Valiant Universe RPG Quick Start Rules Featuring Unity

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WHAT IS Stats and Stat Dice

Beginning at the top of the Dossier, you’ll see the

VALIANT UNIVERSE RPG? different stats for Harada and the different dice that
represent those stats (Stat Dice).
Might: This represents the physical build of the
Have you ever sat around with your friends talking character, whether endurance, brute strength, sheer
about comics? About how in issue X your favorite hero or stamina, and so on.
heroine did Y and sure, that was cool, but if it’d been you, Intellect: This corresponds to the mental faculties of
you’d have done Z!? Or always wondered why if your hero a character, whether street smarts, learned science or just
can do X, Y and Z with his or her powers, why not Triple plain inherent brilliance.
Z!? Well now’s your chance to step in, suit up and answer Charisma: The ability of a character to lead or to
those questions for yourself! talk his way out of a situation is based on charisma; a
Valiant Universe: The Roleplaying Game is set in Valiant character’s presence as he walks into a room.
Entertainment’s brilliant superhero universe. A setting Action: How good a person is in combat—whether
spanning millennia, where decisions made at the dawn of ranged, close quarters, hand-to-hand or even vehicle-
time ripple into the far distant future and today’s heroes can to-vehicle—is covered by this stat. Basically any “action”
be tomorrow’s villains when the hard choices are made. A oriented maneuver a character wants to try that doesn’t
dark and gritty tapestry of stories that you join and bring use his or her Powers.
to life at your gaming table! Luck: Luck is a very special number for each
character. It’s not a Stat Die, but instead a static number
that represents the capriciousness of fate. If any Stat,
QUICK-START RULES Action or Power Dice result on any roll should ever match
the character's Luck Stat, the roll is a success, no matter
We have specifically designed these quick-start rules
(QSR) to drop you straight into the action and adventure of what. When rolling two Dice for a Power, check the Luck
the Valiant Universe in minutes! Read through these quick- Stat against both dice before discarding the lower value.
start rules, including the Unity adventure, once—it won’t
take long. Then jump right into playing the Unity Events!
For ease of reference, the first time an important Powers
term is introduced, it will be bolded. Each character has a unique set of Powers, with a
corresponding Power Die. Whenever a player uses that
particular Power to accomplish an action, what the Power
Dice Die is rolled with is based upon the type of Power: if it's a
weapon-oriented Power, roll it along with the Action Die;
Valiant Universe uses polyhedral dice: D4, D6, D8,
D10, D12 and D20 (the value representing how many faces if it is a non-weapon-oriented Power, roll it alongside the
each die has); anytime “D” is used, as in “D12,” it’s shorthand appropriate Stat Die. In both instances, the lowest value
for “die.” result is then discarded. (The rolling of Powers in the full
rules occurs in a variety of ways that create tons of additional
fun as player's explore their abilities, but here we've kept it

BEFORE THE GAME BEGINS straightforward to ease players into these quick-start rules.)
Powers are not just superhuman in nature. Instead,
Powers represent the unique capabilities and/or qualities
Gameplay in Valiant Universe revolves around two of a given hero (or villain) and what they excel at, whether
things: Building The Story and Rolling Dice. Once more that’s Livewire’s psionic ability to talk to machines, the
detail is provided on what you need before your game endless years of training and drive that allows Ninjak to
begins, we’ll dive into explaining both aspects. move silently through the shadows or Zephyr's Pop Culture
Knowledge that weaves with her Optimism to act as the
glue keeping the Renegades together no matter how dark
THE LEAD NARRATOR it gets. During the game players may quickly find that some
Valiant Universe does not require a gamemaster for of the most memorable moments come when using "non-
play. Instead, the responsibilities of the Lead Narrator (LN) Power" Powers to save the day.
rotate from player to player throughout the game. However, If a Power has a direct translation as armor, a weapon,
an appointed LN isn’t prohibited either. Ultimately, it’s up or some other aspect that applies to the rest of the character
to the player group. If the group performs better with a sheet, either the Power, or that portion of the sheet will
dedicated LN, appoint one. But if the group doesn’t require include a name in parenthesis. In other words, thoroughly
one, simply use the rules as presented. review your sheet to ensure you know where all the
elements that make up a Power are located. The various
sections, then, provide all the details a player needs to
CHOOSE A HERO appropriately explore what he or she can accomplish with
their abilities during a game.
Each Character Dossier (starting on p. 19) consists
of an illustration and all the pertinent information for The name of each Power provides a guideline for
characters in Valiant Universe. To make sure you choose a what the power does, but ultimately it’ll be up to the
character you’ll like, you’ll have to understand the different player, the Lead Narrator (LN) and the roleplaying group
parts of a Dossier. Let’s take a look at the Dossier for Toyo to determine what a character can and can’t do with each
Harada (see p. 19). Power. For example, a player may want a given Power to do
two relatively different things in a given gaming session.
The LN may allow both, or he may allow the second only

Quick Start Rules 1


after the use of a Plot Point, or after lowering the Power

Die value. In the end, as with all the great comic books, a
character is as strong—or as weak—as a plot needs him Chris is playing Livewire as the
or her to be and your stories will need the same flexibility. characters are trying to exfiltrate
from a P.R.S. facility with crucial
stolen data. Time for Livewire to
Cues step up, especially as Ninjak just
finished taking care of some security
In the center-right of the Dossier are the character’s
personnel at their station.
Cues. Cues are statements or quotes that help define One of her Powers is “Manipulate
the character—whether it’s attitude, capabilities or Electronic Devices.” Obviously this is
personality. Each Cue helps form the basis of a Narration wide open, and so Chris knows he’s
(see p. 4). Additionally, they are split into “Cues” and got a lot of latitude. Chris provides
“Action Cues.” While they are interchangeable as the the following Narration: “Livewire
situation dictates, generally Cues are more oriented sprints to the station and touches
toward the character in their hidden identity and Action the computer screen. ‘This will only
Cues for when they’re storming the heavily secured take a moment.’ She then taps into
facility in all their superhero majesty. the building’s security feeds to find
out where the bad guys are and
devise a path out.”
Armor The LN doesn’t have any issues
with this use of her Power, and so
The Armor track gives the number of Armor pips
Chris makes a standard Challenge
the character has; this is a generic term that covers
dice roll (see p. 6).
everything from an armored jacket, military-grade
In a subsequent turn, Livewire’s
body armor, superhero thick skin, to extreme agility that team is nearing the outer wall of the
keeps a person from being hit, and beyond. Toyo Harada facility, but are out of explosives and
is a businessman and so if surprised he’s got very little the door access is crawling with ever-
armor; but he’s almost never caught unaware and his increasing numbers of P.R.S. security.
Psionic Shield Power acts as armor; note the notation on The LN sets the stage of the
Psionic Shield in the Power’s section pointing toward the current turn: “The characters
corresponding Armor portion of the character Dossier. find themselves in a small, fully-
Armor helps deflect damage during combat (see p. 7). automated assembly hub. A myriad
of loud sounds, whirring wheels and
rotating robotic arms doesn’t mask
Health the shouting of guards as they seal
the two doors and begin sweeping
The Health track defines the character’s Health
status. Once a character’s Armor (or any Power acting into the cluttered space searching
for you with deadly intent. Chris,
as Armor) has been depleted from damage, he begins
you’re up.”
to take damage to his Health track. As injuries pile up,
Chris thinks for a moment, then
a character will start to suffer negative performance snaps his fingers and smiles at a new
effects (see p. 8). idea and begins: “Livewire notices a
large flywheel spinning at high RPM

Weapons near the outer wall. ‘Cover me.’ She

crabs over to a terminal, plugs into
In a dangerous universe, most characters carry the machine with a touch, overrides
one or two weapons. The weapons column lists those the safety protocols and revs the
weapons and the damage they inflict on a successful RPM as high as the machine will
hit, as well as their range. In some instances, additional go, and then drops the brake. The
rules might be included for the effects of the weapon. machine vibrates wildly as the howl
Remember that Powers that act as weapons can spikes up to a screeching pitch, then
have additional stats here. Since Harada’s Atomize Power the flywheel breaks free and slams
is a weapon, it has “(Weapon)” next to the name in the into the wall, shattering open a hole.”
The LN slowly closes his mouth as
Powers portion of the Character Dossier, which directs
he thinks it over then determines that
the player to the Atomize stats in the Weapon section.
seems a bit much for the Power as
These two sections combine to provide all the details is. As such the LN tells Chris that it
a player needs to use this attack. In the case of Harada, can happen like this, but instead of
the player rolls a D12 (alongside the appropriate Stat Livewire's usual D10 Power Die, she
Die as determined by the LN, and discard the lowest must use a D8—rolling it with the
value result) when attacking with Atomize (as noted in Intellect Die—for the Challenge and
the Powers section), and the Power can be used at any Chris needs to spend a Plot Point to
range. If an attack is successful, the player rolls a D8 to show the flywheel casing had a hairline
determine damage (as noted in the Weapons section). crack from lack of proper maintenance
to allow the catastrophic event.
Chris happily tosses in the Plot
Point and grabs dice to make the roll!

