Timeline 1
Timeline 1
Timeline 1
1949-Catholic bishops opposed the use of government funds to publish Rafael Palma’s
biography of Rizal because of the Books Anti-Catholicism
1872-There was no Filipino history
-With access today to an enormously wider archival documentation, not to speak of the
resources afforded by such cognate disciplines as archeology, linguistics, and anthropology,
a great deal can be learned about Filipino society during both the Pre-hispanic and the
Hispanic period.
-Even with the meager resources at his disposal in the nineteenth century,Rizal had shown
that Spanish chronicles could be minded beneath the Hisponcentric outlook of this
-William Henry Scott, the distinguished investigator into so many facts of the Filipino past,
has entitled one of his works “Cracks in the Parchment Curtain.”
-Few historians today would maintain the nineteenth-century view that history is a science
with laws as rigorous as those of the physical Sciences.
-Arriving at the “facts” demands that the historians should demonstrate in detail how he
bridges the gap between the documentation and the conclusions he draws from it.
-Reynaldo Ileto’s Pasyon and Revolution and other writings have demonstrated that such
“documents” are a fruitful source for the historian.
- It is said that Philippine history has been more devoted to the revolutionary and the
American colonial period.
- Negros is one of the most atypical regions of the Philippines, meaning they are a not very
representative type of group. In fact, the Christianization of the island mostly took place in
the second half of the 19nt Century.
-The prototype of all these was the eccentric and ingenious lucubrations of Pedro Paterno
at the turn of the century on the supposed pre-Hispanic past.
-Paterno distorted genuine documents. But more harmful were the early twentieth-century
forgeries of Jose Marco on pre-Hispanic Philippines, the Povedano and Pavon manuscripts
with the infamous code of Kalintiyaw.
-This however, did not prevent a popular college textbook from republishing the code in
the 1970s
-Nor did it prevent older studies based on Marcos pseudohitory from being republished in
1979, thuse perpuating further the distortion of the Pre-Hispanic past.
-The latter rightly rejects the colonalist and elitist approaches to national history.
1986- The so-called Code of Kalintiyaw, in particular, found its way into history textbooks
for generations until it was exposed by William Henry Scott in his Prehispanic Sources for
the History of the Philippines.