A p p r o v e d by t h e O b t a i n a b l e from t h e
SOUTH AFRICAN P r i v a t e B a g X193.
on 7 March 1984 0001 R e p u b l i c of South A f r i c a
Telegrams : C o m p a r a t o r , P r e t o r i a
Telex : 3-626-SA
P u b l i s h e d slid p r i n t e d i n t h e R e p u b l i c of South A f r i c a
by t h e South A f r i c a n B u r e a u of Standards
Gr 7
ISBN 0-626-06904-1
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
.. ...............................................................................
INTERPRETATIONS..................................................................... 5
2.1 Supporting Specifications ........................................................... 5
Application ...........................................................
............. ...........................................................
3. ............... ...........................................................
3.1 Guardrails, Posts. and Re lector Plates ............................................. 5
3.1.1 ............... ...........................................................
Posts and spacer blocks ...........................................................
3.1.3 Reflector plates........ ...........................................................
.............. ...........................................................
Road Signs
3.2.1 ................. ...........................................................
General 5
3.2.2 Structural steel........ ...........................................................
Bolts. nuts. washers. and rivets ....................................................
3.2.4 .........................................................................
Steel plate
Composite and particle boards .......................................................
3.2.6 ...........................................................................
Aluminium 0
3.2.7 Concrete and reinforcement
Paints and protective coatings
3.2.9 Retro-reflective material ...........................................................
Timber poles for sign supports ......................................................
3.2.11 Corrosion protection tape
Road-Marking Materials
............... ..............................................
3.3.1 ................................ ..... ..............................................
Paint 6
3.3.2 Other materials for road marking .............................................. 7
......................... ..............................................
3.3.3 Road studs 7
Guide Blocks .............................................. 7
PLANT ..............................................
.............................. ..............................................
4.1.1 Brushes and spray-painting equipment
Mechanical mixers
.................... . ..............................................
4.2 Equipment for Application of Road Mark ngs .......................................... 7
4.2.1 Mechanical equipment for painting
Applicator for retro-reflective beads
................................................... 7
5. ........................................................................
5.1 ..........................................................................
5.1.2 Painting of guardrails
Appearance and finish
............................................................... 7
5.1.4 Removal of existing guardrails ...................................................... 0
5.2 ..........................................................................
Road Signs
Manufacture of supports and backing plates and boards ...............................
5.2.2 ............................................................................
Storage and handling ................................................................
5.2.4 Erection of road signs ..............................................................
Dismantling and re-erection of existing road signs .................................. 10
5.3 Road Markings.......................................................................
Weather limitations ................................................................. 10
5.3.2 Surface preparation .................................................................
Setting out of road markings ........................................................
5.3.4 Application of road-marking materials
Application of retro-reflective beads
............................................... 10
5.3.6 ......... ................................................................
Road studs
Faulty workmanship a materials ..................................................... 11
5.3.8 ......... ................................................................
Protection 11
5.4 Guide Blocks....... ................................................................ 11
5.4.1 ...........
Erection ................................................................
........ ................................................................
5.4.2 11
6. ......... ................................................................
6.1 .........
Road Markings...... ................................................................
................................................................ 11
7. ............
TESTING ................................................................
............ ................................................................
8. MEASUREMENT.AND PAYMENT .............................................................
8.1 12
Earthworks and concrete ............................................................. 12
Painting and galvanizing ............................................................
Scheduled Items for Guardrails ...................................................... 12
8.3 Scheduled Items for Permanent Road Signs
Scheduled Items for Road Markings
................................................... 12
8.4 13
8.5 ........................................................................
Guide Blocks 14
5 SAN i m o ~ ~ - 1 9 8 4
Ancillary roadworks
1. b
1.1 This specification covers
a) The supply and installation of metal W-section guardrails for roads;
b) the supply and erection of permanent road signs alongside and over carriageways, ramps, and cross
c) the permanent marking of road surfaces with white or yellow painted lines and symbols and the supply
and fixing of retro-reflective road studs.
