aid to brgy. Ref#608 June, 2006 20,000.00 July, 2006 over 3 yrs.
seminar Ref#1094 Nov., 2006 10,000.00 Dec., 2006 over 3 yrs.
seminar Cebu Ref#225 Mar., 2007 20,000.00 Apr., 2007 over 3 yrs.
sub-total 77,136.15

26 O/R Peter Vigan tev Feb., 2010 1,000.00 Mar., 2010 above 3 yrs. Still connected with Agency
sub-total 1,000.00

27 O/R Dary Respicio terminal pay June, 2004 4,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs. no longer connected with LGU

28 O/R Nida Paggao no purpose stated June, 2004 3,000.00 Aug.,2004 above 3 yrs. no longer connected with LGU
no purpose stated June, 2004 1,000.00 Aug.,2004 above 3 yrs.
sub-total 4,000.00

29 O/R Plaridel Martinez for various exp. 6/15/2011 7,000.00 July, 2011 above 3 yrs. COA Auditor
for various exp. 12/15/2011 8,000.00 Jan., 2012 above 3 yrs.
for various exp. 10/31/2012 7,000.00 Nov., 2012 above 3 yrs.
for various exp. 11/15/2012 2,000.00 Dec., 2012 above 3 yrs.
for various exp. 12/28/2012 8,000.00 Jan., 2013 above 3 yrs.
for various exp. 4/30/2013 30,000.00 May, 2013 above 3 yrs.
sub-total 62,000.00

30 O/R Siquian, Vicente various ref#350 April, 2009 30,000.00 May, 2009 above 3 yrs. End of term
tev/seminar ref#941 Sept. 2008 35,000.00 Oct., 2008 above 3 yrs.
tev/seminar Ref#415 May, 2008 30,000.00 June, 2008 above 3 yrs.
tev/seminar 09-791 Sept. 2007 20,000.00 Oct., 2007 above 3 yrs.
tev/seminar Ref#742 Sept. 2007 30,000.00 Oct.,2007 above 3 yrs.
tev/seminar Ref#295 April, 2007 30,000.00 May, 2007 above 3 yrs.
tev/seminar Ref#195 March, 2007 20,000.00 April,2007 above 3 yrs.
tev/seminar Ref#229 March, 2007 20,000.00 April,2007 above 3 yrs.
Aid to brgy. Ref#607 June, 2006 50,000.00 July, 2007 above 3 yrs.
TEV bal. Ref#107 Jan., 2006 2,031.37 Feb., 2006 above 3 yrs.
Sub-total 267,031.37

31 O/R Rogelio Manugay no purpose stated Ref#1042 June, 2003 5,000.00 July, 2003 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased

Page 21 of 40
Name of Accountable Purpose Date Unliquidated Due Date for Age of Fund *Status of
Account Officer (AO)/ Granted/ Amount Liquidation Transfer/ AO/Employee/
No. Used Employee/Recipient Booked Cash Recipient

32 O/R Felix Tallungan no purpose stated Ref#1043 June, 2003 5,000.00 July, 2003 Above 3 yrs dead/deceased

33 O/R Nicanor Castillo no purpose stated July, 2009 2,500.00 Aug., 2009 Above 3 yrs dead/deceased

34 O/R Ruben Lappay Sr. no purpose stated #994 June, 2003 22,000.00 July, 2003 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased
no purpose stated bal. #1179 June, 2004 4,211.46 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated #1195 June, 2004 20,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated #1214 June, 2004 12,500.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
TEV/seminar Ref#421 Sept., 2004 33,600.00 Oct., 2004 above 3 yrs.
sub-total 92,311.46

35 O/R Ruben Lappay Sr. no purpose stated #1194 June, 2004 10,000.00 Aug., 2004 above 3 yrs.
TEV Ref#398 Sept., 2004 10,000.00 Oct., 2004 above 3 yrs.
TEV Ref#610 Oct., 2004 15,000.00 Nov., 2004 above 3 yrs.
TEV Ref#603 June, 2006 20,000.00 July, 2006 above 3 yrs.
TEV REf#1087 Nov., 2006 10,000.00 Dec., 2006 above 3 yrs.
TEV Ref#069 Jan., 2005 10,000.00 Feb., 2005 above 3 yrs.
TEV Ref#228 March, 2007 20,000.00 April, 2007 above 3 yrs.
TEV Ref#289 April,2007 4,500.00 May, 2007 above 3 yrs.
sub-total 99,500.00

36 O/R Reymundo Paggao no purpose stated Bal. Yr- 2002 7,652.61 Jan., 2003 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased
no purpose stated Ref#987 June, 2003 22,000.00 July, 2003 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#197 July, 2003 20,000.00 Aug., 2003 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1248 June, 2004 10,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs.
no purpose stated Ref#1286 June, 2004 15,000.00 July, 2004 above 3 yrs.

37 Agustin, Edenido tev ref#832 Aug. 2006 25,000.00 Sept., 2006 above 3 yrs.
tev ref#601 June, 2006 20,000.00 July, 2006 above 3 yrs.
Aid to brgy ref#339 April, 2006 50,000.00 May., 2006 above 3 yrs.
TEV bal. Ref#342 March, 2006 4,452.48 April, 2006 above 3 yrs.
Sub-total 99,452.48

38 O/R Agustin, Edenido various Ref#356 May, 2007 30,000.00 June,2007 above 3 yrs. Dead/deceased
tev Ref#222 March, 2007 20,000.00 Apr., 2007 above 3 yrs.
Sub-total 50,000.00

39 O/R Leonardo Asis no purpose stated Yr- 2002 15,000.00 Jan., 2003 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased

40 O/R Emilio Valenzuela no purpose stated Yr- 2002 8,500.00 Jan., 2003 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased

41 O/R Primo Tumala Soil testing/survey Ref#696 July, 2006 50,000.00 Aug., 2006 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased
Soil testing/survey Ref#711 July, 2006 50,000.00 Aug., 2006 above 3 yrs.

42 O/R Andres Bali comelec-monitoring Ref#279 April, 2007 20,000.00 May, 2007 above 3 yrs. dead/deceased
comelec-monitoring Ref#385 May, 2007 30,000.00 June,2007 above 3 yrs.

43 O/R Danny Alingog Fuel Ref#699 July, 2009 4,000.00 Aug., 2009 dead/deceased
Bal. Rep. of Van Ref#1137 Oct., 2008 6,000.00 Nov., 2008

44 O/R Amante Ramos training expenses June, 2004 1,500.00 August, 2004 dead/deceased

45 O/R Francisco Ramiro TEV June, 2004 7,200.00 August, 2004 dead/deceased
No purpose stated June, 2004 4,142.00 August, 2004
Printing Expenses June, 2004 1,500.00 August, 2004

46 O/R Presillano Flotildes No purpose stated Ref#1087 June, 2004 2,457.00 August, 2004 Can no longer be located

47 O/R George Satorre No purpose stated June, 2004 2,000.00 August, 2004 Can no longer be located

48 O/R Alfredo Pascua No purpose stated June, 2004 2,500.00 August, 2004 Can no longer be located

49 O/R Danny Baccay No purpose stated May, 2005 10,000.00 June, 2005 Can no longer be located

Page 22 of 40
Name of Accountable Purpose Date Unliquidated Due Date for Age of Fund *Status of
Account Officer (AO)/ Granted/ Amount Liquidation Transfer/ AO/Employee/
No. Used Employee/Recipient Booked Cash Recipient

50 O/R Cherry Mae Pascua No purpose stated June, 2004 2,000.00 August, 2004 Can no longer be located

51 O/R Eduardo Castro No purpose stated June, 2004 2,500.00 August, 2004 Can no longer be located

Sub-total 2,447,569.33
52 TRUST FUND 100,000.00
53 Due from NGAs 42,599.39
54 Due from GOCCs 13,526.94
55 Due from LGUs 175,969.57
TOTAL 2,779,665.23

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Audit Team Member OIC-Audit Team Leader

Page 23 of 40
Annex H

Republic of the Philippines

Audit Team No. R2-03, LGS-E, Isabela II

Municipality of Angadanan
List of Donations to Individuals for Burial and Financial Assistance
As at December 31, 2020

Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
644835 1-6-2020 2020-01-031 Dona Mae Dela Cruz Financial Assistacne 1,756.00
644945 1-14-2020 2020-01-133 Roger Albay Financial Assistance 2,000.00
644948 1-27-2020 2020-01-138 Julie Managuelod Financial Assistance 3,000.00
644949 1-27-2020 2020-01-139 Reynaldo Ramil Financial Assistance 3,000.00
644950 1-27-2020 2020-01-140 Norlita Bartolome Financial Assistance 2,000.00
644951 1-27-2020 2020-01-141 Jinalyn Morales Financial Assistance 2,000.00
644958 1-27-2020 2020-01-146 Joel Matias Financial Assistance 10,000.00
644959 1-27-2020 2020-01-147 Myrna G. De Vera Financial Assistance (Lowegene M. Aligagay) 2,000.00
644960 1-27-2020 2020-01-148 Myrna G. De Vera Financial Assistance (Psalm of David 3,000.00
Harmonic Orchestra)
644961 1-27-2020 2020-01-149 Myrna G. De Vera Financial Assistance 3,000.00
644962 1-27-2020 2020-01-150 Jean Lucas Financial Assistance 5,000.00
644967 1-27-2020 2020-01-154 Joel Matias Financial Assistacne 10,000.00
644968 1-27-2020 2020-01-155 Edgardo Baptista Financial Assistance 3,000.00
644969 1-27-2020 2020-01-156 Raquilin Sison Financial Assistacne 2,500.00
644971 1-27-2020 2020-01-157 Rhogielito Lopez Financial Assistance 5,000.00
644972 1-27-2020 2020-01-158 Juanito Dela Cruz Financial Assistance 5,000.00
644979 1-27-2020 2020-01-164 Homer Alicum Financial Assistance 5,000.00
644980 1-27-2020 2020-01-165 Gina Ancheta Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645004 1-27-2020 2020-01-189 Vicente Panganiban Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645005 1-27-2020 2020-01-190 Leo Tobe Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645007 1-27-2020 2020-01-192 Melba Butac Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645008 1-28-2020 2020-01-193 Ma. Cristina Taberna Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645009 1-28-2020 2020-01-194 Eliza Valdez Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645010 1-28-2020 2020-01-195 Patricia Vea Financial Assistance 15,000.00
645011 1-28-2020 2020-01-196 Banjo Ferrer Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645012 1-28-2020 2020-01-197 Roselle Domingo Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645014 1-28-2020 2020-01-199 Luisa Valdez Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645020 2/3/2020 2020-02-207 PRESCILLA RAMIL Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645033 2/3/2020 2020-02-216 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Birthday Celebrants) 9,500.00
645034 2/3/2020 2020-02-217 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Fun Run) 10,000.00
645036 2/3/2020 2020-02-219 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Rodrigo Que) 5,000.00
645038 2/3/2020 2020-02-221 MICHAEL ANGELO DALUPANG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645045 2/3/2020 2020-02-228 GERALD TAMANI Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645046 2/3/2020 2020-02-229 ORLANDO FABIE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645047 2/3/2020 2020-02-230 MARICEL SALIH Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645048 2/3/2020 2020-02-231 CLOVIELUZCIA CARAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645051 2/3/2020 2020-02-234 WINNIE MENDOZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645058 2/3/2020 2020-02-241 MA. ANASTACIA MANALANG- Financial Assistance 15,000.00
645061 2/3/2020 2020-02-244 HARRY BEN HUR HERMOSURA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645065 2/3/2020 2020-02-248 RHOGIELITO LOPEZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645066 2/3/2020 2020-02-249 CRISELDA SINFUEGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645070 2/3/2020 2020-02-253 PERLITA MACABADBAD Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645071 2/3/2020 2020-02-254 ROSITA CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645072 2/3/2020 2020-02-255 VICENTA UMINGA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645073 2/3/2020 2020-02-256 EDUARDO RIVERA JR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645078 2/3/2020 2020-02-261 MARICEL SALIH Financial Assistance 65,711.59
645080 2/3/2020 2020-02-263 MARICEL SALIH Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645083 2/3/2020 2020-02-264 NELLY PAGUIGAN Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645084 2/3/2020 2020-02-265 ABIGAIL ZILABBO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645085 2/3/2020 2020-02-266 BERT MARCOS Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645086 2/3/2020 ERLINDA MIGUELFELINA MIGUEL Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645087 2/3/2020 2020-02-268 JAYMAR AGUSTIN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645088 2/3/2020 2020-02-269 REYNALDO GONZAGA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645089 2/3/2020 2020-02-270 EVELYN ZULUETA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645090 2/3/2020 2020-02-271 SANTOS JANDOC Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645091 2/3/2020 2020-02-272 ELIZA SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00

