The Acquisition of Phonological Inventories

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The Acquisition of Phonological Inventories∗

Ewan Dunbar and William Idsardi

August 11, 2012

1 The traditional views

The acquisition of phonological inventories is a subject which has been studied by
both linguists and psychologists, and rightly so—there is no question from the point
of view of the theoretician studying universal grammar that the path from the initial
state to the adult state is of interest, and there is no question from the developmental
psychologist’s point of view that the child’s phonological capacities are undergoing
substantial development in the early years.
Beyond similar titles, however, the linguist and the psychologist researching “phono-
logical inventory development” traditionally have little to share, because by “inventory
development” they usually mean quite different things. The tradition among linguists
began with Roman Jakobson, who placed the empirical focus on the child’s improv-
ing capacities for producing sounds. For psychologists, however, the seminal work of
Eimas et al. 1971 shifted the focus from observational studies of production to labo-
ratory work in perception. Since then, there have been two different traditions, child
phonology and infant speech perception, both of which use the term “inventory devel-
opment,” but which have proceeded independently. With two traditions, there come two
sets of received facts. Tthe received facts here both come in the form of developmental
sequences, and traditional ways of understanding those developmental sequences. We
begin by summarizing these traditional views of inventory development from the point
of view of the linguist and the psychologist.

1.1 Production: the linguist’s view

A child phonologist asked about the seminal works in the field will likely cite Jakob-
son’s (1941) Kindersprache, Aphasie, und Allgemeine Lautgesetze, first published in
English in 1968 as Child Language, Aphasia, and Phonological Universals (Jakob-
son 1968). The Kindersprache presented an enticing theory of inventory development
that elegantly tied together the three elements of its title. It was so enticing, and had
such scope, that it became the standard theory in the study of phonological acquisition,
∗ This work was partially supported by NSF IGERT DGE-0801465 to the University of Maryland, NIH

7R01DC 005660-07 to William Idsardi and David Poeppel, and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship 752-2011-0293
to Ewan Dunbar.

gaining a central place in language acquisition textbooks, attracting a search for coun-
terexamples to the empirical claims it contained, and detracting attention from the areas
of development it did not cover (see Menn 1980 for a brief summary of this period).
Jakobson’s view of acquisition was that phonological inventories were acquired by
repeated division of the phonological space into two-way contrasts (see also Dresher
2009). The child would first distinguish vowels from consonants; any further details
would be missing until the next contrast was established—for vowels, for example,
the next contrast was said to be between low vowels and high-front vowels, and for
consonants, the second contrast was said to be between nasal and oral stops. The order
of acquisition was claimed by Jakobson to be universal, a claim that was based on a
survey of the then-available empirical literature.
At the center of the Kindersprache theory was a set of “structural laws” that gave
priority to one contrast over another; intuitively, the structural laws gave an abstract
complexity measure distinguishing “less-” from “more-structured” sounds. The ele-
gance of the theory was that the same structural laws were said to govern all three of
the title areas. The order in which sounds were acquired was said to be the reverse
of the order in which sounds were lost in aphasia (“last in, first out”). The structural
laws, too, gave rise to a set of crosslinguistic tendencies of the kind that would later
come to be called “implicational universals” following Greenberg’s (1963) paper: “the
opposition of a stop and an affricate in the languages of the world implies the presence
of a fricative of the same series,” wrote Jakobson (Jakobson 1968:56)—we conclude
that the stop/fricative contrast has priority over the fricative/affricate (or stop/affricate)
contrast. It follows from this that fricatives should appear earlier than affricates in
language acquisition, and affricates should be lost prior to fricatives in aphasia.
The Kindersprache theory was simple and powerful, and, for researchers wishing to
pursue it empirically, the theory cut an obvious path, essentially predicting a universal
sequence in segmental acquisition. First, was there really a universal order of acquisi-
tion? If not, the Kindersprache theory as stated was too strong. Second, if there was
a universal order of acquisition, what was it? Subsequent questions would depend on
having answers to these, and so an empirical literature emerged reporting longitudinal
data on the child’s changing set of contrasts.
Over the following decades, longitudinal production data, combined with similar
data from clinical studies of abnormally developing children, was often pooled in sur-
vey papers which attempted to find the commonalities in the observed data. We give an
outline compiled from some of these surveys which relate strictly to the development
of consonant contrasts (Grunwell 1981, Grunwell 1982, Dinnsen 1992) in Table 1.1
1 The most comprehensive set of empirical claims about vowel development is still Jakobson’s: first, a
high/low split ([i] versus [A]), followed by a front/back split (adding [u]), or a secondary height contrast
(adding [e]). Jakobson’s empirical claims are worthy of serious scrutiny, however, and thorough work de-
scribing the emergence of vowel productions is more scarce than work on consonants. The phonetic study
of Lieberman 1980 does not distinguish words from babbling, and, more importantly, contains no record
of the intended pronunciations in words, meaning that we cannot evaluate the child’s contrastive inventory;
other work is not longitudinal (Davis and Macneilage 1990) or is unfortunately confounded (the subject in
Major 1976 is English–Portuguese bilingual). The most usable data for English are to be found in Otomo
and Stoel-Gammon 1992; the main finding in that paper, which examines only unrounded English vowels,
is that the lax vowels [I] and [E] become contrastive only relatively late, while tense [i] and [A] are contrasted
earliest (corroborating Jakobson), with [e] and [æ] falling somewhere in between.

Contrasts Example Inventory

p t
Oral/nasal, obstruent/sonorant,
m n
w j

ph b th d
Oral/nasal, obstruent/sonorant,
coronal/labial, voiced/voiceless
m n
w j

Oral/nasal, obstruent/sonorant, ph b th d kh g
voiced/voiceless m n N
w j h

Oral/nasal, obstruent/sonorant, ph b th d kh g
coronal/labial/dorsal, fv sz
voiced/voiceless, stop/fricative m n N
w j h

Oral/nasal, obstruent/sonorant, ph b th d ÙÃ kh g
coronal/labial/dorsal/palatal, fv sz SZ
voiced/voiceless, stop/fricative m n N
w j h

l > r > T, D

Table 1: Sequence of consonant contrasts, drawing on previous reviews and summaries.

Example inventories are given for a typical English-speaking child.

