Learn Before You Lose

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The document discusses W.D. Gann's methods for successful stock trading and avoiding losses. It provides rules for determining market trends and cycles on both yearly and monthly timeframes.

The three main reasons are: 1) over-trading, 2) lack of stop losses, and 3) lack of knowledge about why stocks will go up or down.

Gann recommends learning to see and know for yourself why stocks should go up or down by taking a course of instruction to prepare yourself to act independently of others' advice.

Learn Before you Lose

Why You Lose Money on Stocks
How to Make Profits

By: W.D. Gann

Learn Before you Lose
Why You Lose Money on Stocks
How to Make Profits

Why do the great majority of people who buy and sell stocks lose?

There are three main reasons:

1. They over-trade or buy and sell too much for their capital.
2. They do not place stop loss orders or limit their losses.
3. Lack of knowledge. This is the most important reason of all.

Most people buy a stock because they hope it will go up and they will make profits. They buy on tips, or
what someone else thinks, without any concrete knowledge of their own that the stock will advance.
Thus they entered the market wrong and did not recognize this mistake or attempt to correct it until too
late. Finally they sell because they fear the stock will go lower and often they sell out near low levels,
getting out at the wrong time, making two mistakes, getting in the market at the wrong time and getting
out at the wrong time. One mistake could have been prevented; they could have gotten out right after
getting in wrong. They do not realize that operating in Stocks or Commodities is a business or a
profession, the same as engineering or the medical profession.

Why You Should Learn to Determine the Trend of the Market

You may have tried to follow market letters and like many others either lost money or failed to make
profits, because the market letters gave a list of too many stocks to buy or sell and you picked the wrong
one at lost. A smart man cannot follow another man blindly even though the other man is right, because
you cannot have confidence and act of advice when you do not know what it is based on. You will be
able to act with confidence and make profits when you can SEE and KNOW for YOURSELF why STOCKS
should go UP or DOWN. That is why you should take a Course of Instructions and prepare yourself to act
independent of the advice of others.

Why I Teach My Methods

Long years in practical market trading and experience in teaching others has taught me what others
need for success in speculation. They must learn a rule and how to apply it before they take up the
second lesson or set of Rules. When you first went to school you had to learn your A, B, Cs before you
could read and when you started to study arithmetic you had to learn the four fundamental rules,
addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction.

Then you were prepared to take up higher mathematics, algebra and geometry.

My Course or Lessons starts you in the same way, leading you step by step and adding more rules when
you are ready and can understand them.

I have made success in Wall Street and have all the income that I need, this fact can be proven by the
records. I find real pleasure in helping others who are trying to help themselves. Money is not

everything in life, when I teach a young man or woman how to protect and preserve their capital I am
giving them valuable knowledge that they cannot lose, and no one can steal it or take it from them.

You should never buy a method from a man who has not made money with it.


The Founder and president of W.D. Gann & Son, Inc. has devoted 35 years exclusively to the
study of stock and commodity markets and has spend over $300,000 developing a worthwhile, practical
method of Stock Forecasting.

During the past 31 years W.D. Gann has been in business for himself for himself and under his
own name in New York City. He is a member of the Commodity Exchange, Inc. of New York, New Orleans
Cotton Exchange and is a Christian and a member of the Masonic fraternity.

The Record of Forecasts-

Highlights through the years

1909 – W.D. Gann’s record as a forecaster dates back 30 years. We reprint part of an article written by
the late Richard D. Wyckoff and published in the Ticker Magazine. This article is dated December 1909
and attests to Mr. Gann’s remarkable ability as a forecaster over 30 years ago.

An operator Whose Science and Ability Place Him in the Front Rank-
His Remarkable Predictions and Trading Record

Sometime ago the attention of this magazine was attracted by certain long pull stock market
predictions which were being made by William D. Gann. In a large number of cases Mr. Gann gave us in
advance the exact points at which certain stocks and commodities would sell, together with prices close
to the then prevailing figures which would not be touched.

For instance, when New York Central was 131 he predicted that it would sell at 145 before 129. So
repeatedly did his figures prove to be accurate, and so different did his work appear from that of any
expert whose methods we had examined, that we sat about to investigate Mr. Gann and his way of
figuring out these predictions, as well as the particular use which he was making of them in the market.

The results of this investigation are remarkable in many ways. It appears to be a fact that Mr. Gann has
developed and entirely new idea as to the principles governing stock market movements. He bases his
operations upon certain natural laws, which, though existing since the world began, have only in recent
years been subjected to the will of man, and added to the list of so-called modern discoveries.

We have asked Mr. Gann for an outline of his work and have secured some remarkable evidence as to
the results obtained there from. We submit this in full recognition of the fact that in Wall Street a man
with a new idea – an idea which violates the traditions and encourages a scientific view of the
proposition – is not usually welcomed by the majority, for the reason that he stimulates though and
research. These activity said majority abhors.

Mr. Gann’s description of his experience and methods is given herewith. It should be read with a
recognition of the established fact that Mr. Gann’s predictions have proved correct in a large majority of

“After years of patient study I have proven to my entire satisfaction as well as demonstrated to others
that vibration explains every possible phase and condition of the market. In order to substantiate Mr.
Gann’s claims as to what he has been able to do under this method, we called up Mr. William E. Gilley,
an Inspector of Imports, 16 Beaver Street, New York. Mr. Gilley is well-known in the down-town district.
He himself has studied strict market movements for twenty-five years, during which time has examined
every piece of market literature that has been issued and procurable in Wall Street. It was he who
encouraged Mr. Gann to study out the scientific and mathematical possibilities of the subject. When
asked what had been the most impressive of Mr. Gann’s work and predictions, he replied as follows:

“It is very difficult for me to remember all the predictions and operations of Mr. Gann which may be
classed as phenomenal, but the following are a few: In 1908 when Union Pacific was 168 1/8 he told me
that it would not touch 169 before it had a good break. We sold it short all the way down to 152 5/8,
covering on the weak spots and putting it out again on the rallies, securing twenty-three points profit
out of an eighteen-point move.

“He came to me when United State Steel was selling around 50 and said ‘This Steel will run up to 58 but
it will not sell at 59. From there it should break 16.75 points. We sold it short around 58 3/8 with a stop
at 59. The highest it went was 58.75. From there it declined to 41.25 - 17.5 points.

“At another time wheat was selling at about 89c. He predicted that the May option would sell at $1.35.
We bought it and made large profits on the way up. It actually touched $1.35 1/2 .