2 Quick Start Rules


Don’t forget, though, that even while the Power is zz Intro: A short overview of what the Event will
noted as primarily a weapon, the Power can be used in a be about, what the objective will be and what
variety of ways only limited by the imagination. What if opposition the characters can expect to find. This
a player wants to simply heat up a gun at 100 meters by will be presented as “sourcebook fiction,” as though
using Harada’s Atomize to force the atoms to move rapidly, the reader was a character transplanted into
without a big “disintegration” giving away their location? the game universe, reading military documents,
Make the Narration and see if your LN likes where you’re historical texts, security briefs, intercepted personal
taking it! communications, local newspapers and so on.
zz Event Objectives: The Objectives list a set of events
or accomplishments that characters are expected
Equipment to do in order to complete the Event successfully,
While the characters trust their abilities, they also though they aren’t mandatory.
carry various tools and supplies, as shown on their zz Event Cues: The Event’s Cues function the same as
Equipment column of their Dossiers. Unlike weapons, the Cues on a Character Dossier. Each Cue can be
equipment in Valiant Universe has no set stats. Take a the basis for a Narration as well as a description of
look at Harada’s Dossier, under Equipment. Exactly what the Event itself.
does the Digital Assistant do, and how does it work? zz Event Tags: Tags give short descriptions of the Event
What if in a previous game the player determines it’s in order to give players the gist of the adventure or
actually a “predictive AI named Cassandra,” and during to aid the creation of a campaign.
the current game the LN decides Cassandra has moved zz The Setting: Below that is the Setting—a description
up in the world of “AIs” and become sentient enough of the area where the characters find themselves at
to try and seizing control of a Harada Conglomerate the beginning of the Event.
facility…what might happen? The player may have to zz Enemies and Obstacles: Finally, an Enemies/
answer those questions during gameplay with a clever Obstacles list gives the opponents and obstacles
Narration (see p. 4). that the characters may have to defeat or
overcome to successfully complete the Event, with
each considered a Scene, or section, of the overall
NPC Dossiers Event Brief.
Finally, there are two types of Dossiers—those


for fleshed-out characters like the heroes players will
become, or particularly important enemies, and those for
less-important characters like henchmen or supporting
characters. These non-player character (NPC) Dossiers
are a third the size of normal Dossiers and contain much
less information. Lead Narrators can modify the NPCs in
this QSR (see p. 23) to expand the number of enemies for Once each player has a set of dice, the appropriate
a given Event; they can also visit Character Dossier at hand, an Event Brief selected, and an
to download a blank NPC Dossier. LN chosen, your group is ready to get started.
It's important to remember that the nature of these Valiant Universe play is divided into a series of
simplified rules, alongside most NPCs as "disposable" segments that build on each other: Turns & Narrations,
villains, means the characters you run up against in Scenes, Event Briefs and Campaigns.
these Events do not reflect their full nature. Obviously
Anchor and the Eggbreaker have more Powers at their
disposal (while their Stat Dice may seem a little "light").
And the LN can certainly tweak up a Stat Die and/or add
Valiant Universe gameplay is divided into a series of
additional Powers if he or she feels they are necessary turns. Each turn, every player will have a chance to play
to create a bigger challenge. But they are meant to be out and describe his character’s actions. These descriptions
more minor characters, with X-O Manowar acting as the are called Narrations, and as the game progresses these
star NPC, hence why he has more details (though even Narrations will build on each other and form the story of
X-O Manowar's stats are truncated due to his NPC nature the game.
here). Playing as those actual characters in the various QSR
Supplementals (see inside back cover) will provide a much
more robust experience showcasing a wider range of what
each can offer.
Lead Narrator
Each turn begins with the LN and continues with the
player on the LN’s left until all players have had a turn at
THE EVENT BRIEF The LN begins the turn by giving a narrative of the
The four-part Unity Event Briefs (see p. 11) supply current situation and advancing the plot, as described
all the information you’ll need to start a gameplay session under Event Briefs (see p. 11). The LN also makes any
with little effort required on the part of the players. actions or die rolls for enemies the characters may
encounter. Though the LN begins the turn, he is the last
to act with his character.
Once all players have had a chance to narrate their
character’s actions, the turn ends and a new turn begins.

Quick Start Rules 3


SCENES Phil—playing as Toyo Harada—

A Scene is defined as the start and finish of a given
section of time within an Event Brief. A Scene will contain finds himself in perilous
a number of turns, which will vary depending upon what’s circumstances. He’s the first player
occurring within a given Scene. to make a Narration this turn and
the situation isn’t good: the players
For example, take a look at Unity (see p. 11). Each of
are trapped in an alien spaceship
the three descriptions of the Enemies/Obstacles found in
that’s crashed and is heading toward
that Event Brief is a Scene. There is no hard and fast rule the bottom of the ocean. Phil takes
on how many turns are in a Scene. Instead, that will be a quick look at Harada’s Dossier and
based on how many players are involved, their style of sees the Cue “We have very little
play and their Narrations, which ultimately leads to how time.” That couldn’t possibly fit the
quickly (or slowly) they’re able to accomplish the goals of situation more perfectly. What’s
a given Scene. more, from reading the comics, Phil
knows that Harada is a dominant
leader. He also knows that with such
Scenes and the LN a charismatic character there needs
The LN starts a Scene and is the LN for every turn to be some gravitas, even as death
until a Scene is accomplished. Once a Scene is finished, looms immediate and large.
the player to the right of the current LN becomes the new “‘Attend!’ Harada commands.
LN. The new LN starts the first turn of the new Scene by He forcefully sweeps his arms
to include his team. ‘We have
providing a narrative of the current situation, and so on,
very little time. Give me status
as described above.
updates immediately and your
recommendations for action.’”

An Event Brief usually constitutes a single game
session and is finished when all of the Scenes within
an Event Brief are accomplished. How many Scenes are MOVING THE STORY FORWARD
required to finish an Event Brief is detailed in each Event Collaborative Narration is about creating a story
Brief, but can be modified by the player group. and moving it forward. Valiant Universe is about making
impossible choices, facing terrifying challenges and
overcoming them in fantastic and fun ways. It is all about
CAMPAIGN saying “yes” to fun, not “no” to something unexpected.
So when you are faced with the impossible, you
The four-part Unity Event Briefs are designed
to stitch together a larger story that will span many smile and say, “Yes, and…” Then you make it up! There is no
gaming sessions. wrong way in Valiant Universe. Want to have the characters
swallowed by a timearc into the Faraway that just appeared
in San Francisco’s Chinatown and took half a building and

BUILDING THE STORY: a taxi with you? Then do it! But be ready for the LN to have
a Generation Zero psiot step out of that taxi for some butt-


kicking on you. After all, the rule is “Yes, and...”
For example, the players are all gathered around
the table for the night’s adventure (Event Brief ) and are
Giving a Narration is quite easy. All a player has to do already in the thick of the action. In the previous turn,
is describe what his or her character is doing: whether it’s Brandie, the current LN, revealed that after being swept
engaging in combat, exploring a room, using a Power, or into the Faraway by a timearc and being hunted by a large
repairing a device. warband of what appears to be Mesoamericans, one of
If any action has a chance of failure, then a dice roll is the walls of the cave they’ve been backed into suddenly
made to determine whether the action succeeds or fails. appears to be acting funny.
Many Narrations are based on Cues provided on
Character Dossiers or Event Briefs.
Plots create twists you never saw coming—a HALO
CUES drop of H.A.R.D. Corps troopers right in the middle of your
firefight, that hidden button that does something, an alien
Cues are building blocks players can use as a basis
for Narrations. Cues are both suggestions and descriptions. beast suddenly rampaging out of a timearc. Plot Points can
Cues can be positive and negative and never have to be make all these happen!
narrated the same way twice. If a player draws a blank or In gameplay, Plot Points may be used in many
wants to make sure he’s staying on-topic, he can take a ways. They are used to interrupt or alter another player’s
look at a list of Cues and choose an appropriate one to Narration—a method of adding a twist to the game. But
base a Narration around. they can also be used to change player turn order, alter a die
roll or gain back a point of Health. The ways players utilize
Plot Points are only limited by how creative they want to be.