2.1 SUPPORTING SPECIFICATIONS. Where this specification is required for a project, the following
Specifications shall, inter alia, form part of the contract document:
a) Project specification;
b) SABS 1200 A or SABS 1200 AA, as applicable;
c) SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable;
d) SABS 1200 DM;
e) SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable;
f) SABS 1200 HA;
g) SABS 1200 ME, SABS 1200 MF, and SABS 1200 MG or SABS 1200 MH, as applicable.
2.2 APPLICATION. This specification contains clauses that are generally applicable to the construction of
ancillary roadworks. Interpretations and variations of the specification are set out in Portion 2 of the
project specification which precedes this specification in a contract document.
2.3 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this specification the definitions and abbreviations given in the
applicable of the specifications listed in 2.1 shall apply.
3.1.1 Guardrails. Guardrails complete with the requisite quantities of bolts, etc., shall comply with the
relevant requirements of SABS 1350 and the details shown on the drawings. Guardrails and end wings shall
be manufactured from the material arid have the finish specified in the project specification.
3.1.2 Posts and Spacer Blocks Timber. Except that each post shall be banded in accordance with whichever of the methods given in SABS
753 is agreed to by the Engineer, timber posts and spacer blocks shall comply with the relevant
requirements of SABS 457, shall bear the applicable SABS standardization mark, and shall be of the
material (pine or hardwood) stated in the project specification. Posts shall have a top diameter of
between 145 mm and 175 mm, and shall be shaped (dome or single roofing cut) as shown on the drawings.
Posts and spacer blocks which, in the opinion of the Engineer, exhibit a degree of checking that would
seriously impair their life or strength, shall not be used.
Except where cutting of a post is unavoidable, no cutting, drilling, or shaping of posts or spacer blocks
will be permitted after they have been treated with a preservative. Where cutting of a post is
unavoidable, the Engineer may permit that the required length be cut off the bottom of the post, provided
that the length available for burying is at least 800 mm and the exposed area is subsequently treated to
his satisfaction with the preservative that was used to treat the post. Steel. Timber posts shall be used for supporting the guardrails except that, under certain
circumstances, such as where the guardrails are fixed to concrete retaining walls, steel posts shall be
used. Steel posts shall be of the type and size shown on the drawings or described in the project
3.1.3 Reflector Plates. V-shaped reflector plates shall be manufactured from mild steel plate of nominal
thickness 1,5 mm and to the diniensions shown on the drawings. When supplied for use with galvanized
guardrails, they shall be galvanized, and when supplied with painted guardrails they shall be finished in
white baked enamel. The outer surfaces shall be provided with a retro-reflective material complying with
the applicable requirements of 3.2.9, the colours of the material being as shown on the drawings. Holes
for fixing shall be drilled before the plates are galvanized or painted.
Rivets used for fixing road sign boards to steel frames shall have a nomiiral diameter of 5 nun and shall
be manufactured from or coated with a material that will not cause corrosion through electrolytic action.
Rivets used for joining aluminium extrusions shall be of hardened aluminium.
3.2.4 Steel Plate. Steel plate shall be of nominal thickness 1,6 nun and shall comply with the relevant
requirements of BS 4360.
Unless otherwise scheduled or shown on the drawings, steel plate shall be galvanized and the coating
shall comply with the requirements for Class 2600 of SABS 934.
3.2.5 -
Composite and Particle Boards. Unless otherwise scheduled or shown on the drawings, composite and
particle boards shall have a nominal thickness of 12 mm. Composite board shall comply with the
requirements for Type M board of SABS 929 and particle board shall comply with the requirements of
SABS 1300.
3.2.6 Aluminium. Aluminium extrusions shall'be of the sizes detailed on the drawings and shall be of an alloy
that complies with the requirements for material 6063 of BS 1474.
Aluminium plate shall be of an alloy that complies with the requirements for material 5251 of BS 1470 and
shall be of nominal thickness 2,O mm.
3.2.7 Concrete and Reinforcement. Concrete and reinforcement, if any, shall be manufactured and placed as
specified in SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings o r
scheduled, 15 MPa/38 nun strength concrete shall be used for backfilling around road signposts.
