Barriers and Drivers For Sustainable Building
Barriers and Drivers For Sustainable Building
Barriers and Drivers For Sustainable Building
Tarja Häkkinen
Corresponding author
Kaisa Belloni
Barriers and drivers for sustainable building (SB) were studied with help of a literature
review, inquiries and interviews. The premise of the work was that SB is not hindered
because of lack of information, technologies and assessment methods, but because it is
difficult to adopt new methods. New technologies are resisted because those require
process changes and risks and not-foreseen costs are feared for. These hindrances can
be reduced with help of learning what kind of decision-making phases, new tasks, actors,
roles and ways of networking are needed. The barriers were outlined as follows: 1)
steering, 2) costs, risks and value, 3) demand, 4) tendering and procurement, 5) process
phases and tasks, 6) cooperation and networking, 7) knowledge and common
terminology, 8) availability of integrated methods, 9) innovation process. On the basis of
the results the following conclusions were drawn about the most important actions in
order to promote SB: 1) the development of the awareness of clients about the benefits of
SB, 2) the development and adoption of methods for SB requirement management, 3) the
development and mobilisation of SB tools, 4) the development of designers' competence
and team working, and 5) the development of new concepts and services.
Key words:
sustainable building, barriers, sustainable building process, actors
This paper studies the barriers for sustainable building (SB) on the basis of literature
study and with help of interviews. On the basis of the results the paper discusses what
actions are needed in order to promote SB. The starting point of the work was that SB is
not hindered because of the lack of information, technologies and assessment methods,
but because it is difficult to adopt new processes and working methods in order to apply
new technologies. New technologies are resisted because those require process
changes and risks and not-foreseen costs are feared for. These hindrances can be
reduced and overcome with help of new efficient processes and by learning what kind of
decision making phases, new tasks, actors, roles and ways of networking are needed.
According to the UNEP's vision (UNEP 2009) for Sustainability in the Building and
construction practices
Sustainable development of buildings and other construction works brings about the
while encouraging improvements in economic and social (and cultural) aspects at local,
regional and global levels (ISO 21932). This paper uses the ISO definition for SBs. SB
process is defined as the overall quality of the process that enables the delivery of SBs. It
is also defined here that the three main prerequisites for SB are 1) the availability SB
technologies, 2) the availability of methods and knowledge for sustainable target setting,
of SB processes and the adoption the new SB technologies, methods and working
models. The draft for ISO 21929 (2010) defines that sustainability impacts can be
categorised as follows:
Environmental: climate change, deterioration of eco-system, use/depletion of
improvements can be achieved in terms of the use of resources, harmful emissions, life-
cycle costs and productivity, and building performance. The premise of the work was that
methodologies (such as assessment methods) are available for SB but full benefits are
not achieved because these concepts and methods are not effectively implemented to
processes. The original presumption of the study was that there are process related
barriers for SB and these barriers include for example the following:
On the other hand, the premise was that there are issues that promote the adoption of SB
the possibility to improve the well-being and economy of consumers and the
The barriers and drivers for SB were analysed with help of the study of literature and with
help of interviews. The study summarises the earlier research findings (2000 - 2009)
about SB related barriers and drivers. On the bases of the study, the following outline
In addition, structured interviews were carried out in order to study the current situation in
Finland and to discuss the effectiveness of alternative actions to remove the barriers and
to improve the potential of SB. The used methods and the results are presented in
Section 4.
3 Review
regulations may appear as an effective way to achieve results but because it calls for
and the high number of actors involved may lead to a situation where regulations are
considered as the only possible way to proceed. On the other hand, rigid normative
steering mechanisms may also hinder the adoption of sustainable innovations and thus
be a barrier for SB. Regulations can be prescriptive or performance based regulations.
The latter approach is often considered better because it better supports innovations, but
The weakness of regulations may also originate from the fact that those can mainly be
directed to new buildings (Koeppel et al. 2007). Dewick and Miozzo (2002) address that
both innovation and regulation are needed to move the industry towards a more
equipment, techniques, procedures, products and product delivery mechanisms that are
sustainable. They argue that regulations are needed to stimulate innovation and create
demand for higher priced alternatives, before those become cost-effective along with
Pitt et al. (2009) ranked the importance of eight different topics as drivers and barriers for
SB. They selected the topics on the basis of literature and then studied the importance of
those in the UK with help of interviews (Table 1). On the basis of the results the fiscal
incentives and regulations help to drive SB. Such financial implications are consistent
with “affordability” being the biggest barrier highlighted. Priemus (2005) addresses the
importance of institutional barriers for SB. The inadequate ecological inducements in the
taxation system and the fragmentation of responsibility in the construction and real-estate
Table 1.
However, research on SB barriers does not typically address the lack or inadequacy of
regulations as barriers for SB. In contrary, a new kind of orchestrating and pioneering role
of the building authorities and other public actors in the building sector is called for.
Rorhacher (2001) states that "An orchestrating type of policy trying to get relevant actors
involved in the transition process and providing institutional and organizational support
seems to be more appropriate to govern the market transformation required than a policy
mainly focusing on regulations, which usually concentrates on defining ecological
programmes and strategies as an instrument to promote SB. When searching for state-
wide potential for improved energy-efficiency, the programme planners should be able to
identify market segments with a high potential to lead and realize such change.
