SS - Video Project MP4 Test Grade
SS - Video Project MP4 Test Grade
SS - Video Project MP4 Test Grade
OPTIONS: 1. Make your own music video or skit video about anything we learned this year (for
ideas: see chapters 3-23 in our text and any current events we discussed this year). 2. Choose
any video we watched this year (see examples below), or one that I approve, and record your
own version in video or skit form. 3. Make a board game related to a topic we learned about
this year (complete with directions and all necessary materials). Projects due Wednesday June
Rubric - your project must include the following criteria to receive full credit - 100 points total
A. Introduction - 10 points
B. Closing - 10 points
C. 3-5 facts - 20 points
D. Creativity/Originality - 20 points
E. Connection to the present, somehow link it to the present (Why is it important? Why is it
relevant?) - 20 points
F. Use technology in some way - 20 points
More video directions: Using an iPhone, you may record performances of any of the following
songs and topics that we discussed this year: a song from “Hamilton”, another video from this
year (see below), and/or write and record an original song related to a topic we learned about
this year. Groups may be composed of 1-4 students, each group member must contribute. Use
paper and pencil, markerboards, etc to prepare lyrics, scenes, costumes, props etc. Be creative
and work together! The app, “Video Star”, for the iPhone works well if you would like to try it out
and lip sync rather than singing yourself, even though singing yourself would be encouraged.
Email Mr. O’Donnell with any questions.
Bill of Rights - “Shake it off” Song - USE AS EXAMPLE or even make your own version -
Here are the links for some of the songs from "Hamilton" that relate to our 8th grade Social Studies
curriculum (most of the songs from the play actually do relate): - Yorktown
Number one says we can worship as we please
We can have meetings, large assemblies
We can write what we want, it's called the Freedom of Press
What we feel, we can say out loud, we can express
Yes, concerned about securing your house or your farm?
Through Amendment II, you have the right to bear arms
In order to be free, do you get the picture?
Each state has the right to its own militia
Number Three says "No soldiers in homes"
The government can't just force you to loan
Your own private house so their soldiers can sleep
Especially not in times of peace
The Fourth Amendment is sure to get applause
No searches or seizures without probable cause
But when there is belief that a crime has been done
A warrant can be ordered, then to search someone
Then on to the Fifth Amendment, no need to tell
The government things that might send you to jail
You cannot be accused of the same crime twice
That would put you in a double jeopardy, it's not right
Number six gives six rights to the accused
Like the right to know which law you might have abused
It gives the right to a fair and public trial
Your own defense counsel, you know there's no denial
I'll tell you seven is simple: when trial is civil
(Meaning that no one in the dispute is a criminal)
You can ask for a jury in these cases too
Usually they're over money, somebody wants to sue
For the Eighth Amendment, we compliment our government
It won't allow cruel or unusual punishment
Face the judge's hammer and end up in the slammer,
You won't pay excessive bail in any given manner
All the rights that we have, says Amendment Nine
Cannot be confined only to these written lines
Just because a freedom isn't here on this list
The government cannot say it does not exist
What was meant when the last of the ten was written?
Government only has power it is given
In order to be equal,
Powers not listed in the Constitution shall be given to the People