2003-UFC 3-450-01 - Noise and Vibration Control
2003-UFC 3-450-01 - Noise and Vibration Control
2003-UFC 3-450-01 - Noise and Vibration Control
15 May 2003
Any copyrighted material included in this UFC is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this UFC must have the permission of the
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This UFC supersedes TM 5-805-4, dated 26 May 1995. The format of this UFC does not conform to
UFC 1-300-01; however, the format will be adjusted to conform at the next revision. The body of
this UFC is a document of a different number.
UFC 3-450-01
15 May 2003
The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and provides
planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and applies
to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordance
with USD(AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC will be used for all DoD projects and
work for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the United States is
also governed by Status of forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded Construction
Agreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements (BIA.)
Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the more stringent of the UFC, the
SOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.
UFC are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available to
users as part of the Services’ responsibility for providing technical criteria for military
construction. Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) are
responsible for administration of the UFC system. Defense agencies should contact the
preparing service for document interpretation and improvements. Technical content of UFC is
the responsibility of the cognizant DoD working group. Recommended changes with supporting
rationale should be sent to the respective service proponent office by the following electronic
form: Criteria Change Request (CCR). The form is also accessible from the Internet sites listed
UFC are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from the following
Hard copies of UFC printed from electronic media should be checked against the current
electronic version prior to use to ensure that they are current.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Chief, Engineering and Construction Chief Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Naval Facilities Engineering Command
______________________________________ ______________________________________
The Deputy Civil Engineer Director, Installations Requirements and
DCS/Installations & Logistics Management
Department of the Air Force Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Installations and Environment)
ARMY TM 5-805-4
Table 2-1. Category Classification and Suggested Noise Criterion Range for Intruding Steady-State Noise as Heard 2-4
in Various Indoor Functional Activity Areas
2-2. Speech Interference Levels (SIL) That Permit Barely Acceptable Speech Intelligibility at the Distances 2-5
and Voice Levels Shown
3-1. Reduction of SPL (in dB) in Going From Normalized 3-ft. Distance and 800-ft.2 Room Constant to Any 3-3
Other Distance and Room Constant
3-2. REL SPL Values for a Range of Distances “D” and Room Constants “R”, for Use With PWL Data 3-4
3-3. Sound Absorption Coefficients of General Building Materials and Furnishings 3-6
3-4. Low Frequency Multipliers For Room Constants 3-7
3-5. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-1 3-8
3-6. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-2 3-9
4-1. Wall or Floor Correction Term “C” for Use in the Equation NR TL + “C” 4-2
4-2. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Dense Poured Concrete or Solid-Core Concrete Block or Masonry 4-7
4-3. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Hollow-Core Dense Concrete Block or Masonry 4-8
4-4. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Cinder Block or Other Lightweight Porous Block Material with Impervious 4-9
Skin on Both Sides to Seal Pores
4-5. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Dense Plaster 4-10
4-6. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Stud-Type Partitions 4-11
4-7. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Plywood, Lumber, and Simple Wood Doors 4-13
4-8. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Glass Walls or Windows 4-14
4-9. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Typical Double-Glass Windows, Using ¼-in.-Thick Glass Panels With 4-15
Different Air Space Widths
4-10. Transmission Loss (in dB) of a Filled Metal Panel Partition and Several Commercially Available 4-16
Acoustic Doors
4-11. Approximate Transmission Loss (in dB) of Aluminum, Steel and Lead 4-17
4-12. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 1 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-18
4-13. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 2 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-18
4-14. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 3 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-19
4-15. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 4 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-19
4-16. Approximate Improvement in Transmission Loss (in dB) When Type 5 Floating Floor is Added to Types 4-20
1 through 4 Floor-Ceiling Combinations
5-1. Molecular Absorption Coefficients, dB per 1000 ft., as a Function of Temperature and Relative Humidity 5-3
5-2. Values of Anomalous Excess Attenuation per 1000 ft. 5-4
5-3. Distance Term (DT), in dB, to a Distance of 80 ft. 5-4
5-4. Distance Term (DT), in dB, at Distances of 80 ft. to 8000 ft. 5-5
5-5. Insertion Loss for Sound Transmission Through a Growth of Medium-Dense Woods 5-8
5-6. Insertion Loss of an Ideal Solid Outdoor Barrier 5-9
5-7. Approximate Noise Reduction of Typical Exterior Wall Constructions 5-13
5-8. Location “A” Cooling Tower Problem 5-15
5-9. Location “B” Cooling Tower Problem 5-15
7-1. Plenum/Ceiling Transfer Factor 7-3
7-2. Approximate Natural Attenuation in Unlined Sheet-Metal Ducts 7-5
7-3. Attenuation in Lined Ducts 7-6
7-4. Power Level Loss at Branches 7-7
7-5. End Reflection Loss 7-8
7-6. Losses Caused by Duct Elbows 7-9
7-7. Representative IL Values for Sound Attenuators 7-10
8-1. General Types and Applications of Vibration Isolators 8-2
8-2. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal and Axial-Flow Fans 8-8
8-3. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Reciprocating Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-9
8-4. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Rotary Screw Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-12
8-5. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-13
8-6. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Absorption-Type Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-14
8-7. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Boilers 8-15
8-8. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Propeller-Type Cooling Towers 8-16
8-9. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal-Type Cooling Towers 8-17
8-10. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Motor-Pump Assemblies 8-18
8-11. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Steam-Turbine-Driven Rotary Equipment 8-19
8-12. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Transformers 8-20
8-13. Vibration Isolation Mounting for One- or Two-Cylinder Reciprocating-Type Air Compressors in the 10- to 8-21
100-hp Size Range
9-1. Sample Sound Pressure Level Specification 9-3
9-2. Sample Sound Power Level Specification 9-4
B-1. Bandwidth and Geometric Mean Frequency of Standard Octave and 1/3 Octave Bands B-6
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
The quality of telephone usage is related to SIL d. Limitations. The indoor noise criteria consid-
approximately as follows: ered above assume that the noise is almost contin-
SIL Range (dB) for Telephone Usage uous and of a fairly steady nature (not enough
30-45 Satisfactory modulating or fluctuating up and down in level or
45-60 Slightly difficult frequency to attract attention), and there are no
60-75 Difficult raucous, unpleasant sounds or strongly tonal
Above 75 Unsatisfactory sounds. If any of these assumptions are not met,
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
3-1. General. where D1 and R1 are the distance (in feet) and
This chapter provides data and procedures for deter- Room Constant (in ft.2) values for the measured or
mining sound pressure levels in enclosed rooms due known sound pressure level LpD1Rl; D2 and R2 are
to sources of sound contained within the room. the distance and Room Constant values for the
new set of conditions for which the new sound
3-2. Sound Pressure level In A Room. pressure level LpD2R2 is wanted; and REL SPLDIRl
The sound pressure levels at a given distance or and REL SPL D2R2 (in dB) are read from the
the sound power levels for individual equipment ordinate (vertical axis) of figure 3-1 for the specific
items can often be obtained from equipment sup- combinations of D1, R1 and D2, R2. For estimating
pliers. Appendix C also provides sound level and SPL change when only the Room Constant is
power level estimates for general classes of me- changed and there is no change of distance (i.e.,
chanical equipment. Once the characteristics of the equipment distance remains constant), the
the sound source has been determined, then the same distance value for D1 and D2 is used and the
sound level at any location within an enclosed equation is solved. For estimating SPL change
space can be estimated. In an outdoor “free field” when only the distance is changed and there is no
(no reflecting surfaces except the ground), the change in Room Constant (i.e., the equipment
sound pressure level (SPL) decreases at a rate of 6 remains in the same room, with no change in
dB for each doubling of distance from the source. absorption), the same value of Room Constant for
In an indoor situation, however, all the enclosing R1 and R2 is used and the equation is solved. For a
surfaces of a room confine the sound energy so complete analysis, the calculations must be carried
that they cannot spread out indefinitely and be- out for each octave frequency band.
come dissipated with distance. As sound waves c. Simplified table for SPL correction for dis-
bounce around within the room, there is a build-up
tance and room constant. Table 3-1 represents a
of sound level because the sound energy is
simplification of figure 3-1 for a special condition
“trapped” inside the room and escapes slowly.
of distance and room constant. Much of the collec-
a. Effect of distance and absorption. The reduc-
tion of sound pressure level indoors, as one moves tion of equipment sound data in appendix C is
across the room away from the sound source, is given in terms of SPL at a normalized distance of
dependent on the surface areas of the room, the 3 feet and a normalized room constant of approxi-
amount of sound absorption material on those mately 800 ft.2 Table 3-5 permits extrapolation
areas, the distances to those areas, and the dis- from those normalized 3-foot SPLs to some greater
tance from the source. All of this is expressed distance for a variety of different Room Constants.
quantitatively by the curves of figure 3-1. Figure Table 3-1 must not be used in converting sound
3-1 offers a means of estimating the amount of power level (PWL) data to sound pressure level
SPL reduction for a piece of mechanical equipment (see equation 3-2 and table 3-2).
(or any other type of sound source> in a room, as d. SPL in a room when PWL is known. The
one moves away from some relatively close-in second major use of figure 3-1 is in determining
distance to any other distance in the room, pro- the SPL in a room when the sound power level of
vided the sound absorptive properties of the room the source is known. Equation 3-2 provides this.
(Room Constant) is known. Conversely figure 3-1 L p D , R = Lw + REL SPLD,R (eq 3-2)
also provides a means of estimating the sound
reduction in a room, from a given source, if the where L pD,R is the SPL to be determined at
distance is constant and the amount of absorptive distance D in the room of Room Constant R, Lw
treatment is increased. the sound power level of the source (in dB re
b. General application of figure 3-1. Figure 3-1 10-12W) and REL SPL D,R is read from the ordinate
may be used for estimating SPL change from any of figure 3-1 for the point of intersection of the D
given condition of Room Constant and distance to and R values specified. In most uses, the value of
any other wanted condition of Room Constant and REL SPLD,R will be negative, so this amounts to a
distance. This can be expressed by equation 3-1: subtraction function. Hence, the signs must be
followed carefully. The calculation is repeated for
each octave band.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
The quality of telephone usage is related to SIL d. Limitations. The indoor noise criteria consid-
approximately as follows: ered above assume that the noise is almost contin-
SIL Range (dB) for Telephone Usage uous and of a fairly steady nature (not enough
30-45 Satisfactory modulating or fluctuating up and down in level or
45-60 Slightly difficult frequency to attract attention), and there are no
60-75 Difficult raucous, unpleasant sounds or strongly tonal
Above 75 Unsatisfactory sounds. If any of these assumptions are not met,
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 2-1. Category Classification and Suggested Noise Criterion Range for Intruding Steady-State Noise as Heard in Various
Indoor Functional Activity Areas.
Category Area (and Acoustic Requirements) Noise Criterion
the sound level criteria should be even lower than 2-3. Vibration Criteria In Buildings.
the criteria normally considered applicable. This Structural vibration in buildings, which results in
criteria given above is intended to be illustrative; feelable vibration, produces structural or superfi-
any occupied or habitable area not identified in cial damage of building components or interferes
the list can be assigned to one of these categories with equipment operation is unacceptable. In addi-
on the basis of similarity to the types of areas tion large building components that vibrate can
already listed. Generally, where a range of criteria produce unacceptable sound levels.
is given, the lower values should be used for the a. Vibration criteria for occupants. Figure 2-3
more critical spaces in the category and for non- shows the approximate occupant response to build-
military areas outside the control of the facility; ing vibration levels. An approximation of the
the higher of the range of criteria may be used for “threshold of sensitivity” of individuals to feelable
the less critical spaces in the category. Certain vibration is shown by the shaded area of figure
short-term infrequent sounds (such as the weekly 2-3, labeled “barely perceptible.” Other typical
testing of a fire pump or an emergency power responses of people to vibration are indicated by
generator) may be allowed to exceed normal crite- the other zones in figure 2-3. These reactions or
ria in relatively noncritical areas as long as the interpretations may vary over a relatively wide
normal functions of these areas are not seriously range for different individuals and for different
restricted by the increase in noise. ways in which a person might be subjected to
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Type Type Type Improvements
(Hz) 1 2 3 A B
31 4 9 6 2 2
63 10 16 12 2 2
125 17 24 20 3 2
250 26 34 30 3 3
500 34 42 39 4 4
1000 40 48 46 4 4
2000 46 46 52 3 5
4000 44 48 50 3 6
8000 48 52 54 3 5
STC 37 44 41 3 3
Notes :
Type 1 One layer 1/2=in. thick gypsum wallboard on each side of 2x4-in.
wood studs on 16-in. centers. Fill and tape joints and edges; finish
as desired. For equal width metal studs, add 2 dB in all bands and to
Type 2 Two layers 5/8-h. thick gypsum wallboard on each side of 2x4-in.
wood studs on 16-in. centers. Fill and tape Joints and edges; finish as
desired. For equal width metal studs, add 3 dB in all bands and to STC.
Type 3 One layer 5/8-in. thick gypsum wallboard on outer edges of staggered
studs, alternate studs supporting separate walls. 2x4 in. wood studs
on 16-in. centers for each wall. Fill and tape joints and edges ; finish
as desired. For equal width metal studs, add 1 dB in all bands and to STC.
improves if the space is larger than this. The “high TL” variety. This means that the material
estimate TL of a Type 2 floor-ceiling is given in is of high density and usually has a foil backing to
table 4-13 for a few typical dimensions of concrete decrease the porosity of the back surface of the
floor slab thickness and air space. Interpolate or material. Most acoustical ceiling materials manu-
extrapolate for dimensions not given in the table. facturers produce “high TL” products within their
Increased mass is most beneficial at low frequency lines. An alternate version of the Type 3 combina-
and increased air space is helpful across all fre- tion includes a suspended ceiling system of light-
quency bands. weight metal panel sandwich construction, consist-
(3) Type 3 floor-ceiling. This floor-ceiling com- ing of a perforated panel on the lower surface and
bination is very similar to the Type 2 combination a solid panel on the upper surface, with acoustic
except that the acoustic tile material is of the absorption material between. The minimum NRC
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
tion, mechanical equipment selection and isola- of acceleration level of a large surface. These
tion, and vibration isolation for the sensitive NC-equivalent curves show the vibration accelera-
equipment are required. tion levels of a large vibrating surface (such as a
d. Vibration criteria for sound control. Vibrating wall, floor, or ceiling of a room> that will produce
building components will produce sound radiation radiated sound having approximately the octave
which may be unacceptable. Figure 2-6 shows band sound pressure levels of the NC curves
“NC-equivalent” sound level curves as a function (shown earlier in figure 2-1).
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Figure 2-6. Vibration Acceleration Levels of a Large Vibrating Surface that Will Produce Radiated Sound Levels Into a
Room Approximating the Sound Levels of the NC Curves.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
3-1. General. where D1 and R1 are the distance (in feet) and
This chapter provides data and procedures for deter- Room Constant (in ft.2) values for the measured or
mining sound pressure levels in enclosed rooms due known sound pressure level LpD1Rl; D2 and R2 are
to sources of sound contained within the room. the distance and Room Constant values for the
new set of conditions for which the new sound
3-2. Sound Pressure level In A Room. pressure level LpD2R2 is wanted; and REL SPLDIRl
The sound pressure levels at a given distance or and REL SPL D2R2 (in dB) are read from the
the sound power levels for individual equipment ordinate (vertical axis) of figure 3-1 for the specific
items can often be obtained from equipment sup- combinations of D1, R1 and D2, R2. For estimating
pliers. Appendix C also provides sound level and SPL change when only the Room Constant is
power level estimates for general classes of me- changed and there is no change of distance (i.e.,
chanical equipment. Once the characteristics of the equipment distance remains constant), the
the sound source has been determined, then the same distance value for D1 and D2 is used and the
sound level at any location within an enclosed equation is solved. For estimating SPL change
space can be estimated. In an outdoor “free field” when only the distance is changed and there is no
(no reflecting surfaces except the ground), the change in Room Constant (i.e., the equipment
sound pressure level (SPL) decreases at a rate of 6 remains in the same room, with no change in
dB for each doubling of distance from the source. absorption), the same value of Room Constant for
In an indoor situation, however, all the enclosing R1 and R2 is used and the equation is solved. For a
surfaces of a room confine the sound energy so complete analysis, the calculations must be carried
that they cannot spread out indefinitely and be- out for each octave frequency band.
come dissipated with distance. As sound waves c. Simplified table for SPL correction for dis-
bounce around within the room, there is a build-up
tance and room constant. Table 3-1 represents a
of sound level because the sound energy is
simplification of figure 3-1 for a special condition
“trapped” inside the room and escapes slowly.
of distance and room constant. Much of the collec-
a. Effect of distance and absorption. The reduc-
tion of sound pressure level indoors, as one moves tion of equipment sound data in appendix C is
across the room away from the sound source, is given in terms of SPL at a normalized distance of
dependent on the surface areas of the room, the 3 feet and a normalized room constant of approxi-
amount of sound absorption material on those mately 800 ft.2 Table 3-5 permits extrapolation
areas, the distances to those areas, and the dis- from those normalized 3-foot SPLs to some greater
tance from the source. All of this is expressed distance for a variety of different Room Constants.
quantitatively by the curves of figure 3-1. Figure Table 3-1 must not be used in converting sound
3-1 offers a means of estimating the amount of power level (PWL) data to sound pressure level
SPL reduction for a piece of mechanical equipment (see equation 3-2 and table 3-2).
(or any other type of sound source> in a room, as d. SPL in a room when PWL is known. The
one moves away from some relatively close-in second major use of figure 3-1 is in determining
distance to any other distance in the room, pro- the SPL in a room when the sound power level of
vided the sound absorptive properties of the room the source is known. Equation 3-2 provides this.
(Room Constant) is known. Conversely figure 3-1 L p D , R = Lw + REL SPLD,R (eq 3-2)
also provides a means of estimating the sound
reduction in a room, from a given source, if the where L pD,R is the SPL to be determined at
distance is constant and the amount of absorptive distance D in the room of Room Constant R, Lw
treatment is increased. the sound power level of the source (in dB re
b. General application of figure 3-1. Figure 3-1 10-12W) and REL SPL D,R is read from the ordinate
may be used for estimating SPL change from any of figure 3-1 for the point of intersection of the D
given condition of Room Constant and distance to and R values specified. In most uses, the value of
any other wanted condition of Room Constant and REL SPLD,R will be negative, so this amounts to a
distance. This can be expressed by equation 3-1: subtraction function. Hence, the signs must be
followed carefully. The calculation is repeated for
each octave band.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Note: T h i s f i g u r e h a s b e e n a d j u s t e d t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t l a r g e
obstacles or large pieces of equipment distributed about the room.
Therefore, the curves for large values of R do not agree with
similar textbook curves that tend to ignore such obstacles.
Figure 3-1. Approximate Relationship Between “Relative Sound Pressure Level” (REL SPL) and Distance to a Sound Source
for Various “Room Constant” values.
e. Simplified table PWL to SPL. As a conve- absorption coefficients of the acoustic- materials at
nience, table 3-2 presents the REL SPL data of various specified frequencies. The calculation is
figure 3-1 for a number of distance and Room summarized in equation 3-3:
Constant values. This table is for use only in
calculating SPL from PWL; it does not give the
difference between two REL SPL values, as is where R is the Room Constant (or “room absorp-
tion” as it is often called), S1 is the total area of all
given in table 3-1.
the room surfaces having “sound absorption coeffi-
cients” S2 is the total area of all the room
3-3. Room Constant.
surfaces having sound absorption coefficient etc.
a. Calculation of room constant. The room con- The areas S1, . . .Sn are expressed in ft.2, and the
stant is a measure of the amount of sound absorp- sound absorption coefficients are dimensionless.
tion that exists within a room. Most current The resulting Room Constant R is also expressed in
acoustic textbooks give details of a conventional ft2 The term “sabin” is used in the literature as a
calculation of the Room Constant for any specific unit of room absorption or Room Constant, where
room, when the following facts are known: (1) all one sabin is the absorption provided by 1 ft2 of
the room dimensions, (2) the wall, floor, and material having perfect absorption; i.e., having a
ceiling materials, (3) the amount and type of value of 1.0. In the manual, 1 ft2 of absorption and
acoustic absorption materials, and (4) the sound 1 sabin are used synonymously.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 3-1. Reduction of SPL in (dB) in Going from Normalized 3-ft.. Distance and 800-ft.2 Room Constant to Any Other Distance
and Room Constant.
Constant Distance "D" (in ft.) from Equipment
(ft.2) 3 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80
100 -5 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4
200 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
320 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
500 -1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
700 0 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 6
1000 1 3 5 6 7 7 8 0 0
2000 1 4 7 0 9 9 10 10 10
3200 2 5 0 9 10 11 12 12 12
5000 2 6 9 11 12 13 14 14 15
7000 2 6 10 12 13 14 15 15 16
10000 2 7 11 13 14 15 16 17 10
20000 2 7 12 14 16 18 19 21 22
Infinite 2 7 13 I 16 19 22 25 20 31
Table 3-2. REL SPL Values for a Range of Distances "D” and Room Constants "R”, for Use With PWL Data.
Constant Distance "D" (in ft.) from Equipment
(ft.2) 3 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80
100 -3 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4
200 -5 -6 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7
320 -6 -7 -8 -8 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9
500 -7 -9 -10 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11
700 -8 -10 -12 -12 -12 -13 -13 -13 -13
1000 -8 -11 -13 -13 -14 -14 -15 -15 -15
2000 -9 -12 -15 -16 -17 -17 -17 -18 -18
3200 -10 -13 -16 -17 -18 -19 -19 -20 -20
5000 -10 -14 -17 -18 -20 -21 -21 -22 -23
7000 -10 -14 -16 -19 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25
10000 -10 -14 -19 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26
20000 -10 -15 -20 -22 -24 -26 -27 -30 -30
Infinite -10 -15 -21 -24 -27 -30 -33 -36 -39
above 1000 Hz). Therefore, the high-frequency Room Constant. Part B of table 3-3 gives a
Room Constant obtained from figure 3-2 must be multiplier for doing this.
reduced to apply to the lower frequencies. Part A
of table 3-3 gives a multiplier for doing this. This 3-4. Sample Calculations.
multiplier is a function of frequency, Noise Reduc- Two sample calculations are provided, one in
tion Coefficient (NRC) range of any special sound which the sound pressure level (SPL) for the
absorption material, and the mounting type for equipment is provided and one where the sound
installing the absorption material. The Noise Re- power level (PWL) is provided.
duction Coefficient is the arithmetic average of the a. Sound pressure level provided. To illustrate
sound absorption coefficient at 250, 500, 1,000 and use of equation 3-2, a piece of equipment is
2,000 Hz. Mounting type A consists of application measured by a manufacturer under one set of
sound absorptive material applied directly onto a conditions and is to be used by the customer under
hard backing such as a wall or ceiling. Mounting an entirely different set of conditions. The data
type B consists of sound absorptive material me- and calculations are summarized in table 3-5. The
chanically supported with a large air space behind manufacturer’s measurements, shown in column 2,
the material, such as a typical suspended ceiling. are made at a 6-foot distance from the equipment
f. Use of Table 3-3, part B. Relatively thin wall (here assumed nondirectional, that is, equal sound
materials (such as gypsum board, plaster, ply- output in all directions) in a room whose Room
wood, and glass), even though not normally con- Constants as a function of frequency are shown in
sidered as soft, porous, and absorptive, actually column 3 of table 3-4. The customer is interested
have relatively large values of sound absorption in the sound pressure levels at a 20-foot distance
coefficient at low frequency. This is because these in a mechanical equipment room having the Room
thin surfaces are lightweight and are easily Constant values shown in column 5. In applying
driven by airborne sound waves. For this reason equation 3-2, D1 = 6 ft., D2 = 20 ft., R1 is given
they appear as effective sound absorbers at low by the column 3 data, R2 is given in column 5, and
frequency, and this characteristic should be taken the measured levels are listed in column 2. First,
into account in the calculation or estimation of figure 3-1 is used to estimate the REL SPLD1R1
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-109
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 3-3. Sound Absorption Coefficients of General Building Materials and Furnishings.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
values for the 6-ft. distance and all the column 3 should be 91 - 5 = 86 dB, which is confirmed in
values of R1. These REL SPL values are given in the column 8 of table 3-4 for the 1000-Hz octave
column 4. Next, the REL SPL D2R2 values are band. Hint: When the net movement is down on
estimated for the 20-foot distance and all the figure 3-1, there is a reduction from “starting
column 5 values of R2. These REL SPL values are SPL” to “ending SPL”; when the net movement is
given in column 6. Column 7 shows the value of up on figure 3-1, there is an increase from
the difference (REL SPLD1Rl - REL SPLD2R2); it “starting SPL to ending SPL.” For convenience in
is necessary here to be extremely careful to pre- using figure 3-1, equation 3-2 is reproduced in the
space above the graph on figure 3-1. It should be
serve the correct signs. Finally, column 8 gives the
remembered that this equation is to be used when
value of SPL at D2, R2, which is equal to the
SPL is given for one set of conditions and SPL is
column 2 value minus the column 7 value, again,
wanted for another set of conditions.
being careful with the signs. To check the calcula- b. Sound power level given. Suppose a manufact-
tions, one should go back to figure 5-1 and follow urer submits the PWL data given in column 2 of
one specific conversion, such as the 1000-Hz table 3-6 for a particular centrifugal compressor.
change of conditions. A pencil mark is placed at An engineer intends to install this compressor in a
the junction of D1 = 6 ft. and R1 = 500 ft.2, and it room having the R values shown in column 3, and
is noted that the measured SPL was 91 dB for that needs to know the SPL at a 20-foot distance.
condition. Now, as one moves out to the junction of Column 4 shows the REL SPL values from figure
D2 = 20 ft. and R2 = 1200 ft.2, it is observed that 3-1 for the 20-foot distances and the various Room
there is a movement down the graph by 5 dB. This Constants. Column 5 then gives the calculated
means there is a reduction of 5 dB from the initial SPL values. For convenience to the user, equation
condition of 91 dB. Therefore, the end condition 3-3 is also reproduced at the top of figure 3-1.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 3-6. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-2.
31 95 400 -10 85
63 93 600 -12 81
125 94 800 -13 81
250 95 1200 -15 80
500 99 1600 -16 83
1000 102 2000 -17 85
2000 108 2000 -17 91
4000 105 2000 -17 88
8000 94 2000 -17 77
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
4-1. Objective. section 4-3. There are many other references that
This chapter provides data and procedures for provide transmission loss performance for building
estimating the changes in sound levels as one materials. In addition many manufactures also
follows the “energy flow” path from a sound provide transmission loss for their products.
source to a receiver, through building components, (1) “Suggested” vs “ideal” TL values. In sev-
such as walls, floors, doors etc. First, the sound eral of the tables of sections 4-3 and 4-4, two sets
pressure levels in the room containing the source of TL data are given. The first is labeled “sug-
drop off as one moves away from the source as gested design values,” and the second is headed
described in chapter 3. Then, at the walls of the “ideal values.” With good design and workman-
room, some sound is absorbed, some is reflected ship, the “suggested design values” can be ex-
back into the room, and some is transmitted by pected. The “ideal values” are perhaps the highest
the walls into the adjoining rooms (this also occurs values that can be achieved if every effort, in both
at the floor and ceiling surfaces). The combined design and execution, is made to assure a good
effects of this absorption, reflection, and transmis- installation, including control of all possible flank-
sion are the subject of this chapter. ing paths of sound and vibration. The “suggested
design values” are 1 to 3 dB low the “ideal
4-2. Sound Transmission Loss (TL), Noise Re-
values” in the low-frequency region and as much
duction (NR) And Sound Transmission Class as 10 to 15 dB lower in the high-frequency region.
(STC). When walls have ideal TL values as high as 60 to
With the knowledge of the acoustical isolation 70 dB, even the slightest leakage or flanking can
provided by walls and floors, it is possible to select seriously reduce the TL in the high-frequency
materials and designs to limit noise intrusion from region.
adjacent mechanical equipment rooms to accept- (2) TL of other materials and fabricated parti-
able levels. The degree of sound that is transmit- tions. Because of the increasing need for good
ted is influenced by the noise isolation properties sound isolation in building design, many manufac-
of the demising construction, the area of the turers are producing modular wall panels, movable
demising wall, floor or ceiling and the acoustical partitions, folding curtains, and other forms of
properties in the quiet room. acoustic separators. When inquiring about these
a. Transmission loss (TL) of walls. The TL of a products, it is desirable to request their transmis-
wall is the ratio, expressed in decibels, of the sion loss data and to determine the testing facility
sound intensity transmitted through the wall to where the product was evaluated (i.e. laboratory vs
the airborne sound intensity incident upon the field, and the standard employed).
wall. Thus, the TL of a wall is a performance (3) Estimated TL of untested partitions. For
characteristic that is entirely a function of the estimations of the TL of an untested partition, its
wall weight, material and construction, and its average surface weight (in lb./ft.2) and its basic
numerical value is not influenced by the acoustic structural form should be determined. Then, the
environment on either side of the wall or the area range of approximate TL values for partitions of
of the wall. Procedures for determining transmis- similar weight and structure should be obtained.
sion loss in the laboratory are given in ASTM E b. “Noise reduction” (NR) of a wall. When sound
90. This is the data usually given in most manu- is transmitted from one room (the “source room”)
facturers literature and in acoustic handbooks. Lab- to an adjoining room (the “receiving room”), it is
oratory ratings are rarely achieved in field instal- the transmitted sound power that is of interest.
lations. Transmission loss values in the laboratory The transmission loss of a wall is a performance
are usually greater, by 4 to 5 dB, than that which characteristic of the wall structure, but the total
can be realized in the field even when good sound power transmitted by the wall is also a
construction practices are observed. ASTM E 336 function of its area (e.g. the larger the area, the
is a corresponding standard method for determina- more the transmitted sound power). The Room
tion of sound isolation in buildings (in situ). The Constant of the receiving room also influences the
approximate transmission loss or “TL” values, SPL in the receiving room. A large Room Constant
expressed in dB, of a number of typical wall reduces the reverberant sound level in the room at
construction materials are given in the tables of an appropriate distance from the wall. Thus, three
TM S-805-4lAFJMAN 32-1090
factors influence the SPL in a receiving room: the transmission loss of the composite wall (TLc) can
TL of the wall, the area SW of the common wall be calculated. The transmission coefficient “t”, of
between the source and receiving rooms, and the each construction, is the ratio of the transmitted
Room Constant R2 of the receiving room. These acoustic power to the incident acoustic power and
three factors are combined in equation 4-1: is related to TL by equations 4-5.
