Raghu Engineering College: Autonomous

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Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Approved by AICTE
Accredited by NBA
Accredited by NAAC with A grade
Ranked AAA by Careers 360
Ranked A Grade by AP State Knowledge Mission
Ranked 63rd among Top 100 Private Engineering Colleges in India
by Higher Education Review Magazine.
Ranked 92 among top private Engineering colleges in India
by the Week Magazine
Ranked 14 among 33 promising Engineering Colleges in India by GHRD

Department of Mechanical Engineering

IV B.Tech I Semester
Unit - 6
Unit 6
Day 34
Topics to be covered: Applications in material science
Q1. Write the applications of nanomaterials in material science.
Ability of materials to dramatically change their properties at nanoscale has
opened up the possibility of making new devices, instruments and consumer
goods etc. to function in much better way than was possible earlier. Rapid
progress in synthesis and understanding of nanomaterials in just a few years
has led them to enter the world market in a big way. Nanotechnology should
let us make almost every manufactured product faster, lighter, stronger,
smarter, safer and cleaner. Various applications of nanomaterials in various
fields through material science are,
 Electronics  Domestic applications
 Energy  Medical field
 Automobiles  Space applications
 Sports and toys  Defence applications
 Textile  Transportation Model
 Cosmetics
Q2. Explain the applications of nanomaterials in electronics with examples.
ELECTRONICS: Now a days, the electronic devices have the typical dimensions
of few nanometres in either of three directions have been produced. It is not
just the miniaturization, but these devices have unique properties not known
before last 5-6 decades since the beginning of solid state devices. Single
Electron Transistor (SET), Spin valves and Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJ) are
conceptually new devices based on nanotechnology. Such devices are faster,
compact, relatively cheaper, and are finding their way to market. Spin valve
type devices are already being used in personal computers to 'read disk'
which have enabled to increase data storage capacity of hard disks.
Interestingly, spin valve and MTJ are based on a concept which itself is
growing into an area in itself known as spintronics (spin based electronics) or
magnetoelectronics. Some of the materials which have a potential in
spintronics are summarized below:
1) II-VI semiconductors doped with transition metal ions [Diluted Metal
Semiconductors (DMS)].
2) III-V semiconductors doped with transition metal ions (DMS).
3) Metal oxides with large band gap and doped with transition metals. e.g.
TiO2, SnO2 doped with cobalt.
4) Eu chalcogenides and Heusler alloys like NiMnSb, Mn2CoGe.
5) Ferromagnetic metal oxides like CrO2, Fe3O4.
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
6) Mn11Ge8 and Lanthanum doped CaB6.
It is well understood that an electron (or hole) has both charge and spin.
However electronics has so far used only the charge property of electron (or
hole) and spin has been neglected. In recent years, it has been now realized
that if spin of an electron (or hole) is taken into account, properly fabricated
devices would lead to some superior devices. Using an external magnetic
field, spin transport can be controlled. Advantage with spin is that, it cannot
be easily destroyed by scattering from collisions with other charges,
impurities or defects. Many spin based devices like Spin-FET, Spin-LED, optical
switches with THz frequency, modulators, encoders, decoders, q-bits for
quantum computers are on the hot list of scientists and the technologists.
The flat panel television or computer monitors are the products of
nanotechnology. Even the coatings used on screens of TV or monitors can be
of nanoparticles, which have better properties in terms of colour quality and
resolution than micro particle coatings.
Previous JNTUK Questions:
1) Write the applications of the nanomaterials in electronics with
examples. [NOV 2016 5M]
Day 35
Topics to be covered: Applications of nanomaterials for energy
Q3. Explain the applications of nanomaterials for energy with examples.
 Nanotechnology will play an important role in the field of 'energy'. We all
know that natural energy resources like oil, coal, natural gas etc. required
for all transportation, communication, agriculture, industry, houses, and
many other human activities are limited and are depleting very fast.
 The future generations will have to look for alternative energy sources like
solar energy or hydrogen based fuel to satisfy their requirements.
 Scientists hope to make efficient solar cells using nanomaterials.
 There is a considerable amount of research going on tap hydrogen fuel by
Splitting water (H2O) using sunlight in the presence of nanomaterials
 Available hydrogen can indeed become a good source of fuel for
automobiles and other transportation purposes.