Especially large owners and developers and also design/build contractors should be
made big efforts in order to develop methods and tools for the management of SB. It is
believed that SB can be promoted if there are methods that help to set targets for SB,
assess the results, and show the achievements for clients. Methods as such do not
improve the sustainability of built environment, but the impact will depend on the
implementation of methods.
The fear for higher investment costs of SB compared to traditional building and the risks
of unforeseen costs are perhaps the most commonly addressed barriers for SB. Adoption
of SB solutions may be hindered because clients are concerned about the higher risk
(Hydes and Creech, 2000; Larsson and Clark, 2000, Nelms et al. 2005) based on
unfamiliar techniques, the lack of previous experience, additional testing and inspection in
information. Although a fear for new technologies because of risks is a process related
hindrance, it may also reflect the actual defects in the supply of well developed and
tested SB technologies.
A costing analysis, using real cost data for a broad range of sustainability technologies
and design solutions, contradicts the assumption of high costs of SB and demonstrates
that significant improvements in environmental performance can be achieved at very little
additional cost; Ala-Juusela et al. (2006) claim that SBs can offer major cost savings
when in use but this is not adequately communicated to a wide audience. Also Bon and
Hutchinson (2000), Hydes and Creech (2000) and Zhou and Lowe (2003) claim that the
capital costs and the inadequate market value. Zhou and Lowe (2003) state that
"Investors and developers hold the misconception that capital costs will raise when they
apply the sustainable construction methods; they lack to understand the economic
benefits of sustainable construction. Furthermore, the challenge for investors includes the
difficulties to obtain financial supports and a lack of visible market value." Bordass (2000)
states that a lifecycle-thinking is often ignored because those who pay the upfront costs
do not receive the benefits or those benefits are rapidly discounted. According to Bartlett
and Howard (2000), the cost consultants have been overestimating the capital costs of
energy efficient measures and underestimating the potential cost savings. Higher costs
may also come from the increases in the consultant’s fees and indirectly because of the
unfamiliarity of the design team and contractors with SB methods (Hydes and Creech
2000). The more recent studies by Sodagar and Fieldson (2008), Sayce et al. (2007) and
Lam (2009) still present that one obstacle for the wide uptake of environmental building
design is the fear for extra construction cost. To overcome this barrier financial incentives
and innovative fiscal arrangement should be available so that the extra costs could be
accepted with help of financing arrangements and claimed back later trough increased
rents. On the other hand Carter (2007) addresses the economical benefits from
producing SBs because of reduced volumes of waste, being able to anticipate coming
Cole and Sterner (2000) have studied the limitations of Life cycle costing (LCC)
methodological limitations and difficult access to reliable data. Sterner (2000) writes that
lack of relevant input data and limited experience in using LCC calculations are the main
obstacles for the use of LCC. LCC also ignores items that have no owner, such as the
natural environment (Gulch and Baumann 2004). The most common technique of making
incoming and outgoing payments from different times comparable is discounting the
future payments to a net present value. Gluch and Baumann (2004) suggest the use of
different discount rates depending on the assessed contribution to negative impact on the
environment. For those costs that will have negative impacts on the environment, the rate
of 0% should be used. Kohler (2008) points out that when cost-benefit analysis is applied
to buildings it has to take into account that buildings not only procure costs and benefits
to individual owners and users, but also - as part of the environment - they constitute a
collective good and procure other types of social costs and benefits. The analyst should
always determine whose costs and benefits to count and over what time period.
In order to be willing to invest on SBs, clients should be able rely on the positive effect of
SB on the market value and/or the use value of the building. The increase in market value
may be difficult to achieve because such aspects of SBs like energy-efficiency and low
environmental impacts are not directly visible. However, Waddel (2008) claim that
issue which affects the attractiveness and market value. Also banks and other financing
support the use of sustainability aspects in marketing, labelling systems have been
developed (like BREEAM (BREEAM) in the UK, LEED (LEED) in the US and PromisE
(PromisE) in Finland). According to Lockwood (2008) the shift towards "green building"
took place in the USA around 2007. Since then it has been seen as an issue that affect
The social aspects of SBs include health and user satisfaction. These social aspects
have an influence on economic aspects, because they affect tenant's turnover rates,
letting and selling prospects as well as the risk of loosing the tenant. Lützkendorf and
Lorenz (2005) claim that because of this the market for SB will increase significantly.
They argue that making sustainability considerations mandatory within lending
procedures would substantially support the realization of SB. Heerwagen (2000) highlight
1) SBs are relevant to business interests across the full spectrum of concerns, from
retention, quality life, work output, and customer relationships; 3) SB can provide cost
Mills (2003) claims that insurers will become more interested in energy-efficiency and
knowledge; 2) insurers are major players in real estate markets also as commercial
and risk-management companies to develop new services that differentiate firms from
others. Insurers use different kinds of strategies, which may include the use of financial
incentives or the design of new types of insurance policies and products that promote
remain for example because of the lack of quantitative documentation of benefits and
uncertainties Lorenz and Lützkendorf (2007) address the key role of property valuation
experience and data hinders the integration of sustainability issues into property
The demand and the willingness of clients eventually determine the development of SB.