4 Quick Start Rules


After the rest of the players the cave mouth, preparing to unleash
make their Narrations in an effort to a storm of knives and throwing stars
determine what’s going on, Brandie’s should the warriors try and rush
character (as the LN, her character the cave.”
is the last to act in a turn), says, “I Collin, Harada’s player, mouths to
use my scanner to see if the wall’s himself, “quantum field?” With a shrug
becoming unstable at a macro or micro and a smile he picks up the thread of
atomic level,” hoping that’ll provide the adventure. With his best gravitas
some data on the strange-acting wall. -style impression of a man like Harada
It is now the beginning of the next he responds, “You confirm my own
turn, and Brandie, still the LN, sets suspicions, Ninjak.” Collin drops one
the stage for the start of this turn’s of his Plot Point tokens on the table.
events. She takes a moment to gather “I’ll invert my Psionic Shield to act as
her thoughts, based upon what’s just a conduit for my digital assistant to
transpired from the previous turn, infiltrate the singularity and stabilize
and says, “Unfortunately, that didn’t it with the introduction of a quantum
bring up any data as whatever is field.” Out-of-character Collin then
occurring appears to be beyond the says to the LN, "I'll use the Plot Point
scanners’ abilities. A new row of loud to support this." Collin rolls a D12
but unintelligible shouting comes from for the Challenge (see p. 6) with a
the Mesoamericans outside, and result of 8; then rolls a D10 for his
another fusillade of arrows arcs into Power Die and a D10 for his Intellect
the partially blockaded cave, narrowly (after the LN agrees the Intellect is
missing one of you. Additionally, the the appropriate choice), getting a
cave wall now appears to be going result of 5 and 6 (after checking to
transparent in a beating rhythm. And see he didn't roll his Luck Stat, he
each time it goes transparent, you discards the 5 and selects the 6);
appear to see someone shouting at the LN decides there are no modifiers
you from within, or without—you can’t so the total is 14. Brandie, as the LN,
tell.” The LN, wanting to have a little rolls the opposing D20, rolling a 17
fun, then places a Plot Point into the (no modifiers are added). Looking at
pool and says, “Ninjak, you recognize the result, Brandie shakes her head.
the man from your young school days. “It appears your AI did its job too
Despite his exotic uniform, built from well. Yes, the cave wall is holding and
what appears to be crystal pellets, it’s now you can also hear Percy Fawcett
Colonel Percy Fawcett, the explorer yelling ‘Hurry it up, chaps, or those
who disappeared close to a hundred natives will be chopping you but quick.’
years ago in South America. Ninjak, However, the instability of the timearc
you’re up.” tunneling has breached Cassandra’s
Joshua—playing as Ninjak—to quantum field and is starting to
Brandie’s right gapes at the surprise consume the rest of the cave. If the
twist but quickly smiles and says, “Yes, instability reaches critical, it’ll bring
and on seeing Percy Fawcett during the whole mountain down on you.”
one of the wall’s phasing moments, Brandie turns to Bo, nodding to him
I yell ‘Harada, I think a timearc is that it is his turn now.
tunneling between parts of the Bo stays in character and panto-
Faraway. This might be an escape mimes sheathing a blade and affects
that doesn’t involve several hundred his best Gilad Anni-Padda voice, saying,
warriors. Use your AI and see if she “’Even the Eternal Warrior knows when
can’t establish a quantum field that’ll it is time for a strategic withdrawal,
stabilize the singularity enough for us especially as we appear to have
to escape. I’ll keep the warriors at unexpected allies.’ Gilad quickly leaps
bay.’ Ninjak moves carefully back to through the opening.”

Players will be earning and spending Plot Points

throughout the game, and using some type of tokens Earning Plot Points: Players
(such as poker chips) is the best method to track them. Players begin the game with three Plot Points each
However, players are free to use whatever system works and may be awarded more points by the LN for particularly
best, whether it’s chips, dice, noting them down on a piece good Narrations. Players may have a maximum of five Plot
of paper/table/smartphone, and so on. Points at any time and only one point may be awarded to
a player at a time.

Quick Start Rules 5


Players with no Plot Points are automatically given
one at the beginning of their turn.
The LN is the only person who may award Plot Points.
No matter how well your storytelling is unfolding,

Earning Plot Points: Lead Narrator there will come a time when the dice need to come out
to help resolve a given situation.
The LN also receives Plot Points into a Plot Pool. The
LN starts an Event Brief with one Plot Point and every time
a player spends a Plot Point (see below), the LN receives
a Plot Point.
As a story-driven role-playing game, Valiant Universe
Unlike the players, the LN’s Plot Pool has no size limit.
uses a simple, cinematic dice-rolling mechanic to resolve
The Plot Pool transfers between LNs in between
Challenges, Tests and Combat.
Scenes. If the Plot Pool is empty at the start of a new Scene,
the new LN receives 1 Plot Point.
The Basic Mechanic for Challenges and Tests
Spending Plot Points: Players A D12 is the Base Die, and forms the foundation
that all players’ rolls are based upon. The result of this
No matter what effect you want to cause, the cost is
roll is modified by the appropriate Stat Die and any
one Plot Point and the change is immediately made to the
additional Modifiers. The basic dice rolling mechanic for
game. Players may not spend more than one point at a time
all Challenges and Tests is:
in an attempt to maximize the twist, though they can spend
multiple Plot Points during any player’s Narration (whether
D12 + Stat Die (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12) + Modifiers
their own, or another player’s).
vs. D20

A Challenge is any action taken against an inanimate

A new turn of Valiant Universe object, while a Test is any action taken against another
has started and Jason’s character character or any NPC that is non-combat related.
is injured. At the beginning of his Which Stat Die To Use: The appropriate Stat Die
turn, Jason spends one Plot Point to use will usually be very easy to determine: trying to
to regain a point of Health. lift something heavy? Might. Trying to outsmart an
He deposits his Plot Point token opponent? Intellect, and so on. Ultimately, however, if
into the Plot Pool and restores the situation is too muddy, the LN makes the decision on
one of the Health pips on his which Stat Die to use (see p. 1).
character’s Dossier. He then makes Modifiers: Modifiers represent good or bad
a quick Narration: situational circumstances that take an ordinary situation
“Gilad Anni-Padda, still bleeding and make it extraordinary. For example, while trying
after he tangled with X-O Manowar,
to work on X, the player is: being attacked (a negative
injects a medstim.”
modifier); he’s wounded (a negative modifier); there’s no
gravity (depending upon what he is trying to accomplish,
it could be a positive or negative modifier); the player is
getting additional help (this also could be a positive or
negative modifier depending upon the Stat Die of the
Just remember, Plot Point use doesn’t always mean a
player trying to help); the device he’s working on is extra
positive change. Often plot twists are a negative event—
difficult (a negative modifier) or extra easy (a positive
something goes wrong that must be fixed or adapted to
modifier)—the sky’s the limit on what might happen. The
by the characters.
decision on what modifiers are applied to any die roll, if
any, and whether they are positive or negative, is always
Spending Plot Points: Lead Narrator made by the LN.
Powers: If the character is attempting a Challenge
Like players, the LN can spend Plot Points in any
or Test covered by a Power, roll the Power Die with the
fashion he chooses, with the following caveats:
appropriate Stat Die (as determined by the LN) and
discard the lowest value result; adding it to the result
zz Plot Points can only be spent to aid NPCs or create
of the D12 plus modifiers to compare against the D20.
plot twists; they cannot be spent to directly aid or
hinder a player.
D12 + (Stat Die (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12) + Power Die
zz The LN can only spend one Plot Point per turn, unlike
(D4, D6, D8, D10, D12) [discard lowest result]) + Modifiers
the players who can spend more than one per turn.
vs. D20

6 Quick Start Rules


Luck Stat Ranges

Always remember that regardless of the overall All weapons (and any Powers that act as weapons)
result, if a Stat Die (or Power Die, if used; check both dice fall into three range brackets for combat (the range of each
rolled before discarding the lower value) result equals weapon/Power is noted on the Character Dossier).
the character’s Luck Stat, that character automatically
succeeds at his action (see p. 1). zz Close (Melee)
zz Near (Pistols)
zz Far (Rifles)