Page 24 of 40
Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
645092 2/3/2020 2020-02-273 JEFFREY VALENCIA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645093 2/3/2020 2020-02-274 NENITA REFORSADO Financial Assistance 1,000.00
645094 2/3/2020 2020-02-275 CANDELARIA LAMUG Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645095 2/3/2020 2020-02-276 JOEL PANGANIBAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645096 2/3/2020 2020-02-277 JOAN QUILANG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645097 2/3/2020 2020-02-278 JONALYN COSTODIO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645098 2/3/2020 2020-02-279 JOHN VERZOSA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645099 2/3/2020 2020-02-280 ZENAIDA PASCUA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645100 2/3/2020 2020-02-281 IMELDA MARCELINO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645101 2/3/2020 2020-02-282 OLIVIA CACAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645102 2/3/2020 2020-02-283 BESSIE SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645103 2/3/2020 2020-02-284 LEMAR BAQUIRAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645104 2/3/2020 2020-02-285 PEDRO SIMON Financial Assistance 1,000.00
645105 2/3/2020 2020-02-286 NIEVES ESPEJO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645106 2/3/2020 2020-02-287 EDUARDO BARACAO JR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645107 2/3/2020 2020-02-288 MARILOU MEDRANO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645108 2/3/2020 2020-02-289 WILBERT LORENZO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645109 2/3/2020 2020-02-290 PABLO BUNGAG JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645110 2/3/2020 2020-02-291 REY MITRA Financial Assistance 1,500.00
645122 2/3/2020 2020-02-303 ELSIE DARACAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645123 2/3/2020 2020-02-304 DOMINGO SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645124 2/3/2020 2020-02-305 ERNESTO DOMINGO JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645125 2/3/2020 2020-02-306 ALONA TAMONDONG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645126 2/3/2020 2020-02-307 SUSANA VERZOSA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645127 2/3/2020 2020-02-308 CARMELITA QUIROD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645128 2/3/2020 2020-02-309 RENATO ORTEGA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645129 2/3/2020 2020-02-310 EVELYN COLOMA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645130 2/3/2020 2020-02-311 CRISANTO MONTEMAYOR Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645131 2/3/2020 2020-02-312 JAYVILYN RIVERA Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645132 2/3/2020 2020-02-313 PEDRO LONGGAT Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645133 2/3/2020 2020-02-314 RODERICK FELICIANO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645134 2/3/2020 2020-02-315 JOEL DOMINGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645166 2/4/2020 2020-02-345 MA. GRACIELA MARAYAG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645167 2/4/2020 2020-02-346 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645168 2/4/2020 2020-02-347 DONA MAE DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 1,000.00
645190 2/4/2020 2020-02-369 ANTONIO PANGANIBAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645191 2/4/2020 2020-02-370 ROSEMARIE RUANO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645193 2/4/2020 2020-02-372 CLIETS ARON GASPAR Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645194 2/4/2020 2020-02-373 JEANINE MARIE DAYAG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645195 2/4/2020 2020-02-374 GLENDA JUAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645196 2/4/2020 2020-02-375 EVANGELINE VILLANUEVA Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645197 2/4/2020 2020-02-376 MARIE EDEN ACOBA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645205 2/4/2020 2020-02-385 NARCISIA BARICAUA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645257 2/5/2020 2020-02-434 MELBA VENTURA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645258 2/5/2020 2020-02-435 ANALYN MAÑALAC Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645259 2/5/2020 2020-02-436 VISITACION DELA FUENTE Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645260 2/5/2020 2020-02-437 RUBILYN CAINGLET Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645261 2/5/2020 2020-02-438 MA. GRACIELA MARAYAG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645262 2/5/2020 2020-02-439 EVELYN VOLANTE Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645263 2/5/2020 2020-02-440 MARICRIS REYES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645264 2/5/2020 2020-02-441 LINO GASPAR Financial Assistance 1,500.00
645265 2/5/2020 2020-02-442 ROVELYN AGUSTIN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645266 2/5/2020 2020-02-443 ROMY PASCUAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645267 2/5/2020 2020-02-444 RENATO MARTE Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645268 2/5/2020 2020-02-445 LOLITA LUNA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645269 2/5/2020 2020-02-446 NARCISIA BARICAUA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645283 2/13/2020 2020-02-460 MARIA CRISTINA MAÑALAC Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645284 2/13/2020 2020-02-461 ADRIANO TACADINO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645289 2/5/2020 2020-02-466 ENRIQUE BAPTISTA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645295 2/5/2020 2020-02-472 NOEL FRANCISCO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645296 2/5/2020 2020-02-473 DOMINGA AMPA Financial Assistance 1,500.00
645297 2/5/2020 2020-02-474 GEORGE LUTAO JR. Financial Assistance 1,500.00
645298 2/5/2020 2020-02-475 LUIS LAGOC Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645299 2/5/2020 2020-02-476 FRANCISCO BARTOLOME Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645300 2/5/2020 2020-02-478 MERCEDITA FAUSTINO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645306 2/5/2020 2020-02-484 CORAZON SADURAL Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645307 2/5/2020 2020-02-485 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645308 2/5/2020 2020-02-486 MARY ANN CORPUZ Financial Assistance 2,500.00

