Feasibility Study of IKEA Carbon Project
Feasibility Study of IKEA Carbon Project
Feasibility Study of IKEA Carbon Project
October 2009
This study was made possible due to the generous support of IKEA Supply AG.
Copyright 2011 Rainforest Alliance, Inc., all rights reserved.
Users may reproduce content for noncommercial purposes with a notice that the content is copyright of
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No other users are permitted without the express written consent of the Rainforest Alliance.
Adam Gibbon (RA), Christian Sloth (RA) and Sebastian Schrader (WWF)
We would like to acknowledge the following organizations for their contributions to this project:
SNV supports national and local actors within government, civil society and the
private sector to find and implement local solutions to social and economic
development challenges. The organization stimulates and sets the framework
for the poor to strengthen their capacities and escape poverty. SNV does this
by facilitating knowledge development, brokering, networking and advocacy at
national and international level. Partnerships with other development agencies
and the private sector are key to SNV’s approach.
The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) works to stop the degradation of the
planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in
harmony with nature, by:
The Research Centre for Forest Ecology and Environment (RCFEE) is a
specialized independent research organization under Forest Science Institute
of Vietnam (FSIV). It was established in 1990 to address the need of creating
and transforming scientific research into ecologically and economically sound
solutions for sustainable forest management and development.
1.1 Objectives 6
7.2 Uncertainties 24
7.3 Concerns 25
The overall goal of the 2008-2011 IKEA-Rainforest Alliance project Climate Change, Conservation and
Carbon Offsets: A Pilot Project with an Emphasis on Vietnam and Malaysia is to foster learning,
experience and development of credible carbon forestry projects as one of the means to address
climate change in three countries relevant to the business of IKEA in Southeast Asia: Vietnam,
Malaysia and Indonesia. Due to the important role of forests in climate change, as a source of
greenhouse gas emissions and in carbon sequestration, this project seeks to explore and support the
creation of carbon forestry projects, which would be able to meet internationally accepted and credible
Through this partnership, IKEA and the Rainforest Alliance (RA) will build capacity amongst actors that
have potential to create carbon projects, and thus the activities are largely focused around training.
Tools, methodologies, and standards will be tested and developed by RA and partners to help bring
carbon forestry projects to the market. Capacity building efforts will focus on enabling contributions by
small and medium sized enterprises, but also encourage larger scale managers to take advantage of
forest carbon opportunities. Participants in these capacity building activities should explore
collaborations with businesses and organizations that work with IKEA and also those that are external
to IKEA.
This feasibility study was carried out as part of RA’s efforts to accomplish Objective A of the project,
denominated Reforestation or agroforestry activities with communities and forest rehabilitation activities
with sustainable forestry enterprises in Vietnam facilitated by on-the-ground organizational partners
identified by IKEA and RA.
The intent of activities under this objective is to stimulate a number of Vietnamese companies,
communities, and/or government land management agencies to conduct reforestation, restoration, or
agroforestry practices through tree-planting that could be eligible to earn payments for carbon credits.
Such forest managers may include small forestry enterprises (SFEs), cooperatives, individual land
owners, communities and large plantation companies, amongst other actors. We aim to explore ways to
combine forest certification and carbon project validation and verification, which should add value
through payments for environmental services for carbon and well-managed forest products.
Through consultation with representatives from SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, the
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), the World Bank and national and local government institutions it
was agreed that a feasibility study should be focused on small holder plantation farmers in Quang Tri
Province in Central Vietnam. The feasibility study was carried out in close cooperation with Sebastian
Schrader (WWF), Mr. Le Khac Coi (WWF), Mr. Le Tien Duc (WWF) and Richard McNally (SNV).
