Data Management Documentation
Data Management Documentation
Data Management Documentation
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Quebec Now Platform Administration
Data management
Data is stored and managed in your instance according to a principled structure that
administrators can view and configure. Data management functions include importing,
exporting, and archiving database data and configuring fields and tables.
Database structure
All of the information in the instances is stored in tables, which consist of a series of
records. The record in turn holds a series of fields that hold the individual bits of data and
can be viewed either as a list or a form.
A table can extend another table. The table doing the extending (child class) includes
all of the fields of the other table (parent class) and adds its own fields. For instance, the
Incident [incident] table has all of the Task [task] table fields (because an incident is a
special form of task) and has its own incident-specific tasks.
Within a table, a field can hold a reference to a record on another table. There are
three types of one-to-many relationship fields:
• Reference Field: allow a user to select a record on a table defined by the reference
field. For instance, the Caller field on the Incident table allows the user to select any
record on the User table.
• Glide List: allows a user to select multiple records on a table defined by the glide list.
For instance, the Watch list field on the Incident table allows the user to select records
on the User table.
• Document ID Field: allows a user to select a record on any table in the instance. These
fields are much less common, but one example is the Document field on the
Translated Text [sys_translated_text] table.
Two tables can have a bi-directional relationship, so that the related records are visible
from both tables in a related list.
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Database Views
Two tables can be joined virtually with Database Views to enable reporting on data that
might be stored over more than one table.
There are a number of tools that can help manage data within the instance.
Schema map
The Schema Map displays the relationships between tables visually, helping to navigate
through the database structure.
The Schema Map provides an interface for viewing the relationships between tables.
The inter-table relationships it captures include many-to-many relationships, tables that
extend other tables, and tables that reference other tables through reference fields.
Data dictionary tables holds information that defines the database and can be
accessed for information on the database schema.
These tables hold important information on the database and its structure:
Table cleaner
Table cleaner automatically deletes records on certain tables to prevent data growing
exponentially. Records are automatically deleted from specific tables after a specific
time to deletion. Deleting these records automatically prevents the tables from growing
to an unmanageable size.
The time before a record is deleted begins on the date and time value in the tracked
field. The Table Cleaner scheduled job runs the table cleaner every hour. To view the list
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• The MatchField field represents a Date/Time column in the table that you are trying
to clean up.
You can set up multiple table cleaner entries for a particular table. Performance
depends on the size of the table and the conditions used. For example, if you use a
custom column in a very large table that has no index on, performance is severely
degraded. Performance also depends on the number of rows to be deleted.
Note: TableCleaner does not call DBDelete.setWorkflow(). This means
DBDelete objects run with workflow=false (false is the default value for a Java
boolean), hence Delete business rules and workflows are not triggered.
Cleaned tables
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Plugin Description
A unique 32-character GUID (Globally Unique ID), called a Sys ID (sys_id) identifies
each record in an instance. There are various ways a record is assigned a sys_id.
• Data archiving
Data archiving involves managing table size growth and archiving old data. It moves
data that is no longer needed every day from primary tables to a set of archive tables.
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To occasionally migrate data from one instance to another, you can export XML data
from one instance and import it to another.
• Export sets
Export sets allow you to push data from an instance to an external file.
• Import sets
Import sets allow administrators to import data from various data sources, and then
map that data into ServiceNow tables.
• System clone
Use the System Clone application to copy everything in a database from one instance
to another.
• Database rotation
Database rotation involves managing table size growth and archiving old data.
When created within the application, sys_id values are unique. The Now Platform and
database should manage all operations on sys_id values. The same sys_id value is never
generated twice, which ensures that every record created in every table in every
instance in the world has a unique identifier. If two records have the same sys_id value, it
occurs as a result of the following situations:
• If a record with the sys_id was copied to the other at the database level outside of the
Now Platform.
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If a record with the sys_id was copied using an Update Set or via XML, its sys_id is the
Note: A new record has a sys_id of -1, and once inserted, it is assigned a new
sys_id. The sys_id is not meant to show as a field on a form or as a column in a list. To
learn more, see the Users are unable to add the sys_id field to a form or list view
[KB0690876] article in the Now Support Knowledge Base.
Users can locate the sys_id of a record using the header bar.
The sys_id is inside of the URL, after the parameter sys_id=. For example, the following
is a URL for an Incident:
https://<instance name>
• The sys_id value of a record can be found in a business rule (or any other server-side
JavaScript) by dot-walking from the GlideRecord.
var id = current.sys_id;
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Since the sys_id of a record is always part of the URL for a link to that record, it is possible
to retrieve the sys_id by viewing the URL.
View the sys_id in the information bar of the browser by hovering over a link to the
For example, an Incident with the following URL: https://<instance name>.service-, has
this sys_id: 23dc968f0a0a3c1900534f399927740e.
Data archiving
Data archiving involves managing table size growth and archiving old data. It moves
data that is no longer needed every day from primary tables to a set of archive tables.
The longer an instance runs, the more likely it is to accumulate data that is no longer
relevant. For example, task records from two years ago are typically less relevant than
currently active tasks. Old data may eventually cause performance issues by consuming
system resources and slowing down queries and reports.
If you cannot delete this data because you need it for auditing or for historical purposes:
1. Set up an archive rule that archives the data and removes it from immediate access
to free up system resources.
3. Configure the archive and destroy rule properties that control batch processing of
the archive and destroy rules.
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Data archiving supports Domain separation for service providers. For example, incidents
that belong to a domain keep their domain designation even after they are archived.
Note: If you want to archive emails, activate the Email retention plugin and use the
archive and destruction rules that come with the plugin. Do not use the archive
feature to create your own archiving rules on the email table.
The first time you activate an archive rule, it performs the following actions:
• Creates the archive table in the database. The archive table has the same name as
the primary table with an "ar_" prefix. For example, if you archive the Incident
[incident] table, then the archive table is [ar_incident].
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• Stores an xml version of each archived record in the sys_archive_log table. This archive
log is the same table for all archive rules, and you cannot alter this behavior. It is also
the only place where the sys_id is stored together with the display value for reference
• Converts multiple joined tables into a single flat-file archive table. The archive table no
longer consists of a base and extended tables.
• Converts reference field values (values set by references to records in other tables)
into string values. The archive record contains the display value of the reference field
at the time of the archive.
• Adds a module to the Archive Tables list in the System Archiving application. The
module name is a combination of the word "Archive" plus the display name for the
archived table. For example, the archive module for the Attachment
[sys_attachments] table is Archive Attachment. Click the module name to view
records in the archive table.
• Creates a list of the archive table using the default list view.
• Creates a form for the archive table using the default form view. The form excludes
any dot-walking fields such as Caller ID.Email.
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Archived tables are not optimized for ad hoc queries. They only contain index entries for
the display value, creation date, and the primary key of sys_id.
For this reason, do not make on-demand queries against an archived table, such as
searching for all priority 1 archived incidents. Instead, only search against the indexed
fields. For example, search for incident INC100001 or incidents created on a specific
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By default, archive tables use the ACLs for the unarchived table of the same name. For
example, the archived Incident [ar_incident] table uses the ACLs defined for the
unarchived Incident [incident] table.
You can manage access to archive tables explicitly by creating ACLs for specific
archive tables and setting the property to true.
The system then follows one of two paths:
1. If one or more active ACLs are defined for an archive table, those ACLs control
access to the archive table.
2. If no ACLs are defined for an archive table, the system reverts to default behavior
and uses the ACLs for the unarchived version of the table.
Note: The two paths are mutually exclusive: If archive table ACLs deny access, the
system doesn't attempt to revert to the default behavior.
The read operation read is the only operation evaluated, and other operations are
The Execution Plan UI is aware of this logic and presents information accordingly. For
example, adding the first ACL to an archive table shows that the archive table ACL is
"masking" ACLs on the unarchived (original data) table.
If you have existing ACLs on archived tables, they are ignored unless you set the property to true. Those newly activated ACLs
may possibly cause access issues. To prevent this occurrence, the system sets the property as follows:
• Upgraded instances don't install the property. The property must be added manually
and set to true to enable the archive table ACL behavior.
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The System Archiving application includes several sample archive rules that illustrate
the archive features. Related records can be added to an archive rule, and you can
view an estimate of the number of records the rule affects.
Create a destroy rule to delete archived records and related records after a specified
amount of time.
Rules to prevent the archive process from consuming too many system resources have
been automated.
You can view archived data, change an archive schedule, restore archived data,
and archive a restored record.
There are constraints to the size of the table you use to archive your instance data.
• Data migration process for archiving table data from non-reference fields to reference
The data migration process moves data from an existing archive table, including
descendent and related tables. There are special scripts and notes to understand
when completing this process.
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Note: If you want to archive emails, activate the Email retention plugin and use the
archive and destruction rules that come with the plugin. Do not use the archive
feature to create your own archiving rules on the email table.
2. Click New.
Field Description
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Field Description
to archive rules display the name you
enter here.
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Field Description
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
After verifying that the archive rule is selecting records as expected, activate the
archive rule.
If you do not want to wait for the scheduled job to run the archive rule, you can
manually start the archive rule by clicking Run Archive Now.
Use the Archive Related Records related list to add related records to the archive rule.
Field Description
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
For example, if you select the
Problem in Incident reference,
the related record rule updates
any incident record with a
reference to the archived
problem record by clearing the
reference. If the reference is a
many-to-many relationship, the
related record rule deletes the
reference instead of clearing
the reference.
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Field Description
Document ID to refer to the
archived table record.
5. Click Submit.
Each archive rule provides an estimate of the number of records the rule affects.
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This estimate only includes primary records and excludes any related records added to
the archive rule. The estimate helps you determine if the archive rule affects the number
of records you expect it to. If the estimate is too high or low, change the archive rule
conditions and then click the Recalculate Estimate related link.
On internationalized instances, the archive process uses the language of the SYSTEM
user to select the display value strings.
If there is no SYSTEM user, the instance uses the default language setting to select the
display value strings. You can either create a SYSTEM user with a specific language
setting or set the system default language to select the language of archived strings.
If you need to amend the destroy rule properties running against your archived data,
see Archive rule and destroy rule properties.
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2. Click New.
Field Description
4. Click Submit.
In prior releases, you could set archive rules and deletion rules properties. This process
has been automated, so that it is no longer necessary to adjust these parameters.
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Use the following procedure to view archived data in the archive tables.
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2. Click the module name for the archived table you want to view. For example,
Archive Incidents.
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3. Click a record from the archived table to see the archived record.
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All active archive rules are executed by a system-scheduled job set to run every 60
minutes. You can modify the job if you need to change the interval.
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When you restore a record, the instance inserts it back into the primary table and flags
the record as having been restored in the log. You can also restore the record along
with related records.
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• Restore Record
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Warning: Do not delete archive record log entries. Deleting an archive log
entry prevents you from restoring the data for the archived records.
You can automatically re-archive a restored record or you can manually archive the
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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You can follow KB0689595 to reduce the size of a table you need to archive by
identifying unused columns and converting large varchar fields into mediumtext fields,
but you might then encounter a rowsize limitation. You can address a rowsize limitation
in the TPP hierarchy by migrating fields to another partition table. However, you are
attempting to create a single archive table which has all the fields for the table spread
over two or more partition tables. Creating this single archive table can result in a table
which still exceeds the overall table size limit.
If you cannot create an archive table after reducing the size to meet the table limits,
please contact Customer Service and Support.
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gr3.setValue('reference_migration_progress', 'waiting'
After the tables associated with an archive rule completely migrate, the ArchiveRefJob
job executes. This job changes the sys_dictionary types of the archive table from String
to Reference.
If node failure occurs while these jobs are running, it leaves the status of the data
migration in an improper state. If the RefCopyJob fails, it can leave a table in a
migrating status. You can verify this condition by checking if rows in the
sys_archive_ref_migration are stuck in migrating status for an extraordinary amount of
time (quantify?). Update the specific row status from migrating to waiting and the
RefCopyJob continues the data migration on the table when the job runs again.
The node can also fail when the ArchiveRefJob terminates prematurely. Check if tables
have fields that are reference fields and some that are still string type fields. The job
might have died in the middle of changing the field types. You can resolve this
condition by setting up a trigger job to execute in a background script which starts the
process over again:
GlideRecord trigger = new GlideRecord(SYS_TRIGGER);
trigger.setValue('state', 0);
trigger.setValue('trigger_type', 0);
trigger.setValue('next_action', new GlideDateTime());
trigger.setValue('job_context', 'fcRuleId=' + ruleId);
trigger.setValue('name', 'Job Reference Migration' + ' Node - ' + new
trigger.setValue('trigger_class', com.glide.db.auxiliary.job.ArchiveRe
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This method ensures that all fields and values are transferred exactly. Migrating data in
an XML file saves time for unscheduled data imports because there is no need to build
an import set or a transform map.
Exporting and importing data in XML files is commonly used for records created in a
development instance that must be migrated with the update sets as part of a
migration procedure. Examples of these records include lookup tables, unit test records,
and other information required to support production. Typically, this information is only
migrated once and the overhead of an import set is not justified.
Note: Image field data is not preserved when exporting to XML.
• Exporting data
There are a variety of ways for administrators and users to export data.
After you have successfully exported data from the source instance, you can import
the XML file directly to the target instance.
Exporting data
There are a variety of ways for administrators and users to export data.
Form export
Export an individual record from the user interface. Choose PDF or XML format directly
from a form.
List export
Export multiple records from the user interface. Choose CSV, Excel, PDF, or XML format
directly from a list.
URL export
Export multiple records from a table using the CSV, Excel, PDF, or XML processor. Specify
the table form or list you want to export in the URL.
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Web services
Export multiple records from a table when an external client makes a web services
request. Create an external application or process to automate the retrieval of data
from an instance via web services such as REST or SOAP.
Export sets
Create a file called an export set that contains all the data you want to export.
Export formats
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Column headers
The file type you export to, such as CSV or PDF determines how column headers are
exported. In general, formats meant for human consumption such as PDF display the
column label, whereas formats meant for machine use such as CSV use the database
Header format by file type
Excel Label
PDF Label
CSV field_name
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XML field_name
JSON field_name
• Export limits
• Form export
• List export
• Export controls
Control the column value and header value in export files using query parameters,
export set properties, and system properties.
Exporting currency fields to Excel applies Account formatting and can be configured
to convert all values to US dollars or to export values in the user's session currency.
You may want to export data from the URL if you need to dynamically export data
from a script or web service.
If the number of records to be exported exceeds the actual export limit, you may
want to break the export into smaller increments that do not place a significant
performance load on the platform.
When the property glide.export.debug is true, the instance logs export processing
including database query time and the time taken to write data to the file.
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Export limits
The platform provides a default upper limit for data exports.
The purpose of the upper limit is to avoid creating performance issues when a table is
excessively large. If you need to export more records than the threshold permits, Break
up a large export into separate manageable chunks.
You can set the number of records to return during an export using the
sysparm_record_count URL parameter.
However, the system analyzes the following settings to determine whether an export limit
should be applied.
1. First, the platform checks the property that defines the format-specific export limit
(see table below). Each format can have a different limit. Although this property
can be set to any value, exceeding the default export limit can impact system
performance. You may want to set the property at or below the default limit and
have users Break up a large export to export large amounts of data.
2. If the format-specific property is not set, the system checks the property for the
general export limit (see table below). This property can also be set to any value,
but exceeding the default export limit can impact system performance.
3. If neither the format-specific export limit nor the general export limit property is set,
the system enforces the default export limit (see table below).
Important: To set these properties, navigate to System Properties > Import Export.
Format-specific export
Format General export limit Default export limit
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Format-specific export
Format General export limit Default export limit
EXCEL (XLS) glide.ui.export.limit 10,000
EXCEL (XLS) N/A 500,000
Note: The
number of rows
can be set from
0 to 5,000. If no
value is
specified, the
PDF N/A 1,000
default is 1,000.
If a value
greater than
5,000 is
specified, the
default value of
1,000 is used.