“When Union Pacific was 172, he said it would go to 184 7/8 but not an eighth higher until it had had a
good break. It went to 184 7/8 and came back from there either or nine times. We sold it short
repeatedly with a stop at 185 and were never caught. It eventually came back to 172 1/2.

“Mr. Gann’s calculations are based on natural law. I have followed his work closely for years. I know that
he has a firm grasp of the basic principles which govern stock market movements, and I do not believe
any other man on earth can duplicate the idea or his method at the present time.

“Early this year he figured that the top of the advance would fall on a certain day in August and
calculated the prices at which the Dow-Jones averages would then stand. The market culminated on the
exact day and within four-tenths of one percent of the figures predicted. “

“You and Mr. Gann must have cleaned up considerable money on all these operations,” was suggested.

“Yes, we have made a great deal of money. He has taken half a million dollars out of the market in the
past few years. Once I saw him take $130, and less that one month run it up to cover $12,000. He can
compound money faster than any man I ever met.”

“One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during last summer (1909) when he
predicted that September wheat would sell at $1.20. This meant that it must touch that figure before
the end of the month of September. At twelve o’clock, Chicago time, on September 30 th (the last day)
the option was selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled. Mr.

Gann said ‘If it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will prove that there is something
wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care what the price is now, it must go there.’ It is
common history that September wheat surprised the whole country by selling $1.20 and no higher in
the very last hour of the trading, closing at that figure.

So much for what Mr. Gann has said and done evidenced by himself and others. Now as to what
demonstrations have taken place before our representative:

During the months of October, 1909, in twenty-five market days, Mr. Gann made, in the presence of our
representative, two hundred and eighty-six transactions in various stocks, both on the long and short
side of the market. Two hundred and sixty-four of these transactions resulted in profits; twenty-two in

The capital with which he operated was doubled ten times, so that at the end of the month he had one
thousand per cent of his original margin.

In our presence Mr. Gann sold Steel common short at 94 7/8, saying that it would not go to 95. It did not.

On a drive which occurred during the week ending October 29th, Mr. Gann bought Steel common at 86
1/4, saying that it would not go to 86. The lowest it sold was 86 1/8.

We have seen him give in one day sixteen successive orders in the same stock, eight which turned out to
be either the top or the bottom eighth of that particular swing. The above we can positively verify.

Such performances as these, coupled with the foregoing, are probably unparalleled in the history of the

James R. Keene has said, “The man who is right six times out of ten will make his fortune.” Here is a
trader, who, without any attempt to make a showing (for he did not know the results were to be
published), establishes a record of over ninety-two per cent profitable traders.

Mr. Gann has refused to disclose his method at any price, but to those scientifically including he has
unquestionably added to the stock of Wall Street knowledge and pointed out infinite possibilities.

We have requested Mr. Gann to figure out for the reader of The Ticker a few of the most striking
indications which appear in his calculations. In presenting these we wish it understood that no mean, in
or out of Wall Street, is infallible.

Mr. Gann’s figures at present indicate that the trend of the stock market should, barring the usual rallies,
be toward lower prices until March or April, 1910.

He calculated that May wheat, which is now selling at 1.02, should not sell below 99c. and should sell at
$1.45 next spring.

On cotton, which is now at about the 15c level, he estimates that, after a good reaction from these
prices, the commodity should reach 18c in the spring of 1910. He looks for a corner in the March or May

Whether these figures prove correct of not, will in no sense detract from the record which Mr. Gann has
already established.

Mr. Gann was born in Lufkin, Texas, and is thirty-one years of age. He is a gifted mathematician, has an
extraordinary memory for figures, and is an expert Tape Reader. Take away his science and he would
beat the market on his intuitive tap reading alone.

Endowed as he is with such qualities, we have no hesitation in predicting that within a comparatively
few years Wm. D. Gann will receive full recognition as one of Wall Street’s leading operators. R.D.W.

Note – Since the above forecast was made, Cotton has suffered the expected decline, the extreme break
having been 120 points. The lowest on May wheat thus far has been $1.01 5/8. It is now selling at 1.06 ¼.

In 1912 Mr. Gann forecast the election of Woodrow Wilson and has been correct in forecasting the
election of every President since that time. Many of these forecasts have been published in newspapers
throughout the country.

In the spring of 1918 Mr. Gann forecast the end of the World War. This forecast was sent out to
newspaper throughout the country, and in January, 1919, the New York Herald and other papers gave
Mr. Gann credit for forecasting the end of the war and Kaiser’s abdication.

In his 1919 Annual Stock Forecast issued late in 1918, he forecast a big bull market for 1919 and
especially referred to a boom in oil stocks.

His Stock Forecasts for 1920 and 1921 indicated a bear market with sharp declines. The 1921 Forecast
called the exact date for bottom on stocks in August, 1921.

In 1923 Mr. Gann wrote “Truth of the Stock Tape” and forecast a big advance in chemical and airplane
stocks, which followed during the Coolidge bull campaign. This book has been reviewed by the
newspapers and magazines throughout the country and favorably commented on by college professors,
business men, investors and traders, all of whom agree that it is the best book ever written on the

His Stock Forecasts for 1924 and 1925 outlines the bull market which followed.

In the spring of 1927, Mr. Gann wrote “The Tunnel Thru the Air, or Looking back from 1940,” which
contained many remarkable forecasts in regard to stock and commodities and world events which have
been fulfilled. In this book Mr. Gann said that from 1929 to 1932 there would be the worst panic in the
world’s history. Writing under date of “October 3, 1931” on the page 323, he said, “The New York Stock
Exchange closed to prevent complete panic because the people were panic-stricken and selling stocks
regardless of price.” It is a matter of history that the New York Stock Exchange did consider closing on
October 3 to 5, but decided to stop short selling. The low of that panicky decline was reached on
October 5 and a rally of 33 points in industrial stock averages followed to November 9, 1931.

His 1929 Stock Forecast, issued on November 23, 1928, and based on his Master Time Factor, indicated
the end of the full market in August and early September, 1929. He stated in no uncertain terms that the
panic would start in September, 1929, and that it would be a great deluge with a Black Friday. We quote
from the Forecast:

“AUGUST – A few of the late movers will advance this month and reach final high. *** Unfavorable news
will develop which will start declines and the long bull campaign will come to a sudden end. Money rate
will be high and final top will be reached for a big bear campaign. Stand from under! Don’t get caught in
the great deluge! Remember it is too late to sell when everyone is trying to sell. ***

“September – One of the sharpest declines of the year it indicated. There will be loss of confidence by
investors, and the public will try to get out after it is too late. Storms will damage crops and the general
business outlook will become cloudy. War news will upset the market and unfavorable developments in
foreign countries. A ‘Black Friday’ is indicated and a panicky decline in stocks with only small rallies. The
short side will prove the most profitable. You should sell short and pyramid on the way down.”