Lp2 = Lp1 - TL + 10 log (1/4 + SW/R2) t = 1/(10(0.1 x TL)) (eq 4-5)
(eq 4-l)
were Lp1 is the SPL near the wall in the source Once the transmission coefficient of each of the
room, and Lp2 is the estimated SPL in the receiv- individual constructions has been determined then
ing room at a distance from the wall approxi- the composite transmission loss can be determined
mately equal to 75 percent of the smaller dimen- by equation 4-6.
sion (length or height) of the wall. The “noise TLc = 10 log [S1 + S2 + S3+ . . . )/(S1t1 + S2t2
reduction” (NR) of a wall is the difference between + S3t3 + . . . )] (eq 4-6)
Lp1 and Lp2; therefore, Where S1 is the surface area of the basic wall
NR + TL - 10 log (1/4 + SW/R2) (eq 4-2) having transmission loss TL1, S2 is the surface
=TL+C area of a second section (such as a door) having
where TL2, S3 is the surface area of a third section (such
c = -10 log (1/4 + SW/R2) (eq 4-3) as a window) having TL3, and so on. Since the
transmission loss is different depending on the
In the manual, C is called the “wall correction frequency, this calculation must be repeated for
term” and its value is given in table 4-1 for a each octave band of interest.
range of values of the ratio SW/R2. Both SW and R2 d. “Sound transmission class” (STC). Current
are expressed in ft2, so the ratio is dimensionless. architectural acoustics literature refers to the term
When NR is known for the particular wall and “Sound Transmission Class” (STC). This is a one-
room geometry, equation 4-1 becomes number weighting of transmission losses at many
Lp2 + Lp1 - NR (eq 4-4) frequencies. The STC rating is used to rate parti-
The SPL at any distance from the wall of the tions, doors, windows, and other acoustic dividers
receiving room can be determined by using figure in terms of their relative ability to provide privacy
3-1, and extrapolating from the “starting dis- against intrusion of speech or similar type sounds.
tance” (75 percent of the smaller dimension of the This one-number rating system is heavily
wall) to any other desired distance for the particu- weighted in the 500- to 2000-Hz frequency region.
lar R2 value. Its use is not recommended for mechanical equip-
c. TLc of composite structures. When a wall is ment noise, whose principal intruding frequencies
made up of two or more different constructions, are lower than the 500- to 2000 Hz region. How-
each with its own set of TL values, the effective ever, manufacturers who quote STC ratings should
Table 4-1. Wall or Floor Correction Term “C” for Use in the Equation NR = TL + “C”.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
have the 1/3 octave band TL data from which the and the air in the cavity have natural frequencies,
STC values were derived, so it is possible to as seen in figure 4-2. The total effect of a double
request the TL data when these types of partitions wall, then, is to gain the improvement of figure
are being considered for isolation of mechanical 4-1 but to lose some of that gain in the vicinity of
equipment noise. The procedure for determining the natural frequency determined in figure 4-2. It
an STC rating is given in ASTM standard E 413. is suggested that a loss of 5 dB be assigned to the
octave band containing the natural frequency and
e. TL of double walls. If mechanical equipment
a loss of 2 dB be assigned to the octave band on
rooms are bordered by work spaces where a moder-
each side of the band containing the natural
ate amount of noise is acceptable (such as areas of
categories 5 and 6 and possibly in some cases (2) Flanking paths. An obvious extension of
category 4 of table 2-2), the equipment noise the double wall concept is a wide corridor used to
usually can be adequately contained by a single separate a noisy mechanical equipment room and
wall. Double walls of masonry, or two separate a category 2-4 area (table 2-2). Although the
drywall systems, can be used to achieve even airborne sound path through the double wall may
greater values of TL. Various intentional and appear to be under control, “flanking paths” may
unintentional structural connections between dou- limit the actual achievable noise reduction into
ble walls have highly varying effects on the TL of the quiet room. Figure 4-3 illustrates flanking
double walls. The improvement will be greatest at paths. When a structure, such as a wall or floor
high frequency. The air space between the walls slab, is set into vibration by airborne sound excita-
should be as large as possible to enhance the tion, that vibration is transmitted throughout all
low-frequency improvement. nearby connecting structures with very little decay
(1) Influence of air space. Figure 4-1 shows as a function of distance. In a very quiet room,
the influence of the air space in double wall that vibration can radiate as audible sound. For
construction, assuming no structural connections most single walls between noisy and quiet spaces
between the two walls. Actually even though there (part A of figure 4-3), the sound levels in the quiet
may exist no structural connection between the room are limited by the TL of the single wall (path
walls, the walls are coupled by the intervening air 1), and the sound by the flanking path (path 2) is
space at low frequencies. The air space in a too low to be of concern. However, the higher TL
double-wall cavity acts somewhat as a spring (air of the double wall (part B of figure 4-3) reduces
is an “elastic medium”), and the mass of the walls the airborne sound (path 1) so much that the
Figure 4-1. Improvement in Transmission Loss Caused by Air Space Between Double Walls Compared to Single Wall of Equal
Total Weight, Assuming no Rigid Ties Between Walls.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
flanking path (path 2) becomes significant and tilled with sound absorption material. These con-
limits the amount of noise reduction that can be structions can provide an improvement in TL of 5
achieved. Therefore, structural separation (part C to 10 dB in the middle frequency region and 10 to
of figure 4-3) is required in order to intercept the 15 dB in the high frequency region, when properly
flanking path (path 2) and achieve the potential of executed.
the double wall.
(3) Resilient wall mountings. It is sometimes 4-3. Transmission Loss-Walls, Doors, Win-
possible to enhance the TL of a simple concrete dows.
block wall or a study-type partition by resiliently Generally a partition will have better noise reduc-
attaching to that wall or partition additional tion with increasing frequency. It is therefore
layers of dry wall (gyp. bd.), possibly mounted on important to check the noise reduction at certain
spring clips that are installed off 1 inch or 2 inch frequencies when dealing with low frequency, rum-
thick furring strips, with the resulting air space ble type noise. Note that partitions can consist of a
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
combination of walls, glass and doors. Walls can Drywall is generally poor at low frequency noise
generally be classified as fixed walls of drywall or reduction and is also very susceptible to poor
masonry, or as operable walls. installation. Drywall partitions must be thor-
a. Drywall walls. These walls consist of drywall, oughly caulked with a nonhardening acoustical
studs and, sometimes, fibrous blankets within the caulk at the edges. Tape and spackle is an accept-
stud cavity. able seal at the ceiling and side walls. Electrical
(1) Drywall. Drywall is a lightweight, low-cost boxes, phone boxes, and other penetrations should
material, and can provide a very high STC when not be back-to-back, but be staggered at least 2
used correctly. The use of Type X, or fire-rated feet, covered with a fibrous blanket, and caulked.
drywall of the same nonrated drywall thickness, Multiple layers of drywall should be staggered.
will have a negligible effect on acoustical ratings. Wood stud construction has poor noise reduction
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
characteristics because the wood stud conducts d. Windows. Fixed windows will be close to
vibration from one side to the other. This can be their laboratory TL rating. Operable sash windows
easily remedied by using a metal resilient channel can be 10 dB less than the lab rating due to sound
which is inserted between the wood stud and leaks at the window frame. Gaskets are necessary
drywall on one side. Nonload-bearing metal studs for a proper seal. Some window units will have
are sufficiently resilient and do not improve with a unit TL ratings which would be a rating of both
resilient channel. Load-bearing metal studs are the gasketing and glass type. Double-glazed units
stiff and can be improved with resilient channels are no better than single-glazed if the air space is
installed on one side. 1/2 inch or thinner. A 2-inch airspace between
(2) Fibrous blankets. Fibrous blankets in the stud glass panes will provide better noise reduction.
cavity can substantially improve a wall’s perfor- Laminated glass has superior noise reduction capa-
mance by as much as 10 dB in the mid and high bilities. Installing glass in a neoprene “U” chan-
frequency range where nonload-bearing metal nel and installing sound absorbing material on the
studs, or studs with resilient channels, are used. A jamb between the panes will also improve noise
minimum 2 inch thick, 3/4 lb/ft3 fibrous blanket reduction. Special acoustical window units are
should be used. Blankets up to 6 inches thick available for critical installations.
provide a modest additional improvement. e. Transmission loss values for building parti-
(3) Double or staggered stud walls. When a high tions. Tables 4-2 through 4-11 provide octave
degree of noise reduction is needed, such as be- band transmission losses for various constructions,
tween a conference room and mechanical room, comments or details on each structure are given in
use double or staggered stud wall construction the footnotes of the tables. STC ratings are useful
with two rows of metal or wood studs without for cursory analysis when speech transmission is
bracing them together, two layers of drywall on of concern. The octave band transmission losses
both sides, and a 6 inch thick fibrous blanket. should be used a more thorough analysis, particu-
b. Masonry walls. Masonry construction is larly when the concern is for mechanical equip-
heavy, durable, and can provide particularly good ment.
low frequency noise reduction. Concrete masonry Table Construction Material
units (CMU) made of shale or cinder have good No.
noise reduction properties when they are approxi- 4-2 Dense poured concrete or solid-core concrete
mately 50 percent hollow and not less than me- block or masonry.
dium weight aggregate. Parging or furring with 4 - 3 Hollow-core dense concrete block.
drywall on at least one side substantially improves 4-4 “Cinder block” or other lightweight porous
the noise reduction at higher frequencies. The block with sealed skin.
thicker the block, the better the noise reduction. 4-5 Dense plaster.
An 8 inch thick, semi-hollow medium aggregate 4-6 Stud-type partitions.
block wall with furring and drywall on one side is 4-7 Plywood, lumber, wood doors.
excellent around machine rooms, trash chutes, and 4-8 Glass walls or windows.
elevator shafts. 4-9 Double-glass windows.
c. Doors. The sound transmission loss of both 4-10 Filled metal panel partition and acoustic
hollow and solid core doors will substantially doors.
increase when properly gasketed. Regular thermal 4-11 Sheet aluminum, steel, lead, and lead-vinyl
type tape-on gaskets may not seal well because of curtain.
door warpage, and can also cause difficulty in
4-4. Transmission Loss Of Floor-Ceiling Combi-
closing the door. Tube type seals fitted into an
aluminum extrusion can be installed on the door nations.
stop and fitted to the door shape. Screw type Many mechanical equipment areas are located
adjustable tube seals are available for critical immediately above or below occupied floors of
installations. Sills with a half moon seal at the buildings. Airborne noise and structureborne vi-
bottom of the door are recommended in place of bration radiated as noise may intrude into these
drop seals, which generally do not seal well. Two occupied floors if adequate controls are not in-
gasketed doors with a vestibule are recommended cluded in the building design. The approximate
for high noise isolation. Special acoustical doors octave band “TL” and “NR” are given here for
with their own jambs and door seals are available five floor-ceiling combinations frequently used to
when a vestibule is not practical or very high control airborne machinery noise to spaces above
noise isolation is required. and below the mechanical equipment room. To
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
turn. The second elbow is a 60x24, for this elbow duct would have to be evaluated.
the dimension is 60 inches. The third elbow is the d. Step (4). In this step the total sound power at
“T” from 12x24 to 12x16 over the classroom. In (2) each of the two diffusers closest to the fan is
above a power division was taken for this “T” determined. First the sound power transmitted to
fitting, however since some energy is also reflected the room from the fan via the supply duct, is
from the “T” it also acts like an elbow. For the determined by subtracting the total attenuations
“T” the characteristic dimension is 24”. And the (c. (5) above) from the total sound power of the fan
final elbow is the 12x16 over the class room. For (b. (1) above) by octave bands. These steps are
this elbow the characteristic dimension is 16”. The shown below.
attenuations for each elbow and the total attenua- Octave Band Center Frequencies
tions for all of the elbows is given below.
Octave Band Center Frequencies 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
8-1. Introduction. that adjacent coils are solid against one another,
This chapter provides the details of vibration and is not binding against its mounting bracket,
isolation mountings so that the desired vibration and to ensure that all springs of a total installa-
conditions discussed in chapter 2 can be met for tion are uniformly compressed and that the equip-
most electrical and mechanical equipment. In addi- ment is not tilting on its base. For reasons of
tion typical forms of vibration isolators are given, safety, steel springs are always used in compres-
five general types of mounting systems are de- sion, not in tension.
scribed, and summary tables offer suggested appli- b. Neoprenein-shear isolators. Neoprene is a
cations of five mounting systems for the mechani- long-lasting material which, when properly
cal equipment commonly found in buildings. A shaped, can provide good vibration isolation for
discussion of the general consideration for effective the conditions shown in table 8-1. Typically,
vibration isolation is presented in appendix B. neoprene-in-shear mounts have the appearance of
a truncated cone of neoprene bonded to bottom and
8-2. Vibration Isolation Elements.
top metal plates for bolting to the floor and to the
Table 8-2 lists the principal types of vibration supported equipment. The mount usually has an
isolators and their general range of applications. interior hollow space that is conically shaped. The
This table may be used as a general guide for total effect of the shaping is that for almost any
comparing isolators and their range of static de- direction of applied load, there is a shearing action
flections and natural frequencies as applied to two on the cross section of neoprene. In this shearing
equipment categories (rotary and reciprocating) configuration, neoprene serves as a vibration isola-
and two equipment locations (noncritical and criti- tor; hence, the term “neoprene-in-shear.” A solid
cal). Additional details are required for actual block of neoprene in compression is not as effective
selections of mounts. Vibration isolator types are as an isolator. Manufacturers’ catalogs will show
discussed in this paragraph, and equipment instal-
the upper limit of load-handling capability of large
lations are discussed in the remaining paragraphs
neoprene-in-shear mounts. Two neoprene-in-shear
of this chapter.
mounts are sometimes constructed in series in the
a. Steel spring isolators. Steel springs are used
same supporting bracket to provide additional
to support heavy equipment and to provide isola-
static deflection. This gives the double deflection
tion for the typical low-frequency range of about 3
to 60 Hz (180- to 3600-rpm shaft speed). Steel mount referred to in table 8-1.
springs have natural frequencies that fall in the c. Compressed glass fiber. Blocks of compressed
range of about 1 Hz (for approximately lo-inch glass fiber serve as vibration isolators when prop-
static deflection to about 6 Hz (for approximately erly loaded. The manufacturers have several dif-
1/4-inch static deflection). Springs transmit high- ferent densities available for a range of loading
frequency structureborne noise, so they should be conditions. Typically, a block is about 2-inches
supplemented with a high-frequency pad-type iso- thick and has an area of about 10 to 20 in.2. but
lator when used to support equipment directly other dimensions are available. These blocks are
over critical locations in a building. Unhoused frequently used in series with steel springs to
“stable” steel springs are preferred over housed remove high-frequency structureborne noise, and
unstable or stable springs. Unstable springs tend they are often used alone, at various spacings, to
to tilt over when they are loaded and to become support floating concrete floor slabs (fig 6-6). The
short-circuited when they bind against the inside manufacturer’s data should be used to determine
walls of the spring housing. Stable steel springs the density and area of a block required to achieve
have a diameter that is about 0.8 to 1.2 times the desired static deflection. Unless otherwise indi-
their compressed height. They have a horizontal cated, a static deflection of about 5 to 10 percent of
stiffness that is approximately equal to their verti- the uncompressed height is normal. With long-
cal stiffness; therefore, they do not have a ten- time use, the material might compress an addi-
dency to tilt sideways when a vertical load is tional 5 to 10 percent of its height. This gradual
applied. The free-standing unhoused spring can change in height must be kept in mind during the
easily be inspected to determine if the spring is designing of floating floors to meet floor lines of
compressed correctly, is not overloaded to the point structural slabs.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
d. Ribbed neoprene pads. Neoprene pads with is pumped up to the necessary pressure to carry its
ribbed or waffle-pattern surfaces are effective as load. Since the chamber is subject to very slow
high frequency isolators in series with steel leakage, a system of air mounts usually includes a
springs. In stacks of 2 to 4 thicknesses, they are pressure sensing monitor and an air supply (either
also used for vibration isolation of flow power a pump or a pressurized air tank). A group of air
rotary equipment. The pads are usually about 1/4 mounts can be arranged to maintain very precise
to 3/8 inches thick, and they compress by about 20 leveling of a base by automatic adjustment of the
percent of their height when loaded at about 30 to pressure in the various mounts. If air mounts are
50 lb/in2. Higher durometer pads may be loaded used in a design, an active air supply is required.
up to about 100 lb/in2. The pads are effective as Operational data should be obtained from the
isolators because the ribs provide some shearing manufacturer,
action, and the spaces between the ribs allow
lateral expansion as an axial load is applied. The 8-3. Mounting Assembly Types.
manufacturer’s literature should be used for In this paragraph, five basic mounting systems are
proper selection of the material (load-deflection described for the vibration isolation of equipment.
curves, durometer, surface area, height, etc.). These mounting systems are applied to specific
e. Felt pads. Felt strips or pads are effective for types of equipment in paragraph 8-6. Certain
reducing structureborne sound transmission in the general conditions relating to all the systems are
mounting of piping and vibrating conduit. One or first mentioned.
more layers of 1/8 or 1/4 inch thick strips should a. General conditions.
be wrapped around the pipe under the pipe clamps (1) Building uses. Isolation recommendations
that attach the piping to building structures. Felt
are given for three general equipment locations:
pads will compress under long time and high load
on grade slabs, on upper floors above noncritical
application and should not be used alone to vibra-
areas, and on upper floors above critical areas. It
tion isolate heavy equipment.
is assumed that the building under consideration
f. Cork pads. Cork pads, strips, or blocks may be
is an occupied building involving many spaces that
used to isolate high frequency structureborne
noise, but they are not recommended for high load would require or deserve the low noise and vibra-
bearing applications because cork gradually com- tion environments of such buildings as hotels,
presses under load and loses its resilience. High hospitals, office buildings, and the like, as charac-
density construction cork is sometimes used to terized by categories 1 through 4 of table 2-1.
support one wall of a double wall. In this applica- Hence, the recommendations are aimed at provid-
tion, the cork will compress slightly with time, ing low vibration levels throughout the building. If
and it will continue to serve as a high frequency a building is intended to serve entirely such uses
isolator (say, for structureborne noise above about as those of categories 5 and 6 of table 2-1, the
100 to 200 Hz), but it will not provide good low recommendations given here are too severe and
frequency isolation at equipment driving fre- can be simplified at the user’s discretion. An
quencies of about 10 to 60 Hz. Years ago, before on-grade slab usually represents a more rigid base
other resilient materials came into widespread than is provided by a framed upper floor, so the
use, cork was often misused under heavy vibrating vibration isolation recommendations can be re-
equipment mounts: full area cork pads were fre- laxed for on-grade installations. Of course, vibra-
quently loaded at rates of 1 to 5 lb/in2. This is tion isolation treatments must be the very best
such a low loading rate that the cork appears stiff when a high-quality occupied area is located im-
and does not provide the desired resilience. If cork mediately under the MER, as compared with the
is to be used for vibration isolation, a load deflec- case where a “buffer zone” or noncritical area is
tion curve should be obtained from the supplier, located between the MER and the critical area.
and the cork should be used in the central linear (2) Structural ties, rigid connections. Each
region of the curve (possibly loaded at about 10 to piece of isolated equipment must be free of any
20 lb/in2). With this loading, the compressed mate- structural ties or rigid connections that can short-
rial will have an initial deflection of about 5% and circuit the isolation joint.
will continue to compress gradually with age. (a) Electrical conduit should be long and
g. Air springs. Air springs are the only practical “floppy” so that it does not offer any resistance or
vibration isolators for very low frequencies, down constraint to the free movement of the equipment.
to about 1 Hz or even lower for special problems. Piping should be resiliently supported. Limit stops,
An air mount consists of pressurized air enclosed shipping bolts, and leveling bolts on spring isola-
in a resilient reinforced neoprene chamber. The air tors should be set and inspected to ensure that
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Improvement A.
1. These values may be added to TL of Type 1 or Type 3 partition if
l/2-in. thick fibrous "sound-deadening board" is installed between
studs and each layer of gypsum board.
2. These values may be added to TL of each type partition if resilient
spring clips or resilient metal channels are used to support one layer
of gypsum board on one side of the set of studs. (For Type 2, delete
the second layer of gypsum board on this side; keep two layers on opposite
side.) No significant additional benefit will result from combining
resilient supports and sound-deadening board under the same layer of
gypsum board.
Improvement B.
1. If full area 3-in. thick glass fiber or mineral wool is loosely sup-
ported inside the air cavity between walls, add these values to TL of
Type 1 or Type 2 partition. Acoustic absorption material must not
contact both interior surfaces of gypsum board (i.e., must not serve as
partial "sound bridge" between walls).
2. If minimum l-l/2-in. thick glass fiber or mineral wool is loosely
supported inside the air cavity, add these values to TL of Type 3 parti-
tion or add one half these values to TL of Type 1 or 2 partition. Follow
precautions of Step B.l above.
Table 4-7. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Plywood, Lumber, and Simple Wood Doors.
31 0 2 7 12 17
63 2 7 12 17 18
125 7 12 17 18 19
250 12 17 18 19 22
500 17 18 19 22 30
1000 18 19 22 30 35
2000 19 22 30 35 39
4000 22 30 35 39 43
8000 30 35 39 43 47
STC 18 21 24 28 33
1. Surface weight based on 48 lb/ft.3 density, or 4 lb/ft.2 per in. thickness.
2. Lumber construction requires tongue-and-groove Joints, overlapping joints,
or sealing of joints against air leakage. For intermediate thicknesses,
interpolate between thicknesses given in table.
3. For ungasketed hollow-core flush-mounted wood doors, use TL for l/h-in.
thick plywood.
4. For solid-core wood doors or approximately 2-in. thickness, well gasketed
all around, use TL for 2-in. thick plywood.
5. For small-area doors or boxes, framing around Cage of panel adds effec-
tive mass and stiffness and will probably give higher TL values than shown.
can be added to any one of the Type 1 through 4 (a) Support of floating floor. The floating
combinations. This becomes necessary when all concrete floor should be supported off the structure
other floor systems clearly fail to meet the floor at a height of at least 2 inches with properly
required TL values. The values given in table spaced blocks of compressed glass fiber or multiple
4-16 are improvements in TL that can be added layers of ribbed or waffle-pattern neoprene pads or
to the values of tables 4-12 through 4-15 if a steel springs in series with two layers of ribbed or
well-designed and well-constructed floating floor waffle-pattern neoprene pads. The density and
is used. Where careful designs have included loading of the compressed glass fiber or neoprene
prevention of flanking paths of sound or vibra- pads should follow the manufacturers’ recommen-
tion, the table 4-16 values have been achieved dations. If steel springs are used, their static
and even exceeded. However, if flanking paths deflection should not be less than 1/4 inch. In some
are not prevented by intentional design consider- systems the 2-inch space between the floating slab
ations, only one-half of these improvements may and the structure slab is partially filled with a
be reached. 1-inch thickness of low-cost glass fiber or mineral
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
31 2 7 13 17
63 8 14 19 22
125 13 20 24 26
250 19 25 27 28
500 23 27 29 29
1000 27 28 29 30
2000 27 28 31 32
4000 27 31 36 38
8000 31 34 40 43
STC 26 28 30 31
Notes :
1. Variations in surface area and edge-clamping conditions can alter the
TL values considerably. There is not much consistency among published data.
2. TL tests usually are not carried out at 31-63 Hz; values given are
estimates only.
3. In typical operable windows, poor seals can reduce these values.
4. Special laminated safety glass containing one or more viscoelastic
layers sandwiched between glass panels will yield 5-10 dB higher values
than given here for single thicknesses of glass; available in approxi-
mately 1/4- to 3/4-in. thicknesses.
wool blanket of 3- to 4-lb/cu feet density. Around spaces. The floating floor should not support any
all the perimeter edges of the floating floor (at the large, heavy operating equipment. Instead, such
walls and around all concrete inertia bases within equipment should be based on extra-height house-
the floating floor area), there should be l-inch gaps keeping pads that protrude above the floating
that should later be packed with mastic or fibrous floor. The floating floor is beneficial, however, in
filling and then sealed with a waterproof nonhar- reducing transmitted noise from lightweight equip-
dening caulking or sealing material. A curb should ment and pipe and duct supports. Figure 4-5 offers
be provided around the perimeter of the floated suggestions on applications and details of floating
slab to prevent water leakage into the sealed floors.
perimeter joints, and several floor drains should be (c) Prevention of flanking paths. Figure 4-6
set in the structure slab under the floating slab to illustrates possible flanking paths (paths 2 and 3)
provide run-off of any water leakage into this of noise and vibration caused by airborne excita-
cavity space. tion of walls and columns in the mechanical
(b) Area of floating slab. The floating slab equipment room. These paths make it impossible
should extend over the full area that needs the to achieve the low noise levels that the floating
added protection between the noisy and the quiet floor and resilient ceiling would permit (via path
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
tions from this assembly to other equipment turbine is used to drive reciprocating-compressor
should contain flexible connections (see para B-5b). refrigeration equipment or reciprocating-type gas
d. Rotary-screw-compressor refrigeration equip compressors.
ment. The recommended vibration isolation for l. Gears. When a gear is involved in a drive
this equipment are given in table 8-4. system, vibration isolation should be provided in
e. Centrifugal-compressor refrigeration equipment. accordance with recommendations given for either
The recommended vibration isolation for this equip- the main power drive unit or the driven unit,
ment, including the drive unit and the condenser whichever imposes the more stringent isolation
and chiller tanks, are given in table 8-5. conditions.
f. Absorption-type refrigeration equipment. The m. Transformers. Recommended vibration isola-
recommended vibration isolation for this equip- tion for indoor transformers are given in table
ment are given in table 8-6. 8-12. In addition, power leads to and from the
g. Boilers. The recommended vibration isolation transformers should be as flexible as possible. In
for boilers are given in table 8-7. These apply for outdoor locations, earthborne vibration to nearby
boilers with integrally attached blowers. Table 8-2 neighbors is usually not a problem, so no vibration
should be followed for the support of blowers that isolation is suggested. If vibration should become a
are not directly mounted on the boiler. A flexible problem, the transformer could be installed on
connection or a thermal expansion joint should be neoprene or compressed glass fiber pads having
installed in the exhaust breaching between the 1/4-inch static deflection.
boiler and the exhaust stack. n. Air compressors. Recommended mounting for
h. Steam values. Steam valves are usually sup- centrifugal type air compressors of less than 10 hp
ported entirely on their pipes; paragraph 8-5a are the same as those given for motor-pump units
should be applied to the resilient support of steam in table 8-10. The same recommendations would
piping, including steam valves. apply for small (under 10 hp) reciprocating type
i. Cooling towers. The recommended vibration air compressors. For reciprocating type air com-
isolation for propeller-type cooling towers are pressors (with more than two cylinders) in the 10
given in table 8-8. Additional for the installation to 50 hp range, the recommendations given in
are given in paragraph 8-3f, which describes the table 8-3 apply for the particular conditions. For
Type V mounting assembly. The recommended 10 to 100 hp, one or two cylinder, reciprocating
vibration isolation for centrifugal-fan cooling tow- type air compressors, the recommendations of ta-
ers are given in table 8-9. ble 8-13 apply. This equipment is a potentially
j. Motor-pump assemblies. Recommended vibra- serious source of low frequency vibration in a
tion isolation for motor-pump units are given in building if it is not isolated. In fact, the compres-
table 8-10. Electrical connections to the motors sor should not be located in certain parts of the
should be made with long “floppy” lengths of building, even if it is vibration isolated. The
flexible armored cable, and piping should be resil- forbidden locations are indicated in table 8-13.
iently supported. For most situations, a good isola- When these compressors are used, all piping
tion mounting of the piping will overcome the should contain flexible connections (para 8-5b),
need for flexible connections in the pipe. An and the electrical connections should be made with
important function of the concrete inertia block flexible armored cable.