3.2.8 Paints and Protective Coatings.
3.2.8,,1 Structural steel sign supports and sign face frames. Paints and other protective coatings for structural
steel sign supports and sign face frames shall comply with the relevant requirements of the applicable of
the following specifications:
a) Primers
SABS 679 Zinc chromate primers for steel (Type I or Type 11, Grade 11)
SABS 723 wash primer (metal etch primer)
SABS 678 Wood primer (Type 11)
SABS 912 Calcium plumhate primer
SABS 926 Two pack zinc-rich epoxy primer
b) Undercoats
SABS 681 Undercoat (TvPe
- - r
c) Finishing coats
SABS 630 Decorative high gloss enamel paint
SABS 631 Decorat.ive oil gloss paint
SABS 684 Structural steel paint
SABS 783 Baking enamels
SABS 634 Emulsion paints for exterior use
d) Other
SABS 801 Epoxy-tar paints (Type I)
SABS 934 Hot-dip (galvanized) zinc coatings Colour of paints for finishing coat:. The colour o each pa it use )r a finis ing coat shal be an
acceptable match to the appropriate of the following colours:
Colour SABS 1091 Colour No. CKS 279 Colour No.
Golden yellow 849 D26
Signal red All D29
Dark grey G13 D36
Middle blue F07 D37
Traffic qreen E07 D41
3.2.9 Retro-reflective Material. Retro-reflective material shall be supplied with a pressure-sensitive or
heat-applied adhesive backing that is protected by a removable liner, and the material shall be of one of
the following grades as specified or scheduled:
a) Engineering grade and complying with the relevant requirements of CKS 191;
b) high intensity grade and having, for the observation and entrance angles given in Columns 1 and 2 of
Table 1, the minimum specific intensity (SIA) given in Table 1 appropriate to the colour and, when tested
in accordance with ASTM D 523, an 05 specular gloss of at least 40.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I o
angle ( )
(EntrarlcX White
anyle ( )
1 1 Red [Orange I Brown 1 Yellow I Green I I
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made. -Colour.
The colour of road-marking paint shall be white or an acceptable match to the colour R49 (goldeii
given in SABS 1091, as appropriate.
3.3.2 Other Materials for Road Marking. Thermoplastic road-marking materials (including adhesive plyiner
road-marking tape) and other road-marking materials that are reflectorized by means of glass beads, shall
comply with the requirements of CKS 192 for colour, resistance to weathering, and bead holding
properties, and for the properties of beads, and with the requirements of the project specification for
skid resistance under wet road conditions.
3.3.3 Road Studs. Road studs shall be of the type, shape, size, and colour indicated on the drawings or
specified in the project specification, and shall comply with the relevant requirements of
BS 873 : Part 4.
Before they are delivered, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a sample of road
studs of the type he proposes to supply. A l l road studs subsequently used shall be of a quality equal to
or better than that of the sample.
3.4 GUIDE BLOCKS. Guide blocks shall be manufactured of a mixture of four parts of concrete sand to one part
of portland cement and to the dimensions shown on the drawings. Forms shall be smooth and shall be
accurately dimensioned. The mixture shall be placed in the forms and vibrated on a vibrating table or by
other approved means. The blocks shall be reinforced as shown on the drawings and shall have a steel
floated surface finish.
The blocks shall be true to shape, smooth, and without honeycombing or other blemishes.
The recess near the top of the block shall be painted with a reflectorized paint (see of an
approved colour and the remainder of the top half of the block shall be painted with white
non-reflectorized road marking paint (see
4.1.1 Brushes and Spray-Painting Equipment Brushes shall have sufficient body and length of bristle to spread the paint in a uniform coat. Spray-painting equipment shall be furnished with an acceptable water trap and air regulating valve.
4.1.2 Mechanical Mixers. Mechanical mixers shall be used to mix paint properly as required in terms Of and when ready mixed paints are not used.
5.1.1 Erection -General.
- All guardrails shall be erected in such a way that each lap is in the direction of the traffic
movement and there are no projecting ends that might interfere with or endanger traffic. The edges and
the centre of each guardrail element shall contact the spacer block or, where no spacer block is used,
they shall contact the post. If so specified in the project specification or shown on the drawings,
guardrails shall be provided with terminal sections. All splices of guardrail elements shall be at a
post, and plate ends shall make contact over the entire area of the splice.
Reflector plates shall be fixed in accordance with the details shown on the drawings and the reflective
surfaces shall be of the colour shown on the drawings.