Although the
number of
columns can
PDF N/A 25
be set higher
than 25, this is
not advisable,
since only 25
header labels fit
on a page.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Format-specific export
Format General export limit Default export limit
JSON glide.ui.export.limit 10,000
mit = 20,000 In the second
Exporting to CSV export, the number
• glide.ui.export.limit of records returned
= 10,000 Records from the database
to be is limited because
Exporting to CSV • Exported the number of
com.glide.process records specified for
ors.XMLProcessor. 15,000 15,000 export exceeds the
max_record_coun value set in the
t = 20,000 30,000 20,000 glide.csv.export.limit
• Default export limit
for CSV = 10,000
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In the second
• Exporting to export, the number Excel of records returned
mit = no entry from the database
Records is limited because
Exporting to Excel • glide.ui.export.limit to be
Returned the number of
(XLSX) = no entry Exported
records specified for
• Default export limit 10,000 10,000 export exceeds the
for Excel (XLSX) = default export limit
10,000 for Excel, 10,000
30,000 10,000
Excel exports are intended for relatively small exports, fewer than 500,000 cells, while
CSV can handle larger exports.
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Whenever you export to Excel and the resultant spreadsheet has more than 500,000
cells (by default), the export process stops and you are given the Excel file at that point.
In the bottom row, there will be the following message: Export stopped due to excessive
size. Use CSV for a complete export:
Excel export threshold
The Excel export cell threshold is customizable using the glide.xlsx.max_cells integer
property (or glide.excel.max_cells if using XLS).
Note: Increasing this threshold may cause a memory issue in your instance. The
threshold is set at an appropriate level to prevent resource issues.
The export will put the information into the Excel document with 32,000 rows per
Form export
Any user role can export form data in a variety of formats.
• PDF (Portrait)
• PDF (Landscape)
Export an individual record from a form by right-clicking a form header bar and
selecting the export type.
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Note: When exporting PDF data from a form, any field that is disabled by UI scripts
(UI policies, UI actions, client scripts) and any fields that are visible from the current
view, are exported. However, when exporting XML data, all of the fields are
exported, regardless of the view. You cannot export records to CSV or Excel from a
When exporting to XML, a dialog box may prompt you to save the file, or the browser
may automatically save the XML file to the downloads folder specified in the browser
Related tasks
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Related concepts
• Export limits
• List export
• Export controls
List export
You can export a list of records in a variety of formats.
The Export option is available in the column heading context menu in List v2. In List v3, it
is available in the list title menu.
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Note: To export records in an embedded list, export the record containing the list.
Export formats include:
• Excel
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• PDF (Portrait)
• PDF (Landscape)
• PDF (Detailed Portrait): Exports the list and the associated form for each record.
• PDF (Detailed Landscape): Exports the list and the associated form for each record.
Note: You can control how line breaks appear in exported CSV data using the
glide.csv.export.line_break system property.
Note: To remove unwanted HTML tags from list data, see the blog Rendering HTML
in Exported Lists by a ServiceNow employee in the Now Community.
When exporting to XML, a dialog box may prompt you to save the file, or the browser
may automatically save the XML file to the downloads folder specified in the browser
By default, exporting data from a list exports only the fields that are visible from the
current view.
Use URL queries to programmatically generate filtered lists before exporting them.
Related tasks
Related concepts
• Export limits
• Form export
• Export controls
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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By default, exporting data from a list exports only the fields that are visible from the
current view.
By default, exporting data from a list exports only the fields that are visible from the
current view. If you want to export fields from another list view, you can switch views
from the UI. Alternatively, you can add the sysparm_view parameter to the URL request.
For example, to export fields visible from the Self Service (ess) view:
If you are exporting CSV or Excel data and do not specify a view, the export uses the
default list view. You can export all fields by setting the sysparm_default_export_fields
parameter to all. If you are exporting XML data, the export returns all fields unless you
specify a particular view. The sysparm_default_export_fields parameter has no effect on
XML exports.
Related tasks
Use URL queries to programmatically generate filtered lists before exporting them.
URL queries are useful for scripts that generate a list of records and where no user will
manually add the filter from the UI. You must be familiar with the table's column names
and values to create a query.
2. Specify the list URL for the table you want to export. For example,
3. Specify the export format processor for the export. For example, ?XML.
4. Specify the query as the value of the sysparm_query parameter. For example, ?
5. (Optional) Specify the result sort order with the sysparm_orderby= parameter. For
example, CSV&sysparm_orderby=assigned_to.
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Note: All queries use a column name, an operator, and a value. See Condition
Builder for a list of available operators.
For example, to export a list of all priority 1 incidents as an XML file, use the following
URL: https://<instance name>
Related concepts
Export controls
Control the column value and header value in export files using query parameters,
export set properties, and system properties.
Depending on the output formats you prefer, you can use export controls to do the
• Export column values as either display values (for example, Assignment group =
Network) or raw values (for example, Assignment Group =
• Export table headings as either heading labels (for example, Assignment Group) or
heading names (for example, assignment_group).
Use query parameters to export the display value or raw value of fields and the field
label or field name for headers.
Use Export Set fields to export the display value or raw value of fields and the field
label or field name for headers.
Use system properties to export the display value or raw value of fields and the field
label or field name for headers.
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Default values are used for column headers and column values, unless overridden by
query parameters, Export Set fields, or system properties.
Related tasks
Related concepts
• Export limits
• Form export
• List export
Use query parameters to export the display value or raw value of fields and the field
label or field name for headers.
Query parameters control the output for CSV, Excel, JSON, XLSX, and XML file formats.
Query parameters, if present, override system properties.
The following table describes each of the query parameters that control display values
and headers.
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Example: sysparm_display_value
sysparm_display_value = true
sysparm_display_value = false
Example: displayvalue
displayvalue = true
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displayvalue = false
displayvalue = All
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Example: sysparm_export_column_header_label
sysparm_export_column_header_label = true
sysparm_export_column_header_label = false
Related concepts
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Related reference
Use Export Set fields to export the display value or raw value of fields and the field label
or field name for headers.
Export Set fields control the output for the CSV, Excel, JSON, XLSX, and XML file formats.
Export Set fields, if present, override system properties.
The following table describes each of the Export Set fields that control display values
and headers.
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Related concepts
Related reference
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Use system properties to export the display value or raw value of fields and the field
label or field name for headers.
System properties control the output for the CSV, Excel, JSON, and XLSX file formats.
System properties define default behavior if overrides such as query parameters are not
specified. System properties apply to exported files downloaded with URL parameters,
exported from list view, or generated by export sets.
The following table describes each of the system properties that control display values
and headers.
Note: Setting the
glide.export.csv.raw.value property as false also
crops the value's string
to 32000 characters.
JSON false
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Example: CSV
glide.export.csv.raw.value = true
glide.export.csv.column_header_label = true
Example: Excel
glide.export.excel.display_value = false
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glide.export.excel.column_header_label = false
Example: JSON
glide.json.return_displayValue = true
Example: XLSX
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glide.export.xlsx.display_value = false
glide.export.xlsx.column_header_label = false
Related concepts
Related reference
The following table describes how different field types are affected by export controls.
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Related concepts
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Related reference
Default values are used for column headers and column values, unless overridden by
query parameters, Export Set fields, or system properties.
The following table describes the default values used if you do not use query
parameters, Export Set fields, or system properties to control output format.
Related concepts
Related reference
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When exporting currency fields to Microsoft Excel, the cells containing currency data
use Accounting formatting. This formatting allows you to perform numeric operations on
those values as well as view the currency symbol, such as $ or €.
You can choose to export all currency values either in US dollars or in the user's session
• To export all currency values in the user's session currency, set the property
glide.excel.convert_to_user_currency to true.
• When the currency symbol is $, the Excel cell type is set as Currency.
Related tasks
Related concepts
• Export limits
• Form export
• List export
• Export controls
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• Currency administration
• Single-currency mode
Related reference
You must be familiar with the ServiceNow table and column names to export data
directly from the URL. See Navigate to a record or a module using a URL for more
information about navigating to forms and lists.
Query parameters are available for you to use in the instance URL so you can display a
specific list of records in a specific order:
sysparm_orderby sysparm_orderby=[column
name] Sorts a list of records by the
column name provided. For
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To export data directly from the URL, create a URL containing the following parts:
3. Specify the export format processor to use for the export. For example, ?CSV.
4. (Optional) Specify a query and sort order with URL parameters. For example,
The final URL should look like one of these sample URLs:
URL Description
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URL Description
https://<instance name>.service-
Export a particular incident to a
comma-separated value text file.
Note: ServiceNow enforces basic authentication for direct URL access. The
data extracted from the URL contains only the fields to which the currently
authenticated user has read access.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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You can dynamically export data from a script or web service by calling a URL export
from any programming language.
Related tasks
Related concepts
• Export limits
• Form export
• List export
• Export controls
You can dynamically export data from a script or web service by calling a URL export
from any programming language.
The following procedure includes code samples that demonstrate calling a URL export in
C# for a .Net framework call:
// Call to DownloadFile method supplying the URL and locati
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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remoteStream = response.GetResponseStream();
// Create the local file
localStream = File.Create(localFilename);
// Allocate a 1k buffer
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead;
// Simple do/while loop to read from stream unt
// no bytes are returned
// Read data (up to 1k) from the stream
bytesRead = remoteStream.Read(buffer, 0, bu
// Write the data to the local file
localStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
// Increment total bytes processed
bytesProcessed += bytesRead;
} while (bytesRead > 0);
catch (Exception e)
// Close the response and streams objects here
// to make sure they're closed even if an exception
// is thrown at some point
if (response != null) response.Close();
if (remoteStream != null) remoteStream.Close();
if (localStream != null) localStream.Close();
// Return total bytes processed to caller.
return bytesProcessed;
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3. If the record number is higher than the defined threshold, issue a sysparm query for
the first 10,000 records using the following syntax:
https://<instance name>
This exports the first 10,000 records in order, sorted by the sys_id number.
5. Right-click the row and copy the sys_id of the next record you want to export.
6. Access the next series of records with a greater than or equal to query run against
the sys_id of record 10,001.
https://<instance name>
Note: URL queries use typical percent encoding. In this example, the greater
than sign (>) is encoded as %3E and the equal sign (=) is encoded as %3D.
7. Continue issuing this query, using the starting sys_id for the next set of records until
you have exported all the necessary records.
Related tasks
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Related concepts
• Export limits
• Form export
• List export
• Export controls
When the property glide.export.debug is true, the instance logs export processing
including database query time and the time taken to write data to the file. Debug logs
are indicated by the text Export API. Prolonged use of this property can affect
performance, so it is best to use it while debugging export processing, and then set the
property back to false.
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07/17/14 15:53:49 (547) EB39A310EB022100C46AC2EEF106FED9 #751 /poll_pr -- total transaction time: 0:00:00.013, total wait time: 0:
00:00.000, session wait: 0:00:00.000, semaphore wait: 0:00:00.000, sou
rce: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0
07/17/14 15:53:49 (740) SYSTEM Export API - ExcelExporter : Rows writt
en to file duration_milliseconds=1150
Related tasks
Related concepts
• Export limits
• Form export
• List export
• Export controls
Importing XML does not trigger business rules or update the instance cache.
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1. Sign in to the target instance (the instance that should receive the data).
2. In the banner frame, click the Elevate privileges icon ( ) beside the user name.
3. In the Activate an Elevated Privilege dialog box, select the security_admin check
box and click OK.
6. In the import screen, click Choose File and select the previously exported XML file.
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7. Click Upload.
Note: If the data does not import, navigate to System Definition > Tables &
Columns and verify that the table from which the data was exported also exists
in the instance importing the data. If the table does not exist in that instance,
you can move it using an update set.
Export sets
Export sets allow you to push data from an instance to an external file.
Create an export set to export records from your instance to a file on a MID Server.
• Schedule an export
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You can schedule an export to regularly push data from an export set to a remote
destination. By setting up a recurring, scheduled export you are able to regularly push
data to an external location, such as for reporting or for preserving a snapshot of the
An export set history record is automatically created whenever an export set runs,
either scheduled or manually started by a user. Export set history records allow you to
monitor and troubleshoot the progress of export sets.
3. In the What to export section, define what data to export in one of these ways.
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Option Description
Select Yes and select an Export Use this configuration if you have
Definition record. already created an export definition
record specifying what data to export.
Select No and select a table to export Use this configuration if you have not
data from. created an export definition record. A
new export definition record is created
automatically using the selected table
that includes fields from the default list
view for that table. You can modify the
export definition record as needed after
creating the export set.
4. In the Where to export to section, define where you want to export data to in one of
these ways.
Option Description
Select Yes and select an Export Target Use this configuration if you have
record. already created an export target
record specifying where to export data
Select No and select a MID Server, and Use this configuration if you have not
specify a path on the MID Server to save created an export target record. A new
the exported data to. export target record is created
automatically for the selected MID
Server and file path. You can modify the
export target record as needed after
creating the export set.
5. Click Submit.
What to do next
After creating the export set, the Export Set form appears. You can configure advanced
options from the form such as specifying a data format or scheduling recurring exports.
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Field Description
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Version Action
4. Click Submit.
An export definition specifies the data to be exported in an export set. This data includes
a table, one or more fields, and optionally a filter to limit the included records.
2. Click New.
5. Select one or more Fields from the selected table to export data from.
6. (Optional) Specify a Filter to export only certain records from the selected table.
Specifying a filter condition on the Created (sys_created_on) or Updated
(sys_updated_on) fields may prevent scheduled data exports from using delta
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exports functionality. Do not specify filter conditions on these fields if you intend to
use scheduled delta exports.
Navigate to System Export Sets > Export Targets and create a new record (see table for
field descriptions).
Export target fields
Field Description
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Export sets support multiple file types for exporting and pushing data.
Related topics
File types
You can export to these formats:
• Excel
Schedule an export
You can schedule an export to regularly push data from an export set to a remote
destination. By setting up a recurring, scheduled export you are able to regularly push
data to an external location, such as for reporting or for preserving a snapshot of the
You can configure scheduled export sets to export only new or changed records using
delta exports.
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2. Click New.
Field Description
Delta Exports
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
you selected the Execute pre-export
script check box.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
You can click the Execute Now button to run the export immediately and confirm the
data is exported as expected.
Delta exports include only the records that changed since the last scheduled export.
You can use delta export for regular tables only, such as the task and problem tables.
Important: You cannot use delta export for a database view table, which is a
virtual table that joins physical tables.
A database view does not include system fields such as sys_created on,
sys_created by and sys_updated on. Because the system date fields are not
included in the database view, you cannot use delta exports with database views
since there is no way to know when the table was last updated.
When scheduling an export set, you can access certain JavaScript objects.
Use these objects in scheduled export set scripts, such as the Pre-script and Post-script
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Set this object to true to stop the export action. Any child export sets are also cancelled
if the parent is cancelled. This object is available only in the Pre-script field.
Example: Use the Pre-script field to evaluate the conditions of the export and determine
whether to cancel the export process. To cancel the export process, use the following
cancel = true;
Get the GlideRecord object for the new export set. This variable allows you to query the
following columns from the sys_export_set table:
• name
• sys_id
• state
• table_name
Example: If you want to use information from the export set, you can specify one of the
properties of the export_set variable.
var x = export_set.sys_id;
Fields on the Export History form display the current status of the export set. The Export
Log related list shows a detailed list of changes to the export set status.
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Field Description
State Description
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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State Description
You can cancel a running export set to stop the data from being sent to a MID server.
You can cancel only exports that have not yet been sent to a MID server. You cannot
cancel an export after it reaches the MID Server Processing state.
3. In the Export Histories related list, select a record with the State value of Exporting.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Property Description
Import sets
Import sets allow administrators to import data from various data sources, and then map
that data into ServiceNow tables.
Explore Set up
• Import sets properties
• Upgrade to Quebec. • Create a data source
• Troubleshoot import set
• Import sets key concepts • Create a transform map
Use Integrate
• Developer training • Web service import sets
• Run an import
• Developer • Importing from another
• Importing Data into
ServiceNow ServiceNow instance
• Field map script variables • Apply CI Identification
• Schedule a data import
and Reconciliation to
• Scheduled data import
• Easy import Import Sets
scripting options
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• Blog: Troubleshooting
missing data in date fields
• Contact Customer
Service and Support
The Import Sets table acts as a staging area for records imported from a data source.
Note: You should not import data in extremely large chunks. Creating an extremely
large import set can cause delays and system outages.