On a mission for MI6 to If a weapon (or Power) is used in a range bracket

infiltrate a potential Harbinger one higher than its noted bracket, apply a –3 modifier.
Foundation facility in Africa, A weapon cannot be used in a range bracket two higher
Ninjak comes up against a locked than its listed bracket, though it can always be used in a
door. And he needs to get past
closer bracket. For example, Shadowman’s sickle is a Close
it. Charlie, playing as Ninjak, knows
(Melee) weapon: if it’s used at Near range the player would
this is what Ninjak is famous for,
and so has an excellent chance of apply a –3 modifier; it cannot be used at Far range. Any
bypassing the security on the door rifle, however, which all have Far range, can be used at
to gain access. Near or Close without any issues.
Breaking a complicated lock It’s important to note, though that a specific Dossier
is definitely a Challenge as it’s may change these values based upon a specific weapon.
against an inanimate object. Charlie So if you see different values than the norm, those are
decides this is a test of Intellect not “in addition” to the standard above, but instead fully
(which the LN agrees with), which replace the above modifiers.
again is perfect for Ninjak, who
has a D10 in that category. Charlie
rolls for the Challenge, rolling a
D12 (Base Die) and a D10 (Intellect
Power Die
As with non-combat situations, if the character has
Die). The LN rolls a D20 for the a Power Die that is combat-related and appropriate to the
lock; the LN decides there are no
current situation (as determined by the LN ), the player
special circumstances requiring any
will roll the Power Die with the Action Die and discard the
additional modifiers. The result is:
lowest value result.
4 (D12) + 9 (D10) + 0 (no
modifiers) = 13 vs. 6 (D20) (Action Die + Power Die [discard lowest result])
+ Modifiers vs. Action Die + Modifiers
A big success! With little effort,
Ninjak bypasses the security. Or, if two characters are fighting Power vs. Power the
However, the whole thing leaves dice would look like the following:
Charlie nervous. It looked like a
much more difficult door to bypass (Action Die + Power Die [discard lowest result])
regardless of Ninjak’s specialty. + Modifiers vs. (Action Die + Power Die [discard lowest
Charlie knows this is either a trap, result]) + Modifiers
or something else strange is going
on…time to find out.
Luck Stat
Always remember that regardless of the overall
result, if an Action Die (or Power Die, if used; check both
COMBAT dice rolled before discarding the lower value) result equals
the character’s Luck Stat, that character automatically wins
Combat is a variation on the basic dice rolling
mechanic for Challenges and Tests. The Action Die forms (see p. 1).
the foundation of all combat rolls, instead of the usual D12
Base Die. The result of this roll is altered by any applicable
modifiers. The basic dice rolling mechanic for all combat is: Unusual Circumstances
Any time an unusual circumstance arises not directly
Action Die + Modifiers vs. Action Die + Modifiers covered by the rules, the LN modifies the situation on the
fly. For example, if two combatants are at a significant
As shown, combat is a straightforward contest between range from one another and the LN decides the “winner”
combatants’ Action Dice, plus any applicable modifiers. of a combat roll couldn’t possibly damage the “loser,”
he simply doesn’t apply damage and moves on; in this
instance “winning” was simply an avoidance of damage
Modifiers on the winner’s part.
As with Challenge and Test rolls, combat can have
a variety of situational modifiers added, all of which are
decided upon by the LN.

Quick Start Rules 7


zz Second X: When the second “X” (on the third row) is

reached, a –1 to all future Might and Action rolls is
Aaron’s character, Bloodshot, immediately applied.
is facing off with a Harada Global zz Staggered: When the first “Staggered” pip is crossed
Conglomerates security agent. out, the character simply cannot give anymore and
Bloodshot is using a rifle he secured may take no actions (he does not give any more
earlier in the game. Unfortunately Narrations until he’s healed, nor can he spend any
the security agent was previously
Plot Points). (There are instances in which a Power
disarmed—though he managed to
could still work even if the character is Staggered,
escape—and so only has a crowbar
such as X-O Manowar's Armor Regeneration; the
and is on the other side of a large
open area. final call on whether a Power is still active while a
Aaron rolls a D8 (Bloodshot’s character is Staggered is up to the LN.)
Action Die) and the LN rolls a D6 zz Knocked Out: The character is wounded so badly
(the security agent’s Action Die). he or she has slipped fully into unconsciousness
Because Bloodshot can attack from and is completely out of the action for the rest of
a distance and the security agent the Event. (This is NOT the same as a dead character;
can’t, the LN awards a +1 modifier the character will fully heal before the next Event.
to Bloodshot’s roll. Aaron rolls a 7 Really "killing off" a character should be reserved for
and adds the +1 bonus for a final truly epic moments of storytelling where the players
result of 8. The security agent will be recounting stories about the game for years
rolls a 3; with the –3 modifier for to come.)
trying to attack with a weapon into
a larger range bracket, the result
Secondary Effects: Generally speaking,Valiant
is 0. The security agent loses and
Universe doesn’t assume weapons have any other effects
gets shot.
beyond straight-up damage as noted on the various
There are numerous ways the
encounter could play out. Just Dossiers. However, like the equipment also noted on
remember to roll with the dice and the Dossiers, players and LNs are free to come up with
the Plot Points—anything can happen! additional fantastical effects from a weapon.
Regaining Armor/Health: Fortunately, there are
many ways to regain Health or repair Armor. A player could
spend a Plot Point to regain a pip of Health or Armor. Some
characters carry first aid kits as equipment, which can
Vehicle Combat restore Health. Additionally, some characters are doctors
There is no separate system for combat between or engineers or even have the Power of healing and can
vehicles. Instead, the focus is kept where it should be, use a Narration to fix Armor or help heal a teammate; in
on the action of the characters, with the LN deciding this instance how much they repair the Armor and/or
what Challenges/Tests/Combat should occur under any the Health of a character could largely depend upon the
given situation. quality/uniqueness of their Narration, with the LN fixing
two or even more pips for a particularly superb recitation.

Damage, Armor and Health

Whenever a fight occurs, or a dangerous situation is Weapons
encountered, there’s a chance a character could take damage. Weapons come in all shapes, types and sizes. You
Damage: On every Character Dossier, there’s a name it, and it probably comes in a variety of colors
Weapons column that lists the weapon (or Powers) the and styles as well. Valiant Universe characters start each
character started the game with and its Damage Value. Event with a default set of weapons. These are listed on
Whenever a character takes damage, the damage is first the Character Dossier along with the amount of damage
applied to the Armor column of the Dossier. Once all they do when used successfully against a target, and their
Armor pips are marked off, damage then begins to apply range bracket.
to the Health column. If that happens, it’s time for some
serious heroics!
Health Flow Chart: The Health column of the Equipment
character Dossier takes the form of a flowchart. Players Besides weapons, many characters also carry a
start at the top, left-hand pip and move to the right until variety of equipment to use during Events. The uses of
the first row is marked off, then move to the top, left-hand many of the different items may be obvious: a first aid kit
pip of the second row and move to the right until the would help treat a character who’s been injured or a tool
second row is marked off, and so on. kit could be used to repair Armor or other devices. The
intended application of other equipment may be obscure
zz First X: When the first “X” (on the second row) is or even totally unknown. In many cases, this is intentional
reached, the character immediately applies a –1 and gives the players a chance to decide exactly what that
penalty to all future Might Die rolls. equipment does, based on the name.

8 Quick Start Rules



1 2 3

Aric of Dacia, a fifth-century heir to

the Visigoth throne, came of age Hoping to ambush a Roman battalion, After years of torture aboard a Vine
under the oppressive thumb of the Aric and his men instead encountered colony ship, he and his fellow
Roman Empire. a hostile alien race disguised as prisoners rebelled, and made their way
legionnaires. The creatures — known to the alien armory . . . which was, in
as the Vine — abducted the Visigoths. fact a temple holding the Vine’s most
sacred relic, the X-O Manowar armor.

4 5 6

. . . and discovered that the Vine’s

Bonding with it, Aric escaped the slaves were descendants of the
ship and returned to Earth, only to Visigoths. Aric freed his people and
find that 1,600 years had passed. brought them to Earth, where he The world, however, will not take the
Furious, Aric left Earth and traveled declared their ancestral homeland of invasion of Romania lying down . . .
to the alien homeworld . . . Dacia — now Romania — his kingdom.

PLAYER WARNING: Players should remember these are the quick-start rules. Every effort has been made to ensure an enjoyable
and immersive experience at your gaming table. However, this is just a taste of all the action from the full rulebook. Due to the
limited nature of these rules, there may be some disconnect between the game stats shown and what a player might expect
from reading the comics. Rest assured that the full rules, including the two-page characters sheets (as opposed to the one-page
character sheets for these quick-start rules) will more fully reflect a player's expectations surrounding their favorite characters.

Unity Mission Briefs 9


[Translated from Japanese:] Cassandra tells me the Russians are going to launch
a nuke. If it were anyone else making such a claim, I would just laugh it off.
No normal human could know how the Romania situation is going to play out. But
Cassandra—the AI's predictions are nearly always right. Would that I could chalk
this projection to a glitch in her predictive subroutines. Not even my power and
influence on the global stage can stop mankind's most horrific weapon.
Whatever the cost, I cannot allow this to happen. I will not let Bucharest
become the next Hiroshima.
Gilad tells me his meeting with his old friend Aric of Dacia, wielder of the
X-O Manowar armor, did not go well. He had hoped to convince Aric to take his alien
ship and leave Romania peaceably, but Aric does not understand "peace." The so-
called Eternal Warrior may be effectively immortal, but today I learned he bleeds
just as well as the rest of us do. Aric broke Gilad's arm in the confrontation; he
will heal in due time, but that is not fast enough. A warrior with only one good
arm is only half as good to me.
Ninjak is still under MI6's thumb, but he won't turn down a lucrative contract.
He has worked for me in the past; he will work for me again. His one-of-a-kind skills
are necessary if we are to neutralize the threat before it goes critical. But his
go-it-alone strategy may prove problematic when integrating him into this team…
And Livewire—my dear Amanda—I believe she has learned her lesson by now. She
may not be wholly loyal to me anymore, but if I can convince her what is at stake,
she will use her abilities to help me. Her rapport with machines may very well be
the key to counteracting the Manowar armor.
Where an army will falter, we four can put an end to this nonsense in Romania.
But if we fail…the world may never forgive us.