Several questions arise from Table 1: first, we should ask how reliable the original
sources are, but the authors have nothing to say about this here. Second, we might ask
how comparable the studies are. The short answer is that they are fairly inconsistent in
their methodology. For example, many generalizations are taken from clinical studies,
while others are taken from studies of normally developing children, a bias that simply
reflects the greater contact with speech-language pathology practitioners for atypical
children. These are not necessarily compatible; see Chapter XXX (this volume [[i.e.
Dinnsen paper]]) for discussion of this and related issues. Another important method-
ological difference between studies is the criterion for adding a contrast to the table.
Should we take the contrast to be in place when the sound is produced? When it is
used “appropriately”? If so, what does “appropriately” mean? Do children “have a
contrast” between [m] and [w] if they only ever use [w] as a substitute for [l]? Do they
have a contrast between [w] and [l] if they substitute [w] for [l] in certain environments,
but not others? How far should we go in attempting to find these environments, if the
substitutions do turn out to be systematic, and we take this to be crucial in determining
One somewhat radical answer to the question of what it means for a child to have
acquired a contrast was suggested by Smith (1973), who constructed a full phono-
logical grammar for the child’s productions, implying that the absence of a particular
contrast on the surface could be treated as an epiphenomenon of a neutralization rule,
and not the other way around, as a simple reading of Jakobson would suggest. This
would imply that the answer to the question of when children “have a contrast” is re-
ally “when they produce each segment in all and only the environments that adults do,”
so that tables like Table 1, inspired by Jakobson, would really be only approximations
to the full set of relevant data. This really represents a different theory (see the discus-
sion of Smith below); we need not move to this extreme, however, to recognize that
compiling a table such as Table 1 requires some set of clear criteria. Many of the orig-
inal sources do not make their criteria explicit, and the rest are generally inconsistent
with each other.
Granting that the studies are comparable and reliable, the question of whether the
data confirm or disconfirm Jakobson’s claims is of substantial interest. The highlights
of Jakobson’s partial order on consonant contrast development are: nasal and oral stops
should be distinguished early; labials and dentals should be distinguished later; these
should be distinguished from velars and palatals still later; fricatives should be neutral-
ized to stops early, but not the other way around, as noted above; affricates and frica-
tives should be distinguished after stops and fricatives; [l] and [r] are distinguished late.
Table 1 supports the idea that nasal and oral stops, as well as labial and dental stops,
are distinguished early, but it is unclear whether there is an ordering between these two
developments. Table 1 supports the idea that the velar/non-velar contrast, as well as
the palatal/non-palatal contrast, are made later than the labial/dental contrast (except
for the glides). Finally, Table 1 also supports the idea that stops precede fricatives,
and that the [l]/[r] distinction is late. There are a few other generalizations that emerge
about which Jakobson has nothing to say, such as the relative ordering between the ac-
quisition of velars and the acquisition of palatals (Table 1 suggests that velars precede
palatals), the place in the order of acquisitions of a voiced/voiceless distinction (Table
1 suggests it is relatively early), and the fact that, in addition to the relatively late emer-

gence of the contrast between the two, neither [l] nor [r] appears at all before some late
stage. On the whole, there is nothing in Table 1 that contradicts Jakobson. Inevitably,
however, there are published exceptions to even the general progression given in Table
1 (for example, Prather et al. (1975) report consistent acquisition of [N] before the velar
obstruents, [w] much later than [j], and [r] and [l] before [z]; Olmsted (1971) reports
consistent acquisition of [N] only much later than the velar obstruents, and also later
than the other nasals; and Vihman et al. (1986) report a child with [s] and [S] before any
velar stops).
Of course, Jakobson did not just claim that these orders could be found in some lan-
guage; he claimed they were universal, whereas the studies that underpin Table 1 are
taken only from English-speaking children. Similar studies of other languages are rare,
but, where they exist, they reveal potentially problematic differences for the Kinder-
sprache theory of universality. Macken’s studies of Spanish acquisition (Macken 1978,
Macken 1979) showed that Spanish children make a continuant–non-continuant dis-
tinction early, but not a voicing distinction; she concluded that Spanish children do
make a voicing distinction at roughly the same time as English children, but initially
realize it as a continuancy distinction because of the allophonic status of the fricatives
in Spanish (voiced but not voiceless stops are subject to non-contrastive spirantization).
Pye et al. (1987) report that Quiché-learning children acquire [Ù] much earlier than [S],
and perhaps even earlier than [p], [t], and [k]; they learn [x] long before [s], which
seems to be later than [S]; they learn [l] very early, and [p] and [t] appear to be fairly
synchronous, whereas [m] is acquired later than [n]. Similar facts can be adduced for
Finnish ([d] is late and [r] early; see Itkonen 1977). Some of these facts are in conflict
with generalizations in Table 1, while others are also in conflict with generalizations of
Jakobson’s. There is room for some such conflicts, because the theory does not state
that all orderings must be universal; these questions were not satisfactorily resolved
before attention shifted to other types of theories, however (see 2.1 below).
Finally, we might ask whether the source of data, child productions, is the only
one we might use. It did not have to be the case that empirical research following
Jakobson’s program focused on only production, although it did. The core idea of
the Kindersprache theory makes reference to contrast; but the idea of a hierarchy of
contrasts underpinning phonological acquisition, loss, and typology is viable whether
we are talking about perception, production, or memory. It is only because Jakob-
son dismissed the idea of studying perceptual development, pointing out that children
could easily distinguish (and presumably remember) minimal pairs of words differing
crucially by contrasts they could not yet produce, that he took all his evidence from
production; as is often the case, this detail of the original author’s views shaped the
understanding of the theory. Importantly, Jakobson was correct about certain generali-
ties: although exact ages for individual contrast developments in production studies are
variable, one thing which is broadly consistent is that the least developed production
inventories are typically seen around 1;5, and acquisition of all contrasts can last years.
As we shall see below, however, perceptual development for these basic contrasts is
largely adult-like by the time native-like productions begin to take shape.
In summary, to the extent that the primary empirical claim of the Kindersprache—
that there is a universal acquisition sequence—has been assessed, research has revealed
that, while there are generalizations to be made, there are exceptions which are worthy

of explanation. In light of this variability, and particularly in light of the cross-linguistic
variability that appears to exist in the ordering of contrasts, it would be reasonable to
conclude that the simplest version of the Jakobsonian hypothesis is long disconfirmed:
whatever the substantive content of the learning mechanism, it does not consist of a
simple “checklist.” (See Ingram 1988b and Edwards and Beckman 2008 for evidence
that frequency might be able to explain some of the variance.)
In defense of the theory, however, it is worth pointing out that the differences in
methodology across studies make it difficult to assess the facts at all. In what is per-
haps a more equivocal defense of the theory, we must point out that the inconsistent
notion of what the correct notion of it means for a child to “have a contrast” makes
it hard to compare generalizations. The fact that Jakobson is ambiguous on this point
means that it is difficult in principle to evaluate the theory. Recent work (e.g., Edwards
and Beckman 2008) is encouraging in its use of controlled methodology (laboratory-
elicited word productions), but the simple percent accuracy measure used there leaves
the question of what should qualify as contrast acquisition open; see Ingram 1988a for
some suggestions.