The current feasibility study was carried out based on a concept note developed by WWF and SNV
suggesting the project site to be Quang Tri and focusing on small-scale farmers planting acacia for
pulpwood production.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives of the feasibility study were as follows:
1. To evaluate the feasibility of developing a forest carbon project in Quang Tri Province following
an Improved Forest Management (IFM) project type and implemented by private smallholder
farmers growing acacia plantations, which could potentially be certified to Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC) standards. The evaluation will include:
a. Determine the amount of carbon sequestered when rotation lengths for Acacia
plantations are extended and FSC practices are adopted;
b. Analyze the potential of carbon credit generation from such a project with respect to the
Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB)
Standards; and
c. Conduct a cost/benefit analysis for the plantations earning FSC certification, and for
earning FSC certification plus developing a carbon credit project.
2. To outline possible further steps toward the development of such a forest carbon IFM project in
Vietnam in collaboration with selected non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating at
local level.
Most of the peaks are 4,000 to 7,000 feet high, but some rise above
8,000 feet. The narrow coastal plains flanking the highlands on the
east are compartmented by rocky headlands and consist of belts of
sand dunes and, in areas where the soil is suitable, rice fields.
From the crests that mark the drainage divide in the highlands,
streams flow either east towards the South China Sea or west into Laos or Cambodia. Those flowing
eastward are swift and follow short courses through deep narrow valleys over rocky bottoms until they
reach the coastal plains, where they slow down and disperse over silty and sandy bottoms. The
westward flowing streams follow longer traces, sometimes through deep canyons, other times through
poorly drained valleys that, like the coastal plains in the east, are subject to seasonal flooding. Its
topography consists of mountains, hills, plains, sand dunes and beaches. The long coast and complex
network of rivers includes the Ben Hai, Cam Lo, Quang Tri, and Thach Han rivers, offering a good
potential for hydroelectricity production and aquaculture. The weather features a wide range of
temperatures and rainfall, with hot and dry south-west winds during the Southwest Monsoon (May
through September) and much cooler wet weather during the rainy season (November to mid-March).
Annual average temperature is 24ºC, but temperatures can drop as low as 7ºC during the rainy season.
1.4 FSC and Carbon Projects
During the FSC General Assembly 2008, the FSC community formally recognized that forests can have
an important role to play in addressing climate change and as a result the General Assembly passed
motion 43, which states that that FSC shall explore the role that the Principles & Criteria, governance,
accreditation, policy development and forest certification can play in frameworks to mitigate climate
change by maintaining and/or increasing carbon stocks.
The FSC motion specifically mentions efforts focused on establishing real and verifiable emission
reductions from forest protection and improved forest management projects, and research into how
FSC-certified management practices could maintain and/or increase forest carbon sequestration. FSC
will also explore alignment or partnership with voluntary carbon standards or program design protocols
as well as engaging voluntary and regulatory carbon finance mechanisms to recognize FSC certification
as an effective tool to ensure environmental and social co-benefits. Lastly, and equally of relevance, the
FSC should explore the development of guidelines and cost models to help FSC certificate holders,
including small holders, indigenous peoples, and communities, access revenue sources for maintaining
or enhancing carbon stocks.
The FSC standards have great potential to benefit carbon projects where they are implemented, as
FSC-certified forests are already delivering social and environmental performance at implementation
level that corresponds to some of the requirements of voluntary standards such as the Climate,
Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS).
In this feasibility study we took care to examine the connection between FSC certification and voluntary
carbon standard requirements for reforestation projects as well as the socio-economic costs and
benefits of developing carbon projects in Quang Tri Province.
Because the study focused on the feasibility of developing a project that could successfully be validated
and verified to the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity
Standard (CCBS), we have reviewed some of the key issues related to both VCS and CCBS validation
and verification that would be relevant for a project to address.
2.1.1 Methodology
As of finalization of this study (October, 2009) there is no methodology approved by the VCS
Association for use with the VCS for improved forest management (IFM) by rotation length extension.