A transform map determines the relationships between fields displaying in an Import Set
table and fields in an existing ServiceNow table, such as the Incidents or Users table.
Importing sets skip records when the data in the instance matches the data being
Note: Import Sets run as user System and therefore cannot add data to encrypted
Key terms
Term Definition
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Term Definition
on these tables are generated
automatically based on imported data
and should not be modified manually.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Term Definition
You can specify whether a Target field
should be used to coalesce on when
import set records are transformed. If the
field map Coalesce check box is selected,
when the import set row is transformed,
the instance checks for an existing record
in the target table that has the same
value in the Target field as the import set
row Source field.
You can import data from several different file formats or external data sources.
File formats
Format Limitations
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Format Limitations
ServiceNow can import data from the following external data sources.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Both transform maps and robust import set transformers convert data. Transform maps
convert data from the staging table to the destination file. Robust import set
transformers convert data from a source table to a message listener. If a data source
has both a transform map and a robust import set transformer, the system uses the
robust import set transformer instead of the transform map.
The Import Set Deleter scheduled job cleans up old import set data every day at
By default, the job deletes all import sets that are older than 7 days, as well as the
associated import set table records. If this scheduled job is not active on your instance,
activate it to mitigate the growing import set tables you may have, especially when
using recurring imports.
Note: If scheduled cleanup is not currently active on your system, you must ensure
that your import set tables are not too big (> 5 million records total across all tables)
before enabling this cleanup. If the tables are too big, manually delete the records
first before proceeding. Please contact Customer Service and Support to
coordinate the deletion of this data.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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• Computer
• User
• Notification
• Location
You can also delete the related transform maps, or you can delete data only and
preserve the table structure.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Concurrent imports
Split incoming data into multiple import sets and transform the import sets concurrently
to reduce processing time.
Running a concurrent import can be helpful when order does not matter and imports
take a long time due to large data sets with time-consuming scripts. If order matters, you
can split the import into multiple partitions to ensure that each partition is processed in
Note: Concurrent imports add processing and monitoring overhead. Use them only
with large data sets.
Enable concurrent imports only after fine-tuning all other parameters, such as database
indexes and transformations.
You enable concurrent imports by selecting Concurrent Import on the Scheduled Data
Import form. For instructions, see Schedule a data import.
When the schedule runs a concurrent import, the system pulls the data from databases,
Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, or other sources to a temporary staging table, and then
transforms the data from the staging table to the target table.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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When you run a concurrent import, the system creates multiple import sets, up to the
value of the glide.scheduled_import.max.concurrent.import_sets system property
(default = 10). For example, a two-node cluster produces four import sets, and a ten-
node cluster produces ten import sets.
Each active node runs two Import Set Transformer jobs every minute, and those jobs poll
the Concurrent Import Sets Jobs queue, pick import sets from the queue, and transform
those import sets. All jobs run concurrently, depending on the availability of worker
Each concurrent import creates a Concurrent Import Set record. The form view shows all
related import sets, concurrent import set jobs, and transform histories.
You can resume or reprocess any import set. For more information, see Monitor
concurrent import sets.
After loading data, the system adds the import sets to the Concurrent Import Sets Jobs
table. The Concurrent Import Sets Jobs table indicates the job type and status of each
concurrent import set job.
You can partition import sets to maintain the processing order within each partition.
By default, the system allocates records to import sets in a round robin fashion. However,
you can write a custom script to define a custom partition key that identifies the target
import set. Every row with the same partition key adds to the same import set, and the
data in that import set is processed in sequential order.
Hierarchical imports
You can create a scheduled import set hierarchy by scheduling an import to run after
another import set completes. One parent scheduled import can have many child
scheduled imports, and each child scheduled import executes in the order specified.
For concurrent scheduled imports, child scheduled imports can be started only after all
Import Set Transformer jobs complete.
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The last Import Set Transformer job starts the next import in the hierarchy.
The system generates an execution plan at the beginning of parent import process.
Each import process uses the execution plan to fetch the next process to invoke. For
concurrent imports, the last Import Set Transformer job fetches the next import and
executes it
Synchronized inserts
Coalesce fields help define uniqueness among records. The transformation process
checks for an existing record with the coalesce values and updates the existing record,
if it exists, or inserts a new record if none exists. For more information, see Updating
records using coalesce.
By default, concurrent imports allow each running import set to insert new records.
When an import set inserts a record, it establishes a write lock on the target table to
prevent other import sets from inserting the same record.
Table Description
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You can add the sys_domain field to a scheduled import table to enable domain
separation for the import set. Both import set loading and transform jobs run in the
domain specified in the scheduled import set job.
Data sources
Data sources are used to create an import set so that data can be processed, if
necessary, prior to being mapped onto a production table.
Type Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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For file type import sets, you can select from a list of file retrieval methods: SFTP, FTP, FTPS,
Note: FTPS is not recommended because it is no longer supported by some firewall
vendors. Consider using SFTP as an alternative.
The following file retrieval methods are available to copy the file from where it resides to
ServiceNow to be loaded into an import set.
After defining the files that are compatible for importing, define how the files can be
Note: For the import to succeed, your FTP server and client must be set up for the
same authentication mechanism that you select here.
Method Description
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Method Description
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Method Description
In implicit security, the FTPS server defines
a specific port for the client (990) to use
for secure connections. Implicit security
automatically begins with a TLS
connection the moment an FTP client
connects to an FTP server.
These examples describe how to import various file types as data sources.
You can import using both the XLSX format and the legacy XLS format. XLS is the default
format for spreadsheets created in Excel for versions 2003 and older. XLSX is the default
format for Excel 2007 or later. Use XLSX instead of legacy XLS whenever possible for
optimal performance.
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Note: All .xls files must use the 1900 date system as opposed to the 1904 date
system. The 1904 date system causes your dates to be imported with a year that is
four years earlier than what appears in your spreadsheet. Refer to MS Support for
additional information about date systems.
XML data source definitions have an extra field to specify the XPath for each row. This
field is an XPath expression to select the elements whose children are converted to rows
in the import set table. Each selected element causes a row to be created in the import
set table. The children of the selected element are converted into columns in the row.
For example, to import the asset information from the sample XML file below, the XPath
expression should be specified as /export/asset. This expression matches the three
<asset> elements in the file, so three rows are created. Although you could also
specify //asset, this expression is much less efficient for large files. Use the absolute
location path form for XPath expressions when using the XML loader. In other words,
avoid expressions containing // unless strictly necessary.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Be careful not to specify an insufficiently restrictive XPath expression with a large XML file.
For example, the expression /export would be wrong for the following sample file, since it
matches the document (root) element. In general, you should never specify an XPath
expression which matches the root element unless you want everything in the document
to be made into a single row. Specifying an insufficiently restrictive XPath expression
when attempting to load large XML files could result in lengthy processing times and
incorrect output. For this reason, it is best to test and debug XML data source
specifications with small XML files containing only a few rows worth of data. Once the
specification has been tested, you can run it again with the full file.
<userInfo> elements
Note that the <userInfo> elements contained within <asset> contain child elements. This
type of nesting creates a column called userInfo that contains XML for the <userInfo>
element. If Expand child nodes is checked, individual columns are also created for
userInfo/lastName and userInfo/firstName. If Expand child nodes is not checked, only
the userInfo XML column is created.
When loading data from an XML file, ServiceNow samples the first 10 records to
determine what fields are required to hold the data. If none of the first 10 records specify
a value for a field, ServiceNow does not add that field to the table that holds the
imported data. Ensure that at least one of the first 10 records specifies a value for any
fields being imported.
If the XML file used for an XML data source does not contain a field in the first 10 nodes,
the field is ignored. To import the field and ensure it is not ignored, you can add the
glide.db.impex.XMLLoader.max.scan_nodes system property with a value greater than
or equal to the position of the node where the field is first encountered. This property
applies to all XML data sources. glide.db.impex.XMLLoader.max.scan_nodes defaults to
10, but you can enter a value from 1 to 2147483647 to specify how many nodes should
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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be scanned to determine the values to be used for the import. You can specify -1 to
scan all nodes in the XML files.
Important: If you specify -1 or increase the value of
glide.db.impex.XMLLoader.max.scan_nodes beyond the default of 10, all XML
import processing may incur a significant increase in overall load time.
CSV files are used as a cross-compatible file format for transferring files across platforms.
A CSV file is a text file that defines a grid, where commas define columns and line
breaks define rows. To define precise spacing for importing strings, you can optionally
wrap text in quotes.
"jared.laethem","Jared Laethem","","2008-
02-24 22:21:32","true"
"jerrod.bennett","Jerrod Bennett","","20
07-08-12 12:12:18","true"
"eric.schroeder","Eric Schroeder","","20
07-07-03 11:50:20","true"
"rob.woodbyrne","Rob Woodbyrne","","2007-
07-03 11:49:57","true"
"admin","System Administrator","","2007-07-03 11:
"christen.mitchell","Christen Mitchell","christen.mitchell@yourcompany
.com","2007-05-16 15:26:42","true"
"rob.phillips","Rob Phillips","","2007-01-
22 11:25:34","true"
"davin.czukowski","Davin Czukowski","",
"2006-07-11 14:01:26","true"
"luke.wilson","Luke Wilson","","2006-02-07
"bow.ruggeri","Bow Ruggeri","","2005-07-07
"don.goodliffe","Don Goodliffe","","2005-
05-02 12:28:40","true"
"david.loo","David Loo","","2005-02-22 16:00:
"guest","Guest","","2004-05-01 17:00:00","true"
"fred.luddy","Fred Luddy","","2004-05-01 17:
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When using CSV files, you can specify the encoding charset using the Properties field on
the Data Source form. You may need to configure the Data Source form to see this field.
For example, to use utf-8 encoding, enter charset=utf-8.
For the JSON and XML formats, this feature lets you store a full record in a single column.
If you create a JSON format data source to save data in a single column, selecting the
Data in single column check box updates the following options:
• Expand node children becomes selected and is removed from the form.
If you create an XML format data source to save data in a single column and you select
the Data in single column check box, Expand node children becomes selected and is
removed from the form.
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When you select a Type of File and a Format of Custom (Parse by Script), a Javascript
editor called Parsing script appears. You can use the parsing script to create
customized Javascript to parse input lines into the list of maps.
• The line parameter is a string which contains line data from the source file.
• The lineNumber is the line number from the source file for this line data.
• The result parameter is used to pass back the parsed result from Javascript.
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• boolean getSkip();
• List<Map<String,String>> getRows()
The setSkip() and getSkip() set and retrieve the skip flag. When the skip flag is set to
true, the entire parsing result from Javascript is ignored.
The addRow() adds one map of the parsing row result, which is inserted into the staging
The getRows() retrieves all rows of the current parsing result, which are inserted into the
staging table.
One line of source data can contain one row or multiple rows. It is up to the script writer
to decide how to process the line data. For example, for line data
if you use a semicolon (;) as a row break, then this line contains three rows of data. Each
row is a map with two keys: name and computer. The name and computer become the
column names for the staging table schema. You could use the following sample of
Javascript to parse this line data:
The script writer must add the result so that the result is inserted in the staging table.
You can process CSV files that are delimited by a character other than commas.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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This is an advanced step to create a CSV import. Normally, you would upload the data
and import it directly using System Import Sets, which will create this CSV data source for
you automatically.
3. Customize the Data Source form and add the CSV Delimiter field.
4. Enter the character you want to use as the CSV file delimiter, such as the pipe
symbol (|).
These examples demonstrate how to import various types of JSON data and the
necessary path for each row. JSON files that you import should follow these guidelines.
• For JSON arrays, the path for each row must specify the array root element twice, such
as /incidents/incidents.
• JSON files should follow RFC-4627. For example, a single comma should separate a
value from the following name. Names within an object should be unique.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Simple array
• Result: 2 records
In this example, the path for each row includes the array root node /incidents twice.
This is necessary when importing an array.
"short_description":"Can't read email"
"short_description":"Error loading XML file"
• Result: 4 records
In this example, the path for each row includes the array root node /data twice.
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Nested array
• Result: 3 records
In this example, the path for each row includes the root nodes for both arrays twice, /
problems and /data.
"problems": [
By default, import does not support child (nested) arrays. You can enable support by
unchecking the Discard Arrays check box in the Data Source view. The following table
describes different behaviors when enabling and disabling child array support.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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"anotherArray":[{"key1":"value1"}, {"key1": "value2"}],
• Id : id_val • Id : id_val
Does not work and returns Does not work and returns
a Path should always refer a Path should always refer
/response/docs/docs/ JSON Objects error JSON Objects error
childrenArray/childrenArray because the values in the because the values in the
array are not in a key-value array are not in a key-value
structure. structure.
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Orphan array
• Result: 3 records
Important: This format is not recommended. JSON files should follow RFC-4627,
which states that names within an object should be unique. Use JSON arrays
"title":"2 problems",
"title":"1 problem",
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To enter these properties, you must configure the Data Source form and add the
Properties field. When specifying more than one property, use a comma to separate
each property.
Available FTP Properties
Property Description
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Property Description
• Default value: false
The JDBC connection is available either directly from the ServiceNow instance (a VPN
setup required), or via a dedicated MID Server installed inside your firewall that can
access the database port.
Note: JDBC calls from the MID Server are never encrypted. Limit the rights
available to the MID Server user whenever making JDBC calls from a MID server.
MySQL 3306
Oracle 1521
JDBC queries that run SQL statements must specify a column name.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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A JDBC data source can use the ID of for the Windows MID Server service user to
authenticate with SQL Server.
The Use integrated authentication check box on the Data Source form determines if the
JDBC data source uses the MID Server service user credentials. For this field to appear on
the Data Source form, the integration must meet these criteria:
• The MID Server must be running on a Windows computer with SQL Server.
• The MID Server service must use the same credentials that SQL Server requires.
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Note: The Last run database field on the JDBC data source is case-sensitive for the
SQL server.
Use the following procedure to extend the data source to use a driver for a database
that is not provided in the base system. JDBC connections are supported for the
following default databases:
Extend the available JDBC driver options by creating a new choice list entry to specify
the JDBC driver Java package name.
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Add a new choice list entry for the new database to the Format field in the
sys_data_source table.
2. Click New.
3. In the Data Sources form, right-click the Format field label, and select Show Choice
List from the pop-up menu.
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5. Provide the following values to create the new database choice. Look at the
existing drivers for examples.
• Table: sys_data_source
• Label: Database name that appears as an option in the Format choice list, for
example: Teradata.
• Value: Package name and class of the driver. For example, the value for
TeraData is com.ncr.teradata.TeraDriver.
Note: The driver package and class must be provided by the driver
vendor. This information is often available in the vendor's documentation,
such as for MariaDB or Teradata.
6. Click Submit.
The new data source now appears in the list of available JDBC formats.
Extend the available JDBC driver options by activating the Sybase or DB2 choices.
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Important: To use Sybase or DB2 JDBC drivers, you must manually install the driver
JAR file on a MID server. Refer to KB0551236 for more information.
Activate the Sybase or DB2 JDBC drivers to connect with those database formats
through a MID server. This procedure assumes you are using the following Sybase or DB2
Sybase jconnect-jdbc
If you are using a different implementation of the Sybase or DB2 driver, you must modify
the choice Value to use the driver class from your driver implementation.
2. Click New.
4. Right-click the Format field label, and select Configure Choices from the pop-up
5. Move the Sybase or DB2 Universal choices from the Available column to the
Selected column.
6. Click Save.
The new data source now appears in the list of available JDBC formats.
You can install a new JDBC driver JAR file to a MID server to access database formats
that are not supported by default.
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2. Click New.
• Name: A unique and descriptive name for identifying the file in the instance.
• Source: Location of the JAR file for reference purposes. Source information is not
used by the system.
• Description: Short description of the JAR file and its purpose in the instance.
4. Click the paper clip icon in the banner and attach the JAR file to the record.
5. Click Submit.
The platform makes the JAR file available to any MID Server configured to
communicate with the instance.
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1. Navigate to System Import Sets > Administration > Data Sources and click New.
2. In the Data Source form, select JDBC from the list in the Type field.
3. Select the new data source from the choice list in the Format field.
5. Provide the connection URL to the JDBC data source, and then click Submit.
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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When an LDAP server does not support paging, a large request is automatically broken
into multiple smaller requests.