Except in the case of steel posts for special applications (see the holes for posts shall be
large enough to permit proper setting of the posts and to allow sufficient room for backfilling and
tamping. The bottoms of the holes shall be well rammcd and brought to the correct level with excavated
material that is well rammed. Each post shall be embedded to a depth of at least 0 . 8 m in the ground.
The holes for the posts shall be spaced to suit the length of guardrail supplied. Where shown on the
drawings or directed, posts shall be set at half spacings. Where a concrete block at the end of a length
of guardrail is required, the hole shall be neatly excavated and formwork shall be used for the top
120 mm of the block.
The posts and guardrails shall be so erected and set true to line and level that the guardrails are at
the required height above the level of the completed road shoulder. Guardrails shall be suitably braced
to prevent any movement and all bolts shall be properly tightened before any holes are backfilled.
After the Engineer has approved the guardrails so erected, the holes shall be backfilled with excavated
material rammed thoroughly at OMC in lifts not exceeding 200 mm. The approach ends of guardrails shall
be constructed (flared and bent down or anchored by cable) as shown on the drawings.
After the backfilling has been completed and the bracing has been removed, the posts shall be rigid and
vertical and the guardrail true to line and level and firmly fastened to the posts. Excess excavated
material shall be disposed of as directed. Steel Posts. Steel posts used for special applications shall be erected and fixed as shown on the
5.1.2 Painting of Guardrails Guardrail elements
a) Except where weathering steel or steel that is to be galvanized is required in terms of the Droiect
- <
specification, guardrail elements of steel shall, before installation, be cleaned and primed in the
manner specified in SABS 1350 and painted with the paint and in the colour scheme shown on the drawings
or specified in the project specification. After the elements have been installed, all abraded or
damaged surfaces shall be repainted with the finishing coat(s), as specified above. Galvanized guardrail
elements shall not be painted.
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
b) When existing guardrails are required to be repainted, they shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire
brushes and descaled with suitable tools to remove all rust and loose and oxidized paint. After that
they shall be washed down and all exposed steel surfaces shall be given a coat of zinc chromate primer
and two finishing coats as shown on the drawings or as specified in the project specification. Timber elements. Guardrail posts arid spacer blocks shall riot be painted (see and S A W 457).
5.1.3 Appearance and Finish. After erection a guardrail shall comply with the requirements of 6.1 and t.he
painted or galvanized surface on the rail shall be smooth and continuous and free from abrasions and
scratches. Any damage to the painted or galvanized surface shall be made good at the Contractor's
5.1.4 Removal of Existing Guardrails. Where so ordered, the Contractor shall dismantle and remove existing
guardrails and posts. The guardrails shall be carefully removed, the posts dug out, and the excavations
backfilled and compacted. Guardrails and accessories shall be removed, transported, and stacked in the
positions indicated by the Engineer.
b) On all surfaces that are inaccessible for painting by brush, spray, or roller, paint shall be applied
by sheepskin daubers, bottle brushes, or by any other acceptable method that will render the required
coating of paint.
c) Where spray methods are used any runs, sags, thin areas, or skips in the paint coat will be deemed not
acceptable, and the Contractor will be required to repaint by brush.
d) Before it is applied, the paint shall, if necessary, be remixed for a sufficient length of time to
ensure thorough mixing of the pigment and vehicle (see 4.1.2). Paint shall be kept well stirred to keep
the pigment in suspension during its application. No skins whatsoever will be tolerated. Any skin that
has formed on the paint shall be removed by screening but, if the skin cannot be properly removed, the
paintwork already completed may be condemned by the Engineer.
e ) Paint shall not be applied when
1) the ambient air temperature is below 5 OC;
2) the temperature is expected to drop below 5 OC before the paint has dried;
3) the relative humidity is above 85 X or when there is fog or mist pr when it is raining or when rain is
expected: or
4) the temerature of the air is below dew point. Protection of Works during painting operations. The Contractor shall protect all parts of the Works
aqainst spatters, splashes, and smirches of paint and paint materials. The Contractor shall be
responsible for and shall make good any damage caused by his painting operations to vehicles, persons, or
property, including vegetation and animals. He shall provide, at his own expense, such protective
measures as he thinks fit to prevent such damage.