(Type II mounting) is its stabilizing effect against o. Natural-gas and liquid-fuel engines, recipro-
undue bouncing of the pump assembly at the cating and turbine. Vibration isolation of these
instant of starting. This gives better long-time engines is discussed in detail in TM 5-805-g.
protection to the associated piping. These same
recommendations may be applied to other motor- 8-5. Vibration Isolation-Miscellaneous.
driven rotary devices such as centrifugal-type air a. Resilient pipe supports. all piping in the MER
compressors and motor-generator sets in the power that is connected to vibrating equipment should be
range up to a few hundred horsepower. supported from resilient ceiling hangers or from
k. Steam turbines. Table 8-11 provides a set of floor-mounted resilient supports.
general isolation recommendations for steam- (1) As a general rule, the first three pipe
turbine-driven rotary equipment, such as gears, supports nearest the vibrating equipment should
generators, or centrifugal-type gas compressors. have a static deflection of at least one-half the
The material given in table 8-5 applies when a static deflection of the mounting system used with
steam turbine is used to drive centrifugal- that equipment. Beyond the third pipe support, the
compressor refrigeration equipment. The recom- static deflection can be reduced to 1/4 inch or 1/2
mendations given in table 8-3 apply when a steam inch for the remainder of the pipe run in the MER.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-6. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Absorption-Type Refrigeration Equipment Assembly.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-13. Vibration Isolation Mounting for One or Two-Cylinder Reciprocating-Type Air Compressors in the 10-to l00-hp
Size Range.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
sound pressure level. Consideration for each of or obtained from tables 5-3 and 5-4. This equation
these cases is given below. applies when d 1 is greater than the physical
(1) SPL from known Lw. Equation 5-1 com- dimension of the sound source.
bines the effects of distance, atmospheric attenua-
5-3. Atmospheric Effects.
tion and anomalous attenuation for the calculation
of sound pressure level when the sound power Wind and temperature variations can cause bend-
level of the source is known. ing of sound waves and can influence changes in
sound levels at large distances. These are nor-
(eq 5-1) mally short-term effects and do not provide reli-
Where Lp is the SPL at distance d (in ft.) from a able noise control. However, they help explain the
sound source whose PWL is Lw, is the molecu- variations that occur in outdoor sound propagation
lar absorption coefficient (in dB/1000 ft.) from and measurements.
table 5-1, and is the anomalous excess attenua- a. Wind effects. A steady, smooth flow of wind,
tion (in dB/1000 ft.) from table 5-2. Equation 5-1 equal at all altitudes, would have no noticeable
is simplified to equation 5-2: effect on sound transmission. In practice, however,
Lp + Lw - DT, (eq 5-2) wind speeds are slightly higher above the ground
where DT, in decibels, is called the “distance than at the ground, and the resulting wind speed
term” and is defined by equation 5-3: gradients tend to “bend” sound waves over large
distances. Sound traveling with the wind is bent
(eq 5-3) down to earth, while sound traveling against the
wind is bent upwards above the ground. The
Table 5-3 gives tabulated data for the distance
downwind and upwind effects are summarized in
term out to a distance of 80 feet. For such short
the next two paragraphs. Irregular, turbulent, or
distances, the molecular absorption and anomalous
gusty wind provides fluctuations in sound trans-
excess attenuation are usually negligible and are mission over large distances (possibly because of
ignored in this simplifying table. The table 5-3 partial wavelength interference of various paths
values can be applied to all octave bands for most taken by various sound rays of the total beam).
close-in situations. However, at larger distances The net effect of these fluctuations may be an
the absorption and attenuation effects become average reduction of a few decibels per 100 yards
significant, and table 5-4 gives the distance terms for gusty wind with speeds of 15 to 30 mph.
as a function of the octave bands for distances However, gusty wind or wind direction cannot be
from 80 feet out to 8000 feet. counted on for noise control over the lifetime of an
(2) SPL at another distance from known SPL. installation.
Equation 5.4 can be used to calculate the sound b. Downwind effect. Figure 5-2 illustrates the
pressure level at any distance if the sound pres- principal influence of downwind on sound propaga-
sure level at one distance is given. tion. When there is no wind, the principal sound
Lp2 = Lp1 - DT2 + DT1, (eq 5-4) arrives at the receiver by path 1. Along this path,
where Lp1 is the known SPL at distance d,, and the ground, vegetation, and trees can absorb some
Lp2 is the wanted SPL distance d2. The distance of the sound. During downwind conditions, how-
terms DT1 and DT2 are evaluated in equation 5-3 ever, the path 2 sound (that normally travels
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 5-1. Molecular Absorption Coefficients, dB per 1000 ft., as a Function of Temperature and Relative Humidity.
Taken from "Standard Values of Atmospheric Absorption as a function of Temperature and Humidity,”
SAE ARP 866A, 15 March 1975, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth Drive,
Warrendale, Penn. 15096.
Use 0 dB/1000 ft. for 31 Hz octave band.
Used with permission from Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
upward into the sky and does not return to earth) 1000 feet or more). In summary, downwind can
is bent down and returns to the earth, sometimes reduce or eliminate some of the attenuating effects
passing above the attenuating ground surfaces and of terrain and vegetation or of solid barriers that
the vegetation, thus yielding higher sound levels otherwise intercept sound paths.
to the receiver. This can occur only for relatively c. Upwind effect. A strong persistent upwind
large distances between source and receiver (say, condition can cast a shadow zone, as shown sche-
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
from octave band levels. This is done by subtract- that many acoustical materials perform well when
ing the decibel weighting from the octave band their dimensions are comparable to or larger than
levels and then summing the levels logarithamati- the wavelength of sound. Thus, a l-inch thickness
tally using equation B-2. But it is not possible to of acoustical ceiling tile applied directly to a wall
determine accurately the detailed frequency con- is quite effective in absorbing high-frequency
tent of a noise from only the weighted sound sound, but is of little value in absorbing low-
levels. In some instances it is considered advanta- frequency sound. At room temperature, a lo-feet-
geous to measure or report A-weighted octave long dissipative muffler is about 9 wavelengths
band levels. When this is done the octave band long for sound at 1000 Hz and is therefore quite
levels should not be presented as “sound levels in effective, but is only about 0.4 wavelength long at
dB(A)“, but must be labeled as “octave band sound 50 Hz and is therefore not very effective. At an
levels with A-weighting”, otherwise confusion will elevated exhaust temperature of 1000 deg. F, the
result. wavelength of sound is about 2/3 greater than at
room temperature, so the length of a correspond-
B-8. Temporal Variations. ing muffler should be about 2/3 longer in order to
Both the acoustical level and spectral content can be as effective as one at room temperature. In the
vary with respect to time. This can be accounted design of noise control treatments and the selec-
for in several ways. Sounds with short term tion of noise control materials, the acoustical
variations can be measured using the meter aver- performance will frequently be found to relate to
aging characteristics of the standard sound level the dimensions of the treatment compared to the
meter as defined by ANSI S1.4. Typically two wavelengths of sound. This is the basic reason why
meter averaging characteristics are provided, it is generally easier and less expensive to achieve
these are termed “Slow” with a time constant of high-frequency noise control (short wavelengths)
approximately 1 second and “Fast” with a time and more difficult and expensive to achieve low-
constant of approximately 1/8 second. The slow frequency noise control (long wavelengths).
response is useful in estimating the average value B-10. Loudness.
of most mechanical equipment noise. The fast
response if useful in evaluating the maximum The ear has a wide dynamic range. At the low end
level of sounds which vary widely. of the range, one can hear very faint sounds of
about 0 to 10 dB sound pressure level. At the
B-9. Speed of sound and Wavelength. upper end of the range, one can hear with clarity
The speed of sound in air is given by equation and discrimination loud sounds of 100-dB sound
B-15: pressure level, whose actual sound pressures are
100,000 times greater than those of the faintest
where c is the spped of sound in air in ft./set, and sounds. People may hear even louder sounds, but
tF is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. in the interest of hearing conservation, exposure to
c = 49.03 x (460 + tF) (eq B-15) very loud sounds for significant periods of time
a. Temperature effect. For most normal condi- should be avoided. It is largely because of this
tions, the speed of sound in air can be taken as very wide dynamic range that the logarithmic
approximately 1120 ft./sec. For an elevated tem- decibel system is useful; it permits compression of
perature of about 1000 deg. F, as in the hot large spreads in sound power and pressure into a
exhaust of a gas turbine engine, the speed of more practical and manageable numerical system.
sound will be approximately 1870 ft./sec. This For example, a commercial jet airliner produced
higher speed becomes significant for engine muf- 100,000,000,000 ( = 1011) times the sound power of
fler designs, as will be noted in the following a cricket. In the decibel system, the sound power
paragraph. of the jet is 110 dB greater than that of the cricket
b. Wavelength. The wavelength of sound in air (110 = 10 log 1011). Humans judge subjective
is given by equation B-16. loudness on a still more compressed scale.
(eq B-16) a. Loudness judgments. Under controlled listen-
where {SYMBOL 108/f"Symbol”} is the wave- ing tests, humans judge that a 10 dB change in
length in ft., c is the speed of sound in air in sound pressure level, on the average, represents
ft./sec, and f is the frequency of the sound in Hz. approximately a halving or a doubling of the
Over the frequency range of 50 Hz to 12,000 Hz, loudness of a sound. Yet a 10-dB reduction in a
the wavelength of sound in air at normal tempera- sound source means that 90 percent of the radi-
ture varies from 22 feet to 1.1 inches, a relatively ated sound energy has been eliminated. Table B-2
large spread. The significance of this spread is shows the approximate relationship between sound
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
level changes, the resulting loss in acoustic power, in figure B-2, is the natural frequency of the
and the judgment of relative loudness of the isolator mount when loaded. An isolator mount
changes. Toward the bottom of the table, it be- might be an array of steel springs, neoprene-in-
comes clear that tremendous portions of the sound shear mounts, or pads of compressed glass fiber or
power must be eliminated to achieve impressive layers of ribbed or waffle-pattern neoprene pads.
amounts of noise reduction in terms of perceived When the ratio of the driving frequency to the
loudness. natural frequency is less than about 1.4, the
b. Sones and phons. Sones and phons are units transmissibility goes above 1, which is the same as
used in calculating the relative loudness of sounds. not having any vibration isolator. When the ratio
Sones are calculated from nomograms that interre- of frequencies equals 1, that is, when the natural
late sound pressure levels and frequency, and frequency of the mount coincides with the driving
phons are the summation of the sones by a special frequency of the equipment, the system may go
addition procedure. The results are used in judging into violent oscillation, to the point of damage or
the relative loudness of sounds, as in “a 50-phon danger, unless the system is restrained by a
motorcycle would be judged louder than a 40-phon damping or snubbing mechanism. Usually, the
motorcycle.” When the values are reduced to phon driver (the operating equipment) moves so quickly
ratings, the frequency characteristics and the through this unique speed condition that there is
sound pressure level data have become detached, no danger, but for large, heavy equipment that
and the noise control analyst or engineer has no builds up speed slowly or runs downs slowly, this
concrete data for designing noise control treat- is a special problem that must be handled. At
ments. Sones and phons are not used in this higher driving speeds, the ratio of frequencies
manual, and their use for noise control purposes is exceeds 1.4 and the mounting system begins to
of little value. When offered data in sones and provide vibration isolation, that is, to reduce the
phons, the noise control engineer should request force reduce the force transmitted into the floor or
the original octave or 1/3 octave band sound other supported structure. The larger the ratio of
pressure level data, from which the sones and frequencies, the more effective the isolation
phons were calculated. mount.
a. Isolation efficiency. An isolation mounting
B-11. Vibration Transmissibility. system that has a calculated transmissibility, say,
A transmissibility curve is often used to indicate of 0.05 on figure B-2 is often described as having
the general behavior of a vibration-isolated sys- an “isolation efficiency” of 95 percent. A transmis-
tem. Transmissibility is roughly defined as the sibility of 0.02 corresponds to 98 percent isolation
ratio of the force transmitted through the isolated efficiency, and so on. Strict interpretation of trans-
system to the supporting structure to the driving missibility data and isolation efficiencies, however,
force exerted by the piece of vibrating equipment. must be adjusted for real-life situations.
Figure B-2 is the transmissibility curve of a b. Transmissibility limitations. The transmissi-
simple undamped single-degree-of-freedom system. bility curve implies that the mounted equipment
The forcing frequency is usually the lowest driving (i.e. equipment plus the isolators) are supported by
frequency of the vibrating system. For an 1800- a structure that is infinitely massive and infinitely
rpm pump, for example, the lowest driving fre- rigid. In most situations, this condition is not met.
quency is 1800/60 = 30 Hz. The natural frequency, For example, the deflection of a concrete floor slab
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
under static load may fall in the range of 1/4 inch (3) Difficulty of field measurement. In field
to 1/2 inch. This does not qualify as being infi- situations, the transmissibility of a mounting sys-
nitely rigid. The isolation efficiency is reduced as tem is not easy to measure and check against a
the static floor deflection increases. Therefore, the specification. Yet the concept of transmissibility is
transmissibility values of figure B-2 should not be at the heart of vibration isolation and should not
expected for any specific ratio of driving frequency be discarded because of the above weakness. The
to natural frequency. material that follows is based on the valuable
(1) Adjustment for floor deflection. In effect, features of the transmissibility concept, but added
the natural frequency of the isolation system must to it are some practical suggestions.
be made lower or the ratio of the two frequencies
made higher to compensate for the resilience of the B-12. Vibration Isolation Effectiveness.
floor. This fact is especially true for upper floors of With the transmissibility curve as a guide, three
a building and is even applicable to floor slabs steps are added to arrive at a fairly practical
poured on grade (where the earth under the slab approach toward estimating the expected effective-
acts as a spring). Only when equipment bases are ness of an isolation mount.
supported on large extensive portions of bedrock a. Static deflection of a mounting system. The
can the transmissibility curve be applied directly. static deflection of a mount is simply the differ-
(2) Adjustment for floor span. This interpreta- ence between the free-standing height of the un-
tion of the transmissibility curve is also applied to compressed, unloaded isolator and the height of
floor structures having different column spacings. the compressed isolator under its static load. This
Usually, floors that have large column spacing, difference is easily measured in the field or esti-
such as 50 to 60 feet, will have larger deflections mated from the manufacturer’s catalog data. An
that floors of shorter column-spacing, such as 20 to uncompressed 6 inch high steel spring that has a
30 feet. To compensate, the natural frequency of compressed height of only 4 inches when installed
the mounting system is usually made lower as the under a fan or pump is said to have a static
floor span increases. All of these factors are incor- deflection of 2 inches. Static deflection data are
porated into the vibration isolation recommenda- usually given in the catalogs of the isolator manu-
tions in this chapter. facturers or distributors. The data may be given in
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
the form of “stiffness” values. For example, a even pads of cork and felt when operating in their
stiffness of 400 lb/in. means that a 400 lb load will proper load range.
produce a 1 inch static deflection, or that an 800 lb c. Application suggestions. Table B-3 provides a
load will produce a 2 inch deflection, assuming that suggested schedule for achieving various degrees
the mount has freedom to deflect a full 2 inches. of vibration isolation in normal construction. The
b. Natural frequency of a mount. The natural table is based on the transmissibility curve, but
suggests operating ranges of the ratio of driving
frequency of steel springs and most other vibration
frequency to natural frequency. The terms “low,”
isolation materials can be calculated approxi-
“fair,” and “high” are merely word descriptors,
mately from the formula in equation B-17. but they are more meaningful than such terms as
95 or 98 percent isolation efficiency which are
clearly erroneous when they do not take into
(eq B-17) account the mass and stiffness of the floor slab.
where fn is the natural frequency in Hz and S.D. Vibration control recommendations given in this
is the static deflection of the mount in inches. chapter are based on the application of this table.
(1) Example. Suppose an 1800-rpm motor-
(1) Example, steel spring. Suppose a steel
pump unit is mounted on steel springs having
spring has a static deflection of 1 inch when placed
l-inch static deflection (as in the example under
under one corner of a motor-pump base. The b(1) above). The driving frequency of the system is
natural frequency of the mount is approximately: the shaft speed, 1800 rpm or 30 Hz. The natural
frequency of the mount is 3 Hz, and the ratio of
driving frequency to natural frequency is about 10.
(eq B-17) Table B-3 shows that this would provide a “fair”
(2) Example, rubber pad. Suppose a layer of to “high” degree of vibration isolation of the motor
3/8-inch-thick ribbed neoprene is used to vibration pump at 30 Hz. If the pump impeller has 10
isolate high-frequency structure borne noise or blades, for example, this driving frequency would
vibration. Under load, the pad is compressed be 300 Hz, and the ratio of driving to natural
enough to have a 1/16-inch static deflection. The frequencies would be about 100; so the isolator
natural frequency of the mount is approximately: would clearly give a “high” degree of vibration
isolation for impeller blade frequency.
(2) Caution. The suggestion on vibration isola-
tion offered in the manual are based on experi-
ences with satisfactory installations of conven-
tional electrical and mechanical HVAC equipment
in buildings. The concepts and recommendations
= 3.13 x 4 = 12 Hz described here may not be suitable for complex
This formula usually has an accuracy to within machinery, with unusual vibration modes,
about plus or minus 20 percent for material such mounted on complex isolation systems. For such
as neoprene-in-shear, ribbed or waffle-pattern neo- problems, assistance should be sought from a
prene pads, blocks of compressed glass fiber, and vibration specialist.
Table B-3. Suggested Schedule for Estimating Relative Vibration Isolation Effectiveness of a Mounting System.
1.4 - 3 Negligible
3 - 6 Low
6 - 10 Fair
Above 10 High
TM 5 - 8 0 5 - 4 / A F J M A N 32-1090
Table 5-5. Insertion Loss for Sound Transmission Through a open windows in the near and far walls would
Growth of Medium-Dense Woods.
probably be acceptable, provided the interior
rooms are large. The building may qualify as a
Octave Insertion compound barrier.
Frequency Loss, (8) Caution. A large flat reflecting surface,
Band, dB per such as the barrier wall, may reflect more sound
HZ 100 ft. of Woods in the opposite direction than there would have
been with no wall at all present. If there is no
31 0 special focusing effect, the wall may produce at
most only about 2 or 3 dB higher levels in the
63 1/2
direction of the reflected sound.
125 1 c. Unusual barrier geometries. Figure 5-8 illus-
250 1 1/2 trates three common situations that do not fall
into the simple geometry of figure 5-6. The proce-
500 2 dure suggested here is to estimate the path length
1000 3 difference and use table 5-6 to obtain the insertion
loss, even though this simplified approach has not
2000 4 been proven in field or model studies.
4000 4 1/2 (1) In-wall sound source. In part A of figure
5-8, the source could be a wall-mounted exhaust
8000 5 fan, an inlet to a ventilating fan, or a louvered
opening permitting air into (and noise out of) a
mechanical equipment room. The conventional
source distance S is zero and the slant distance
becomes h. Thus, the total path length difference
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Insertion Loss, dB
Length Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz
ft. 31 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
.01 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9
.02 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 9 10
.05 5 5 5 5 6 7 9 10 12
.1 5 5 5 6 7 9 11 13 16
.2 5 5 6 8 9 11 13 16 19
.5 6 7 9 10 12 15 18 20 22
1 7 8 10 12 14 17 20 22 23
2 8 10 12 14 17 20 22 23 24
5 10 12 14 17 20 22 23 24 24
10 12 15 17 20 22 23 24 24 24
20 15 18 20 22 23 24 24 24 24
50 18 20 23 24 24 24 24 24 24
d. Edge effect of barriers. Figure 5-9 represents given in table 5-7. For convenience and identifica-
a plan view of a source and one end of a barrier tion, the listed wall constructions are labeled with
wall. Near the end of the wall, the barrier effec- letters A through G and are described in the notes
tiveness is reduced because some sound is re- under the table. If the exact wall construction of a
fracted over the top of the wall, some sound is building is known, a more accurate estimate of the
refracted around the end of the wall, and some noise reduction can using the procedures of Chap-
sound is reflected and scattered from various ter 4.
nonflat surfaces along the ground near the end of b. Indoor sound pressure levels. Indoor octave
the barrier. For critical problems, this degradation band SPLs are calculated by subtracting the table
of the barrier near its end should be taken into 5-7 NR values from the outdoor SPLs measured or
account. Figure 5-9 suggests a simplified proce- estimated at the outdoor receiver position.
dure that gives approximately the insertion loss
(IL.) near the end of the barrier. 5-7. Combined effects, sample calculation.
A sample calculation show the steps for combining
5-6. Reception of Outdoor Noise Indoors. the material of this chapter. The calculations are
An intruding noise coming from an outdoor noise completed in all octave bands and illustrate some
source or by an outdoor noise path may be heard portion of each item covered. Figure 5-10 shows
by neighbors who are indoors. an elevation view of a refrigerated warehouse and
a. Noise reduction (NR) of exterior constructions. a nearby residence. Part A of the figure shows the
When outdoor noise enters a building, it is re- proposed location of a cooling tower on top of a
duced, even if the building has open windows. The penthouse mechanical equipment room that has a
actual amount of noise reduction depends on many direct line-of-sight path to the second floor win-
factors: building construction, orientation, wall dows of the dwelling. The sound power level of the
area, window area, open window area, and interior cooling tower is known. The residence is of brick
acoustic absorption. For practical purposes, how- construction with open windows covering about 5
ever, the approximate noise reduction values pro- percent of the exterior wall area. It is desired to
vided by a few typical building constructions are calculate the SPL for the cooling tower noise
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-21. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Gas Turbine Engine Noise Sources.
Frequency Value To Be Subtracted From Overall PWL, in dB
(Hz) Casing Inlet Exhaust
31 10 19 12
63 7 18 8
125 5 17 6
250 4 17 6
500 4 14 7
1000 4 8 9
2000 4 3 11
4000 4 3 15
8000 4 6 21
dB(A) 2 0 4
(DRPR) (splash-proof or weather-protected) and “to- b. DRPR motors. The overall SPLs of DRPR
tally enclosed fan-cooled” (TEFC) motors. Noise motors, at the normalized 3 foot condition, follow
levels increase with power and speed. approximately the relationships of equations C-14
a. TEFC motors. The overall SPLs of TEFC and C-15.
motors, at the normalized 3 foot condition, follow for power ratings under 50 hp,
approximately the relationships of equations C-12 Lp = 10 + 17 log hp + 15 log RPM. (eq C-14)
and C-13.
for power ratings above 50 hp,
for power ratings under 50 hp,
Lp = 22 + 10 log hp + 15 log RPM. (eq C-15)
Lp = 15 + 17 log hp + 15 log RPM. (eq C-12)
For motors above 400 hp, the calculated noise
for power ratings above 50 hp, value for a 400 hp motor should be used. The
Lp = 27 + 10 log hp + 15 log RPM (eq C-13) octave band corrections for DRPR motors are given
where “hp” is the nameplate motor rating in in table C-25. The data of equations C-14 and
horsepower and “RPM” is the motor shaft speed. C-15 and table C-25 are summarized in figure
For motors above 400 hp, the calculated noise value C-7, which gives the SPLs at 3 foot distance for
for a 400-hp motor should be used. These data are DRPR motors over a range of speeds and powers.
not applicable to large commercial motors in the
power range of 1000 to 5000 hp. The octave band C-17. Steam Turbines.
corrections for TEFC motors are given in table Noise levels are found generally to increase with
C-24. The data of equations C-12 and C-13 and increasing power rating, but it has not been
table C-24 are summarized in figure C-6, which possible to attribute any specific noise characteris-
gives the SPLs at 3 foot distance for TEFC motors tics with speed or turbine blade passage frequency
for a working range of speeds and powers. Some (because these were not known on the units mea-
motors produce strong tonal sounds in the 500, sured). The suggested normalized SPLs at 3 foot
1,000, or 2,000 Hz octave bands because of the distance are given in figure C-8 and table C-26.
cooling fan blade frequency. Table C-24 and figure
C-6 allow for a moderate amount of these tones, C-18. Gears.
but a small percentage of motors may still exceed It is generally true that the noise output increases
these calculated levels by as much as 5 to 8 dB. with increasing speed and power but it is not
When specified, motors that are quieter than these possible to predict in which frequency band the
calculated values by 5 to 10 dB can be purchased. gear tooth contact rate or the “ringing fre-
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-22. Approximate Noise Reduction of Gas Turbine Engine Casing Enclosures.
31 2 4 1 3 6
63 2 5 1 4 7
125 2 5 1 4 8
250 3 6 2 5 9
500 3 6 2 6 10
1000 3 7 2 7 11
2000 4 8 2 8 12
4000 5 9 3 8 13
8000 6 10 3 8 14
Type 1. Glass fiber or mineral wool thermal insulation with lightweight
foil cover over the insulation.
Type 2. Glass fiber or mineral wool thermal insulation with minimum
20 gage aluminum or 24 gage steel or 1/2-in. thick plaster
cover over the insulation.
Type 3. Enclosing metal cabinet for the entire packaged assembly, with
open ventilation holes and with no acoustic absorption lining
inside the cabinet.
Type 4. Enclosing metal cabinet for the entire packaged assembly, with
open ventilation holes and with acoustic absorption lining
inside the cabinet.
Type 5. Enclosing metal cabinet for the entire packaged assembly, with
all ventilation holes into the cabinet muffled and with acoustic
absorption lining inside the cabinet.
quencies” will occur for any unknown gear. The ation of the gear noise. Table C-17 gives the
possibility that these frequency components may estimated SPL in the 125 through 8,000 Hz bands
occur in any of the upper octave bands is covered for a variety of speeds and powers, based on
by, equation C-16, which gives the octave band equation C-16.
SPL estimate (at the 3 feet normalized condition)
for all bands at and above 125 Hz: C-19. Generators.
The noise of generators, in general, can be quite
Lp = 78 + 3 log (RPM) + 4 log (hp) (eq C-16)
variable, depending on speed, the presence or
where “RPM" is the speed of the slower gear shaft absence of air cooling vanes, clearances of various
and “hp” is the horsepower rating of the gear or rotor parts, etc., but, most of all, on the driver
the power transmitted through the gear. For the mechanism. When driven by gas or diesel recipro-
63 Hz band, 3 dP is deducted; and for the 31 Hz cating engines, the generator is usually so much
band, 6 dB is deducted from the equation C-16 quieter than the engine that it can hardly be
value. This estimate may not be highly accurate, measured, much less heard. For gas turbine en-
but it will provide a reasonable engineering evalu- gines, the high-speed generator may be coupled to
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Figure 5-9. Edge Effects at End of Barrier.
the penthouse mechanical room. The geometry for 5-8. Source Directivity.
this barrier produces a path length difference of The analysis procedures of this chapter assume
0.23 feet. The insertion loss for the barrier is given that the sound source radiates sound equally in
in column 4 of table 5-9. Column 5 gives the all directions. In some cases this is not the case,
average outdoor SPL at the residence as a result of that is more sound energy will be transmitted in
the barrier and the slightly increased distance to one direction when compared to other directions.
the new location (Co1 5 = Co1 2 - Co1 3 - Co1 4). This is referred to as the “Directivity” of the
Column 7 gives the new indoor SPLs which are sound source. The directivity of a sound source
compared with the column 8 values of the NC-25 may be an inherent result of the design or may
curve. A noise excess of only 3 dB occurs in one be the result of the equipment installation very
octave band. This would be considered a more close to reflecting surfaces. In the example given
nearly acceptable solution to the cooling tower above the cooling tower directivity was not
noise problem. taken into account. In Location A, the SPLs at
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Frequency Wall Type
(Hz) A B C D E F G
31 0 8 12 17 10 22 28
63 0 9 13 19 14 24 32
125 0 10 14 20 20 25 34
250 0 11 15 22 26 27 36
500 0 12 16 24 28 30 38
1000 0 13 17 26 29 33 42
2000 0 14 18 28 30 38 48
4000 0 15 19 30 31 43 53
8000 0 16 20 30 33 48 58
the residence would have been a few dB higher would tend to average out the cooling tower
if the louvered surface of the cooling tower faced directivity characteristics. Typically source direc-
the residence or a few dB lower f the end surface tivity is difficult to obtain. Source directivity for
of the cooling tower faced the residence. In certain sources is included under appendix C. If
Location B, the orientation of the cooling tower source directivity information is unavailable as-
would have been less critical, because the bar- sume that the sound source radiates uniformly
rier and other reflecting surfaces on the roof in all directions.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
the square of a reference pressure. Therefore, the Transmission Loss of Building Partitions”. It is
sound pressure level is equal to 20 times the designed to give an estimate of the sound insula-
common logarithm of the ratio of the sound pres- tion properties of a partition or a rank ordering of
sure to a reference pressure (20 micropascals or a series of partitions.
0.0002 microbar).
