XI - CBSE - Worksheet - 3 - Anatomy of Flowering Plants
XI - CBSE - Worksheet - 3 - Anatomy of Flowering Plants
XI - CBSE - Worksheet - 3 - Anatomy of Flowering Plants
14. How many of the below given statements are 22. Aerenchyma helps mainly in
true w.r.t meristamatic tissues. 1) buoyancy
I) Cells with dense protoplasm. 2) photosynthesis
II) Thin walled 3) mechanical strength
III) Divide repeatedly
4) flexibility
IV) Abundant plasmadesmatal connections
23. Identify A, B and C in the given figure.
V) Large central vacuole
1) 2 2) 4
3) 1 4) 5
15. Gymnosperms lack
1) Sieve cell, alubuminous cells
2) Sieve tubes, companion cells
3) Sieve cells, companion cells
4) Sieve cells, cork cambium 1) A-leaf primordium, B-shoot apical
16. Statement I : Xylem fibres are always septate meristem, C-Axillary bud
only. 2) A-leaf primordium, B-shoot apical
Statement II : Collenchymas cells often have meristem, C-Terminal bud
chloroplasts 3) A-root hair primordium, B-root apical
1) Both statements are true meristem, C-Axillary bud
2) Statement I is true but II is false 4) A- root hair primordium, B-root apical
3) Statement I is false but II is true meristem, C-Terminal bud
4) Both statements are false
24. Dead fibre associated with the food translocating
17. Phloem fibres are structurally composed of
vascular tissues in plants are
1) Parenchyma 2) Aerenchyma
1) Parenchyma 2) Wood fibre
3) Collenchyma 4) Sclerenchyma
3) Bast fibre 4) Collenchyma
18. In which of the following plant tissues,
parenchyma is absent? THE TISSUE SYSTEM
1) Phloem of China rose 25. A few epidermal cells, in the vicinity of the
2) Phloem of Maize guard cells become specialized in their shape
3) Xylem of Rice and size are known as
4) Xylem of Beans 1) Subsidiary cells
19. All the xylem elements are dead except 2) Complementary cells
1) tracheids 3) Bulliform cells
2) vessels 4) Passage cells
3) Xylem sclerenchyma 26. Ground tissue system includes
4) Xylem parenchyma 1) All tissues except epidermal tissue system
20. End walls of tracheids and vessels respectively and vascular tissue system
are 2) All tissues except epidermis and
1) pitted and perforated endodermis
2) perforated and pitted 3) All tissues except endodermis and medulla
3) both perforated 4) All tissues except xylem and phloem
4) both pitted 27. When xylem and phloem in a vascular bundle
21. Which of the following tissue shows greater are arranged in a different radii, the
diversity in the morphology and function? arrangement is called as
1) Parenchyma 2) Collenchyma 1) Conjoint 2) Radial
3) Sclerenchyma 4) all of the above 3) Collateral 4) Bicollateral
28. Conjoint, collateral vascular bundles are 30. Innermost layer of cortex (endodermis) in dicots
present in can perform several functions like
1) Roots, stems, leaves 2) Stems, roots only (a) Storage
3) Stems, leaves only 4) Stems only (b) Secondary meristem
29. Epidermal hair in the shoot system are (c) Redifferentiation capacity
1) Usually multicellular (d) Check points for entry of solutes
2) Stiff only 1) Only (a) and (c) 2) (a), (b) and (c)
3) Responsible for preventing water loss due 3) Only (a) and (d) 4) Only (b) and (d)
to guttation
4) Responsible for water absorption from air