Any paint stains that may result in an unsightly appearance shall be removed or obliterated by the
Contractor at his own expense.
If passing traffic is likely to create sufficient dust to spoil the appearance of freshly painted
surfaces of structures over or adjoining roads, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, sprinkle water
on a sufficient length of the adjacent roads and slroulders to prevent the creation of such dust. The
Contractor shall also furnish and post, at his own expense, "DRIVE SLOWLY" signs and take such other
precautions as are necessary to prevent dust and dirt from adhering to freshly painted surfaces. Painting of structural steelwork. The painting of structural steelwork shall comply with the following
a) Surface preparation. After drilling, welding, and punching have been completed, the Contractor shall
ensure that all sharp edges are uniformly rounded off and smoothed down. He shall remove all physically
adhering contaminants, and he shall clean the surfaces by grit blasting to a finish complying with the
requirements of SIS 05 59 00 for an Sa 24 finish and having a profile limit of 50 pm.
No abrasive blasting shall be done during rainy weather or when corrosive agents are present in the
Unless the grit-blasted surface is primed as specified in (b) below before any oxidation takes place or
within 4 h after blasting (whichever may occur first), it shall be given one coat of a wash primer.
b) Priming. Except as specified in (9) below, the surface prepared as specified in (a) above shall be
given two coats of a zinc chromate primer, the first coat being applied as specified in (a) above or
within 12 h in the case of a wash primed surface. The primer used may be Type I or Type 11, Grade 11
(see The dry film thickness shall be at least 30 um per coat.
c) Undercoat. Where the finishing coats are to be applied on Site, the primed surfaces shall be given
one coat of a universal undercoat of suitable colour in the fabricator's shop before despatch. The
undercoat shall be applied as soon as the prime coat has dried sufficiently. The dry film thickness of
the undercoat shall be at least 25 pm.
d) Finishing coat
1) Except as required in terms of (2) below, two finishing coats of high gloss enamel paint (see
3.2.8.l(c)) of the colour given on the drawings, specified in the project specification, or ordered shall
be applied to a dry film thickness of at least 25 pm per coat.
Where the finishing coats are applied on Site, the undercoat shall first be lightly sanded and the
members washed and cleaned of all contaminants. The first finishing coat shall be applied as soon as the
structural members are dry.
2) Where shown on the drawings or specified in the project specification, the finishing coat shall
consist of a structural steel paint (see of the colour specified and of a dry film thickness
at least 30 urn.
3 ) In all cases the second finishing coat shall be applied within 48 h after the application of the first
finishing coat.
4) The total dry film thickness of the paint system shall be at least 110 um when no undercoat is used
and at least 135 pm when an undercoat is used. When the finishing coat is a structural steel paint
complying with SABS 684, the total dry film thickness of the paint system shall be increased by 5 pm in
each case.
e) Eating surfaces. Before mating surfaces are brought together, both surfaces shall be given the
appropriate of the treatments specified in (a)-(d) above but, where this is not possible, each surface
shall be given a copious coating of primer and the surfaces shall then be drawn up while the paint is
still wet.
f) Back-to-back members and inaccessible areas. Back-to-back members and areas that will become
inaccessible after erection shall be fully coated up to and including the finishing coats before
9) Structural steel to be buried below ground. The portions of structural steel members to be buried in
soil, and all steel bases to a height of 500 mm above ground, shall be given two coats of an epoxy tar
paint (see instead of the zinc chromate primer specified in (b) above for other surfaces. Painting of road signs. The painting of road signs shall comply with the following requirements:
a) General. Road signs shall comply with the applicable Road Traffic Ordinance and also with the
requirements of the South African road traffic signs manual') (see also 3.2.1).
b) Preparation of surfaces and application of paint. The preparation and painting of steel surfaces
shall be carried out as specified in
c) Painting of signs. The painting of road signs shall comply with the requirements of CKS 193 except
1) the reverse side of each aluminium sign shall be left unpainted when it is not used for the display of
a road sign; and
2) where a reflecting surface is specified in the project specification, the 60 specular g l o s s measured
in accordance with SABS Method 134 shall, if possible, not exceed 50.