However, a number of methodologies are currently under development and one may be developed for
extending rotation lengths, although the existence of such an effort is currently unknown.1 If a
methodology does not emerge before such a project was ready to enter the development phase, a new
methodology would have to be developed and approved by the VCS Association. This could pose a
significant cost for a small project. It is suggested that if WWF and SNV, in collaboration with the
Rainforest Alliance, decide to proceed with the development of a project concept and possibly a project
proposal, that close attention is given to when and if a methodology developed by third parties may
become available for use so that, if at all possible, the project can avoid having to develop their own.
The calculations presented here assume that it is necessary to develop a new methodology for this
project and budget 100,000 USD for this purpose.
2.1.2 Additionality
The concept of additionality means that credit can only be claimed for carbon dioxide sequestration (or
emissions reduction) if the actions taken that led to the sequestration/emissions reduction are beyond
what would have happened had the carbon project not existed. The additionality of the project is of
crucial importance to the eligibility for validation and verification to the VCS. Additionality should be
thoroughly documented in a potential concept/project paper, using the specific tools that have been
developed for carbon projects to demonstrate additionality. This study contains a preliminary evaluation
of additionality using the VCS project test2. Based on this test, we find that the proposed activities are
additional and would be eligible for VCS crediting.
2.1.3 Monitoring
Monitoring with respect to conformance to the VCS standard is an important project activity that should
receive attention from the onset of a potential project development. Monitoring is a way of gathering
data to demonstrate that the project design has been successfully executed. In the case of the VCS,
monitoring demonstrates that a verifiable number of carbon credits have been generated, by measuring
sequestration and emissions reduction.
Methodology elements posted for public comment are available on the VCS Web site at http://v-c-
s.org/public_comment.html, so this is a place to watch for potential new methodologies. Approved
methodologies are listed at http://v-c-s.org/methodologies.html.
See section 5.8 of the VCS 2007.1 standards for an example of an additionality test: http://www.v-c-
2.1.4 Non-Permanence buffer determination
This feasibility study includes a tentative evaluation of risks to permanence of the described project
scenario. This is conducted using the VCS’s risk analysis tool. It is found that the main challenge to the
proposed project is the ability and willingness of farmers to sign up to the project for the period required
under the standard (at least 20 years, but often between 30-60 years), the resulting risk being that the
economic constraints of project participants, who mostly come from poor rural households, could lead
to the participants’ non-ability to remain in the project in times of unforeseen crisis and sudden need for
cash income (when they would need to harvest their plantations prior to the date committed to for the
project). A project would need to consider these issues carefully and subsequently make appropriate
assumptions in the buffer withholding percentages.
It is important to note that the CCBA does not issue quantified emissions reductions certificates and
therefore encourages the use of a carbon accounting standard (such as that of the Clean Development
Mechanism or the VCS) in combination with the CCB Standard. Therefore, for the purpose of this study
we have considered issues related to carbon sequestration only under the VCS analysis above. With
respect to the CCBS, we focused particularly on the following issues.
2.2.3 Monitoring
Similarly to the VCS, the CCBS requires the establishment and implementation of thorough monitoring
systems. However, the CCBS specifically requires that these systems are designed to allow evaluation
of the impact of the project on both community and biodiversity values.
All natural habitats possess some inherent conservation values. These could include the presence of rare or endemic species,
sacred sites, or resources harvested by local residents. High Conservation Value (HCV) areas are defined as natural habitats
where these values are considered to be of outstanding significance or critical importance.
2.2.4 Group development and management
As the subject of this study is a community project involving a large number of small-scale rural farmers
it is considered of critical importance to the success of the carbon project – and to the achievement of
net positive climate, community and biodiversity impacts – that project management is carefully
designed. In this case a good management model would likely mean the development of a well defined
group formation and management structure that could work within the existing levels of administration
at village, commune, district and province levels to allow adaptation to the current administrative
structure. Local authorities, such as the Provincial and District branches of the Department of Forestry
(DOF), should also be closely involved with the project management unit.