On the other hand, the demand is closely related to such issues as supply, the availability
knowledge (Section 3.7) and methods (Section 3.8), and the costs and value (Section
3.2) of SB. Rohracher (2001) discusses the problematics of supply and demand as
follows: "Sustainable refurbishment suffers from the deadlock of supply and demand.
Construction companies are not actively offering sustainable options of building
refurbishments as they cannot identify sufficient demand. Breaking this deadlock and
sustainability oriented technology policy." Few investors have a significant desire to own
SBs (Bon and Hutchinson 2000), but Bordass (2000) found that UK’s pioneering SBs
have often been procured by owner-occupiers, who are less constrained by market
The state and municipal organisations that own and develop public buildings affect
This is not only based on the share of public buildings compared to the whole building
stock, but also on the strength of example and the effect of cooperation. By setting
sustainability targets, public building processes may initiate private construction and
pull is absent. The Federal Research and Development Agenda (Anon 2008) address the
multifaceted role of the Federal government in ensuring the building sector's effective use
of natural resources: The role is important in the research and development of new
large building programmes and can promote the use of new technologies. Professional
societies and research institutions working with their federal counterparts will develop the
ideas into working models. Finally, public and private sector partnerships will create the
products and industry alliances that will ultimately influence the marketplace.
Waddel (2008) points out that there are corporate policies and market related issues that
may promote SB. SB may become more important for companies when they have
committed to corporate social responsibility and related reporting. For example retailers
and this has affected their behaviour as users and owners of buildings.
The client or the developer is the crucial actor in SB process. They must be able to show
leadership to the design team and procurement team and force innovation through their
supply chain. According to Sodagar and Fieldson (2008) "client can choose different
positions. The profundity of efforts can vary between passive, active, proactive and
industry leadership. It is important for the success of SB how the client selects the design
and procurement team and how their formulate benchmarks for the performance of
building. The design team must understand the client's budget, programme, functional
One of the most important obstacles for successful SB is the difficulty to describe the
clearly, preferably quantify those and address methods in order to enable comparisons,
quality control and monitoring. Because SB is about "achieving the required performance
with the minimum of environmental impact and at the same time encouraging economic,
social and cultural improvement at a local, regional and global level" (ISO 2008) the
challenge is big.
develop a project brief which shows the targets and mitigating strategies for sustainability
impacts and finally remains as a guide for facility management, refurbishment and for the
end of life. Adetinji et al. (2008) mention the focus on price of the procurement practices
and the low-risk culture as the main barriers for SB supply chain. As the procurement
practices focus on price, the sustainability issues are not dealt with as contractual
deliverables but rather as issues of faith. Ang et al. (2005) discuss the Dutch
and thus also SB. Inconsistent requirements and imperfect communications give rise to
many of the construction industry's problems. They state that "we need to change to
procurement that draws upon knowledge of requirements at all stages of the project, that
includes life cycle costs-benefit analysis and that takes a holistic view of the value
provided by the building of facility, including environmental and social benefits. It is widely
solution-based specifications, and at the lowest price only, are suitable for routine
projects but will hinder innovation in other types of projects. However, experience shows
that alternative methods of tendering like Design & Build, Public-Private Partnership and
the UK type Public Finance Initiative contracts do not guarantee satisfaction either.
Selecting the most suitable procurement route and form of contract will require better
analysis explicitly to relate to such characteristics of the project as the client's ambitions
and risks. A lack of tools is still evident." Ang et al. (2005) also address that in a
assessment methods.
Process related possible barriers for SB include the models of cooperation and
management processes and the scheduling of tasks. The right timing and the presence of
all needed actors in specific phases of the SB project are often addressed as key issues
for the success of the projects. A number of studies emphasize the importance of the
availability of all needed expertise and knowledge in very early stages of projects. A big
part of SB potential is lost if the possibilities, targets and right design options are not
considered early enough. This concerns not only the building projects but also the
preceding planning process (Rydin 2008). Access to basic services and the supply of
sustainable energy services are examples of planning issues that have an important
effect on SB.
Horman et al. (2005, 2006) have analysed the necessary features for SB projects; they
Table 2.
Williams and Dair (2007) address the importance of scheduling: SB is hindered, because
certain stakeholders - as designers - are involved to the process too late. Riley et al.