Sound Transmission Loss (TL)
Sound Transmission Class (STC) A measure of sound insulation provided by a
A single-number rating derived from measured structural configuration. Expressed in decibels,
values of transmission loss in accordance with it is ten times the common logarithm of the
ASTM E-413, “Classification for Rating Sound sound energy transmitted through a partition, to
Insulation” and ASTM E-90, “Test Method for the total energy incident upon the opposite
Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound surface.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
31 108 52 56 8 48 -- --
63 109 52 57 9 48 54 --
125 112 52 60 10 50 44 6
250 110 53 57 11 46 37 9
500 108 53 55 12 43 31 12
1000 105 53 52 13 39 27 12
2000 100 54 46 14 32 24 8
4000 95 57 38 15 23 22 1
8000 91 60 31 16 15 21 --
31 108 52 5 51 8 43
63 109 52 5 52 9 43 54
125 112 52 6 54 10 44 44
250 110 53 8 49 11 38 37
500 108 53 9 46 12 34 31
1000 105 54 11 40 13 27 27
2000 100 55 13 32 14 18 24
4000 95 58 16 21 15 6 22
8000 91 62 19 10 16 -- 21
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
and, where possible, “buffer zones” should be b. Variations and uncertainties in the individual
placed between the noisy and the quiet rooms. In data. It is necessary to realize that small errors or
the MER, the noisiest equipment should be moved discrepancies or uncertainties exist with each bit
away from the common walls that join the critical of quoted data, and it is not realistic to rely on the
rooms; and when reverberant sound levels pervade analysis method to the nearest one or two decibels.
the entire MER and control the design, sound It is largely for that reason that labels such as
absorption may be applied to reduce those rever- “preferred”, “acceptable” and “marginal” are
berant levels. used. These labels offer some gradations in degree
of reliability of the final values. It is even possible
6-3. Outdoor Sound Problem And Analysis.
that, if the noise levels of certain specific pieces of
The basic procedure here, also, is to follow the mechanical equipment are much lower than the
sound path from the source to the receiver, apply- design estimates used in the manual, a design
ing certain adjustments and calculations along the calculated to be “unacceptable” could actually
way. turn out to be “acceptable.” This result should not
a. The SPL or PWL values should be determined be counted on, however, as a means of avoiding a
for each source that can radiate noise outdoors. difficult problem. Of course, there is also the
b. The outdoor sound propagation factors of possibility that in a particular installation many
distance, air absorption, and anomalous excess of the statistical factors will work together to
attenuation should be applied for the prevailing produce a “marginal” condition where the analysis
temperature and humidity conditions. showed “preferred” or “acceptable” condition, etc.
c. Proper adjustments should be made for ter- c. System reliability. In most cases, the proce-
rain, vegetation, and barrier effects encountered dure will produce a workable design. The methods
and techniques described here are based on many
by the sound.
experiences with noise control problems, and these
d. All the pertinent data are collected and sum-
methods have helped produce many satisfactory or
marized and the outdoor and indoor SPLs are
improved installations. (Sometimes the economics
estimated for the various neighbors of interest.
of a situation may not justify an entirely satisfac-
e. The expected neighbor reaction to the outdoor tory solution for all concerned, but proper use of
noise is estimated and the expected indoor SPLs
the analysis can bring a desired and predictable
are compared against the indoor noise criterion improvement.) The manual will have served a
applicable to the neighbor’s building. sufficiently useful purpose if it reveals only that a
f. Available noise control treatments and opera- problem is so serious that the manual alone
tional changes are considered (set 6-6), if noise cannot solve the problem and that special assist-
reduction is required to achieve satisfactory re- ance or special designs may be required.
sponse of the neighbors to the outside noise. The d. Aids in decision-making. A certain amount of
steps of this procedure are followed in the accom- judgment may enter into some design decisions. A
panying example. suggestion is offered here for helping guide the
decision for three types of situations.
6-4. Quality Of Analysis Procedure. (1) When a particular design involves a cru-
a. How accurate are the data? When numerical cial area, a conservative approach should be fol-
values are assigned to PWLs, SPLs, TLs, Room lowed. The design should not be weakened in order
Constants, noise criteria, etc., the question of to try “to get by” with something simpler.
tolerances arises. Will a given piece of equipment (2) When a particular design involves a dis-
have exactly the SPL estimated for it? Will the TL tinct threat to someone’s safety or well-being, a
of a wall actually equal the TL assumed for that conservative approach should be used. Examples
wall in the manual? Will the noise be distributed could be an employee who might suffer hearing
around the inside of a room in exactly the way it loss in an MER because a separate control room
is estimated, using the methods and assumptions was not provided, or a tenant who would not pay
offered in the manual? Is the reaction of “average” rent because of noise coming from an overhead
people well enough known to predict with accuracy MER, or a neighbor who might go to court because
the noise levels that they will consider acceptable? of disturbing noise. On the other hand, noise in a
Will every individual in a group of “average” corridor or a lobby is of much less concern to
people respond in the manner assumed for the someone’s well-being.
“average” people? The answer is obviously “No” (3) If a particular design involves a perma-
for each of these questions! Then, to what extent nent structural member that is not easily modified
are the results of the evaluation valid? or corrected later (in the event it should prove
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
unsatisfactory), a conservative approach should be (9) The basic elements of acoustics should be
used. A poured concrete floor slab is not easily understood and used in order to work intelligently
replaced by a new and heavier floor slab. On the with SPL and PWL data for many types of electri-
other hand, a lightweight movable partition can be cal and mechanical noise sources, know the effects
changed later if necessary. A muffler can be added of distance (both indoors and outdoors), appreciate
later or enlarged later if necessary. Compromises the significance of noise criteria, and be able to
may be justified if the compromised member can manipulate acoustic data in a meaningful and
be corrected later at relatively small extra cost. rational way. A few of these items are discussed
Compromises should not be made when the later below.
corrective measure is impossible or inordinately b. Absorbers. Acoustical ceiling and wall panels
expensive. are the most common sound absorbers. Absorbers
are rated by the ratio of noise absorbed to noise
6-5. Noise Control Treatments. impacted on the absorber’s surface. A coefficient of
a. General applications. A primary advantage of 1.0 indicates 100 percent absorption; a coefficient
the manual and of the various noise-analysis of zero indicates 0 percent absorption. Noise Re-
procedures offered in the manual is that it ele- duction Coefficient (NRC) is the average coefficient
vates the awareness of the architect and engineer of sound absorption measured at 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1
to problems of noise and vibration. This is an kHz, and 2 kHz. Sound absorption should be
important first step to noise control. Without designed to absorb the frequencies of the sound
awareness, the noise problem is ignored in the striking it. For example, a transformer enclosure
design, and later problems in remedial steps are should have an absorption coefficient of at least
compounded. In most building situations, noise .75 in the 125 Hz band (the sound of electrical
control is provided by application of the basic hum is twice the 60 cycle powerline frequency).
contents of the manual: Auditoriums should have even absorption over a
(1) Adequate wall and floor-ceiling construc- wide frequency range for a balanced reverberant
tions should be designed to contain the noise and sound.
limit its transmission into adjoining areas. (1) Test methods. There are three basic mount-
(2) Acoustic absorption material should be ings for sound absorption tests used by ASTM
used in either or both the sound transmitting room (ASTM E 795-83): 1) Type A.-hard against a
and the sound receiving room to absorb some of concrete surface (formally designated as No. 1), 2)
the sound energy that “bounces” around the room. Type D.-with a 3/4-inch airspace behind the test
Quantitative data and procedures for incorporating material, such as a wood furring strip (formally
sound absorption materials are included in the designated as No. 2), and 3) Type E.-with a
tables and data forms. 16-inch airspace behind the test material, such as
(3) Transmission loss data should be used to an acoustical ceiling (formally designated as No.
select various types of construction materials for 7). See table 5-1 for absorption coefficients of some
the design of noise enclosures. typical building materials.
(4) Building layouts should be modified in an (2) Core material. Absorbers consist of a core
attempt to redistribute noise sources in a more material, usually fibrous or porous, with a facing
favorable arrangement, bring together noisy areas as a cover. Fibrous cores are typically 1 inch thick
in one part of a building and quiet areas in a for general noise control, and 2 inches thick for
different part of the building (to minimize their auditoriums, music, or low frequency absorption. If
reaction on one another), and use less critical a minimum 2 inch airspace is provided behind a 1
“buffer zones” to separate noisy and quiet areas. inch core, the effect is approximately equivalent to
(5) Vibration isolation mounts should be used a 2 inch thick core. One inch thick fibrous cores
for the support of mechanical or vibrating equip- have an NRC of .75, and 2 inch thick fibrous cores
ment. Details of such mounts are given in chapter 9. have a NRC of .95 with a Type D mounting.
(6) Mufflers should be used to control noise (3) Facings. Facings over the acoustical core
transmission through air passageways. material serve as both a visual and a protective
(7) Duct lining treatments should be used to screen. They are typically cloth, perforated vinyl,
control noise transmission through ducted connec- wood screens, or expanded metal. Expanded metal,
tions. such as plasterer’s metal lath, is relatively vandal-
(8) Specifications should be used to limit the proof. Expanded or perforated metal facings should
noise output of purchased equipment for use in the be at least 23 percent open, 33 percent is preferable.
building; this is suggested and discussed briefly in (4) Ceilings. Acoustical ceilings are of two
chapter 10 of this manual. basic types: mineral fiber and fiberglass. Mineral
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
ceiling tiles with a fissured pattern have an NRC office enclosures out in the middle of an engine
of .55 to .65 with a Type E (or No. 7) mounting. room or as a telephone booth enclosure in the
Fiberglass ceiling tiles have an NRC of .95 and midst of MER noise.
are normally used in open office design. Fiberglass e. Damping materials. Damping is the resistive
ceiling tiles, however, have no resistance to sound force to vibratory motion. Sheet metal has low
traveling through them, whereas 5/8 inch standard damping properties and will ring when impacted.
mineral tiles have a 35 to 40 STC rating for sound Loaded vinyls and lead both have high mass and
transmission from one office to another where the high damping and will thud when impacted.
dividing wall stops just above the dropped ceiling Loaded vinyl has replaced lead in general usage
line. Lab ratings for such walls can be achieved by because of lower cost, and also because loaded
installing a baffle over the wall in the ceiling vinyl is available in sheets with an adhesive
plenum, or by extending the walls up to the backing. The loaded vinyl may be cut with scissors
underside of the next floor. and directly applied to noisy ducts or sheet metal
c. Enclosures. From the material given in the at a low cost, usually with good results.
manual, it is possible to estimate the noise levels f. Combination. Combination foam absorbers
inside a solid-wall enclosure that contains a piece and loaded vinyl barriers in sandwich type con-
of noisy equipment and to estimate the noise struction are available with adhesive backs, and
levels that will be transmitted from that enclosure are often used to reduce noise in vehicle cabs or on
in to the surrounding spaces. vibrating equipment covers. Lagging is the process
(1) In acoustic terms, an enclosure is consid- of applying a fibrous or porous material, such as
ered to be an almost air-tight chamber containing 3-pound density fiberglass, over a noisy duct or
pipe, and then covering the fiberglass with sheet
the noise source. Small cracks around doors are
metal or loaded vinyl. This method is useful on
known noise leaks and cannot be tolerated if a
steam piping, valves, ducting, and fans. Lagging
high degree of sound isolation is required. The
may not be used where it could cause excessive
walls of the enclosure must be solid and well-
heat buildup, such as on compressors. Enclosures,
sealed. If air can escape through the enclosure, made of plywood or sheet metal with fiberglass
sound can escape through the enclosure. A favorite used as an absorber on the inside, can be effective
analogy in acoustics is that the same amount of in reducing machinery noise. Enclosures of clear
sound power can pass through a 1-in.2 hole as plastic panels can be used where visibility is
through a 100-ft.2 6-inch thick solid concrete wall. required. Ventilation should be provided on com-
A seemingly negligible crack around a door or at pressors or computer enclosures by installing foam
the ceiling joint of a wall can have much more or fiberglass lined duct at the bottom for cool inlet
than 1 in.2 of area. air, and at the top for hot exhaust air. Enclosures
(2) Where openings in an enclosure are re- should be carefully fitted together with no gaps
quired, they must be given adequate acoustic which could leak noise. Convenient access panels
treatment in order not to weaken seriously the should be designed into all noise control enclo-
effectiveness of the enclosure. Ventilation ducts sures.
may be muffled, clearance holes around pipes, g. Mufflers. Mufflers are characterized as either
ducts, and conduit must be sealed off airtight, and “reactive mufflers” or “dissipative mufflers.” Re-
passageways for material flow must be protected active mufflers usually consist of large-volume
with “sound traps” (mufflers). chambers containing an internal labyrinth-like
d. Barriers, partial-height partitions. Many of- arrangement of baffles, compartments, and perfo-
fices, shops, and tool rooms contain barriers or rated tubes. Reactive mufflers smooth out the flow
partial-height partitions that serve to separate of impulsive-type exhaust discharge and, by the
areas or people or functions. When used with arrangement of the internal components, attempt
nearby acoustically absorbent ceilings, these parti- to reflect sound energy back toward the source.
tions can provide a small amount of acoustic There is usually no acoustic absorption material
separation-possibly 3 to 5 dB of noise reduction in inside a reactive muffler. Dissipative mufflers are
the low-frequency region and 5 to 10 dB in the almost entirely made up of various arrangements
high-frequency region, depending on the geometry of acoustic absorption material that dissipates or
and the absorption in the area. Where noise absorbs the acoustic energy.
reduction values of 20 to 30 dB are desired, (1) Reactive mufflers. Reactive mufflers are
partial-height partitions would be useless. A cau- used almost entirely for gas and diesel reciprocat-
tion is offered here against use of partial-height ing engine exhausts. Somewhat more detailed
partitions as control room separators or as small information on the performance and use of reac-
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
tive mufflers is included in the TM5-805-9/AFM 5-foot and 7-foot lengths. They are also usually
88-20 manual. available in two or three “classes,” depending on
(2) Dissipative mufflers. As the name implies, attenuation. The mufflers of the higher attenua-
these mufflers are made up of various arrange- tion class typically have only about 25 to 35
ments of acoustically absorbent material that actu- percent open area, with the remainder of the area
ally absorbs sound energy out of the moving air or tilled with absorption material. The lower attenua-
exhaust stream. The most popular configuration is tion classes have about 50 percent open area. The
an array of “parallel baffles” placed in the air mufflers with the larger open area have less
stream. The baffles may range from 2 inches to 16 pressure drop and are known as “low pressure-
inches thick, and are filled with glass fiber or drop units.” The mufflers with the smaller open
mineral wool. Under severe uses, the muffler area are known as “high pressure-drop units.” In
material must be able to withstand the operating critical situations, muffler “self-noise” may also be
temperature of the air or gas flow, and it must a problem with these duct mufflers. If high-speed
have adequate internal construction and surface air is required, the manufacturer can usually
protection to resist the destruction and erosion of provide self-noise data. When ordering special-
high-speed turbulent flow. These mufflers should purpose mufflers, one should specify the flow speed
be obtained from an experienced, reputable manu- and the temperature of the air or gas flow, as
facturer to insure proper quality of materials, these may require special surface protection and
design, workmanship, and ultimately, long life and special acoustic filler materials.
durability of the installation. i. Duct lining. Duct lining is used to absorb
h. Packaged duct mufflers. For ducted air han- duct-transmitted noise. Typically, duct lining is 1
dling or air-conditioning systems, packaged duct inch thick. Long lengths of duct lining can be very
mufflers can be purchased directly from reputable effective in absorbing high-frequency sound, but
acoustical products suppliers. Their catalogs show the thin thickness is not very effective for low
the available dimensions and insertion losses pro- frequency absorption. The ASHRAE Guide can be
vided in their standard rectangular and circular used to estimate the attenuation of duct lining.
cross-section mufflers. These packaged duct muf- Lined 90-degree turns are very effective in reduc-
flers are sold by most manufacturers in 3-foot, ing high-frequency noise.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
7-1. Introduction. terminal units the most direct path is often sound
In this chapter consideration is given to the sound radiating from the case of the unit and traveling
levels resulting from the operation of Heating, through a ceiling, usually acoustical, direct to the
Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems observer in the space being served. The attenua-
in buildings. Information is provided on the most tion of a typical ceiling increases slightly with
common HVAC equipment found in many commer- frequency, and thus the typical noise of an air
cial office buildings, how sound is propagated terminal unit in an occupied space will tend to
within ducted ventilation systems and the proce- shift downward by an octave to have its highest
dure for calculating sound levels in rooms from sound pressure levels in the octaves with center
ventilation systems. frequencies at 125, 250, and 500 Hz. Thus, in
summary, when a system is designed to achieve
7-2. General Spectrum Characteristics Of good acoustical balance among the various sources,
Noise Sources. fan noise will control the noise level in the low
The most frequently encountered noise sources in frequency range, air terminal units will control in
a ducted air distribution system designed to de- the mid-frequency range, and air outlets will
liver a constant volume of air are fans, control control in the high frequency range.
dampers, and air outlets such as diffusers, grilles, 7-3. Specific Characteristics Of Noise Sources
and registers (return air grilles with dampers). In
a variable volume system terminal units, such as a. Fans. To determine the requirements for
variable air valves (VAVs), fan powered air valves, noise control for a ducted air distribution system
and mixing boxes, are an additional frequently one of the primary requirements is to determine
encountered noise source. Operation of any of the octave band sound power level of the fan noise
these identified noise sources can result in noise at the discharge and intake duct connections to a
generated over most of the audio frequency spec- fan. These sound power levels can be determined
trum. Typically, however, centrifugal fans gener- by a methodology described in appendix C, or
ate their highest noise levels in the low frequency obtained from a fan manufacturer for the specific
range in or below the octave centered at 250 Hz. application and this is generally the preferable
Diffusers, and grilles, however, typically generate method. It should be noted that the method given
the highest noise levels in the octaves centered at in appendix C yields the sound power level for a
1000 Hz, or above. In between these low and high fan selected to operate at its maximum efficiency,
frequency sources, terminal units produce their however the ASHRAE method suggests a correc-
highest noise levels in the mid-frequency range in tion factor, “C” on table C-13c, for off-peak opera-
the octaves centered at 250, 500, and 1000 Hz tion at various fan efficiencies. With a system
bands. In addition to these frequency characteris- designed to deliver a constant volume to a space it
tics, the normal sound propagation path between is usually possible to operate a properly selected
the various system sources and an occupants of the fan at or near its maximum efficiency. However,
space served influences the typically observed for a variable volume system, with a fan operating
spectra. Thus, the fans in a system are typically at a constant speed, the static efficiency will
somewhat remote to an observer, and the fan generally be significantly below its maximum
sound is attenuated by the properties of the path static efficiency. Thus, for variable volume systems
including noise control measures. However, this the adjustment to the power level for operating
path attenuation is greatest in the mid-, and high efficiency is very important. Variable speed drives
frequency range, and thus the noise reaching the allow the fan to operate at or near the peak
receiver will primarily be in the low frequency efficiency for different air quantities and static
range as a result of both the source and path pressures. In this instance the fan efficiency can
characteristics. With diffusers and grilles, how- be maintained near its maximum, and the sound
ever, there is little or no opportunity to provide power levels are reduced as the air quantity
attenuation between the source and the receiver, delivered and the static pressure are reduced in
and thus the high frequency noise of the source accordance with equation C-5. In order to use
alone determines the spectrum content. With air equation C-5 and table C-13c it is necessary to
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
determine the static efficiency of the fan, and to a constant volume delivered to the space served.
compare it with the maximum static efficiency of This type of unit is designated as a “series” FPT.
the type of fan being utilized. The operating static The noise of any air terminal unit can propagate
efficiency of a fan may be obtained from the to the space served via a number of paths, but the
following: two prominent paths are (1) via the units dis-
Static Efficiency = (Q x P)/(6356 x BHP)(eq 7-1) charge ductwork to the connected outlet(s), or (2)
where; by direct sound radiated from the casing of the
Q = air quantity is in cubic feet/minute, unit into a ceiling plenum and then through a
P = static pressure is in inches of water, and ceiling (usually acoustical) into the space served.
BHP = brake horse power. Manufacturers publish data giving the octave
band sound power level for the unit discharge
This calculated static efficiency is then compared sound, and the casing sound. These data are
with the maximum efficiency for the fan, which usually measured in accordance with
may be taken as 80% for a centrifugal fan with Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI)
airfoil blades; 75% for centrifugal fans with back- Standard 880-89. With a VAV terminal unit the
wardly inclined, single thickness blades; 70% for a measurements for the casing sound measure only
vane axial fan; and 65% for a centrifugal forward the casing sound. For a fan powered box (FPT) the
curved fan. The ratio of the calculated static casing sound data includes both the sound radi-
efficiency to the maximum static efficiency is then ated by the casing, and the fan sound radiated
used to determine the correction for off-peak effi- from the air intake opening to the unit casing.
ciency as shown on part C of table C-13. For (1) Noise level prediction. To predict the sound
example if the calculated static efficiency for a level in an occupied space produced by a terminal
forward curved fan is 62%, then the ratio of the unit serving a space, procedures suggested in ARI
calculated static efficiency to the maximum static Standard 885-90 may be used. For the duct borne
efficiency is 62% divided by 80%, or approximately sound, radiated by the air outlets, the estimation
82%. In other words the actual static efficiency is procedure involves two steps: (1) reducing the
approximately 82% of the maximum static effi- sound power of the discharge, by the insertion loss
ciency and the off-peak correction from part C of (IL) of the duct system between the unit outlet and
table 10-13 is 6 dB. the space outlets, to obtain the unit sound power
b. Air terminal units. Air terminal units are emitted into the room from the air outlets, and (2)
components used in ducted air distribution sys- applying the octave band “Rel Spls” to obtain the
tems to maintain the desired temperature in a octave band sound pressure levels in the room. For
space served by varying the volume of air. Basi- the casing radiated sound again two steps are
cally these units consist of a sheet metal box required to estimate the sound pressure levels in a
containing a damper, controls and a sensor, and room with a unit located in the ceiling plenum,
they are usually connected to a supply header via these are: (1) a plenum/ceiling transfer factor
a flexible circular duct. They usually discharge air which combines the insertion loss (IL) of the
to one or more diffusers via rectangular sheet ceiling and the absorption of the plenum is sub-
metal ducts. In their simplest form these units are tracted from the published power level for each
designated as variable air valves (VAVs). How- octave band, and (2) the room factor for the space
ever, units are also available with an auxiliary fan is subtracted from the power levels transmitted
in the box to supplement the air delivered by through the ceiling. Values for the Plenum/Ceiling
mixing induced air from the ceiling plenum with Transfer for typical acoustical ceilings are given in
the primary air from the supply header. Units table 12.1. These values are applicable to typical
with these auxiliary fans are termed fan powered ceiling construction, with some openings for lights
terminals (FPTs), and they are available in two and return air. These values do not apply when
forms. In one form the fan only operates when it is the terminal unit is located directly above a return
necessary to mix warm air from the ceiling ple- air opening.
num with the primary air, and this type of unit is (2) Noise control Typical noise control mea-
designated as a “parallel” FPT. The intermittent sures for air terminals, including VAVs, fan pow-
operation of the fan in this type of unit leads to ered units, and mixing boxes are:
some increased awareness of the noise generated. (a) Locating units above spaces such as cor-
In a second form the fan operates continuously and ridors, work rooms, or open plan office areas. Do
handles both the primary air and the return air not locate VAV units over spaces where the noise
from the ceiling plenum. Both the primary air and should not exceed an NC or RC 35. Do not locate
return is mixed in varying quantities to maintain fan powered terminal units (FPT), which are sized
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Type 2
Mineral Fiber Tile 5 9 10 12 14 15 15
5/8” - 35 lb/cu.ft
Type 3
Sheet Rock 10 15 21 25 27 26 27
5/8" - 22 lb/sq.ft
Note Values for ceilings with typical penetrations and light fixtures.
for 1,500 CPM, over spaces where the noise should the NC values, octave band data should be re-
not exceed an NC or RC 40. quested for any facility where sound level is
(b) Locating the units at least 5 ft. away considered critical. In using the manufacturer’s
from an open return air grille located in the data care should be taken to note the data usually
ceiling, applies only to diffusers in an ideal installation.
(c) Installing sound attenuators, provided as For example placing a damper, even in an open
options by some manufacturers, or acoustically position, behind a diffuser or grill may increase
lined sheet metal elbows, at the induced (return) the noise generated by up to 15 dB. In general,
air openings in the casings of fan powered units, where sound level is critical dampers should not
or be placed directly behind diffusers, but should
(d) Installing acoustically lined elbows preferably be located where the diffuser duct
above ceiling return air openings when they must branches off the header, or main duct. In this
be near, or directly below a terminal unit. location any damper generated sound can be atten-
c. Diffusers, Grilles, and Control Dampers. Dif- uated by acoustic lining in the diffuser drop, and
fusers and grilles are devices used to deliver to, or any resulting non-uniformity in the air flow deliv-
return air from, a building space. They are avail- ered to the diffuser will be much less than if a
able in rectangular and circular forms, and in a damper is placed directly behind the diffuser. Also
linear or strip form. Generally these devices in- the position of deflection bars in grilles, and vanes
clude vanes, bars, tins, and perforated plates to in diffuser can change the level of the noise
control the distribution of air into the space. All of generated. Thus, these factors need to be noted
these elements which make up a diffuser or grille when using the data to predict diffuser sound
act as spoilers in the air stream. When the air levels in a space. Finally, in regard to published
flows across the spoilers noise is generated that, data it should be noted that the data are taken
for a particular diffuser or grille design, varies by with uniform air delivery to or from the device. In
the 5th to the 6th power of the velocity. Because of application, this condition may not be met as
the wide variety in diffuser design, and the sizes shown in figure 12.1 showing that with non-
available, manufacturers publish sound level data uniform flow caused by short duct connections to a
in their catalogs. Most manufacturers only provide header duct, or by badly misaligned flexible duct
the NC level that the diffuser noise will reach the sound levels may be quickly increased by 5,
with different quantities of air flow in a room 10, or 15 dB.
where the “Rel SPL” is 10 dB. Thus for a room
with different acoustical properties an adjustment 7-4. Control Of Fan Noise In A Duct Distribu-
has to be made to the quoted NC value. Some tion System.
manufactures also publish the sound power level
of the diffusers or grilles in octave bands. As this Fan noise propagating along a duct system may be
form of information is more useful for design than reduced by (1) propagation along the duct, (2) by
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
duct branching, (3) by elbows, and (4) by end unshaded portion, but in the shaded portion the
reflection. attenuation should not be applied for more than 10
a. Propagation in the duct distribution system. ft. in any straight duct run between elbows or
Noise attenuation with propagation in a duct turns. Note these attenuation factors are for the
system results from; 1) natural energy losses as effects of the internal lining only and do not
sound is transmitted through sheet metal duct include the effects of natural attenuation as given
walls to the space through which the duct passes; on table 7-2.
and 2) by absorption of energy in the internal For the bands centered at 63, and 125 Hz the total
glass fiber lining of the sheet metal duct. attenuation for a lined duct is a sum of the
(1) Unlined duct. Table 7-2 lists the natural natural (table 7-2) and lined duct (table 7-3)
attenuation, in dB/ft for unlined rectangular sheet attenuations. For example in a 24 x 24 inch duct
metal ducts without external thermal insulation. the attenuation in the 63 Hz octave is 0.05 dB/ft
This attenuation, attributed to sound transmission due to internal lining (table 7-3), plus 0.3 dB for
through the duct walls, can be significant, in the the loss associated with sound transmission
low frequency range, for long lengths of duct. The through the duct wall (table 7-2 with a P/A ration
attenuation values are given as a function of the of 0.17).
ratio of the duct perimeter P and the duct cross b. Sound Transmission loss at duct branches.
sectional area A. These data are applicable only to When one duct branches off from a main, or
normal sheet metal rectangular ducts typically header, duct the sound power propagating in the
used in the air conditioning industry. These data main duct up to the branch point is assumed to
should not be used for ducts using metal heavier divide into the branch ducts in accordance with
than 16 ga.; for circular ducts which are relatively the ratio of the cross sectional area of each branch,
stiff) or for ducts made of glass fiber board. to the total cross-sectional area of all the ducts
(2) Internally lined duct. The octave band at- leaving the branch point. Thus, following any
tenuation, in dB/ft, that is expected due to absorp- branch point the energy transmitted into any one
tion of sound by 1 inch thick internally duct duct is less than the initial sound power in the
lining, is given in table 7-3. As noted on the table, main duct before the branch point, and this loss,
the data can be used for any length of duct in the in dB, for each branch duct is given as:
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
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TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
moderate (approximately 1,000 FPM). Manufac- in one muffler both active cancellation and passive
tures provide dynamic sound insertion losses for dissipative elements to attenuate the low and high
various flow velocities, when the air flow and frequencies respectively. Thus, active cancellation
sound are in the same direction (supply) and when may find application in the future in the HVAC
the air flow and sound are in opposite directions industry, but its cost and operation will probably
(return). limit its application to situations where the space
The manufacturers of these attenuators can also for the use of conventional dissipative lining or
provide polymer sheeting to enclose the sound mufflers is not available.
absorptive glass fiber packing for cleanliness and
resistance to certain chemicals. Certain manufac- 7-5. Procedure For Calculating Noise Control
tures also make attenuators without any sound Requirements For An Air Distribution System.
absorptive packing (i.e. “packless”) for systems a. The procedure for calculating the noise con-
serving spaces that must maintain very clean trol requirements for an air distribution system
environments. The insertion losses for these units involves six steps:
are typically somewhat less than for the normal (1) Selection of noise criteria or goal for the
mufflers, and the manufacturers should be con- space(s) served.
sulted regarding their specific acoustic perfor- (2) Estimating sound power level of sources.
mance. (3) Estimating the insertion loss of the duct
f. Attenuators using active cancellation. Active distribution system applicable to each source to
sound attenuation as a means of noise control has arrive at the sound power at the air outlet(s) in
in recent years moved from the laboratory to a the space(s) served.
growing number of applications including the con- (4) Determine the total sound power within
trol of fan noise in ducted systems. Active sound the room from all the sources.
attenuation involves the use of an auxiliary sound (5) Determining the “Rel SPL” for the space
source to generate a sound wave that interferes served and subtracting that from the sound power
and cancels an unwanted sound wave. This system levels, from previous step, to obtain the sound
of cancellation is limited to plane wave conditions, pressure levels in the space.
which means that the wavelength of the sound to (6) Compare calculated sound pressure levels
be cancelled must generally be greater than the in each octave band with the criteria to determine
largest dimension of the duct. While this is not a noise control requirements in dB.
problem for most air distribution systems, it does b. To carry out step (1) it is necessary to know
generally limit the frequency range for application the function of the space served, and for that
to below about 500 Hz. Recently, with the develop- function such as a conference room select the
ment of adaptive, digital signal processing, the appropriate RC or NC criteria, to serve as the
application of this method has been extended to noise control. To carry out step (2) for a constant
cancelling broad band noise and thus is not now volume system essentially means determining the
limited to cancelling only tonal sounds. Finally, in sound power level, in each octave band, for the
some applications it has been proposed to combine fan, and for a diffuser, or grille. These data can
Table 7-4. Power Level Loss at Branches.