Thinners shall not be added to enamels used for the painting of signs.
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
d) Time of painting. Road sign faces and legends shall not be painted more than six months before the
road signs are erected. Painting of concrete. Where so scheduled or ordered, concrete shall be painted as follows:
a) Surface preparation. The surface of the concrete to be painted shall be cleaned of all dust, loose
particles, laitance, scum, and other deleterious materials after which it shall be washed and allowed to
b) Paintinq. After the surface has dried, two coats of acrylic emulsion paint shall be applied.
5.2.3 Storage and Handling. All road signs and portions of road signs that are awaiting erection shall be so
handled and stored in a weather-proof storeroom that any permanent deformation or damage to painted
surfaces is prevented.
All unpainted steel surfaces shall be protected against corrosion.
5.2.4 Erection of Road Signs Excavation and backfilling. Excavations for supports for road signs and subsequent backfilling shall
conform to the dimensions arid details qiven on the drawings.
Where the excavations are to be backfilled with soil, a 1:12 cementrsoil mixture shall be made and
backfilled at OMC in layers of thickness (uncompacted) 100 mm and compacted to at least 90 X of modified
AASHTO maximum density.
Where posts or structures are to be fixed in concrete or where concrete footings are to be cast, the
concrete and, when relevant, reinforcement shall comply with 3.2.7. The holes shall be completely filled
with concrete up to the designated finished level of the surrounding surface. The upper surface of the
concrete shall he neatly finished with sufficient fall to ensure proper drainage. Erection. Road signs shall be erected where and as shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer.
During the erection of road signs the structural steelwork shall be so bolted and protected that it is
not buckled or damaged.
Posts to which road signs are to be fixed shall be vertical and the undersides of road signs shall be
horizontal after completion of erection.
The month and year of erection of each road sign shall be indicated on the back of the sign in the bottom
righthand corner in white painted characters of height at least 25 nun.
Where signs are erected on timber poles, all holes that are drilled in timber shall be impregnated with
hot creosote. Site weldinp. All welding done during erection shall comply with Site paintinq. All painting done after erection shall comply with
All paintwork that has been damaged during erection shall be made good by the Contractor at his own
expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer. -
Time of erection. Unless otherwise ordered, the Contractor shall erect road traffic signs immediately
before the road is opened to public traffic.
5.2.5 Dismantling and Re-erection of Existing Road Signs. Where so ordered, the Contractor shall dismantle
existing road signs and re-erect them in the positions indicated by the Engineer or shown on the
drawings. The Contractor shall carry out this work with as little damage as possible to the road signs.
Where so ordered, the Contractor shall repaint or repair the said existing road signs. Where necessary,
new materials shall be used for part or all of the supporting structures.
The lengths of segments and gaps between segments in broken lines shall be as given on the drawings. If
these lengths are altered by the Engineer, the ratio of the lengths of the marked section to the length
of the gap between marked sectipns shall remain the same as that given on the drawings. Lines shall not
be painted and other road-marking materials shall not be applied m r e than 3 months before the road is
opened to public traffic.
Lines on curves, whether broken or unbroken, shall not consist of chords but shall follow the correct
Except where a second application of slurry seal is to be applied to the road surface, road marking shall
be completed before a particular section is opened to traffic. Paint
a) The paint shall be stirred before application in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Paint shall be applied without the addition of thinners. Each layer of road-marking paint shall be
continuous over the whole area being painted. Where the paint is applied by means of a machine, it shall
be applied in one layer.
b) Before a road-marking machine is used on the Works, the satisfactory working of the machine shall Le
demonstrated on a suitable site that is not part of the Works.
c) After each adjustment to the road-marking machine, the machine shall be tested and, only when the
machine has been correctly adjusted (including adjustment of the rate of application of paint) and its
use approved by the Engineer, may the machine be used on the works. The Contractor shall ensure that the
operator is experienced in the operation of the machine.
d) Where two or three lines are required next to each other, the lines shall be applied simultaneously by
the same machine.
e) Where, under special circumstances, painting is done by hand, it shall be applied in two layers and
the second layer shall not be applied before the first layer has dried properly. As m s t road-marking
paint reacts with the bitumen surface of the road, the paint shall be applied with only one stroke of the
brush or one pass of the roller, as relevant, over the part being painted.
f) Unless otherwise scheduled, directed, or specified in the project specification, road-marking paint
shall be applied at a nominal rate of 0,42 l/m2. Other road-marking materials. Where other road-marking materials such as those specified in 3.3.2 are to
be used, they shall, unless otherwise required in terms of the project specification, be applied in the
manner specified by the manufacturer, and approved.
