UNIT-3 Multiple Choice Questions - KNC-602
UNIT-3 Multiple Choice Questions - KNC-602
UNIT-3 Multiple Choice Questions - KNC-602
4. The Satapatha Brahmana and Taitriya Brahmana are the Brahmana texts of ___:
a) Rigveda
b) Yajurveda
c) Samaveda
d) Atharavaveda
6. Who among the following was the proponent of Ajivika (Fatalism) school of Indian
a) Ajita Kesakambali
b) Makkhali Gosala
c) Pakudha Kaccayana
d) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
7. Which of the following Indian philosopher who was the first disciple of Vardhaman
a) Ajita Kesakambali
b) Makkhali Gosala
c) Pakudha Kaccayana
d) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
8. Who among the following considered as the first known proponent of Indian
a) Purana Kassapa
b) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
c) Pakudha Kaccayana
d) Ajita Kesakambali
9. Who among the following was the proponent of agnosticism in Indian Philosophy?
a) Purana Kassapa
b) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
c) Pakudha Kaccayana
d) Ajita Kesakambali
10. Which of the following movement gave rise to the diverse range of heterodox beliefs?
a) Bhakti Movement
b) Sufi Movement
c) Sramana movement
d) All of the above
11. Who among the following was the proponent of Akriyavadi (Amoralism)?
a) Purana Kassapa
b) Sanjaya Belatthiputta
c) Pakudha Kaccayana
d) Ajita Kesakambali
12. Which of the following heterodox Indian Philosophy was very popular during the time
Bindusara (Mauryan Emperor)?
a) Vaisheshika
b) Ajivika (Fatalism)
c) Unchedvadi (Materialism)
d) Nityavadi (Eternalism)
13. Which of the following Indian Philosophy similar to the Western philosophical doctrine
of Subjectivism?
a) Anekantavada
b) Buddhist Philosophy
c) Indian Political Philosophy
d) None of the above
14. Which of the following is related with the philosophy deals extensively with problems in
metaphysics, phenomenology, ethics and epistemology?
a) Jain Philosophy
b) Buddhist Philosophy
c) Carvaka Philosophy
d) Vedanta Philosophy
15. According to Samkhya philosophy, the sequence of creation is as under:
a) Purusa, Prakrati, Ahankar, Mahat
b) Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, Mahat
c) Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, Ahankar
d) Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, Ahankar
16. Which philosophy says “Do not care to know various theories about God and Soul; do
good and be good; that will take you to whatever truth there is” ?
a) Sankhya
b) Buddhism
c) Vedanta
d) Jainism
21. The concept of pratityasamutpade (that nothing happens without a cause) is one of the
central principles of
a) Jainism
b) Buddhism
c) Vedanta
d) Sakhya
22. Which of the following Orthodox (Astik) Schools of Indian Philosophy, is silent on the
issue of existence of God as the ultimate reality?
a) Vedanta
b) Sankhya
c) Poorva Mimansa
d) Nyaya
27. Which among the following is not 'Four Noble Truths of Buddha'?
a) World is full of suffering
b) Desire causes suffering
c) Desire best way to get moksha
d) Suffering will remove
29. The earliest Buddhist literature describing stories of the various births of Buddha are:
a) Venaya pitakas
b) Sutta pitakas
c) Abhidhamma pitakas
d) Jatakas
30. The Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as 'Turning of the wheel of law' at?
a) Sanchi
b) Sarnath
c) Sravasti
d) Bodh Gaya
36. What are the places which contain the relics of Buddha known as?
a) Viharas
b) Pitakas
c) Stupas
d) Chaityas
39. Jainism has had a series of great teachers, called ________ or founders, throughout the
current cosmic era, a period that is to last twenty-one thousand years.
a) Bodhisattva
b) Priest
c) Tirthankara
d) Brahmin
40. Mahavira attained kevala, which is ________, the absolute knowledge that destroys
a) total faith
b) omniscience
c) self-knowledge
d) absolute presence
43. Which of these is not one of the Five Great Vows taken by monastic Jains?
a) Follow the life of Mahavira.
b) Renounce all possessions.
c) Do not steal.
d) Speak the truth.
50. Which of the following sufi saint verse of teaching written in Punjabi and also quoted in
Adi Granth?
a) Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
b) Baba Farid
c) Nizamuddin Aulia
d) Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya
56. Which of the following statement is not correct about Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in a well-to-do family in Bengal, probably in 1772.
b) He died in Indian in 1833.
c) He was given the title of Raja by the Mughal Emperor.
d) He started the newspaper named “Sambad Kaumudi”
57. What was the greatest contribution of Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar in the social reforms in
a) He ensured the widow’s marriage and girl’s education.
b) Help in the abolition of Sati Pratha.
c) Established the Brahma Samaj
d) He adopted 100 villages to relocate them from Andhra Pradesh to Bengal for better life.
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