These models were simplifications of the system they were trying to emulate. Both use a system
whereby assumptions are transparent and can be easily changed in order to assess the effect on the
Harvest Years 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 12, 24, 36
Products Acacia Acacia
95 Pulp 60% pulp
5% Saw Timber 40% saw wood (>18cm dbh): for high quality
furniture, local house building
Native Species
Indoor furniture
* For the purposes of model simplification and conservativeness in the financial analysis, no harvesting of native species was
considered. A lower growth rate than expected for native species was used to compensate for reduced biomass storage due to
Seedlings - In the project scenario it is assumed that to avoid stem rot and reduce the risk of wind
throw, better quality seedlings compared to the baseline would need to be sought (at additional cost).
Soil Preparation - Plowing is common practice in the project area, yet forest technicians do not approve
of its use as it can lead I the long term to soil erosion and reduced soil fertility. This practice is expected
to continue in the absence of the project. To meet FSC standards, hole planting would be used in the
project scenario.
Planting Density - The planting density is a based on data from within the project area. It is assumed
that the same density could be planted in the project scenario (although this will involve a mixture of
Acacia and native species).
Buffer Zones - To meet FSC standards, buffer zones will be required, and this is not a practice that
occurs at present.
Management/Thinning – Current technical knowledge amongst small holders is not high and therefore
little thinning is conducted. It is anticipated that with silviculture training (combined with improved
seedlings), growth rates could be improved, i.e., through such interventions as thinning.
Rotation Length – There is currently urgency amongst small holders to harvest as soon as possible to
generate regular revenues. The plantations that were established under the KfW program during the
late 1990’s and early 2000’s are expected to be harvested as soon as payments from KfW end, which
would lead to a rotation length of 6-7 years. In order to extend rotation lengths, better management
would be required, species of hybrid Acacia would need to be selected that do not suffer from stem rot
after 10 years, and payments would be required to bridge the delayed revenue stream. It is expected
that a 12 year rotation length could be achieved under the project scenario. That said, the forest
department did comment that 10 years may be a more suitable target to avoid the issue of stem rot. If
all other elements are kept the same, reducing the rotation length reduces the carbon credits that would
be available from 88 t CO2 ha-1 to 68 t CO2 ha-1.
Growth Rates – The current growth rate for Acacia Hybrid (10 m3 ha-1 y-1) was based on data gathered
by WWF in their plantation report. The ‘Acacia. Hybrid Data’ and ‘Hybrid Vol by Year’ tabs in the model
spread sheet, show that an average growth rate of 10 m3 ha-1 y-1 was achieved in the plantations
measured by WWF. It was assumed that under good management, and with good seedlings, this rate
could be increased to 15 m3 ha-1 y-1; the analysis tabs referenced demonstrate that this rate has been
achieved in Quang Tri, albeit on a study farm (labeled ‘Yield Table 1’). This was considered reasonable
by the Department of Forestry. Figure 1 below shows that higher growth rates have been achieved in
Quang Tri with better management. The linear lines presented are a simplification, but help to put the
observed growth rates in perspective.
Products – The assumptions around products have come from the SNV study into Value Chains in
Quang Tri as well as from the Department of Forestry.
Figure 1: Growth rates gathered from data within Quang Tri Province. Yield table = data from forestry
school test plots. All report data collected by WWF.
Data Source
1) Yield Table Data from forestry school test plots.
3.2 The Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
A cost benefit model was developed to model the two scenarios. The assumptions made are all
transparent and can be changed with ease. Full details of these assumptions can be found in the CBA
itself, IKEA Viet Nam Feasibility CBA V1.xls, appendix 3 to this report. The model calculates a cash
flow as well as net present values (NPV) and internal rates of return for the baseline scenario as well as
three project scenarios. The three project scenarios are as follows:
1) The project to lengthen rotation length, introduce buffers and native species is carried out, but
no FSC certification is sought and no carbon project is developed.
2) The project to lengthen rotation length, introduce buffers and native species is carried out, FSC
certification is sought but no carbon project is developed.