5.3.5 Application of Retro-reflective Beads. Where retro-reflective paint is required, the retro-reflective
glass beads shall be applied in one continuous operation by means of a suitable machine, immediately
after the application of the paint. The beads shall be sprayed onto the paint layer at the rate of
0 , 8 kg per litre of paint or such other rate as may be ordered.
5.3.6 --
Road Studs. Road studs shall be of the type(s) indicated on the drawings and shall be fixed in the
positions indicated on the drawings or approved by the Engineer.
Before road studs are fixed, the surface to which they are to be fixed shall be thoroughly cleaned as
specified in 5.3.2.
The road studs shall be fixed to the road surface by means of an approved epoxy resin adhesive in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions after the road lines have been completed. Sufficient
adhesive shall be used to give complete coverage of each contact area and to provide a slight excess.
The road studs shall be pressed firmly down on to the prepared area and all excess adhesive pressed out.
The excess adhesive shall then immediately be removed with a suitable solvent. The road studs shall be
protected against impact until the adhesive has hardened.
5.3.7 Faulty Workmanship or Materials. If any material not complying with this specification is delivered to
the Site or used in the Works or if any substandard work is carried out, such material or work shall be
removed, replaced, or repaired, as required by the Engineer, at the Contractor's own expense. Rejected
road markings and paint that has been splashed or dripped on any road, kerb, structure or any other such
surface, shall be removed by the Contractor at his own expense in such a way that no sign of the said
markings or splashes or drips of paint are visible or will become visible later.
5.3.8 Protection. After the application of road markings and until the road is opened to public traffic, the
road markings shall be protected from damage by traffic and by any other agent. The Contractor shall
erect, place, and subsequently remove such warning boards, flags, cones, barricades, and other protective
measures as are necessary.
6.1 GUARDRAILS. Guardrail posts shall be straight and vertical. No guardrail shall be warped and, except at
flared sections, the traffic faces of each guardrail shall be in a vertical plane parallel to the road
Each completed guardrail shall be neat and, in the Engineer's opinion, shall show no visible deviation
from line or grade.
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
6.2 ROAD MARKINGS. Road markings shall be placed within the limits of the appropriate permissible deviations
given below:
Permissible deviation
I I1 I11
a) S. The width of lines and other markings shall not deviate
from the specified width by more than .............................
b) Position. The position of lines, letters, figures, arrows,
5 % *
retro-reflective road studs, and other markings shall not deviate
from the specified position by more than ..........................
c) Aliynment of markings. The alignment of any edge of markings
20 nm *
shall not deviate from true alignment by more than ................ 10 mm
in 15 m
d) Broken lines. The length of segments of broken longitudinal
lines shall not deviate from the specified length by more than .... 150 mm I *
A s stated in the project specification, if required.
7.1 GENERAL. The relevant requirements of Clause 7 of each of the applicable standardized specifications
listed in 2.1 shall apply.
additional to those covered by 8.2.1, will be measured for payment under this item.
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying and erectinq additional posts, including the
excavating and backfilling of post holes and disposing of surplus material.
8.2.5 Reflector Plates ..........................................................................
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying all materials and labour required to manufacture,
Unit: No.
paint, and fix the reflector plates, as specified in the project specification or shown on
the drawings.
8.2.6 Dismantling Existing Guardrails ...........................................................
The rate shall cover the cost of dismantling existing guardrails, removing all posts,
Unit: m
transporting material to designated storage and stacking, and excavating and backfilling
post holes.
8.2.7 Repainting Existing Guardrails ............................................................
The rate shall cover the cost of cleaning the existing guardrails and of supplying materials
Unit: m
1) 2 m2 Unit: m2
2 m 10m2 ............ ...............................................