In the spring of 1930, Mr. Gann wrote “wall Street Stock Selector,” which was published in June, 1930. In
this book he had a chapter headed, “Investors’ Panic,” which described conditions just as they occurred
during 1931, 1932 and 1933. We quote from the book, pages 203-204:

“The coming investors’ panic will be the greatest in history, because there are at least 15 to 25 million
investors in the United States who hold stocks in the leading corporations, and when once they get
scared, which they will after years of decline, then the selling will be so terrific that no buying power can
withstand it. Stocks are so well distributed in the hands of the public that since the 1929 panic many
people think that the market is panic-proof, the this seeming strength is really the weakest feature of
the market. ***

“Love of money has been the cause of all financial troubles and depressions in the past, and the coming
panic will be the greatest the world has ever known, because there is more money in the United States
than ever before, therefore more to fight for.”

Thousands of people have bought this book and profited by reading and studying it. The book has been
favorably commented on by such papers as the Financial Times of London, England, Wall Street Journal,
New York Daily Investment News, Coast Investor, and many other newspapers and magazines
throughout the world.

On February 10, 1932, Mr. Gann said that stocks were bottom for a big rally. His 1932 Stock Forecast
issued October 21, 1931, called March 8 for last top for another big decline. During the latter part of
June, 1932, and early July he strongly advised buying stocks, stating that final bottom had been reached,
as shown by his market letter issued July8, the day that most stocks reached final bottom. We quote
from page 6 of the 1932 Forecast:

“The latter part of June, July, August, and September are the most active and bullish months of the year,
when sharp advances will be recorded. First extreme high is indicated around September 20 to 21 when
stocks should make extreme high for the year. Then follows a decline reaching bottom around October 4
to 5th.

Between July 8 and September 8 many stocks advance 20 to 60 points. The market reached high of a
secondary rally on September 23, from which a big decline followed making low in the latter part of
November and early December, as indicated in the Forecast.

One March 1, 1933 by the use of his Master Time Factor Mr. Gann forecast bottom for stocks and
commodities and advised buying for a big advance as shown by the market letters issued March 1 and 3
given below. This is another proof of the great value of Mr. Gann’s discovery of a Master Time Factor.

Mr. Gann has always been progressive and believes in keeping up to date. In April, 1933 he bought a
specially equipped airplane for making crop surveys. Many of the newspapers throughout the country
commented on this progressive step. The following article appeared in the New York Daily Investment
News, May 26, 1933:



Wayne, Mich. May 25 – W.D. Gann, stock market analyst, of 99 Wall St. today left here for New York
with the first 1933 model Stinson Reliant plane, piloted by Elinor Smith, woman aviator.

Mr. Gann will use the plane for an extensive tour of the country during which he will study cotton,
wheat, tobacco crop and business conditions. He will leave on this tour early in June.

The forecaster expects to make speed in the gathering of first hand information on business conditions
by use of the airplane.

The plane is equipped with blind-flying apparatus, extra-large fuel tanks to afford a flying range of 750
miles with radio receiving equipment. The plane is powered with a Lycoming engine and is capable of
135 miles per hour.

By receiving radio advices on market conditions, Mr. Gann calculates that he will be able at all times to
gauge his operations in the markets and send up-to-the-minute advise to his clients, even though he is
many miles away from his Wall Street Office.

As far as is known, Mr. Gann will be the first Wall Street adviser to use a plane as part of his equipment
in studying market conditions.

The recent burst of activity in the markets, following the closing of the banks and leading stock and
commodity exchanges, prompted the analysts to buy the plane.

He decided that rapid-changing conditions made it necessary for him to gather his data on crops and
business at first hand.

Mr. Gann is a member of the Commodity Exchange, Inc. and also of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange.
During his tour of the country he will visit the cotton belt in the south and southwest the tobacco fields
in the south, and the wheat stand in the middle west.

At all times during the trip he will communicate regularly with his office by wire and by radio. He expects
to make talks in various cities to Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, chambers of commerce other business

His itinerary will include the following cities: Washington, D.C.; Richmond, Va; Raleigh, N.C.; Atlanta, Ga;
Birmingham, Ala; Memphis, Tenn; New Orleans, La.; Little Rock, Ark.; Houston and Dallas, Texas; St.
Louis, Detroit and Chicago.


Mr. Gann’s 1933 Stock Forecast called for top July 17 and a sharp decline to July 21. Stocks reached high
on July 17 and a wide-open break followed, with the average down 25 points in 4 days.


His 1934 Forecast indicated top for February 13th and the high was reached on averages February 5th and
15th. The next low was indicated for May 1th to 12th, and the market made low on May 14th. The next
top was indicated for June 22nd; stocks reached high on June 19th. The last low for 1934 was forecast for
July 21st to 23rd and the extreme low of the year was reached on July 26th. The Forecast called for the last
top for September 8th to 10th, and stocks reached top of the rally on September 6th. A reaction followed
to September 17th, the exact date indicated in the Forecast for low. The next top was forecast for
October 5th and 6th and the industrial averages reached top October 11th. The next bottom was called for
October 23rd to 24th and the lows were reached October 26th. The next top was indicated, according to
the Forecast, for December 4th to 5th. The averages reached top on December 6th and a reaction
followed. The Forecast indicated high for the end of December and the averages reached high for the
month on December 31st.


In the early part of March, 1935, Mr. Gann made a trip to South America to study crop conditions and
get first hand information on the increase in production of cotton in Peru, Chile, Argentine, and Brazil.
On this trip he covered about 18,000 miles by airplane and more than 1,000 miles by automobile, driving
into the country to see the conditions of soil and the possibilities for increased production of Wheat,
Corn, and Cotton, which will influence prices in the United States market by underselling, due to lower
cost of labor in Argentine and Brazil. While in South America Mr. Gann was interviewed by many

We reproduce part of an article which appeared in the Buenos Aires Herald, March 21, 1935.


Thursday, March 21, 1935


An Astonishing Claim
Records of 1,000 Years

The man who guesses and gambles on hope is sure to lose while the man who follows science makes
profits. There is cause and effect for everything and y time element and the cycle theory everything can
be mathematically determined.