3) The project to lengthen rotation length, introduce buffers and native species is carried out, FSC
certification is sought and a carbon project is developed.
Results are presented in terms of NPV which utilizes a discount rate of 9%.
Figure 2: A comparison of the biomass on the land in the baseline and project scenario.
Future carbon modeling would also need to consider thinning harvests and harvest of native species. In
this model, growth rates were set at a level that was intended to account for losses due to thinning and
selective logging of native species. However, this approximation should be improved in future.
The results from the costs benefit analysis are broken down into a per hectare value. This means that
the size of the project has an effect on the results. Fixed costs such as project design document
development, which are independent of project size, are cheaper per hectare as the project gets bigger.
The Quang Tri area considered currently has 17,000 ha of acacia grown by smallholders on land with
Red Book Certificates (clear land tenure). For the purpose of the cost benefit analysis it was assumed
that a reasonable project size was 8,000 ha.
4.2.1 Estimated Project Development Costs
The following table outlines the potential costs associated with the project development costs of the
rotation extension only, carbon and FSC projects. In order to conduct and FSC and/or carbon project it
is necessary to also invest in the extension of rotation length project. These are estimated costs and
reflect an approximate amount for each item, but the true costs incurred by a project may be lower or
higher. These costs are considered to be of particular importance to the possibility of the project
implementation, since they are up-front and relatively large sums.
4.2.2. Real time and NPV costs and additional revenues from projects
Figure 3 shows the real time (undiscounted) project development costs and upfront investments of the
project alongside the price premiums that FSC certification brings and the revenues from carbon
In the baseline scenario, costs were restricted to site preparation, planting, weeding and harvesting. In
the first five years the total costs (not discounted) were USD 502 per ha. In the extended rotation
scenario, the costs were over double that, at USD 1,082. The additional costs (relative to only
extending the rotation length) related to the carbon and FSC components are relatively small. To obtain
FSC certification would cost only an additional USD 7 per ha in project development costs and USD 39
per ha in upfront investment. To add a project component which realizes carbon credit benefits would
approximately double the upfront investment costs to USD 61 per ha.
In the baseline scenario the total revenues (undiscounted) are USD 9,099 over the 36 year project life.
By comparison, in the extended rotation only scenario the revenues double to USD 18,218. With FSC
certification, the premium received for timber sales is an additional USD 2,453, as shown in Figure 3.
Carbon credit sales total USD 455, based on a conservative carbon price of 5 USD per t CO2e.
Figure 3: Real time (undiscounted) project development costs, upfront investment costs, and additional
revenues raised by FSC and carbon revenues over the full 36 years of the project. Note that the
revenues from the extended rotation are not shown (only the price premium from FSC).
Figure shows the same project development, upfront investment and revenues as Figure 3, however
applying the discount rate of 9%, to generate the net present value. When the discount rate is
considered the revenues raised by selling FSC-certified products (USD 443) are still significantly more
than the additional costs of earning and maintaining FSC certification (USD 20). The net present value
of carbon sale revenues is still greater than the net present value of the cost of doing the project. The
assumption in the CBA was that the carbon credits earned per hectare (88 voluntary carbon units, or
VCUs) are received spread equally at each of the seven monitoring events, which occur at 5 year
intervals. However, if it were possible to secure upfront payment for carbon credits, then the money (or
some portion of it) may be able to be received much earlier in the project, significantly increasing the
net present value of the payment.
Figure 4: Discounted (rate of 9%) project development costs, upfront investment costs, and additional
revenues accrued from FSC-certified timber and carbon credit revenues over the full 36 years of the
project. Note that the revenues from the extended rotation are not show (only the price premium from
4.2.3 Cumulative cash flows
Figure shows the cumulative cash flow per ha for the baseline and project scenarios. The baseline
scenario requires less initial investment and the early harvest in year 6 moves the cumulative cash flow
into positive figures from year 6 onwards. The project scenarios however, require more upfront
investment, although the FSC and carbon components require only marginally more. Some money is
earned prior to the year 12 harvest through selling the trees harvested for thinning. However, it is not
until year 12 in the project scenarios that the project has a positive cumulative cash flow. Although not
shown on the graph the final cash flow position for the carbon and FSC component is USD 15,814,
whilst for the project in the absence of carbon or FSC the position is USD 13,297.