1.00 0 0.10 10
0.00 1 0.08 11
0.63 2 0.063 12
0.50 3 0.05 13
0.40 4 0.04 14
0.32 5 0.032 15
0.25 6 0.025 16
0.20 7 0.02 17
0.16 8 0.016 18
0.12 9 0.012 19
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
6 20 14 9 5 2
8 18 12 7 3 1
10 16 10 6 2 1
12 14 9 5 2 1
16 12 7 3 1 0
20 10 6 2 1 0
24 9 5 2 1 0
28 8 4 1 0 0
32 7 3 1 0 0
36 6 3 1 0 0
48 5 2 1 0 0
72 3 1 0 0 0
6 18 13 8 4 1
8 16 10 6 2 1
10 14 9 3 2 1
12 13 8 4 1 0
16 10 6 2 1 0
20 9 5 2 1 0
24 8 4 1 0 0
28 7 3 1 0 0
32 6 2 1 0 0
36 5 2 1 0 0
48 4 1 0 0 0
72 2 1 0 0 0
TM S-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
normally be obtained from a manufacturer, but if forward curved blades delivers 20,000 cubic feet
the equipment is not selected the fan power levels per minute (cfm) to a number of classrooms and
can be determined from the method given in offices against a static pressure of 2.5 in. of water
appendix C. The diffuser or grille sound power with 12 brake horse power. The main supply duct
levels can be determined approximately from a has dimensions of 60 x 24 inches resulting in an
manufacturer’s catalog for an identical or similar air velocity of 2000 ft/min. The closest class room,
type of outlet. Similarly, with a variable volume which has dimensions of 24 x 24 x 10 ft, is
system the sound power level for the air discharge supplied by a duct branching off from the main
of an air terminal unit, such as a VAV, or FPT, header duct. The classroom air is delivered from
can be obtained from a manufacturer’s catalog for four diffusers, 10 inch in diameter each, mounted
a given operating condition. For step (3) the in the ceiling, each delivering 500 cfm. Thus the
attenuation provided by unlined and lined ducts, total air supplied by the branch duct is 2000 cfm,
by sound attenuators, elbows, branches, and end with an air velocity of 1000 ft/min. in the 12 x 24
reflection are added together to find the total in. duct. The only acoustical material applied to
insertion loss (IL) applicable to the control of the the room surfaces is a suspended acoustical ceiling
fan sound power as it propagates along the duct representing approximately 25% of the room sur-
path between the fan and the air outlet. Similarly, faces. In this example it is assumed that the entire
for the prediction of the noise level in the space duct system is internally lined with one inch thick
served caused by duct transmitted air discharge sound absorptive insulation, and the duct cross-
noise from an air terminal unit it is necessary to sectional flow area is given by the dimensions
determine the insertion loss of the duct distribu- stated in the schematic figure.
tion system between the terminal unit and the
The tabulated results for this example are as
room air outlet. This IL will consist of the attenua-
tion of any unlined or lined ductwork, elbows, duct
a. Step (1). In this step an NC 30 is selected as
branches, or splits, and end reflection although
this latter will not be significant for air terminal the sound pressure level design criteria.
b. Step (2). In this step the sound power level
unit noise. In step (4) the sound power level of all
(Lw), in dB re 10-12 watts, of the supply fan and
sources contributing to the sound power at the air
the diffusers are determined.
outlet are determined and combined to find the
(1) Fan Lw. From equation 10-5 and table
total sound power level, in octave bands, at the air
outlet. For step (5) it is necessary to determine the 10-13.
Room Factors and the “Rel SPLs” (see Chapter 3) Octave Band Center Frequencies
for the space served and apply the “Rel SPL” to
the sound power levels at the air outlet for each 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k
source to obtain the sound pressure level produced Fan Kw 47 43 39
36 34 32 28
by that outlet at any location in the space served.
10log(cfm) 43 43 43
43 43 43 43
For step (6) the resulting sound pressure levels are
compared to the selected criteria to determine if BFI. 2
additional sound attenuation is necessary. 201og(p) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Eff. Corr. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7-6. Calculation Example.
Total Lw of Fan 104 100 96 95 91 89 85
In this example the noise control requirements for
an air distribution system serving a classroom as (2) Diffuser Lw, w/o damper. From suppliers
shown in figure 7-2 are calculated. A fan with catalog.
Table 7-6. Losses Caused by Duct Elbows.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Low 3 2 4 8 14 21 22 14 11
Pressure 5 3 5 11 23 31 34 19 13
Drop 7 5 9 16 32 41 43 24 16
10 6 15 22 37 52 53 35 23
Standard 3 3 6 13 23 33 33 23 14
Pressure 5 4 11 20 37 44 44 36 22
Drop 7 6 13 28 42 47 47 45 30
10 8 15 35 50 56 57 57 40
Octave Band Center Frequencies sum of the attenuation due to the internal lining
(table 7-3) and the natural attenuation (table 7-2).
63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k The attenuation for the 10” round duct was ob-
tained from a suppliers catalog. The total attenua-
Lw of One
tion for all of the duct elements is limited to
Diffuser N/A 43 37 35 40 40 23
approximately 50 dB because this is usually the
c. Step (3). In this step the total attenuation for maximum that can be obtained in a connected
fan noise provided by the duct system including system due to structural flanking down the duct
the lined ductwork, the duct branches, the elbows, wall.
and the end reflection loss are determined. This (2) Branches (To one diffuser). The branch
consists of determining the insertion loss (IL) for attenuation is determined by equation 7-2 or table
each element and then summing all of the inser- 7-4. With a branch area of 2 sq. ft. (i.e. 24x24) and
tion losses. the area after the branch of 10 sq. ft. (i.e. 24x60)
(1) Lined Ductwork IL in dB. The insertion the area ratio of the branch is 2/(10+2) or 0.167.
losses from each rectangular duct element is deter- The sound power loss at for the take-off in the
mined from tables 7-2 and 13-3. The results of corridor is approximately 8 dB in accordance with
each element is summed by octave bands to pro- equation 7-2. The power division in the “T” and
vide the total duct attenuation in dB in each diffuser take-off are determined in a similar fash-
octave band. ion and are approximately 3 dB each (i.e. 50%
Octave Band Center Frequencies each way). Therefore the total attenuation due to
all the branching is approximately 14 dB in all of
63 125 250 500 lk 2k 4k the octave bands.
Octave Band Center frequencies
20' of 24x60 3 4 7 18 32 30 30
9’ of 12x24 3 2 5 12 31 27 19 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k
10’ of 12x16 4 3 7 16 41 41 28
Branch att. in
3' of 10” 0 1 2 5 6 6 5 corridor 8 8 8 8 8 8
Total 10 10 21 >50 >50 >50 >50 “T” in room 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
It should be noted that table 7-3 does not contain Diffuser Take-off 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
entries for the 24x60 and 12x16 ducts. The attenu- Total (dB) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
ation values for these ducts are obtained by inter- (3) Four elbows. There are four elbows be-
polation. For example the attenuation for the tween the fan and the classroom. The attenuation
24x60 duct is the average value of the 24x48 and of each of these can be found from table 7-6. The
24x72 ducts. For the 24x60 duct the full 20 feet of first elbow is the 24x60 inch elbow that goes from
length is used since the elbow breaks the length the vertical to the horizontal at the fan outlet. For
into two lengths less than 10 feet each. Also it this elbow the duct diameter used is 24 inches
should be noted that the total attenuation is the since this is the dimension in the plane of the
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
turn. The second elbow is a 60x24, for this elbow duct would have to be evaluated.
the dimension is 60 inches. The third elbow is the d. Step (4). In this step the total sound power at
“T” from 12x24 to 12x16 over the classroom. In (2) each of the two diffusers closest to the fan is
above a power division was taken for this “T” determined. First the sound power transmitted to
fitting, however since some energy is also reflected the room from the fan via the supply duct, is
from the “T” it also acts like an elbow. For the determined by subtracting the total attenuations
“T” the characteristic dimension is 24”. And the (c. (5) above) from the total sound power of the fan
final elbow is the 12x16 over the class room. For (b. (1) above) by octave bands. These steps are
this elbow the characteristic dimension is 16”. The shown below.
attenuations for each elbow and the total attenua- Octave Band Center Frequencies
tions for all of the elbows is given below.
Octave Band Center Frequencies 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
8-1. Introduction. that adjacent coils are solid against one another,
This chapter provides the details of vibration and is not binding against its mounting bracket,
isolation mountings so that the desired vibration and to ensure that all springs of a total installa-
conditions discussed in chapter 2 can be met for tion are uniformly compressed and that the equip-
most electrical and mechanical equipment. In addi- ment is not tilting on its base. For reasons of
tion typical forms of vibration isolators are given, safety, steel springs are always used in compres-
five general types of mounting systems are de- sion, not in tension.
scribed, and summary tables offer suggested appli- b. Neoprenein-shear isolators. Neoprene is a
cations of five mounting systems for the mechani- long-lasting material which, when properly
cal equipment commonly found in buildings. A shaped, can provide good vibration isolation for
discussion of the general consideration for effective the conditions shown in table 8-1. Typically,
vibration isolation is presented in appendix B. neoprene-in-shear mounts have the appearance of
a truncated cone of neoprene bonded to bottom and
8-2. Vibration Isolation Elements.
top metal plates for bolting to the floor and to the
Table 8-2 lists the principal types of vibration supported equipment. The mount usually has an
isolators and their general range of applications. interior hollow space that is conically shaped. The
This table may be used as a general guide for total effect of the shaping is that for almost any
comparing isolators and their range of static de- direction of applied load, there is a shearing action
flections and natural frequencies as applied to two on the cross section of neoprene. In this shearing
equipment categories (rotary and reciprocating) configuration, neoprene serves as a vibration isola-
and two equipment locations (noncritical and criti- tor; hence, the term “neoprene-in-shear.” A solid
cal). Additional details are required for actual block of neoprene in compression is not as effective
selections of mounts. Vibration isolator types are as an isolator. Manufacturers’ catalogs will show
discussed in this paragraph, and equipment instal-
the upper limit of load-handling capability of large
lations are discussed in the remaining paragraphs
neoprene-in-shear mounts. Two neoprene-in-shear
of this chapter.
mounts are sometimes constructed in series in the
a. Steel spring isolators. Steel springs are used
same supporting bracket to provide additional
to support heavy equipment and to provide isola-
static deflection. This gives the double deflection
tion for the typical low-frequency range of about 3
to 60 Hz (180- to 3600-rpm shaft speed). Steel mount referred to in table 8-1.
springs have natural frequencies that fall in the c. Compressed glass fiber. Blocks of compressed
range of about 1 Hz (for approximately lo-inch glass fiber serve as vibration isolators when prop-
static deflection to about 6 Hz (for approximately erly loaded. The manufacturers have several dif-
1/4-inch static deflection). Springs transmit high- ferent densities available for a range of loading
frequency structureborne noise, so they should be conditions. Typically, a block is about 2-inches
supplemented with a high-frequency pad-type iso- thick and has an area of about 10 to 20 in.2. but
lator when used to support equipment directly other dimensions are available. These blocks are
over critical locations in a building. Unhoused frequently used in series with steel springs to
“stable” steel springs are preferred over housed remove high-frequency structureborne noise, and
unstable or stable springs. Unstable springs tend they are often used alone, at various spacings, to
to tilt over when they are loaded and to become support floating concrete floor slabs (fig 6-6). The
short-circuited when they bind against the inside manufacturer’s data should be used to determine
walls of the spring housing. Stable steel springs the density and area of a block required to achieve
have a diameter that is about 0.8 to 1.2 times the desired static deflection. Unless otherwise indi-
their compressed height. They have a horizontal cated, a static deflection of about 5 to 10 percent of
stiffness that is approximately equal to their verti- the uncompressed height is normal. With long-
cal stiffness; therefore, they do not have a ten- time use, the material might compress an addi-
dency to tilt sideways when a vertical load is tional 5 to 10 percent of its height. This gradual
applied. The free-standing unhoused spring can change in height must be kept in mind during the
easily be inspected to determine if the spring is designing of floating floors to meet floor lines of
compressed correctly, is not overloaded to the point structural slabs.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
d. Ribbed neoprene pads. Neoprene pads with is pumped up to the necessary pressure to carry its
ribbed or waffle-pattern surfaces are effective as load. Since the chamber is subject to very slow
high frequency isolators in series with steel leakage, a system of air mounts usually includes a
springs. In stacks of 2 to 4 thicknesses, they are pressure sensing monitor and an air supply (either
also used for vibration isolation of flow power a pump or a pressurized air tank). A group of air
rotary equipment. The pads are usually about 1/4 mounts can be arranged to maintain very precise
to 3/8 inches thick, and they compress by about 20 leveling of a base by automatic adjustment of the
percent of their height when loaded at about 30 to pressure in the various mounts. If air mounts are
50 lb/in2. Higher durometer pads may be loaded used in a design, an active air supply is required.
up to about 100 lb/in2. The pads are effective as Operational data should be obtained from the
isolators because the ribs provide some shearing manufacturer,
action, and the spaces between the ribs allow
lateral expansion as an axial load is applied. The 8-3. Mounting Assembly Types.
manufacturer’s literature should be used for In this paragraph, five basic mounting systems are
proper selection of the material (load-deflection described for the vibration isolation of equipment.
curves, durometer, surface area, height, etc.). These mounting systems are applied to specific
e. Felt pads. Felt strips or pads are effective for types of equipment in paragraph 8-6. Certain
reducing structureborne sound transmission in the general conditions relating to all the systems are
mounting of piping and vibrating conduit. One or first mentioned.
more layers of 1/8 or 1/4 inch thick strips should a. General conditions.
be wrapped around the pipe under the pipe clamps (1) Building uses. Isolation recommendations
that attach the piping to building structures. Felt
are given for three general equipment locations:
pads will compress under long time and high load
on grade slabs, on upper floors above noncritical
application and should not be used alone to vibra-
areas, and on upper floors above critical areas. It
tion isolate heavy equipment.
is assumed that the building under consideration
f. Cork pads. Cork pads, strips, or blocks may be
is an occupied building involving many spaces that
used to isolate high frequency structureborne
noise, but they are not recommended for high load would require or deserve the low noise and vibra-
bearing applications because cork gradually com- tion environments of such buildings as hotels,
presses under load and loses its resilience. High hospitals, office buildings, and the like, as charac-
density construction cork is sometimes used to terized by categories 1 through 4 of table 2-1.
support one wall of a double wall. In this applica- Hence, the recommendations are aimed at provid-
tion, the cork will compress slightly with time, ing low vibration levels throughout the building. If
and it will continue to serve as a high frequency a building is intended to serve entirely such uses
isolator (say, for structureborne noise above about as those of categories 5 and 6 of table 2-1, the
100 to 200 Hz), but it will not provide good low recommendations given here are too severe and
frequency isolation at equipment driving fre- can be simplified at the user’s discretion. An
quencies of about 10 to 60 Hz. Years ago, before on-grade slab usually represents a more rigid base
other resilient materials came into widespread than is provided by a framed upper floor, so the
use, cork was often misused under heavy vibrating vibration isolation recommendations can be re-
equipment mounts: full area cork pads were fre- laxed for on-grade installations. Of course, vibra-
quently loaded at rates of 1 to 5 lb/in2. This is tion isolation treatments must be the very best
such a low loading rate that the cork appears stiff when a high-quality occupied area is located im-
and does not provide the desired resilience. If cork mediately under the MER, as compared with the
is to be used for vibration isolation, a load deflec- case where a “buffer zone” or noncritical area is
tion curve should be obtained from the supplier, located between the MER and the critical area.
and the cork should be used in the central linear (2) Structural ties, rigid connections. Each
region of the curve (possibly loaded at about 10 to piece of isolated equipment must be free of any
20 lb/in2). With this loading, the compressed mate- structural ties or rigid connections that can short-
rial will have an initial deflection of about 5% and circuit the isolation joint.
will continue to compress gradually with age. (a) Electrical conduit should be long and
g. Air springs. Air springs are the only practical “floppy” so that it does not offer any resistance or
vibration isolators for very low frequencies, down constraint to the free movement of the equipment.
to about 1 Hz or even lower for special problems. Piping should be resiliently supported. Limit stops,
An air mount consists of pressurized air enclosed shipping bolts, and leveling bolts on spring isola-
in a resilient reinforced neoprene chamber. The air tors should be set and inspected to ensure that
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
they are not inadvertently short-circuiting the integral concrete inertia block. (Unless specified
spring mounts. otherwise, all concrete referred to in this manual
(b) All building trash should be removed should have a density of at least 140 to 150 lb/ft.3.)
from under the isolated base of the equipment. (1) The length and the width of the inertia
Loose pieces of grout, 2x4s, nuts, bolts, soft drink block should be at least 30 percent greater than
bottles, beer cans, welding rods, pipes, and pipe the length and width of the supported equipment.
couplings left under an equipment base can short- (2) Mounting brackets for stable steel springs
circuit the isolation mounts. It is recommended should be located off the sides of the inertia block
that a 2 inch to 4 inch clearances be provided at or near the height of the vertical center-of-
under all isolated equipment in order to facilitate gravity of the combined completely assembled
inspection and removal of trash from under the equipment and concrete block. If necessary, curbs
base. or pedestals should be used under the base of the
(c) For many equipment installations, there steel springs in order to bring the top of the loaded
is no need to bolt down the isolation mounts to the springs up to the center-of-gravity position. As an
floor because the smooth operation of the machine alternative, the lower portion of the concrete iner-
and the weight of the complete assembly keep the tia block can be lowered into a pit or cavity in the
system from moving. For some systems, however, floor so that the steel springs will not have to be
it may be necessary to restrain the equipment mounted on curbs or pedestals. In any event, the
from “creeping” across the floor. In these situa- clearance between the floor (or all the surfaces of
tions, it is imperative that the hold-down bolts not the pit) and the concrete inertia block shall be at
short circuit the pads. A suggested restraining least 4 inches, and provision should be allowed to
arrangement is illustrated in figure 8-1. Simpler check this clearance at all points under the block.
versions can be devised. (3) Floor slab thickness. It is assumed that
(d) For buildings located in earthquake- MER upper floor slabs will be constructed of dense
prone areas, the isolation mounts should contain concrete of 140-150 lb/ft.3 density, or, if lighter
snubbers or motion-limiting devices that restrain concrete is used, the thickness will be increased to
the equipment against unusual amounts of move- provide the equivalent total mass of the specified
ment. These snubbers should be set to provide floor. For large MERs containing arrays of large
adequate free movement for normal equipment and heavy equipment, it is assumed that the floor
operation. These devices are available from most slab thickness will be in the range of 8 to 12
suppliers of isolator equipment. inches, with the greater thicknesses required by
b. Type I mounting assembly. The specified the greater floor loads. For smaller MERs contain-
equipment should be mounted rigidly on a large ing smaller collections of lighter weight but typi-
Figure 8-1. Suggested Arrangement of Ribbed Neoprene Pads for Providing Resilient Lateral Restraint to a Spring Mount.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
cal equipment, floor slab thicknesses of 6 to 10 inertia block. Provision must be made to allow
inches are assumed. For occasional locations of one positive visual inspection of the spring clearance
or a very few pieces of small high-speed equipment in its recessed mounting.
(say 1800 rpm or higher) having no reciprocating (2) When this type of mounting is used for a
action, floor slabs of 4 to 6 inches may be used pump, the concrete inertia block can be given a
with reasonable expectation of satisfactory results. T-shape plan, and the pipes to and from the pump
However, for reciprocating-action machines operat- can be supported rigidly with the pump onto the
ing at the lower speeds (say, under 1200 rpm), any wings of the T. In this way, the pipe elbows will
floor slab thicknesses reduced from those listed not be placed under undue stress.
above begin to invite problems. There is no clear (3) The weight of the inertia block and the
crossover from “acceptable” to “unacceptable” in static deflection of the mounts shall be in accord-
terms of floor slab thickness, but each reduction in ance with the recommendations given in the table
thickness increases the probability of later difficul- for the particular equipment.
ties due to vibration. The thicknesses mentioned d. Type III mounting assembly. The equipment
here are based on experience with the “acoustics” or the assembly of equipment should be mounted
of equipment installations. These statements on on a steel frame that is stiff enough to allow the
thicknesses are in no way intended to represent entire assembly to be supported on flexible point
structural specifications for a building. “House- supports without fear of distortion of the frame or
keeping pads” under the equipment are assumed, misalignment of the equipment. The frame should
but the height of these pads is not to be used in then be mounted on resilient mounts-steel springs
calculating the thickness of the floor slab. or neoprene-in-shear mounts or isolation pads, as
(4) The ratio of the weight of the concrete the static deflection would require. If the equip-
block to the total weight of all the supported ment frame itself already has adequate stiffness,
equipment (including the weight of any attached no additional framing is required, and the isola-
filled piping up to the point of the first pipe tion mounts may be applied directly to the base of
hanger) shall be in accordance with the recommen- the equipment.
dations given in the paragraph and table for the (1) The vibration-isolation assembly should
particular equipment requiring this mounting as- have enough clearance under and all around the
sembly. The inertia block adds stability to the equipment to prohibit contact with any structural
system and reduces motion of the system in the part of the building during operation.
vicinity of the driving frequency. For reciprocating (2) If the equipment has large starting and
machines or for units involving large starting stopping torques and the isolation mounts have
torques, the inertia block provides much-needed large static deflections, consideration should be
stability. given to providing limit stops on the mounts.
(5) The static deflection of the free-standing Limit stops might also be desired for large deflec-
stable steel springs shall be in accordance with the tion isolators if the filled and unfilled weights of
recommendations given in the paragraph and ta- the equipment are very different.
ble for the particular equipment. There shall be e. Type IV mounting assembly. The equipment
adequate clearance all around the springs to as- should be mounted on an array of “pad mounts”.
sure no contact between any spring and any part The pads may be of compressed glass fiber or of
of the mounted assembly for any possible align- multiple layers of ribbed neoprene or waffle-
ment or position of the installed inertia block. pattern neoprene of sufficient height and of proper
c. Type II mounting assembly. This mount is the stiffness to support the load while meeting the
same as the Type I mount in all respects except static deflection recommended in the applicable
that the mounting brackets and the top of the accompanying tables. Cork, cork-neoprene, or felt
steel springs shall be located as high as practical pad materials may be used if their stiffness char-
on the concrete inertia block but not necessarily as acteristics are known and if they can be replaced
high as the vertical center-of-gravity position of periodically whenever they have become so com-
the assembly, and the clearance between the floor pacted that they no longer provide adequate isola-
and the concrete block shall be at least 2 inches. tion.
(1) If necessary, the steel springs can be re- (1) The floor should be grouted or shimmed to
cessed into pockets in the concrete block, but assure a level base for the equipment and there-
clearances around the springs should be large fore a predictable uniform loading on the isolation
enough to assure no contact between any spring pads.
and any part of the mounted assembly for any (2) The pads should be loaded in accordance
possible alignment or position of the installed with the loading rates recommended by the pad
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
manufacturer for the particular densities or duro- there is an acoustically critical area immediately
meters involved. In general, most of these pads are below the cooling tower (or within about 25 feet
intended for load rates of 30 to 60 psi, and if they horizontally on the floor immediately under the
are underloaded (for example, at less than about tower). It is necessary to provide limit stops on
10 psi), they will not. be performing at their these springs to limit movement of the tower when
maximum effectiveness. it is emptied and to provide limited movement
f. Type V mounting assembly (for propeller-type under wind load.
cooling towers). Large, low-speed propeller-type (4) Pad materials, when used, should not be
cooling towers located on roof decks of large short-circuited by bolts or rigid connections. A
buildings may produce serious vibration in their schematic of an acceptable clamping arrangement
buildings if adequate vibration isolation is not for pad mounts is shown in figure 8-3. Cooling
provided. In extreme cases, the vibration may be tower piping should be vibration-isolated in accord-
evident two or three floors below the cooling ance with suggestions given for piping.
(1) It is recommended that the motor, drive 8-4. Tables Of Recommended Vibration Isola-
shaft, gear reducer, and propeller be mounted as tion Details.
rigidly as possible on a “unitized” structural sup- a. Table format. A common format is used for
port and that this entire assembly be isolated from all the tables that summarize the recommended
the remainder of the tower with stable steel vibration isolation details for the various types of
springs in accordance with table 8-8. Adequate equipment. A brief description of the format is
clearance between the propeller tips and the cool- given here.
ing tower shroud should be provided to allow for (1) Equipment conditions. The three columns
starting and stopping vibrations of the propeller on the left of the table define the equipment
assembly. Several of the cooling tower manufactur- conditions covered by the recommendations: loca-
ers provide isolated assemblies as described here. tion, rating, and speed of the equipment. The
This type of mounting arrangement is shown rating is given by a power range for some equip-
schematically in figure 8-2. ment, cooling capacity for some, and heating ca-
(2) In addition, where the cooling tower is pacity for some. The rating and speed ranges
located on a roof deck directly over an acoustically generally cover the range of equipment that might
critical area, the structureborne waterfall noise be encountered in a typical building. Subdivisions
may be objectionable; it can be reduced by locating in rating and speed are made to accommodate
three layers of ribbed or waffle-pattern neoprene variations in the isolation. If vibrating equipment
between the base of the cooling tower and the is supported or hung from an overhead floor slab,
supporting structure of the building. This treat- immediately beneath an acoustically critical area,
ment is usually not necessary if there is a noncri- the same degree of vibration isolation should be
tical area immediately under the cooling tower. provided as is recommended for the location desig-
(3) A single-treatment alternate to the com- nated as “on upper floor above critical area”.
bined two treatments of (1) and (2) above is the Similarly, if the vibrating equipment is hung from
isolation of the entire cooling tower assembly on an overhead floor slab beneath a noncritical area,
stable steel springs, also in accordance with table the same vibration isolation should be provided as
8-8. The springs should be in series with at least is recommended for the location designated as “on
two layers of ribbed or waffle-pattern neoprene if upper floor above noncritical area”.
Figure 8-2. Schematic of Vibration Isolation Mounting for Fan and Drive-Assembly of Propeller-Type Cooling Tower.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Figure 8-3. Schematic of a Resilient Clamping Arrangement With Ribbed Neoprene Pads.
(2) Mounting recommendations. The three col- piece of equipment remote from other equipment,
umns on the right of the table summarize three the recommendations can be relaxed, either by
basic groups of recommendations: Column 1, the decreasing the static deflection of the mount or by
type of mounting; Column 2, the suggested mini- decreasing the weight of the inertia block or even
mum ratio of the weight of the inertia block (when by eliminating the inertia block where a critical
required) to the total weight of all the equipment area is not involved.
mounted on the inertia block; and Column 3, the (d) Resilient support of all piping connected
suggested minimum static deflection of the isolator to vibrating equipment should be in accordance
to be used. with paragraph 8-5a. This recommendation ap-
(a) When the weight of the inertia block is plies to the mounting of each piece of vibrating
being considered, the larger weight of the range equipment, even though it is not repeated below
given should be applied where the nearby critical for each piece of equipment.
area is very critical, or where the speed of the b. Centrifugal and axial-flow fans. The recom-
equipment is near the lower limit of the speed mended vibration isolation mounting for fans are
range given or the rating of the equipment is near
given in table 8-2. Ducts should contain flexible
the upper limit of the rating range. Conversely,
connections at both the inlet and discharge of the
the lower end of the weight range may be applied
fans, and all connections to the fan assembly
where the nearby critical area is less critical, or
should be clearly flexible. The entire assembly
where the speed is near the upper limit of the
speed range or the rating is near the lower limit of should bounce with little restraint when one jumps
the rating range. up and down on the unit. Where supply fan
(b) When the static deflection of the isola- assemblies are located over critical areas, it is
tors is being considered, these minimum values desirable to install the entire inlet casing and all
are keyed to the approximate span of the floor auxiliary equipment (coil decks and filter sections)
beams; that is, as the floor span increases, the on floated concrete slabs. The floated slab may
floor deflection increases, and therefore the isola- also serve to reduce airborne noise from the fan
tor deflection must increase. The specific minimum inlet area into the floor area below. Large ducts
deflection in effect specifies the type of isolator (cross-section area over 15 sq feet) that are located
that can be used; refer to table 8-1 for the normal within about 30 feet of the inlet or discharge of a
range of static deflection for most isolators. Spe- large fan (over 20 hp) should be supported from
cific selections should be made from manufactur- the floor or ceiling with resilient mounts having a
ers’ catalog data. static deflection of at least 1/4 inch.