Mr. W.D. Gann member of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange and the Rubber Exchange of New York,
who stated that he has devoted over 30 years to study of time cycles and spend $300,000 (US) to

develop a dependable method based on mathematical science that will determine the trend of stocks
and commodities. The success attending his methods he assets, are borne out by his own good fortune
on the American markets, and his accuracy in forecasting the futures markets for the past twenty years
has been very widely commented upon in the Press in all parts of the United States.

Mr. Gann told a HERALD reporter yesterday that he has carried his record of grain back over 1,000 years
and cotton records nearly 400 years. The former he was able to gather the most accurate information
about from old British records, while in his search for cotton cycles he visited Egypt and India. More
recently he has used his own aeroplane extensively in America for getting round the country quickly to
make forecasts on the cotton crops.

1935 Stock Forecast:

His 1935 Forecast indicated first top for January 9th to 10th and the high was reached on January 7th. The
next top was forecast for February 13th. The actual highs were reached February 18th, from which a
sharp decline following making low for the year on March 18th. The Forecast called for the last low on
March 28th and the averages made a second low on March 25th. From the low in March, the Forecast
indicated a big advance of at least 32 points in the Dow-Jones Industrial averages.

August 28th and 29th indicated top for a reaction. The averages reached top on August 27th and then
reacted. The Forecast called for the next top September 12th to 15th. High on the averages was reached
September 11th. The Forecast indicated the next bottom for September 24th to 25th; the last low was
made September 20th and 26th.

The Forecast called for top October 26th to 28th, and the averages reached high on October 28th, which
was the high of the year up to that time. The Forecast indicated November 15th to 16th as the last high of
the year. The actual high of the Dow-Jones 30 Industrial averages was reached on November 20th, from
which a reaction of 10 points on averages followed. The Forecast called for low December 16 th and 19th.
The Forecast called for a rally to December 31st, and this rally took place.

Mr. Gann has also been issuing Annual Forecast on Cotton, Wheat and other commodities for many
years. These Forecasts have shown the same percentage of accuracy that the Stock Forecasts have.

These Annual Forecasts on Stocks, Cotton, and Grain are issued in October and November each year for
the following year.


In December 1935, Mr. Gann wrote a new book, NEW STOCK TREND DETECTOR, bringing “Wall Street
Stock Selector” up-to-date, with new rules never before published and a method of trading that
formerly sold for $1,000. This book covers changed conditions caused by the new Securities Exchange
laws. It gives an example of trading in Chrysler Motors from 1925 to the end of 1935 and new rules on
Volume of Sales. This book with the two former books will give you a valuable stock market education.


Many ask the question, “If Mr. Gann can forecast the market accurately, why does he sell service or
write market letters?” He has answered that question before, that he finds pleasure in giving his
knowledge to help others who need help; money is not everything in life.

Below we publish a record taken from broker’ statements, showing the trades make by Mr. Gann for 3
years. This is proof that he can and does make money by following his own rules and methods. Before
you buy a course of instructions, get the record of actual trading by the man who is behind it, if he had
not made money following his own advice, why should you pay money for it and follow it and risk your


From August 1 to December 31:

Total number of trades 135 – of which 112 shows profits and 23 losses.

Percentage of accuracy on the total number of trades 83%.

Percentage of profits to losses 89.9%.

Total number of trades for the entire year of 1933: 479 trades, of which 422 were profits and 57 showed

Percentage of accuracy 88.1%.

Percentage of profits on capital used 4000% of 40 for 1.


From January 1 to December 31: Total number of trades – 362.

Cotton – 147 trades, of which 135 showed profits and 12 losses.

Grain – 170 trades, of which 161 showed profits and 9 losses.

Rubber – 23 trades, of which 21 showed profits and 2 losses.

Silver – 7 trades, of which 7 showed profits and 0 loses.

Silk – 4 trades, of which 3 showed profits and 1 loss.

Stocks – 11 trades, of which 10 showed profits and 1 loss.

Total for yr 362 trades, of which 337 showed profits and 25 losses.

Percentage of accuracy on the total number of trades 93.09%.

Percentage of profits to losses 93.10%

Percentages of profits on capital used 800% or 8 for 1.



Total trades in Cotton, Grain and Rubber 98 of which 83 showed profits and 15 showed losses.

Percentage of accuracy on total number of trades 85%.

Percentage of profits to losses 82%.

Percentage of profits on capital used 336%.


Total number of trades 34 – of which 29 showed profits and 5 losses.

Percentage of accuracy on total number of trades 85.5%.

Percentage of profits to losses 83%.

Percentage of profits on capital used 100%.

Such a record of accuracy proves that W.D. Gann has discovered a Master Time Factor and Cycle Theory
that works and can be depended upon in future.

1936 – “New Stock Trend Detector” was writer by W.D. Gann. This book was a further advance over
“Truth of the Stock Tape” and “wall Street Stock Selector” and contained an actual trading record for 10
years in Chrysler Motors according to the rules set down in these books.
Bought Special built all-metal airplane, “The Silver Star” for making crop surveys.

1937 – Wrote and published a book, “How to Make Profits Trading in Puts and Calls” Scientific Stock
Forecasting again proved equal to the test of predicting a bear year, sharp declines coming in March and
September. A maximum decline of 80 points was called for and the actual decline from the March high
to the November low was 82 and a fraction points. We reprint an article from the Milwaukee Journal
giving further details.

Reprint from the Milwaukee Journal November 7, 1937.


Gann Says There’ll Be Another Decline in November and an Upturn in December of This Year

New York, N.Y. – W.D. Gann, who forecast the 1929 stock market crash one year in advance and
predicted the exact date, September 3, 1929, when the panic would start, had made another hit.

His 1937 Stock Forecast, issued November 18, 1936, is just as accurate. On page 2 he said – General
Outlook for 1937”:

This year comes under a time cycle which definitely indicates a bear year in mist stocks and a panicky
decline in the first half of the year and another panicky decline in the last half of the year. Fluctuations
will be wide. Sudden, unexpected events of an unfavorable nature will occur from time to time which
will upset the market and rallies will fail to hold. Action by the government and laws changed or passed
by congress will have a great influence on business conditions and stock prices.