1.2 Perception: the psychologist’s view

If the Kindersprache theory was a model for elegance of theory in mid twentieth cen-
tury phonology, the emerging speech perception literature was surely the corresponding
model of empirical rigor. When experiments aimed at uncovering the psychoacoustic
basis of speech perception revealed that speakers of different languages respond differ-
ently to the same sounds on low-level perceptual tasks, it became difficult to dispute the
psychological reality of phonological contrast (Abramson and Lisker 1970). If percep-
tion was influenced by the linguistic environment in which a person was brought up,
then the natural questions were how and when the ambient language came to impress
itself upon the perceptual systems.
The paper that broke the empirical ground in infant speech perception was Eimas
et al. 1971. Armed with the high-amplitude sucking technique of Siqueland and DeLu-
cia (1969), the researchers were able to measure the discrimination abilities of 1- and
4-month-old infants, who, astonishingly, showed the same pattern of discontinous per-
ception for VOT as English-speaking adults. The insight that measures of infants’
habituation and recovery could be used as measures of discrimination abilities gave
Eimas et al. 1971 as much methodological cachet as the Kindersprache had had theo-
It took some time for a clear picture to begin to emerge. Streeter (1976) demon-
strated that 2-month-old infants raised in a Kikuyu-speaking environment showed dis-
continuous perception for stop voicing with an English-like boundary, despite the fact
that the Kikuyu VOT contrast is between prevoiced and unaspirated, not between
unaspirated and aspirated like English; Lasky et al. (1975) reported a similar result
using a heart-rate measure for 4- and 5-month-old Spanish-learning infants, although
their ambient language also had a non-English-like VOT boundary, suggesting that the
Eimas et al. discontinuity might not be have been due to influence of the ambient lan-
guage. (Crucially, adults from language backgrounds with short-lag VOT boundaries
do not show English-like perceptual boundaries; see Lisker and Abramson 1970.) The

discovery by Kuhl and Miller (1975) that chinchillas also showed an English-like dis-
continuity for perception of English stops dealt a serious blow to the idea that very
young infants showed true categorical (not simply discontinuous) perception, that is,
that their discrimination abilities tracked knowledge of linguistic categories.2 It was
not until Werker and Tees 1984 (which established the use of head-turn procedures,
rather than sucking procedures, for infants of suitable age) that a timeline began to
be established. The now-famous 10-month developmental milestone, at which infants
show a precipitous drop in perceptual sensitivity to non-native contrasts, was not as
early as previous results had suggested, but researchers were still surprised at just how
early categorical perception was evident (Werker 1989). With a powerful experimental
paradigm, and, now, a powerful experimental result, the study of infant speech percep-
tion had become, for the initiated, the study of phonological inventory development.
In this field of phonological inventory development, the timelines looked different.
Having started from the speech perception literature, and not from the Kindersprache,
the question of a hierarchy of contrasts never arose, and was never systematically in-
vestigated, although clear differences from contrast to contrast in the onset of native-
language effects were evident from the start. Instead, the next milestone that was sought
was the development of a different type of knowledge—lexical categories, that is, cat-
egories used in long-term memory storage, rather than categories which might only be
The question of when children begin to acquire their native-language lexical cate-
gories, and how to elicit behavior that reveals lexical and not phonetic categorization,
was first asked in the literature by Shvachkin (1948). To encourage young children
(between 0;10 and 1;6) to construe strings of speech sounds as “words,” Shvachkin
trained them on novel names for objects by presenting the names alongside the objects
in play. In this way, the strings would presumably be encoded in the same way as any
item in the lexicon. The children were then asked by the experimenter to pick up the
object, to use it in play, and so on. After presenting several objects in this way, two of
which formed a minimal pair, the experimenter would make a request for one of these
two items; performance in retrieving the item was evaluated. From his data, Shvachkin
attempted to find a sequence of lexical-receptive contrasts along the lines of Jakob-
son’s. This literature saw a resurgence in the 1970s, with experiments carried out by
Garnica (1973), Eilers and Oller (1976), and Barton (1976). Some tendencies—like an
early contrast between sonorants and obstruents and very late acquisition of voicing of
stops—did begin to emerge—but the new interest in these experiments was too short-
lived for anything clear to be determined. Eilers and Oller (1976) and Barton (1976)
also reported improvement with mispronunciations of familiar words versus trained
nonce words.
Perhaps the most important point about these results, however, is that there is an
enormous discrepancy with respect to perceptual category development. The youngest
children tested by Shvachkin and Garnica were 0;10 and 1;5 respectively, and many of
these children performed well only on a fairly restricted set of contrasts (obstruent ver-
2 The fact that Streeter 1976 also reported Kikuyu 2-month-olds’ sensitivity to a Kikuyu-like boundary

not found in English infants of the same age has been cast off as an anomaly in light of later research,
(and indeed, earlier research: Lasky et al. did not find a Spanish-adult-like VOT boundary in older Spanish-
learning infants), but it was taken to be significant at the time.