Page 25 of 40
Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
645309 2/5/2020 2020-02-487 BERNARDO ESCALANTE Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645310 2/5/2020 2020-02-488 EDUARDO CASTRO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645322 2/5/2020 2020-02-500 ELVIE GUILLERMO Financial Assistance 6,000.00
645323 2/5/2020 2020-02-501 BENNY TAGUBA Financial Assistance 6,000.00
645333 2/5/2020 2020-02-511 ANGELITO MANANGAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645334 2/5/2020 2020-02-512 ARGIE GRANDE Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645338 2/5/2020 2020-02-516 RONILA JANE LORENZO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645339 2/5/2020 2020-02-517 ROEL GUYUD Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645340 2/5/2020 2020-02-518 ANNE KLEIN BARICAUA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645341 2/5/2020 2020-02-519 MADELYN MACALLING Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645342 2/5/2020 2020-02-520 JAYMARK VIERNES Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645345 2/17/2020 2020-02-523 GEMMA SOLIDOR Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645347 2/18/2020 2020-02-524 CRISTETA PASCUA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645366 2/21/2020 2020-02-543 RONILA JANE LORENZO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645385 2/21/2020 2020-02-561 CHARRY PAGGAO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645387 2/21/2020 2020-02-563 LORD VALENCIA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645388 2/21/2020 2020-02-564 MAY-ANN ALVARO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645389 2/21/2020 2020-02-565 LOVELYN BASILAN Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645390 2/21/2020 2020-02-566 JOSE FELIMER PAGGAO JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645391 2/21/2020 2020-02-567 FILMAN ALICANTE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645392 2/21/2020 2020-02-568 TRULY MANGAOIL Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645393 2/21/2020 2020-02-569 MINDA MENDOZA Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645394 2/21/2020 2020-02-570 BEN LORD VILLAROSA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645395 2/21/2020 2020-02-571 BRENDA CALIXTRO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645396 2/21/2020 2020-02-572 MARILEN JUAN Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645397 2/21/2020 2020-02-573 JULIE ANN ROMERO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645404 2/21/2020 2020-02-580 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Ma. Cristina Mañalac) 20,000.00
645405 2/21/2020 2020-02-581 MEDARDO MARCOS Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645406 2/21/2020 2020-02-582 NOLASCO LAYUGAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645407 2/21/2020 2020-02-583 JOSIE MANIBOG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645428 2/21/2020 2020-02-602 HERROS TORRES Financial Assistacne 3,000.00
645436 2/21/2020 2020-02-610 EDIE GAMMAD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645437 2/21/2020 2020-02-611 GEFERSON PUA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645454 2/27/2020 2020-02-626 FUGARU INTEGRATED SCHOOL Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645455 2/27/2020 2020-02-627 JOHN ROMAN GACUAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645456 2/27/2020 2020-02-628 LOIS CHRISTIAN CUNTAPAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645458 2/27/2020 2020-02-630 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Peter Vigan) 10,000.00
645475 2/27/2020 2020-02-647 REGINA DELA TORRE Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645476 2/27/2020 2020-02-648 NORALYN TAGUINOD Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645487 2/27/2020 2020-02-659 MARES HIDALGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645488 2/27/2020 2020-02-660 ANGELITO SANTOS Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645489 2/27/2020 2020-02-661 CELESTE ESTIADA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645493 2/28/2020 2020-02-665 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645494 2/28/2020 2020-02-666 JOHN WILMYR DE VERA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645496 2/28/2020 2020-02-668 CITY GOVERNMENT OF CAUAYAN Financial Assistance 20,000.00
645497 2/28/2020 2020-02-669 MUNICIPALITY OF SAN MATEO Financial Assistance 30,000.00
645503 2/28/2020 2020-02-675 MARILYN DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645508 3/2/2020 2020-03-688 REYNALDO ORCALES JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645509 3/2/2020 2020-03-689 PRESCILDA CORPUZ Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645510 3/2/2020 2020-03-690 FE JOVIDO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645511 3/2/2020 2020-03-691 MARCELINA CALDERON Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645512 3/2/2020 2020-03-692 PRINCESS MAE MANGULAB Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645513 3/2/2020 2020-03-693 MANNY BACLIG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645514 3/2/2020 2020-03-694 JOVITA MAGAOAY Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645515 3/2/2020 2020-03-695 JARED VALENCIA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645516 3/2/2020 2020-03-696 VILMAR GUILLERMO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645517 3/2/2020 2020-03-697 JENNIFER HERNANDEZ Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645521 3/2/2020 2020-03-701 ARLENE MALIA Financial Assistance (Miss Isabela Candidate 10,000.00
645550 3/2/2020 2020-03-730 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Street Dancers) 50,500.00
645551 3/2/2020 2020-03-731 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Birthday Celebrants 5,000.00
February 2020)
645552 3/2/2020 2020-03-732 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 24,000.00
645556 3/2/2020 2020-03-736 MARIE JOY A. ALVIAR Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645559 3/3/2020 2020-03-739 JOSEPH CLEMENTE Financial Assistance (Fire Prevention Month) 5,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
645560 3/3/2020 2020-03-740 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645590 3/4/2020 2020-03-770 ERWIN GUILLERMO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645591 3/4/2020 2020-03-771 HERWIN CARDONA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645592 3/4/2020 2020-03-772 RODOLFO LUMOT SR. Financial Assistance 1,000.00
645593 3/4/2020 2020-03-773 ANALIZA GAMUROT Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645594 3/4/2020 2020-03-774 VILMA SINIQUE Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645617 3/4/2020 2020-03-797 SOCORRO CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645620 3/4/2020 2020-03-800 J. CESAR TAGUBA IV Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645622 3/4/2020 2020-03-802 JONATHANREDEN E. RICO Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645625 3/5/2020 2020-03-805 SOLOMON DOMINCIL Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645645 3/5/2020 2020-03-825 MARY JOY BARTOLOME Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645647 3/5/2020 2020-03-827 J. CESAR TAGUBA, IV Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645648 3/5/2020 2020-03-828 ERNESTO AMPA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645649 3/5/2020 2020-03-829 TITO TAVERA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645650 3/5/2020 2020-03-830 CESAR DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645662 3/6/2020 2020-03-840 EULALIO CARILLO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645663 3/6/2020 2020-03-841 MARIA FERNANDEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645664 3/6/2020 2020-03-842 RODEL MEDINA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645665 3/6/2020 2020-03-843 JUDY ANN POLICARPIO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645672 3/11/2020 2020-03-849 ASHLEY BUMANGLAG Financial Assistance 1,000.00
645673 3/11/2020 2020-03-850 MARY MARTINEZ Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645674 3/11/2020 2020-03-851 MARIA FERNANDEZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645675 3/11/2020 2020-03-852 JAIME TAMANI Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645676 3/11/2020 2020-03-853 ROSALINA RUANO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645677 3/11/2020 2020-03-854 ANGELITA GALICIA Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645678 3/11/2020 2020-03-855 MARILYN CRISTOBAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645679 3/11/2020 2020-03-856 LOVELYN GANIRON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645680 3/11/2020 2020-03-857 GERALDIN PIZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645730 3/11/2020 2020-03-905 ERNILIA TAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645731 3/12/2020 2020-03-906 EMILIO GUMTANG SR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645732 3/12/2020 2020-03-907 LORENZO IGLESIA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645733 3/12/2020 2020-03-908 MARLYN MANUEL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645734 3/12/2020 2020-03-909 MARIETA FURUC Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645743 3/13/2020 2019-11-3948 JOVELYN VALDEZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645770 3/16/2020 2020-03-940 OFELIA AGUSTIN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645771 3/16/2020 2020-03-941 OCTIVE PALADA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645777 3/16/2020 2020-03-946 JOSEPH A. COMA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645790 3/16/2020 2020-03-959 ANICETO V. VEA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645824 3/20/2020 2020-03-994 ROSITA TALLOD Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645836 3/23/2020 2020-03-1006 LUZ MAJOMETANO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645837 3/23/2020 2020-03-1007 MARIBEL ZIPAGAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645838 3/23/2020 2020-03-1008 ELPIDIO PAGUIGAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645839 3/23/2020 2020-03-1009 VILMA BUENVIAJE Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645840 3/23/2020 2020-03-1010 MELTON PIZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645841 3/23/2020 2020-03-1011 JAMES AGUSTIN JR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645842 3/23/2020 2020-03-1012 ELMER SANTIAGO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645843 3/23/2020 2020-03-1013 DENNIS GUILLERMO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645844 3/23/2020 2020-03-1014 EDNA AMPA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645848 3/23/2020 2020-03-1018 EDARLINA ARZA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645849 3/23/2020 2020-03-1019 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645858 3/23/2020 2020-03-1028 GERMOGENES RUIZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645864 3/25/2020 2020-03-1034 JAYSON DELA FUENTE Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645865 3/26/2020 2020-03-1035 GILBERT ACCAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
645875 4/2/2020 2020-04-1073 EMMANUELLE BUTAC Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645876 4/2/2020 2020-04-1074 MARCELINA GONZALES Financial Assistance 1,000.00
645877 4/2/2020 2020-04-1075 REYNALDO ORCALES Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645898 4/8/2020 2020-04-1095 REX AGCAOILI Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645906 4/13/2020 2020-04-1101 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645909 4/14/2020 2020-04-1104 ESMERALDA TATTAO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645910 4/14/2020 2020-04-1105 JEREMIAS MANANGAN SR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
645925 4/16/2020 2020-04-1120 CAROLINA LACAR Financial Assistance 15,000.00
645931 4/22/2020 2020-04-1126 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 41,000.00
645944 4/22/2020 2020-04-1139 REDENTOR LAPPAY Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645945 4/22/2020 2020-04-1140 ALFIE ABAD Financial Assistance 2,000.00
645969 4/22/2020 2020-04-1163 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Financial Assistance 15,000.00
645977 4/28/2020 2020-04-1170 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645996 4/29/2020 2020-04-1188 MELBA VENTURA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
645997 4/29/2020 2020-04-1189 ROY LAGO Financial Assistance 2,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
645998 4/29/2020 2020-04-1190 JONALYN TRINIDAD Financial Assistance 2,500.00
645999 4/29/2020 2020-04-1191 ANGELITA MARINAY Financial Assistance 2,500.00
646000 4/29/2020 2020-04-1192 MERLYN RAMOS Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646001 4/29/2020 2020-04-1193 ANIE MAY BARROGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646007 5/4/2020 2020-05-1205 RONALD VEA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646008 5/4/2020 2020-05-1206 ROBERTO DALUPANG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646009 5/4/2020 2020-05-1207 FREDDIE CAFIRMA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646010 5/4/2020 2020-05-1208 HERMOGENES RUIZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646014 5/4/2020 2020-05-1212 VILMA TABILANGON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646015 5/4/2020 2020-05-1213 LORINA COVITA Financial Assistance 1,000.00
646016 5/4/2020 2020-05-1214 RHODA TAGUIMACON Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646025 5/4/2020 2020-05-1222 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 6,000.00
646049 5/6/2020 2020-05-1246 LILIBETH MANGULABNAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646050 5/6/2020 2020-05-1247 CARLOS BANTAT Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646056 5/6/2020 2020-05-1253 VIOLETA TORRAZO Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646069 5/7/2020 2020-05-1066 ULYMARK CASTILLO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646072 5/7/2020 2020-05-1269 EMELYN ARUCAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646074 5/7/2020 2020-05-1271 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646075 5/7/2020 2020-05-1272 ANNE KLEIN BARICAUA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646079 5/8/2020 2020-05-1274 MA. VISITACION LAGGUI Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646080 5/8/2020 2020-05-1275 HARISON SAMBRANO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646081 5/8/2020 2020-05-1276 MARY ANN FRANCISCO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646082 5/8/2020 2020-05-1277 ALVIN MARCELO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646083 5/8/2020 2020-05-1278 VILMA VERZOSA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646084 5/8/2020 2020-05-1279 ZOILA LACAR Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646085 5/8/2020 2020-05-1280 TERESITA BATERBONIA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646086 5/8/2020 2020-05-1281 RAMY MELOCOTON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646087 5/8/2020 2020-05-1282 ALMA VILLANUEVA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646102 5/8/2020 2020-05-1297 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 30,000.00