(2003) emphasize the role of construction organizations in SB projects. They suggest that
it is important for SB that construction organizations are included in the team during
Ang et al. (2005) emphasise the role of the project manager who represents the client. An
evaluation process for technical solutions has to be organized, verification methods and
end user is one of the drivers of process innovation and supply; thus the management of
procurement and tendering does not solve the problem of requirements that cannot be
verified objectively. One major technical barrier that hinders SB is the absence of a
common framework that integrates the aspects and tasks of SB with construction
SB strives to minimize the consumption of natural resources for all phases of the life cycle
construction, use and renovation and the management of resources requires new kind of
networking (Halme et al. 2005). SB also requires the overall management of building
performance and life-cycle impacts and thus it requires effective communication and
cooperation. The models of cooperation can be partly developed with help of integrated
methods and information technological solutions (Section 3.8). However, the question is
also about new kind of participation of different actors in various process tasks and
Horman et al. (2006) address the importance of cooperation in SB projects. They suggest
designers, contractors and operation and the maintenance managers under one contract
to the owner). Also Deane (2008) states that the preferred design model for delivering a
SB is an integrated design process, which includes all involved parties (the owner, the
developer, the designers, the builder, the tenant and the facility operator) from the
beginning. Additional requirements are needed in the delivery processes for SBs in order
to achieve their performance benefits (Horman et al. 2005). SB projects require intense
interdisciplinary collaboration, highly complex design analysis, and careful material and
system selection, particularly early in the project delivery process. Ballard and Kim (2007)
point out that the power to implement the project roadmap is distributed roughly in the
following order: owner, owner agent, process manager (design and construction),
specialist (design and construction), and supplier. Everybody can act but within the limits
of their own power to create more value and less waste. The present construction sector
is characterised by a complex supply chain, the various players of which may have
The public sector could have a remarkable role in initiating the transformation of the
supply chain towards better cooperation and joint goals (Anon 2007).
Table 3.
One of the real challenges of sustainable development is that it requires innovation, new
knowledge and learning within organisations in the public and private sectors (Rydin
2008). She states that "there is also an opportunity to learn through partnership projects.
Research results show that core teams of people working together on a joint task over
time provide the best opportunity for learning. This is learning by doing."
Rohracher (2001) points out that SB cannot be properly constructed without a much
closer interaction of suppliers, professionals and users than currently. SB requires high
Table 4.
between separate actors and firms but also because of management and communication
related issues within organisations. For green ideas to be enacted at all levels of an
organisation, the environmental key actors would need to be empowered with decision-
making mandates. A concrete suggestion would be to admit the environmental key actors
into the business management Stenberg 2006). Hong-Minh and Naim (2001) say that
Companies should share information about good practices in order to be able to benefit
from learning from each other's experiences. Robinson et al. (2005) address that
knowledge management and sharing are essential drivers for all innovations in large
construction organisations.
sustainability is. The wide content of SB also makes it difficult to assess the profitability or
sustainability, the uniformity of the language does not mean that there is uniformity in the
practice related to this discourse (Rohracher 2001). Stenberg (2006) also addresses that
the plurality of meanings of green building and SB can result in widely differing problem
formulations and contradictory solutions. This hinders cooperation, which in turn hinders
the creation of innovative solutions. Stenberg (2006) also investigated what is the main
sector. According to her findings, the trade magazines reinforce established and
dominant views of SB, which may cause that environmental consideration are grounded
on biased information.
Williams and Dair (2007) address the lack of knowledge as the main problem which is
related to several different barriers. Rydin et al. (2006) claim that while designers
demonstrate confidence in their ability to access and use knowledge in general, this
confidence falls when the specific issue of SB is addressed. Mills and Glass (2009)
building design, with particular emphasis on the importance of skills. They emphasize that
study suggests that the appropriate skills for managing sustainable design appear crucial
in overcoming barriers and proceeding with delivery of SB designs. Necessary skills for
specialized service packages, as many companies are too small to stay competent in the
building especially in the residential sector. The normal house builder who makes the
decisions about energy systems has often very little knowledge about energy-efficiency.
The companies that sell houses should be obliged to inform the customer about life-
cycle-efficient solutions instead of just selling the cheapest alternative without considering
Bosch and Pearce (2003) have analysed the contents of documents which give guidance
for sustainability in public facilities. They recognised that while detailed good quality SB
guidance is available for designers and owners significantly less information is targeted
for facility managers. There are protocols for building diagnostics and for performing post-
occupancy evaluations but much less attention has been paid for issues like monitoring,
point out that in order to design a truly SB, the design team need to have an access to
best available information on products and materials and tools with help of this data can
be transferred and used in calculations. This will only be achieved by the construction
The efficient use of all information needed in SB and the efficient cooperation of all actors
needed call for the availability of methods that enable the management and sharing of
According to Shelbourn et al. (2006) one of the key issues in making construction
projects more sustainable is overcoming the obstacles of capturing and managing the
checklists and assessment tools for sustainability in construction are available, there is
still a need for a structured approach for the implementation of sustainability practices
and methods within construction projects." According to Kohler and Lützkendorf (2002)
the crucial issues for design tools include their scope, the number of performance
aspects simultaneously addressed and the degree of integration into the usual design
environment (e.g. through sharing data with other design tools). Building performance
assessment practices also lack continuity throughout the building life cycle (Sullivan et al.
From the viewpoint of the usability of methods, the design phase is especially
problematic. The existing SB rating methods support designers with help of indicators
and basic principles. Additionally, designers need life cycle assessment tools, energy
consumption estimation methods and service-life prediction methods that support them to
compare alternative solutions. However, the assessment methods bring much extra work
for the process. Design for SBs needs integrated methods that provide the process with
product information and integrated calculation, optimisation and simulation facilities that
enable the comparison of design options easily or with reasonable extra work. Product
model based building (BIM) will probably partly solve these problems as illustrated for
example in Häkkinen (2007) from the view point of product information and in Lam et al.