“Many people are buying stocks holding stocks and hoping for the day when inflation will come and they
will be able to sell at high prices. Inflation has been going on ever since 1933 and one of these days
people will wake up and find that deflation has set in and then they will realize that inflation had already

The securities and exchange commission is getting more drastic in its regulations of operation on the
exchange and there is likely to be more legislation in 1937. This will cause less support to the market in
the future because there will be less buying by floor traders and specialists, and probably less short
selling, therefore less support from short sellers when a panic takes place. The final result of all this
regulation is likely to do more harm than good as far as the public is concerned.”

A Matter of Record

It is a matter of record that the Dow-Jones 30 industrial stock average reached extreme high on March 8,
1937, and Mr. Gann’s forecast called March 6-8 as last high of the year. The decline lasted until June 18,
when the Dow-Jones averages were down 32 points. His forecast called for a decline of 32 points and
indicated June 23-25 as last low before a rally into August. The forecast said last high would be reached
August 25-27 before a panicky decline would start. The Dow-Jones average reached high August 14, up
27 points from June lows, and on August 25 the market had the last rally and the decline started.

Long Bear Wave

In his forecast for August on page 15 he said: “This should be one of the active months for the stock
market. Sudden, unexpected events of an unfavorable nature will cause some sharp breaks and, in fact,
this is the month then the market should start on its long bear wave again. The newspapers will try to
make it appear that business is improving but it will be far from good. There will be disturbing conditions
at Washington and some trouble over crop control or shortage of crops due to government action.
Stocks will rally from time to time but the short side is where the big money will be made.”

The bear market started in August as predicted. Mr. Gann’s forecast called for low October 14-15 and
the extreme lows reached on October 19, just four days later, when there was a panicky decline,
culminating in one of the worst declines in the history of the stock exchange, with the Dow-Jones
average down 79.65 points. The most uncanny prediction by Mr. Gann was that the average could
decline a maximum of 80 points.

In his 1937 forecast, page 7, he said: “The range in these industrial averages during 1937 is not likely to
be less than 50 to 60 points and may reach a maximum of 80 points.”

His forecast called for a sharp advance from October 15 to 30 and the Dow-Jones average advanced 25
points from October 19 to 30.

Advance in December

Mr. Gann was asked how it was possible to make such an accurate forecast one year in advance. He
stated that it was his own discovery of a mathematical master time factor and cycle theory which
enables him to tell when certain cycles recur and great panics and booms take place. He said that the
extent of an advance was determined by a theory based on the law of average and that under certain
circumstances stocks decline or advance about the same number of points.

“What about the near future of the stock market?” Gann replied: “My forecast indicates that stocks will
back and fill until around November 15, when congress meets. Then they will have another decline and
reach low of the reaction about November 26-27, followed by an advance in December.”

1938 – Predicted bull market to start in the spring or early summer, and called for low of the year for the
early part of April. Actual low occurred on March 31st. This Forecast strongly advised buying airplane
stocks and said they would lead the market upward. It is now market history that the airplane stocks as
a group were the strongest on the NYSE, and many of these stocks doubled and tripled in value during

Again We Repeat:

“Prove all things and hold fast to what which is good.”

1939 – The Stock Forecast called for high January 3rd, the Dow-Jones Industrial Averages made high
January 4th and started to decline.

The Forecast indicated low for January 21 to 23rd, the averages reached low January 26th.

February 4th to 6th indicated high, averages made high February 6th.

February 21st to 23rd indicated low, average made low February 21st.

March 4th to 6th indicated high, averages made high March 10th.

March 8th to 9th and 24th to 25th indicated low, averages made low March 22nd and 28th.

April 19th to 20th called for last low, average made low April 11th.

May 16th – 17th indicated high, averages made high May 10th to 15th.

June 7th to 9th indicated high, average made high June 9th, and a sharp decline followed.

June 23rd to 24th indicated low, average made low June 29 to 30th.

July 28th to 29th indicated high, averages made high July 25th to 28th.

August 4th to 5th indicated low, averages made low August 5th and 7th.

The 1939 Forecast was issued and mailed to subscribers on November 14th, 1938.

We are sure that anyone will agree that such accurate, long-range forecasting cannot be done by guess-
work. You can learn to make forecasts one year or more in advance when you learn how to apply the
rules taught with the Master Forecasting Method.

What Others Say of W.D. Gann’s Methods:

Below we print copies of letters received from two prominent business men, many others letters on file
in our office from people who have used Mr. Gann’s Courses of Instruction and followed his advice.

New York, N.Y.

March 16, 1933

My Dear Mr. Gann:

I am very glad to write you a letter stating my personal observation of the application of your system to
trading cotton. On November 30, 1923, starting with a capital of $973 you showed a clear profit of over
$30,000 at the close of business on January 28, 1924. This profit was made through the purchase and
sale of contracts for the delivery and sale of cotton on the New York Cotton Exchange through one of
the leading New York brokerage officers. I personally know of all the trades made in this commodity for
the account, having received advices of your operations, from the broker on the day following the day
each trade was made.

On January 29, 1924, a check for $24,764.04 was drawn against the account and delivered to a person
with whom I am personally acquainted.

New Bern, N.C.

August 23rd, 1937

I have known Mr. W.D. Gann for many years. I have been in his office on Wall Street, have seen him
trade with his method and take the money out of the market. With it he had made a fortune in
speculation. And he does not need the money he gets for his method or market service any more than
Mr. Ford does for sale of cars.

His method has been used by me since 1927, successfully. In my opinion it is the only one with which
one can make money in the market and keep it. If you will follow his method and the rules he lays down,
you will also make a success and I can assure you without it you will make a failure.

This statement is made after having read every book I could find on the subject including the lives of all
the big operators of the past and subscribed to every financial paper published and most of the market

Results of Trading According To Rules

One of the rules is for trading in fast moves after the market gives a definite signal for a big move up or
down. This rule gets you in the market when activity starts and keeps you in until the move has run its
course, enabling you to make large profits in a comparatively short period of time.

Trading in the Dow-Jones 30 Industrial Average beginning June 5th, 1897 to July 25th, 1939 you would
have been in the market 1283 weeks or 24 1/3 years out of a total 42 years.

Total number of points profit would have been 2,367.

Average points profit per month 1.84.

Profits on 100 shares of stock would have been $236,700.

(without pyramiding or ever trading in more than 100 sh.)

Figures do not allow for errors in judgment, commission or interest,

Making liberal deduction of 25% to cover same $ 59,175.

Net profit on 100 shares, or a capital of $3,000 - $177,525.

You could have started trading in 1897 in 100 shares on a capital of $1,000 but according to the methods
and rules you should have started with a capital of $3,000 for trading in 100 shares.