This process is known as "nibbling" the LDAP request. The large request is broken into
multiple smaller requests based on the value of the Query field in the LDAP OU definition.
This field should specify a unique value such as email address or user ID.
For example, the following LDAP query might return more than 1000 records.
In this example, the LDAP server Query field is preferredIdentity. The instance then splits
the large request into multiple smaller requests, grouping records based on the
preferredIdentity value.
. . .
Related tasks
Related concepts
• LDAP integration
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Related topics
A Data Stream is a stream of response data larger than 10 MB or data that returns
paginated results. Successful execution of the Data Stream action returns a complex
data output stream that the Data Source consumes. For more information, see Data
Stream actions and pagination.
Complex data allows you to encode and store structured data in a machine-readable
format. Based on Data Source configuration, complex objects can be either flattened
into an import table or serialized completely as JSON data into a single column.
Complex data includes parent and child objects and nested objects, as shown in the
following example:
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When you select a Type of Custom (Load by Script), a Javascript field called Data
Loader appears. You can use the data loader script to fetch data and insert it into the
import set table using the import_set_table input parameter. Data may be obtained, for
example, from a REST API or a file attachment.
The data loader script has one input parameter, import_set_table, and the following
• insert: Inserts a map (key = column name, value = column value) in the import set
• getMaximumRows(): Returns 20 when the user clicks Test load 20 records. In every
other case, returns -1.
As you type the script, script auto-complete presents the choices available to you, as
shown in this example:
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Depending on the type of data source you want to create, see the following topics for
Create a File type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create a JDBC type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create an LDAP type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create an OIDC type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create a REST (IntegrationHub) type data source record to define what data an
import set should import from a REST API.
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Create a Custom (Load by Script) type data source record to define what data an
import set should import.
Create a File type data source record to define what data an import set should import.
2. Click New.
Field Description
Type File.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
import, since the property is set to
File path
For example, you can specify the File
path value /countries.csv?key=$
{datasource.apikey}. When the
connection is made, the value of the
datasource.apikey system property is
passed as the value for the key
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
available to you. For more information,
see File type data sources.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
server. This field is available only for data
sources with a File retrieval method
value of FTPS. All FTPS file retrieval
methods are supported, including Auth
TLS, Auth SSL, Implicit SSL, and Implicit
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create a JDBC type data source record to define what data an import set should
2. Click New.
Field Description
Import set table name The Now Platform uses the label you
entered to construct a unique table
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
name. This prevents namespace
collision with an already existing table.
Type JDBC.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
previous run. This value acts as a
dynamic filter to restrict the number of
records retrieved to those records that
have changed since the data source's
last runtime.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create an LDAP type data source record to define what data an import set should
2. Click New.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
Type LDAP.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create an OIDC type data source record to define what data an import set should
2. Click New.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
Type OIDC.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create a REST (IntegrationHub) type data source record to define what data an import
set should import from a REST API.
2. Click New.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create and configure a Data Source request action in IntegrationHub. After the
request action is published in IntegrationHub, you can choose it as a Request action in
the Data Source record.
Create and configure a Data Source request action in IntegrationHub. After the request
action is published in IntegrationHub, you can choose it as a Request action in the Data
Source record.
2. Select New.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
6. Click Submit.
7. The Data Source Request Action page appears with the following fields:
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
8. If desired, you can add a Script step to validate or modify action inputs, set default
values, or build request payloads before executing the REST step.
• Click Publish to publish the request action and make it available for use.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Create a Data Stream (IntegrationHub) type data source record to define what
complex data an import set should import from a Data Stream action.
2. Click New.
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
to open the Data Stream action
in IntegrationHub.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create a Custom (Load by Script) type data source record to define what data an
import set should import.
For additional information, see Custom (Load by Script) type data source.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
2. Click New.
Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
• Using LDAP
• Using OIDC
• Using REST to import data through the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
The glide.import_set_load_usebatch and
properties affects these fields. The priority
order for the properties and fields are as
follows: If the property is set, use the
property value. If not, use the field value. If
neither property is set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch = true
and glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size, regardless
of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch = true
and the
property is not set, use the default batch
size of 1000.
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is File.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
presents the choices available to you. For
more information, see File type data sources.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
Last run database field Field name from the source table that will
be used as the filter in the next run. This
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
value may need to be case sensitive,
depending on the target database type.
This additional field appears on the data source form when the Type field value is LDAP.
Field Description
This additional field appears on the data source form when the Type field value is OIDC.
Field Description
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is REST
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
Path for each row The path expression used to select JSON
objects, which will become rows in the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
import set table. The path should be // for
JSON objects.
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is
Data Stream (IntegrationHub).
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
This additional field appears on the data source form when the Type field value is
Custom (Load by Script).
Field Description
Transform maps
A transform map is a set of field maps that determine the relationships between fields in
an import set and fields in an existing ServiceNow table, such as Incident [incident] or
User [sys_user].
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
After creating a transform map, you can reuse it to map data from another import set to
the same table.
The Transform Maps module enables an administrator to define destinations for imported
data on any tables. Transform mapping can be as simple as a drag and drop operation
to specify linking between source fields on an import set table and destination fields on
any table. Use transform mapping to map source and destination fields dynamically.
Transform considerations
Double-check that fields the system maps automatically are actually required. For
example, encrypted passwords probably should not be mapped.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
If you are mapping reference field data and the sys_id does not exist, the sys_id could
potentially appear in the target record as the DisplayValue, and this may be
One import set row is created per transform map, which can cause a large number of
temporary records to be generated.
Note: If you use multiple transform maps for the same import set, the transform
creates multiple entries in the import set table.
The selected transform maps will be executed on the same import set in the order
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Multi-map transform
Transform Map scripts allow you to customize import operations using a robust
programming interface to introduce advanced logic.
A transform map script executes as events occur while an import set is being
transformed onto a ServiceNow table. Transform Map scripting is fully integrated into the
ServiceNow scripting environment. There are two types of Transform Map scripts:
• Transformation Event scripts, which modify the processing of events at different stages
of a transformation
Type:GlideRecord object
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Description: Contains the import source record currently being transformed. Specify a
specific field from the source record as an object property.
var x = source.incident_state;
Type:GlideRecord object
Description: Contains the import target record currently being inserted. Specify a
specific field from the target record as an object property.
target.incident_state = "active";
Type:GlideRecord object
Description: Contains the transformation map record currently being used for the
transformation process. Specify a specific field from the transform map record with one
of these properties.
• name
• sys_id
• source_table
• target_table
• order
var x = map.order;
Type: Function
Description: Log information about the current import process. Each log level has its own
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Example:"This is an information message");
log.warn("This is a warning message");
log.error("This is an error message");
Type: Function
Description: Specify the transformation action occurring on the target record. This value
can be either "insert" or "update".
if(action =="insert"){
ignore = true;
Type: Boolean
Description: When set to true, skips or aborts the current import action. In onStart scripts,
this variable aborts the entire transformation process. In onBefore scripts, this variable
only skips the current row being transformed.
ignore = true;
Type: Boolean
Description: When set to true, aborts the current import action and logs an error
message in the Import Set Log.
error = true;
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Description: When an error occurs, adds the specified error message to SOAP response.
error = true;
error_message = "Source is not intended for transformation";
if(action =="insert"){
status_message = "Inserting record";
An explicit Transform Map script explicitly defines mapping relationships in the Transform
Map record itself. It runs after the source field values have been copied over to the
target record, and before they are written to the database.
In the CMDB there exist tables for software packages and software instances. A software
package refers to a one individual software title, such as Mozilla Firefox. A software
instance refers to an individual instance of a software title such as Mozilla Firefox on
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
varname= source.u_name;
var version = source.u_version;
var sid ="";
//Next we will perform a glide query on the software package table (No
te: The target table
//for the import is software instances)
var sgr =new GlideRecord("cmdb_ci_spkg");
//Here we are building our query to search for software packages wher
e the name and
//version of the package matches the name and version of the instance
being imported
sgr.addQuery("version", version);
//Now if a software package with the correct name and version are foun
d then we record
//the sys_id of the package record otherwise we create the package an
d then record the sys_id
sid = sgr.sys_id;}else{// create it
sgr.version= version;
sid = sgr.insert();
//Here we make an entry in System Import Set Log saying that we had t
o create a software package"Created new spkg: "+name+" - "+ version);}
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
if( operating_system.match(/win/i)!=null){
//Use native JavaScript function split to create an array for each wor
d in the name "splitting" it
//anywhere that there is a space
var split_names =name.split(" ");
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
//Find the number of of names (i.e., first and last name only, or firs
t middle and last name, etc.)
var num_names = split_names.length;
// If there is only one name then map it to the last name field in th
e user table
if(num_names ==1){
target.last_name= split_names[0];}
//if there are two names then map the first one to first name and the
last one to last name
if(num_names ==2){
target.first_name= split_names[0];
target.last_name= split_names[1];}
//if there are more than 3 names then all middle names get combined in
to one middle name this is done
//by shifting off the first name (array element 0 ) and mapping to fir
st name and popping off the last
// name and returning it to the last name field
if(num_names >=3){
target.first_name= split_names.shift();
target.last_name= split_names.pop();
target.middle_name= split_names.join(" ");}
These events modify the transformation behavior from any type of mapping
specification. Transformation Event scripts modify the processing of the events at various
stages of the transformation.
For example, the processing of a mapping operation defined using the Mapping Assist
Utility can be manipulated using the event scripts. There are a number of import set
JavaScript objects that are accessible during these events. These objects represent
tables or portions of tables. It is important to note that what these objects refer to varies
depending on the context of the event in which they are referenced.
The following is a table of all of the transform events and their contextual variables:
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
When: The onStart event script is
processed at the start of an import run,
before any data rows are read.
Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onStart import
set event
The import
set that is
GlideRecor currently
d being
GlideTransfo about the
rmMap current
map record.
The log
log Function
object for
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onStart import
set event
the current
import run.
When set to
true, the
on will be
ignore Boolean
and no
will occur.
When set to
true, has the
same effect
as the
ignore flag
error Boolean of stopping
the entire
on, with an
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
When: The onComplete event script is
processed at the end of an import run,
after all data rows are read and
Context in the
Import Set JS onComplete
object import set
The import
set that is
GlideRecor currently
d being
GlideTransfo information
rmMap about the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS onComplete
object import set
map record.
The log
object for
the current
import run.
log Function For
When set to
true, will
mark the
error Boolean
import set
status to
error after it
// Create a myimport_completed ev
ent that can be reacted by an ema
il notification or script action
// (there is already an
nished event that the system will
create at the end of an import)
var e = new GlideEvent("myimport_
completed", import_set.sys_id, ma
p.sys_id, "");
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
When: The onBefore event script is
processed at the start of a row
transformation, before the source row is
transformed into the target row.
Context in the
Import Set JS onBefore
object import set
The row of
the source
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The row of
the target
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The import
set that is
GlideRecor currently
d being
GlideTransfo information
rmMap about the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS onBefore
object import set
map record.
The log
object for
the current
import run.
log Function For
returns a
value of
either "insert"
or "update"
action String
whether the
target row is
about to be
created or
When set to
true, the
current row
on will be
ignore Boolean
skipped and
rows will be
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS onBefore
object import set
If you have
defined an
script, the
script runs
for the
current row
even if the
ignore flag is
set to true.
Defines a
message to
status_mess be sent in
age the
sage> XML
When set to
true, will halt
the entire
error Boolean on for the
import set,
with an error
Defines a
String message to
be sent in
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS onBefore
object import set
age> XML
When: The onAfter event script is
processed at the end of a row
transformation, after the source row has
been transformed into the target row and
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onAfter import
set event
The row of
the source
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The row of
the target
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The import
set that is
GlideRecor currently
d being
GlideTransfo about the
rmMap current
map record.
The log
object for
log Function the current
import run.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onAfter import
set event
returns a
value of
either "insert"
or "update"
action String indicating
whether the
target row
was created
or updated.
Defines a
message to
status_mess be sent in
age the
sage> XML
When set to
true, will halt
the entire
error Boolean on for the
import set,
with an error
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onAfter import
set event
Defines a
message to
error_messa be sent in
ge the
age> XML
gs.include('Cart');var bundle =
new GlideRecord('sc_cat_item');
var new_comp_cart = new Car
var cart = new Cart();
var item = cart.addItem(bund
var rc = cart.placeOrder();;}}
When: The onForeignInsert event script is
processed at the start of the creation of a
related, referenced record, before the
record is created.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Context in the
Import Set JS onForeignInse
object rt import set
The row of
the source
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The row of
the target
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
GlideTransfo about the
rmMap current
map record.
The log
object for
the current
import run.
log Function For
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Context in the
Import Set JS onForeignInse
object rt import set
returns a
value of
either "insert"
or "update"
action String
whether the
target row is
about to be
created or
Evaluates to
the field
name of the
record for
name String
which a
record that
is about to
be created.
Evaluates to
the display
value from
the source
record for
value String
which a
record is
about to be
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS onForeignInse
object rt import set
returns a
value of
either "insert"
or "update"
action String
whether the
target row is
about to be
created or
When set to
true, ignores
the creation
ignore Boolean of a new
foreign or
When set to
true, rejects
the entire
error Boolean
on row, no
data is
saved for
this row.
//Create an event.
var e = new GlideEvent("myimport_
ForeignInsert", action, name, "")
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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When: The onChoiceCreate event script is
processed at the start of a choice value
creation, before the new choice value is
Context in the
Import Set JS onChoiceCre
object ate import set
The row of
the source
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The row of
the target
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
GlideTransfo about the
rmMap current
map record.
The log
log Function
object for
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Context in the
Import Set JS onChoiceCre
object ate import set
the current
import run.
returns a
value of
either "insert"
or "update"
action String
whether the
target row is
about to be
created or
Evaluates to
the field
name of the
record for
name String
which a
value is
about to be
Evaluates to
the display
value String value from
the source
record for
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS onChoiceCre
object ate import set
which a
choice is
about to be
When set to
true, ignores
ignore Boolean the creation
of a choice
When set to
true, rejects
the entire
error Boolean
on row, no
data is
saved for
this row.
//Create an event
var e = new GlideEvent("myimport_
ChoiceCreate", action, value, "")
When: The onReject event script is
processed during the occurrence of a
foreign record or choice creation, and the
foreign record or choice is rejected ,the
entire transformation row is not saved.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onError import
set event
The row of
the source
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
The row of
the target
GlideRecor table that is
d currently
GlideTransfo about the
rmMap current
map record.
returns a
value of
either "insert"
or "update"
action String
whether the
target row is
about to be
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Context in the
Import Set JS
Type onError import
set event
created or
The log
object for
the current
import run.
log Function For
//Create an event
var e = new GlideEvent("myimport_
onReject", action, "", "");
Transform maps define the mapping from imported data stored in a staging table to a
single target table in the Now Platform. Transform maps also insert data into target
tables, performing both transform and processing functions. You can define multiple
table mappings with multiple transform maps.
The Robust Transform Engine (RTE) and the robust import set transformer separate the
transform and processing functions, providing a more flexible alternative to transform
maps. The robust import set transformer allows you to extract data from a source table
into an intermediary data structure. You can transform the data as desired and then
load that data to one or more target tables. Records are processed as batches to
enhance performance.
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With transform maps, if you want data from the source table to go to three different
target tables, you must create three separate transform maps. Each transform map
parses the data separately, which results in three separate read operations. By contrast,
the robust import set transformer requires only a single read operation to prepare the
data for three target tables. The robust import set transformer is more efficient, especially
when dealing with multiple target tables.
When you use the robust import set transformer, Extract Transform Load (ETL)
functionality transfers imported data to target tables. You define how the data is
extracted, transformed, and loaded to one or more target tables. You can use ETL
definitions to do the following:
As of the Paris release, ETL definitions also support nested data structures such as the
following when the Data source has JSON/XML payloads in a single column.
"location":"San Diego",
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Related tasks
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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1. Navigate to System Import Sets > Administration > Robust Import Set Transformers.
2. Click New.
Field Description
4. Click Submit.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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1. Navigate to System Import Sets > Administration > Robust Import Set Transformers.
