Appendix A PP 247-251
Appendix A PP 247-251
Appendix A PP 247-251
Master My Stories
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. No
9. No
10. No
11. No
12. No
13. Yes
14. Yes
15. No
16. No
17. Yes
18. No
19. Yes
20. Yes
Make It Motivating
Make It Easy
21. No
22. Yes
23. Yes
24. Yes
25. Yes
26. No
27. No
28. Yes
29. No
30. No
Add up the number of boxes you checked “yes.” Each represents an area where you could use some
assistance. Here’s what your total score means:
17 yes
26–35: Don’t put this book down!
16–25: You could use
16–25: You could use some help, but at least you’re honest.
some help, but at least
6–15: You’re capable and likely are succeeding. you’re honest.
1–5: You could teach us all a thing or two.
Chapter-by-Chapter Results
This survey is divided into the seven chapters that cover crucial accountability skills (five questions
each). Look at your results chapter by chapter. You may want to focus your attention on the chapters
where you checked the most “yes” boxes. These chapters offer the solutions to your most common