Should you have traded in the active leading stocks at all times, instead of the average, the profits would
have been much greater because the active leaders moved from one to three times as many points as
the average.

Dow Jones 20 Railroad Averages May 1897 to March 1914 and Dow Jones 30 Industrial Averages
February 1913 to June 1939, trading according to the rules during the above periods, show possible

Advances – 2,085.52
Possible decline – 2,012.42

Total points – 4,097.94

Points made on Advance - 1,336.78

Points made on Decline - 1,236.13

Total – 2,572.91

Percentage of total points made to possible points – 63%

Percentage of all points made on the up-side or Bull Market – 64%

Percentage of points made on the down-side or Bear Market 61.4%

Total number of trades made – 177

Total number of years – 42

Average number of trades per years – 4.2

Slightly above 4 per year

Net Profit per year on 100 shares - $6,125.74

Net profit on 100 shares from 1897 to 1939 - $257,291

Figured an original investment of $5,000

Equity as of June 30th, 1939 would be - $262,291

Value of $100 invested in 1897 as of June 1939 $5,145.82


1897 to September 1937

Dow’s Theory: Mr. Gann’s Method: Advantage Gann

Total Points Made 718.54 2,118.03 1,339.49
Points made long side 416.37 1,127.40 711.03
Points made short side 302.17 990.63 688.46
Average number of points per year 17.5 51.66 34.16
Total profit made on 100 shares $71,854 $211,803 $139,949
Profit per year on 100 shares 1,752.54 5,165.92 3,413.38
$100 invested in 1897 equals 3,602.88 5,177.37 1,574.49
Trades per year average ½ trade 3.4

The Dow Theory as well as Mr. Gann’s Method are subject to the human element and errors in
determining when the combination occurs naturally and arise. No deduction from the above figures is
made for errors or for commission and expenses. The computation and the results of the Dow Theory is
based upon what we believe to be the best opinion. Mr. Gann’s method is based upon his own
interpretation of his rules.

How You Can Make Profits

You can become a successful trader or investor if you acquire knowledge and learn the mathematical
rules which determine the trend of Stocks and Commodities market movements.

The Bible says, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” When you have learned the
truth about stocks you will no longer buy on hope or sell on fear, you will face facts and be free to act on
judgment based on rules that you know always you have worked and always will.

Why I Can Teach You to Succeed

I have paid the price in time and money to discover, test and prove, rules that are practical and get
results. You will agree that 36 years experience is valuable in any line of business and that after I have
spend that much time in study and research I can teach you the rules that will take the gamble out of
Stock Market trading and make it a safe and profitable business. The man who devotes all the time to
any business will learn more about it than the man who only studies it a short time.

If the average man or woman would only spend the first few hundred dollars they lost in the market in
acquiring knowledge and learning the rules for buying and selling at the right time, they would then
make profits – not losses.

Your Son’s or Daughter’s Future

A man can leave his son or daughter a million dollars or more and they can lose it quickly if they have
not learned the rules how to invest it safely. My Course of Instructions will teach anyone how to
preserve his capital and make profits. They must be willing to study and work hard.

Forecasting Business
Good Positions For Students

Changed conditions due to Governmental interference, regulations and changed in Europe, make it
necessary for every business man to forecast his own business in order to meet competition. It makes
no difference whether a manufacturer of raw material or a seller of the finished product, he must be
able to forecast future business conditions and gauge future demand as closely as possible in order to
make a profit in business. This creates a good position for a man who can accurately forecast business
conditions and changes. The young man who prepares himself and become an expert in forecasting
business, Commodities, Stocks and Bonds, will find a demand for his services. Estates must have an
expert to handle their investments and once a man has proven his ability to increase these profits of a
large estate he will find he can name his own terms as to salary. Money must have brains and experts to
increase its earning power. Large estates can and will pay a man who can keep capital intact and prevent
losses. The Investment Counselor will find the future holds a bright outlook for him if he knows his
business and has fully prepared himself.

What the Course Consists of

The Complete Course is in Four Lessons:

LESSON 1: Form Reading or Picture Method. A great improvement on the Dow Theory. Formations or
how to forecast the trend by certain formations by fixed rules which help to make your judgment
accurate. Examples are given to prove the rules. With this lesson you learn from the picture or
formation and after experience your eyes will recognize a formation and know what it means.

LESSON 2: Resistance Levels. Where stocks meeting buying or selling and make bottom and top. Definite
mathematical rules, practical and proven that make profits. They are easy to learn and apply. All buying
and selling points marked plainly on the charts and rules given why to buy or sell at certain points.
Anyone should be able to learn this lesson in three days’ time and make substantial profits with this

Lesson alone. This method keeps you with the trend and enables you to buy near low levels and sell
near top.

LESSON III. Time Elements and Time Rules. There is a definite relation between price and time. When
time is up stocks make top and start down. When time is up and the time cycle runs out stocks make
bottom and start up. It makes no difference how high stocks are selling, they can go higher until time
runs out and no matter how low they are they can go lower until time is up.

Time is the most important factor in determining and forecasting market movements. Very few people
understand the time element and its value. With this lesson you learn when the right time comes to buy
and you know according to time three important buying points:

1. When near extreme low levels. With limited risk.

2. A safer buying point at a certain time period.
3. The safest buying point after the market gives the third time signal.

These rules give the three selling levels according to time. With this method you will be able to make up
a forecast one year or more in advance on the average or individual stock.

LESSON IV. Volume of Sales. New, up-to-date, since the Security Exchange regulation and high margin
requirements have changed volume of sales. The Volume of Sales is the driving power that moves the
market but time determines when volume will change at top or bottom. The volume rules are proven by
charts, rules and forms on volume never published or used by anyone else.

Results from the Methods

1896 to 1939 – 43 years with Dow Jones Averages.

No. 1 Course of Instructions


1. Form Reading of picture method. Some Time Rules and Formations. B.W. points.
2. Resistance levels make it easier to operate with first lesson. Gives more mathematical
confirmations of why to buy and sell at certain points.

In order to help those who are worthy and trying to help themselves, I am making a very reasonable
price on these courses so that young students and people of small means can get started on their
Investment Education. At a small cost and with a small capital students may start trading after they have
gained knowledge and make profits.

The price is $500; payable $300 cash in advance. Easy terms on the balance, or can be paid after you
make profits.