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10 Unity Mission Briefs

Today at 1403 GMT, a craft of unknown origin descended from the sky and landed in Bucharest,
Romania. Neither the craft nor its as-yet-undisclosed inhabitants have made any hostile overtures, but
the chaos caused by the vessel’s descent and landing has unleashed a wave of looting and other crimes
of opportunity in the Romanian capital.
Some Romanians are hailing the vessel’s arrival as definitive proof that we are not alone in the
universe. Others claim the vessel itself is a classified weapons program being developed by the Russian
military. Investigations have yet to determine the origin of the vessel itself.
Further reports indicate that the armored, blue-and-gold individual involved in the recent at the
Colosseum in Rome has been spotted near the craft. Whether this unidentified person of interest is
responsible for the vessel’s presence remains to be seen.
Rather than deny or confirm responsibility for the craft, the Russian leadership responded with a
declaration of military force. In a public address given at 1455 GMT, Russian Premier Sergeyevich declared
the vessel and the armored individual a threat to national security and vowed to mobilize against the vessel.
Incoming alert from Cassandra:

Harada-sama, the latest footage of the Bucharest incident confirms that

the armored individual—codename X-O Manowar, AKA Aric of Dacia—is indeed
involved with the craft. He appears to be protecting the ship and the people
that emerged from it. The ship itself matches no known configuration or design.
Conclusion: Vessel is of extraterrestrial origin.
Conjecture [93.8% certainty]: The Manowar brought the ship to Earth from
some unknown location.
Taking previous observation of the Manowar into account, predictive
extrapolation indicates he will defend the ship to his last breath, destroying any
and all who stand in his way with his array of offensive and defensive powers.
With the Russians threatening to send in military force, I predict a nuclear
solution will be pursued.
Conclusion: Neutralizing the Manowar situation will forestall a nuclear solution.

 Infiltrate the Visigoth perimeter
 Reach the hotel penthouse
 Find and defeat Aric of Dacia, the X-O Manowar

 team of convenience  no time to prepare  primitive Visigoth weaponry
 out of the armor  element of surprise  virtual thoughtscape

 Bucharest  plowed field  infiltration  Visigoths
 X-O Manowar  hotel  balcony  training

Unity Mission Briefs 11


THE SETTING have any personal guards watching over his suite,
but a number of Visigoth warriors have taken up
In the night, the parked alien ship looms
residence on the lower floors and will attack the
overhead—a dark shadow, quiet and unyielding.
team when discovered.
Beyond the vessel lies a grassy field that looks
Scene 3: When the team reaches Aric, assuming
recently plowed, and campfires dot the field. Past
they have managed to keep a low profile to this
the field sits an eight-story Romanian hotel building.
point, Aric will still be unarmored, and it will take
him 1 full Narration to summon and don the Armor
ENEMIES/OBSTACLES of Shanhara. Aric fights alone, as the team will have
Scene 1: Initial surveillance places X-O already dispatched or avoided all nearby Visigoths.
Manowar in the penthouse suite of the hotel. Once When using the NPC Dossier for X-O Manowar, ignore
Aric gets into his armor, he’ll be all that much harder the character’s Powers for this scene.
to take down, so a bit of stealth will be required. To Once Aric has been incapacitated, the
reach him the team will first need to infiltrate the surroundings dissolve away, and the team finds itself
perimeter of the field where the alien ship landed. sitting in chairs in Harada’s Harbinger Foundation
Visigoths—descendants of Aric’s countrymen from office in Pittsburgh. Stronghold, one of Harada’s
the seventh century—are wandering about the nearby Eggbreakers—Harada’s personal entourage
encampment, but they are not expecting an attack. of powerful psiots—congratulates the team.
The team must try to sneak past the Visigoths. If “Harada-sama,” Stronghold says, “it appears your
any are alerted to the team’s presence, they must thoughtscape training experiment was a success.
be dispatched quickly before they can raise an This team is fully capable of working together and
alarm and give Aric a chance to don the Armor of accomplishing our goals in Romania. I suggest you
Shanhara. get underway before we’re out of time.”
Scene 2: Once the team reaches the hotel, The mission to defeat Aric, it turns out, was
they will need to reach the penthouse before a shared hallucination that occurred in Harada’s
Aric can realize anything is wrong. Aric, confident personal thoughtscape, as his way of ensuring that
in his mastery of the Armor of Shanhara, doesn’t the mission to come would not be a disastrous failure.

12 Unity Mission Briefs

1: ON
Early today, the Russian Federation sent a tank battalion into Romania, and hours later the entire
formation was declared lost to enemy action. According to statements from the Russian government,
a battalion of the Fourth Guards Tank Brigade crossed the Romanian border this morning intent on
approaching the mysterious vessel that landed in Bucharest. The Russian military reported losing contact
with the battalion when it reached the Berceni district. No explanations for the loss were made public.
The Romanian government is denying any and all involvement in the incident and have threatened
retaliation if the Russians do not withdraw from their border. Russian Premier Sergeyevich claimed the
military movement was in proactive self-defense of Russian national security, and he blames the Romanian
government for the battalion’s loss. The United Nations has called an emergency Security Council session
to attempt resolving this dispute before it escalates into open conflict.
One possible explanation for the Russians’ loss comes from amateur photographer Renee
Rousseaux, who states she was on the scene during the Berceni attack. Her blurry photos show tanks
encountering a blue-and-gold blur that many believe is the unidentified perpetrator of the Colosseum
incident in Rome. Rousseaux claims this individual destroyed the Russian tanks with never-before-seen
weapons, but the subpar quality of the photographs only leads to further speculation.

Incoming Alert from Cassandra:

Harada-sama, the situation has escalated as previously predicted.
Unfortunately, the Manowar is more of a variable than anticipated. His
destruction of the Russian tank convoy has driven the Russian Federation
one step closer to a nuclear solution, either to eliminate the Manowar and/or
to destroy the vessel and the people he is protecting. Predictive extrapolation
indicates that the Russians will resort to firing a tactical nuclear warhead unless
you directly intervene.
The Unity advance team you sent to confront the Manowar—codenames the
Captain, Mirror, Bomb, and Ether—is currently underway, but I predict their
current success rate at less than three percent..

Warning: Unity advance team eliminated. Primary and secondary mission
failures. Updating my predictive matrices …
Conjecture [97.1% certainty]: Attacking the Manowar directly will have
disastrous results.
Conclusion: Removing the Manowar’s vessel from the equation will leave
the Russians and Romanians nothing to fight over.

 Infiltrate the alien spaceship
 Escape capture (optional)
 Reach the bridge
 Defeat X-O Manowar OR plant computer virus in ship’s computer

 This time it’s real  corpses of eliminated Unity team
 high alert  breaking for orbit  virtual swordfight

 Vine battleship  infiltration  captured  liftoff  space
 ship’s bridge  Visigoths  Wolf Class Armor  Aric of Dacia

Unity Mission Briefs 13


THE SETTING to stand or take action. Until the ship reaches orbit
(Lead Narrator’s discretion), team members will
The area around the alien ship is positively
need to pass a Might Challenge in order to keep
crawling with Visigoths this time of night, and the
their footing and/or make any Action rolls. Team
hotel lies in the distance. The area looks hauntingly
members may attempt another try at a failed Test
familiar to the recent thoughtscape training, but
on his or her next Narration.
this time the goals have changed. And this time
Scattered throughout the corridors leading to
it’s real.
the bridge, where X-O Manowar is controlling the
ship, are some of Aric’s most dedicated Visigoth
ENEMIES/OBSTACLES warriors and one or more Vine Wolf-class Armor.
Scene 3: On the bridge, Aric is hooked directly
Scene 1: Ninjak arrives at the Vine ship first and
is encouraged to infiltrate the ship alone, in order into the ship via his armor. In order to gain control of
to get the lay of the land so the rest of the team the ship, Livewire must connect to the ship as well
isn’t blindsided when they arrive. [While it’s true to (the LN may allow another team member to connect
the comics to always have Ninjak be the advance if Livewire is out of action, but the player will have to
scout, LNs should feel free to mix this up if they wish explain “how” they're doing it—i.e., using a prototype
for more flexibility and variety, allowing another Harada comms system, or some other way in which
player to go in first.] The Visigoths are on high alert they can get around Livewire's abilities). Once
after the Russian tank attack, so Ninjak will need to connected, Aric will engage her consciousness in
slip past some Visigoth guards and take out a lone virtual combat inside the ship’s computer. The rest of
Visigoth warrior patrolling the ship. Once inside the the team must fend off the Visigoths and Wolf-class
ship, X-O Manowar discovers Ninjak’s presence and Armor until Livewire can either successfully plant a
confronts him. If X-O Manowar makes one successful computer virus that will kick Aric out of the system
Action roll against Ninjak, Ninjak will be temporarily or defeat Aric in virtual combat.
incapacitated and captured. This scene should move To plant the computer virus, Livewire may
at a fast pace so the rest of the characters can get in take one Intellect Test on each of her Narrations (in
on the action as soon as possible. addition to making Action rolls in combat against
Scene 2: Once Ninjak is captured (or manages Aric). If she succeeds in three successive Tests, the
to escape the Manowar), the rest of the team virus is planted; if she fails a Test, she must start over
arrives. Ninjak can free himself by passing both an again. Although Aric is fighting Livewire virtually,
Intellect Challenge (to dislocate a thumb) and a he still uses the stats and weapons on his Dossier.
Might Challenge (to wriggle out of his restraints). While Livewire is trying to take control of the
Otherwise, another team member will need to find ship, the rest of the team must protect her from
him and loosen his bonds. Visigoths and Wolf-class Armor that will attempt to
Once the whole team is aboard the ship and enter the bridge.
freed, the Vine ship breaks for orbit. The team will Once Aric has been defeated or the virus is
need to reach the bridge in order to take control successfully planted, the ship begins losing altitude
of the vessel. Acceleration forces make it difficult and plummets from space like a meteor.