 However storing hydrogen is not an easy job as it is highly flammable.
Material like carbon nanotubes, which is a special class of nanomaterials, is
being investigated for its potential use as hydrogen storage material.
 Current cost of carbon nanotubes is very high, but scientists are trying to
find inexpensive ways of making them on large quantities, which would
help in future to use hydrogen fuel without risk.
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
 There are also attempts going on to increase the efficiency of solar cells for
energy production using nanoparticles.
 Numerous gadgets like laptops, cellular phones, cordless phones, portable
radios, CD players, calculators etc. need rechargeable, light weight batteries
or 'cells'.
 Presently, the batteries for such gadgets need to be either replaced with
new ones or recharged quite frequently due to their low energy density or
storage capacity.
 Attempts are being made to increase their energy density by replacing, for
example the electrode materials.
 Some metal hydride nanoparticles like nickel hydrides or high surface area,
ultra light weight materials like aerogels are found to be better options than
the conventional materials in improved batteries.
Day 36
Topics to be covered: Applications of nanomaterials for automobiles
Q4. Explain the applications of nanomaterials for automobiles with
 Even a simple car is made up of large parts and materials. Its body and
various structural parts are made up of steel, some alloys, rubbers, plastics
 Body structure should be strong, nondeformable or rigid, of desirable shape
and size. It is known that nanotube composites have mechanical strength
better than steel.
 Attempts are made to make composites that can replace steel.
 Currently the synthesis of nanotubes is not economically viable but
attempts are being made so that it can be used on large scale.
 Cars are spray painted with fine particles.
 Nanoparticle paints provide smooth, thin attractive coating. Research is
going on to explore the possibility of applying a small voltage to change the
colour of the car as desired.
 It is possible to use special window glass materials. One can use 'self
cleaning' glass so that it is not necessary to wash the windows with water.
 Self cleaning glass can be made by dissolving small amount of titania (TiO 2)
nanoparticles in it while manufacturing it by melting together its other
ingredients like silica (SiO2), CaO, Ba2O3 etc. Titania is able to dissociate
organic dust in presence of UV light available in sunlight. Once dissociated it
may fall down or simply evaporate.
 Even drops of waters on glass give hazy look. But TiO2 containing glass can
spread water evenly giving clear sight.
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
 Besides main engine there are large numbers of small motors in a car. For
example wipers, window glass movements, removing CD's from player etc.
All these operations need one kind of motor or the other.
 Very powerful motors using what is known as shape memory alloys are
made using nanoparticles of materials like Ni-Ti. They perform better and
are less power hungry than other motors. Such motors are finding their way
in automobiles.
 Tyres of cars consume considerable amount of rubber causing not only
increase in price but also add to its weight. Increase in weight is related to
reduction of speed and increase in fuel consumption.
 By using nanoparticles clay-better, light weight, less rubber consuming
thinner tires are possible.
 Newer cars are expected to employ such tyres. Emission of particles and
poisonous gases like CO, NO from car exhausts is one of the biggest
concerns in the cities. Increasing number of vehicles means increased air
pollution affecting a large portion of world population.
 Use of efficient nanomaterial catalysts is one solution to convert harmful
emission into less harmful gases.
 Large surface area of nanoparticles is useful to produce better catalysts.
 Another solution to overcome the pollution problem is to use hydrogen as a
 There are numerous advantages of using hydrogen as a fuel. First of all
hydrogen as a part of water molecule is abundant on earth as compared to
depleting oil used as petrol or diesel after refining.
 Dissociation of water into H2 and O2 is not a difficult process. Therefore
abundant H2 fuel can be made available. When H2 fuel is burned it can only
produce harmless water vapour.
 However main problem of using hydrogen fuel is its storage. Hydrogen gas
is normally stored in a metal cylinder under high pressure.
 Carrying metal cylinders under high pressure can not only add to the weight
of the vehicle but is also dangerous. Hydrogen in contact with air can catch
 A solution to this problem has been suggested that, it can be saved in some
other forms like metal hydride.
 Another solution is to store it in 'nanocylinders' of carbon nanotubes.
Currently many improvements in techniques are necessary to make CNT
synthesis economically viable.
 Once this is achieved using H2 fuel would be advantageous.

Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6

Previous JNTUK Questions:
1) Explain the application of nanomaterials for automobiles with examples.
[NOV 2016 5M]
Day 37
Topics to be covered: Applications nanomaterials for textiles, sports & toys,
domestic and cosmetics, space, defence and transportation
Q5. Explain the applications of nanomaterials in textiles, sports & toys,
domestic and cosmetics, space, defence and transportation?
 Textile industry is also quite excited about nanomaterials. There are some
clothes produced which would give pleasant look of synthetic fibre but
comfort of cotton.
 Special threads and dyes used in textile industry are products of
 These clothes neither require ironing nor frequent cleaning.
 In fact some companies are trying to use even silver nanoparticles in
washing machines which will make clothes germ-free.
 Nanoparticles are also important in cosmetics. Zinc oxide and titanium
oxide nanoparticles of fairly uniform size are able to absorb ultraviolet
light and protect the skin.
 Due to their small size nanoparticles-based creams are preferred as they
can be used in small amount and do not leave any gaps between them.
This gives a smooth appearance.
 The small particles in some of the creams scatter light in such a way that
appearance of the wrinkles is diminished.
 Some creams using nanoparticles are already marketed.
 Nano based dyes and colours are quite harmless to skin and can be used in
hair creams or gels.
 The nano-based cosmetics are becoming quite popular.
 Nanotechnology has already been introduced into the sports equipment
and toys.
 Tennis balls using nanoc1ay are able to fill pores in better way and trap the
air pressure inside.
 This increases the life of balls. Some of the international organizations
have accepted such balls for their tournaments.
 Good quality tennis racquets are made of carbon. Lightweight and
toughness or strength is necessary for such racquets.
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
 It is possible that carbon nanotube composites would serve as a high
strength, lightweight material for racquets.
In other games too balls and other "equipments using nanomaterials
can be employed. Toy industry also has been well geared to embrace
nanotechnology. Eye movements of dolls, robot movements etc. are
enjoyed by children but appear quite brisk. Nanotechnology-based motors
are being used by toy industry now making them very smooth and swift.
 Silver nanoparticles are used in making refrigerators, air purifiers or air
conditioners and water purifiers.
 It is well known for long time that silver has antibacterial property. That is
why it has been used as utensils material since long. But recent research
has shown that silver nanoparticles are much more effective and only
small quantity of them is required. Therefore some manufacturers have
special nanoparticles lining in refrigerators, air conditioners or even in
washing machines.
 Food in refrigerators can remain fresh and prevent fungal growth for
longer time than ordinary refrigerators.
 The clothes washed in silver nanoparticles lined washing machines are
claimed to stay sterile for about a month.
 This should be quite useful in hospitals.
 Air conditioners or water filters with silver nanoparticles also are claimed
to have advantages and are being marketed with very little additional
 There is always a fear that terrorist or enemies may use dangerous
microbes or viruses as weapons.
 Quick detection of biological weapons is the urgent need of defence
departments and other public offices for 'on the spot check' of the
dangerous traffic of harmful biological weapons or epidemic. For example,
it becomes necessary to detect anthrax or SARS patients immediately.
 Nanotechnology is expected to play an important role in these areas.
Lighter materials will make air and space travel more economical. Today,
most airplanes are made from metal despite the fact that diamond has a
strength-to-weight ratio over 50 times that of aerospace aluminum.
Diamond is expensive, we can't make it in the shapes we want, and it
shatters. Nanotechnology will let us inexpensively make shatterproof
diamond (with a structure that might resemble diamond fibers) in exactly
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
the shapes we want. This would let us make a Boeing 747 whose unloaded
weight was 50 times lighter but just as strong.
 In space mainly solar power is used to power the satellites or spacecraft.
Some of the solar cells currently in use have reached efficiency ~ 30%.
 Some solar cells are approaching a theoretical efficiency of ~ 40%.
 However there is still a concern in reducing the weight of materials used in
 solar cells.
 It is speculated that future spacecrafts would be powered with
luminescent dye sensitized nanoparticle based solar cell arrays.
 Space vehicles also need high performance, multifunctional materials
which can withstand harsh and extreme environments during launching
and in space.
 Materials should also sustain high or low temperature and high or low
 For some parts light weight polymers are quite attractive. Low processing
temperature, possibility of having them as fibres, coatings and thin films
make polymers attractive as internal insulation in solid rocket motors.
 Polymer composites using silica fibres and nanoparticles have larger
Young's modulus, low temperature coefficient of expansion and high
impact strength.
 In satellites better igniters of nanocrystalline materials are being
 Alumina particles are used in solid propellants.
 Nanoparticles of alumina are at least six times faster to burn than the
conventional particles.
 A nanocornposite of Fe2O3 and aluminium burns much faster and is more
sensitive than conventional thermites.
 In aircrafts superior property and specially fatigue resistant materials are
 Fatigue strength usually decreases with time. Some nanomaterials have