10 m2 and upwards in increments of 5 m
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
13 SABS 1200 Ml-1984
Ancillary roadworks
shall cover the cost of all labour and materials, painting (including painting of the
legend), supports, excavation, backfilling with soil, etc., necessary to complete the work
as detailed on the drawings.
8.3.6 Statutory Signs, Street Names, and the Like, Supplied and Erected Complete ................
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying, with legend painted as specified, erection, and
Unit: NO.
all other painting complete and shall include the cost of excavation, foundations, etc., and
backfilling and disposal of surplus material.
8.3.7 Dismantling and Re-erection of Road Signs having a Surface Area of
over and q
2 mi
2 m2
5 m2
c) 5m
d) 10 m2
10 m
15 m2
Separate further items in increments of 5 m2 will be scheduled as necessary.
The rate shall cover the cost of dismantling the road signs and the supporting structures,
transporting the material to the new site(s), and re-erecting the road signs, including the
cost of new bolts and nuts, if required, for re-erection.
Repairs and repainting ordered will be paid for as "Extra Work".
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying all material, labour, and equipment necessary,
and of fixing the studs.
8.4.4 Setting out and Premarking
a) Lines (excluding traffic island markings, characters, and symbols) .....................
Where two or three lines are to be applied next to each other, setting out of lines will be
Unit: km
measured once only along the centre in the case of two lines or on the centfe line in the
case of three lines, as applicable.
b) Special markings (details stated) ......................................................
The rates for (a) and (b) above, shall cover the cost of setting out and premarking the
Unit: Sum or No.
painting, transporting, setting out, and placing the blocks, for excavating and backfilling
all holes, and for the disposal of surplus material.
This eStandard is exclusively for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/Intranet constitutes a violation
of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of the standard may be made.
15 SABS 1200 MM-1984
Ancillary roadworks
SABS 135 IS0 metric black bolts, screws, and nuts (hexagon and square)
SABS 457 Wooden poles, droppers, guardrail posts, and spacer blocks
SABS 630 Decorative high gloss enamel paint for interior and exterior use
SABS 631 Decorative oil gloss paint for interior and exterior use
SABS 634 Emulsion paints for exterior use
SABS 657 Steel tubes for non-pressure purposes
Part I : Steel tubes for scaffolding and for structural and general engineering purposes
SABS 670 Primers for wood for interior and exterior use
SABS 679 Zinc chromate primers for steel
SABS 681 Undercoats for paints
SABS 604 Structural steel paint
SABS 723 Wash primer (metal etch primer)
SABS 731 Road-marking paint
SABS 753 Pine poles and cross-arms for power transmission, low-voltage reticulation, and telephone systems
SABS 754 Eucalyptus poles and cross-arms for power transmission, low-voltage reticulation, end telephone
SABS 763 Hot-dip (galvanized) zinc coatings (other than on continuously zinc-coated sheet and wire)
SABS 703 Baking enamels
SABS 801 Epoxy-tar paints
SABS 912 Calcium plumbate primer
SABS 926 Two pack zinc-rich epoxy primer
SABS 929 Plywood and composite board
SABS 934 Hot-dip (galvanized) zinc coatings on steel sheet and strip
SABS 1091 National colour standards for paint
SABS 1143 Mushroom- and countersunk-head bolts and nuts
SABS 1200 A Civil engineering construction : General
SABS 1200 AA Civil engineering construction : General (small works)
SABS 1200 D Civil engineering construction : Earthworks
SABS 1200 DA Civil engineering construction : Earthworks (small works)
SABS 1200 DM Civil engineering construction : Earthworks (roads, subgrade)
SABS 1200 G Civil engineering construction : Concrete (structural)
SABS 1200 GA Civil engineering construction : Concrete (small works)
SABS 1200 HA Civil engineering construction : Structural steelwork (small works)
SABS 1200 ME Civil engineering construction : Subbase
SABS 1200 MF Civil engineering construction : Base
SABS 1200 MG Civil engineering construction : Bituminous surface treatment
SABS 1200 MH Civil engineering construction : Asphalt base and surfacing
SABS 1300 Particle board : exterior and flooring type
SABS 1350 Guardrails for roads (W-section)
sabz pta
ISBN 0-626-06904-1