646103 5/8/2020 2020-05-1298 ROSITA TALLOD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646110 5/8/2020 2020-05-1305 JULIEMAR MARCELO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646121 5/11/2020 2020-05-1316 MILDRED BALOG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646123 5/12/2020 2020-05-1318 ROSITA TALLOD Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646125 5/12/2020 2020-05-1320 ALMA DARACAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646133 5/13/2020 2020-05-1327 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646142 5/14/2020 2020-05-1337 CELESTINA MARAYAG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646146 5/14/2020 2020-05-1341 NIKKO VALENCIA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646155 5/14/2020 2020-05-1349 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646156 5/14/2020 2020-05-1350 ISABELITA L. NADUGO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646161 5/14/2020 2020-05-1355 PABLO GOMEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646162 5/14/2020 2020-05-1356 JULES MYRSON DE VERA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646163 5/14/2020 2020-05-1357 NOELITO SALVADOR Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646164 5/14/2020 2020-05-1358 JOVELYN RAMOS Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646202 5/15/2020 2020-05-1396 JULIET RAMIRO Financial Assistance 1,000.00
646203 5/15/2020 2020-03-1397 ELIZA SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646208 5/19/2020 2020-03-1402 ARWIN SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646227 5/22/2020 2020-05-1420 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Birthday Celebrants, 16,000.00
March-May 2020)
646241 5/27/2020 2020-05-1433 LUISA VALDEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646242 5/27/2020 2020-05-1434 KRISANTO DUMBRIGUE Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646243 5/27/2020 2020-05-1435 REMILYN GARCIA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646244 5/27/2020 2020-05-1436 SOTERO DARAWAY Financial Assistance 2,500.00
646245 5/27/2020 2020-05-1437 RICHMOND MARCELO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646246 5/27/2020 2020-05-1438 ESMERALDA FELIX Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646247 5/27/2020 2020-05-1439 JAKE ACOPIDO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646270 5/27/2020 2020-05-1461 LUZVIMINDA BARACAO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646271 5/27/2020 2020-05-1462 RUBEN ALIANGAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646272 5/27/2020 2020-05-1463 MINDA VENTURA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646299 5/28/2020 2020-05-1488 ROMEO PALATTAO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646306 6/1/2020 2020-05-1505 MARILOU SINABAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646307 6/1/2020 2020-05-1506 ROSITA SIMBALA Financial Assistance 1,000.00
646308 6/1/2020 2020-05-1507 JAY-ANNE BARACAO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646309 6/1/2020 2020-05-1508 NENITA TUQUIB Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646310 6/1/2020 2020-05-1509 VISITACION GAMBOA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646311 6/1/2020 2020-05-1510 FLORENDO MANAYAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646312 6/1/2020 2020-05-1511 MAILYN SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646322 6/1/2020 2020-06-1521 MARICRIS PALATTAO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646323 6/1/2020 2020-06-1522 LORETO GALIZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
646330 6/2/2020 2020-06-1529 DONA MAE C. DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646333 6/2/2020 2020-06-1532 SOCORRO TANGONAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646334 6/2/2020 2020-06-1533 JONALYN SANSANO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646338 6/2/2020 2020-06-1537 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646362 6/3/2020 2020-06-1561 CELESTINA MARAYAG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646363 6/3/2020 2020-06-1562 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646364 6/3/2020 2020-06-1563 EDISON MANAYAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646370 6/8/2020 2020-06-1567 JAZEL PAGGAO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
646372 6/8/2020 2020-06-1568 JOEREY RIVERA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646382 6/8/2020 2020-06-1578 ERWIN MENDOZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646383 6/8/2020 2020-06-1579 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646389 6/8/2020 2020-06-1585 LERMA CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646395 6/8/2020 2020-06-1591 ANNE KLEIN BARICAUA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646396 6/8/2020 2020-06-1592 NANIBEL ARZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646397 6/8/2020 2020-06-1593 KELVIN CLARK LACAR Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646406 6/8/2020 2020-05-1600 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 14,500.00
646454 6/16/2020 2020-06-1647 EDARLINA CABASAG Financial Assistance 1,500.00
646455 6/16/2020 2020-06-1648 VIVIAN ESTEBAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646456 6/16/2020 2020-06-1649 EDUARDO BARACAO SR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646457 6/16/2020 2020-06-1650 LYDIA BATTAD Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646458 6/16/2020 2020-06-1651 MARILOU JUEGO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646459 6/16/2020 2020-06-1652 JOYS-AN GUILLERMO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646460 6/16/2020 2020-06-1653 JULIUS RAMISCAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646481 6/19/2020 2020-06-1672 JAYLORD AGRAAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646482 6/19/2020 2020-06-1673 RONALD DUMELOD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646485 6/19/2020 2020-06-1676 VILMA CRISTOBAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646491 6/19/2020 2020-06-1682 MARICRIS MENDOZA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646494 6/19/2020 2020-06-1685 ROSALINDA AGUILAR Financial Assistance 2,500.00
646497 6/19/2020 2020-06-1688 GINALYN TABANIAG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646524 6/24/2020 2020-06-1714 MARINEL GULOY Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646539 6/24/2020 2020-06-1729 EVANGELINE DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646540 6/24/2020 2020-06-1730 VERLY PAGADUAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646543 6/24/2020 2020-06-1731 MARINEL CURAMMENG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646544 6/24/2020 2020-06-1732 FRANKIE MANAGUELOD Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646545 6/24/2020 2020-06-1733 JUANITA LOPEZ Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646547 6/24/2020 2020-06-1735 MARY GRACE CADAUAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646550 6/25/2020 2020-06-1738 ERWIN PIELAGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646555 6/25/2020 2020-06-1743 JONAR GARCIA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646557 7/1/2020 2020-07-1752 MARINA SANTIAGO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646558 7/1/2020 2020-07-1753 CRISTOBAL LACAR Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646560 7/1/020 2020-07-1754 RUBEN DOLORICO JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646561 7/1/2020 2020-07-1755 JERICA JOYCE RAMISO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646562 7/1/2020 2020-07-1756 MEDI LIBAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
646563 7/1/2020 2020-07-1757 CARMELITA QUIROD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646574 7/1/2020 2020-07-1768 CARLO PANDI Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646578 7/1/2020 2020-07-1772 MARILYN DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646588 7/1/2020 2020-07-1782 GRACE FURUC Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646589 7/1/2020 2020-07-1783 VANEZA GAPUSAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
646591 7/2/2020 2020-07-1785 VIRGINIA VIGAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
646597 7/7/2020 2020-07-1790 LEONILA RESPICIO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
646598 7/7/2020 2020-07-1791 LEONILA RESPICIO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671002 7/7/2020 2020-07-1795 BANI PALMA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671003 7/7/2020 2020-07-1796 ALEJANDRINA CALIMAG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671006 7/7/2020 2020-07-1799 ROSEMARIE MANGANTULAO Financial Assistance 1,500.00
671007 7/7/2020 2020-07-1800 MARY GRACE IBARRA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671008 7/7/2020 2020-07-1801 FELY SALAZAR Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671013 7/7/2020 2020-07-1806 JOVILYN RAMIL Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671036 7/7/2020 2020-07-1828 ALIJOHN RAMISCAL Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671037 7/7/2020 2020-07-1827 MARY ANN MAMBURAM Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671041 7/7/2020 2020-07-1831 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671050 7/7/2020 2020-07-1840 MARILYN TEJO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671062 7/7/2020 2020-07-1851 WENDEL PANGANIBAN Financial Assistance 6,000.00
671069 7/7/2020 2020-07-1858 JERICA JOYCE RAMISO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671073 7/8/2020 2020-07-1862 VISITACION LUIS Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671074 7/8/2020 2020-07-1863 PRINCESS JOY MAMABA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671075 7/8/2020 2020-07-1864 JOSEPHINE FLOTILDES Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671076 7/8/2020 2020-07-1865 JOLIVER DOMINGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671077 7/8/2020 2020-07-1866 ERLINDA MATTERIG Financial Assistance 2,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
671101 7/13/2020 2020-07-1892 ELVIE GUILLERMO Financial Assistance (April - June 2020) 6,000.00
671102 7/13/2020 2020-07-1893 BENNY TAGUBA Financial Assistance (April - June 2020) 6,000.00
671108 7/13/2020 2020-07-1899 LOURDES OLIVA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671111 7/13/2020 2020-07-1902 REYNOLD GARCIA Financial Assistance 1,500.00
671112 7/13/2020 2020-07-1903 ERLINDA FRANCISCO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671113 7/13/2020 2020-07-1904 MYLENE LIBAN Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671114 7/13/2020 2020-07-1905 CORAZON MORALLA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671117 7/13/2020 2020-07-1907 ANGELITA SOLIVEN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671130 7/13/2020 2020-07-1920 CHRISTOPHER CASTRO Financial Assistance 1,500.00
671134 7/13/2020 2020-07-1924 MARITES LOPEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671135 7/13/2020 2020-07-1925 BELINDA M. VISPO Financial Assistance (Perlita Gorospe - Brgy. 4,503.00
671148 7/13/2020 2020-07-1938 PIO PASCUA RAÑESES III Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671151 7/13/2020 2020-07-1941 LYDIA AGAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671152 7/13/2020 2020-07-1942 SOLEDAD ESPIRITU Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671153 7/13/2020 2020-07-1943 CHRISTINE MARTIN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671217 7/20/2020 2020-07-2000 GEGE FLORES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671219 7/20/2020 2020-07-2002 EDNA RAMIRO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671220 7/20/2020 2020-07-2003 DANILO LACISTE SR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671221 7/20/2020 2020-07-2004 PRECYBEL BUNGAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671222 7/20/2020 2020-07-2005 VILMA LORENZO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671261 7/21/2020 2020-07-2047 MARY ANN R. MAMBURAM Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671262 7/21/2020 2020-07-2048 WILLIE C. RAMIL Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671264 7/21/2020 2020-07-2050 SHERELYN JOY L. ZUELA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671266 7/21/2020 2020-07-2052 CAMILLE CACAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671267 7/21/2020 2020-07-2053 JOVENCIO BULANADI Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671268 7/21/2020 2020-07-2054 ROSEFE CASANOVA Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671269 7/21/2020 2020-07-2055 DANTE TAGAMI Financial Assistance 1,500.00
671270 7/21/2020 2020-07-2056 ALBERTO DOMINGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671271 7/21/2020 2020-07-2057 ROGELIO GUILLERMO SR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671282 7/23/2020 2020-07-2068 CLARENCE MORALES Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671283 7/23/2020 2020-07-2069 CRISELDA SINFUEGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671284 7/23/2020 2020-07-2070 JOCELYN LAPLANA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671290 7/23/2020 2020-07-2076 ZENAIDA PASCUA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671291 7/23/2020 2020-07-2077 ROMEO TAMANI Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671299 7/23/2020 2020-07-2085 MARIBEL ANCHETA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671321 7/28/2020 2020-07-2104 DIOSDADO S. SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671322 7/28/2020 2020-07-2105 EDUARDO BARACAO JR. Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671323 7/28/2020 2020-07-2106 JOVITA MIGUEL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671324 7/28/2020 2020-07-2107 ANNALIE LONGGAT Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671328 7/28/2020 2020-07-2111 LOLITA COSTALES Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671329 7/28/2020 2020-07-2112 AIZA LAGO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671330 7/28/2020 2020-07-2113 MARITESS BALTAZAR Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671331 7/28/2020 2020-07-2114 CEZAR ORPIANO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671332 7/28/2020 2020-07-2115 JOSEPHINE MANUEL Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671333 7/28/2020 2020-07-2116 MARILYN BUNGAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671334 7/28/2020 2020-07-2117 REMEDIOS ARUCAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671335 7/28/2020 2020-07-2118 ROSEMARIE RAMOS Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671336 7/28/2020 2020-07-2119 FELICITAS FRONDA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671339 7/29/2020 2020-07-2122 BENITO LUNA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671347 7/30/2020 2020-07-2129 VICTORINO ALINDAYU Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671348 7/30/2020 2020-07-2130 APRONIANO PAGALLAMAN Financial Assistance 1,000.00
