MELC: Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted
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Learning Competencies: The learners should be able to investigate the relationship between the
amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change in the object’s
motion. (LC Code: S8FE-Ia-16)
Topic/ Activity No./Title of Activity: (be particular): NEWTON’s THIRD LAW OF MOTION
Specific Objectives:
a. define free fall, circular motion and the third law of Motion
b. demonstrate daily applications of circular motion and the Third law of Motion
c. actively participate in the activity.
Brief Descriptions:
Free Fall and Newton’s Second Law of Motion Gravity acts on all objects on the earth’s
surface and causes them to accelerate when released. This acceleration, known as the acceleration
due to gravity g, is the same for all objects on earth and is equal 9.8 m/s2. This means that when
objects fall, their velocities increase by 9.8 m/s every 1 second.
Uniform Circular Motion and Newton’s Second Law of Motion acceleration does not only
refer to change in speed. It also refers to change in direction. In the case of circular motion, the whirling
object accelerates not due to the change in its speed but to the change in the direction of its velocity.
Circular motion is with constant speed. We know that even if the object has constant speed its direction
thus its velocity changes also. Uniform circular motion is accelerated motion.
Centripetal force- central seeking force where motion where velocity is constant but of
changing directions. Centripetal force is a "real" force that counteracts the centrifugal force and
prevents the object from "flying out", keeping it moving instead with a uniform speed along a circular
Centrifugal force- force acting outward of the center Centrifugal force describes the tendency
of an object following a curved path to fly outwards, away from the center of the curve. It's not really a
force; it results from inertia i.e. the tendency of an object to resist any change in its state of rest or
Third law of Motion/ Law of Interaction/ Action-Reaction- Forces work in pairs and happen
at the same time. For every action of force, there is an equal but opposite reaction. The pairs of forces
exerted occur at the same time at the moment in two different bodies and in opposite directions.
2. Try to whirl an object tied to a string horizontally above your head. Then observe what happens if you
cut the string. How does it travel after release?
3. Explain the interaction between a hammer and a nail.
Note: A powerpoint presentation on the Laws of Motion will be given but will focused more on the
Activities on the Third Law of Motion.
May get a copy of the ppt. From Sir Alexander C. Dayag.
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