No. 2 Complete Courses of Instructions


This is a more complete course than I have sold for $5,000 in former years and it is worth $5,000 or
more to anyone who will study it and use it. To help others who need help and are trying to make a
success. I am making a low price of $1,000 for the Complete Course which includes and Weekly High and
Low Chart on Dow-Jones 20 Railroad Averages 1896 to 1914, a weekly High and Low Chart on Dow-Jones
30 Industrial Averages 1914 to date. A swing Chart on 30 Industrials 1896 to date. Weekly High and Low
Charts on five active stocks that you select or we select, these Charts will be for two or three years back,
according to the stock and market positions at the time.

Terms arranged if you are not in position to pay all cash in advance.

No. 3 Master Forecasting Method

This Method contains all of the Form Rules, Resistance Level and Volume of Sales and my secret
discovery of the Master Time Factor and a new way of Forecasting by Mathematical Rules that are
simple and practical.

MATHEMATICAL RULES OR REASONS: It is possible to get as many as nine confirmations or reasons why
a stock should be bottom or top at a certain time and the greater number of confirmations the surer the
chances of making profits. That is why each of my Lessons and Courses teach you more rules to confirm
what you learned in the first Course or previous Lessons.

Master Charts that save time and work go with this Course, Master High and Low Charts ten to forty-five
years back. This Course gives mathematical proof of how I forecast the 1929 Bull Market and the Panic
which followed to 1932.

Price of complete Master Forecasting Course $2,500 cash in advance. Terms can be arranged with part
cash and balance on monthly payments.

Correspondence Course

Anyone can learn a Course by correspondence because everything is made plain. The buying and selling
points are marked on the Charts and Rules why we buy or sell at a certain point. However, you can make
greater progress if you can arrange for a few days personal instruction.


In trading according to my Mechanical Method & Trend indicator or according to my 1936 New Master
Forecasting Methods on Cotton, Grain, Rubber and other commodities there are many advantages over
trading in stocks:

1. Commodities follow a seasonal trend are much easier to forecast. They move with supply and
2. It requires much less work to keep up charts and calculations on Commodities. There are 1200
stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange and you must keep a separate chart on as many of
them as you wish to forecast the trend of. With Cotton, you need one to three charts, the same
with Grain.

3. When you have a forecast made up for Cotton or Grain, if you are right, you are sure to make
money because all options follow the same trend. There are no cross-currents as in stocks, with
some stocks declining to new low levels and other making new highs.
4. In dealing in Futures, there are no heavy interest charges as there are when long of stocks and
no dividends to pay as when short of stocks.
5. Dividends can be suddenly passed or declared which will affect stock prices. This cannot happen
to commodities.
6. Pools cannot manipulate a commodity as they can a stock.
7. Facts about commodities are general known while many stocks are mystery stocks all the time
and some stocks are subject to false rumors.
8. The stages of the business cycle tell more about the prices of commodities than they do about
9. Commodities are governed only by demand and supply. This is not always true of stocks.
10. Speculation in commodities is more legitimate than speculation in stocks because you are
dealing in a necessity.
11. Commodities are consumed. Stocks are not. This has a bearing upon the ease in forecasting
commodity prices.
12. One can forecast tops and bottoms of commodities with greater certainty than stocks.
13. Stock prices tend to move by groups of stocks, while commodities more independently.
14. Notable speculators, like Livermore and Dr. E.H. Crawford, have discovered after long
experience that they make money with greater certainty in commodities.
15. Stocks go into receivers’ hands an go out of business. Commodities go on forever. Crops are
planted and harvested each year.
16. There is always a demand by consumers for commodities, which is not the case with stocks.
17. Since the Securities Exchange Law was passed, marginal requirements are much higher on
stocks than on Commodities. Therefore, you can make more money on the same capital trading
in Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Rubber or other markets.
18. When you learn the rules for forecasting and trading in Commodities, they never change
because we will always have wheat, corn, and cotton crops every year and these crops will be
consumed, while stocks change and you have to study new stocks to keep up with changed


The prices of my Commodity Methods are less than Stock Methods because it requires less time to
teach them and a small number of charts are needed:


Price 1,000 Terms: 500 cash in advance; balance in monthly payments. Any man can learn this Method
easily thru correspondence in a few days. With this Method we furnish weekly charts running back 2 to
3 years, daily charts and a trend chart, instructions how to work the Method; rules for telling where to
buy and sell, when to place stop loss orders and when to pyramid. Cotton and Gran Methods combined,
price $1,500. Terms $750 cash in advance, balance in monthly payments.

Contains Master Time Factor:
Price $1,500 Terms: $750 cash; balance in monthly payments. With this Method you get charts on
cotton back to 1869 (monthly) and with the Grain Method chart running back to 1842 (monthly), also
weekly and daily charts, Master tables, Resistance Levels and Resistance Cards. You are taught the
Master Time Factor and how to make up a forecast one or more years in advance.

Cotton and Grain Methods combined, price $2,500 Terms $1,500 cash in advance, balance in monthly


Webster said: “The man who can teach me something is the main I want to know.” You may think my
prices are high, but stop to consider that you have the use of these Methods during your entire lifetime
and that the knowledge I teach will be worth the money for one week’s trading at critical times. You can
easily lose in the market the price you would pay for my Course and the market leaves you with no
valuable knowledge after your losses. Learn to see and know for yourself what Commodities will do;
then you will make a success.

Special Rates in Classes For College Students

I will make a special rate to students where classes of five or more take the course at the same time.

Time Required to Learn the Course

Time required depends on the student. His education, experience and practical knowledge of stocks and
commodities. If you have read my books or kept up charts you will learn in a much short time than one
who has no experience or special training. However, anyone who can add, subtract, multiply and divide
can learn how to apply my rules. School teachers learn easy. The amount of time you put in studying
each day or week will determine how soon you can learn the rules and start trading.

Some learn in one week, some in three weeks and other in three months, but one thing is sure, the
longer you study the more you learn. Each year you will know more and practice will make you perfect.

Trade on Paper

I recommend that all students start trading on paper until they are sure to apply the rules. You learn by
doing and mistakes made on paper and will prevent actual losses later. Never be in a hurry. Be sure you
are right, then act and success is sure.

Health is Wealth

Good health is essential for success in any business and for active trading in Stocks and Commodities.
Keeping your health perfect is just as important as protecting your capital.

Why I Live in Miami

I have learned the value of good health and that is why I have a winter home in Miami, Florida. I give
personal instruction to individuals or classes in Miami from October 1st to May 1st every year.