(2004) from the view point of simulation. The lack of powerful methods for SB design
concerns not only design for new buildings but also design for sustainable management
of buildings.
only about the mere access to data but also the availability of automatic calculation
procedures. According to Tucker et al. (2003), the ability to assess designs automatically
from drawings to reduce environmental and economic cost impacts will enable building
design professional to make informed decisions. They introduce an LCADesign tool that
integrates a wide range of modules from a database including IFC definitions and
products' life cycle data. Also Jonge (2005) points out that it is a problem for sustainable
housing investments that there are no tools with help of which the combination of existing
design, because alterations to the brief may be expensive. According to Ding (2008) the
assessment tools should also be reconfigured so that they do not rely on detailed design
information before that has been generated by the designer. Current environmental
assessment methods are designed to evaluate building projects at the later design stage.
It is also problematic that SB assessment tools do not typically include financial aspects
feasibility stage where alternative options for a development are assessed. Sustainability
should be pursued with help of an integrated approach which is able to recognise the
different actors. Sophisticated computer-based planning tools are not sufficient for this
procedures which may be employed at various stages of the project. Moreover there is a
need to integrate sustainability criteria already into calls of tenders and into the
with two main elements: a building concept based approach and efficient information
the end product, 2) repetition of the basic elements of the building from one project to
others and 3) customisation of the end-product considering the specific needs of the case
and the client. Information management enables 1) the consideration of wide spectrum of
aspects including building performance, environmental aspects, life cycle costs and
service life, and 2) rapid adapting of the design to the specific requirements of the case.
also in the operational stages of buildings and other construction assets. Decision
support tools are needed in order to support understanding about the value, risks,
performance and condition, remaining service life, needed maintenance and optimal
scheduling of life cycle operations of buildings and other construction assets (Vanier
3.9 Innovation
Sustainable development requires changes compared to the current situation. There are
different strategies to proceed (Huber 1995) (either with help of reducing consumption,
improving efficiency or developing substitutive and less harmful solutions) but in all
cases, innovations are needed. The innovation process needs technology experts that
are capable and willing for innovations. In addition the process needs actors that promote
Rohracher (2001) emphasizes the importance of users in the innovation process of SB.
One of the key issues is to establish platforms or networks between designers and user
groups such as consumer associations. Broadening the design process in such a way
improves the possibilities to design widely-accepted products which are better adapted to
the needs of customers. There is also a need for instruments and processes where new
products or technologies can be used within a limited scope to learn about how those
products are used. Rohracher has analysed how the transition to SB can be managed.
"The most important strategies include the better integration of various actors at the
supply side, shift to a market for innovative and ecological building services, and
innovation process. SB will put strain to the construction industry, which is often
characterised by a large fraction of SMEs, with a rather low grade of innovation and high
labour intensity. SB may require high-tech components and new kind of technical
consultancy and more intense co-operation become important." SB innovations also need
and in inspiring innovation in design and building technology (Ang et al. 2005).
Foxon et al. (2004) have criticized the lack of connection between the innovation policy
and sustainability policy in the UK and recognised that a change is happening because of
"The policy-making process may create opportunities for the innovation of technologies
towards sustainability, by influencing the rate and direction of innovation. The sustainable
innovation system may provide potential scope for improved policy targets and
measures." Zhou & Lowe (2003) point out that the UK government’s policies encourage
to encourage the take up of more sustainable solutions. SB has also been improved with
help of innovative research. However, they also state that "during the last decade,
sustainable construction has emerged within the UK as a subject of policy, research and
innovation, but the demand for sustainable construction is still low". Bossnik (2004)
The transition to sustainability needs to be managed. Halme et al. (2005) have studied
drivers for energy-efficient housing. They state that there is not a single barrier that keeps
energy-efficient housing from taking-off but a whole range of issues has to be considered.
4.1 Methods
The aim of the study was to find out what the most important issues that the Finnish
building professionals consider as barriers for SB. 48 claims were formulated about the
barriers of SB. These claims were formulated a) with help of the literature study and
discussion, and b) with help of the SB related articles and news published in the two
trade magazines with the widest circulation among the building professionals
information, tools and methods and the roles, awareness and tasks of clients,
managers and manufacturers and the quality of services for maintenance, renovation and
A web-based questionnaire was created and the interviewees were asked to define the
significance of the suggested barriers with using the grading: major barrier, moderate
barrier, minor barrier, not a barrier. The web-link together with an information letter was
sent to 350 building professionals. The web-link was also available for two of weeks on
the web pages of The Finnish Association of Consulting Firms SKOL and RIL - Finnish
The target group consisted of experts and managers but excluded the highest leaders
contractors, developers, big owners, facility managers, planners, designers, and product
Respondents were also asked to define their role in the building process. The
respondents represented architects and other designers (40%), contractors and builders
(17%), owners (16%), manufacturers and suppliers of products and services (14%) and
participate in a personal interview. The selected people were chosen based on their
known experience on SB and their position in the building process. The aim was to cover
the process actors as widely as possible. Finally, the selection consisted of designers,
the interviews was to find out the interviewees opinions and views about the most
important methods how to promote SB. The starting point of the session was the
interviewee's response to the questionnaire concerning the barriers for SB. The focus
was on the issues that the person had described as moderate or significant barrier for
The results of the study are presented in Section 4.2.1 with regard to the web inquiry and
The most important barriers pointed out by the respondents to the web-based inquiry are
shown in Table 5. The number indicates the share of respondents that had assessed the
Table 5.