(c) The recommendations given here assume c. Reciprocating-compressor refrigeration equip
that a moderate amount of large equipment (say, ment. The recommended vibration isolation for
more than five or six pieces, totaling more than this equipment are given in table 8-3. These
about 300 to 600 hp) is located on the MER floor. recommendations apply also to the drive unit used
For a smaller array of equipment or for a single with the reciprocating compressor. Pipe connec-
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-2. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal and Axial-Flow Fans.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-3. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Reciprocating Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
tions from this assembly to other equipment turbine is used to drive reciprocating-compressor
should contain flexible connections (see para B-5b). refrigeration equipment or reciprocating-type gas
d. Rotary-screw-compressor refrigeration equip compressors.
ment. The recommended vibration isolation for l. Gears. When a gear is involved in a drive
this equipment are given in table 8-4. system, vibration isolation should be provided in
e. Centrifugal-compressor refrigeration equipment. accordance with recommendations given for either
The recommended vibration isolation for this equip- the main power drive unit or the driven unit,
ment, including the drive unit and the condenser whichever imposes the more stringent isolation
and chiller tanks, are given in table 8-5. conditions.
f. Absorption-type refrigeration equipment. The m. Transformers. Recommended vibration isola-
recommended vibration isolation for this equip- tion for indoor transformers are given in table
ment are given in table 8-6. 8-12. In addition, power leads to and from the
g. Boilers. The recommended vibration isolation transformers should be as flexible as possible. In
for boilers are given in table 8-7. These apply for outdoor locations, earthborne vibration to nearby
boilers with integrally attached blowers. Table 8-2 neighbors is usually not a problem, so no vibration
should be followed for the support of blowers that isolation is suggested. If vibration should become a
are not directly mounted on the boiler. A flexible problem, the transformer could be installed on
connection or a thermal expansion joint should be neoprene or compressed glass fiber pads having
installed in the exhaust breaching between the 1/4-inch static deflection.
boiler and the exhaust stack. n. Air compressors. Recommended mounting for
h. Steam values. Steam valves are usually sup- centrifugal type air compressors of less than 10 hp
ported entirely on their pipes; paragraph 8-5a are the same as those given for motor-pump units
should be applied to the resilient support of steam in table 8-10. The same recommendations would
piping, including steam valves. apply for small (under 10 hp) reciprocating type
i. Cooling towers. The recommended vibration air compressors. For reciprocating type air com-
isolation for propeller-type cooling towers are pressors (with more than two cylinders) in the 10
given in table 8-8. Additional for the installation to 50 hp range, the recommendations given in
are given in paragraph 8-3f, which describes the table 8-3 apply for the particular conditions. For
Type V mounting assembly. The recommended 10 to 100 hp, one or two cylinder, reciprocating
vibration isolation for centrifugal-fan cooling tow- type air compressors, the recommendations of ta-
ers are given in table 8-9. ble 8-13 apply. This equipment is a potentially
j. Motor-pump assemblies. Recommended vibra- serious source of low frequency vibration in a
tion isolation for motor-pump units are given in building if it is not isolated. In fact, the compres-
table 8-10. Electrical connections to the motors sor should not be located in certain parts of the
should be made with long “floppy” lengths of building, even if it is vibration isolated. The
flexible armored cable, and piping should be resil- forbidden locations are indicated in table 8-13.
iently supported. For most situations, a good isola- When these compressors are used, all piping
tion mounting of the piping will overcome the should contain flexible connections (para 8-5b),
need for flexible connections in the pipe. An and the electrical connections should be made with
important function of the concrete inertia block flexible armored cable.
(Type II mounting) is its stabilizing effect against o. Natural-gas and liquid-fuel engines, recipro-
undue bouncing of the pump assembly at the cating and turbine. Vibration isolation of these
instant of starting. This gives better long-time engines is discussed in detail in TM 5-805-g.
protection to the associated piping. These same
recommendations may be applied to other motor- 8-5. Vibration Isolation-Miscellaneous.
driven rotary devices such as centrifugal-type air a. Resilient pipe supports. all piping in the MER
compressors and motor-generator sets in the power that is connected to vibrating equipment should be
range up to a few hundred horsepower. supported from resilient ceiling hangers or from
k. Steam turbines. Table 8-11 provides a set of floor-mounted resilient supports.
general isolation recommendations for steam- (1) As a general rule, the first three pipe
turbine-driven rotary equipment, such as gears, supports nearest the vibrating equipment should
generators, or centrifugal-type gas compressors. have a static deflection of at least one-half the
The material given in table 8-5 applies when a static deflection of the mounting system used with
steam turbine is used to drive centrifugal- that equipment. Beyond the third pipe support, the
compressor refrigeration equipment. The recom- static deflection can be reduced to 1/4 inch or 1/2
mendations given in table 8-3 apply when a steam inch for the remainder of the pipe run in the MER.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
(2) When a pipe passes through the MER ted with an exterior braided jacket to confine the
wall, a minimum l-inch clearance should be pro- neoprene. These connections are useful when the
vided between the pipe and the hole in the wall. equipment is subject to fairly high-amplitude vi-
The pipe should be supported on either side of the bration, such as for reciprocating-type compressors.
hole, so that the pipe does not rest on the wall. Flexible connections generally are not necessary
The clearance space should then be stuffed with when the piping and its equipment are given
thorough and compatible vibration isolation. For
fibrous filler material and sealed with a nonhard-
serious pipe vibration problems, two flexible con-
ening caulking compound at both wall surfaces.
nections should be used, mounted 90 degrees to
(3) Vertical pipe chases through a building each other. Inertial masses may be attached to the
should not be located beside acoustically critical piping to add stability and help maintain pipe
areas. If they are located beside critical areas, alignment.
pipes should be resiliently mounted from the walls c. Nonvibrating equipment. When an MER is
of the pipe chase for a distance of at least 10 feet located directly over or near a critical area, it is
beyond each such area, using both low-frequency usually desirable to isolate most of the nonvibrat-
and high-frequency isolation materials. ing equipment with a simple mount made up of
(4) Pipes to and from the cooling tower should one or two pads of neoprene or a 1 inch or 2 inch
be resiliently supported for their full length be- layer of compressed glass fiber. Heat exchangers,
tween the cooling tower and the associated MER. hot water heaters, water storage tanks, large
Steam pipes should be resiliently supported for ducts, and some large pipe stands may not them-
their entire length of run inside the building. selves be noise sources, yet their pipes or their
Resilient mounts should have a static deflection of connections to vibrating sources transmit small
at least 1/2 inch. amounts of vibrational energy that they then may
(5) In highly critical areas, domestic water transmit into the floor. A simple minimum isola-
pipes and waste lines can be isolated with the use tion pad will usually prevent this noise transfer.
of 1/4-inch- to 1/2-inch-thick wrappings of felt pads d. Summary. In this chapter, fairly complete
under the pipe strap or pipe clamp. vibration isolation mounting are laid out for most
(6) Whenever a steel spring isolator is used, it of the equipment included in an MER. Most of
should be in series with a neoprene isolator. For these have been developed and proven over many
ceiling hangers, a neoprene washer or grommet years of use. Although all the entries of the
should always be included; and if the pipe hangers accompanying tables have not been tested in ac-
are near very critical areas, the hanger should be tual equipment installations, the schedules are
a combination hanger that contains both a steel fairly self consistent in terms of various locations
spring and a neoprene-in-shear mount. and degrees of required isolation. Hence, the
(7) During inspection, the hanger rods should mounting are considered realistic and reliable.
be checked to ensure they are not touching the They are not extravagant when considered in the
sides of the isolator housing and thereby shorting- light of the extremely low vibration levels re-
out the spring. quired to achieve near inaudibility. The noise and
b. Flexible pipe connections. To be effective, a vibration control methods given here are designed
flexible pipe connection should have a length that to be simple to follow and to put into use. If these
is approximately 6 to 10 times its diameter. Tie methods and recommendations are carried out,
rods should not be used to bolt the two end flanges with appropriate attention to detail, most equip-
of a flexible connection together. Flexible connec- ment installations will be tailored to the specific
tions are either of the bellows type or are made up needs of the building and will give very satisfac-
of wire-reinforced neoprene piping, sometimes fit- tory results acoustically.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-4. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Rotary Screw Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly.
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Table 8-5. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-6. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Absorption-Type Refrigeration Equipment Assembly.
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TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table 8-13. Vibration Isolation Mounting for One or Two-Cylinder Reciprocating-Type Air Compressors in the 10-to l00-hp
Size Range.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
the manual, and it would not be discriminatory or procedures and suggestions for specifying noise
unreasonable to specify that any purchased equip- data (SPL or PWL) on any desired piece of equip-
ment for a particular building be required not to ment. This is not offered as a “standard” for noise
exceed the estimated values given here for that measurements, however. Any acceptable and appli-
equipment. This is especially true if the actual cable measurement and specification procedure
acoustic design of a wall or floor or room treat- recommended by an appropriate standards group
ment is dependent upon one or two particularly (such as ANSI, ISO, ASTM, IEEE, ASHRAE, or
noisy pieces of equipment. A noise specification others) may be used as a basis for setting up an
would not be necessary for relatively quiet equip- equipment noise specification.
ment that does not dictate noise control design for (1) Sample SPL specifications. Table 9-1 is an
the MER or the building. example form of a SPL specification. The type of
a. Waiver. If a noise level specification is re- equipment and the desired maximum sound pres-
quired to be met for a particular piece of equip- sure levels are inserted in the appropriate blanks.
ment, and this becomes a “hardship” on the The 3 foot distance is taken from the nearest
manufacturer or the owner in terms of cost or surface rather than from the acoustic center, since
availability, the noise specification could be the exact location of the acoustic center is not
waived, depending on the response of all the easily defined. A minimum room volume of 4000
bidders. If some bidders agree to meet the specifi- ft. 3 is offered, but this could be modified to accept
cation while others do not, this could be a valid somewhat smaller rooms. Small rooms are more
basis for selecting the quieter equipment. If no subject to standing wave fluctuations. Even at the
bidders can meet the specification, the specifica- 3 foot distance, SPL values for the same source
tion can be waived, but it may be necessary to may vary as much as 5 to 7 dB from an outdoor to
reevaluate the noise control requirements of the an indoor site (or from a large room to a small
MER, if this particular equipment is so noisy that room). Since it is impractical to specify Room
it is responsible for the noise design in the first Constant limits for the measurement room, it then
place. Of course, it is the primary purpose of this becomes necessary to judge or compare various
manual to prevent just such situations as this, as sound level submittals in terms of their ability to
too many waivers would negate the value of the meet the design need. A sound source measured in
noise evaluation as a part of the design phase of a large-volume room, in a highly absorbent room,
the building. If the equipment measured for this or outdoors will produce lower sound levels than
study represents a fair sampling, it is likely that when measured in a small or reverberant room.
most of the equipment would meet a noise specifi- This difference is an important aspect of compar-
cation. ing competitive equipment.
b. Sample specifications. The sample noise level (2) Sample PWL specification. Table 9-2 is an
specifications given below offer a broad set of example form of a PWL specification.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
1. The maximun sound pressure levels measured at a distance of 3 ft. from the
(equipment in question) shall not exceed the following decibel values
in the nine octave frequency bands:
31 (Insert desired
63 sound pressure
levels in blanks)
2. At least four sets of sound pressure level readinqs shall be submitted
with the bid, where each set is taken at a 3-ft. distance from each of
the four principal orthogonal surfaces of the equipment. Each octave
band reading of each set of readings shall be no greater than the speci-
fied value of Item 1 above.
3. The test room in which the noise measurements are conducted shall have a
volume of not less than 4000 ft.3 and all principal surface areas of
the room shall be described in sufficient acoustic detail to permit an
estimation of the approximate Room Constant or Room Absorption for the
4. During the tests, the equipment shall be in normal operation at not less
than 50% full rated load (or at a specified mutually acceptable load'
condition). The tests shall be carried out by the equipment manufacturer
or by an approved testing agency, having proven capability in noise
measurements and using approved measurement equipment and acceptable
measurement procedures. Approved "standards" of measurements shall apply.
5. In lieu of the tests under Item 4 above, final testing for conformance
with the Item 1 noise levels may be made following complete installation
of the equipment in the customer's building, provided the equipment manu-
facturer will remove and replace the equipment at his own expense if it
fails to meet the noise tests. To be acceptable, the replacement equipment
must meet the noise tests. For the on-site tests, the equipment shall be
in normal operation at not less than 50% hill rated load (or at a specified
mutually acceptable load condition), and the tests shall be in accordance
with the procedures given in Item 4 above.
6. For all noise tests, the ambient sound levels of the test area shall be
at least 10 dB below the specified levels of Item 1 above, and the
octave band sound measurement equipment shall meet the applicable ANSI
standards for that type of equipment.
TM 5-805-/AFJMAN 32-1090
1 The sound power levels for the (equipment in question) shall not exceed
the following values in the nine octave frequency bands:
For all noise tests, the ambient sound levels of the test area shall be
at least 10 dB below the equipment sound levels, and the octave band
sound measurement equipment shall meet the applicable ANSI standards
for that type of equipment.
Sound pressure level readings (in decibels re 20 micropascals) and all
other data (including test room size and acoustic characteristics) used
in the determination of the sound power levels shall be submitted with
the bid.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
10-1. Objective. The Type 1 Sound Level Meter has the tightest
In the event that demonstration of compliance specification on frequency response, precision and
with noise or vibration criteria is required, sound stability. This meter is fitted with a microphone; it
or vibration measurements will be required. has a stable amplifier, controllable attenuators,
Within the scope of this manual, sound and vibra- and a meter that permits reading of sound levels
tion measurements and instrumentation might be over a wide range of values, such as from 30
involved in two types of situations: noise and decibels to 130 decibels sound pressure level (SPL)
vibration in buildings, and community noise or or more. The accuracy of the reading may be
measurements. This chapter discusses these sub- expected to be within 1 to 1.5 dB of the true SPL.
jects. This instrument also has the A-, B-, and C-
weighted filters that are held to within specified
10-2. Sound And Vibration Instrumentation. tolerances, and the meter has a “slow” and a
Instrumentation for measuring sound and vibra- “fast” response. At the “slow” setting, the meter
tion vary widely in complexity and capability. in effect integrates the sound pressure level fluctu-
However most sound and vibration level measure- ations of the last half second (approximately) and
ments for building mechanical equipment systems shows the “average” of that fluctuating signal.
can be obtained with hand-held, battery operated The “slow” setting is used for readings of “contin-
meters. A basic sound level meter consists of a uous” noise, i.e., noise that is produced by a
continuing sound source without any noticeable
microphone, electronic circuits, and a display. Vi-
periodic change (a fan would be considered a
bration measurements can be made with a sound
“continuous” source of noise, a pile drive would
level meter if the microphone is replaced with a
not). The “fast” response integrates the fluctua-
vibration transducer. The most common vibration
tions of the last 1/8 second (approximately); thus
transducer is an accelerometer. With the use of an the needle jumps back and forth over a wider
accelerometer the meter will display acceleration range of the meter face as it attempts to follow all
level in dB. Many sound level meters are equipped short-term instantaneous changes. The Type 2
with “internal calibration” capabilities. While this Sound Level Meter has slightly less stringent
is adequate for checking the internal electric specifications than apply to the Type 1 meter. The
circuits and display, the internal calibration does A-, B-, and C-weighted networks and the direction-
not check the operation of the microphone or ality limits of the microphone are slightly relaxed.
accelerometer. Therefore it is highly recommended The Type 3 Sound Level Meter is for general
that all sound level meter systems be equipped survey applications, where still less accuracy is
with a separate calibrator. Sound level calibrators acceptable. The Type 3 instrument is not accept-
generate a known sound level and vibration cali- able for OSHA use, nor for any noise level applica-
brators generate a known vibration signal. As a tion involving compliance with noise codes, ordi-
minimum the sound level meter should be nances, or standards. The Type S Sound Level
equipped with internal filters providing the capa- Meter may be a simplified version of any of the
bility octave band levels from 16 to 8,000 Hz. Type 1, 2, or 3 instruments. It is a special purpose
Many sound level meters have the capability to meter that may have, for example, Type 1 accu-
“A-weight” the octave band levels. The use of racy and only an A-weighted filter. In this case, it
A-weighting is not appropriate for evaluating would be described as Type S1A (“S” indicates
building mechanical systems. Special, “1” indicates Type 1 accuracy, and “A”
a. Sound level meters. The American National indicates A-weighted filter). The Type S meter
Standards Institute (ANSI) provides specifications must carry a designation that describes its func-
for the acoustical and electrical response of sound tion (such as Type S1A or Type S2C, etc.), and
level meters. ANSI Standard S1.4 specifies four must be constructed to meet the appropriate speci-
types of sound level meters: fication applicable to that special combination.
Type 1 Precision b. Octave band filters. ANSI standards also exist
Type 2 General Purpose on the frequency limits and tolerances of octave
Type 3 Survey band and one-third octave band sound and vibra-
Type S Special Purpose tion analyzers (ANSI S1.11). These filters are
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
given a Class 1, 2 or 3 designation. Class 3 filters (2) Prior to making any measurements, sur-
have the highest frequency discrimination and vey the room to determine how the levels vary
Class 1 have the lowest. It is recommended that over the space.
all octave band filter sets used for the evaluation (3) Choose measurement locations that are
of noise in buildings, with respect to compliance indicative of the critical use of the space.
with noise or vibration specifications, have a Class (4) Verify and document the operation of the
mechanical equipment.
2 or higher designation. For cursory evaluation a
(5) Conduct the measurements using the slow
Class 1 will be sufficient. meter response. Note, for sound level measure-
c. Microphones. Microphones are categorized by ments, locations within 3 feet of reflecting surfaces
their frequency response, level sensitivity and should be avoided if possible. For vibration mea-
directionality. Most commonly provided micro- surements ensure that the accelerometer is prop-
phones will provide suitable frequency response erly mounted and oriented in the desired direction.
(e.g. 10 to 10,000 Hz) and level sensitivity (30 to (6) Upon completion of the measurements, re-
130 dB) for the evaluation of mechanical equip- verify and document the operation of the equipment.
ment in buildings. The microphone directionality (7) If possible conduct measurements when
is important however. Measurement microphones the equipment is not in operation.
directionality is typically given as “free-field” or (8) As a final step check the operating order of
“random incidence”. Free field microphones are the meter and then recalibrate.
intended for use outdoors and the microphone b. Conducting measurements after the equipment
should be aimed at the sound source under investi- has been turned off is extremely helpful. A compari-
gation. Random incidence microphones are used son of the measurement with and without the
indoors where the reverberant sound is significant. equipment in operation will indicate if the measure-
There are adapters that can be applied to a free ments are indicative of the equipment or some other
field microphone when used indoors. extraneous source. If the level decreases after the
d. Accelerometers. Due to their small size, dura- equipment has been turned off, then the measure-
bility and extended frequency response, accelerom- ments are indicative of the equipment under evalua-
eters are the most common vibration transducers. tion. If the sound level does not decrease after the
As a general rule the sensitivity of an accelerome- equipment is turned off, then the measured level is
ter is directly proportional to the physical size (e.g. not indicative of the equipment under evaluation. If
larger accelerometers usually can measure lower the decrease is more than 2 dB but less than 10 dB,
vibration levels). And the frequency response is the measured levels after the equipment has been
inversely proportional to the frequency response shut down can be subtracted from the levels with
(e.g. accelerometers with an extended frequency the equipment (see appendix C). Usually it is best to
response may be limited in measuring low vibra- conduct these measurements at night or when the
tion levels.) Some accelerometers require a exter- building is not in use. At these times it is easier to
nal power supply in order to operate an pre-amp turn on and off equipment and extraneous sources
that is incorporated into the accelerometer casing. are at a minimum.
There exists a large variety of accelerometers and
once the intended purpose is ascertained, the 10-4. Measurement Of Noise And Vibration
manufactures can provide guidance on the most Outdoors.
appropriate type and model. The consideration for measuring noise and vibra-
tion outdoors is identical to that for indoor mea-
10-3. Measurement Of Noise And Vibration In surements. The most significant factor is the envi-
Buildings. ronmental influence on the transmission of the
a. Noise measurements in buildings are usually sound. Environmental factors, such as wind, hu-
made either to determine if RC or NC curves have midity and temperature gradients can produce
been met or to search for the cause of their not significant (e.g. 5, 10 dB or greater) variations in
having been met. In conducting sound or vibration the measured sound level. Therefore it is impor-
measurements utilize the following procedure: tant to document the environmental conditions at
(1) Prior to making measurements ensure the the time of the measurements. Ideally measure-
meter is in proper working order and calibrate the ments should only be made under neutral condi-
measurement system with the external calibrator. tions (e.g. no wind, cloudy overcast day).
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Government Publications
Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force
TM 5-805-9/AFM 88-20/Power Plant Acoustics
Nongovernment Publications
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Inc., Dept. 671, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018
S1.4-1983 Specification for Sound Level Meters
S1.4A-1985 Amendment to S1.4-1983
S1.11-1966 (R 1976) Specification for Octave, Half-Octave, and Third-Octave Band Filter Sets
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI), 1501 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209
575 Method of Measuring Sound Within an Equipment Space
885 Procedure for Estimating Occupied Space Sound Levels in the Application
of Air
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Inc., 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103
C423 Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation
Room Method
E90 Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne-Sound Transmission Loss
of Building Partitions
E336 Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings
E413 Determination of Sound Transmission Class
E477 Method of Testing Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for
Acoustical and Airflow Performance
E497 Recommended Practice for Installation of Fixed Partitions of Light Frame
Type for the Purpose of Conserving Their Sound Insulation Efficiency
E596 Methods for Laboratory Measurements of the Noise Reduction of Sound-
Isolating Enclosures
E795 Practices for Mounting Test Specimens During Sound Absorption Tests
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
B-2. Decibels. 0 or 1 dB 3 dB
The basic unit of level in acoustics is the “decibel” 2 or 3 dB 2 dB
(abbreviated dB). In acoustics, the term “level” is 4 to 9 dB 1 dB
used to designated that the quantity is referred to 10 dB or more 0 dB
some reference value, which is either stated or
implied. When several decibel values to be added equation
a. Definition and use. The decibel (dB), as used B-2 should be used.
in acoustics, is a unit expressing the ratio of two
quantities that are proportional to power. The
decibel level is equal to 10 times the common
(eq B-2)
logarithm of the power ratio; or
In the special case where decibel levels of equal
magnitudes are to be added, the cumulative level
(eq B-1)
can be determined with equation B-3.
In this equation P2 is the absolute value of the
power under evaluation and P1 is an absolute L sum = Lp + 10 log (n) (eq B-3
value of a power reference quantity with the same where n is the number of sources, all with magni-
units. If the power P1 is the accepted standard tude Lp.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
c. Decibel subtraction. In some case it is neces- pressure, equals 1 Newton/m2). This reference
sary to subtract decibel levels. For example if the pressure represents approximately the faintest
cumulative level of several sources are known, sound that can be heard by a young, sensitive,
what would the cumulative level be if one of the undamaged human ear when the sound occurs in
sources were reduce? Decibel subtraction is given the frequency region of maximum hearing sensi-
by equation B-4. tivity, about 1000 Hertz (Hz). A 20 uPa pressure is
0 dB on the sound pressure level scale. In the
strictest sense, a sound pressure level should be
stated completely, including the reference pressure
(eq B-4) base, such as “85 decibels relative to 20 uPa.”
d. Decibel averaging. Strictly speaking decibels However, in normal practice and in this manual
should be averaged logarithmatically not arithmet- the reference pressure is omitted, but it is never-
ically. Equation B-5 should be used for decibel theless implied.
averaging. c. Abbreviations. The abbreviation SPL is often
used to represent sound pressure level, and the
notation Lp is normally used in equations, both in
this manual and in the general acoustics -litera-
d. Limitations on the use of sound pressure
levels. Sound pressure levels can be used for
evaluating the effects of sound with respect to
B-3. Sound Pressure level (Lp or SPL). sound level criteria. Sound pressure level data
The ear responds to sound pressure. Sound waves taken under certain installation conditions cannot
represent tiny oscillations of pressure just above be used to predict sound pressure levels under
and below atmospheric pressure. These pressure other installation conditions unless modifications
oscillations impinge on the ear, and sound is are applied. Implicit in these modifications is a
heard. A sound level meter is also sensitive to sound power level calculation.
sound pressure.
B-4. Sound power level. (Lw or PWL)
a. Definition, sound pressure level. The sound
pressure level (in decibels) is defined by: Sound power level is an absolute measure of the
quantity of acoustical energy produced by a sound
source. Sound power is not audible like sound
pressure. However they are related (see section
(eq B-6) B-6). It is the manner in which the sound power is
Where p is the absolute level of the sound pressure radiated and distributed that determines the
and pref is the reference pressure. Unless other- sound pressure level at a specified location. The
wise stated the pressure, p, is the effective root sound power level, when correctly determined, is
mean square (rms) sound pressure. This equation an indication of the sound radiated by the source
is also written as: and is independent of the room containing the
source. The sound power level data can be used to
compare sound data submittals more accurately
and to estimate sound pressure levels for a variety
(eq B-7) of room conditions. Thus, there is technical need
Although both formulas are correct, it is instruc- for the generally higher quality sound power level
tive to consider sound pressure level as the log of data.
the pressure squared (formula B-6). This is be- a. Definition, sound power level. The sound
cause when combining sound pressure levels, in power level (in decibels) is defined by:
almost all cases, it is the square of the pressure
ratios (i.e. {p/Pref)2}‘s) that should be summed not (eq B-8)
the pressure ratios (i.e. not the {p/Pref}‘s). This is Where P is the absolute level of the sound power
also true for sound pressure level subtraction and and Pref is the reference power. Unless otherwise
averaging. stated the power, P, is the effective root mean
b. Definition, reference pressure. Sound pressure square (rms) sound power.
level, expressed in decibels, is the logarithmic b. Definition, reference power. Sound power
ratio of pressures where the reference pressure is level, expressed in decibels, is the logarithmic
20 micropascal or 20 uPa (Pascal, the unit of ratio of the sound power of a source in watts (W)
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
relative to the sound power reference base of techniques. This restriction applies equally to both
10-12 W. Before the US joined the IS0 in acoustics sound pressure and sound power measurements.
terminology, the reference power in this country
was 10-13W, so it is important in using old data B-5. Sound Intensity level (Li)
(earlier than about 1963) to ascertain the power Sound intensity is sound power per unit area.
level base that was used. If the sound power level Sound intensity, like sound power, is not audible.
value is expressed in dB relative to 10-13W, it can It is the sound intensity that directly relates sound
be converted to dB relative to 10-12W, by subtract- power to sound pressure. Strictly speaking, sound
ing 10 dB from the value. Special care must be intensity is the average flow of sound energy
used not to confuse decibels of sound pressure with through a unit area in a sound field. Sound
decibels of sound power. It is often recommended intensity is also a vector quantity, that is, it has
that power level values always be followed by the both a magnitude and direction. Like sound power,
notation “dB re 10-12W.” However, in this manual sound intensity is not directly measurable, but
this notation is omitted, although it will always be sound intensity can be obtained from sound pres-
made clear when sound power levels are used. sure measurements.
c. Abbreviations. The abbreviation PWL is often a. Definition, Sound Intensity Level. The sound
used to represent sound power level, and the intensity level (in decibels) is defined by:
notation Lw normally used in equations involving
power level. This custom is followed in the man-
(eq B-9)
d. Limitations of sound power level data. There Where I is the absolute level of the sound inten-
are two notable limitations regarding sound power sity and Iref is the reference intensity. Unless
level data: Sound power can not be measured otherwise stated the intensity, I, is the effective
directly but are calculated from sound pressure root mean square (rms) sound intensity.
level data, and the directivity characteristics of a b. Definition, reference intensity. Sound intensity
source are not necessarily determined when the level, expressed in decibels, is the logarithmic
sound power level data are obtained. ratio of the sound intensity of at a location, in
(1) PWL calculated, not measured. Under the watts/square meter (W/m2) relative to the sound
first of these limitations, accurate measurements power reference base of 10-12W/m2.
and calculations are possible, but nevertheless c. Notation. The abbreviation Li is often used to
there is no simple measuring instrument that represent sound intensity level. The use of IL as
reads directly the sound power level value. The an abbreviation is not recommended since this is
procedures involve either comparative sound pres- often the same abbreviation for “Insertion Loss”
sure level measurements between a so-called stan- and can lead to confusion.
dard sound source and the source under test (i.e. d. Computation of Sound power level from inten-
the “substitution method”), or very careful acous- sity level. The conversion between sound intensity
tic qualifications of the test room in which the level (in dB) and sound power level (in dB) is as
sound pressure levels of the source are measured. follows:
Either of these procedures can be involved and
requires quality equipment and knowledgeable
personnel. However, when the measurements are
carried out properly, the resulting sound power (eq B-10)
level data generally are more reliable than most where A is the area over which the average
ordinary sound pressure level data. intensity is determined in square meters (m2).