2. Select an existing robust import set transformer, or click New to create a new robust
import set transformer. For procedures, see Create a robust import set transformer.
Field Description
7. Click Submit.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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2. Click New.
Field Description
4. Click Submit.
Related tasks
Define the Extract Transform Load (ETL) entities used by the Robust Transform Engine.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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5. Click Submit.
You can optionally set the Ignore check box to exclude the entity mapping when
performing data integrations using Robust Import Set Transformation (RTE).
Field Description
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
Define the entity fields mapped for Extract Transform Load (ETL) operations.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
6. Click Submit.
Define the operations the Robust Transform Engine (RTE) should perform.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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You should always perform operations on only one entry. Select all source and target
fields from the same entity.
Field Description
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
7. Click Submit.
The coalesce option on a field map allows you to specify if the selected Target field
should be used to coalesce on when import set records are transformed. If the field map
Coalesce checkbox is selected, when the import set row is transformed the instance
checks for an existing record in the target table that has the same value in the Target
field as the import set row Source field.
If an existing record with a matching value in the target table is found, that record is
updated. If no matching record is found, then a new record is created in the target
Note: Choose fields in the target table to coalesce on only if those fields will have
unique values. If more than one record in the target table matches the specified
coalesce options, only the first matching record in the target table is updated.
Coalesce options
There are several possible configurations you can use to coalesce data in import sets.
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No coalesce
If no coalesce is defined, all imported rows are treated as new records. No existing
records are updated.
Single-field coalesce
If a target table record exists with the same value in the coalesce field as the staging
table record, the target table record is updated using the import set record values.
Multiple-field coalesce
If a target table record exists with the same values in all coalesce fields as the staging
table record, the target table record is updated using the staging table record values.
All coalesce field values between the target and staging tables must match to
coalesce with multiple fields.
Conditional coalesce
You can use a script to determine if a staging table row should coalesce to a target
Most conditional coalesce scripts are defined in the Source script field of a field map for
the sys_id field. To update a target record using the staging table record values, the
script must return the sys_id of the target table record.
Updates only
To only update records where a match is found, and skip records where a match is not
found, specify a coalesce field and add the following script as an onBefore script to the
transform map.
if (action == 'insert')
ignore = true;
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You can use dot-walked fields in a conditional coalesce script, such as to match the
email address of a user when importing incident data.
In this example, this script is defined in the Source script of a field map for the Incident
target table sys_id field.
answer = gr.sys_id; //if a match exists, return the sys_id of the
matching Incident record
answer= -1;
You can use a conditional coalesce script to match source and target records based
on multiple field values. Unlike multiple-field coalesce where all coalesce fields must
match, you can specify a script to only require one of the fields to match.
In this example, this script is defined in the Source script of a field map for the User target
table sys_id field.
answer = gr.sys_id; //if a match exists, return the sys_id of the
matching User record
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answer = -1;
You can control if an import set will coalesce on matching values with different cases.
The field map Coalesce case sensitive field enables you to coalesce field values by
case sensitivity.
By default, fields marked as Coalesce in the field map are used in a case insensitive
lookup for existing records. If the Coalesce case sensitive check box is selected, the
instance attempts to match coalesce field values by case. The target table record is
updated only if the value in the target record and the import set staging record have
the same value and case. Otherwise, a new record is created.
You can control if an import set will coalesce on fields with no value.
The field map Coalesce empty fields field allows you to coalesce on fields with no value.
By default, fields marked as Coalesce in the field map cause the import set to check for
a target record with a field value that matches the value from the import set staging
record. When Coalesce empty fields is selected for that field map, an empty value in
the target record and import set staging record counts as a match for the purpose of
For example, the User transform map coalesces on the email field. With the Coalesce
empty fields option selected, a source record containing an empty email address
coalesces to a target record containing an empty email address.
A standard object for describing an external interface for a notification in the system,
eg. alarms and alerts from monitoring systems. The default transform map for this object
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will create or update an incident record. The incoming notifications are coalesced into
incidents based on the UUID field.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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A string representation of a
numeric value that
indicates the severity of the
issue being reported in this
notification. This field is
mapped to the severity
field on Incident. The out of
severity box numeric values and Character (40)
their meanings are:
• 1 - High
• 2 - Medium
• 3 - Low
• Active
• Resolved
• Closed
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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A standard object for describing an external interface for a computer in the system. The
default transform map will create/update a Computer (cmdb_ci_computer) or Server
(cmdb_ci_server, cmdb_ci_win_server, cmdb_aix_server etc ..) based on the
operating_system field value. The incoming computers are coalesced based on the
serial_number field. Additionally, the transform script of the map will map to various
extensions of the Computer (cmdb_ci_computer) based on the operating_system value
being entered.
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• Solaris
• Windows NT 4.0
• Server (cmdb_ci_server)
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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• GNU/Linux
• Linux Fedora
• Mac OS 10 (OS/X)
• Mac OS 8
• Mac OS 9
• Mac OS/X
• OS/400
• Solaris
• SunOS
• Windows
• Windows 2000
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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• Windows 2000
Datacenter Server
• Windows 2000
• Windows 2003
• Windows 95
• Windows 98
• Windows ME
• Windows NT 4.0
• Windows XP
• Windows XP Home
• Windows XP Professional
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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A standard object for describing an external interface for a user in the system. The
default transform map script sets the user_name field value to first_name.last_name if
the web service's user_id field value is not supplied, otherwise, the user_id value is
mapped directly to the user_name field in the User (sys_user) table.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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A standard object for describing an external interface for a location in the system. The
web service will create or modify records in the Location (cmn_location) table.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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A single row in a database may not contain more than 8126 bytes of data. The size of
each row is determined by the amount of content in all fields, as well as the character
set for text fields. For example, a row with 10 text fields each containing 1000 characters
using a French character set takes 15360 bytes.
Attempting to import more data to a single row than the maximum size causes the
import to skip that row. Any rows that were skipped for this reason are listed in the import
Create a data source record to define what data an import set should import.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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In addition to common fields, other fields appear on the data source form, depending
on the value of the Type field.
Every import operation to a production table requires at least one transform map
associated with an import set.
• Mapping options
You can map fields in a number of ways depending on the circumstances of the
import and whether data must be transformed prior to loading onto a production
Field maps establish a relationship between a field in an import set table and a field in
the target table.
• Run an import
After an import set completes, you can review the completed import and clean up
import set tables. Even if no errors were reported by the progress indicator, review how
your data was imported into the new import set.
The import log is where you can find information about the internal processing that
occurs during an import operation.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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The import history gives status information about individual import operations.
Scheduled imports make it possible to specify that certain import operations should
occur at some regular interval.
Check the status of import sets and import set jobs, resume or reprocess import sets,
and view transform history.
Delete import sets to clean up your database on a scheduled basis, one time only, or
on demand.
Delete import set tables, related transform maps, or data only (preserving the table
structure) to clean up your database.
Depending on the type of data source you want to create, see the following topics for
Create a File type data source record to define what data an import set should
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Create a JDBC type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create an LDAP type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create an OIDC type data source record to define what data an import set should
Create a REST (IntegrationHub) type data source record to define what data an
import set should import from a REST API.
Create a Custom (Load by Script) type data source record to define what data an
import set should import.
Create a File type data source record to define what data an import set should import.
2. Click New.
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Field Description
Type File.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Field Description
datasource.apikey system property is
passed as the value for the key
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
nested array support, see Importing
JSON files.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create a JDBC type data source record to define what data an import set should
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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2. Click New.
Field Description
Type JDBC.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if the
property = false and the Use Batch
Import field = true, do not use batch
import, since the property is set to
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
4. Click Submit.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create an LDAP type data source record to define what data an import set should
2. Click New.
Field Description
Type LDAP.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
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Field Description
import, since the property is set to
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create an OIDC type data source record to define what data an import set should
2. Click New.
Field Description
Type OIDC.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
import, since the property is set to
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
Create a REST (IntegrationHub) type data source record to define what data an import
set should import from a REST API.
2. Click New.
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if the
property = false and the Use Batch
Import field = true, do not use batch
import, since the property is set to
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• line: the current line to be parsed by
the script
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Create and configure a Data Source request action in IntegrationHub. After the
request action is published in IntegrationHub, you can choose it as a Request action in
the Data Source record.
Create and configure a Data Source request action in IntegrationHub. After the request
action is published in IntegrationHub, you can choose it as a Request action in the Data
Source record.
2. Select New.
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
6. Click Submit.
7. The Data Source Request Action page appears with the following fields:
Field Description
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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8. If desired, you can add a Script step to validate or modify action inputs, set default
values, or build request payloads before executing the REST step.
• Click Publish to publish the request action and make it available for use.
Create a Custom (Load by Script) type data source record to define what data an
import set should import.
For additional information, see Custom (Load by Script) type data source.
2. Click New.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and
glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size,
regardless of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch =
true and the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
property is not set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
4. Click Submit.
What to do next
Define a transform map for the new data source and run an import.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
• Using LDAP
• Using OIDC
• Using REST to import data through the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
property value. If not, use the field value. If
neither property is set, use the default
batch size of 1000.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch = true
and glide.import_set_load_batch_size =
200, use 200 as the batch size, regardless
of the field values.
• For example, if
glide.import_set_load_usebatch = true
and the
property is not set, use the default batch
size of 1000.
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is File.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
presents the choices available to you. For
more information, see File type data sources.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
Last run database field Field name from the source table that will
be used as the filter in the next run. This
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
value may need to be case sensitive,
depending on the target database type.
This additional field appears on the data source form when the Type field value is LDAP.
Field Description
This additional field appears on the data source form when the Type field value is OIDC.
Field Description
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is REST
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Field Description
Path for each row The path expression used to select JSON
objects, which will become rows in the
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
import set table. The path should be // for
JSON objects.
These additional fields appear on the data source form when the Type field value is
Data Stream (IntegrationHub).
Field Description
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Field Description
This additional field appears on the data source form when the Type field value is
Custom (Load by Script).
Field Description
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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The transform map specifies the data relationships between the import set and the
target table. For every transformation, you must either create a new transform map or
select an existing one.
Field Description
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Field Description
• No: Do not enforce mandatory
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
Important: The string NULL is a reserved word. It should not be used as a field
value in import set transform maps or anywhere in the First name or Last name
fields. The reserved word is NULL in all capital letters. A field with the value Null
or null, for example, is acceptable. NULL should be used only to clear out a
particular field.
Mapping options
You can map fields in a number of ways depending on the circumstances of the import
and whether data must be transformed prior to loading onto a production table.
It is also important to note that any given import operation may require taking
advantage of multiple mapping methods, and these methods can be readily used in
conjunction with one another.
The simplest mapping method is where all of the field names of the import sets match
the names of the fields on the production tables onto which the data will be
transformed. In this case, simply click Auto map matching fields in the related list in the
Table Transform Map form and confirm proper matching. If there are any discrepancies
in terms of how fields were automatically matched, use the mapping assist utility to
correct them. When all fields are matched properly, click the Transform related link to
begin transforming data onto the destination table.
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possible to map a single source field (field on an import set table) to multiple destination
fields (fields on a production table).
Mapping assist
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dd-MM-yyyy Day-month-year
Day-month-year hours-minutes-seconds
dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss z
MM-dd-yyyy Month-day-year
Month-day-year hours-minutes-seconds
MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss z
yyyy-dd-MM Year-day-month
yyyy-MM-dd Year-month-day
To denote 24 hour time format, specify a custom date format using HH:mm:ss instead of
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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Converting from a 24-hour to 12-hour date format might cause times from 12:00 to
23:59 to be formatted as 00:00 to 11:59.
2. Select the transform map you want to calculate a duration value. For example, the
Notification transform map that imports into the Incident table.
4. Enter JavaScript to transform the start and end dates into a duration. See the
sample script.
5. Click Update.
This sample script transforms the source.u_start and source.u_end fields to a duration
value in the target.duration field. Change the field names to match your source and
target fields as needed.
target.duration = gs.dateDiff(source.u_start.getDisplayValue(), source
.u_end.getDisplayValue(), false);
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data source that lists a duration in seconds. ServiceNow expects durations to have
millisecond values.
For example, the Notification transform map that imports into the Incident table.
5. Click Update.
This sample script converts a duration in seconds (from the source.u_duration field) to a
duration in milliseconds (in the target.duration field). Change the field names to match
your source and target fields, as needed.
//Transform the value in source.u_duration from seconds to millisecond
target.duration.setDateNumericValue(source.u_duration * 1000);
This sample script converts a duration already in milliseconds (from the
source.u_duration field) to a ServiceNow duration (in the target.duration field). Change
the field names to match your source and target fields, as needed.
//Transform the value in source.u_duration to ServiceNow format
• The source value is not in the format for the mapped target value.
• You need to create a compounded or calculated coalesce value in the target field.
For example, this example source script computes the value of the user_name field
when it is blank in the source.
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A source script expects the calculated value to be set in the global variable answer.
ServiceNow uses a special process to import binary and binary large object (BLOB) data
from JDBC data sources. All binary data is automatically converted into a record in the
Attachment [sys_attachment] table before the transformation occurs. The import set
table only stores the attachment record's sys_id value in the import table field instead of
the actual binary value. For example, suppose you use a JDBC data source to import
data from a CA Service Desk system, which stores each record's key value as binary
data. When you import the Service Desk key values into a ServiceNow table, the
ServiceNow field only contains a sys_id reference to the corresponding binary data in
the Attachment Record [sys_attachment] table rather than the actual binary data.
To have a transform map access the attachment, use the GlideRecord API in an
onAfter script. The script needs to run in an onAfter event because the
target.sys_id object is only available after the data is placed in the import set table.
For example, to map the resulting attachment to the target transform record, you can
use the following script.
var agr = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment");
agr.addQuery("sys_id", source.u_blob_field);
// the source field needs to be mapped to the source that is the BLO
if( {
agr.table_name = "cmdb_ci"; // the target table of the transform m
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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if(fType == 'jpg') {
iCont = 'jpeg' ; }
else {
iCont = fType; }
if( {
agr.table_name = "ZZ_YYdb_image";
agr.table_sys_id = target.sys_id;
agr.content_type = 'image/' + iCont;
agr.file_name = 'image';
agr.update(); }
The field map determines what values from the source table the transformation adds to
the target table.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
If you leave this field blank, the transform
map looks for matching values from the
display value column of the reference
field table.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
fields already has an index, you do not
need to create an additional index.
5. Click Save.
7. Click Update.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Read-only information
map GlideTransformMap about the current transform
map record.
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United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Run an import
You can manually run an import to immediately import data.
When the import is done, you'll see a link to go straight to the target table
containing your imported records. The amount of time that it takes to run an import
varies depending on the number of record to be imported and may take as long as
several hours for very large import operations (tens of thousands of records).
2. [optional] Click on the link View the imported data to see the loaded import set
3. [optional] Click on the link Create transform map to create a new transform map to
transform the data in the import set table to its target table.
4. [optional] Click on the link Run import to execute an existing transform map for the
loaded data.
• The spreadsheet was imported, and a new table was created to hold the data.
• Within that table, the imported records are designated with their own "Set" value.
• A new module was created in the System Import Sets application for the new table.
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• The field containing the date/time value should be a Date/Time type field in the target
• The user performing the import should have their timezone (in the Time zone
[time_zone] field in the User [sys_user] record for that user) set to match the timezone
of the date/time values in the import file.
To set the user timezone, do the following.
1.• Click the user drop-down in the banner and select Profile.
2.• Change the Time zone field value to the timezone of the date/time values in the
import file and click Update.
There are several fields that will be visible in the table that were not part of the
original data source, these are system rows can be used to facilitate scripted import
What to do next
The log includes information generated by the system during the every step of the
import operation from initialization of the import set table from a data source to
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
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transformation onto a target table. It is also possible to customize log outputs during the
transformation by using, log.warn, log.error statements.
Import Log
The Run Import utility is used to run an import operation using an existing Transform Map
and Import Set table.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Error Codes are related to a transformation. Not all errors produce error codes. If an error
code does exist, it is in the [sys_import_set_row_error] table error code field.