Figure 5: Cumulative cash flows per ha for the baseline and potential project scenarios.
Figure 6: Cumulative net present value for the baseline and potential project scenarios shown for years,
6, 12, 24 and 36.
The following risk assessment has followed the VCS guidelines for risk assessment of IFM projects as
a preliminary assessment of risks found to exist in the study area.
This preliminary risk assessment follows the VCS “Tool for Non-Permanence Risk Analysis and Buffer
Determination 2008”.
Sub-step 1a: Determination of the risk factors applicable to all project types
The project aims at only accepting farmers who hold a valid Red Book Certificate (RBC) into the
project. The RBC grants the holder 50 year rights for forestry use and allows for exchange, transfer,
and lease, giving as inheritance and mortgage of the land. Since this system is well established and
recognized the tenure is considered secure under the RBC. Land managers without the RBC will be
included in the project only under the condition that they obtain RBC.
There is a risk of timber theft within the region and this issue affects the small holders’ decision on
whether or not to harvest. Timber theft was explicitly stated by farmers as a reason to want to
In the first 6 months of 2009, 372 instances of theft were recorded with a total volume stolen of 795
m3. In 2008, 382 cases were recorded with a total volume of 750 m3.
The CBA calculations are based on the assumption that the project would be implemented without
external donor funding and thus that the project activities will be profitable enough to pay for
validation and verification costs. As mentioned above, the decisions of farmers about their land
management is, to a very high degree, determined by the financial constraints they face on a daily
basis. The farmers are poor and cash income is very limited. Plantation forestry, even at 6-7 years
rotation, is considered a long term investment. Expanding that rotation length will most likely be
perceived as additional risk to the farmers. Even though the CBA analysis results supports the
adoption of longer rotation lengths and FSC certification, the risk of farmers not wanting to get
involved in such a project due to the extended investment horizon is a real one.
The risk can most likely be mitigated by supporting the process with donor funds and technical
support for training, capacity and awareness building as well as project development. However, it is
perceived that the risk of financial failure to farmers is high.
Seen form the viewpoint of a potential project the current IFM scenario looks sound, and should be a
viable model, if farmers are able and willing to invest.
The proposed project builds on simple silvicultural techniques that will be implementable by small
holder farmers and there is no technical risk involved with these.
The project is proposed to be managed through existing provincial structures of the Department of
Forestry in Dong Ha, Quang Tri with technical support from SNV, WWF and Rainforest Alliance.
Project activities will focus on land areas allocated as forest land and will build on cost-benefit
analyses to ensure that the activities will be viable and attractive to farmers for long term economic
gains. Large parts of the land on which plantations are established are heavily degraded areas that
were exposed to defoliant application during the American/Vietnam war as well as heavy bombing.
The plantations areas have all been established on land formerly occupied by degraded shrub lands.
The plantations that are proposed to be included in the scope of the carbon project were all
established mainly through external donor funding. The fact that the land is marginal and not suitable
for agriculture makes it unlikely that alternative land uses would be able to compete with plantations.
Risk rating: low
Regulatory and social risk
Risk of political instability
The political system in Vietnam is considered to be very stable, at least in the short- and medium-
term. The government maintains tight control on policymaking and there is negligible risk of
During the first half of 2008, 134.8 ha were destroyed by 10 fires in the project area. In 2009, 9 fires
covering 37 ha have been reported to date.
The only recorded incidence of serious pest outbreak occurred in 2007, when 415.6 ha of acacia
plantations in the project area were affected by wood borer (Phalera sp.).
In 2006 the area was hit by a serious typhoon which destroyed 445 ha. The timber was harvested
yielding 15,000 m2.