and other actors, availability of tools, lack of economic incentives, lack of sustainable
renovation concepts and relevant new services for maintenance and energy supply.
development and delivery of SB information for professional clients and as well as for
home buyers, development and use of tools for measurement, monitoring and
The opinions of the interviewed people varied with regard to the basic question whether
to promote SB with help of regulations or to try to proceed with help of voluntary methods.
Generally it was believed that normative rules are not the most effective way but since
voluntariness has not cause significant changes also regulations are needed. The critique
towards regulations was not directed to regulations as such but mainly to the slow
Promoting SB through regulations can be time consuming due to the nature of the
process. In spite of that, Finland has renewed the SB related regulations quite often. This
was considered problematic by the industry. Some of the interviewees were also worried
that the updated regulations do not really encourage innovation for improved sustainable
The majority of the interviewees said that new methodologies, labelling systems, and
other SB supporting tools are needed in order to promote SB. The current tools and
labelling systems were criticized for being too complicated and time consuming in use.
New, easy-to-use tools should be developed. Other ways to promote the effective use of
the tools are a) to develop the serviceability of the tools and their use processes and b) to
develop integrated methods with help of which the assessment and calculation could be
Economic incentives received positive support from the interviewed people. However, the
interviewees also addressed that the regulating bodies should reinforce their role in
On the basis of the results, unjustified fear of costs is not considered as an important
barrier. A majority of the actors seem to have a realistic understanding about the actual
cost of SB. This is interesting since in the past the higher cost has been seen as one of
the main barriers and this claim is still frequently repeated in trade magazines (see
Section 4.1). However, the interviewees emphasized the importance of risks because of
lack of experience and comprehensive information for new SB solutions. New solutions
should be thoroughly investigated and the suppliers should provide good quality
information designers and builders in order to convince the actors about the reliability of
the new solutions. It was also suggested that the authorities should reinforce their role in
might also be to make use of the labelling systems in order to improve the availability of
One of the most important barriers emphasized by the interviewees was the fact that SB
quantitative and reliable data on which market value estimates could be based.
Information should be gathered about risks, uncertainties and benefits as well as about
realized profits and losses. it is difficult to ensure the comparability and impartiality of the
results. Several of the interviewed people considered the labelling systems as the best
The market value of a property is as great as the clients are willing to pay for. This links
the value related barriers to the lack of demand which was also addressed as a barrier in
the interviews. At present, the home buyers are not willing to pay for SB although the
improved environmental performance. The interviewees suggested that perhaps the best
way to proceed is to try to influence the general opinion. Many of the respondents
addressed that there are several barriers for SB that can be influenced by actions of the
building professionals but big efforts should be made in order to increase the public
awareness and knowledge about SB and its benefits. This should happen through
improving the availability and quality of information. In addition, some interviewees also
pointed out that if users were able to receive more information about the effect of their
own selections and behaviour on the environmental impacts and life cycle costs, this
All of the interviewed people emphasized the role of public owners; they should act as
extent this is already the case. The interviewed people identified the client as the crucial
actors for the successful implementation of SB. Clients should also be able to show
flexibility and understand that this is a new way of working and hence requires more time
than traditional building. Clients should also understand that effective communication and
cooperation between the project team is of great importance and that all needed actors
should be included early enough to the process. On the other hand, SB should not be
seen too complicated. The true commitment of the client is of utmost importance and this
Problems related to procurement and tendering process were not much addressed by the
interviewees. The main problems are related to process timescale (not enough time to
The most important changes that are needed to the building process in order to enable
SB are the forms of communication and early involvement of all parties. Hence
cooperation and networking are very important for making SB gain momentum both
within the building teams as well as within the industry. However, the sharing of
familiarizing and developing new ways for sharing strategic knowledge between actors. In
addition, although technological solutions have been developed and improved for years,
much is still to be done before a wide range of actors have really adopted these
This is true both with regard to building professionals as well as with regard to public,
users of buildings and home buyers. Good quality information and classification systems
should be developed for products and buildings. Education system should be updated
both on the professional level as well as already in the elementary and high schools. For
language is important; this barrier could, however, be removed with help of classification
Table 6.
clients and especially public clients; the competence, role and collaboration of the
designers; the lack of knowledge and tools in design process, tendering process and in
comparison of buildings; and the need of economic incentives in order to promote SB. In
addition, the Finnish interviewees also addressed that SB concepts and services should
be developed. On the basis of the results the following conclusions were drawn about the
1) The development of the awareness of home buyers about the potential of SB.