sus sonorant, along with some distinctions among sonorants). Later researchers, with
knowledge of the relatively early onset of native-like speech perception, would have
thus been forgiven for thinking that the word-learning tasks were simply too compli-
cated and the measures too indirect to be informative.
There was some surprise, therefore, when Stager and Werker (1997) reported that
14-month-olds performed poorly in a modern, laboratory version of the word-learning
task. In their methodology, the infant was presented with an auditory nonce-word label,
paired with a visually presented novel object. In the two-object variant, a habituation
phase with two different word-object pairs was followed by a test pair in a ‘same’
condition—one of the previously presented objects was presented with its previous
label—or a ‘switch’ condtion—one of the previously presented objects was presented
with the other previously presented label. A difference in looking times in the two
conditions implied successful discrimination.
Interestingly, English-learning 14-month-olds failed in this task when the labels
were minimal pairs (/bI/ versus /dI/). Meanwhile, they succeeded when the words
were presented without the objects during habituation (that is, with a checkerboard
pattern rather than object pictures, with the transition now being from a one-word ha-
bituation phase to a second item at test). Even more interestingly, 8-month-olds per-
formed well in a similar task—a one-object variant—in which only one word-object
pair was presented in the habituation phase. (The younger infants could not do the
two-object task at all.) Numerous variants on this experiment were subsequently re-
ported, with the original result often corroborated, but not always (Pater et al. 1998;
Werker et al. 1998; Swingley and Aslin 2000; Swingley and Aslin 2002; Werker et al.
2002; Fennell and Werker 2003; Fennell 2004; Wales and Hollich 2004; Fennell 2006;
Fennell et al. 2007; Thiessen 2007; Yoshida et al. 2009).
The difficulties did not seem on the surface to be as severe as those of Garnica’s
subjects, who struggled to perform on many contrasts up to at least 2;0; in this task,
infants seemed to be fully recovered by 1;8, at least on the limited set of contrasts tested
(Werker et al. 2002; Thiessen 2007). Furthermore, small task differences (including the
difference between novel and familiar words explored in the earlier literature) made a
big difference in performance. The consensus quickly emerged that the results had
something to do with word learning (the “word effect”), but whether there was a true
representational failure or some other problem in lexical access or learning was up for
The speech perception paradigm for studying inventory development has now made
definitive empirical progress; a standard timeline, with the standard understanding of
the results, is given in Table 2. The usual understanding of this literature is that infants
begin as “universal listeners,” capable of distinguishing any contrast perceptually, and
then learn by “learning to ignore”—but what is the explanation?
The speech perception tradition in phonetic inventory learning research is quite dif-
ferent from the Jakobsonian one, and it has a rather different story to tell. Most impor-
tantly, the difference between the slow grind of production development and the quick
transition from newborn to native-like hearer is empirically undeniable. This simple
difference seems to undermine the very premise of the acquisition of the phonological

Age Perceptual Changes Contrasts tested
0;1–0;2 Sensitivity to non-native contrasts English, Kikuyu infants show a
categorical VOT boundary for
labials at around 25–30 ms,
despite the absence of such a
boundary in Kikuyu
0;6 Adult-like warping of vowel perception, as [i]–[y], for English versus Swedish
revealed by different directional infants
asymmetries in discrimination
Continued sensitivity to non-native [th ]–[t], [k’]–[q’], [k]–[k’], [b]–[b],
consonant contrasts, as revealed by [ì]–[Ð]˙ in English infants; [r]–[l] in
discrimination performance similar to Japanese infants
adults or older infants from language
environments in which the contrasts are
0;6–0;8 Poor sensitivity to certain difficult [f]–[T], for English-learning
native-language contrasts infants; syllable-initial [n]–[N], for
infants learning Filipino (Tagalog)
0;8 Ability to detect changes in novel [bI]–[dI], for English-learning
native-language minimal pairs associated infants
with objects
0;10–0;12 Decline in sensitivity to non-native Contrasts listed at 0;6
consonant contrasts to adult-like or
near-adult-like levels
0;10–1;2 Improvement in sensitivity to difficult Contrasts listed at 0;6–0;8
native-language contrasts
1;2–1;3 Decline in ability to distinguish novel [bI]–[dI]; [bIn]–[dIn]; [bIn]–[ph In];
minimal pairs associated with objects [dIn]–[ph In]; [dIn]–[gIn];
[dA]–[th A], all for English-learning
1;5–1;8 Improvement in ability to distinguish [bI]–[dI]; [dA]–[th A], for
minimal pairs when associated with English-learning infants

Table 2: Milestones in infant speech perception.

2 Revisiting tradition
What does it mean to acquire a phonological inventory? “At first glance,” writes
Jusczyk (1992), “. . . [i]t would seem to be a matter of identifying the elementary sound
units that are used to form words in the language.” This statement might seem innocu-
ous and neutral. In fact, however, it represents only one answer to the question of what
it means to acquire a phonological inventory. One can easily identify at least three
We find it helpful to think of human speech-sound cognition (phonology, in a broad
sense) in terms of three inescapable facts: humans have ears; humans have mouths; and
humans have memories. Phonological processing includes, minimally, some receptive
processing system, some productive processing system, and some storage system. Pro-
cessing information entails having some way of encoding that information. Minimally,
then, there are three encoding formats used by the brain to process speech; these three
formats are conceptually distinct, even if they are not all actually distinct. Add to this
the observation that the storage system must interface with both the productive and the
receptive systems, and we obtain four different possible senses of the term “phonolog-
ical inventory”: a set of possible distinctions that can be made when perceiving speech
(the phonetic–receptive inventory); a set of distinctions that can be made when storing
perceived speech in the lexicon (the lexical–receptive inventory); a set of distinctions
that can be made when producing speech (the phonetic–productive inventory); and a
set of distinctions among speech sounds that can be made when storing instructions for
producing words in the lexicon (the lexical–productive inventory). These four senses
of “phonological inventory” are summarized in Table 3.


Memory encoding (perceived Memory encoding (speech to
speech) be produced)


Information used in speech Information used in speech
processing production

Table 3: Four conceptually distinct representations that have been called “phonological
inventories” in the developmental literature.

For example, linguists will be familiar with the lexical versus phonetic distinction
made in Table 3 (vertical). Grammatical descriptions constructed by linguists are usu-
ally viewed as descriptions of a mapping between these two cognitively distinct types
of representations, and it is for this reason that finding an adequate theory of these
grammars is a part of cognitive science (see Chomsky and Halle 1968 and Prince and
Smolensky 2004). On the other hand, most theoretical works in phonology assume a

single set of features common to perception and production (likely because of the influ-
ence of Jakobson et al. 1952) implying that the receptive versus productive dimension
in Table 3 (horizontal) is not relevant in the lexicon. Psychologists, however, are likely
to be familiar with theories that the lexicon contains two separate sub-stores, one for
recognizing language, and one (linked, but in some sense distinct) for producing lan-
guage (Straight 1980; Caramazza 1988; see Menn 1992 for such a proposal approached
from within theoretical linguistics), which would require two separate encodings at the
lexical level, and thus in principle two separate developmental tracks. The phonetic
levels are simply those representational formats that the brain uses to encode informa-
tion about perceived speech and to control motor systems. A multitude of logically
possible distinctions other than these come to mind, but these four senses are the ones
most frequently found in the literature and in current thinking on the development of
phonological representations.3
Having reviewed some of the classic literature on inventory development, we en-
courage the reader to reconsider some of the principal results and claims in terms of
this four-way distinction. As was made clear above, for example, the child phonology
literature has focused on productive representations, while the infant speech percep-
tion literature has focused on receptive representations; we might wonder how we can
relate the two. More difficult questions arise when we ask whether particular theories
or pieces of evidence relate to lexical or phonetic levels, and, although some attempt
has been made to dissociate the two in the speech perception literature, we will find
reasons to doubt how well we have dissociated them up to this point. In this section,
we consider a few of the issues raised.
3 All researchers will have heard the term phoneme used in one or more of these contexts, but we have