671379 8/5/2020 2020-08-2164 NIÑO BENTILLO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671380 8/5/2020 2020-08-2165 ANDREA LOU MARIE RESPICIO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671382 8/5/2020 2020-08-2167 HOMER GOMEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671383 8/5/2020 2020-08-2168 JAY-R VIDAD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671387 8/5/2020 2020-08-2172 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671398 8/6/2020 2020-08-2183 GAYLORD AGUSTIN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671400 8/6/2020 2020-08-2186 RYAN ALBANO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671401 8/6/2020 2020-08-2187 AIDA ROBLES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671403 8/6/2020 2020-08-2188 JUANITA AGGARAO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671409 8/7/2020 2020-08-2194 MELCHORA CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671410 8/7/2020 2020-08-2195 ROSANA ROSALES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671411 8/7/2020 2020-08-2196 DANICA ALBIS Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671412 8/7/2020 2020-08-2197 NELIA BALLESTEROS Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671414 8/7/2020 2020-08-2199 ANALYN MAÑALAC Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671415 8/7/2020 2020-08-2200 ROSETTE EUSEBIO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671442 8/11/2020 2020-08-2225 WARLITO MELAD Financial Assistance 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
671443 8/11/2020 2020-08-2226 ANGADANAN NATIONAL HIGH Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671457 8/12/2020 2020-08-2238 ALEXIS CARDONA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671458 8/12/2020 2020-08-2239 JUDY MARAYAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671460 8/12/2020 2020-08-2241 FAUSTINO BALAO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671461 8/12/2020 2020-08-2242 FERNANDO MALLABO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671462 8/12/2020 2020-08-2243 ELIZABETH TAMANI Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671463 8/12/2020 2020-08-2244 LORDWIN DARACAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671480 8/13/2020 2020-08-2261 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671504 8/18/2020 2020-08-2284 NOVELYN GROSPE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671505 8/18/2020 2020-08-2285 OGIE GALICIA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671506 8/18/2020 2020-08-2286 NOVELYN GROSPE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671515 8/18/2020 2020-08-2295 FERDINAND CRISOLOGO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671516 8/18/2020 2020-08-2296 HERMINIO CAYAPAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671517 8/18/2020 2020-08-2297 ANALIZA TABILANGON Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671518 8/18/2020 2020-08-2298 NECITAS BANTAT Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671519 8/18/2020 2020-08-2299 PERLITA LABASAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671520 8/18/2020 2020-08-2300 ROSITA GALLASINAO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671521 8/18/2020 2020-08-2301 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Financial Assistance 6,500.00
671551 8/19/2020 2020-08-2329 BELINDA M. VISPO Financial Assistance (Teody Martinez) 4,920.00
671552 8/19/2020 2020-08-2330 BELINDA M. VISPO Financial Assistance (Rodel Paguyo) 8,900.00
671553 8/19/2020 2020-08-2331 VERGIE OREJAS Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671554 8/19/2020 2020-08-2332 DENNIS GALICIA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671555 8/19/2020 2020-08-2333 LORETO PARALLAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671571 8/20/2020 2020-08-2349 HEHERSON BALINANG JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671572 8/20/2020 2020-08-2350 SAMSON JUAN CABULOY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671578 8/24/2020 2020-08-2356 MELBA AGUILLON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671594 8/26/2020 2020-08-2372 FRANKLIN JACOB SINFUEGO Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671598 8/26/2020 2020-08-2376 CATALINA PASCUA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671599 8/26/2020 2020-08-2377 PRINCESS JANE DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671600 8/26/2020 2020-08-2378 RONNIE ACPAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671616 8/27/2020 2020-08-2393 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Birthday Celebrants, 7,500.00
August 2020)
671617 8/27/2020 2020-08-2394 DONA MAE C. DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671618 8/27/2020 2020-08-2395 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance (Stranded Individuals) 20,000.00
671624 9/1/2020 2020-09-2405 CONCHITA ALINDAYU Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671625 9/1/2020 2020-09-2406 MELANIA LAMUG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671626 9/1/2020 2020-09-2407 PATRICIA AGBAYANI Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671627 9/1/2020 2020-09-2408 BERT GAGARIN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671628 9/1/2020 2020-09-2409 EMMA ANGELES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671629 9/1/2020 2020-09-2410 JAYSON BAQUIRAN Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671630 9/1/2020 2020-09-2411 FRANCISCO CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671638 9/1/2020 2020-09-2418 EMMA ANGELES Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671639 9/1/2020 2020-09-2419 KAYE-CEE ALEJANDRO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671662 9/2/2020 2020-09-2439 LOVELY BASILAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671663 9/2/2020 2020-09-2440 MERCEDITA FAUSTINO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671664 9/2/2020 2020-09-2441 CHESTER AGLIBUT Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671665 9/2/2020 2020-09-2442 GINA ANCHETA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671666 9/2/2020 2020-09-2443 JOSIE MANIBOG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671667 9/2/2020 2020-09-2444 FRANCISCO NAING, JR. Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671668 9/2/2020 2020-09-2445 CARMELITA PASCUA Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671700 9/4/2020 2020-09-2476 EDWIN LLOYD SIYANG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671701 9/4/2020 2020-09-2477 JONBON LAPPAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671702 9/4/2020 2020-09-2478 RODOLFO LUNA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671703 9/4/2020 2020-09-2479 STEPHANEE DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671704 9/4/2020 2020-09-2480 MEMIAN ACOPIDO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671705 9/4/2020 2020-09-2481 ELSIE JOYCE FAUSTINO Financial Assistance 4,500.00
671706 9/4/2020 2020-09-2482 TRISHIA MARIE PARALLAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671708 9/4/2020 2020-09-2484 EDIE GAMMAD Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671709 9/4/2020 2020-09-2485 JULIE MIGUEL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671710 9/4/2020 2020-09-2486 JAY-ANNE BARACAO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671711 9/4/2020 2020-09-2487 LEOVINO DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671712 9/4/2020 2020-09-2488 HILARION BANIQUED Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671727 9/4/2020 2020-09-2502 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671728 9/4/2020 2020-09-2503 SANDY PAGGAO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671737 9/7/2020 2020-09-2510 ALMEL JOHN VENTURA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671738 9/7/2020 2020-09-2511 JOEREY RIVERA Financial Assistance 5,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
671749 9/7/2020 2020-09-2517 MYRA ROMALYN LUMADAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671750 9/7/2020 2020-09-2518 SYRA ANGELYN LUMADAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671751 9/7/2020 2020-09-2519 ANABELLE PANGANIBAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671752 9/7/2020 2020-09-2520 PRINCESS JANE DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671753 9/7/2020 2020-09-2521 JOAN BARICAUA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671758 9/7/2020 2020-09-2525 EUGENIO CACHO, JR Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671759 9/7/2020 2020-09-2526 MIRACLE TAMBOBOY Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671764 9/7/2020 2020-09-2530 LOVELYN BASILAN Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671765 9/7/2020 2020-09-2531 MA. VISITACION LAGGUI Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671771 9/7/2020 2020-09-2537 JOJO GAYUMA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671788 9/8/2020 2020-09-2553 WILMER R. GASPAR Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671789 9/8/2020 2020-09-2554 PRINCESS MAY LOGRONIO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671790 9/8/2020 2020-09-2555 ALLYZZA LUMADAY Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671866 9/10/2020 2020-09-2631 MAY-ANN ALVARO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671867 9/10/2020 2020-09-2632 DIANA RAYMUNDO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671868 9/10/2020 2020-09-2633 CHARLES CASTILLO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671869 9/10/2020 2020-09-2634 ALONA TAMONDONG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671870 9/10/2020 2020-09-2635 REMEDIOS ARZADON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671871 9/10/2020 2020-09-2636 ROSEMIL PULIG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671872 9/10/2020 2020-09-2637 JOKER MADRIAGA Financial Assistance 1,000.00
671873 9/10/2020 2020-09-2638 TITO TAVERA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671874 9/10/2020 2020-09-2639 GIRLIE MARINAY Financial Assistance 2,500.00
671875 9/10/2020 2020-09-2640 MARK ANTHONY ABAD Financial Assistance 2,000.00
671894 9/10/2020 2020-09-2659 JENNIFER BARICAUA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671906 9/14/2020 2020-09-2669 WILMER R. GASPAR Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671907 9/14/2020 2020-09-2670 JOHN MARK VALDEZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671908 9/14/2020 2020-09-2671 NICOLAS PASION Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671909 9/14/2020 2020-09-2672 BIANCA SANTOS Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671918 9/15/2020 2020-09-2681 SANTOS GALO Financial Assistance 10,000.00
671922 9/15/2020 2020-09-2685 ALLAN AQUINO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671923 9/15/2020 2020-09-2686 MARIBEL ANCHETA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671931 9/18/2020 2020-09-2693 RHOGIELITO LOPEZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671938 9/18/2020 2020-09-2700 FLORENCIO MALAYAO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671939 9/18/2020 2020-09-2701 PHOEBE PAGGAO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671940 9/18/2020 2020-09-2702 ALICE RAMIL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671941 9/18/2020 2020-09-2703 CHRISMEL ANCHETA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671942 9/18/2020 2020-09-2704 EDUARDO CASTRO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671943 9/18/2020 2020-09-2705 JUVYLYN MARCELO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671944 9/18/2020 2020-09-2706 NIC NGARANGAD Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671945 9/18/2020 2020-09-2707 MARVIN CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671946 9/18/2020 2020-09-2708 LIGAYA CARABBACAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671947 9/18/2020 2020-09-2709 JEMAICA YVONNE DE GUZMAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671948 9/18/2020 2020-09-2710 JONA COSTALES Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671949 9/18/2020 2020-09-2711 CLARITA LAPPAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671950 9/18/2020 2020-09-2712 LAZEL LOGAN ENDO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671951 9/18/2020 2020-09-2713 LIZZIE QUILANG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
671956 9/18/2020 2020-09-2718 HERMELITA VALDEZ Financial Assistance 30,000.00
671984 9/21/2020 2020-09-2745 BENNY TAGUBA Financial Assistance 6,000.00
671985 9/21/2020 2020-09-2746 ELVIE GUILLERMO Financial Assistance 6,000.00
671988 9/22/2020 2020-09-2749 NOEMIE ENRIQUEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671989 9/22/2020 2020-09-2750 JOVY RAMIL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671990 9/22/2020 2020-09-2751 AR-JHAY RAMIL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
671991 9/22/2020 2020-09-2752 MELFLOR PAGGAO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672012 9/23/2020 2020-09-2772 SUSAN LADIA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672013 9/23/2020 2020-09-2773 LESLIE NAVARRO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672014 9/23/2020 2020-09-2774 CONCEPCION LIQUIGAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672019 9/23/2020 2020-09-2778 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 8,400.00
672020 9/23/2020 2020-09-2779 MABILYN TOLENTINO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672029 9/23/2020 2020-09-2788 JOEY FUERTE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672030 9/23/2020 2020-09-2789 DIOLITA ESCALANTE Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672031 9/23/2020 2020-09-2790 DIZZA ANTOLIN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672046 9/23/2020 2020-09-2805 ZENAIDA LAGANA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672047 9/23/2020 2020-09-2806 ALBERTO AQUINO JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672048 9/23/2020 2020-09-2807 JUANA UALAT Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672049 9/23/2020 2020-09-2808 RANDY VILLA SR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672086 10/1/2020 2020-10-2845 MARILYN MATTERIG Financial Assistance 2,500.00
672087 10/1/2020 2020-10-2846 KRISTINE BERNADETTE Financial Assistance 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
672088 10/1/2020 2020-10-2847 JOSE DOMINGO MARINAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672089 10/1/2020 2020-10-2848 DIEGO MARINAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672091 10/1/2020 2020-10-2849 MYRNA PAGGAO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672092 10/1/2020 2020-10-2850 NORALYN MODESTO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672093 10/1/2020 2020-10-2851 JAYPEE PAGUIRIGAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672094 10/1/2020 2020-10-2852 PRIMITIVO DELA FUENTE Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672095 10/1/2020 2020-10-2853 AMELIA MADRIAGA Financial Assistance 1,000.00
672103 10/1/2020 2020-10-2861 REDEN DOMINGO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672104 10/1/2020 2020-10-2862 JACKILYN MARCELO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672106 10/1/2020 2020-10-2863 ROMEO BARROGA JR. Financial Assistance 2,500.00
672136 10/2/2020 2020-10-2893 RONAN KEITH DELA CRUZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672148 10/5/2020 2020-10-2904 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
672149 10/5/2020 2020-10-2905 JOHN VERZOSA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672150 10/5/2020 2020-10-2906 ALMA VILLANUEVA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672151 10/5/2020 2020-10-2907 BELINDA LAURETA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672159 10/5/2020 2020-10-2915 VIOLER GUTIERREZ Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672160 10/5/2020 2020-10-2916 TEO ILAGAN CASTRO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672161 10/5/2020 2020-10-2917 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 7,500.00