This can happen with help of school education. In addition, researchers and
understandable information about the potential of SB. In order to enable this kind
develop and take in use effective methods for SB requirement management. With
help of these methods the clients should be able to state requirements that are a)
In spite of big efforts, the building trade still lacks effective methods and tools,
tools and the mobilisations of tools. This requires that the actors are involved in
the development process and ensure real adoption of tools to processes. The
effective use of methods and tools also requires the integration of tools to design
and building tasks and the development of intelligent methods for information
BIM and BIM based tools may have an important role in the sustainability
and develop methods with help of which it is possible to collect, share and use
can utilize BuildingSMART IDM methodology (ISO 29481-1:2010) and adapt the
tasks and methods to the general descriptions of BIM related tasks. In order to
enable the sharing and transfer of the demanded information between information
applied (IFC, IFD). The sustainability assessment requires that the model
structure supports the calculations and the needed parameters are available
necessary to define the quality and type of data needed in different stages of
for information services in order to ensure that the needed information is available
models in different stages and this information is outlined in such a way that it
In spite of few for-runners, designers still lack wide competence in SB. This is
connected to the fact that designers lack effective and integrated SB design tools
education in the field of SB. This requires the awareness of professors and the
availability of research funding with help of which relevant master and doctoral
competence and collaboration of the whole design team, and the competence of
the chief architect and his/her ability to lead SB design. In addition, it is necessary
that the clients that are committed to SB are also ready to compensate for new
SB also requires the development of new concepts and services. Especially three
types of concepts and services are needed: new, reliable and functional SB
research and development of new concepts and services requires first of all the
concepts and services. This can be supported with help of R&D programmes,
which offer financial support for the development, and also with help of economic
6 Summary
Barriers for SB were studied on the basis of literature and on the bases of interviews
carried out in Finland in 2009. On the basis of the results, conclusions were made about
the actions that are needed in order to promote SB. The starting point of the work was
that SB is not hindered because of the lack of information, technologies and assessment
methods, but because it is difficult to adopt new processes and working methods in order
to apply new technologies. New technologies are resisted because those require process
changes and risks and not-foreseen costs are feared for. These hindrances can be
reduced and overcome with help of new efficient processes and by learning what kind of
decision making phases, new tasks, actors, roles and ways of networking are needed.
The barriers were outlined as follows: 1) steering and regulations, 2) costs, risks and
market value, 3) demand and the role of owners, 4) tendering and procurement
process. The Finnish interviewees especially emphasised the importance of demand, role
of clients and especially public clients, the role and collaboration of the designers and the
lack of methods and tools. In addition, the Finnish interviewees also addressed that new
SB concepts and services should be developed. On the basis of the results the following
conclusions were drawn about the most important actions in order to promote SB
processes: 1) the development of the awareness of home buyers about the potential of
SB, 2) the development and adoption of methods for SB requirement management, 3) the
and team working, and 5) the development of new concepts and services.
Features of SB projects
1 early adoption of sustainable objectives (in the phase of capital budgeting)
2 alignment of sustainable objectives to the business case and budget of the
3 identification of such sustainability aspects that naturally fit with the project and
operational purpose of the building
4 selection of an experienced design and construction team early in the project
5 time to align team members' goals with the project goals (ensuring that the team
members share the goal).
Table 3. Factors that hinder the development of construction processes according to Femenias
The number indicates the share of respondents (in %) that had assessed the claim as a
major or moderate barrier.
The grey boxes highlight those claims that were considered assessed important (major or
moderate barriers) by at least 75% of the respondents.
1 Lack of assessment methods which enable the comparison of buildings in terms of 79
2 Lack of methods that support SB requirement setting 85
3 The client lacks an actor who supports him in setting targets for SB and in interpreting these 69
targets as design requirements and procurement criteria
4 The resources and knowledge are inadequate in order to ensure proper supervising and the 68
realization of the client's targets for SB
5 New kinds of solutions are risks with regard to costs and quality 72
6 SB raises investment costs 57
7 SB does not improve the market value of the property 38
8 Short pay-back time is more important than long-term positive effects 73
9 Even though the design fulfils the SB requirements, it is impossible to verify the quality of the 66
10 The practices for long-term warranties and insurances are missing 65
1 Impossibility to consider new GHG-saving solutions for energy generation because the former 66
choices and decisions are binding
2 The potential of energy-efficient building is not linked with the definition of regional energy 59
3 The municipal authorities do not use the right to set requirements for SB as lot assignment 62
4 The municipal authorities do not use the right to set requirements for SB performance in the 58
connection of building permits for renovation
5 The improvements in the energy-efficiency of buildings impairs the profitability of local power 26
1 It is not cost-effective to produce both SBs and normal buildings in parallel 45
2 It is not worth-while to change the construction process (there is a low number of demanding 73
home buyers)
3 There is no reliable method to show to the client that the operational costs decrease with help 63
of SB
4 The time perspective of property developers is only couple of years; thus the long-term 76
benefits are not essential
1 The buyers do not state requirements for SB because they have no information about the 90
alternatives and possibilities of SB
2 The buyers do not want to pay extra for SB performance 72
3 Buyers do not have information about the effect of SB on operational costs 86