avoided it. In certain schools of early twentieth century phonology in which many researchers considered
their enterprise to be only loosely connected to cognition (notably, American Structuralism), there were
two senses of the term, corresponding to the minimal units on two different levels of analysis (the taxonomic
phonemic level and the abstract phonemic level). Early generative linguistics (e.g., Chomsky 1964; Chomsky
and Halle 1968) avoided the term in favor of a distinction between “lexical” (or “underlying”) and “phonetic”
representations, except when referring to the work of others. The term “phoneme” quickly worked its way
into work in generative phonology, however. These early generative uses of “phoneme” seem to refer to
the unit of lexical representation; but, in more recent work, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether the term
is defined by the level of representation it refers to or by certain properties that have become associated
with that level of representation, and, if so, which properties (for example, division into segments, degree of
abstractness, or assumption of a finite inventory). Outside linguistics, the situation is more confusing, as the
term is often used to refer to any or all of the four representations in Table 3. For these reasons, we avoid the
term to prevent misunderstanding. We also stress that the term “inventory” in this chapter could usually be
replaced with “representational capacity”; most of the facts and theories discussed could be restated without
assuming a finite inventory of segments (for example, the same themes would be stressed if representational
development were considered from the point of view of exemplar theory); nor do we assume that what is
developing in the infant are systems for representing individual sounds, like [s] or [i], since what we have
presented is too general to bear on the nature of the features that represent individual sounds. We leave it to
the reader to consider these issues. Although there is some controversy over these fundamental assumptions,
understanding these debates is not crucial to considering most of the developmental literature, and attempting
to be entirely neutral would have led to confusing terminological awkwardness. For some discussion of these
issues, see Dunbar and Idsardi 2010.

2.1 What level is this? Jakobson and Smith
Current evidence suggests that the child’s perceptual abilities are relatively adult-like
during the period of interest to Jakobson, in which production seems to be still in
flux. Jakobson’s discussion and his examples from the observational literature of the
time (for example, the one-year-old son of Serbian linguist Milivoj Pavlović (1920),
who understood the difference between the words for his father, tata, and his excreta,
kaka, but called them both tata), are meant to suggest that both the phonetic–receptive
inventory and the lexical–receptive inventory are in place. What inventory was it that
Jakobson was watching develop? Following our four-way distinction, it could be the
lexical–productive inventory, or of the phonetic–productive inventory, or both, or a
mapping between them. In any case, Jakobson’s inventory was a productive inventory,
meaning that, for Jakobson, the productive and receptive inventories were necessarily
distinct on some level. Furthermore, according to Jakobson, the productive inventory
is not limited just by the child’s motor skills, since, in babbling, the child can produce
a wide range of native and non-native speech sounds (see also Hale and Reiss 2008).
Empirically, this is an overstatement: while children do seem to have (somewhat) larger
babbling repertoires than they show in word production, the set of babbling sounds is
fairly similar to the set of sounds they use in words (Vihman et al. 1986); nevertheless,
there is a protracted arc of productive inventory development after babbling ceases
which needs to be explained regardless of how and whether it is related to babbling,
and Jakobson does not tell us enough to know exactly which parts of the cognitive
system this development should be attributed to.
An answer to the question of just what was developing, if not motor skills, arose
in the generative tradition shortly after the English publication of the Kindersprache.
Stampe (1969) and Smith (1973) replaced Jakobson’s theory of representational devel-
opment with a theory of grammatical development. They attempted to characterize a
level of grammatical preprocessing prior to the articulatory level, that would map from
adult-like stored forms, assumed to be fairly accurate, to child-like productions. They
claimed that this computation was the same type of computation that went on in adult
phonology (at the time, the kind of computation laid out Chomsky and Halle’s (1968)
Sound Pattern of English).
Both Stampe and Smith presented further arguments against the motor-failure hy-
pothesis. Particularly compelling was Smith’s so-called puzzle-puzzle. Smith’s son,
Amahl, at some stage, mapped all adult /d/ to [g] in a certain context (before syllabic
[l]). Under a motor-failure theory, this would be because Amahl was unable to coordi-
" his muscles to pronounce /d/ in this context. But, in fact, Amahl mapped adult
/z/ in this context to [d], giving the chain-shift outcome in (2.1):

(2.1) /p2dl/ −→ [p2gl]

/p2zl"/ −→ [p2dl"]
" "
Smith reports thoroughly testing that Amahl was in fact able to perceive this dif-
ference and map it on to different lexical items (though Macken (1980) objects to the
claim that Amahl’s perception of the contrast was adultlike); his data also demonstrate
that these substitutions were systematic. Two similar cases are presented by Smith in

his 1973 book, and other cases have been noted before and since (Aleksandrov 1883;
Smith 2010).
The new insight here was that the absence of a contrast between, say, [d] and [g], did
not entail that child would simply always select one, or choose one at random. If the
child was systematic (therefore, consistent), the limitation could not be in the ability
to produce a particular segment, or even in the ability to produce it consistently, and,
as the puzzle-puzzle demonstrated, the limitation could not be in the ability to produce
a particular sequence, either. (Smith also had a way of ruling out the possibility that
productive development was due to changing lexical inventories, which would have
manifested itself in the form of mislearned lexical items. For details, see Smith 1973;
for a response, see Menn 1992; for review of the issue, see Smith 2010.)
Though the details of Smith’s analysis were criticized (Braine 1976; Macken 1980;
Menn 1980), and though Smith was not the first to attempt a similar analysis (see, for
example, Chao 1951), the idea that child productions were the product of systematic
substitution rules similar to adult phonological rules, and that misperception was not
the source of the majority of children’s phonological errors, stimulated a large amount
of research. Furthermore, since Smith made his full longitudinal lexicon available in
an appendix, many subsequent papers have reanalyzed the Amahl data (Macken 1980;
Goad 1997; Dinnsen et al. 2001; Vanderweide 2006).
One consequence of Smith’s conclusions is that, regardless of whether the lexical–
productive inventory is distinct from the lexical–receptive inventory, the phonetic–
productive inventory is not the same as the lexical–productive inventory. Under this
theory, a Jakobson-style expansion in phonetic–productive representational capacity
either drives, or is an epiphenomenon of, the development of the production gram-
mar. Clearly, if the phonetic–productive inventory is epiphenomenal, then it is not an
object of study by itself; recently, however, some theories have begun to treat phonetic–
productive inventory development as a representational expansion again. The formal
treatment has been in terms of a changing set of available features, either with restric-
tions stated as Optimality-Theoretic (OT) markedness constraints (Boersma and Levelt
2003; Kager et al. 2004), or stated directly in a more Jakobson-like theory specialized
for markedness relations among features (Rice and Avery 1995; Dresher 2009; related
child language analyses are to be found in Levelt 1989; Fikkert 1994; Dinnsen 1996;
Brown and Matthews 1997).
Another of these representational approaches (Vihman and Croft 2007; Altvater-
Mackensen and Fikkert 2010) locates Jakobson’s developmental arc in the lexical–
productive inventory, and, furthermore, claims that there is only one type of lexical
encoding, shared by the lexical–receptive and lexical–productive functions. The obvi-
ous challenge for this approach is to explain why children are capable of discriminating
contrasts they cannot produce. One response has been to claim that, unlike children’s
simple phonetic discrimination performance, children’s performance in word-learning
tasks does in fact mirror production; see section 2.2 for further discussion.
Finally, it is worth remembering that our four-way division of logically possible in-
ventories is not complete, nor can it ever be; one can always think of finer sub-divisions
of each cell, and theories of phonology and speech processing that would make ad-
ditional nuances critical. Although Smith assumed the child’s phonological gram-
mar to be a sequence of rules manipulating discrete feature values, there is evidence