(2) Loss of directionality characteristics. Tech- Note this can also be written as:
nically, the measurement of sound power level
takes into account the fact that different amounts LW = Li + 10 log{A} (eq B-11)
of sound radiate in different directions from the if A is in English units (sq. ft.) then equation B-11
source, but when the measurements are made in a can be written as:
reverberant or semireverberant room, the actual
directionality pattern of the radiated sound is not LW = Li + 10 log{A} - 10 (eq B-12)
obtained. If directivity data are desired, measure- Note, that if the area A completely closes the
ments must be made either outdoors, in a totally sound source, these equations can provide the total
anechoic test room where reflected sound cannot sound power level of the source. However care
distort the sound radiation pattern, or in some must be taken to ensure that the intensity used is
instances by using sound intensity measurement representative of the total area. This can be done
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
by using an area weighted intensity or by logarith- In addition vibration can be measured with three
mically combining individual Lw’s. different quantities, these are, acceleration, veloc-
e. Determination of Sound intensity. Although ity and displacement. Unless otherwise stated the
sound intensity cannot be measured directly, a vibration levels used in this manual are in terms
reasonable approximation can be made if the of acceleration and are called “acceleration
direction of the energy flow can be determined. levels”. For simple harmonic vibration at a single
Under free field conditions where the energy flow frequency the velocity and displacement can be
direction is predictable (outdoors for example) the related to acceleration by:
magnitude of the sound pressure level (Lp ) is
velocity =
equivalent to the magnitude of the intensity level
(Li). This results because, under these conditions, displacement =
the intensity (I) is directly proportional to the
square of the sound pressure (p2). This is the key Where f is the frequency of the vibration in hertz
to the relationship between sound pressure level (cycles per second). For narrow bands and octave
and sound power level. This is also the reason that bands, the same relationship is approximately true
when two sounds combine the resulting sound where f is the band center frequency in hertz.
level is proportional to the log of the sum of the b. Definition, reference vibration. In this man-
squared pressures (i.e. the sum of the p2’s) not the ual, the acceleration level, expressed in decibels, is
sum of the pressures (i.e. not the sum of the p’s). the logarithmic ratio of acceleration magnitudes
That is, when two sounds combine it is the where the reference acceleration is 1 micro G
intensities that add, not the pressures. Recent (10-6), where G is the acceleration of gravity
advances in measurement and computational tech- (32.16 ft/sec2 or 9.80 m/s2). It should be noted that
niques have resulted in equipment that determine other reference acceleration levels are in common
sound intensity directly, both magnitude and di- use, these include, 1 micro m/s2,10 micro m/s2
rection. Using this instrumentation sound inten- (approximately equal to 1 micro G) and 1 G.
sity measurements can be conducted in more Therefore when stating an acceleration level it is
complicated environments, where fee field condi- customary to state the reference level, such as “60
tions do not exist and the relationship between dB relative to 1 micro G”.
intensity and pressure is not as direct. c. Abbreviations. The abbreviation VAL is some-
times used to represent vibration acceleration
B-6. Vibration Levels
level, and the notation La is normally used in
Vibration levels are analogous to sound pressure equations, both in this manual and in the general
levels. acoustics literature.
a. Definition, vibration level. The vibration level
(in decibels) is defined by: B-7. Frequency.
Frequency is analogous to “pitch.” The normal
frequency range of hearing for most people extends
from a low frequency of about 20 to 50 Hz (a
(eq B-13) “rumbling” sound) up to a high frequency of about
10,000 to 15,000 Hz (a “hissy” sound) or even
Where a is the absolute level of the vibration and higher for some people. Frequency characteristics
aref is the reference vibration. In the past differ- are important for the following four reasons: People
ent measures of the vibration amplitude have been have different hearing sensitivity to different fre-
utilized, these include, peak-to-peak (p-p), peak (p), quencies of sound (generally, people hear better in
average and root mean square (rms) amplitude. the upper frequency region of about 500-5000 Hz
Unless otherwise stated the vibration amplitude, and are therefore more annoyed by loud sounds in
a, is the root mean square (rms). For simple this frequency region); high-frequency sounds of
harmonic motion these amplitudes can be related high intensity and long duration contribute to
by: hearing loss; different pieces of electrical and me-
chanical equipment produce different amounts of
rms value = 0.707 x peak low-, middle-, and high-frequency noise; and noise
control materials and treatments vary in their
average value = 0.637 x peak effectiveness as a function of frequency (usually,
rms value = 1.11 x average low frequency noise is more difficult to control;
peak-to peak = 2 x peak most treatments perform better at high frequency).
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
a. Frequency unit, hertz, Hz. When a piano the band width frequencies and the second column
string vibrates 400 times per second, its frequency gives the geometric mean frequencies of the bands.
is 400 vibrations per second or 400 Hz. Before the The latter values are the frequencies that are used
US joined the IS0 in standardization of many to label the various octave bands. For example, the
technical terms (about 1963), this unit was known 1000-Hz octave band contains all the noise falling
as “cycles per second.” between 707 Hz (1000/square root of 2) and 1414
b. Discrete frequencies, tonal components. When Hz (1000 x square root of 2). The frequency
an electrical or mechanical device operates at a characteristics of these filters have been standard-
constant speed and has some repetitive mechanism ized by agreement (ANSI S1.11 and ANSI S1.6). In
that produces a strong sound, that sound may be some instances reference is made to “low”, “mid”
concentrated at the principal frequency of opera- and “high” frequency sound. This distinction is
tion of the device. Examples are: the blade passage somewhat arbitrary, but for the purposes of this
frequency of a fan or propeller, the gear-tooth manual low frequency sound includes the 31
contact frequency of a gear or timing belt, the through 125 Hz octave bands, mid frequency sound
whining frequencies of a motor, the firing rate of includes the 250 through 1,000 Hz octave bands,
an internal combustion engine, the impeller blade and high frequency sound includes the 2,000
frequency of a pump or compressor, and the hum through 8,000 Hz octave band sound levels. For
of a transformer. These frequencies are designated finer resolution of data, narrower bandwidth fil-
“discrete frequencies” or “pure tones” when the ters are sometimes used; for example, finer con-
sounds are clearly tonal in character, and their
stant percentage bandwidth filters (e.g. half-
frequency is usually calculable. The principal fre-
octave, third-octave, and tenth-octave filters), and
quency is known as the “fundamental,” and most
constant width filters (e.g. 1 Hz, 10 Hz, etc.). The
such sounds also contain many “harmonics” of the
spectral information presented in this manual in
fundamental. The harmonics are multiple of the
terms of full octave bands. This has been found to
fundamental frequency, i.e., 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. times
be a sufficient resolution for most engineering
the fundamental. For example, in a gear train,
where gear tooth contacts occur at the rate of 200 considerations. Most laboratory test data is ob-
per second, the fundamental frequency would be tained and presented in terms of 1/3 octave bands.
200 Hz, and it is very probable that the gear A reasonably approximate conversion from 1/3 to
would also generate sounds at 400, 600, 800, 1000, full octave bands can be made (see d. below). In
1200 Hz and so on for possible 10 to 15 harmonics. certain cases the octave band is referred to as a
Considerable sound energy is often concentrated at “full octave” or "1/1 octave” to differentiate it
these discrete frequencies, and these sounds are from partial octaves such as the 1/3 or 1/2 octave
more noticeable and sometimes more annoying bands. The term “overall” is used to designate the
because of their presence. Discrete frequencies can total noise without any filtering.
be located and identified within a general back- d. Octave band levels (1/3). Each octave band
ground of broadband noise (noise that has all can be further divided into three 1/3 octave bands.
frequencies present, such as the roar of a jet Laboratory data for sound pressure, sound power
aircraft or the water noise in a cooling tower or and sound intensity levels may be given in terms
waterfall) with the use of narrowband filters that of 1/3 octave band levels. The corresponding octave
can be swept through the full frequency range of band level can be determined by adding the levels
interest. of the three 1/3 octave bands using equation B-2.
c. Octave frequency bands. Typically, a piece of There is no method of determining the 1/3 octave
mechanical equipment, such as a diesel engine, a band levels from octave band data. However as an
fan, or a cooling tower, generates and radiates estimate one can assume that the 1/3 octave levels
some noise over the entire audible range of hear-
are approximately 4.8 dB less than the octave
ing. The amount and frequency distribution of the
band level. Laboratory data for sound transmission
total noise is determined by measuring it with an
loss is commonly given in terms of 1/3 octave band
octave band analyzer, which is a set of contiguous
transmission losses. To convert from 1/3 octave
filters covering essentially the full frequency
band transmission losses to octave band transmis-
range of human hearing. Each filter has a band-
sion losses use equation B-14.
width of one octave, and nine such filters cover the
range of interest for most noise problems. The
standard octave frequencies are given in table
B-l. An octave represents a frequency interval of
a factor of two. The first column of table B-l gives (eq B-14)
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table B-1. Bandwidth and Geometric Mean Frequency of Standard Octave and 1/3 Octave Bands.
Frequency, Hz
11 16 22 14.1 16 17.8
17.8 20 22.4
22.4 25 28.2
22 31.5 44 28.2 31.5 35.5
35.5 40 44.7
44.7 50 56.2
44 63 88 56.2 63 70.8
70.8 80 89.1
89.1 100 112
88 125 177 112 125 141
141 160 178
178 200 224
177 250 355 224 250 282
282 315 355
355 400 447
355 500 710 447 500 562
562 630 708
708 800 891
710 1,000 1,420 891 1,000 1,122
1,122 1,250 1,413
1,413 1,600 1,778
1,420 2,000 2,840 1,778 2,000 2,239
2,239 2,500 2,818
2,818 3,150 3,548
2,840 4,000 5,680 3,548 4,000 4,467
4,467 5,000 5,623
5,623 6,300 7,079
5,680 8,000 11,360 7,079 8,000 8.913
8,913 10,000 11,220
11,220 12,500 14,130
11,360 16,000 22,720 14,130 16,000 17,780
17,780 20,000 22,390
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Where TLob is the resulting octave band transmis- around A-weighted sound levels. For example:
sion loss and TL1, TL2 & TL3 are the 1/3 octave “The sound level at the property line between a
band transmission losses. manufacturing or industrial plant and a residen-
e. A-, B- & C-weighted sound levels. Sound level tial community must not exceed 65 dB(A) during
meters are usually equipped with “weighting cir- daytime or 55 dB(A) during nighttime.” Of course,
cuits” that tend to represent the frequency charac- other sound levels and other details might appear
teristics of the average human ear for various in a more complete noise code. Sound levels taken
sound intensities. The frequency characteristics of on the A-, B-, and C-weighted networks have
the A-, B-, and C-weighting networks are shown in usually been designated by dB(A), dB(B), and
figured B-2. The relative frequency response of dB(C), respectively. The parentheses are some-
the average ear approximates the A curve when times omitted, as in dBA. The weighting networks,
sound pressure levels of about 20 to 30 dB are in effect, discard some of the sound, so it is
heard. For such quiet sounds, the ear has fairly conventional not to refer to their values as sound
poor sensitivity in the low-frequency region, The B pressure levels, but only as sound levels-as in “an
curve represents approximately the frequency re- A-weighted sound level of 76 dB(A).” High-
sponse of hearing sensitivity for sounds having 60- intensity, high-frequency sound is known to con-
to 70-dB sound pressure level, and the C curve tribute to hearing loss, so the A-weighted sound
shows the almost flat frequency response of the level is also used as a means of monitoring factory
ear for loud sounds in the range of about 90 to 100 noise for the hearing damage potential. It is very
dB. Annoyance usually occurs when an unwanted important, when reading or reporting sound levels,
noise intrudes into an otherwise generally quiet to identify positively the weighting network used,
environment. At such times, the ear is listening as the sound levels can be quite different depend-
with a sensitivity resembling the A curve. Thus, ing on the frequency content of the noise mea-
judgment tests are often carried out on the loud- sured. In some cases if no weighting is specified,
ness, noisiness, annoyance, or intrusiveness of a A-weighting will be assumed. This is very poor
sound or noise related to the A-weighted sound practice and should be discouraged.
level of that sound. The correlation is generally f. Calculation of A-weighted sound level. For
quite good, and it is a generally accepted fact that analytical or diagnostic purposes, octave band
the high-frequency noise determined from the A- analyses of noise data are much more useful than
weighted sound level is a good indicator of the sound levels from only the weighting networks. It
annoyance capability of a noise. Thus, noise codes is always possible to calculate, with a reasonable
and community noise ordinances are often written degree of accuracy, an A-weighted sound level
(Hz) (dB)
31 -39
63 -26
125 -16
250 -9
500 -3
1000 0
2000 +1
4000 +1
8000 -1
Figure B-1. Approximate Electrical Frequency Response of The A-, B-, and C-weighted Networks of Sound Level Meters.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
from octave band levels. This is done by subtract- that many acoustical materials perform well when
ing the decibel weighting from the octave band their dimensions are comparable to or larger than
levels and then summing the levels logarithamati- the wavelength of sound. Thus, a l-inch thickness
tally using equation B-2. But it is not possible to of acoustical ceiling tile applied directly to a wall
determine accurately the detailed frequency con- is quite effective in absorbing high-frequency
tent of a noise from only the weighted sound sound, but is of little value in absorbing low-
levels. In some instances it is considered advanta- frequency sound. At room temperature, a lo-feet-
geous to measure or report A-weighted octave long dissipative muffler is about 9 wavelengths
band levels. When this is done the octave band long for sound at 1000 Hz and is therefore quite
levels should not be presented as “sound levels in effective, but is only about 0.4 wavelength long at
dB(A)“, but must be labeled as “octave band sound 50 Hz and is therefore not very effective. At an
levels with A-weighting”, otherwise confusion will elevated exhaust temperature of 1000 deg. F, the
result. wavelength of sound is about 2/3 greater than at
room temperature, so the length of a correspond-
B-8. Temporal Variations. ing muffler should be about 2/3 longer in order to
Both the acoustical level and spectral content can be as effective as one at room temperature. In the
vary with respect to time. This can be accounted design of noise control treatments and the selec-
for in several ways. Sounds with short term tion of noise control materials, the acoustical
variations can be measured using the meter aver- performance will frequently be found to relate to
aging characteristics of the standard sound level the dimensions of the treatment compared to the
meter as defined by ANSI S1.4. Typically two wavelengths of sound. This is the basic reason why
meter averaging characteristics are provided, it is generally easier and less expensive to achieve
these are termed “Slow” with a time constant of high-frequency noise control (short wavelengths)
approximately 1 second and “Fast” with a time and more difficult and expensive to achieve low-
constant of approximately 1/8 second. The slow frequency noise control (long wavelengths).
response is useful in estimating the average value B-10. Loudness.
of most mechanical equipment noise. The fast
response if useful in evaluating the maximum The ear has a wide dynamic range. At the low end
level of sounds which vary widely. of the range, one can hear very faint sounds of
about 0 to 10 dB sound pressure level. At the
B-9. Speed of sound and Wavelength. upper end of the range, one can hear with clarity
The speed of sound in air is given by equation and discrimination loud sounds of 100-dB sound
B-15: pressure level, whose actual sound pressures are
100,000 times greater than those of the faintest
where c is the spped of sound in air in ft./set, and sounds. People may hear even louder sounds, but
tF is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. in the interest of hearing conservation, exposure to
c = 49.03 x (460 + tF) (eq B-15) very loud sounds for significant periods of time
a. Temperature effect. For most normal condi- should be avoided. It is largely because of this
tions, the speed of sound in air can be taken as very wide dynamic range that the logarithmic
approximately 1120 ft./sec. For an elevated tem- decibel system is useful; it permits compression of
perature of about 1000 deg. F, as in the hot large spreads in sound power and pressure into a
exhaust of a gas turbine engine, the speed of more practical and manageable numerical system.
sound will be approximately 1870 ft./sec. This For example, a commercial jet airliner produced
higher speed becomes significant for engine muf- 100,000,000,000 ( = 1011) times the sound power of
fler designs, as will be noted in the following a cricket. In the decibel system, the sound power
paragraph. of the jet is 110 dB greater than that of the cricket
b. Wavelength. The wavelength of sound in air (110 = 10 log 1011). Humans judge subjective
is given by equation B-16. loudness on a still more compressed scale.
(eq B-16) a. Loudness judgments. Under controlled listen-
where {SYMBOL 108/f"Symbol”} is the wave- ing tests, humans judge that a 10 dB change in
length in ft., c is the speed of sound in air in sound pressure level, on the average, represents
ft./sec, and f is the frequency of the sound in Hz. approximately a halving or a doubling of the
Over the frequency range of 50 Hz to 12,000 Hz, loudness of a sound. Yet a 10-dB reduction in a
the wavelength of sound in air at normal tempera- sound source means that 90 percent of the radi-
ture varies from 22 feet to 1.1 inches, a relatively ated sound energy has been eliminated. Table B-2
large spread. The significance of this spread is shows the approximate relationship between sound
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
level changes, the resulting loss in acoustic power, in figure B-2, is the natural frequency of the
and the judgment of relative loudness of the isolator mount when loaded. An isolator mount
changes. Toward the bottom of the table, it be- might be an array of steel springs, neoprene-in-
comes clear that tremendous portions of the sound shear mounts, or pads of compressed glass fiber or
power must be eliminated to achieve impressive layers of ribbed or waffle-pattern neoprene pads.
amounts of noise reduction in terms of perceived When the ratio of the driving frequency to the
loudness. natural frequency is less than about 1.4, the
b. Sones and phons. Sones and phons are units transmissibility goes above 1, which is the same as
used in calculating the relative loudness of sounds. not having any vibration isolator. When the ratio
Sones are calculated from nomograms that interre- of frequencies equals 1, that is, when the natural
late sound pressure levels and frequency, and frequency of the mount coincides with the driving
phons are the summation of the sones by a special frequency of the equipment, the system may go
addition procedure. The results are used in judging into violent oscillation, to the point of damage or
the relative loudness of sounds, as in “a 50-phon danger, unless the system is restrained by a
motorcycle would be judged louder than a 40-phon damping or snubbing mechanism. Usually, the
motorcycle.” When the values are reduced to phon driver (the operating equipment) moves so quickly
ratings, the frequency characteristics and the through this unique speed condition that there is
sound pressure level data have become detached, no danger, but for large, heavy equipment that
and the noise control analyst or engineer has no builds up speed slowly or runs downs slowly, this
concrete data for designing noise control treat- is a special problem that must be handled. At
ments. Sones and phons are not used in this higher driving speeds, the ratio of frequencies
manual, and their use for noise control purposes is exceeds 1.4 and the mounting system begins to
of little value. When offered data in sones and provide vibration isolation, that is, to reduce the
phons, the noise control engineer should request force reduce the force transmitted into the floor or
the original octave or 1/3 octave band sound other supported structure. The larger the ratio of
pressure level data, from which the sones and frequencies, the more effective the isolation
phons were calculated. mount.
a. Isolation efficiency. An isolation mounting
B-11. Vibration Transmissibility. system that has a calculated transmissibility, say,
A transmissibility curve is often used to indicate of 0.05 on figure B-2 is often described as having
the general behavior of a vibration-isolated sys- an “isolation efficiency” of 95 percent. A transmis-
tem. Transmissibility is roughly defined as the sibility of 0.02 corresponds to 98 percent isolation
ratio of the force transmitted through the isolated efficiency, and so on. Strict interpretation of trans-
system to the supporting structure to the driving missibility data and isolation efficiencies, however,
force exerted by the piece of vibrating equipment. must be adjusted for real-life situations.
Figure B-2 is the transmissibility curve of a b. Transmissibility limitations. The transmissi-
simple undamped single-degree-of-freedom system. bility curve implies that the mounted equipment
The forcing frequency is usually the lowest driving (i.e. equipment plus the isolators) are supported by
frequency of the vibrating system. For an 1800- a structure that is infinitely massive and infinitely
rpm pump, for example, the lowest driving fre- rigid. In most situations, this condition is not met.
quency is 1800/60 = 30 Hz. The natural frequency, For example, the deflection of a concrete floor slab
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
under static load may fall in the range of 1/4 inch (3) Difficulty of field measurement. In field
to 1/2 inch. This does not qualify as being infi- situations, the transmissibility of a mounting sys-
nitely rigid. The isolation efficiency is reduced as tem is not easy to measure and check against a
the static floor deflection increases. Therefore, the specification. Yet the concept of transmissibility is
transmissibility values of figure B-2 should not be at the heart of vibration isolation and should not
expected for any specific ratio of driving frequency be discarded because of the above weakness. The
to natural frequency. material that follows is based on the valuable
(1) Adjustment for floor deflection. In effect, features of the transmissibility concept, but added
the natural frequency of the isolation system must to it are some practical suggestions.
be made lower or the ratio of the two frequencies
made higher to compensate for the resilience of the B-12. Vibration Isolation Effectiveness.
floor. This fact is especially true for upper floors of With the transmissibility curve as a guide, three
a building and is even applicable to floor slabs steps are added to arrive at a fairly practical
poured on grade (where the earth under the slab approach toward estimating the expected effective-
acts as a spring). Only when equipment bases are ness of an isolation mount.
supported on large extensive portions of bedrock a. Static deflection of a mounting system. The
can the transmissibility curve be applied directly. static deflection of a mount is simply the differ-
(2) Adjustment for floor span. This interpreta- ence between the free-standing height of the un-
tion of the transmissibility curve is also applied to compressed, unloaded isolator and the height of
floor structures having different column spacings. the compressed isolator under its static load. This
Usually, floors that have large column spacing, difference is easily measured in the field or esti-
such as 50 to 60 feet, will have larger deflections mated from the manufacturer’s catalog data. An
that floors of shorter column-spacing, such as 20 to uncompressed 6 inch high steel spring that has a
30 feet. To compensate, the natural frequency of compressed height of only 4 inches when installed
the mounting system is usually made lower as the under a fan or pump is said to have a static
floor span increases. All of these factors are incor- deflection of 2 inches. Static deflection data are
porated into the vibration isolation recommenda- usually given in the catalogs of the isolator manu-
tions in this chapter. facturers or distributors. The data may be given in
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
the form of “stiffness” values. For example, a even pads of cork and felt when operating in their
stiffness of 400 lb/in. means that a 400 lb load will proper load range.
produce a 1 inch static deflection, or that an 800 lb c. Application suggestions. Table B-3 provides a
load will produce a 2 inch deflection, assuming that suggested schedule for achieving various degrees
the mount has freedom to deflect a full 2 inches. of vibration isolation in normal construction. The
b. Natural frequency of a mount. The natural table is based on the transmissibility curve, but
suggests operating ranges of the ratio of driving
frequency of steel springs and most other vibration
frequency to natural frequency. The terms “low,”
isolation materials can be calculated approxi-
“fair,” and “high” are merely word descriptors,
mately from the formula in equation B-17. but they are more meaningful than such terms as
95 or 98 percent isolation efficiency which are
clearly erroneous when they do not take into
(eq B-17) account the mass and stiffness of the floor slab.
where fn is the natural frequency in Hz and S.D. Vibration control recommendations given in this
is the static deflection of the mount in inches. chapter are based on the application of this table.
(1) Example. Suppose an 1800-rpm motor-
(1) Example, steel spring. Suppose a steel
pump unit is mounted on steel springs having
spring has a static deflection of 1 inch when placed
l-inch static deflection (as in the example under
under one corner of a motor-pump base. The b(1) above). The driving frequency of the system is
natural frequency of the mount is approximately: the shaft speed, 1800 rpm or 30 Hz. The natural
frequency of the mount is 3 Hz, and the ratio of
driving frequency to natural frequency is about 10.
(eq B-17) Table B-3 shows that this would provide a “fair”
(2) Example, rubber pad. Suppose a layer of to “high” degree of vibration isolation of the motor
3/8-inch-thick ribbed neoprene is used to vibration pump at 30 Hz. If the pump impeller has 10
isolate high-frequency structure borne noise or blades, for example, this driving frequency would
vibration. Under load, the pad is compressed be 300 Hz, and the ratio of driving to natural
enough to have a 1/16-inch static deflection. The frequencies would be about 100; so the isolator
natural frequency of the mount is approximately: would clearly give a “high” degree of vibration
isolation for impeller blade frequency.
(2) Caution. The suggestion on vibration isola-
tion offered in the manual are based on experi-
ences with satisfactory installations of conven-
tional electrical and mechanical HVAC equipment
in buildings. The concepts and recommendations
= 3.13 x 4 = 12 Hz described here may not be suitable for complex
This formula usually has an accuracy to within machinery, with unusual vibration modes,
about plus or minus 20 percent for material such mounted on complex isolation systems. For such
as neoprene-in-shear, ribbed or waffle-pattern neo- problems, assistance should be sought from a
prene pads, blocks of compressed glass fiber, and vibration specialist.
Table B-3. Suggested Schedule for Estimating Relative Vibration Isolation Effectiveness of a Mounting System.
1.4 - 3 Negligible
3 - 6 Low
6 - 10 Fair
Above 10 High
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-l. Sound Pressure levels (in dB at 3-ft. distance) for packaged chillers With Reciprocating Compressors.
31 79 81
63 83 86
125 84 87
250 85 90
500 86 91
1000 84 90
2000 82 87
4000 78 83
8000 72 78
A-weighted, 89 94
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-2. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for C-5. Packaged Chillers With Centrifugal Com-
Packaged Chillers With Rotary Screw Compressors.
These compressors range in size from 100 tons to
Sound Pressure 4000 tons and represent the leading manufactur-
Level, dB ers. The noise levels may be influenced by the
Band 1 0 0 - 3 0 0 Tons motors, gears, or turbines, but the measurement
(Hz) Cooling Capacity positions are generally selected to emphasize the
compressor noise. The noise levels given in figure
31 70 C-2 and table C-3 represent the 80- to 90-
percentile values found when the units were di-
63 76 vided into the two size groups: under 500 tons and
125 80 500 or more tons. The low-frequency noise levels
reflect the increased noise found for off-peak loads
250 92 for most centrifugal machines. These data may be
500 89 used for packaged chillers, including their drive
units. For built-up assemblies, these data should
1000 85
be used for the centrifugal compressor only and
2000 80 the suggestions of paragraph C-6 followed for
combining the noise of other components.
4000 75
C-6. Built-Up Refrigeration Machines.
8000 73
The noise of packaged chillers, as presented in the
A-weighted, 90 preceding paragraphs, includes the noise of both
dB(A) the compressor and the drive unit. If a refrigera-
tion system is built up of separate pieces, then the
noise level estimate should include the noise of
TM S-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-3. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for Packaged Chillers With Centrifgal Compressors.
31 92 92
63 93 93
125 94 94
250 95 95
500 91 93
1000 91 98
2000 91 98
4000 87 93
8000 80 87
dB(A) 97 103
each component making up the assembly. Compres- Table C-4. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for
Absorption Machines.
sor noise levels should be taken from the packaged
chiller data. Sound level data for the drive units
(motors, gears, steam turbines) should be taken Octave
from the appropriate tables in the manual or Sound Pressure
obtained from the manufacturers. Decibel addition Level, dB
should be used to determine each octave band sum (Hz) All Sizes
from the octave band levels of the various compo-
nents. The acoustic center should be assumed to be 31 80
at the approximate geometric center of the assem-
63 82
bly, and distances should be extrapolated from that
point. For very close distances (such as 2 to 3 feet) 125 82
to each component, assume the total sound levels
250 82
apply all around the equipment at distances of 3
feet from the approximate geometric centers of each 500 82
component, although this assumption will not pro-
1000 81
vide exact close-in sound levels.
2000 78
C-7. Absorption Machines.
These units are normally masked by other noise in 4000 75
a mechanical equipment room. The machine usu- 8000 70
ally includes one or two small pumps; steam flow
noise or steam valve noise may also be present. A-weighted, 86
The 3 foot distance SPLs for most absorption dB(A)
machines used in refrigeration systems for build-
ings are given in table C-4.
concern, the distance should always be taken from
C-8. Boilers. the front surface of the boiler. Noise levels are
a. Noise data. The estimated noise levels given much lower off the side and rear of the typical
in table C-5 are believed applicable for all boilers, boiler. The wise variety of blower assemblies, air
although some units will exceed these values and, and fuel inlet arrangements, burners, and combus-
certainly, many units will be much lower than tion chambers provides such variability in the
these values. These 3 foot noise levels apply to the noise data that it is impossible simply to correlate
front of the boiler, so when other distances are of noise with heating capacity.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-5. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance From Table C-6. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for
the Front) for Boilers. High-Pressure Thermally Insulated Steam Valves and Nearby
Sound Pressure Octave Sound
Level, dB Pressure
(Hz) 5 0 - 2 0 0 0 BHP Frequency Level
(Hz) (dB)
31 90
31 70
63 90
63 70
125 90
125 70
250 87
250 70
500 84
500 75
1000 82
1000 80
2000 80
2000 85
4000 76
4000 90
8000 70
8000 90
A-weighted, 88
dB(A) dB(A) 94
b. Boiler rating. Heating capacity of boilers may desirable to obtain from the manufacturer actual
be expressed in different ways: sq. ft. of heating measured noise levels for all directions of interest,
surface, BTU/hour, lb of steam/hour, or bhp boiler but if these data are not forthcoming, it is essen-
horsepower). To a first approximation, some of tial to be able to approximate the directional
these terms are interrelated as follows: pattern of the cooling tower noise. For aid in
33,500 BTU/hour = 1 bhp identification, four general types of cooling towers
33 lb of steam/hour = 1 bhp. are sketched in figure C-3: A.) The centrifugal-fan
In the manual, all ratings have been reduced to blow-through type; B.) The axial-flow blow-through
equivalent bhp. type (with the fan or fans located on a side wall);
C.) The induced-draft propeller type; and D.) The
C-9. Steam Valves
“underflow” forced draft propeller type (with the
Estimated noise levels are given in table C-6 for a fan located under the assembly).
typical thermally insulated steam pipe and valve. a. Sound power level data. Sound power level
Even though the noise is generated near the data are given for both propeller-type and
orifice of the valve, the pipes on either side of the centrigual-fan cooling towers.
valve radiate a large part of the total noise energy (1) Propeller-type cooling tower. The approxi-
that is radiated. Hence, the pipe is considered, mate overall and A-weighted sound power levels of
along with the valve, as a part of the noise source. propeller-type cooling towers are given by equa-
Valve noise is largely determined by valve type tions C-1 and C-2, respectively: for overall PWL
and design, pressure and flow conditions, and pipe (propeller-type),
wall thickness. Some valve manufacturers can Lw = 95 + 10 log (fan hp), (eq C-1)
provide valve noise estimated for their products. and for A-weighted PWL,
Lwa = 86 + 10 log (fan hp), (eq C-2)
C-10. Cooling Towers and Evaporative Con- where “fan hp” is the nameplate horsepower
densers. rating of the motor that drives the fan. Octave
The generalizations drawn here may not apply band PWLs can be obtained by subtracting the
exactly to all cooling towers and condensers, but values of table C-7 from the overall PWL.
the data are useful for laying out cooling towers (2) Centrifugal fan cooling tower. The approxi-
and their possible noise control treatments. It is mate overall and A-weighted sound power levels of
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Figure C-3. Principal Types of Cooling Towers.
centrifugal-fan cooling towers are given by equa- tables 8-3 or 8-4. Cooling towers usually radiate
tions C-3 and C-4, respectively: for overall PWL different amounts of sound in different directions,
(centrifugal-fan), and the directional corrections of table C-9 should
Lw = 85 + 10 log (fan hp) (eq C-3) be made to the average SPL. These corrections
for A-weighted PWL, apply to the five principal directions from a cool-
LWa = 78 + 10 log (fan hp). (eq C-4) ing tower, i.e., in a direction perpendicular to each
of the four sides and to the top of the tower. If it is
When more than one fan or cooling tower is used, necessary to estimate the SPL at some direction
“fan hp” should be the total motor-drive hp of all other than the principal directions, it is common
fans or towers. Octave band PWLs can be obtained practice to interpolate between the values given
by subtracting the values of table C-8 from the for the principal directions.
overall PWL. c. Close-in SPLs. Sound power level data usu-
b. SPLs at a distance. To obtain the average ally will not give accurate calculated SPLs at very
outdoor SPL at any distance, use equation 8-2 and close distances to large-size sources, such as cool-
obtain the value of the “distance term” from ing towers. The data of table C-10 may be used
TM S-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-7. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Propeller-Type where it is required to estimate close-in SPLs at
Cooling Towers.
nearby walls, floors, or in closely confined spaces
(at 3- to 5 foot distances from inlet and discharge
Octave Value to openings).