Sub-step 1b: Determination of the risk factors associated with the specific project types
The project activities that are proposed can be categorized as extended rotation age (ERA) and
conversion of low-productive forests to high-productive forests (LtHP).
Illegal logging potential Low Medium
Unemployment potential Low Very low
Overall the risks associated with the proposed project are estimated to be medium. One of the main
concerns related to carbon is that the revenue that could be expected from implementing the carbon
project is relatively low compared to the added value originating from switching from chip wood to saw
log production. Involvement in carbon activities may not be seen as a desirable activity. This risk may
be overcome if external support could be secured to support some of the initial costs of development of
the project design document and project verification and validation.
Based on above risk assessment, the buffer withholding percentage for the project has been set to 15-
20% (though accounting for the buffer was not included in the model).
Additionality of the proposed activities was reviewed to ensure that a possible project would be
additional and thus eligible for selling VCUs.
The additionality of any project that wishes to be evaluated to the VCS must be tested using the Project
Test defined for this purpose by the VCS Association. The Project Test is replicated here and
responses given for the Quang Tri project.
Project Test Step 2: Implementation Barriers
The project shall face one (or more) distinct barrier(s) compared with barriers faced by alternative
a. Investment Barrier – Project faces capital or investment return constraints that can be
overcome by the additional revenues associated with the generation of VCUs.
The proposed project activities (increased rotation length, increased buffer area
maintenance and diversification using long rotation native species for high value timber
production) are all activities that are not within the economic reach of small scale farmers
that are the focus of the proposal. These farmers own and manage marginal land and
are primarily subsistence farmers with very limited cash income available. The average
household income in Quang Tri province for farmers is app. 450 USD per year, assuming
a 5 person household size.
Farmers do not generally have access to the technology that would allow them to
increase the productivity of their plantations. Their financial situation does not allow them
to invest in high quality seedlings and they are similarly limited in the amount of effort
they can invest in production enhancing silvicultural techniques. Without additional
financing these barriers would not likely be overcome and farmer would maintain
practices as usual.
Plantation and farming practices in the region are, as mentioned, based on very short
term objectives and has traditionally been guided by short and immediate need for cash.
Such practices will not likely change unless farmers are provided with additional income
that can assist to meet emergency and short term needs. The project proposal also
contains activities that relates to management of funds by individual farmers.
Project Test Step 3: Common Practice
a. Project type shall not be common practice in sector/region, compared with projects that
have received no carbon finance.
b. If it is common practice, the project proponents shall identify barriers faced compared
with existing projects.
c. Demonstration that the project is not common practice is based on guidance in the GHG
Protocol for Project Accounting, Chapter 7.
The proposed project activities to increase the biomass of standing forest by introducing
extended rotation lengths, increased buffer areas and introduction of long rotation native
timber species is not common practice in the region. As mentioned above common
practice consists predominantly of very short rotation single species stands followed by
clear cut and burning at the end of the rotation. There is no evidence that common
practice is changing except for in few areas that have received substantial amounts of
direct payments via donor-funded projects in the past.
7.2 Uncertainties
There are a number of uncertainties that should be highlighted in assessing the feasibility of this
Firstly, the prices obtained for wood chips and saw logs (with and without FSC certification) cannot be
accurately estimated. Prices were assumed in the model to stay constant, which is considered
conservative, as demand and prices are likely to increase for certified and non-certified wood. Price
increases would be expected due to inflation, which has been dealt with in the model by assuming a
discount rate, while demand is expected to increase due to the expected development and expansion
of the wood processing industry in Vietnam.