1 The monitoring and allocation of the benefits of SB for tenants is rare 80
2 The current economical benefit from energy efficiency is relatively small and there is no 60
knowledge about cost risks
1 The designers are not able to interpret the SB requirements set by the client to be considered 60
as design criteria
2 There is lack of integrated design methods 74
3 There is no adequate knowledge in order to consider potential new alternatives (for example 81
solutions of renewable energy and distributed systems of energy generation)
4 Methods and data required for the comparison of drafts in terms of sustainability are missing 72
5 SB solutions may have unknown risks, of which the designer may become responsible 69
6 The process lacks an actor or a team, which manages the overall design of SB 77
7 There are no adequate incentives for designers in order to support them to develop 84
knowledge and methods for SB design
1 Contractors are not able to explain the SB criteria for sub-contractors 67
2 There are no resources to supervise the realization of SB requirements 64
3 There are no methods to verify the compliance of sub-contract's work with the SB 68
4 There is no knowledge to set adequate criteria in the procurement process of products in 71
order to ensure the intended overall performance of the building
5 The design documents do not show adequate performance and capacity requirements for the 69
products (the consequence is the competition on the basis of price)
Manufacturers do not provide adequate information about the sustainable performance of 60
their products
Manufacturers do not put adequate efforts for the development of improved 67
sustainable performance of products
1 The main contractor is not able to take care that the operation and use of the SB is 72
adequately guided in order to ensure the intended performance
2 The maintenance services do not cover the guidance of users, monitoring of building 76
operation and repairs in order to ensure the intended building performance
1 The alternative possibilities to generate low-carbon-footprint heat are not considered in 76
decision making because the existing district heat is always given the priority
2 There are no input tariffs for building specific solutions of renewable energy generation 64
3 The developers of regional energy potential are missing from the overall process 67
1 The concepts of SB refurbishment are missing 79
2 There are no actors who would be able to offer integrated solutions 66
3 Clients are afraid that the improvements in energy efficiency cause risks for the 60
overall building performance
4 SB renovation tasks are not cost effective even in the connection of other renovations (the 67
pay-back time is long)
5 The economical incentives are inadequate in order to make a sustainable refurbishment 84
investment profitable in a relatively short time.
Table 6. Barriers for sustainable building.
Regulations and The lack of normative regulations is not addressed as an important barrier for
steering SB but the fragmentised nature of the sector and the high number of actors
involved emphasise that SB regulations are needed to a certain extent. The
inadequacy of effective economic incentives is a barrier; those are needed to
stimulate SB innovation. The role of authorities and policy makers is
important in creating opportunities for the innovation of SB technologies and
Demand and the The demand and the willingness of clients eventually determine the progress
role of clients of SB. The lack of demand is a barrier for SB. Research addresses the
importance of active creation of demand with help of policies, offering
information about the costs and benefits of SB and with help of trying to
engage users closely to the building processes. The lack of accurate
information about the cost and value of SB means that clients are unable to
make decisions based on good knowledge. Mobilization of the use of
sustainability assessment methods and publication of good quality
information about SB costs and benefits is extremely important in order to
create demand. The owners of state and municipal buildings should use their
influence in encouraging SB. This is already the case but not in adequately.
Costs, risks and The lack of accurate information about costs and value of SB weakens the
market value demand and is thus a barrier for SB. On the other hand, the risk that is
caused by new technologies not adequately tested is a barrier for SB. The
lack of consideration of SB benefits in financing hinders SB. Improving
sustainability considerations in lending procedures and the creation of
property databases including SB indices could promote SB. A better linkage
of SB with the corporate policies and market related issues could also be one
way to promote SB and support the increase of demand.
Tendering and The concept of SB (covering aspects of building performance and their
procurement effects on satisfaction and productivity as well as life cycle impacts) is a
processes challenge for requirement setting, tendering and procurement processes
because. If targets cannot be set measurably, it hinders the monitoring and is
a barrier for SB. Lack of information, methods and tools in tendering
processes is a barrier for SB.
Process phases SB requires that influencing factors can be considered early enough in order
and scheduling of include those to the decision making. These factors may be additional to the
tasks information needed in traditional building processes. Problems in the right
timing, scheduling and commitment of all needed actors early enough may
cause a barrier for SB.
Cooperation and SB requires the overall management of building performance and life-cycle
networking impacts and thus it also requires effective communication and cooperation.
The models of cooperation can be partly developed with help of integrated
methods and information technological solutions. However, the question is
also about real team working and the participation of different actors in
various process tasks and phases. The lack of collaborative working methods
is a barrier for SB.
Knowledge and A common goal requires a common understanding and common language.
common One of the hindrances of SB is that misunderstanding and inefficiency is
terminology caused by addressing different things with the terms of SB. The successful
finish of SB standardisation will reduce the meaning of this barrier.
Availability of Because of the abundance of information needed in SB processes, it requires
integrated effective methods for the information management. The lack of appropriate
methods methods suitable for different phases of design and building and for
comparison is a barrier for SB. The defective implementation of these
methods to different process phases is a serious barrier.
Innovation The lack of technology policy that supports innovations and the inability of the
process building sector to adopt innovative ways of working is a hindrance for SB.