Error Codes
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Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
Quebec Now Platform Administration
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
For more information, see Concurrent
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
3. Click Submit.
To stop an import that is taking too much time, navigate to System Import Sets >
Advanced > Progress.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Multiple JavaScript objects are available in the Scheduled Data Import Pre script and
Post script fields.
Multiple JavaScript objects are available in the Scheduled Data Import Pre script and
Post script fields.
• table_name
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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2. Select the scheduled import for which you want to check status.
3. In the Related Links, reprocess or continue import sets, check the status of import
sets or concurrent import set jobs, or view transform history.
Option Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Option Description
Concurrent Import Set Type and state of concurrent import set jobs:
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Option Description
Select an import set job to see processing details for
Import Set Runs and Import Set Rows for the import set
2. Review the Type and State of each parent import set job.
Option Description
• Regular if you are running the scheduled import for the first
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Option Description
• Running when import processing has started
3. Select a parent import set job to review the Type and State of each of its child
import set jobs.
The target lets you dynamically upload a CSV or Excel file into the import
set table specified by the sysparm_import_set_tablename parameter. You must specify
a name that matches an existing import set table name. If the import set table does not
exist, pre-create it by performing a manual import. The
sysparm_transform_after_load=true parameter causes the CSV transform to be
executed immediately, if a transform map exists.
You can upload a file using POST to the following URL (
Important: The body of the POST must contain the file as a multi-part attachment.
An example using Perl to post a CSV file with basic auth credentials and Java Apache
HttpClient class to post a CSV file with basic auth credentials.
An example using Perl to post a CSV file with basic auth credentials and Java Apache
HttpClient class to post a CSV file with basic auth credentials.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Perl example
# file:
# call me like this:
# --url="
# --uploadfile=/Users/davidloo/Desktop/test_files/test_users.csv
# the "sysparm_transform_after_load=true" parameter instructs the impo
rt set to transform immediately after loading
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
my ( $o_url, $o_fqn );
"url=s" => \$o_url,
"uploadfile=s" => \$o_fqn,
my $url = $o_url;
my $fname = $o_fqn;
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ($response->is_success()) {
print "OK: ", $response->content;
} else {
print $response->as_string;
sub usage {
printf "usage: %s --url=%s --uploadfile=%s\\n",
Java example
Attention: The Apache HttpClient may limit the amount of data you can import in
a single transaction. This example is meant as a starting point and should not be
used in production.
try {
Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin",
httpclient.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, defaultcreds); /
/ Prepare HTTP post
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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// Display response
System.out.println("Response body: "+post.getResponseBodyAsString())
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
// Release current connection to the connection pool
// once you are done
1. Navigate to System Import Sets > Import Set Tables > Scheduled Cleanup.
Field Description
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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Field Description
3. Click Update to update the schedule, or click Execute Now to run the Import Set
Deleter immediately.
ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc., in the
United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are
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1. Navigate to System Import Sets > Import Set Tables > Cleanup.
2. Move the tables you want to delete from Available tables for deletion to Delete
these tables. Deleting any table deletes all records and removes the table.
3. Select the Delete related transform maps check box to delete the selected import
set tables and their related transform maps. All records and all associated transform
maps are removed. Deselect the check box if you don't want to delete the related
transform maps.
4. Select the Delete data only (preserve table structure) check box to delete the data
only from the selected import set tables and preserve the table structure. All records
are removed, but the tables remain intact. Deselect the check box if you want to
delete the selected import set tables as well as the data in those tables.
5. Click Cleanup.
Specifies whether the import process preserves leading spaces in Excel data cells. When
false, the import process removes leading spaces from Excel data cells. When true, the
import process preserves leading spaces.
Note: The import process always removes trailing spaces from Excel data cells.
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Specifies whether an import set can add new columns to the staging table (true) or not
(false). Instances that contain large numbers of import sets can sometimes become
unresponsive when an import adds a column because the instance must alter every row
in the staging table. In some cases, the database alter table action causes an outage.
Setting this property to false prevents an import set from adding columns to the staging
table and produces a log message. As a workaround, administrators can manually add
a column to the staging table by creating a new dictionary entry and then reimporting
the import set.
Enables dynamic resizing of import set fields. With the default setting of false, up to 20
records of the source data are sampled to determine the import set field length. If the
field is empty in all the sampled records, the default length of 40 is used. Any data
loaded that exceeds the import set table field length is truncated. Set this property to
true to allow any import set field to increase the column size by 100 to match the length
of the data. For example, if the incoming source data has a length of 60, the system sets
the length of the column to 160.
Enables system property expansion for File-type data sources that are retrieved using
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Set to true to stop the import process when the parent scheduled import generates an
error. This behavior can be useful when one import set depends on the results of another
import set.
Controls how empty string values are handled during transformation from an import set
staging table. Set this property to true to preserve empty strings. Set this property to false
to convert empty strings to the string NULL.
Note: An empty string is always stored as a null value in the database, regardless of
this property value.
You can use this property when you run an onBefore script during transformation. Setting
this property to true allows you to check for null values using hasValue() or nil() functions.
Controls how many rows of source data are sampled to automatically generate staging
table fields when you import data. This property applies to JDBC, XLS, CSV, and XML
imports but not to JSON and XSLX imports.
• Type: integer
• Default value: 20
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• Type: Integer
• Default value: 10
• Type: Integer
• Type: Integer
Specifies whether to use fast lock (true) or SQL-based slow lock (false).
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When true, enables dynamic column resizing on import staging tables for web service
import sets.
The maximum number of rows an import staging table can have for dynamic column
resizing with web service import sets.
Import staging tables with more than this number of rows will not use dynamic resizing
with web service import sets, even if com.glide.ws_import_set.column_resize is true.
• Type: Integer
CSV properties
Allows an instance to ignore one or more lines (rows) that contain bad data in a CSV
import, such as a row that is missing a column of data. By default, imports cannot ignore
bad data in CSV files and fail on the first error.
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Specifies the maximum number of lines (rows) that an import can ignore before failing. If
the import succeeds, the import lists the number of rows the import ignored due to
• Type: integer
The charset of the CSV file to import. Valid values are UTF-8 and WINDOWS-1252. You
may need to use UTF-8 formatting when importing special characters.
• Type: String
The maximum amount of instance memory to allocate to an Excel import. This property
applies when importing .XLS files only.
The value of this property is multiplied by the file size of the Excel file to determine the
total memory allocation. The memory used cannot exceed the limit specified by the
glide.excel.max_memory_percent property.
For example, with the default value 8 and a 10MB Excel file, the instance will use up to
80MB of memory for the import.
• Type: integer
• Default value: 8
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The maximum amount of instance memory to allocate to an Excel import. This property
applies when importing .XLSX files only.
The value of this property is multiplied by the file size of the Excel file to determine the
total memory allocation. The memory used cannot exceed the limit specified by the
glide.excel.max_memory_percent property.
For example, with the default value 10 and a 10MB Excel file, the instance will use up to
100MB of memory for the import.
Note: Do not modify the value of this property. The default value was selected for
optimal performance.
• Type: integer
• Default value: 10
The maximum amount of memory allowed for Excel imports, as a percentage of the
total instance memory.
• Type: integer
• Default value: 20
Controls whether the instance uses disk storage to maintain large file data during XLSX
import. Set this property to false to store XLSX file data only in memory. Setting this
property to false increases the memory used during XLSX import.
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The maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, available to store XLSX file data before
writing to disk storage when glide.excel.use_disk_backed_strings_table is true. Setting a
lower value for this property will use less memory during XLSX import but may result in
slower imports.
• Type: integer
• Default value: 5
When true, numeric values greater than 10 million are preserved in import staging tables.
When false, imported values greater than 10 million are converted to scientific notation
that may not match the original imported value. This property should be set to true for
importing most kinds of data.
The number of times a JDBC probe loader attempts to process data returning from a
JDBC data source. Sleeps on the value defined in glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry_millis
between retries.
• Type: integer
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• Default value: 60
How many milliseconds a JDBC probe loader waits in between retry attempts to process
data from a JDBC data source.
• Type: integer
Specifies how much information import sets add to the log. Possible values are INFO,
WARNING, and ERROR. You can set this to INFO in the dev environment and change it
to WARNING or ERROR in production to reduce amount of logging noise traffic to the
Note: This property does not impact logging related to the cleanup of staging
• Type: string
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Enables additional debug logging for SFTP imports. Enabling this property will cause the
instance to log all outgoing and incoming messages during the SSH session.
Enables additional debug logging for SCP imports. Enabling this property will cause the
instance to log all outgoing and incoming messages during the SSH session.
By default, this type of web service transforms the incoming data synchronously based
on the associated transform maps. If the associated import set mode is set to
Asynchronous, the behavior is to save the data for transformation at a later time. Web
service import sets tables publish all the default web service functions in the WSDL.
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This plugin also provides the following standard import set tables:
• Computer
• Location
• Notification
• User
You can access a web service import set WSDL by specifying the import set table name
+ ".do?WSDL" on the URL.
For example:
http://<instance name>
Create a web service import set table to define how to stage and transform imported
When a SOAP message inserts a record into an import set table, and there is no import
set for that table in the Loading state, a new import set will be created with the Mode
set to Synchronous.
You can insert multiple records in one SOAP request by using the insertMultiple
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Web Service Import Sets use the same security mechanisms as SOAP Web Services.
The Name of the web service is the table name of the import set table whereas the
Label field is the resulting table field.
If you want to create a transform map after creating the web service, check the Create
transform map checkbox and choose the target table you want the data to transform
into. After the Create button is clicked, the web service will be created and you will be
immediately put into the Table Transform Map form. You may then continue to specify
the transform map or script.
The fields available for this web service. All fields by default are published as the XSD
type of xsd:string. The Name is the field that is exposed for the web service and
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therefore appears as the name of the field in the WSDL. The Label is the label of the field
as it appears for the import sets table.
You can Add, mark for Delete or modify (double-click the field) an existing web service
field in this list.
Note: After adding web service fields, click Create to create the web service
import set table.
To add other fields after the Web Service is created, find the target table, and add the
fields to that table.
During the creation of the web service import set, you may optionally create the
transform map for it.
All transform maps are executed for the service when it is invoked and the import set
mode is set as "Synchronous" (the default).
The following image is an example of the transform map associated with the Notification
web service import set.
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status_message="message 1";
// this is the normal status_message variable
The code snippet example results in the following response being generated back to
the web service consumer
<insertResponse xmlns="">
<status_message>message 1</status_message>
To debug a SOAP Request coming into the system, create the system property
Once you have created it, set it to true to have all SOAP requests be logged in the
System Log. Set it to false when you are done to keep the size of your System Log to a
managed length.
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An import set with a Mode of Synchronous will transform the data as soon as it is inserted
(provided that the transform map already exists). This import set will also have a default
State of Loading. By default, all Synchronous import sets will automatically be modified
to Processed at midnight. As a result, when a new insert happens to the same table, a
new Synchronous import set will be created.
Changing this import set to a mode of Asynchronous and a state of Loading has the
effect of not transforming the incoming data as it is inserted, but rather "loading" the
import set and deferring the data transformation later, either manually, or with a
scheduled script job.
Import Set Mode
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Data transformation is
occurring automatically
Synchronous Loading and immediately whenever
data is inserted into the
associated import set row.
In imports sets that specify one or more coalesce fields, records with a matching
coalesce value are transformed from source to target table serially (one at a time) to
prevent duplicates
In import sets that do not specify any coalesce field, records are transformed
concurrently. You can control this behavior using the
glide.import_set_insert_serialized_when_no_coalesce property.
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coalesce fields defined in a transform map, set this property to false to improve web
service import set performance.
Note: Setting this property to false can result in the creation of duplicate records.
Field Description
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Field Description
for the Incident table is the Number field
and an example value would be
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It is possible to include information other than the information specified in the WSDL by
overwriting the contents of status_message using the transform script.
The insertMultiple operation is available for the Direct Web Service API and Web Service
Import Sets. To enable insertMultiple, activate the Insert Multiple Web Service plugin.
Note: Activating this plugin adds a new operation to the SOAP WSDL. After this
plugin is activated, consume a new WSDL to update your web services client.
• Basic authentication requires a Web Service user provide a valid user name and
• Contextual security requires a Web Service user meet the access control rule of the
queried table.
If your instance uses high security settings, the Web Service user may also need the soap
When displaying a mapped web service table, you have the following related links.
• Import Sets — The import sets related to this web service import set.
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The following image shows a record that was inserted into the web service import set
Notification. The target record is the resulting creation or modification to the Incident
table record as a result of the transform.
Soap Notification
This example demonstrates the WSDL, SOAP envelope and response, Perl invocation,
and result of a SOAP web service import.
Sample WSDL
<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?><wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=
"" xmlns:tns="
p_notification" xmlns:sncns="" xmlns:mime=
"" xmlns:http="http://schemas.xm" xmlns:soapenc="
encoding/" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xml"><wsdl:types><xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="
001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamesp
ace=""><xsd:element name="i
nsert"><xsd:complexType><xsd:sequence><xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOc
curs="0" name="corrective_message" type="xsd:string"/><xsd:element max
Occurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="duration" type="xsd:string"/><xsd:eleme
nt maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="expires_on" type="xsd:string"/><x
sd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="message" type="xsd:string
"/><xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="severity" type="xsd:
string"/><xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="source" type="
xsd:string"/><xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="timestamp
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<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsd="http
://" xmlns:xsi="
ema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="
/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""
ody><insert xmlns=""><message xsi:type="xsd:
string">Host is down</message><uuid xsi:type="xsd:string
<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encod
ingStyle="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="
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Quebec Now Platform Administration" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://sch" xmlns:xsd="
LSchema" xmlns:xsi=""><SOAP-
>No field values changed</status_message></insertResponse></SOAP-ENV:B
sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials{return'itil'=
>'itil';// set basic auth credentials for the itil user
my$soap= SOAP::Lite->proxy('http://localhost:8080/glide/imp_notificati');
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The following is the result printed by the Perl script on the console.
name=display_value value=INC10011
name=status value=inserted
name=table value=incident
name=display_name value=number
name=sys_id value=cd45649c0a0a0b2b00e6f27649d6bd2c
The following image shows the resultant row created for the import set table Notification
WS Iset Perl
Easy import
Easy import is a simplified import process that enables you to import only the columns
you want.
Only admins can use easy import. You can import data to tables within the current
scope and tables that grant write access to other applications.
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Select the list you want to import data to and create an import template from that list.
After updating the import template with new data, import the template to your
Display selected reference fields as lists in Excel templates to simplify data selection
and updates.
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3. Select Import.
Template Description
5. (Optional) Clear the Include all fields in the template? check box to include only
columns that appear in the list in the template. Certain fields in the table are
updated by system processes, and you cannot import values into them. An
example is the Created by field, which is populated during import with the logged-in
user who performs the import.
Leave this check box selected to include all columns from the table in the template,
even those columns that are hidden in the list.
6. Select the Export template format you want, either XLS or XLSX.
XLSX is the preferred format, XLS is available for legacy support. The Export template
format field appears only if the property glide.legacy.excel.export is true.
What to do next
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Note: The template only imports records on the first page of the template. The
import process ignores all other pages.
1. Add a row for each record you want to add to the table. Each column corresponds
to a field in the target table. Use the UI field hints to learn about the purpose and
content of the field.
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The template validates values as you enter them and highlights cells containing
invalid data. While you do not have a provide a value for every column, certain
fields may fail validation if you do not provide a value.
3. When you finish entering new rows, save the spreadsheet as an Excel Workbook.
The insert templates uses special processing for certain fields:
• Created by Field: The insert template always lists the system administrator user
(admin role) in the Created by field regardless of whether the import includes a
Created by column. Even if you provide a different user value in the template,
the import process overwrites this value with the system administrator user.
• Blank Values: Leaving a cell blank in the insert template results in a blank value
in the imported record, provided the field supports a blank value. Fields that do
not support a blank value will produce a validation error if you provide a blank
Note: The template only imports records on the first page of the template. The
import process ignores all other pages.
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1. Edit the row for each existing record to be updated. Replace existing values with
new values. Use the UI field hints to learn about the purpose and content of the
The template validates values as you enter them and highlights cells containing
invalid data. While you do not have a provide a value for every column, certain
fields may fail validation if you do not provide a value.