for learned “phonetic processes” operating on sub-symbolic information (Sledd 1966;
Dyck 1995; Flemming 2001), in addition to learned cross-linguistic differences in the
phonetic implementation of individual phonological features (Pierrehumbert 2003).
Taking into account either of these two parts of phonological processing would sug-
gest that theoreticians might consider distinguishing between two types of phonetic–
productive inventories, one which is the output of a Smith-type grammar operating
over discrete feature values, and one which is the output of subsequent phonetic im-
plementation and phonetic adjustment processes. Since some studies have reported
sub-phonemic changes in children’s productions over time (Macken and Barton 1980;
Scobbie et al. 2000), there are very likely many theoretically important facts waiting to
be discovered in the phonetics of child productions.

2.2 Word learning tasks

The standard interpretation of the result of Stager and Werker (1997) discussed in sec-
tion 1.2 is that infants can be good at perceiving contrasts without being good at storing
them in or retrieving them from the lexicon. If we accept these tasks probe something
lexical, then we need to ask how it could be that the storage step seems to fail when
discrimination is at ceiling.
A familiar explanation is that there are two kinds of encoding under development:
both the phonetic–receptive encoding and the lexical–receptive encoding are in flux
during infancy, changing in response to the linguistic environment. The explanation
here is straightforward: discrimination tasks show the development of the phonetic–
receptive encoding (thought of as a set of phonetic categories, distinct from the child’s
phonological categories); word-learning tasks show the development of a second en-
coding, to which phonetic information must be mapped in the lexicon. A variant of this
view maintains that there is really only one linguistic level that develops in response
to the environment—the lexical–receptive level—and early changes in discrimination
performance reflect low-level adaptation of the auditory system. Researchers may de-
cide for themselves whether they believe that “phonetic” and “auditory” mean the same
thing in receptive processing, but the choice does not change the general shape of the
explanation: if and only if children fail in a word-learning task, their lexical–receptive
inventory must be insufficiently developed to represent the contrast being tested.
Taking the novel word-learning data as the primary source of evidence about lexi-
cal inventory development implies that the lexical–receptive inventory is acquired rel-
atively late; in particular, although infants apparently fail at Stager and Werker word-
learning tasks at 14 months, their first words typically come around 12 months. How
can early lexical knowledge exist without an encoding scheme for storing words in the
lexicon? A resolution is to be found in a theory that claims that phonemic represen-
tations develop in response to an enlarging lexicon (Brown 1973; Charles-Luce and
Luce 1990). The claim is essentially that the infant brain is equipped by default with a
system which can encode a few words, but which is insufficient to encode a full human
All of these views restrict the interpretation of word-learning results to the lexical–
receptive inventory. An attempt to relate the word-learning results with the develop-
ment of the productive inventory has been put forward by proponents of phonological

underspecification. This is the view that the encoding format for speech sounds to
some degree follows the Saussurean “nothing but differences” principle, encoding cer-
tain speech sounds by systematically leaving the values of certain encoding features
(dimensions) effectively specified with none of the legal contentful values (Lahiri and
Reetz 2002; Dresher 2009). For example, it is commonly held that place of articulation
can be specified as CORONAL (using the tip or blade of the tongue), LABIAL (using the
lips), or DORSAL (using the back of the tongue), but underspecification theories often
contend that the feature CORONAL acts as a universal default, and only LABIAL and
DORSAL are specified explicitly. Predictions about misperception asymmetries have
been derived from these types of claims in the psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic lit-
erature, for example, that a larger mismatch negativity (MMN, a neurophysiological
change detection response; Näätänen et al. 1978) should be observed when a repeated
sound with a marked feature value is changed to another sound, as compared to when a
sound is changed from one with an unmarked feature value to another sound: because
there is no feature to restrict the listener’s expectations about the following sound, a
mismatch should not be detected (Friedrich et al. 2008; Scharinger et al. 2012).
Underspecification of a unified lexical–receptive–productive inventory has been
proposed as an alternate explanation for some of the behavior seen in word-learning
tasks (Fikkert 2005; Fikkert and Levelt 2008). For example, Altvater-Mackensen and
Fikkert (2010) propose that children go through a stage in which all consonants in a
word must share the place feature of the vowel (both alveolar consonants and high front
vowels are CORONAL, both velar consonants and low vowels are DORSAL, and so on,
under the feature theory of Halle et al. 2000); if children are in this stage, they may also
fail to detect certain minimal pair contrasts, but not others. In particular, a change from
/ba/ to /da/ would be detected, because the “correct” feature value for the consonant
would be DORSAL (the harmonic form would be /ga/); a change from /bI/ to /dI/ would
not be detected, however, because the difference between the marked LABIAL feature
and the unmarked harmonic CORONAL feature would be undetectable.
Surveying the previous literature, it is certainly true that researchers have not taken
into account the place features of the vowel when constructing materials. A survey of
all known published studies following the Stager and Werker methodology reveals only
the following crucial pairs: /bI/–/dI/ (Stager and Werker 1997; Werker et al. 2002), /lIf/–
/nim/ (Stager and Werker 1997; Werker et al. 1998), /bAl/–/dAl/ (Fennell and Werker
2003; Fennell 2004), /dAl/–/gAl/ (Fennell and Werker 2004; Fennell 2004), /dIn/–/gIn/
(Fennell 2004), /bIn/–/dIn/ (Pater et al. 2004; Fennell 2006; Fennell et al. 2007), /bIn/–
/ph In/ (Pater et al. 2004) /dIn/–/ph In/ (Pater et al. 2004) and /th O/–/dO/ (Thiessen 2007).
Interestingly, although it is certainly not the case that all of the place contrasts tested
with the coronal/front vowels /i/ and /I/ have always failed to be detected using the
Stager and Werker methodology, it is notable that both /bAl/–/dAl/ and /dAl/–/gAl/ are
apparently detectable by 14-month-olds, suggesting a previously overlooked confound
between vowel place and word familiarity, the factor to which previous authors at-
tributed infants’ success on this task. Nevertheless, there remain numerous other ex-
perimental factors which can give rise to success on many pairs with coronal vowels in
the Stager and Werker paradigm, and at least one paradigm (the visual choice paradigm
of Swingley and Aslin 2000) in which 14-month-olds seem to perform well overall
(Yoshida et al. 2009 tested infants in a word-learning task; Swingley and Aslin 2002