672163 10/5/2020 2020-10-2919 DAYSHA PEÑA HARDWARE AND Financial Assistance 34,560.00
672164 10/5/2020 2020-10-2920 DOLRIECH MALENAB PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672168 10/6/2020 2020-10-2924 BABYLYN MARTINEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672173 10/6/2020 2020-10-2929 AGRIFINA DARACAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672174 10/6/2020 2020-10-2930 PEARL SHANE QUEBRAL Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672175 10/6/2020 2020-10-2931 ANGELITA GULAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672189 10/7/2020 2020-10-2945 RODOLFO PANGANIBAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672190 10/7/2020 2020-10-2946 BESSIE SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672197 10/7/2020 2020-10-2953 MARIE AN LACAR Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672212 10/9/2020 2020-10-2969 JOHN JAY JAY UALAT Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672213 10/9/2020 2020-10-2970 DOMINGO SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672214 10/9/2020 2020-10-2971 IMELDA RICARDO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672215 10/9/2020 2020-10-2972 TERESITA LUNA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672216 10/9/2020 2020-10-2973 ERNILIA TAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672217 10/9/2020 2020-10-2974 TRESELINA SISON Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672219 10/9/2020 2020-10-2976 JOSIE WIGAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672245 10/12/2020 2020-10-2998 VILMA TABILANGON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672251 10/13/2020 2020-10-3004 VILMA TABILANGON Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672254 10/13/2020 2020-10-3007 ANGELICA ESPIRITU Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672261 10/13/2020 2020-10-3014 JOSIE WIGAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672263 10/13/2020 2020-10-3015 ALEJO TAMANI Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672264 10/13/2020 2020-10-3016 NOVIE PAGUYO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
672278 10/14/2020 2020-10-3029 PRECITA CALLEJO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672280 10/16/2020 2020-10-3031 WILHELMINA MARAYAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672281 10/16/2020 2020-10-3032 VILMA ACOPIDO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672282 10/16/2020 2020-10-3033 JANICE DEL ROSARIO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672283 10/16/2020 2020-10-3034 JESSIE BERGADO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672284 10/16/2020 2020-10-3035 LORENA MANABAT Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672298 10/16/2020 2020-09-2509 ARCELI AGCAOILI Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672306 10/19/2020 2020-10-3053 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
672308 10/19/2020 2020-10-3055 REYNANTE DE REGLA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672309 10/19/2020 2020-10-3056 KIARAH GRACIA MARAYAG Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672310 10/19/2020 2020-10-3057 OLIVIA GRANDE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672311 10/19/2020 2020-10-3058 ROSA DARACAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672327 10/21/2020 2020-10-3074 MARY JOY MALITAO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672330 10/21/2020 2020-10-3077 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial Assistance 10,000.00
672338 10/22/2020 2020-10-3083 MARINA NONAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672339 10/22/2020 2020-10-3084 ROGELIO AGCAOILI JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672340 10/22/2020 2020-10-3085 ADELAIDA GUY-YOCHE Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672341 10/22/2020 2020-10-3086 MANEVA TAMANI Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672342 10/22/2020 2020-10-3087 FELICISIMA GARCIA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672343 10/22/2020 2020-10-3088 JUVIE ARZADON Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672344 10/22/2020 2020-10-3089 JESS CHEEL ANCHETA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672345 10/22/2020 2020-10-3090 FELICITAS FRONDA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672346 10/22/2020 2020-10-3091 ROVILYN GROSPE Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672365 10/23/2020 2020-10-3110 DIONICIA CABILES Financial Assistance
672366 10/23/2020 2020-10-3111 NENITA TUQUIB Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672367 10/23/2020 2020-10-3112 LOWEL GO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672379 10/23/2020 2020-10-3124 RONALYN GALANZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
672390 10/23/2020 2020-10-3135 LOWEL GO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672404 10/26/2020 2020-10-3148 JAIRNEL CONCEPCION Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672411 10/30/2020 2020-10-3155 FILMAN ALICANTE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672427 11/9/2020 2020-11-3175 ROLANDO MARQUEZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672428 11/9/2020 2020-11-3176 LINA AQUINO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672436 11/9/2020 2020-11-3184 JOHANNES REYNALDO Financial Assistance 2,500.00
672437 11/9/2020 2020-11-3185 EDUARDO DAYAG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672438 11/9/2020 2020-11-3186 AVIEGAIL SATORRE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672442 11/9/2020 2020-11-3190 REYMUND MANUGAY Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672443 11/9/2020 2020-11-3191 SONIA GALICIA Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672444 11/9/2020 2020-11-3192 MARIANNE ALEJANDRO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672445 11/9/2020 2020-11-3193 BIJAY FLORES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672446 11/9/2020 2020-11-3194 DAISY BAUI Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672448 11/9/2020 2020-11-3196 BOBBY GUTIERREZ JR. Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672449 11/9/2020 2020-11-3197 EMILIANO DERPO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672450 11/9/2020 2020-11-3198 JIMENA TAGAMI Financial Assistance 1,500.00
672461 11/10/2020 2020-11-3209 BRIGIDA MORA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672462 11/10/2020 2020-11-3210 ANITA GAMMAD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672463 11/10/2020 2020-11-3211 ROSALINDA RUANO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672464 11/10/2020 2020-11-3212 MARGIE CAMMAYO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672465 11/10/2020 2020-11-3213 EVELYN VOLANTE Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672470 11/10/2020 2020-11-3218 MARY JEANE VIGAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672471 11/10/2020 2020-11-3219 IMELDA SAN JOSE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672476 11/10/2020 2020-11-3224 PNP PRO2 DIRECTORS CUP Financial Assistance (15th Cagayan Valley 15,000.00
672477 11/11/2020 2020-11-3225 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial Assistance 10,000.00
672480 11/11/2020 2020-11-3228 ALMA VILLANUEVA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672482 11/11/2020 2020-11-3230 JENNIFER MARINAY Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672483 11/11/2020 2020-11-3231 MAYLIN DUMELOD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672499 11/11/2020 2020-11-3247 DOLRIECH M. PATNAAN Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672500 11/11/2020 2020-11-3248 AVIEGAIL SATORRE Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672546 11/19/2020 2020-11-3292 GRETCHEN CORPUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672547 11/19/2020 2020-11-3293 LINA TINAZA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672548 11/19/2020 2020-11-3294 JOVELYN RAMOS Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672549 11/19/2020 2020-11-3295 EVELYN JAMERO Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672550 11/19/2020 2020-11-3296 MARVIE ALIANGAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672551 11/19/2020 2020-11-3297 EDITA SIQUIAN Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672552 11/19/2020 2020-11-3298 ESMERALDA FELIX Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672563 11/19/2020 2020-11-3309 JUN JUN MACABADBAD Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672564 11/19/2020 2020-11-3310 NOVA VERZOSA Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672587 11/23/2020 2020-11-3333 NORIEL RAMIRO Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672588 11/23/2020 2020-11-3334 FAUSTINA CORPUZ Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672589 11/23/2020 2020-11-3335 ROWENA FORONDA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672590 11/23/2020 2020-11-3336 JESEBEL ESCANILLA Financial Assistance 3,000.00
672591 11/23/2020 2020-11-3337 JONA COSTALES Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672609 11/25/2020 2020-11-3354 JOVITA SIYANG Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672610 11/25/2020 2020-11-3355 SESSIE GAYANILO Financial Assistance 5,000.00
672611 11/25/2020 2020-11-3356 JOVELYN GUNTANG Financial Assistance 2,000.00
672624 12/1/2020 2020-12-3371 LILIA FONTEJON Financial assistance 3,000.00
672625 12/1/2020 2020-12-3372 MARY JANE MARTI Financial assistance 3,000.00
672626 12/1/2020 2020-12-3373 CASIMIRO GAMAZON Financial assistance 3,000.00
672627 12/1/2020 2020-12-3374 EDNA CUREG Financial assistance 3,000.00
672628 12/1/2020 2020-12-3375 GLORY GAMMAD Financial assistance 3,000.00
672454 12/1/2020 2020-12-3400 GEMMA NICOLAS Financial assistance 1,000.00
672663 12/1/2020 2020-12-3408 NORMA SISON Financial assistance 5,000.00
672678 12/2/2020 2020-12-3422 EDITHA MACABADBAD Financial assistance 3,000.00
672679 12/2/2020 2020-12-3423 JAYCHRISTIAN SIQUIAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
672685 12/2/2020 2020-12-3429 FE MYLA ZILABBO RICHARDSON Financial assistance 10,000.00
672691 12/3/2021 2020-12-3435 JAYSON DELA FUENTE Financial assistance 5,000.00
672692 12/3/2020 2020-12-3436 DOLRIECH M. PATNAAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
672693 12/3/2020 2020-12-3437 JIEZEL CUREG Financial assistance 5,000.00
672694 12/4/2020 2020-12-3438 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial assistance 2,000.00
672695 12/4/2020 2020-12-3439 WILYN TALAMAYAN Financial assistance 3,000.00
672696 12/4/2020 2020-12-3440 RICO - ISAN PASCUA Financial assistance 5,000.00
672697 12/4/2020 2020-12-3441 MARVIN BAUI Financial assistance 3,000.00
672704 12/4/2020 2020-12-3448 LORETO GALIZA Financial assistance 10,000.00
672705 12/4/2020 2020-12-3449 PERLITA MACABADBAD Financial assistance 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
672706 12/4/2020 2020-12-3450 WILMA BUENVIAJE Financial assistance 5,000.00
672707 12/4/2020 2020-12-3451 ELIJAH DONATO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672708 12/4/2020 2020-12-3452 RHODORA CONCEPCION Financial assistance 3,000.00
672709 12/4/2020 2020-12-3453 MARY JANE DOMINGO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672710 12/4/2020 2020-12-3454 CHRISTIAN TAGUBA Financial assistance 5,000.00
672711 12/4/2020 2020-12-3455 ROGELIO RODRIGUEZ Financial assistance 5,000.00
672712 12/4/2020 2020-12-3456 JAKE ACOPIDO Financial assistance 5,000.00
672782 12/7/2020 2020-12-3524 MYLENE LOPEZ Financial assistance 3,000.00
672783 12/7/2020 2020-12-3525 ROSEMARIE VIGAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
672807 12/9/2020 2020-12-3549 RONALD NAPAT Financial assistance 3,000.00
672809 12/9/2020 2020-12-3551 MARIA ANGELICA A. VILLANUEVA Financial assistance 3,000.00
672810 12/9/2020 2020-12-3552 MARY JOY MATEO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672811 12/9/2020 2020-12-3553 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial assistance / Birthday Celebrants 26,000.00
672812 12/9/2020 2020-12-3554 ALICE CASTILLO Financial assistance 5,000.00
672813 12/9/2020 2020-12-3555 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial assistance 5,000.00
672818 12/10/2020 2020-12-3560 MADELYN CALAUAN Financial assistance 5,300.00
672819 12/10/2020 2020-12-3561 J-ARE TALVO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672820 12/10/2020 2020-12-3562 ALVIN BARACAO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672821 12/10/2020 2020-12-3563 MILAGROS LOPEZ Financial assistance 3,000.00
672832 12/10/2020 2020-12-3574 ROSEMARIE D. GO Financial assistance 10,000.00
672834 12/10/2020 2020-12-3576 RUBEN DE LEON Financial assistance 10,000.00
672836 12/10/2020 2020-12-3578 RUBEN DE LEON Financial assistance 10,000.00
672837 12/10/2020 2020-12-3579 YOLANDA GUILLERMO Financial assistance 5,000.00
672840 12/10/2020 2020-12-3581 ANGELITO MANANGAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
672858 12/10/2020 2020-12-3598 CONSTANCIA CRISTOBAL Financial assistance 5,000.00
672868 12/15/2020 2020-12-3607 FRANCIS PATTAD Financial assistance 10,000.00
672880 12/15/2020 2020-12-3619 ADELA GAURAN Financial assistance 3,000.00
672889 12/15/2020 2020-12-3628 JESSA PAGUYO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672890 12/15/2020 2020-12-3629 FLORA RESPICIO Financial assistance 3,000.00
672891 12/15/2020 2020-12-3630 JANET TABELIN Financial assistance 3,000.00
672892 12/15/2020 2020-12-3631 VENUS DANICA RODRIGUEZ Financial assistance 2,500.00
672893 12/15/2020 2020-12-3632 MARIA TAMANI Financial assistance 2,500.00
672894 12/15/2020 2020-12-3633 ELIZABETH GARCIA Financial assistance 3,000.00
672895 12/15/2020 2020-12-3634 RANDY AGONOY Financial assistance 3,000.00
672896 12/15/2020 2020-12-3635 JONATHAN GALAUS Financial assistance 5,000.00
672917 12/16/2020 2020-12-3655 LEONARDA LABOG Financial assistance 5,000.00
672918 12/16/2020 2020-12-3656 JOHN MARK RUIZ Financial assistance 3,000.00
672919 12/16/2020 2020-12-3657 NELIA ACOB Financial assistance 2,000.00
672920 12/16/2020 2020-12-3658 ESTELA SALVIO Financial assistance 5,000.00
672921 12/16/2020 2020-12-3659 LORENA BODOY Financial assistance 3,000.00
672922 12/16/2020 2020-12-3660 WILHELMINA LAUIGAN Financial assistance 3,000.00
672923 12/16/2020 2020-12-3661 ALMA VILLANUEVA Financial assistance 3,500.00
672940 12/17/2020 2020-12-3676 RODOLFO VILLANUEVA Financial assistance 2,000.00
672941 12/17/2020 2020-12-3677 PEDERICO MAMAUAG Financial assistance 5,000.00
672959 12/17/2020 2020-12-3695 JOVENCIO SIQUIAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
672960 12/18/2020 2020-12-3696 JOSE DOMINGO MARINAY Financial assistance 5,000.00
672968 12/18/2020 2020-12-3702 ALMER JOHN VENTURA Financial assistance 5,000.00
672969 12/18/2020 2020-12-3703 NECASIA ARZADON Financial assistance 5,000.00
672976 12/18/2020 2020-12-3710 CARMELITA QUIROD Financial assistance 5,000.00
672977 12/18/2020 2020-12-3711 JANNILYN PALILIO Financial assistance 5,000.00
672978 12/18/2020 2020-12-3712 GLENFORD FELIPE BEDANA Financial assistance 5,000.00
672979 12/18/2020 2020-12-3713 CHENNY NICOLE HANZ MAMBURAM Financial assistance 10,000.00