3. When you finish updating existing rows, save the spreadsheet as an Excel Workbook
The insert templates uses special processing for certain fields:
• Updated by Field: The update template always lists the system administrator user
(admin role) in the Updated by field regardless of whether the import includes
an Updated by column. Even if you provide a different user value in the
template, the import process overwrites this value with the system administrator
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• Blank Values: The update template uses these rules when handling blank values
in spreadsheet cells.
Blank values
1. Navigate to the same list you used to download the import template.
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If the template passes validation and the imported preview matches your
expectations, click Complete Import to import records into the current table. If the
template fails validation, review the errors. Click Ignore Errors and Complete Import
to continue the import by skipping any bad data cells.
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When you do an Easy Import and export the data to an Excel spreadsheet, you may
want to convert some cells to lists. For example, in the Incident [sys_incident] record, you
may want the Assigned to field options to appear as a list to enable you to select or
update the person assigned to the incident.
2. Go to the field you want to appear as a list. Right-click the field name and select
Configure Dictionary.
3. In the Attributes field of the Dictionary Entry page, enter the following attribute:
easy_import_ref_as_choice=true. Save your dictionary entry.
You can also enter other Attributes for the dictionary entry. For example, there is a
default limit of 250 entries in a list. If there are more than 250 entry options for a field,
the entries do not appear in list format, but as a single entry. Assume that there are
500+ entry options. You can enter the following attribute in the dictionary entry for a
field to set a higher limit of 600 entry options for that field:
easy_import_ref_query_limit=600. The Excel spreadsheet now displays the field
as a list of up to 600 options.
You can set a system-wide limit for the number of entry options at a field by entering
a value for the glide.easy_import.reference_query_limit system property. If the
system property is not present or not set and the easy_import_ref_query_limit
attribute is not set for the field, the default limit of 250 entry options applies. The
attribute always takes priority over the property: If both the attribute and the
property are set, the attribute value is used.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for any other fields you want to appear as lists in the Excel output.
The field appears as a list on the Excel spreadsheet:
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Template validation
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Some cells in the template contain calculations or validation rules. These rules are
intended to help you enter data that is appropriate for the field (column).
If you want to paste data from another spreadsheet, use the Paste Special command to
paste only values or match the existing formatting.
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Server-side validation verifies that the import template contains the necessary format.
Insert template
• Template contains a header row with
valid field names.
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Both client-side and server-side validation verify that template cells contain data that
matches the ServiceNow field type.
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Controls the maximum number of rows included in an easy import template. By default,
if a table contains more than 10,000 records, only the first 10,000 are exported.
• Type: Integer
When true, business rules, workflows, approval engines, auditing, and field normalization
apply when easy import inserts or updates data. This functionality is equivalent to setting
GlideRecord.setWorkflow() to true or false.
A list of fields that will be ignored when a record is imported with easy import feature.
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• Type: String
Running business rules during transform may cause the transform to take longer than
expected, or cause the instance to slow down.
Becomes an issue: When importing a very large amount of data. For example, importing
all data from an old system.
Symptoms:The transform takes much longer than expected. Also, the entire instance
may be slow during that time.
How to avoid this: Do not run items like business rules, workflows, approval engines, and
so on during a transform unless you want all insert and update business rules,
notifications, and workflows to run. For example, when importing all data from an old
system, you may not want notifications to run. To disable these items from running and to
cease auditing and field normalization within the transform map for that import,
deselect the Run business rules check box.
Transform Map Checkbox
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Note: Consider using an onComplete transform script to run business logic such as
calculations at the end of an import rather than on each record as business rules
Using multiple GlideRecord queries or large loops may slow down transform scripts.
Becomes an issue: When the transform scripts are using multiple GlideRecord queries or
looping through large collections of objects for each row. This issue may appear when
the transform script is not efficient. In most cases, script goals can be accomplished
using built-in functionality within the Import Set application. For example, you can script
case-sensitive coalesce instead of writing scripts that use GlideRecord queries.
GlideRecord queries typically slow down the import.
Symptoms: The transform takes much longer than would be expected. Depending on
the script, the entire instance may be slow during that time.
How to avoid this: Use base system functionality whenever possible instead of writing
custom scripts and if you do write scripts, avoid writing complicated scripts that use
GlideRecord queries.
Repeatedly importing data that has not changed leads to many skipped rows.
Becomes an issue: When a customer is importing data from a table that is very large
and most of the records are not getting updated on a regular basis.
Symptoms: The import set takes longer than expected. Under System Import Sets >
Progress, expect to see an import with a Total count that is very high with a Skipped
count that is also very high - this is found under the Message column. Indicating that
most of the records imported had not actually changed. These records did not need to
be imported.
How to avoid this: If you are running a JDBC import, use the last run datetime option in
your import set Data Source. For a type of File import, be sure that whatever is
generating your files is only adding data that is new, or has been changed.
Coalescing on non-indexed fields with a large amount of data may cause transforms to
slow down.
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Becomes an issue: When matching on fields that are not indexed, this causes the
transform stage of an import to run slowly. However, it only becomes an issue if there is a
large enough amount of data. In extreme cases, this causes performance issues with the
database due to added load.
Symptoms: Time spent in the transform stage of the import is large relative to the time
taken to load the data. Expect to see high transform times.
How to avoid this: If possible, you should coalesce on a field that unique and already
indexed. To determine if a field is already indexed, navigate to System Definition >
Tables & Columns and find the table. In the list of columns for that table, an indexed
column has a blue icon with an i next to it if indexed. For assistance indexing a field
contact ServiceNow Technical Support.
Becomes an issue: When importing large amounts of data puts an additional load on
the database. For example, importing 500,000 users and importing 200,000 configuration
items at the same time. This can have a significant performance impact on all queries
on the system due to the increased load on the database. This issue is especially severe
when two imports are importing to the same table. In such a case, there is a possible
contention issue for the table. Additionally, depending on which table is involved in
processing, this can severely degrade performance of the import and the instance.
Symptoms: Multiple simultaneous imports running slowly combined with load on the
database. You see large numbers of inserts and updates along; and if there is enough
load or contention, high IO Wait times.
Failing to clean import set tables may lead to those tables becoming cluttered and
Becomes an issue: When the Import Set Deleter job is not running.
Symptoms: This is a size issue. If the import sets are not cleaned on a regular basis (a
cleanup is recommended after seven days worth of data) the table fills causing imports
to stop.
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How to avoid this: Verify the Import Set Deleter job is running. If it is not currently running,
contact Customer Service and Support as they will truncate all import set tables before
enabling this job.
Changing the table schema, such as by importing a new column locks the import set
Becomes an issue: Any time a new column is imported, the entire import set table is
locked during that schema change and depending on the size of the table, can take
between five and ten minutes. During that time, no data can be selected or inserted. If
that table is not used often, this may not cause any problems. However, if that table is
frequently used, for example the LDAP import table, issues may arise.
Symptoms: The symptoms of this problem may vary. In our example of the LDAP import
table, any transactions requiring a query of the LDAP import table will have to wait until
the schema change has completed. As the LDAP import table is used when logging into
the instance, no users are able to log in while the schema change is happening.
How to avoid this: Truncate the import table before importing with a new column.
Importing a very large data set takes longer than importing multiple smaller data sets.
Becomes an issue: When very large data sets are imported in a single job.
How to avoid this: Break a very large data set into multiple, smaller jobs for faster results.
Consider import sets under 100,000 records as a guideline. For example, importing 10
sets of 100,000 records completes faster than one import of 1 million records even
though the total data imported is the same.
All of these methods assume you need to periodically move a collection of records from
a table on one instance to a table on another instance. If you want an action on an
individual record to trigger a corresponding action on another instance, consider using
a REST web service instead.
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All import processes work by fetching data from one table at a time. This process can
produce unexpected results if the incoming data references new records in other tables
such as users, locations, or companies. To prevent importing broken references to other
tables you must identify the connections between your tables and import the common
data prior to importing the application data.
For example, prior to importing incident data, you might want to first import related
configuration items, users, and locations. Furthermore you might want to import
incidents before importing problems or changes that refer to these incident records.
You can directly export records as XML from any list or form.
In this method, you import data from another instance using an HTTPS data source to
return a CSV formatted file containing the rows to be imported.
This export process preserves all record field values including system generated field
values such as:
• Sys ID
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• Creation date
• Update date
The XML import process directly inserts records into the target table. During the import
the system:
• Automatically matches a reference field's display value to the local Sys ID for some
This process is good for directly copying records from one system to another but does
not remove the need to know the relationships between tables. If you need validate or
transform data or reconcile the sys ID values of reference fields, use an XML import set
During the import of XML records, the system attempts to match some reference field
display values to a local sys_id value.
If the system finds an existing record with a matching display value on the local
instance, the import uses the sys_id of the existing record rather than the sys_id of the
imported record.
For example, suppose you export an incident record that is assigned to the user John
Smith. In the exported XML file there is an entry such as:
<assigned_to display_value="John Smith">7712173d2ba80200c5244f
This user already exists on the target instance but has a different sys_id value such as:
<sys_user><name>John Smith</name>
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Since the display value matches an existing record, the system uses the local instance's
existing sys_id value for the reference field such as:
<assigned_to display_value="John Smith">18cab8de2be80200c5244f
The system can match display values for the following tables.
• User [sys_user]
• Group [sys_user_group]
• Role [sys_user_role]
Data sources are used to create an import set so that data can be processed, if
necessary, prior to being mapped onto a production table.
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A transform map is a set of field maps that determine the relationships between fields
in an import set and fields in an existing ServiceNow table, such as Incidents [incident]
or Users [sys_user].
Add a field map to establish a relationship between the sys_id field in the source table
(defined in the transform map) and the sys_id field in the target table.
Create one onBefore transform map script to copy the sys_id of new records from the
source to the target instance. Create a second onBefore transform map script to
identify records on the target instance that have the same unique values but different
sys_id values.
Data sources are used to create an import set so that data can be processed, if
necessary, prior to being mapped onto a production table.
Note: To import using XML with High Security Settings enabled, you must possess
elevated privileges.
2. Click New.
Format XML
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4. Click Submit.
5. Click Test Load 20 Records to create the import set table and to ensure that your
data source is functional.
Note: The 20 loaded records can't be transformed and are for testing purposes
Next topic
A transform map is a set of field maps that determine the relationships between fields in
an import set and fields in an existing ServiceNow table, such as Incidents [incident] or
Users [sys_user].
After creating a transform map, you can reuse it to map data from another import set to
the same ServiceNow table.
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3. Populate all the usual fields and be sure to choose the proper Target table.
Previous topic
Next topic
Add a field map to establish a relationship between the sys_id field in the source table
(defined in the transform map) and the sys_id field in the target table.
• Source field:sys_id
• Target field:Sys ID (You must do XML injection to make it work on older releases.)
4. Click Submit.
Previous topic
Next topic
Create one onBefore transform map script to copy the sys_id of new records from the
source to the target instance. Create a second onBefore transform map script to
identify records on the target instance that have the same unique values but different
sys_id values.
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5. Click Submit.
9. Click Submit.
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Previous topic
This approach uses the Import Sets application to retrieve the data from the source and
import it to the destination.
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1. Create a new data source by navigating to Import Sets > Data Sources on the
destination instance.
• Type:File
• Format:CSV
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If the Server, File path, Username, and Password fields are not visible when
you select HTTPS, change the file retrieval method temporarily to SCP and
enter this information. Remember to reset the File retrieval method to HTTPS
after you enter these fields.
• File
Note: To import specific change records, you can add qualifiers to the
path. For example, the following path would return all active change
records: ?CSV & ;sysparm_query =active = true "
• User name and Password: Enter the user name and password for a valid user on
the destination instance.
3. Click the Test load 20 records related link to verify that the import is configured
System clone
Use the System Clone application to copy everything in a database from one instance
to another.
Clone process
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In response to a clone request, the ServiceNow platform performs the following tasks:
2. Copies the database schema from the source instance to the target instance.
3. Creates tables in the target instance database using the source instance table
4. Copies data from the most recent nightly backup of the source instance to the
target instance database.
Note: Certain exclusions are automatically large tables are normally excluded.
These include audit, log, and email tables.
6. Displays the message Clone in progress... to any user accessing the target instance.
During a clone, the target instance may be intermittently unavailable. After clone
completion, you have up to 24 hours to contact Customer Service and Support and
request a rollback of the target instance to its pre-clone state. You are notified when the
rollback is complete.
The System Clone application can target an instance running a different instance
version from the source.
A central web service controls clone processing and automatically modifies the target
instance version to match the source instance version. This matching process starts up to
8 hours before the time specified in the Date and time field on the System Clone form.
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This web service also ensures that there is enough disk space on the target instance for
the clone to proceed.
When cloning from a backup, the target instance does not need additional time to
upgrade or downgrade. The ServiceNow platform performs any version changes during
a brief window where the target instance is unavailable, after it copies data from the
source instance backup.
The Now Platform uses data from the most recent, nightly backup of the source instance
when cloning. Backups that are used for cloning are a maximum of 36 hours old. System
Clone begins the initial preparation, including selecting the latest backup to use, only at
the date and time processing is scheduled to start.
If cloning from a source backup fails, the system uses the legacy clone engine instead.
The legacy clone engine cannot preserve data from extended tables, relationships,
hierarchies between tables, and dot-walked queries. You may want to restore the target
instance from a backup and then reschedule the clone in such cases.
After cloning from a backup, the target instance is unavailable for several minutes
before the clone is marked as complete in the source instance. If the source and target
instances are on different versions of the Now Platform, the target instance is modified to
match the source instance version during this time.
When starting a clone from a backup, the date and time the backup was taken, as well
as periodic progress messages, appear in the Clone Log related list.
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• Request a clone
• Cancel a clone
You can cancel requested, scheduled, and active clones without negatively
impacting system stability or usability. Canceling a clone restores the target instance
to the pre-clone state, retaining all original data.
• Schedule cloning
You can use System Clone to schedule automatic clonings, which is the easiest way to
keep your cloned instances up to date.
You can view the status of a clone to make sure the cloning process isn't stuck.
You can view the status and history of any system clone request.
Return a clone target to its state before the latest cloning. Roll back cloning if
something went wrong in the cloning process.
Cleanup scripts automatically run on the target instance after the cloning process
Request a clone
Request a clone to copy data from a production instance to a non-production instance
or to copy data between non-production instances.
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The Now Platform uses data from the most recent, nightly backup of the source instance
when cloning. Backups that are used for cloning are a maximum of 36 hours old. System
Clone begins the initial preparation, including selecting the latest backup to use, only at
the date and time processing is scheduled to start.
If cloning from a source backup fails, the system uses the legacy clone engine instead.
The legacy clone engine cannot preserve data from extended tables, relationships,
hierarchies between tables, and dot-walked queries. You may want to restore the target
instance from a backup and then reschedule the clone in such cases.
For instances that use an Oracle database, see KB0538884 - System Clone Support for
Oracle Customers.
You cannot initiate a clone request when the source instance is in debug mode. If the
source instance is in debug mode, contact Customer Service and Support to turn off
debug mode before you submit a clone request.
2. Create a clone target record for each target instance that you want to receive
clone data.
3. Verify the list of tables that are excluded from cloning and add or remove tables to
exclude from the target instance.
4. Verify the list of tables and system properties that you want saved on the target
instance by data preservers. You can also create or modify data preservers, as
The legacy clone engine does not support data preservers for these records:
• Relationships
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• Hierarchies
• Dot-walked queries
If you are preserving any data that the legacy clone engine does not support, verify
that there is a recent backup of the target instance available. If the clone-from-
backup-process fails for any reason, you can restore the target instance from the
8. In the Target instance field, select the target instance that you want to receive the
cloned data.
Create a separate clone request for each target instance that you want to receive
clone data.
9. In the Clone Scheduled Start Time field, select the time that you want the cloning to
You can schedule multiple clone requests for the same source instance. For
example, create one clone request to copy data to non-production instance A and
another clone request to copy data to non-production instance B. The scheduling
engine determines whether multiple clone requests against the same source
instance can occur simultaneously or whether they must occur sequentially.
The system verifies the scheduled start time and either accepts the date-time value
that you selected or suggests an available date-time value. The validation process
prevents scheduling conflicts with other automations using the same target
10. In the Email upon completion field, enter your email address so that you can receive
alerts after the cloning finishes, is canceled, or has an error.