Frequency be Subtracted c. Half-speed operation. When it is practical to
Band From Overall PWL do so, the cooling tower fan can be reduced to half
(Hz) (dB) speed in order to reduce noise; such a reduction
also reduces cooling capacity. Half-speed produces
31 8 approximately two-thirds cooling capacity and ap-
proximately 8- to 10-dB noise reduction in the
63 5 octave bands that contain most of the fan-induced
125 5 noise. For half-speed operation, the octave band
SPLs or PWLs of full-speed cooling tower noise
250 8 may be reduced by the following amounts, where
500 11 fB is the blade passage frequency and is calculated
from the relation fB = No. of fan blades x shaft
1000 15 RPM/GO.
2000 18
Octave band Noise reduction
4000 21 that contains: due to half-speed:
8000 29 1/8 fB 3 dB
1/4 fB 6 dB
A-weighted, 9 1/2 fB 9 dB
fB 9 dB
2 fB 9 dB
4 fB 6 dB
8 fB 3 dB
Table C-8. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Centrifugal-Fan
Cooling Towers. If the blade passage frequency is not known, it
may be assumed to fall in the 63-Hz band for
propeller type cooling towers and in the 250-Hz
Octave Value to band for centrifugal cooling towers. Waterfall
Frequency be Subtracted noise usually dominates in the upper octave bands,
Band From Overall PWL and it would not change significantly with reduced
(Hz) (dB) fan speed.
e. Limitations.
31 6 (1) Design variations. The data given here
6 represent a fairly complete summary of cooling
tower noise, but it must still be expected that
125 8 noise levels may vary from manufacturer to manu-
facturer, and from model to model as specific
250 10
design changes take place. Whenever possible,
500 11 request the manufacturer to supply the specific
noise levels for the specific needs.
1000 13 (2) Enclosed locations. Most of the preceding
2000 12 discussion assumes that cooling towers will be
used in outdoor locations. If they are located inside
4000 18 enclosed mechanical equipment rooms or within
8000 25 courts formed by several solid walls, the sound
patterns will be distorted. In such instances, the
A-weighted, PWL of the tower (or appropriate portions of the
7 total PWL) can be placed in that setting, and the
enclosed or partially enclosed space can be likened
to a room having certain estimated amounts of
reflecting and absorbing surfaces. Because of the
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-9. Correction to Average SPLs for Directional Effects of Cooling Towers.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
limitless number of possible arrangements, this is Table C-10. Approximate Close-In SPLs (in dB) Near the Intake
and Discharge Openings of Various Cooling Towers (3- to 5ft.
not handled in a general way, so the problem of
partially enclosed cooling towers is not treated
here. In the absence of a detailed analysis of
cooling tower noise levels inside enclosed spaces, it
is suggested that the close-in noise levels of table
C-10 be used as approximations.
f. Evaporative condensers. Evaporative condens-
ers are somewhat similar to cooling towers in
terms of noise generation. A few evaporative con-
densers have been included with the cooling tow-
ers, but not enough units have been measured to
justify a separate study of evaporative condensers
alone. In the absence of noise data on specific
evaporative condensers, it is suggested that noise
data be used for the most nearly similar type and
size of cooling tower.
g. Air-cooled condensers. For some installations,
an outdoor air-cooled condenser may serve as a
substitute for a cooling tower or evaporative con-
denser. The noise of an air-cooled condenser is
made up almost entirely of fan noise and possibly
air-flow noise through the condenser coil decks. In
general, the low-frequency fan noise dominates.
Since most of the low-frequency noise of a typical
cooling tower is due to the fan system, in the
absence of specific data on air-cooled condensers, it
is suggested that noise data be used for the most
nearly similar type and size of cooling tower.
h. Ejector-type cooling tower. This is a fanless-
type cooling tower that induces air flow through
the use of nozzles of high-pressure water spray.
Noise levels are generally lower for the ejector
cooling tower than for cooling towers using fans to
produce air flow. Adequate vibration isolation of
the drive pump, piping, and tower are necessary,
although the elimination of the fan reduces the
severity of tower vibration.
C-11. Pumps.
The overall and A-weighted 3 foot SPLs given in
table C-11. The pump power rating is taken as the
nameplate power of the drive motor. This is easily
determined in field measurements, whereas actual
hydraulic power would be unknown in a field
situation. For pump ratings under 100 hp, the
radiated noise increases with the function (10 log
hp), but about 100 hp the noise changes more
slowly with increasing power, hence, the function
(3 log hp). Octave band SPLs are obtained by
subtracting the values of table C-12 from the
overall SPLs of table C-11. Pumps intended for
high-pressure operation have smaller clearances
between the blade tips and the cutoff edge and, as
a result, may have higher noise peaks than shown
in tables C-11 and C-12 (by 5 dB, sometimes 10
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-11. Overall and A-Weighted Sound Pressure Levels (in dB and dB(A) at 3-ft. Distance) for Pumps.
Drive Motor Nameplate Power
Speed Range
rpm Under 100 hp Above 100 hp
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Part C of table C-13 provides a correction factor provide “shop air” to maintenance shops, machine
for off-peak fan operation. Section 12.0 contains a shops, and laboratory spaces, or to provide ventila-
detailed analyses of the noise and noise control of tion system control pressure for large buildings.
ducted ventilation systems. Larger compressors are used for special industrial
b. Noise reduction from fan housing. The fan processes or special facilities, but these are not
housing and its nearby connected ductwork radiate considered within the scope of the manual. The 3
fan noise into the fan room. The amount of noise is foot SPLs are given in figure C-5 and table C-15.
dependent on both internal and external dimen-
sions of the housing and ductwork, the TL of the C-14. Reciprocating Engines.
sheet metal, and the amount of sound absorption In a separate project for the Department of the
material inside the ductwork. Because of so many Army, a comprehensive study has been made of
variables, there is no simple analysis procedure for the noise characteristics of reciprocating and tur-
estimating the PWL of the noise radiated by the
bine engines fueled by natural gas and liquid fuel.
housing and ductwork. However, table C-14 offers
In TM 5-805-9/AFM 88-20/NAVFAC DM-3.14,
a rough estimate of this type of noise. These are
details are given for handling these data and for
simply deductions, in dB, from the induct fan
designing noise control treatments for small power
noise. At low frequency, the housing appears
plants at military bases. The noise levels of the
acoustically transparent to the fan noise, but as
frequency increases, the TL of the sheet metal engines as sound sources are summarized here,
becomes increasingly effective. because these engines may be used as power
sources in buildings, and their noise should be
C-13. Air Compressors. taken into account. Typically, each engine type
Two types of air compressors are frequently found has three sound sources of interest; the engine
in buildings: one is a relatively small compressor casing, the air inlet into the engine, and the
(usually under 5 hp) used to provide a high exhaust from the engine.
pressure air supply for operating the controls of a. Engine casing. The PWL of the noise radiated
the ventilation system, and the other is a medium- by the casing of a natural-gas or diesel reciprocat-
size compressor (possibly up to 100 hp) used to ing engine is given by equation C-6:
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-13. Specific Sound Power Levels Kw (in dB), Blade Frequency Increments (in dB) and Off-Peak Correction for Fans of
Various Types, for Use in Equation C-5.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-14. Approximate Octave-Band Adjustments for Estimating the PWL of Noise Radiated by a Fan Housing and its Nearby
Connected Duct Work.
Table C-15. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for Lw = 93 + 10 log (rated hp) + A +
Air Compressors.
B+C+D, (eq C-6)
where Lw is the overall sound power level (in dB),
Octave Air Compressor Power Range “rated hp” is the engine manufacturer’s continu-
Band 1-2 hp 3-9 hp 10-75 hp ous full-load rating for the engine (in horsepower),
(Hz) (dB) (dB) (bB) and A, B, C, and D are correction terms (in dB),
given in table C-16. Octave band PWLs can be
31 82 87 92 obtained by subtracting the table C-17 values
63 81 84 87 from the overall PWL given by equation C-6. The
125 81 84 87 octave band corrections are different for the differ-
250 80 83 86 ent engine speed groups. For small engines (under
500 83 86 89 about 450 hp), the air intake noise is usually
radiated close to the engine casing, so it is not
1000 86 89 92
easy or necessary to separate these two sources;
2000 86 89 92 and the engine casing noise may be considered as
4000 84 87 90 including air intake noise (from both naturally
8000 81 84 87 aspirated and turbocharged engines).
b. Turbocharged air inlet. Most large engines
A-weighted, have turbochargers at their inlet to provide pres-
dB(A) 91 94 97
surized air into the engine for increased perfor-
mance. The turbocharger is a turbine driven by
Table C-16. Correction Terms (in dB) to be Applied to Equation C-6 for Estimating the Overall PWL of the Casing Noise of a
Reciprocating Engine.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-17. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Casing Noise of Reciprocating Engines.
the released exhaust gas of the engine. The tur- Table C-18. Frequency Adjustments fin dB) for Turbocharger
bine is a high-frequency sound source. Turbine Air Inlet Noise.
configuration and noise output can vary apprecia-
bly, but an approximation of the PWL, of the Octave Value to
turbocharger noise is given by equation C-7: Frequency be Subtracted
Lw = 94 + 5 log (rated hp) -L/6, (eq C-7) Band From Overall PWL
where Lw and “rated hp” are already defined and (Hz) (dB)
L is the length, in ft., of a ducted inlet to the
turbocharger. For many large engines, the air 31 4
inlet may be ducted to the engine from a fresh air
63 11
supply or a location outside the room or building.
The term L/6, in dB, suggests that each 6 ft. of 125 13
inlet ductwork, whether or not lined with sound
absorption material, will provide about 1 dB of
250 13
reduction of the turbocharger noise radiated from 500 12
the open end of the duct. This is not an accurate
figure for ductwork in general; it merely repre- 1000 9
sents a simple token value for this estimate. The 2000 8
octave band values given in table C-18 are sub-
tracted from the overall PWL of equation C-7 to 4000 9
obtain the octave band PWLs of turbocharged inlet 8000 17
c. Engine exhaust. The PWL of the noise radi- A-weighted, 3
ated from the unmuffled exhaust of an engine is dB(A)
given by equation C-8:
Lw = 119 + 10 log (rated hp) - T - L/4
(eq C-8)
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
where T is the turbocharger correction term (T = 0 where “rated MW” is the maximum continuous
dB for an engine without a turbocharger and T = 6 full-load rating of the engine in megawatts. If the
dB for an engine with a turbocharger) and L is the manufacturer lists the rating in “effective shaft
length, in ft., of the exhaust pipe. A turbocharger horsepower” (eshp), the MW rating may be approx-
takes energy out of the discharge gases and results imated by
in an approximately 6-dB reduction in noise. The MW = eshp/1400.
octave band PWLs of unmuffled exhaust noise are
Overall PWLs, obtained from equations C-9
obtained by subtracting the values of table C-19
through C-11, are tabulated in table C-20 for a
from the overall PWL derived from equation C-8. If
useful range of MW ratings.
the engine is equipped with an exhaust muffler, the
(1) Tonal components. For casing and inlet
final noise radiated from the end of the tailpipe is
noise, particularly strong high-frequency sounds
the PWL of the unmuffled exhaust minus the
may occur at several of the upper octave bands.
insertion loss, in octave bands, of the muffler.
However which bands contain the tones will de-
C-15. Gas Turbine Engines. pend on the specific design of the turbine and, as
such, will differ detween models and manufactur-
a. PWL of three sources. As with reciprocating
ers. Therefore, the octave band adjustments of
engines, the three principal sound sources of turbine
table C-21 allow for these peaks in several differ-
engines are: the engine casing, the air inlet, and the
ent bands, even though they probably will not
exhaust. Most gas turbine manufactures will pro-
occur in all bands. Because of this randomness of
vide sound power estimates of these sources. How-
peak frequencies, the A-weighted levels may also
ever when these are unavailable the overall PWLs
vary from the values quoted.
of these three sources, with no noise reduction
(2) Engine covers. The engine manufacturer
treatments, are given in the following equations:
sometimes provides the engine casing with a pro-
for engine casing noise,
tective thermal wrapping or an enclosing cabinet,
Lw = 120 + 5 log (rated MW); (eq C-9) either of which can give some noise reduction.
for air inlet noise,
Table C-22 suggests the approximate noise reduc-
Lw = 127 + 15 log (rated MW); (eq C-10) tion for casing noise that can be assigned to
for exhaust noise
different types of engine enclosures. Refer to the
Lw = 133 + 10 log (rated MW); (eq C-11)
notes of the table for a broad description of the
Table C-19. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Unmuffled
enclosures. The values of table C-22 may be
Engine Exhaust Noise. subtracted from the octave band PWLs of casing
noise to obtain the adjusted PWLs of the covered
or enclosed casing. An enclosure specifically de-
Octave Value to signed to control casing noise can give larger noise
Frequency be Subtracted reduction values than those in the table. However
Band From Overall PWL it should be noted that the performance of enclo-
(Hz) (dB) sures that are supported on the same structure as
the gas turbine, will be limited by structure borne
31 5 sound. For this reason care should be used in
applying laboratory data of enclosure performance
63 9 to the estimation of sound reduction of gas turbine
125 3 enclosures.
b. Exhaust and intake stack directivity. Fre-
250 7 quently, the exhaust of a gas turbine engine is
500 15 directed upward. The directivity of the stack pro-
vides a degree of noise control in the horizontal
1000 19 direction. Or, in some installations, it may be
2000 25 beneficial to point the intake or exhaust opening
horizontally in a direction away from a sensitive
4000 35 receiver area. In either event, the directivity is a
factor in noise radiation. Table C-23 gives the
8000 43
approximate directivity effect of a large exhaust
opening. This can be used for either a horizontal
A-weighted, 12
or vertical stack exhausting hot gases. Table C-23
dB (A) shows that from approximately 0 to 60 degrees
from the axis of the stack, the stack will yield
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-20. Overall PWLs of the Principal Noise Components of Gas Turbine Engines Having No Noise Control Treatments
higher sound levels than if there was no stack and irregularities on the ground surface can cause
the sound were emitted by a nondirectional point some backscattering of sound into the 90 to 180
source. From about 60 to 135 degrees from the degree regions, for horizontal stacks serving either
axis, there is less sound level than if there were no as intake or exhaust openings. For small openings
stack. In other words, directly ahead of the open- in a wall, such as for ducted connections to a fan
ing there is an increase in noise, and off to the intake or discharge, use approximately one-half
side of the opening there is a decrease in noise. the directivity effect of table C-23 (as applied to
The table C-23 values also apply for a large-area intake openings) for the 0 to 90 degree region. For
intake opening into a gas turbine for the 0 to 60 angles beyond 90 degrees, estimate the effect of
degree range; for the 90 to 135 degree range, the wall as a barrier.
subtract an addition 3 dB from the already
negative-valued quantities. For horizontal stacks, C-16. Electric Motors.
sound-reflecting obstacles out in front of the stack Motors cover a range of 1 to 4000 hp and 450 to
opening can alter the directivity pattern. Even 3600 RPM. The data include both “drip-proof’
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-21. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Gas Turbine Engine Noise Sources.
Frequency Value To Be Subtracted From Overall PWL, in dB
(Hz) Casing Inlet Exhaust
31 10 19 12
63 7 18 8
125 5 17 6
250 4 17 6
500 4 14 7
1000 4 8 9
2000 4 3 11
4000 4 3 15
8000 4 6 21
dB(A) 2 0 4
(DRPR) (splash-proof or weather-protected) and “to- b. DRPR motors. The overall SPLs of DRPR
tally enclosed fan-cooled” (TEFC) motors. Noise motors, at the normalized 3 foot condition, follow
levels increase with power and speed. approximately the relationships of equations C-14
a. TEFC motors. The overall SPLs of TEFC and C-15.
motors, at the normalized 3 foot condition, follow for power ratings under 50 hp,
approximately the relationships of equations C-12 Lp = 10 + 17 log hp + 15 log RPM. (eq C-14)
and C-13.
for power ratings above 50 hp,
for power ratings under 50 hp,
Lp = 22 + 10 log hp + 15 log RPM. (eq C-15)
Lp = 15 + 17 log hp + 15 log RPM. (eq C-12)
For motors above 400 hp, the calculated noise
for power ratings above 50 hp, value for a 400 hp motor should be used. The
Lp = 27 + 10 log hp + 15 log RPM (eq C-13) octave band corrections for DRPR motors are given
where “hp” is the nameplate motor rating in in table C-25. The data of equations C-14 and
horsepower and “RPM” is the motor shaft speed. C-15 and table C-25 are summarized in figure
For motors above 400 hp, the calculated noise value C-7, which gives the SPLs at 3 foot distance for
for a 400-hp motor should be used. These data are DRPR motors over a range of speeds and powers.
not applicable to large commercial motors in the
power range of 1000 to 5000 hp. The octave band C-17. Steam Turbines.
corrections for TEFC motors are given in table Noise levels are found generally to increase with
C-24. The data of equations C-12 and C-13 and increasing power rating, but it has not been
table C-24 are summarized in figure C-6, which possible to attribute any specific noise characteris-
gives the SPLs at 3 foot distance for TEFC motors tics with speed or turbine blade passage frequency
for a working range of speeds and powers. Some (because these were not known on the units mea-
motors produce strong tonal sounds in the 500, sured). The suggested normalized SPLs at 3 foot
1,000, or 2,000 Hz octave bands because of the distance are given in figure C-8 and table C-26.
cooling fan blade frequency. Table C-24 and figure
C-6 allow for a moderate amount of these tones, C-18. Gears.
but a small percentage of motors may still exceed It is generally true that the noise output increases
these calculated levels by as much as 5 to 8 dB. with increasing speed and power but it is not
When specified, motors that are quieter than these possible to predict in which frequency band the
calculated values by 5 to 10 dB can be purchased. gear tooth contact rate or the “ringing fre-
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-22. Approximate Noise Reduction of Gas Turbine Engine Casing Enclosures.
31 2 4 1 3 6
63 2 5 1 4 7
125 2 5 1 4 8
250 3 6 2 5 9
500 3 6 2 6 10
1000 3 7 2 7 11
2000 4 8 2 8 12
4000 5 9 3 8 13
8000 6 10 3 8 14
Type 1. Glass fiber or mineral wool thermal insulation with lightweight
foil cover over the insulation.
Type 2. Glass fiber or mineral wool thermal insulation with minimum
20 gage aluminum or 24 gage steel or 1/2-in. thick plaster
cover over the insulation.
Type 3. Enclosing metal cabinet for the entire packaged assembly, with
open ventilation holes and with no acoustic absorption lining
inside the cabinet.
Type 4. Enclosing metal cabinet for the entire packaged assembly, with
open ventilation holes and with acoustic absorption lining
inside the cabinet.
Type 5. Enclosing metal cabinet for the entire packaged assembly, with
all ventilation holes into the cabinet muffled and with acoustic
absorption lining inside the cabinet.
quencies” will occur for any unknown gear. The ation of the gear noise. Table C-17 gives the
possibility that these frequency components may estimated SPL in the 125 through 8,000 Hz bands
occur in any of the upper octave bands is covered for a variety of speeds and powers, based on
by, equation C-16, which gives the octave band equation C-16.
SPL estimate (at the 3 feet normalized condition)
for all bands at and above 125 Hz: C-19. Generators.
The noise of generators, in general, can be quite
Lp = 78 + 3 log (RPM) + 4 log (hp) (eq C-16)
variable, depending on speed, the presence or
where “RPM" is the speed of the slower gear shaft absence of air cooling vanes, clearances of various
and “hp” is the horsepower rating of the gear or rotor parts, etc., but, most of all, on the driver
the power transmitted through the gear. For the mechanism. When driven by gas or diesel recipro-
63 Hz band, 3 dP is deducted; and for the 31 Hz cating engines, the generator is usually so much
band, 6 dB is deducted from the equation C-16 quieter than the engine that it can hardly be
value. This estimate may not be highly accurate, measured, much less heard. For gas turbine en-
but it will provide a reasonable engineering evalu- gines, the high-speed generator may be coupled to
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table G23. Approximate Directivity Effect fin dB) of a Large Exhaust Stack Compared to a Nondirectional Source of the Same Power.
31 8 5 2 -2 -3
63 8 5 2 -3 -4
125 8 5 2 -4 -6
250 8 6 2 -6 -8
500 9 6 2 -8 -10
1000 9 6 1 -10 -13
2000 10 7 0 -12 -16
4000 10 7 -1 -14 -18
8000 10 7 -2 -16 -20
For air intake openings subtract 3 dB from the values in the 90º and
135° columns, i.e., -2 -3 = -5 dB for 31 cps at 90°.
the engine through a large gear, and the gear and casing. Octave band corrections to the overall
the generator may together produce somewhat PWL are given in table C-29.
indistinguishable noise in their compartment,
C-20. Transformers.
which frequently is separated by a bulk head from
the engine compartment. Table C-28 gives an The National Electrical Manufacturers Association
approximation of the overall PWL of several gen- (NEMA) provides a means of rating the noise
erators. It is not claimed that this is an accurate output of transformers. The NEMA “audible sound
estimate, but it should give reasonable working level,” as it is called in the standard, is the
values of PWL. It is to be noted that the PWL of average of several A-weighted sound levels mea-
the generator is usually less than that of the drive sured at certain specified positions. The NEMA
gear and less than that of the untreated engine sound level for a transformer can be provided by
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-24. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for TEFC Electric frequency; or other sound frequencies for other
line frequencies). Actually, the sound power level
of the transformer does not increase in this loca-
Octave Value to tion, but the sound analysis procedure is more
Frequency be Subtracted readily handled by presuming that the sound
Band From Overall SPL power is increased. The C3 value is an approxima-
(Hz) (dB) tion of the noise of a transformer that has grown
noisier (by about 10 dB) during its lifetime. This
31 14 happens occasionally when the laminations or
tie-bolts become loose, and the transformer begins
63 14 to buzz or rattle. In a highly critical location, it
125 11 would be wise to use this value. All of the table
C-30 values assume that the transformer initially
250 9 meets it quoted NEMA sound level rating. Field
500 6 measurements have shown that transformers may
actually have A-weighted sound levels that range
1000 6- from a few decibels (2 or 3 dB) above to as much as
5 or 6 dB below the quoted NEMA value. Quieted
2000 7 transformers that contain various forms of noise
4000 12 control treatments can be purchased at as much as
15 to 20 dB below normal NEMA ratings. If a
8000 20 quieter transformer is purchased and used, the
A-weighted, lowered sound level rating should be used in place
1 of the regular NEMA rating in equation C-17, and
the appropriate corrections from table C-30 se-
the manufacturer. On the basis of field studies of C-21. Opening In A Wall.
many transformer installations, the PWL in octave
An opening, such as a door, window, or louvered
bands has been related to the NEMA rating and vent, in an exterior wall of a noisy room will allow
the area of the four side walls of the unit. This noise to escape from that room and perhaps be
relationship is expressed by equation C-17: disturbing to neighbors. The PWL of the sound
Lw = NEMA rating + 10 log A + C, that passes through the opening can be estimated
(eq C-17) from equation C-18:
where “NEMA rating” is the A-weighted sound Lw = Lp + 10 log A - 10 (eq C-18)
level of the transformer provided by the manufac- where Lp is the SPL in the room at the location of
turer, obtained in accordance with current NEMA the opening and A is the area, in ft.2, of the
Standards, A is the total surface area of the four opening. (Note, the factor of - 10 is due to the use
side walls of the transformer in ft.2, and C is an of ft.2 for A, if m2 had been used then this factor
octave band correction that has different values for would be 0) Once the PWL is estimated, the SPL
different uses, as shown in table C-30. If the exact at any neighbor distance can be estimated with
dimensions of the transformer are not known, an the use of chapter 5 material. For normal openings
approximation will suffice. If in doubt, the area (windows or vents) without ducted connections to
should be estimated on the high side. An error of the noise source, it may be assumed that the
25 percent in area will produce a change of 1 dB sound radiates freely in all directions in front of
in the PWL. The most nearly applicable C value the opening, but to the rear of the wall containing
from table C-30 should be used. The Cl value the opening, the barrier effect of the wall should
assumes normal radiation of sound. The C2 value be taken into account. For ducted connections from
should be used in regular-shaped confined spaces a sound source to an opening in the wall, the
where standing waves will very likely occur, sound is somewhat “beamed” out of the opening
which typically may produce 6 dB higher sound and may be assumed to have a directivity effect of
levels at the transformer harmonic frequencies of above one-half the amount given in table C-23 for
120, 240, 360, 480, and 600 Hz (for 60-Hz line air intake openings of large stacks.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-25. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for DRPR Electric Motors.
Octave Value to
Frequency be Subtracted
Band From Overall SPL
(Hz) (dB)
31 9
63 9
125 7
250 7
500 6
1000 9
2000 12
4000 18
8000 27
dB(A) 4
Table C-26. Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3 ft distance) for steam turbines.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-27. Approximate Sound Pressure Levels (in dB at 3-ft. Distance) for Gears, in the 125-through 8000-Hz Octave Bands,
from Equation C-16.
Table C-28. Approximate Overall PWL (in dB) of Generators, Excluding the Noise of the Driver Unit.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-29. Frequency Adjustments (in dB) for Generators, Without Drive Unit.
Octave Value to
Frequency be Subtracted
Band From Overall SPL
(Hz) (dB)
31 11
63 8
125 7
250 7
500 7
1000 9
2000 11
4000 14
8000 19
dB(A) 4
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Table C-30. Octave-Band Corrections (in dB) to be Used in Equation C-17 for Obtaining PWL of Transformers in
Different Installation Conditions.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
the square of a reference pressure. Therefore, the Transmission Loss of Building Partitions”. It is
sound pressure level is equal to 20 times the designed to give an estimate of the sound insula-
common logarithm of the ratio of the sound pres- tion properties of a partition or a rank ordering of
sure to a reference pressure (20 micropascals or a series of partitions.
0.0002 microbar).
Sound Transmission Loss (TL)
Sound Transmission Class (STC) A measure of sound insulation provided by a
A single-number rating derived from measured structural configuration. Expressed in decibels,
values of transmission loss in accordance with it is ten times the common logarithm of the
ASTM E-413, “Classification for Rating Sound sound energy transmitted through a partition, to
Insulation” and ASTM E-90, “Test Method for the total energy incident upon the opposite
Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound surface.
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Harris, Cyril M., Noise Control in Buildings, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 1994
Jones, Robert S., Noise & Vibration Control in Buildings, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 1984
Fry, Alan, Noise Control in Building Services, Pergamon Press, New York, NY 1988
Bies, David A. & Hansen, C. H., Engineering Noise Control, Unwin Hyman, Boston, MA 1988
Harris, Cyril M., Shock & Vibration Handbook, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 1988
Beranek, Leo L. & Ver, Istvan L., Noise and Vibration Control Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, NY 1992
Beranek, Leo L., Noise & Vibration Control, The Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Washington, DC,
Schaffer, Mark E., A Practical Guide to Noise and Vibration Control for HVAC Systems, the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, GA 1991
TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
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