672980 12/18/2020 2020-12-3714 DIONICIO TIAM Financial assistance 3,000.00

672981 12/18/2020 2020-12-3715 JOSIE LEOBRERA Financial assistance
672996 12/21/2020 2020-12-3729 MYRNA G. DE VERA FInancial assistance 2,000.00
693505 12/21/2020 2020-12-3736 JOVENCIO MANUEL FInancial assistance 5,000.00
693526 12/21/2020 2020-12-3756 SACIA R. PADILLA FInancial assistance 5,000.00
693527 12/21/2020 2020-12-3757 ELVIE D. GUILLERMO Financial assistance 6,000.00
693528 12/21/2020 2020-12-3758 BENNY TAGUBA financial assistance 6,000.00
693558 12/21/2020 2020-12-3783 VILMA CRISTOBAL FInancial assistance 5,000.00
693559 12/21/2020 2020-12-3784 MELBA BUTAC FInancial assistance 3,000.00
693560 12/21/2020 2020-12-3785 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial assistance / Birthday Celebrant 1,000.00
693561 12/21/2020 2020-12-3786 RUDY PANGANIBAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
693563 12/21/2020 2020-12-3787 ELJAINSON ACOPIDO Financial assistance 5,000.00
693564 12/21/2020 2020-12-3788 LYDIA BATTAD FInancial assistance 3,000.00
693565 12/21/2020 2020-12-3789 LUZVIMINDA BARACAO FInancial assistance 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
693566 12/21/2020 2020-12-3790 ARTURO LANUZA SR. Financial assistance 15,000.00
693567 12/21/2020 2020-12-3791 ELVIE TEJO FInancial assistance 5,000.00
693568 12/21/2020 2020-12-3792 RODAN ADINA FInancial assistance 3,000.00
693570 12/21/2020 2020-12-3794 FERNANDO CARREON FInancial assistance 5,000.00
693571 12/21/2020 2020-12-3795 SEBASTIAN TAGUBA FInancial assistance 3,000.00
693591 12/22/2020 2020-12-3815 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial assistance / Birthday Celebrant 1,000.00
693609 12/22/2020 2020-12-3831 RODALYN BARACAO Financial assistance 5,000.00
693610 12/22/2020 2020-12-3832 EMILY GRACE DOMINGO Financial assistance 5,000.00
693611 12/22/2020 2020-12-3833 ROGELIO APOSTOL SR. Financial assistance 3,000.00
693612 12/22/2020 2020-12-3834 DANIEL PASCUA SR. Financial assistance 3,000.00
693613 12/22/2020 2020-12-3835 MA. CORAZON LACAMBRA Financial assistance 3,000.00
693614 12/22/2020 2020-12-3836 JOSIE LEOBRERA Financial assistance 5,000.00
693618 12/22/2020 2020-12-3840 VILMA CRISTOBAL Financial Assistance 5,000.00
693625 12/29/2020 2020-12-3847 SAINT VINCENT FERRER PARISH Financial assistance 30,000.00
693642 12/29/2020 2020-12-3863 CLIETS ARON GASPAR Financial assistance 5,000.00
693643 12/29/2020 2020-12-3864 REYNALDO ANTONIO Financial assistance 3,000.00
693644 12/29/2020 2020-12-3865 ROWENALYN LIMOS Financial assistance 5,000.00
693650 12/29/2020 2020-12-3871 MARCELITA MANUGAY Financial assistance 5,000.00
693651 12/29/2020 2020-12-3872 ANABELLE PANGANIBAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
693652 12/29/2020 2020-12-3873 RUZIELLE M. BATTAD Financial assistance 10,000.00
693653 12/29/2020 2020-12-3874 RAIZA LUMELAY Financial assistance 3,000.00
693654 12/29/2020 2020-12-3875 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Financial assistance 7,000.00
693656 12/29/2020 2020-12-3877 PACITA LACAR Financial assistance 5,000.00
693657 12/29/2020 2020-12-3878 DINDO GALICIA Financial assistance 3,000.00
693658 12/29/2020 2020-12-3879 YOLIZON DOMINGO Financial assistance 5,000.00
693659 12/29/2020 2020-12-3880 ERWIN GANIO Financial assistance 5,000.00
693686 12/31/2020 2020-12-3906 MYRNA G. DE VERA Financial assistance 3,000.00
693730 12/31/2020 2020-12-3948 ROSITA TALLOD Financial assistance 5,000.00
693733 12/31/2020 2020-12-3951 JUANITO RAMIRO Financial assistance 5,000.00
693734 12/31/2020 2020-12-3952 CLARISA SALES Financial assistance 3,000.00
693735 12/31/2020 2020-12-3953 CLARITA MOSQUITO Financial assistance 3,000.00
693736 12/31/2020 2020-12-3954 RODEL RAYMUNDO Financial assistance 3,000.00
693737 12/31/2020 2020-12-3955 LEOMAR SADUL Financial assistance 3,000.00
693738 12/31/2020 2020-12-3956 MYKEE LUMADAY Financial assistance 5,000.00
693739 12/31/2020 2020-12-3957 KELVIN CLARK LACAR Financial assistance 5,000.00
693740 12/31/2020 2020-12-3958 RODOLFO DARACAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
693742 12/31/2020 2020-12-3960 ADELA GAURAN Financial assistance 3,000.00
693743 12/31/2020 2020-12-3961 ZENAIDA SALVADOR Financial assistance 3,000.00
693744 12/31/2020 2020-12-3962 RAFAEL VIGAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
693745 12/31/2020 2020-12-3963 BRYAN JERIC JASMIN Financial assistance 5,000.00
693783 12/31/2020 2020-12-3998 FERNALYN ASUNCION Financial assistance 5,000.00
693783 12/31/2020 2020-12-3998 FERNALYN ASUNCION Financial assistance 5,000.00
693810 12/31/2020 2020-12-4025 FLORIDA PUDOL Financial assistance 5,000.00
693815 12/31/2020 2020-12-4030 DOLRIECH M. PATNAAN Financial assistance 5,000.00
693837 12/31/2020 2020-12-4051 RANDY LUMADAY Financial assistance 10,000.00
693838 12/31/2020 2020-12-4052 MICHELLE ALIANGAN Financial assistance 10,000.00
693839 12/31/2020 2020-12-4053 SHERWIN JACINTO Financial assistance 10,000.00
693842 12/31/2020 2020-12-4056 FLORDELIZA NICOLAS Financial assistance 10,000.00
693843 12/31/2020 2020-12-4057 EMELY CORALDE Financial assistance 10,000.00
693845 12/31/2020 2020-12-4059 EDNA MARCELINO Financial assistance 10,000.00
644981 1-27-2020 2020-01-166 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Erlinda Tadeo) 7,000.00
644982 1-27-2020 2020-01-167 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Camilo Balacanao) 6,000.00
644983 1-27-2020 2020-01-168 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Kurt Ivan Nartates) 3,000.00
644986 1-27-2020 2020-01-171 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Eusebia Cristobal) 2,000.00
644987 1-27-2020 2020-01-172 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Erlinda Talamayan) 3,000.00
644988 1-27-2020 2020-01-173 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Erlinda Limon) 2,000.00
644989 1-27-2020 2020-01-174 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Esperanza Ramos) 2,000.00
644990 1-27-2020 2020-01-175 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Erlinda Taguba) 10,000.00
644991 1-27-2020 2020-01-176 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Juanita Acpal) 3,000.00
644992 1-27-2020 2020-01-177 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Juanito Bacani) 7,000.00
644993 1-27-2020 2020-01-178 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Nenita Gersin) 3,000.00
644994 1-27-2020 2020-01-179 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Alessandra Faye Agustin) 3,000.00
644995 1-27-2020 2020-01-180 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Emerita Ong) 2,000.00
644996 1-27-2020 2020-01-181 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Jessie Aguilar) 2,000.00
644997 1-27-2020 2020-01-182 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Mario Bumanglag) 2,000.00
644998 1-27-2020 2020-01-183 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Pedro Marcelo) 7,000.00
644999 1-27-2020 2020-01-184 F.V. Carbonel Funeral Parlor Burial Assistance (Leoncio Lmaputi) 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
645140 2/3/2020 2020-02-321 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Elizabeth Managuelod) 3,000.00
645141 2/3/2020 2020-02-322 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Joseph Eda) 7,000.00
645142 2/3/2020 2020-02-323 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lourence Lacar) 7,000.00
645143 2/3/2020 2020-02-324 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Arcely Panganiban) 3,000.00
645218 2/4/2020 2020-02-398 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Marcelo Aguilar) 7,000.00
645270 2/5/2020 2020-02-447 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Tomas Tamani Sr.) 2,000.00
645271 2/5/2020 2020-02-448 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lilia Laggui) 2,000.00
645272 2/5/2020 2020-02-449 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Magdalena Acpal) 3,000.00
645273 2/5/2020 2020-02-450 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ruben Ngarangad) 7,000.00
645398 2/21/2020 2020-02-574 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (C-Jay Cristobal) 7,000.00
645399 2/21/2020 2020-02-575 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rosita Prepose) 7,000.00
645400 2/21/2020 2020-02-576 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 2,000.00
645401 2/21/2020 2020-02-577 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Loreto Sales Jr.) 2,000.00
645402 2/21/2020 2020-02-578 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Felix A. Apaga) 6,000.00
645403 2/21/2020 2020-02-579 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Adonis Dayamuda) 6,500.00
645439 2/21/2020 2020-02-613 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Russel Santos) 3,000.00
645440 2/21/2020 2020-02-614 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Felomeno Dumelod) 7,000.00
645468 2/27/2020 2020-02-640 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rogelio Manugay) 2,000.00
645469 2/27/2020 2020-02-641 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Pedro Empeno) 3,000.00
645485 2/27/2020 2020-02-657 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 7,000.00
645486 2/27/2020 2020-02-658 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 2,000.00
645498 2/28/2020 2020-02-670 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Virginio Dela Cruz) 6,500.00
645499 2/28/2020 2020-02-671 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistacne (Regina Pascua) 7,000.00
645651 3/5/2020 2020-03-831 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rodolfo Yuzon) 5,500.00
645652 3/5/2020 2020-03-832 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Milagros Amotoy) 6,500.00
645712 3/11/2020 2020-03-887 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (William Carabbacan) 3,000.00
645713 3/11/2020 2020-03-888 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Joey Lacar) 3,000.00
645714 3/11/2020 2020-03-889 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Gilbert Dumlao) 7,000.00
645715 3/11/2020 2020-03-890 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Clarita Abad) 2,000.00
645778 3/16/2020 2020-03-947 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Mark Rodine Arza) 3,000.00
645779 3/16/2020 2020-03-948 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Domingo Matterig) 5,500.00
645859 3/23/2020 2020-03-1029 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lucena Singun) 2,000.00
645878 4/2/2020 2020-04-1076 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 3,000.00
645879 4/2/2020 2020-04-1077 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 3,000.00
645880 4/2/2020 2020-04-1078 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Juan Ricardo) 3,000.00
645881 4/2/2020 2020-04-1079 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Dolores Cubangbang) 2,000.00
645899 4/8/2020 2020-04-1096 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Gregorio Bumanglag) 3,000.00
645900 4/8/2020 2020-04-1097 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lolita Castillo) 3,000.00
645908 4/14/2020 2020-04-1103 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ricardo Baniel) 2,000.00
645946 4/22/2020 2020-04-1141 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rosalla Elarde) 2,000.00
646011 5/4/2020 2020-05-1209 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Flora Cadelina) 6,500.00
646012 5/4/2020 2020-05-1210 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Joe Castillo) 7,000.00
646013 5/4/2020 2020-05-1211 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Sharon Vea) 3,000.00
646019 5/4/2020 2020-05-1216 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Dorotea Aguilar) 7,000.00
646020 5/4/2020 2020-05-1217 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Emilia Ramiscal) 3,000.00
646021 5/4/2020 2020-05-1218 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Pedro Buyugan) 2,000.00
646051 5/6/2020 2020-05-1248 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Gregorio Salud) 2,000.00
646088 5/8/2020 2020-05-1283 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Jaylord Longgat) 2,000.00
646089 5/8/2020 2020-05-1284 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Sevilla Labuguen) 2,000.00
646090 5/8/2020 2020-05-1285 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Sony Dalupang) 7,000.00
646126 5/12/2020 2020-05-1321 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rodel Valdez) 7,000.00
646165 5/14/2020 2020-05-1359 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 2,000.00
646166 5/14/2020 2020-05-1360 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 2,000.00
646167 5/14/2020 2020-05-1361 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 6,500.00
646168 5/14/2020 2020-05-1362 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 2,000.00
646169 5/14/2020 2020-05-1363 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Librada Lago) 6,500.00
646170 5/14/2020 2020-05-1364 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lorenza Guiuo) 7,000.00
646209 5/19/2020 2020-03-1403 ROLAND MANAGUELOD Burial Assistance 20,000.00
646248 5/27/2020 2020-05-1440 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Angeles Taguimacon) 3,000.00
646249 5/27/2020 2020-05-1441 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Marites Vea) 7,000.00
646250 5/27/2020 2020-05-1442 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Gregorio Acpal) 3,000.00
646252 5/27/2020 2020-05-1443 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Andy Hansten Pagulayan) 3,000.00
646253 5/27/2020 2020-05-1444 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Marina Agustin) 3,000.00
646254 5/27/2020 2020-05-1445 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Buendia Agbayani) 3,000.00
646255 5/27/2020 2020-05-1446 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Antonia Aguilar) 6,500.00
646279 5/28/2020 2020-05-1469 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Angelito Managuelod) 55,000.00
646280 5/28/2020 2020-05-1470 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Cecilia Guillermo) 3,000.00
646390 6/8/2020 2020-06-1586 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Orlino Labuguen) 2,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
646391 6/8/2020 2020-06-1587 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Javier Agustin) 7,000.00
646461 6/16/2020 2020-06-1654 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Luis Paguyo) 2,000.00
646526 6/24/2020 2020-06-1716 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Remedios Quilang) 2,000.00
646527 6/24/2020 2020-06-1717 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Roberto Acosta) 15,000.00