tested a wide variety of contrast, but used known words).
Finally, there is yet another way of looking at the data, which denies the tight link
between word-learning performance and lexical encoding development. Storing and
retrieving lexical items clearly involves more than simply encoding a set of sounds; for
one, it involves encoding a sequence of sounds, and, for another, it involves explor-
ing the links to the corresponding semantic and morphosyntactic entries (for relevant
psycholinguistic theories, see Bock and Levelt 1994; Caramazza 1988). Failure in the
broader lexical encoding step, not a deficit in the ability to encode individual segments,
was proposed as an explanation for infants’ poor performance by Stager and Werker
(1997). We are not aware of any experimental study attempting to disentangle these
two factors.
This view might help to resolve some empirical puzzles in the word-learning data.
For example, there is a difference in performance in word-object pairing tasks be-
tween known and unknown words, with performance on known-word/non-word min-
imal pairs much better than performance on nonce-word minimal pairs (Barton 1976;
Swingley and Aslin 2002). If the infant has a perfect ability to store words, up to the
limits of her lexical representational capacity, then, once learned, novel words should
be the same as known words; the facts could be predicted by a theory positing a deficit
in the ability to store words, without any faults in lexical representational capacity.
Correctly constructed, such a theory might also account for the fact that seemingly
small changes to laboratory word-learning tasks can affect performance greatly, so that
performance is not always as bad as might be expected if there were an outright failure
to encode particular contrasts (Fennell 2004; Thiessen 2007; see Werker and Fennell
2004 for discussion).

3 The future
To some extent, the goals in the study of phonological inventory acquisition overlap
with the goals of the speech sciences as a whole: how is speech represented in memory?
For production? For perception? Are some of these representations really the same?
If not, how do they interact? Are they categorical or not? Absent answers to these
questions, we can only hope that child data will be informative in roughly the same
way adult data are. For example, children can recruit surprisingly fine phonetic detail in
speech processing (McMurray and Aslin 2005); but the presence of phonetic detail does
not entail the absence of coarser encodings in speech processing, or even imply primacy
of more detailed encodings. We would also like to see experiments that attempt to
determine under what circumstances infants do not pay attention to phonetic detail,
and, ideally, in what types of representations. (For adults, these have sometimes taken
the form of priming studies along the lines of Pallier et al. 1999.)
Even issues which seem to be strictly developmental are at heart issues about lan-
guage processing more generally. When do infants construct higher-order abstractions
of speech sounds, and how? Are the word-learning results relevant? This gets at a
more fundamental issue—where is the abstraction in speech processing? Is it mainly
in the lexicon, with phonetic representations full of detail, or are coarse representa-
tions formed early in receptive processing? Similarly, when we ask about the relation

between perception and production in infancy, and the mystery of children’s defective
pronunciations, we touch on more basic questions: are lexical representations stated in
a receptive alphabet, a productive alphabet, or both, or neither?
In answering these questions, there is only so far the current type of empirical and
theoretical literature can go. Although timelines are interesting, the real question in
language development is how it takes place. In recent years, research on language
learnability—the traditional term in linguistics for the theoretical study of learning
mechanisms for language—has made inroads into previously uncharted territory by
turning to well-understood principles and tools from statistics, machine learning, and
the areas of computer science and mathematics related to optimization and search—
related fields which could perhaps be collectively referred to as the inference sciences.
During the 1990s, most learnability research presented algorithms and principles which
were built to order for language acquisition problems, and rarely drew explicit connec-
tions to these other fields (Dresher and Kaye 1990; Gibson and Wexler 1994; Boersma
1997; Tesar and Smolensky 1998). However, deeper analysis of these and related algo-
rithms (Niyogi and Berwick 1996; Pater 2008; Boersma and Pater 2008; Magri 2012),
as well as new applications of standard techniques from the inference sciences (Yang
2002; Goldwater and Johnson 2003; Hayes and Wilson 2008), have helped to under-
score the close connection between linguistics and these other fields.
The study of receptive inventory acquisition has been greatly advanced by the sim-
ple observation that, at least for receptive inventories, the learner’s problem is one of
clustering the auditory input. Clustering is a standard problem in machine learning in
which, presented with a collection of tokens, the learner must sort out the tokens into
some number of categories (Hastie et al. 2009); the harder (and unfortunately more re-
alistic) version of this problem also requires determining how many categories to posit.
A mixture model is the statistical term for the generative model obtained by clustering,
in which each token in the input is assumed to be an instantiation of one of a discrete
set of categories.
Clustering is different from classification, in which the problem is, given a descrip-
tion of some set of categories, to predict the categories of new points, but the two
problems are intimately related: the solution to a clustering problem forms the input
to a classification problem. Therefore, armed with some classification behavior (say,
phoneme classification in adults or infants), plus some hypothesis about what method
of classification is being used, we can try to work backwards to determine what tech-
niques for clustering might have been used to arrive at this classification, or what types
of information might be useful.
Research in cognitive modeling of phoneme acquisition is in its infancy, however,
and has up to now taken a less ambitious approach, simply attempting to find statistical
methods that find any sort of phoneme-like categories in acoustic data at all, rather than
attempting to match the fine details of phoneme classification. As such, research in the
field has often taken the ideal learner approach. This means ignoring many of the
real-life constraints on the learning algorithm (like memory and speed) and attempt-
ing to determine how well a learner could do without these constraints (reminiscent of
Chomsky’s (1965) “instantaneous acquisition”). In practice, it means applying stan-
dard clustering techniques which are known to find some good or optimal clustering
solution and experimenting with different model assumptions and different inputs; if