The price of carbon credits in the future is also unknown. The value of 5 USD per ton CO2e was
assumed to remain constant going forward, which again is conservative as prices are likely to rise in the
future with increased demand. The average price paid for improved forest management credits in 2007-
8 was USD 7 per ton CO2e.5
As mentioned above in the risk determination, a major uncertainty is whether or not the local farmers
will perceive the possible project benefits as outweighing the perceived risks associated with extended
rotation lengths. This issue is something that should be included in a project design as a strategy to
ensure adequate stakeholder consultation and awareness-raising to ensure that farmers understand
the risks and opportunities of the project. The uncertainty here is the ability of the project to get enough
farmers to sign up to the project and stay committed. A study team that analyzed the KfW project found
that this is a risk, but also that through proper planning and implementation the project should most
likely be able to overcome these risks. The fact that the KfW project found that signing farmers up to
their project would be a challenge would be expected to be reflected in similar challenges in a possible
carbon project.
State of the Voluntary Carbon Market 2009 -
The model does not account for the fact that some credits would be held in a risk-based buffer account
by the VCS, although contract negotiations with the buyer could help minimize the effect of this may
have on the cash flow. For example, if all credits were sold up front, the delay in receipt of credits due
to the buffer account would not affect the project cash flow directly.
7.3 Concerns
The proposed project scope includes and area of 8,000-12,000 ha. This is a considerable area that will
require relatively large up-front investments, as well as considerable organization and planning.
Collaboration with the Provincial Forestry Department will be essential to the project’s success.
Timing of credit sales and potential buyers are both uncertain. The concept of extending rotation length
to sequester carbon is not as easy for donors to visualize as avoided deforestation or tree planting. As
such, the pro-poor and community elements of this project would need to be emphasized to attract
donor and investor attention.
The importance of secured funding should not be underestimated. The discount rate in the model was
set high, but for the project to be successful its financial structure must not put farmers in a position to
take on debt or have any great incentive to leave the scheme by harvesting early.
In order to ensure eligibility for validation and verification to the VCS the project timeline is set to 30-40
years, meaning that farmers would be required to commit their land to the project for 30-40 years into
the future. As they are mostly relatively poor and have traditionally oriented their livelihoods around
short term decision-making, it is likely to be a serious challenge to convince farmers to sign up their
land for such an extended period of time.
Based on this analysis, it seems that the project (extending rotation length with Forest Stewardship
Council certification and carbon credit generation components) could provide long-term financial
viability for participants and could be developed to meet the requirements of validation and verification
against the VCS and CCB Standard.
As can be seen from figures 5 and 6 the main financial benefit from the project would originate from the
farmers adopting longer rotation ages and thus reaping the benefits of being able to produce higher
value saw logs instead of low value chip wood. The financial benefits of FSC certification and carbon
credit production are small when compared to the extra money made from extending the rotation length
alone. Adding an FSC certification component to the project is more financially attractive than adding a
carbon project unless all carbon credits can be sold at the start of the project, and could help increase
the chance of the project’s success through better management practices as well as increasing the
marketability of the timber. Adding the carbon component to the project will not contribute significantly
to the success of the timber generating aspect of the project, but does bring extra risk. The revenue per
hectare is low for carbon due to the project type, and monitoring costs are likely to be relatively high
because the project has a high number of dispersed land parcels.
The biggest challenge of facilitating the carbon and FSC certification efforts is structuring finance to
cover the high cost of initial investments related to these activities and to cover the delayed receipt of
revenues for farmers. Due to the uncertainties listed above, a carbon project also brings risk, as the
invested funds will only reap benefits if the project is executed as planned.
On balance, given the limited resources available to invest in carbon sequestration projects, this idea is
not considered one that should be pursued. Many of the benefits of the carbon project can be achieved
without the project if donor funding can be found.
Le Truong Giang (2009) Report on Plantation Survey Results (n Vinh Linh and Gio Linh districts, Quang
Tri Province (1st Draft). WWF
Wheatly, C. & Peters, D. (2008) Acacia Value Chain in the North Central Region of Vietnam. Part of a 3
value chain analysis and programme development study. SNV.
See spreadsheet titled: Ikea Viet Nam Feasibility Carbon Model V1.xls
Please contact climate@ra.org for a copy.