646564 7/1/2020 2020-07-1758 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rommel Dumelod) 5,500.00
646565 7/1/2020 2020-07-1759 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Aurelia Alindayu) 7,000.00
646566 7/1/2020 2020-07-1760 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Carmelita Silverio) 25,000.00
646567 7/1/2020 2020-07-1761 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Elmer Pielago) 3,000.00
646568 7/1/2020 2020-07-1762 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Abelardo Dalupang) 7,000.00
646569 7/1/2020 2020-07-1763 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Hazel Gulan) 7,000.00
646570 7/1/2020 2020-07-1764 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lilia Tamani) 7,000.00
646571 7/1/2020 2020-07-1765 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Leonides Corpuz) 12,000.00
646572 7/1/2020 2020-07-1766 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Airam Mazekeen Romero) 3,000.00
671054 7/7/2020 2020-07-1844 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Mariano Carabbacan) 23,000.00
671078 7/8/2020 2020-07-1867 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Angela Bravo) 2,000.00
671079 7/8/2020 2020-07-1868 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Florentina Lacar) 3,000.00
671118 7/13/2020 2020-07-1908 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Nicanor Valdez) 5,000.00
671119 7/13/2020 2020-07-1909 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Joy Palma) 3,000.00
671120 7/13/2020 2020-07-1910 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (William Lofreso) 2,000.00
671121 7/13/2020 2020-07-1911 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Cariño Aguilar) 2,000.00
671122 7/13/2020 2020-07-1912 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rolly Oliva) 3,500.00
671123 7/13/2020 2020-07-1913 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Teresita Ngarangad) 2,000.00
671156 7/13/2020 2020-07-1945 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Benbinido Fariñas) 7,000.00
671157 7/13/2020 2020-07-1946 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Annabelle Llanes) 7,000.00
671223 7/20/2020 2020-07-2006 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Agelita Rallonza) 3,000.00
671224 7/20/2020 2020-07-2007 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Jovencio Grande) 3,000.00
671225 7/20/2020 2020-07-2008 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Juan Mende) 3,000.00
671226 7/20/2020 2020-07-2009 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Arlie Palencia) 7,000.00
671227 7/20/2020 2020-07-2010 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rosa De Leon) 7,000.00
671272 7/21/2020 2020-07-2058 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Reynaldo Dagdag) 7,000.00
671295 7/23/2020 2020-07-2081 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Janette Daracan) 6,500.00
671296 7/23/2020 2020-07-2082 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Aniceto Gorospe) 3,000.00
671297 7/23/2020 2020-07-2083 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Estrella Acopido) 3,000.00
671298 7/23/2020 2020-07-2084 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Pablo Baquiran) 3,000.00
671326 7/28/2020 2020-07-2109 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Enrique Guillermo Jr.) 2,000.00
671327 7/28/2020 2020-07-2110 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lorenzo Marcelo) 7,000.00
671394 8/6/2020 2020-08-2179 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Marizel Dela Fuente) 7,000.00
671395 8/6/2020 2020-08-2180 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (William Owel Gamboa) 7,000.00
671396 8/6/2020 2020-08-2181 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ofelia Mesias) 7,000.00
671397 8/6/2020 2020-08-2182 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Reynelio Prangan) 7,000.00
671456 8/12/2020 2020-08-2237 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Andres Padre) 3,000.00
671459 8/12/2020 2020-08-2240 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Mario Battad) 7,000.00
671557 8/19/2020 2020-08-2335 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Levy Parallag) 3,000.00
671558 8/19/2020 2020-08-2336 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Christopher Pascua) 7,000.00
671559 8/19/2020 2020-08-2337 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 3,000.00
671579 8/24/2020 2020-08-2357 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Marcelina Gallo) 7,000.00
671580 8/24/2020 2020-08-2358 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Dolores Guyud) 2,000.00
671581 8/24/2020 2020-08-2359 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Joel Concencino) 7,000.00
671582 8/24/2020 2020-08-2360 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Leovigildo Babaran) 2,000.00
671601 8/26/2020 2020-08-2379 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Fred Gammad) 7,000.00
671602 8/26/2020 2020-08-2380 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Manuel Masi) 3,000.00
671603 8/26/2020 2020-08-2381 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Richard Malana) 7,000.00
671604 8/26/2020 2020-08-2382 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Saniata Medina) 3,000.00
671605 8/26/2020 2020-08-2383 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Zariel Camarillo) 3,000.00
671631 9/1/2020 2020-09-2412 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Jonathan Garcia) 2,000.00
671633 9/1/2020 2020-09-2413 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Erlinda Francisco) 3,000.00
671634 9/1/2020 2020-09-2414 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Macaria Peronze) 7,000.00
671669 9/2/2020 2020-09-2446 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Cristina Ganancial) 3,000.00
671670 9/2/2020 2020-09-2447 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Elena Ricardo) 2,000.00
671671 9/2/2020 2020-09-2448 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Fatima Ramos) 7,000.00
671713 9/4/2020 2020-09-2489 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Gregoria Dela Cruz) 3,000.00
671739 9/7/2020 2020-09-2512 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Arnel Fernandez) 7,000.00
671876 9/10/2020 2020-09-2641 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Edwin Siyang) 2,000.00
671877 9/10/2020 2020-09-2642 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Wilson Concepcion) 3,000.00
671878 9/10/2020 2020-09-2643 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Danny Boy Valdez) 7,000.00
671879 9/10/2020 2020-09-2644 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Diego Ampa) 3,000.00
672024 9/23/2020 2020-09-2783 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Jesusa Matias) 3,000.00
672025 9/23/2020 2020-09-2784 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Edgardo Daracan) 3,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
672026 9/23/2020 2020-09-2785 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Celito Dalupang) 7,000.00
672027 9/23/2020 2020-09-2786 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Jonsi Arimagao) 7,000.00
672028 9/23/2020 2020-09-2787 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ernesto Dalamacio) 7,000.00
672045 9/23/2020 2020-09-2804 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Francisco Carabbacan) 7,000.00
672097 10/1/2020 2020-10-2855 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Belermina Aliangan) 3,000.00
672098 10/1/2020 2020-10-2856 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Elpidio Mercado) 3,000.00
672099 10/1/2020 2020-10-2857 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Elderson Albano) 48,025.00
672100 10/1/2020 2020-10-2858 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Fermin Guiuo) 3,000.00
672101 10/1/2020 2020-10-2859 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Tessie Garcia) 3,000.00
672152 10/5/2020 2020-10-2908 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 22,000.00
672153 10/5/2020 2020-10-2909 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Pepito Bautista) 7,000.00
672154 10/5/2020 2020-10-2910 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ruben Yuzon) 3,000.00
672155 10/5/2020 2020-10-2911 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Delaila Longgat) 7,000.00
672156 10/5/2020 2020-10-2912 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Pablo Laggui) 7,000.00
672157 10/5/2020 2020-10-2913 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Mario Reforma) 6,500.00
672158 10/5/2020 2020-10-2914 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Jonalyn Bagani) 7,000.00
672169 10/6/2020 2020-10-2925 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Annie Domingo) 2,000.00
672170 10/6/2020 2020-10-2926 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Luisita Callorina) 7,000.00
672171 10/6/2020 2020-10-2927 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Merlyn Marayag) 7,000.00
672172 10/6/2020 2020-10-2928 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ryan Gomez) 3,000.00
672191 10/7/2020 2020-10-2947 DAYSHA PEÑA HARDWARE AND ELECMaterials (Burial Assistance) 4,176.00
672211 10/9/2020 2020-10-2968 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rosemarie Ruano) 24,500.00
672265 10/13/2020 2020-10-3017 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Mamerto Villa) 5,500.00
672266 10/13/2020 2020-10-3018 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Flordeliza Lappay) 7,000.00
672267 10/13/2020 2020-10-3019 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Ernesto Pinto) 7,000.00
672285 10/16/2020 2020-10-3036 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Romeo Cardona) 7,000.00
672348 10/22/2020 2020-10-3093 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Joshua Garcua) 7,000.00
672349 10/22/2020 2020-10-3094 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Anthony Borromeo) 10,000.00
672434 11/9/2020 2020-11-3182 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Rhaizen Rhein Labra) 6,000.00
672435 11/9/2020 2020-11-3183 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Agapito Ramos) 3,000.00
672447 11/9/2020 2020-11-3195 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Lolita Bayuda) 2,000.00
672553 11/19/2020 2020-11-3299 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Angela Cacal) 7,000.00
672554 11/19/2020 2020-11-3300 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 7,000.00
672555 11/19/2020 2020-11-3301 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 3,000.00
672556 11/19/2020 2020-11-3302 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Pablo Lappay Sr.) 3,000.00
672557 11/19/2020 2020-11-3303 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 7,000.00
672558 11/19/2020 2020-11-3304 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance 7,000.00
672612 11/25/2020 2020-11-3357 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Alex Moralla) 3,000.00
672613 11/25/2020 2020-11-3358 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOR Burial Assistance (Asuncion Yrreverre) 3,000.00
672649 12/1/2020 2020-12-3395 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 3,000.00
672650 12/1/2020 2020-12-3396 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 20,000.00
672664 12/1/2020 2020-12-3409 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 3,000.00
672700 12/4/2020 2020-12-3444 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 3,000.00
672701 12/4/2020 2020-12-3445 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 3,000.00
672702 12/4/2020 2020-12-3446 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 3,000.00
672703 12/4/2020 2020-12-3447 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 7,000.00
672806 12/9/2020 2020-12-3548 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 3,000.00
672822 12/10/2020 2020-12-3564 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 7,000.00
672823 12/10/2020 2020-12-3565 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 7,000.00
672824 12/10/2020 2020-12-3566 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 3,000.00
672897 12/15/2020 2020-12-3636 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 7,000.00
672898 12/15/2020 2020-12-3637 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 3,000.00
672899 12/15/2020 2020-12-3638 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 3,000.00
672924 12/16/2020 2020-12-3662 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 6,000.00
672925 12/16/2020 2020-12-3663 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 7,000.00
672926 12/16/2020 2020-12-3664 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 3,000.00
672927 12/16/2020 2020-12-3665 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 5,500.00
672928 12/16/2020 2020-12-3666 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment of burial assistance 6,500.00
672956 12/17/2020 2020-12-3692 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 2,000.00
672957 12/17/2020 2020-12-3693 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 7,000.00
672958 12/17/2020 2020-12-3694 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 7,000.00
672973 12/18/2020 2020-12-3707 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Payment for burial assistance 7,000.00
693619 12/22/2020 2020-12-3841 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 7,000.00
693620 12/22/2020 2020-12-3842 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 3,000.00
693747 12/31/2020 2020-12-3964 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 3,000.00
693748 12/31/2020 2020-12-3965 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 3,000.00
693749 12/31/2020 2020-12-3966 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 3,000.00
693750 12/31/2020 2020-12-3967 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 7,000.00

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Check No. Check Date D.V. No. Payee Nature of Payment Amount
693751 12/31/2020 2020-12-3968 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 7,000.00
693769 12/31/2020 2020-12-3984 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 3,000.00
693770 12/31/2020 2020-12-3985 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 7,000.00
693769 12/31/2020 2020-12-3984 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 3,000.00
693770 12/31/2020 2020-12-3985 F.V. CARBONEL FUNERAL PARLOL Burial assistance 7,000.00
Total 4,971,251.59

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Audit Team Member OIC-Audit Team Leader

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