Programming in C++ Term Project Assignment: General Instructions
Programming in C++ Term Project Assignment: General Instructions
Programming in C++ Term Project Assignment: General Instructions
General instructions
1. The project assignment is one only, identical for all students.
2. The project must be submitted by January 31, 2018 at the latest.
3. The project has to be submitted using the Dropbox, please follow
4. The project is submitted as a Zip archive of Visual Studio 2010, or higher,
solution. The zip archive name should match your student ID (so called
login name). For example, student James Bond has login bon007, the
archive will be named
5. Before project is submitted, clean the project by deleting the files that
have been created during compilation. It can be cleaned directly in Vi-
sual Studio – menu Build, then Clean Solution. Please wrap this clean
project in the Zip archive and upload to Dropbox. Test data need not be
8. You must adhere a proper citation policy. You can use professional liter-
ature, textbooks, sample source codes from other programming subjects,
Internet resources. In this case, enter a note in the source code “This
algorithm was taken from. . . ”, “This code was taken from. . . ”.
Set of integer numbers
Create class IntegerSet for which each object can hold integers in the range
0 through 99. A set is represented internally as an array a of bool values, i.e.
values true and false. Array element a[i] = true if integer number i is
in the set and vice versa. The class implementation should contain following
• The default constructor initializes empty set, a set with no elements present.
• Provide member functions for the common set operations. For example,
provide a unionOfSets member function that creates a third set that is
the set-theoretic union of two existing sets (i.e. an element of the third
set’s array is set to true if that element is true in either or both of the
existing sets, and an element of the third set’s array is set to false if that
element is false in each of the existing sets).