Course Information
Course Information
Course Information
Winter 2020
Course Information
Course Overview Math, like programming, is a skill that that takes practice to develop. In CS103A, we'll
provide extra review of the topics from CS103 and discuss general problem-solving
strategies that often come up in proof-based mathematics. We hope that the course
helps solidify the concepts from CS103 and provides you with a set of tools you can
use to confront challenging math problems with confidence.
If you're interested in taking CS103 but feel like you could use a little bit more practice
and review, this is the course for you!
Website All materials for CS103A will be posted at Let us know if
there's anything else you'd like us to post there!
Time/Location CS103A meets Tuesday of each week from 3:00PM – 5:00PM in 380 – 380Y. We are
technically scheduled to meet from 3:00PM – 5:50PM, but the last 50 minutes will
serve as an optional extra set of office hours.
Course Format Math is a skill that you'll learn with practice, so most of the class time in CS103A will
be spent working on practice problems in small groups. We'll typically start off each
class with some review questions on the CS103 course material, then transition to
group work.
Corequisite CS103A has CS103 as a corequisite. This class is specifically designed as an add-on
course for CS103 and the material and presentation will be tailored to current CS103
students. As a result, you must be enrolled in CS103 to take CS103A.
Grading Your grade in CS103A will be based on a combination of attendance and small weekly
check-in assignments. You are required to attend eight of the ten class meetings and to
complete eight of the ten weekly assignments. Each assignment will go out on
Wednesday at roughly 5:00PM and will be due on the upcoming Friday at 2:30PM.
CS103A and CS103 are independent courses, so your grade in CS103 has no bearing
on your grade in CS103A (and vice-versa).
Office Hours While we won't have office hours per se, I'll stick around until around after class until
5:50 in case you have any questions. If you have any general questions about the mate-
rial from CS103A, you're welcome to send an email to the CS103A staff mailing list,
which is