11. Click the Options arrowhead so that it turns downward and use the following table
to make appropriate selections in the Options pane.
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Clone options
Field Description
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Field Description
• The attachment table_name is not
one of these system tables:
sys_certificate, ecc_agent_jar,
ecc_agent_mib, sys_store_app, or
This option is selected by default.
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Field Description
If your clone request preserves large tables, a warning message displays the large
tables from your preserver list. You can cancel your clone request and remove the
tables from your preserver list, or you can specify a reason and continue the clone
13. In the Username and Password fields, enter the username and password for an
administrator account on the target instance and then click Authenticate.
What to do next
You can:
A clone target record specifies the instance URL and credentials used for cloning.
Exclude a table to create an empty but usable table on the target instance.
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You can use data preservers to protect data on the target instance from being
overwritten. If you have custom applications, you must also manually preserve
unpublished application content.
A clone profile enables you to store predefined target and clone options. The clone
profile automatically populates your clone request with your selected profile settings.
• User credentials for the target instance: provide credentials for a user with the admin
role. Use a local, user account, not an LDAP or SSO user account. The target instance
credentials must exist in the User [sys_user] table as a user record or as part of an LDAP
integration. Clone requests cannot redirect authentication requests to a single sign-on
identity provider.
• IP Access controls on target instance: if the target instance uses IP range based
authentication, it must allow the IP range to communicate on
a local network.
2. Click New.
The system validates the instance allows clone targets and that High Availability
Cloning is active. Production and demonstration instances fail these validation
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4. Enter the basic authentication credentials for a user account with the admin role on
the target instance.
Note: You cannot request cloning multiple targets from the same source.
Instead, make a separate request for each target.
The system validates the user credentials have admin access to the target instance.
5. Click Submit.
The system checks connectivity and validates the user credentials against the target
The System Clone > Exclude Tables module lists the tables that are not copied during a
system clone. By default, the system excludes tables for logging, auditing, notifications,
workflow contexts, and license usage.
Note: Excluded workflow context data includes records stored in the wf_context
table, and in related tables with names starting with a prefix of wf_. This also
includes the workflow scheduler table. This prevents occurrence of workflow timer
syncing issues that might take place due to the length of the cloning process if
workflow contexts were included.
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The system cannot exclude tables that extend the Task table and are also flattened into
it as part of the table per hierarchy extension model. Since these extended tables are
actually part of the same physical database table, the system clones the data when it
clones the Task table. You can exclude tables that extend the Task table under two
conditions. Either the system stores the tables in their own physical tables as part of the
table per class extension model, or you exclude the Task table itself.
You can use wildcards to exclude several tables from cloning with one entry. For
example, sys_script.* excludes all tables starting with sys_script.
Note: The wildcard has to include the dot '.' before the asterisk.
To preserve the existing data on the target instance, see Create a data preserver. Data
on tables that reference the table, such as business rules, is not excluded.
2. Click New.
4. Click Submit.
Data preservers
Sometimes, it is necessary to preserve some data on an instance targeted for cloning.
For example, if the target is a MID Server, you must not overwrite the MID Server
[ecc_agent] table. Preserved data is stored on the target instance before cloning
begins and is restored on the target instance after cloning.
Warning: You must define data preservers on the source instance. Defining them
on the target instance does not preserve the data.
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Data preservers typically preserve system settings and themes, such as:
• Bookmark [sys_ui_bookmark]
Note: A clone does not support preserving data from a database view.
Do not use data preservers to transfer large sets of data, such as user groups. If you must
preserve table data, such as users, groups, and roles, consider exporting the records to
a file and importing them after cloning.
X.509 Certificates
Certificate None
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Digest Properties
Digest Properties None
Identity Providers
Identity Providers None
Note: Although you can modify these data preservers, it is good practice not to.
The Digest Properties [digest_properties], Identity Providers [sso_properties], and
SAML2 Update1 Properties [saml2_update1_properties] tables are required for
multiple source, single sign-on (SSO) to function properly. If multiple source, single
sign-on is disabled on the target instance, you can safely remove all three data
preservers. Remove them at the same time, as the system terminates the clone with
an error message when you attempt to clone with one or two of these tables being
Preserving SAML SSO-related settings can prevent the target instance from using the
wrong issuer and audience parameters when making authentication requests to your
IdP. To preserve SAML settings, create data preservers for the following tables:
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You also need to preserve properties and users that are involved in SAML.
You cannot use data preservers to save unpublished applications. Instead, application
developers must choose how they want to preserve unpublished applications.
The cloning process does not preserve version differences for applications in
development. Instead, the system clone only copies the application version installed on
the source instance onto the target instance. If the target instance had a development
version of the same application, the application will be editable after the clone, but it
will be at whatever version was installed on the source instance. If the application was
missing from the source instance, the cloning process deletes the application from the
target instance.
Sometimes, preserving certain data on a target instance is desirable. For example, when
using a MID Server, you can avoid overwriting the MID Server [ecc_agent] table.
Preserved data is stored in a dynamically generated list on the target instance before
the clone and restored on the target instance after the clone is complete. You define
data preservers on the source instance.
Data preservers are primarily intended to preserve system settings and themes, such as
instance-specific authentication settings. Do not use data preservers to transfer large
sets of data, such as user groups. If you must preserve table data such as users, groups,
and roles, consider exporting the records to a file and importing it after the clone is
• Bookmark [sys_ui_bookmark]
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If you set a data preserver on a table where the source instance has more records than
the target instance, the data preserved on the target instance also includes the
additional records from the source instance.
After the clone, the sys_temp table in the target instance contains 100 records.
• The 20 records in the target sys_temp table are preserved successfully (per the data
preserver specification). These records were part of the 100 records in the source
sys_temp table.
• The source sys_temp table brings over the remaining 80 records to the target sys_temp
To resolve this issue and to preserve only the records in the target table, create an
exclude table record for the target table, in addition to setting the data preserver on
the source table.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the table label as the Name, for example, User Preference for the
[sys_user_preference] table.
The data preserver must have a table name or it cannot be submitted.
5. Select the Theme check box if the data being preserved is a UI property.
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Warning: If the clone from backup fails for some reason, the clone process fails
over to the legacy clone engine. The legacy clone engine cannot preserve
data from extended tables, relationships, hierarchies between tables, and dot-
walked queries. You may want to reschedule a system clone or manually
transfer data in such cases.
7. Click Submit.
If you want to delete the data preserver later, make sure not to modify or delete the
following data preserver records:
• Semaphores
• Email Accounts
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If you want a clone target instance to keep its existing SAML integration, you must edit
the Core Instance Properties data preserver to include the SAML properties.
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Note: Ensure the Theme check box is cleared so these properties are preserved
regardless of whether you preserve the instance theme.
4. Click Update.
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The cloning process does not preserve version differences for applications in
development. Instead, the system clone only copies the application version installed on
the source instance onto the target instance. If the target instance had a development
version of the same application, the application will be editable after the clone, but it
will be at whatever version was installed on the source instance. If the application was
missing from the source instance, the cloning process deletes the application from the
target instance.
1. Use one of these actions to preserve the application on the clone target instance.
Version differences between instances
The application version on the clone Export each application from the clone
target instance is different than the target instance. Choices include:
source instance version.
• (Recommended) Link each
application to a source control
Note: If the application is
already linked to a source
The application is only available on the
control repository, commit the
clone target instance.
latest version to it.
The application version on the clone None. The system clone process will
target instance is the same as the copy this application version onto the
source instance. target instance during the clone.
2. Request a system clone of the source instance over the target instance.
For example, clone your production instance over your development instance.
3. After the clone process finishes, log in to the clone target instance.
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4. If you saved each application to a source control repository, use one of these
actions to retrieve them from the source control repository.
Retrieve applications from a source control repository
The application was previously installed Apply remote changes from source
on the source instance. control repository.
The application was never installed on Import the application from source
the source instance. control repository.
5. If you saved each application to an update set, use one of these actions to retrieve
them from the update set.
Retrieve applications from an update set
The application was never installed on Load the update set containing the
the source instance. current application version.
Suppose your company previously created version 1.0 of a custom application called
Marketing Events. You have already published version 1.0 of the Marketing Events
application to the application repository and installed it on your production instance.
Over time, users have submitted enhancement requests for the application, and you
decide to develop version 2.0 of the Marketing Events application on a non-production
instance to address these requests. As development nears completion, you want to
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update your non-production instance to the latest copy of production for some
comprehensive testing.
Since you previously used a source control integration to develop version 1.0 of the
Marketing Events application, you have already linked the Marketing Events application
to a source control repository. You commit version 2.0 of the Marketing Events
application to the source control repository.
You schedule a clone of the production instance over the development instance. After
completion, you log in to the development instance and see that it has version 1.0 of
the Marketing Events application, because that was the version installed on the source
Since the application was already installed on the source instance, you apply remote
changes from the source control repository to receive the latest application version. The
development instance now has version 2.0 of the Marketing Events application
available for further development and testing.
Clone profiles
Navigate to System Clone > Clone Profiles to view your clone profiles. With a clone
profile, you can:
• Create a profile with specific target instance and option settings, tables to exclude,
data to preserve, and cleanup scripts to run
You can create, edit, and delete clone profiles from the Clone Profile view. The system
profile is a read-only clone profile that you can't delete. It shows a predefined list of
table exclusions, data preservers, and cleanup scripts. This list is based on the plugins
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After you create a clone profile, you can select the Make Default option so that the
clone is referenced as the clone profile when you request a clone.
Cancel a clone
You can cancel requested, scheduled, and active clones without negatively impacting
system stability or usability. Canceling a clone restores the target instance to the pre-
clone state, retaining all original data.
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After starting a clone, the Clone Log and Database Table Clones related lists appear on
the form. These related lists show general log messages, and the details of individual
tables respectively.
The duration a clone remains active varies upon the amount of data being cloned, and
whether the source and target instance are in the same physical location. If a clone
takes longer than anticipated, ServiceNow Technical Support can identify additional
details about the clone progress.
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4. In Specify Reason, select a reason for the cancellation and click OK, or select
Others, enter a reason in the text box and click OK.
The system stops any current clone activities and sets the State to Canceled.
What to do next
If you want to restart a canceled clone, you must create a new clone request.
Schedule cloning
You can use System Clone to schedule automatic clonings, which is the easiest way to
keep your cloned instances up to date.
Instead of manually cloning instances, you can schedule clonings that happen
automatically. You create a cloning schedule in the same interface you use to create a
clone. This topic assumes that you created a clone but not a cloning schedule for it.
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Field Description
4. Click Submit.
The system displays the Authenticate Target modal.
5. Enter the Username and Password for an administrator account on the target
instance and click Authenticate.
The System Clone form displays for the target clone.
6. To see the cloning schedule for this target, click the Recurring Clones tab.
Each line in the list shows a separate, scheduled cloning session.
7. To see log messages for past clonings on this target, click the Clone Log tab.
8. To see cloning schedules for all the clones in the system, click System Clone > Live
Clones > Clone History.
The System Clones page lists all the cloning instances in the system along with their
scheduled clonings.
This topic assumes that you have a cloning schedule that you want to modify. Cloning
schedules cannot be modified. Instead, you have to cancel scheduled clonings and
create a new cloning schedule.
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2. To delete one or more scheduled clonings, on the Recurring Clones tab, select the
check box next to the row(s) you want to cancel and on Actions on selected rows,
click Delete.
3. If you deleted all future clonings, you can create a new cloning schedule.
You cannot create more than one cloning schedule for a target instance.
4. To stop a cloning that is already in progress, under Related Links, click Cancel Clone.
The system stops any current cloning activities and sets the State to Canceled.
Future, scheduled clonings are not deleted.
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If a cloning status is failed, you might roll back the cloning and schedule a new
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The System Clone [clone_instance] table stores records for all previously and currently
scheduled clones.
Clone states
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Rollbacks remove the latest cloning updates on a cloning target. You can only roll back
the latest cloning updates. Rollbacks must occur no more than seven days after the
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4. In Specify Reason, select a reason for the rollback and click OK, or select Others,
enter a reason in the text box and click OK.
The system rolls back the clone and sets the State to Rollback Requested, and, if
successful, to Rolled Back, or, if unsuccessful, to Rollback Failure.
You can retry a rollback but if you get repeated failures, contact ServiceNow
Customer Support.
The instance contains the same data it had before the clone was applied.
Use cleanup scripts to modify or remove bad data. Cleanup scripts run after data
preservers and the clone are complete.
You can add new post-cloning scripts on the source instance to perform any action that
can normally be accomplished through script includes or business rules. To add a script,
navigate to System Clone > Clone Definition > Cleanup Scripts and click New.
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You can make post-clone scripts active or inactive to control whether these scripts run
or do not run. You can also set an order number on each script, which enables you to
set the order that the active scripts run, with lower numbers having a higher priority.
The following post-clone cleanup scripts perform various actions on the target instance.
Post-clone cleanup scripts
Script Description
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Script Description
also migrates the email properties to the
target instance.
Database rotation
Database rotation involves managing table size growth and archiving old data.
Data within an instance grows quickly, and as these tables grow in size they require
management. Database Rotation preserves instance performance and averts risk
associated with querying growing data sets utilizing three techniques. These techniques
are based on the concept of managing large quantities of data by separating whole
sets into individual tables. After this task is performed, each technique handles data in a
different manner:
• Table Rotation works by rotating among a small set of tables, and deleting and reusing
the old tables for new data.
• Table Extension works by periodically starting a new table and allowing old tables to
be easily archived and removed from the system.
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• Database Rotations Plugin activates Table Rotation and Extension without any tables
automatically included (com.snc.db.rotation)
• Database Rotations Default Tables Plugin applies Table Rotation and Extension to
specific tables (com.snc.db.rotation_default_tables)
Database Rotation
Table Rotation
Table Extension
Archived data is stored as a flat file with no reference fields to other tables. The archive
process converts any references to other tables to string values.
In the case of a reference field, the string uses the display value such as the caller's user
name. For example, the Caller reference field in an incident would display the string ITIL
User. If the reference was a document ID and the archive rule included the option to
archive related document IDs, then the string is the document ID of the related record.
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It is important to note that archive records do not receive any future changes to
referenced values. For example, if you change the user name for "John Smith" to "John A
Smith", all active incident records automatically show the caller as "John A Smith"
because of the reference between the Incident and User tables. However, all archived
incident records display the user name that existed at the time of the archive. Any
incident for "John Smith" continues referencing this user. Likewise, if you delete a user
from the system, current incidents no longer display the deleted user as a caller.
However, there can be archived incidents that still display the string "John Smith" as the
user because the user existed at the time of the archive.
The System Definition Table Rotation module allows you to define a new table rotation, a
new table extension, a new table shard, or modify an existing one.
When you define a new rotation, a schedule is created and new data is subsequently
written to one of the tables in the rotation group. You'll notice the that the group
includes the original table plus a number of additional tables. Be aware that deleting a
rotation will delete the additional tables and all the data, therefore the rotation should
not be deleted if the data is needed.
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• Table Rotation
• Table Extension
For new instances, database rotation is active by default. If you are upgrading from a
previous version, you can activate the Database Rotations plugin if it is not already
If it is not already active, you can activate the Database Rotations plugin if you have the
admin role.
2. Find the plugin using the filter criteria and search bar.
You can search for the plugin by its name or ID. If you cannot find a plugin, you
might have to request it from ServiceNow personnel. For more information, see
Request a plugin.
3. Click Install, and then in the Activate Plugin dialog box, click Activate.
Note: When domain separation and delegated admin are enabled in an
instance, the administrative user must be in the global domain. Otherwise, the
following error appears: Application installation is unavailable because another
operation is running: Plugin Activation for <plugin name>.
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What to do next
Do not activate the Database Rotations Default Tables plugin. Instead, specify the tables
manually, after consulting a ServiceNow representative.
• There is business logic to ensure data goes into the proper domain for the
application’s service provider use cases.
• In the application, the user interface, cache keys, reporting, rollups, aggregations, and
so on, all consider domain at run time.
• The owner of the instance needs to be able to set up the application to function
normally across multiple tenants.
Related topics
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