2nd Assignment-Matrices
2nd Assignment-Matrices
2nd Assignment-Matrices
DPP - 2
i 1 9. Which of the following is/are incorrect
1. If A , then A 4 equals
0 i (i) Adjoint of a symmetric matrix is symmetric,
1 4 i 1 4 i (ii) Adjoint of unit matrix is a unit matrix,
(a) (b) (iii) A(adj A) (adj A) A | A | I and
0 1 0 1
(iv) Adjoint of a diagonal matrix is a diagonal matrix
i 4 1 4
(c) (d) (a) (i) (b) (ii)
0 i 0 1
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) None of these
1 1
2. If A , then A
10. If A and B are two matrices such that A B and AB are
1 1
both defined, then
(a) 2 100 A (b) 2 99 A (a) A and B are two matrices not necessarily of same
(c) 2 101 A (d) None of these order
(b) A and B are square matrices of same order
3. If A, B are square matrices of order n n , then ( A B)2
(c) Number of columns of A= number of rows of B
is equal to
(d) None of these
(a) A 2 B 2 (b) A 2 2 BA B 2
11. If A is 3 4 matrix and B is a matrix such that A' B and
(c) A 2 AB BA B 2 (d) A 2 2 AB B 2
BA' are both defined. Then B is of the type
0 i
4. If A 40
, then the value of A is (a) 3 4 (b) 3 3
i 0
(c) 4 4 (d) 4 3
0 1 1 0
(a) (b) 12. Which of the following is not true
1 0 0 1
(a) Every skew-symmetric matrix of odd order is non-
1 1 1 1 singular
(c) (d)
0 0 0 1 (b) If determinant of a square matrix is non-zero, then it
5. If A and B be symmetric matrices of the same order, is non-singular
then AB BA will be a (c) Adjoint of a symmetric matrix is symmetric
(a) Symmetric matrix (b) Skew-symmetric matrix (d) Adjoint of a diagonal matrix is diagonal
(c) Null matrix (d) None of these 13. Which one of the following is correct
6. In a lower triangular matrix element aij 0 , if (a) Skew-symmetric matrix of odd order is non-singular.
(b) Skew-symmetric matrix of odd order is singular
(a) i j (b) i j
(c) Skew-symmetric matrix of even order is always
(c) i j (d) i j
7. If A is a square matrix of order n and A kB , where k (d) None of these
is a scalar, then | A |
14. Choose the correct answer
(a) | B | (b) k | B |
(a) Every identity matrix is a scalar matrix
(c) k | B | (d) n | B | (b) Every scalar matrix is an identity matrix
8. Which of the following is incorrect (c) Every diagonal matrix is an identity matrix
0 1
(c) 1 (d)
1 0