Forecasting By Time Cycles

Time is the most important factor in determining market movements and by studying the past records
of the averages or individual stocks you will be able to prove for yourself that history does repeat and
that by knowing the past you can tell the future.

The ancient hunters had a rule that when they were searching to locate an animal in his den, they
always followed his tracks backways, figuring that it was the shortest route to his lair. The quickest way
for you to learn how to determine future market movements is to study the past.

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is one is that which shall be done, and
there is no new things under the sun.” Ecc. 1:9

There is a definite relation between TIME and Price. In the previous Lessons you have learned about
FORMATIONS and RESISTANCE LEVELS around old tops and bottoms. Now, by a study of the TIME
PERIODS and TIME CYCLES you will learn why tops and bottoms are formed at certain times and why
Resistance Levels are so strong at certain times and bottoms and tops hold around them.

Major Time Cycles

Everything moves in cycles as a result of the natural law of action and reaction. By a study of the past, I
have discovered what cycles repeat in the future.

There must always be a major and a minor, a greater and a lesser, a positive and a negative. In order to
be accurate in forecasting the future, you must know the major cycles. The most money is made when
fast moves and extreme fluctuations occur at the end of major cycles.

I have experimented and compared past markets in order to locate the major and minor cycles and
determine in what years the cycles repeat in the future. After years of research and practical tests, I
have discovered that the following cycles are the most reliable to use:


The important cycle for forecasting is the cycle of around 10 years. Fluctuations of about the same
nature occur which produce extreme high or low every 10 years. Stocks work out important tops and
bottoms very close to the even 10-year cycle, although at times bottoms or tops come out around 10.5
to 11 years in the extreme markets.

The 10-year cycle equals 120 months. We divide this just the same as we divide the range between
bottoms and tops to get Resistance Levels. One-half of the cycle would be 5 years or 60 months. One-
fourth would be 2.5 years or 30 months, One-eighth would be 15 months and one-sixteenth 7.5 months,
one-third would be 40 months and two-thirds of the cycle would be 80 months. All of these time periods
are important to watch for change in trend.


This cycle is 84 months. You should watch 7 years from any important top or bottom and 42 months or
one-half of this cycle. You will find many culminations around the 42nd to 44th months. 21 months is one-
fourth of 84 months, also important. You will find many bottoms and tops 21 to 23 months apart. At
times some stocks and the averages make bottom or top 10 to 11 months from a previous top or
bottom. This is due to the fact that this period is one-eighth of the 7-year cycle.


This cycle is very important because it is one-half of the 10-year cycle and the smallest complete cycle
that the market works out.


The minor cycles are 3 years and 2 years. The smallest cycle is one year which often shows a change in
trend in the 10th or 11th month.


Stocks move in 10-year cycles, which are worked out in 5-year cycles – a 5-year cycle up and a 5-
year cycle down. Begin with extreme tops and extreme bottoms to figure all cycles, either major or

1. A bull campaign generally runs 5 years – 2 years up, 1 year down, and 2 years up, completing a
5-year cycle. The end of a 5-year campaign comes in the 59th or 60th month. Always watch for
the change in the 59th month.
2. A bear cycle often runs 5 years down – the first 2 years down, then 1 year up, and 2 years down,
completing the 5-year downswing.
3. Bull of bear campaigns seldom run more than 3 to 3.5 years up or down without a move of 3 to
6 months or one year in the opposite direction, except at the end of Major Cycles, like 1859 and
1929. Many campaigns culminate in the 23rd month, not running out the full 2 years. Watch the
weekly and monthly charts to determine whether the culmination will occur in the 23 rd, 24th,
27th, or 30th month of the move, or in extreme campaigns in the 34th to 35th or 41st to 42nd month.
4. Adding 10 years to any top, it will give you top of the next 10-year cycle, repeating about the
same average fluctuations.
5. Adding 10 years to any bottom, it will give you the bottom of the next 10-year cycle, repeating
the same kind of a year and about the same average fluctuations.
6. Bear campaigns often run out in 7-year cycles, or 3 years and 4 years from any complete bottom.
From any complete bottom of a cycle, first add 3 years to get the next bottom; then add 4 years
to that bottom to get bottom of the 7-year cycle. For example 1914 bottom – add 3 years, gives
1917, low of panic, then add 4 years to 1917, gives 1921, low of another depression.
7. To any final major or minor top, add 3 years to get the ext top; then add 3 years to that top,
which will give you the third top; add 4 years to the third top to get the final top of a 10-year
cycle. Sometimes a change in trend from any top occurs before the end of the regular time
period, therefore you should begin to watch the 27th, 34th and 42nd months for a reversal.

8. Adding 5 years to any top, it will give the next bottom of a 5-year cycle. In order to get top of the
next 5-year cycle, add 5 years to any bottom. For example: 1917 was bottom of a big bear
campaign; add 5 years gives 1922, top of a minor bill campaign. Why do I say, “Top of a minor
bull campaign?” Because the major bill campaign was due to end in 1929.

1919 was top adding 5 years to 1919 gives 1924 as bottom of a 5-year bear cycle. Refer to Rules 1 and 2,
which tell you that a bull or bear campaign seldom runs more than 2 to 3 years in the same direction.
The bear campaign from 1919 was 2 years down—1920 and 1921; therefore, we only expect on-year
rally in 1922; then 2 year down—1923 and 1924, which completes the 5-year bear cycle.

Looking back to 1913 and 1914, you will see that 1923 must be bear years to complete the 10-year cycle
from the bottoms of 1913-1914. Then, note 1917 bottom of a bear year; adding 7 years gives 1924 also
a bottom of a bear cycle. Then, adding 5 years to 1924 gives 1929 top of a cycle.


Monthly moves can be determined by the same rules as yearly:

Add 3 months to an important bottom, then add 4, making 7, to get minor bottoms and reaction points.

In big upswings a reaction will often not last over 2 months, the third month being up, the same rule as
in yearly cycle—2 down and the third up.

In extreme markets, a reaction sometimes only lasts 2 or 3 weeks; then the advance is resumed. In this
way a market may continue up for 12 months without breaking a monthly bottom.

In a bull market the minor trend may reverse and run down 3 to 4 months; then turn up and follow the
main trend again.

In a bear market, the minor trend may run up to 3 to 4 months, then reverse and follow the main trend,
although, as a general rule, stocks never rally more than 2 months in a bear market. Then start to break
in the 3rd month and follow the main trend down.

Thank you for previewing the free E-Course. For the

completion of this work and Gann’s additional course
information please see ordering at GannScience.com

Best regards,


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