an ideal learner appears to find categories like those posited by a “gold standard” lin-
guistic analysis under a certain set of modeling assumptions, then a real learner would
presumably also benefit from taking the same approach.
Assuming that we can determine the correct statement of the learner’s input at
the level of auditory cortex, the clustering problem for receptive inventories is fairly
well specified, given the last half century of productive research into the perceptually
relevant acoustic dimensions for speech. For vowels, for example, the first through the
third formants plus the duration can today be measured readily and fed into one of any
number of off-the-shelf clustering algorithms. This simple approach is that taken by
DeBoer and Kuhl (2003; for three English vowels, using Expectation Maximization
to fit a mixture of Gaussians), by Currie-Hall and Smith (2006; for Greek vowels,
using k-means clustering), by Vallabha et al. (2007; for Japanese vowels, using both
an incremental version of expectation maximization for a mixture of Gaussians and a
non-parameteric extension of the same algorithm), and by McMurray et al. (2009; for
English VOT, using essentially the same parametric mixture estimation algorithm as
Vallabha et al. 2007).
Even for vowels, where the relevant acoustic parameters are thought to be well
understood, the clustering problem is in general very hard using raw data for current
models for systems with more than a few categories. One promising change to the as-
sumptions of the model has been to construct categories which partial out the effects of
allophonic rules (or, more generally, any effects of context or other variables), thereby
removing some of the noise from the input (Dillon et al. 2012). Another potentially
promising approach is to add an extra layer to the model corresponding to a set of
known words (that is, a lexicon), thereby using context in another way, to help recover
misclassified acoustic material by attracting each token (now a word) to a known lexical
item (Feldman et al. 2009). Both these approaches assume that the encoding of interest
is a lexical inventory, suggesting that, from a learnability perspective, it may be unnec-
essary and even counter-productive to attempt to discover a set of phonetic–receptive
categories, rather than simply discovering a set of lexical–receptive categories directly.
Of course, the view that there are two phonetic receptive inventories is the one we
would obtain if we directly translated the standard tools for phonemic analysis taught to
linguistics undergraduates into a learning mechanism. The analyst must first determine
what the possible segments of the language are, including all positional variants (phone
discovery); the analyst then discovers phonemes by grouping phones in some way. This
might be done agglomeratively, by collapsing certain predictable distinctions—for ex-
ample, by looking for complementary distributions between pairs of phones (Harris
1951, Peperkamp et al. 2006)—or it might be done divisively, by searching for evi-
dence (for example, minimal pair evidence) that a pair of phones is contrastive (Dresher
2009). Grouping phonetic categories in this way is difficult to do well given current
approaches to discovering phones (Dillon et al. 2012).
A further insight gained by taking a computational perspective is that the problem
of inventory discovery is inherently a statistical one—one that requires reasoning un-
der uncertainty—in two senses: first, the discovery procedure must sort out signal from
noise, and thus must allow for some uncertainty about the correctness of its solution
or the relevance of an individual data point; second, the resulting inventories, at least
receptive inventories, seen as classifiers, clearly have regions of uncertainty, a com-

monplace result in adult vowel identification tasks. Most of the techniques which have
been applied in this domain (with the exception of k-means and k-nearest neighbors)
are statistical in both these respects.
A quickly growing trend in statistical modeling is the application of the Bayesian
perspective, which treats probability as a quantification of uncertainty of knowledge
rather than the limit of relative frequency students are typically introduced to (see Knill
and Richards 1996, Doya et al. 2007 for discussion of Bayesian models in perception
and brain science; see Chapter XXX in this volume [[i.e. Pearl and Goldwater]] for
more detailed discussion of the relevance to acquisition).
Taking a Bayesian perspective makes it licit to state probabilities not only of ob-
servable events, but also of hypotheses, and thus to use probability theory as a very
generic method for changing information states—that is, learning. The crucial relation
in this context is Bayes’ Rule, given in (3.1), which states that the probability of a hy-
pothesis H given some set of data D (the posterior probability of H) is proportional to
the probability of the data given the hypothesis (the likelihood of the data) times the
probability of the hypothesis before seeing the data (the prior).

(3.1) Pr(H|D) ∝ Pr(D|H) Pr(H)

There are some simple but powerful consequences that can be drawn about learning
if humans are Bayesian learners. For one thing, each hypothesis is in principle asso-
ciated with a different likelihood function, and many likelihood functions will assign
lower probability to the observed data simply because they are more general: since
probabilities must integrate to one, if a hypothesis assigns a large amount of proba-
bility to many unobserved events, there is less probability remaining for the observed
events. This effect drives a Bayesian learner to be conservative, and the strength of the
effect increases as a function of the number of data points (Tenenbaum 1999). How-
ever, a Bayesian treatment of learning can also be hierarchical, with complex learning
problems depending on quantities which themselves must also be learned; in this case,
the same type of principle applies to the intermediate level of the hierarchy, giving
an automatic Occam’s Razor-like bias toward simpler intermediate-level hypotheses.
Learning the parameters of a mixture model while learning the number of categories is
one such problem. The likelihood term favors solutions with more categories, because
such solutions can provide a more fine-grained (thus, conservative) description of the
data; however, most sensible priors will imply for a similar reason a penalty on more
complex solutions (that is, with more categories) just by virtue of the fact that they
provide more ways of describing the same data. For details of the general point, see
MacKay 2003.
Beyond this interesting theoretical point, however, Bayesian modeling is highly
practical, in that it allows researchers, in principle, to explore the consequences of
learning extremely complex and nuanced models in a relatively “plug and play,” non
ad-hoc manner (see Griffiths et al. 2008 for a review). Given the large number of unre-
solved theoretical questions discussed, explicitly or implicitly, above, Bayesian mod-
els will surely find a prominent place in future inventory acquisition literature. One
potential application is in reconciling perception and production: systems in which
uncertainty can be quantified seem particularly appropriate for exploring analysis-by-

synthesis type models of speech perception, in which speech is perceived by determin-
ing the most likely gesture to have generated it. There are countless other informative
projects waiting to be carried out.
We cannot always reach a level of explicitness in our theorie which makes them
implementable by machine, although there will be a day when this is much easier than
it is today. In the meantime, we hope only that acquisition researchers will keep in
mind the inescapable facts—that the children under discussion all have ears, mouths,
and memories—and will state their objects of study clearly.

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