Ethical Practices by INFOSYS: Business Ethics Assignment-1
Ethical Practices by INFOSYS: Business Ethics Assignment-1
Ethical Practices by INFOSYS: Business Ethics Assignment-1
2. Conflict of Interest
• This is the situations when an Infosys employee or director may have an interest of
any kind in the Supplier's business, whether through personal relationships,
investments, directorships or any kind of economic ties with the Supplier. In event of
any conflict of interest arising at the time of empanelment or during engagement,
Suppliers are required to promptly disclose such situations to the company
. 5. International Trade
• Suppliers will comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning importing,
exporting, re-exporting or transfer of Infosys products and services.
6. Confidentiality
• Employees must ensure that confidential or proprietary information about Infosys, our
clients, employees or other parties, which has been gained through employment or
affiliation with the company, is not used for personal or professional advantage. The
confidential information also extends to any employee data, personal data or third -
party information as shared by Infosys.
2. Child labour
The company does not employ, engage or otherwise use any child labour. Infosys expects its
employees to not engage in any practice inconsistent with the rights set forth in the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, ILO Minimum Age Convention and Prohibition and
Immediate Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention. The term ‘child’
refers to any person employed normally under the age of 18 where the law of the country
permits, or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age
for employment in the country, whichever is greatest.
3.Humane Treatment
The management does not tolerate any instance of harsh and inhumane treatment including
but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical
coercion or verbal abuse of workers, including the threat of any such treatment. The company
clearly lay down and communicate to workers the disciplinary policies and procedures in this
As a part Infosys create a responsible supply chain, Infosys has set up VIVA Framework
Goodwill towards business, society and environment that aims at aligning our sustainability
practices to our supply chain. Company is constantly innovating towards the following aims.
Energy and Emissions: Infosys expects its employees to participate, at a minimum and co-
create solutions to minimize and regulate the wastage of energy.
Waste: Infosys has been persistent in its waste management efforts and ensures reuse,
recycling and the responsible disposal of waste,
Water: Infosys aims to make their campuses water sustainable by reducing consumption,
rainwater harvesting and recycling waste water. Infosys expects its employees to participate,
at a minimum and co-create solutions to achieve