better fatigue strength and life is increased by ~200-300%.
Day 38
Topics to be covered: Medical applications of nanotechnology
Q6. Write a note on: Medical applications of nanotechnology and.
 A great revolution is also taking place also in medical field due to
 One of the best inventions is that of respirocyte an artificial blood cell
capable of delivering O2 100 times more efficient than conventional RBCs.
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
 Its application is valuable as it can be used in the treatment of various
respiratory and cardiovascular disorders.
 Quantum dots are also used in the repair cells and damaged DNA to
remove the toxins and fight other deadly diseases.
 Initial tests of various drug delivery systems, cancer or tumor therapies or
detection have been successful using nanotechnology.
 Nanoparticles being very small are easy to inject and target towards
specific cells in portion of a body. In recent years gold nanorods which
have strong scattering and absorption property in the infrared are used
successfully to detect and destroy cancer cells in rats.
 Infrared light has the advantage that, it can easily get transmitted through
cells and muscles.
 It is observed that infrared laser beam could be used to detect (image) and
destroy cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells.
 This is possible because healthy cells required twice the laser power as
compared to cancer cells destruction.
 It is quite important as it would avoid killing of healthy cells unlike in
 Thus by using low power for imaging and destroying cancer cells no side
effects due to destruction of healthy tissues can occur.
 This is the key concept in curing cancer by nanoparticles.
 Use of nanoshells is further useful as they do the same job with more
 Particle surface can be modified using some functional molecules which
can then go to specific receptor site.
 The early detection of cancer has been claimed to be possible due to
nanotechnology based analysis. This would enable to treat the patients
much earlier before it's too late.
 Even to image certain parts of body like in dentistry, bones etc. nano
phosphors are being used. Such materials have great impact in solving our
health related problems.
 Drugs can be encapsulated in nano capsules and targeted towards desired
parts of a body.
 Drug can then be fast or slowly delivered, as desired, by opening the
capsule using some external stimulus like magnetic field or infrared light or
under some physiological conditions.
 There is considerable nanotechnology-based research going on to help
diabetic and HIV affected patients.
Previous JNTUK Questions:
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
1) Write the applications of nanostructures in biomedical via nano
technology. [NOV 2016 5M]
Day 39
Topics to be covered: Environmental benefits of nanotechnology
Q7. Write a note on: Environmental benefits of nanotechnology.
 A strong influence of nanotechnology on waste-water treatment, air
purification and energy storage devices is expected.
 Mechanical or chemical methods can be used for effective filtration
 One class of filtration techniques is based on the use of membranes with
suitable pore sizes, whereby the liquid is pressed through the membrane.
 Nanoporous membranes are suitable for a mechanical filtration with
extremely small pores smaller than 10 nm ("nanofiltration") and may be
composed of nanotubes.
 Nanofiltration is mainly used for the removal of ions or separation of
different fluids.
 Magnetic nanoparticles offer an effective and reliable method to remove
heavy metal contaminants from waste water by making use of magnetic
separation techniques.
 Using nanoscale particles increases the efficiency to absorb the
contaminants and is relatively inexpensive compared to traditional
precipitation and filtration methods.
 Some water-treatment devices incorporating nanotechnology are already
on the market, with more in development.
 Low-cost nanostructured separation membranes methods have been
shown to be effective in producing potable water in a recent study.
 Nanoscale iron particles have also shown potential as a detoxifying agent
for cleaning environmental contaminants from brown field sites.
Day 40
Topics to be covered: Applications of nano thin films and quantum dots
Q8. Write a note on: Applications of nano thin films and quantum dots?
Applications of nano thin films:
 Nanostructured thin films are being widely used as thin film solid
electrolytes and thin film transistors for liquid crystal displays.
 Nanostructured thin films can be used in fabrication of FET.
 Nanostructured thin films are already used as thermoelectric materials in
 Detectors,
 Sensors,
Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6
 Nano lasers,
 Super lattice nanowires.
 Nanostructured thin films also find application as a spin valves in giant
magneto resistance (GMR) systems such as read and write heads.
Applications of quantum dots
 Quantum dots are the nanoparticles having size less than 10 nm.
 CdSe/ZnS/CdS/CuS Quantum dots are particularly used as fluorescent
probes with size tunable emission properties due their wide band gap.
 Quantum dots are also used in photo bleaching.
 One of the best inventions is that of “respirocyte” an artificial blood cell
capable of delivering O2 hundred times more efficient than conventional
 Its application is valuable as it can be used in the treatment of various
respiratory and cardiovascular disorders.
 Quantum dots are also used in the repair cells and damaged DNA to
remove the toxins and fight other deadly diseases.
 There is considerable nanotechnology-based research going on construct
high speed and tiny quantum computers.
Previous JNTUK Questions:
1) Write a note on application of nano thinfilms and quantum dots. [NOV
2016 5M]

Raghu Engineering College Dept. of MECH NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit - 6

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