14 Unity Mission Briefs

At 0315 GMT, the Priority 1 vessel we have been monitoring in Bucharest suddenly took flight and
headed for the upper atmosphere. After settling into a low orbit, the craft remained in place for 37 minutes
before plummeting 60 kilometers back to Earth at 0402 GMT and sinking relatively intact into the Atlantic
Ocean at N 47°22´15˝, W 33°12´19˝.
NASA officials believe the vessel did not survive reentry and broke apart before crashing in the sea, and for
now we are doing nothing to actively discourage this belief. Investigative efforts from the US, Russian, and Chinese
navies are currently underway, but we are certain that the vessel will have already sank before any of these fleets
can arrive on the scene. Fortunately, the pressure at those depths due to the pressure unable to get any agents
in place to steer them away from few hold any hope of finding the wreckage and putting this mystery to rest.
We’re currently attempting to piece together just what happened. Surveillance is no longer seeing
signs of the X-O Manowar at the site, but his primitive associates are still on the scene. Infrared scans of
the area indicate the presence of unknown individuals nearing and entering the ship.
Please advise on our next course of action.

Incoming Alert from Cassandra:

Harada-sama, I am reading that Livewire has subverted the X-O Manowar’s
control over the alien vessel. I am also seeing that she has gained control over
the Armor of Shanhara itself.
This is an unexpected development. Updating my predictive matrices…
The Armor of Shanhara is an article of extraterrestrial technology.
Conjecture [95.6% certainty]: Livewire interfacing with the Armor may give
her a greater understanding of how her teletechnopathic abilities work.
The following facts are also of immediate importance:
1) Livewire’s previous betrayal resulted in “Omicron” psiot Peter
Stanchek’s escape.
2) The Armor of Shanhara is one of the most powerful weapons yet seen
on this planet.
3) Livewire chose to join your Unity team to neutralize the worldwide threat
Aric of Dacia posed, and without the Armor, Aric’s threat has been neutralized.
Conjecture [63.2% certainty]: With the Armor now under Livewire’s control,
if she chooses to rebel against you a second time, you will be unable to stop her.
Conclusion: Keep Livewire’s focus on the mission.
In the meantime, I am calculating that the ship is currently falling from orbit
and will impact the Pacific Ocean in approximately five, four, three …
… two …
… one …

 Escape the sinking ship
 Stop the nuke
 Broker deal with world powers
 Save trapped Visigoths

 Hang onto something!  There has to be a way out of here
 filling up with seawater  never enough lifeboats…  when world powers collide

 free fall  Pacific Ocean  Visigoths  Wolf Class Armor  Aric of Dacia
 the Armor of Shanhara  nuclear solution  Americans, Russians, and Chinese

Unity Mission Briefs 15


THE SETTING learn there is only one escape pod, and Visigoths and
Wolf-class Armor are standing in the way.
With no one able to directly control the alien
Scene 2: Because the Russians lost a whole tank
ship, the Earth is rapidly growing larger in the bridge’s
battalion to the alien ship’s defenders, they don’t
viewport. Flames obscure the view as the spacecraft
want anyone getting their hands on whatever is in
blazes through Earth’s atmosphere like a meteor.
the ship. To ensure the vessel’s destruction, a Russian
Once the flames go out, the shining blue carpet of
plane launched a tactical nuke toward the sinking ship.
the Pacific Ocean awaits, just seconds below …
While adrift on an escape pod or the ship’s wreckage,
the team will need to find some way to destroy or
ENEMIES/OBSTACLES neutralize this missile before it can explode. There are
Scene 1: With Aric defeated and taken a number of creative ways in which the nuke can be
captive, the X-O Manowar suit transfers itself to disabled, rerouted or destroyed.
Livewire. Due to the rigors of interfacing with alien To add some tension to the scene, the LN
technology for the first time, she will be unable to can decide that the nuke takes a specific number
perform any actions except interface with the Armor of turns to arrive at the ship, which will limit the
for two Narrations. Once Livewire has bonded with amount of time the team will have to plan their
the Armor of Shanhara, she will immediately regain strategy. To randomly determine how many rounds
all of her lost Armor pips. While wearing the Armor, of Narrations the team has, roll a D4.
she gains an additional +7 Armor pips and the Any unshielded team members or NPCs
Armor Regeneration Power (D8, see X-O Manowar near the nuke’s blast radius when it blows (LN’s
NPC Dossier, p. 23); all of her Stat Dice, Weapons, discretion) are immediately Knocked Out for the
and other Powers remain the same. remainder of the Event.
Aric’s defeat also means the ship is uncontrolled Scene 3: After the nuke has been dealt with,
and plummeting to the Earth. The fall takes D4 naval fleets from the United States, Russia, and China
Narrations before the ship will hit the ocean, and converge on the alien ship. The team will need to
any action a team member or NPC wishes to take collectively meet with the officers from all three fleets
during the free fall will require a successful Might in order to prevent them from attacking each other
Challenge before the action can be attempted. or going to war over the sunken ship. Bargaining
When the ship crashes into the ocean, each team chips include such things as salvage rights to the Vine
member or NPC who fails a Might Challenge will suffer ship and the X-O Manowar armor. The team must
2 Health damage (ignoring Armor) from the impact. convince all three powers that the Armor of Shanhara
The submerged ship quickly takes on water and is a dangerous weapon that remains under guard at
begins to sink. The team will need to find a way out Harada Global Conglomerates.
of the ship before being drowned, and before water During the meeting, one or more team
pressure crushes the ship like an egg. After navigating members can venture down to the sunken ship in
the ship’s maze of flooding bulkheads, the team will an effort to rescue any Visigoths before they drown.

16 Unity Mission Briefs

INTERPOL officials released a statement declaring that the armored individual witnessed on the scene
of the recent incidents at Rome’s Colosseum and Bucharest, Romania, has been apprehended and taken into
custody. The culprit’s identity has not yet been revealed, but sources claim this international war criminal is
being held at a secure, undisclosed location.
The apprehended individual was responsible for using an unidentified form of self-contained aerial
combat armor to attack several Italian Aeronautica Militare fighters over Rome and cause havoc in Bucharest.
Photographs taken of the Bucharest incident indicate that this man was also responsible for the destruction
of the Russian military convoy in Bucharest’s Berceni district.
Italy and Romania’s governments have both lobbied for the culprit to be remanded to their respective
custody to stand trial. So far no firm decisions have been reached, and no trial date has been established.
“This is a delicate situation,” said INTERPOL Secretary-General Jean-Baptiste Beaumont. “The individual
in question represents a clear and present threat to global security, so all precautions have been taken to
ensure justice will be meted out accordingly.”

Incoming Alert from Cassandra:

Harada-sama, I detect that something is amiss in your house.
Though the X-O Manowar armor is now under constant guard in this facility, many
different parties may seek to remove the armor from your protection.
Based on previous behavioral and speech patterns, and the performance of your
Unity team, I believe one or more of your associates will betray you:
Gilad Anni-Padda: 22.3% loyalty rating. The Eternal Warrior is a longtime friend
of Aric of Dacia and will not take kindly to Aric’s imprisonment. Recommendation: Release
Gilad’s leash ASAP and cut your losses.
Ninjak: 43.6% loyalty rating. The MI6 operative follows you for financial gain.
Recommendation: Maintain lucrative business relationship.
Livewire: 65.7% loyalty rating. Her earlier betrayal of you during the Omicron
incident has taught her a valuable and unforgettable lesson; she will only side against
you if she believes her cause is just. Recommendation: Provide specific examples to prove
the rightness of your goals.

Livewire’s Challenge
When I bonded with the Armor, it showed me how to use my powers in ways I
never imagined, so I now know every single plot Harada has put in motion, every
single person he’s ordered killed. We took the Armor from Aric because it made
Harada and his company look good. Aric, on the other hand, just wanted to use the
Armor to create a home for his people.
I’ve told Harada countless times that he’s too powerful, that he needs something—
or someone—to balance his ego and ensure he doesn’t set himself up as a god among
men. I say we should be that balance. Who’s with me?


