This problem sheet describes an unstiffened welded connection between a beam and column. A ISMB 350 beam is connected to an ISHB 400 column using a 130mmx130mmx10mm seat angle with 200mm length. 8mm vertical welds are on the angle sides with 16mm returns on top. A 100mmx100mmx6mm cleat angle of 120mm length is tack welded to the top with 5mm fillet welds. The beam is also tack welded to the seat angle along the bottom flange with 5mm fillet welds. The student is asked to draw elevation and side views of the connection showing details.
This problem sheet describes an unstiffened welded connection between a beam and column. A ISMB 350 beam is connected to an ISHB 400 column using a 130mmx130mmx10mm seat angle with 200mm length. 8mm vertical welds are on the angle sides with 16mm returns on top. A 100mmx100mmx6mm cleat angle of 120mm length is tack welded to the top with 5mm fillet welds. The beam is also tack welded to the seat angle along the bottom flange with 5mm fillet welds. The student is asked to draw elevation and side views of the connection showing details.
This problem sheet describes an unstiffened welded connection between a beam and column. A ISMB 350 beam is connected to an ISHB 400 column using a 130mmx130mmx10mm seat angle with 200mm length. 8mm vertical welds are on the angle sides with 16mm returns on top. A 100mmx100mmx6mm cleat angle of 120mm length is tack welded to the top with 5mm fillet welds. The beam is also tack welded to the seat angle along the bottom flange with 5mm fillet welds. The student is asked to draw elevation and side views of the connection showing details.
This problem sheet describes an unstiffened welded connection between a beam and column. A ISMB 350 beam is connected to an ISHB 400 column using a 130mmx130mmx10mm seat angle with 200mm length. 8mm vertical welds are on the angle sides with 16mm returns on top. A 100mmx100mmx6mm cleat angle of 120mm length is tack welded to the top with 5mm fillet welds. The beam is also tack welded to the seat angle along the bottom flange with 5mm fillet welds. The student is asked to draw elevation and side views of the connection showing details.
connected to the flange of a stanchion ISHB 400@77.4 Kg/m by an unstiffened welded seat connection.The seat angle used is 130mmx130mmx10mm. length 200mm. vertical shop welds of 8mm size are used on 10mm thick vertical sides of angle, and ISA 100mmx100mmx6mm are provided with 16mm returns across the 5 100 X top of seats.A 100mmx100mmx6mm cleat angle of 120mm length is provided at the ISMB 350 @52.64Kg/m top and tack welding is done on its toes by 5mm fillet weld.similarly the beam is joined to seat angle by tack welding along the outer edges of its bottom flange using 5mm fillet welds. Draw the following of the X ISHB 400 ISMB 350 unstiffened seated connected showing the ISA 130mmx130mmx10mm @ 77.4 @ 52.4 kg/m kg/m details of connection 8 130 h 400 350 Draw 400 b 250 140 1.elevation tf 12.7 14.2 2.side view ELEVATION tw 9.1 8.1 120
NAME Fahd Abdul rahman
ISHB 400 @77.4 Kg/m USN 1R17CV134 ISA 100mmx100mmx6mm 5 100 Sem and Batch 6th SEM A1 Date of Conduction 12/05/2021
ISMB 350 @52.64Kg/m Date of Submission 07/07/2021
5 100 MARKS ISA 130mmx130mmx10mm SKETCH (8M) 8 130