 Steal the Armor of Shanhara from  Prevent the Armor of Shanhara from
Harada Global Conglomerates being stolen OR regain stolen Armor
 Return the Armor of Shanhara to Aric  Convince traitors to rejoin the cause
OR humble all holdouts
 We’re doing the right thing  three against one  I don’t trust him
 breaking the Unity  He’s too powerful  Guard your thoughts

 betrayal  Armor of Shanhara  infiltration  Harada Global Conglomerates
 Military Extraterrestrial Recon Outpost  Aric of Dacia  Visigoth prisoners

Unity Mission Briefs 17


THE SETTING Eggbreakers will try to retrieve the Armor once it has
been stolen, and he can attempt to convince any of
Harada Global Conglomerates’ main
the Traitors that they are doing the wrong thing.
headquarters in Pittsburgh is a well-guarded
Scene 2: If the Traitors managed to steal the
skyscraper with an extensive underground facility.
Armor, they must then learn where Aric of Dacia
Between standard HGC security guards and the
is being held. He and his Visigoths are currently
Harbinger Foundation’s army of psiots, anyone
at Camp Sigma, a military facility run by the
attempting to enter Toyo Harada’s fortress without
intelligence organization MERO. While the Traitors
permission will be in for a rude awakening.
are in hiding and attempting to locate Aric, Harada
The Armor of Shanhara is safe from all but the
can track them down and try to steal back the
most superhuman of would-be thieves.
Armor and/or convince more of the Traitors to
rejoin his cause. Likewise, the Traitors can attempt
ENEMIES/OBSTACLES to break Harada’s hold on any former Traitors that
At the beginning of this Event, the players are are currently under Harada’s influence.
split into two groups: Harada in one and all of the Scene 3: After the Traitors manage to locate
traitors—Eternal Warrior, Ninjak, and Livewire—in Aric, they must make their way to Camp Sigma,
the other. Throughout the course of this Event, which is out in the middle of the desert. At the
the traitors will attempt to complete the Traitor camp, Harada will have one last chance to try either
Objectives, and Harada’s player will attempt to stealing back the Armor or coercing the remaining
complete the Harada Objectives. A member of the Traitors to his side. If Aric is given the Armor, he will
Traitors group can defect to Harada’s group either immediately suit up and join the Traitors in their
by doing so voluntarily, by Harada controlling fight against Harada.
the character via one of his Powers, being
Knocked Out or Dead, or any other means the LN
deems plausible. AFTERMATH
If Harada is ever Staggered or Knocked Out
during this Event, he will reappear in the next If the Traitors prevail
scene with full Health and Armor due to having Livewire: Harada was right about one thing—
gone into a regenerative trance. Any Traitor who the Armor of Shanhara is indeed the most powerful
is Staggered or Knocked Out will reappear in the weapon on Earth. But it doesn’t belong to us. The
next scene with full Health and Armor, but will be Armor told me that it chose Aric of Dacia for a
on Harada’s team instead. reason. Watching him in the Armor—he is a natural
Scene 1: The Traitors must sneak into Harada with it, and his experience in Romania has forged
Global Conglomerates building in Pittsburgh, him into a better person and a greater leader for
locate the Armor of Shanhara, and steal it. The his people. I only hope we made the right decision.
Armor is guarded by a psiot named Anchor and
some of Harada’s Eggbreakers. Any character can If Harada prevails
pick up and carry the Armor in its spherical form, Harada: The Armor of Shanhara is the most
but Livewire is the only character who can don the powerful weapon on Earth, and I still believe no one
Armor. See p. 16 for Livewire’s stats when wearing should ever wield it. This petty squabble with Amanda
the Armor. Once the Traitors have stolen the Armor, and my former allies over the Armor has only proven
they must confront Harada and his Eggbreakers in the rightness of my cause. Had I the nerve, I would
order to escape the HGC building. strap that accursed metal orb to a rocket and launch
Harada, on the other hand, must try to it into the sun. But I cannot. There may yet come a day
convince the Traitors that the Armor of Shanhara when the Armor will be needed. I only hope that I will
is too dangerous for anyone to wield. He and two never need to be the one to wear it.

18 Unity Mission Briefs


D6 D12 D10 D8
Atomize (Weapon) D10 Telepathy D10 Psionic Projection D12

Psionic Shield (Armor)

Levitation (Flight) D8 Reduces damage taken by 2 D10

Name: Toyo Harada Affiliation: Harbinger Foundation

 Psiot  Visionary  Controlling  Confident  “Omega”

The time to act is now.
I can stop this.
Believe me when I tell you, I will not let this happen.
Nuclear weapons will never be used again.
We have very little time.
That was just … intuition.
There’s nowhere for you to run.

Prepare to have the world forget you ever existed.
I am the most powerful psiot on this planet.


Atomize D8 OK OK OK
-1 TO
Mind Wipe 2* OK –3 —
-1 TO MIGHT *Target also forfeits its next action

KNOCKED Digital Assistant Expensive Suit
Designer Shoes
(PSIONIC SHIELD) Character Dossiers 19

D10 D8 D6 D10
Weapon Mastery Sure Shot
D12 Tactical Genius D8 Adds +2 to next Action roll result D8

Accelerated Healing
Heals D4 – 1 pips of Health D4

Name: Gilad Anni-Padda Affiliation: The House of Earth

 Immortal  Sumerian  Patient  Fist of the Earth  Resilient

I hate being late.
I’m the oldest living thing in the hemisphere.
Go away. I won’t ask you again.
There’s always a war going on.
You’re never so alive as when you’re killing something.
This won’t end well.
The world is watching. There will be consequences.

My war is eternal.
I was around when war got invented.


Axe 3 OK –2 —
-1 TO
Submachine Gun* 2 OK OK –2
-1 TO MIGHT *May target two enemies with the same attack action

KNOCKED Token of the House of Earth Cloak
Medical Cuff for Broken Arm
20 Character Dossiers

D8 D10 D10 D12

Ninjutsu Reflexes
Smart Gloves/Boots
D10 (Armor) D8 Poison Gas D6

Reduces damage taken by 2

Explosive Foam Adaptive Camouflage Hologram Belt

D8 D10 D8

Name: Colin King Affiliation: MI-6

 Precise  Relentless  Skilled  Freelancer  Super-spy

I’d’a done this job for free.
It’s time.
Blunt-force trauma will suffice.
Alien tech or not, a locked door is a locked door.
Only one chance …
I guess you didn’t get my “It’s a trap” memo?

Go wage your war in the open. I’ll wage mine in the shadows.
You can take away my equipment but not my training.


Katana 4 OK –2 —
-1 TO
Poisoned Shuriken 2* OK OK OK
-1 TO MIGHT *Target suffers 1 additional damage over the next D4 rounds

KNOCKED Stealth Drone Vehicle Wing Suit
Pocket Computer
(HEX-WEAVE FABRIC) Character Dossiers 21

D6 D8 D6 D8
Manipulate Multi-Tool Levitation
POWERS Electronic Devices D10 Field (Flight) D6

Deflection Shield (Armor) D8 Martial Arts (Weapon) D8
Reduces damage taken by 1

Name: Amanda McKee Affiliation: Harbinger Foundation

 Psiot  Teletechnopath  Rebellious  Honest  Logical

I’ve a unique relationship with machines.
You reap what you sow.
Try to be less of a punk, will you?
Forgive me, Master.
It’s nothing like I’ve ever synced with before.
I need you to come with me.
There must be balance.

I don’t much care for weapons. I prefer communication.
I can pull the code and twist it to fit whatever I need.


Electrified Multi-Tool Whip D6* OK OK –2

-1 TO
Aerial Drone Cannon 2 OK OK OK
-1 TO MIGHT *+1 damage against non-living targets

KNOCKED Multi-Tool Bracelet Harbinger Foundation ID
First Aid Kit
22 Character Dossiers
D12 D8 D10 D12

Armor Regeneration
(Armor) Restores 2 Armor
D8 Energy
and 2 Health, even if Weapons D6

Staggered or Knocked Out

Anti-gravity Wrist Rockets

D10 Deals 2 damage to targets D8
in Close or Near ranges


-1 TO Energy Blast 3 OK OK OK
-1 TO MIGHT Energy Sword 3 OK –2 —

Dacia belongs to my people! OUT The Sacred Armor of Shanhara
I am king of the Visigoths! ARMOR HEALTH
Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do! (ARMOR OF SHANHARA)


D8 D8 D8 D10


-1 TO Dagger 2 OK — —
-1 TO MIGHT Fist 2 OK –2 —


OUT Visigoth Emblem Prosthetic Hand
ARMOR HEALTH Visigoth Clothing


D12 D6 D4 D6


-1 TO Fist 2 OK –2 —
-1 TO MIGHT Fist 2 OK –2 —


ARMOR OUT Unity Uniform
HEALTH Dossiers
HGC Passkey Card 23

D8 D4 D4 D8


-1 TO Sword 2 OK –2 —
-1 TO MIGHT Spear 2 OK OK —


OUT Slave Rags Vine Necklace
ARMOR HEALTH Visigoth Emblem


D10 D4 D4 D10


-1 TO Energy Cannons 3 –2 OK OK
-1 TO MIGHT Rending Claws 2 OK –2 —


OUT Visigoth Warrior Pilot Repair Kit



D6 D10 D6 D8


-1 TO Psionic Lash 3 OK OK –2


OUT Harbinger Foundation ID Pocket Computer

Character (PSIONIC
Dossiers SHIELD) HEALTH Harbinger Foundation Uniform
The Valiant Universe RPG Digital Initiative rolls out a firestorm of heroic action onto your gaming table.
Starting on Free Comic Book Day with the Quick-Start Rules, a free PDF will release every other week to keep
the action pumping until the Valiant Universe RPG hits your local comics/game store shelves in August.


Free PDF Available May 3rd (Free Comic Book Day) RED: 11 - 100 - 100 - 2

Featuring It all starts here: Rules designed to throw you into the action of the Valiant Universe in
minutes, with Events and characters from the Unity series (such as Harada, Ninjak and more) for
several evenings of action-packed adventure.

Free PDF Available May 17th RPG QSR SUPPLEMENTAL

Love the rules but want to tackle another part of the Valiant : BLOODSHOT
Universe? This supplemental focuses on Bloodshot and is the first salvo
of several PDFs that cover the hit crossover series Harbinger Wars. Players
can tackle Bloodshot, Headspace and others at their gaming table.


Free PDF Available May 31st
Another chapter in the Harbinger Wars supplementals, experience
the life of the first psiots. Held in isolation and experimented upon by
Project Rising Spirit, the psiots Cronus, the Telic and others are now free.
What will you unleash upon the world?

Free PDF Available June 14th RPG QSR SUPPLEMENTAL

Play the ultra-powerful Toyo Harada—the mastermind orchestrating : THE HARBINGER

the Harbinger Wars—or one of his Harbinger Foundation Eggbreakers, and
manipulate events behind the scenes. Via characters and Event Briefs, a
different chapter of this epic crossover event unfolds for you and your friends.


Free Print Book Available June 21st (Free RPG Day)
Experience the
Think you know everything about the Harbinger Wars? Think again!
The Renegades unleashes Peter Stanchek, Zephyr and more onto your
gaming table. Visit your local hobby shop on Free RPG Day to grab this
print version that also includes the full Quick-Start Rules.

Print Pre-Orders and PDF available July 5th DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?


What you’ve all been waiting for since you grabbed that first PDF and
tossed some dice in the epic Valiant Universe! Print book will be available SENTIENT, ALIEN ARMOR…

on bookstore shelves in August. NANOTECH


Free PDF Available July 19th




No matter the powers, no matter the choices, the price in body and mind may be more than you’re willing to pay.
And your choices will lead to heroics…or to villainy. How will you be remembered?
The edge between superhero and villain has never been sharper. In the Valiant Universe RPG, players will immerse

The final chapter in the Valiant Universe RPG Quick-Start Rules

themselves in a dark and gritty world where every mission and every battle has deadly consequences. Whether playing

: H.A.R.D.
X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Shadowman or even the all-powerful Toyo Harada—or any of dozens of characters—Valiant’s
most fearless heroes will unite for the first time in a roleplaying game, allowing you to join their stories and create new ones!

Whether you’re a longtime fan or brand new to the Valiant Universe, this is the only source you’ll need to bring Valiant’s
leading characters to life in a fantastic superheroes setting!

supplementals allows players to tackle Major Palmer, Shakespeare and

This book includes:
z Cue System: The rules-light and easy to learn Cue System allows a novice or uninitiated RPG player to quickly get inside the
head of their superhero and plunge into the action.
z Title Exposés: Detailed summaries of all the Valiant Universe comic titles allow players to easily determine which part of the
universe they want to game in; a perfect companion to Valiant Entertainment’s Valiant Handbook of characters.

others as they come out of retirement and are thrown into the brutal fray.
z Character Dossiers & Creation Rules: Along with ready-to-play missions, superhero and villain character dossiers will have
for smaller use

players in the thick of the action in no time. Or do you want to create your own superhero or villain and add it to the Valiant
Universe pantheon? Quick and easy rules give you that freedom!
for larger use

Las Vegas is caught in the grip of superheroes, villains, megacorps and


©2014 All Rights Reserved. All characters, their distinctive likenesses and related indicia featured
in this publication are trademarks of Valiant Entertainment, Inc. in the United States and/or other

secret government organizations vying for dominance. Will you survive?

countries. Catalyst Game Labs, the Catalyst Game Labs logo and Cue System are trademarks or
registered trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Printed in the USA.

Cover comp 9.indd 1 4/7/2014 1:59:15 PM

Free PDF Available August 2nd

Unable to grab the Valiant Universe RPG Quick-Start Rules: Harbinger Wars (Renegades
Supplemental) booklet during the Free RPG Day event? Here’s when you can snag the free PDF.

Available exclusively at and
©2014 All Rights Reserved. All characters, their distinctive likenesses and related indicia featured in this publication are trademarks of Valiant Entertainment, Inc. in the United States
and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs, the Catalyst Game Labs logo, Cue System are trademarks or registered trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Printed in the USA.
The edge between superhero and villain has never
been sharper. In the Valiant Universe RPG,
ITa dark S ? players
E gritty
will A V E
immerse W
Y O Uwhere every mission and every battle has deadly
themselves in and world
consequences. Whether playing X-O Manowar, THE ROLEP
Bloodshot, Shadowman or even the all-powerful
Toyo Harada—or any of dozens of characters—
Valiant’s most fearless heroes will unite for the first
time in a roleplaying game, allowing you to join their
stories and createNnew ones!
Whether you’re a longtime fan or brand new to the Valiant
Universe, this is the only source you’ll need to bring Valiant’s
leading characters to life in a fantastic superheroes setting!

The Valiant Universe RPG

• Cue System: TheSArules-light and easy to learn Cue
System allows a novice or un-initiated RPG player to

quickly get inside the head of their superhero and

plunge into the action.

• Title Exposés: Detailed summaries of all the Valiant

Universe comic titles allow players to easily determine
which part of the universe theymore want toe willin
than you’r game in; a
g to pay.
and mind may be
ces, the price in body
the powers, no matt
er the choicompanion
iny. How will you to
be remeValiant
mbered? Entertainment’s imm
ics…or to villa RPG, players will
hoices will lead to hero
2014 ValiantneveUniverse
rhero and villain has
r been sharper. oferse
In the Valiant Univ characters.
battle has deadly cons
equences. Whether
between supe y mission and every of characters—Valian
y world where ever da—or any of dozens !
es in a dark and gritt all-powerful Toyo Hara es and create new ones
• Character Dossiers & Creation Rules: Along with
owman or even the
owar, Bloodshot, Shad first time in a roleplaying game, allowing
you to join their stori

for the l need to bring Valiant’s

less hero es ready-to-play missions, superhero and villain character
will unite
or brand new to the
Valiant Universe, this
is the only sour ce you’l

you’re a longtime fan

dossiers will have players in the thick of the action in
haracters to life in a
fantastic superhero
es setting!

no time. Or do you want to create your own superhero d RPG player to quic
kly get inside the
ncludes: a novice or uninitiate
Cue System allows
tem : The or villain and add it to the Valiant Universe pantheon?
rules -light and easy to learn
plunge into the actio
n. y determin which
e part of the
their superhero and allow players to easil
nt Universe comic titles
Quick and easy rules give you that freedom!. book of characters.
maries of all the Valia ment’s Valiant Hand
xposés: Detailed sum a perfect companion to Valiant Entertain n characte r doss iers will have
e they want to gam
e in; , superhero and villai and add it to the Valia
ready-to-play missions superhero or villain
tion Rules: Along with t to create your own
for smaller use

cter Dossiers & Crea . Or do you wan

thick of the actio n in no time om!
s in the you that freed
k and easy rules give
Catalyst Game Labs publishes exciting, story-driven role-
se pantheon? Quic for larger use

playing games, tabletop miniatures games, board games,

card games and more. The Valiant Universe RPG is the first

of several games planned

ctive likenesses and
toed cover the gamut of non-stop
related indicia featur
characters, their distin in the United States
and/or other
l Rights Reserved. All
blication are superhero action found within the Valiant Universe.
t Entertainment, Inc. arks or
trademarks of Valian Labs logo and Cue System are tradem
Catalyst Game 4/7/2014 1:59
. Catal yst Game Labs, the Printed in the USA.
iaRes Productions, LLC.
d trademarks of InMed

9.indd 1
Additional Material Available Online!
The roleplaying game is coming this fall, but you can
download the additional free quick-start rules PDF
content and start gaming now; just use the url below!

©2014 All Rights Reserved. All characters, their distinctive likenesses and related indicia featured in this publication are trademarks of
Valiant Entertainment, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs, the Catalyst Game Labs logo and Cue System are
trademarks or registered trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Printed in the USA.

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