Economics and Social Sciences Area: Ph.D. in Management
Economics and Social Sciences Area: Ph.D. in Management
Economics and Social Sciences Area: Ph.D. in Management
in Management
Economics and Social Sciences Area
Full-Time Doctoral Programme
About the Economics and Faculty Profiles
Social Sciences Area
Anubha Dhasmana - International Macroeconomics.
The Economics and Social Sciences (ESS) Ph.D. (Economics), The Johns Hopkins University
area engages in teaching, research, external
engagements, and media and policy outreach
in a wide range of fields. These include A Damodaran - Environmental Economics and Financing
Behavioural Economics, Development Cultural Economics, IPR Economics. Ph.D. (Economics),
Economics, Environmental Economics, University of Kerala, India
Game Theory, Industrial Organization, IPRs,
International Trade, International Monetary Chetan Subramanian - International Macroeconomics.
Economics, and Labour Economics. It has a Ph.D. (Economics), University of Southern California
good mix of faculty with theoretical, empirical
and policy related work. ESS faculty have
published research papers in reputed Gopal Naik - Public Policy/Public Service Delivery, Policies
journals such as the Journal of Development on Agriculture and Rural Development. Ph.D. (Economics),
Economics, Journal of International University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
Economics, Journal of Economic Theory,
Journal of Political Economy and Journal Kunal Dasgupta - International Trade, Political Economy.
of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Ph.D. (Economics), Princeton University
among others. Faculty members have
also published books, book chapters, and
reports and have contributed to reference
Manaswini Bhalla - Information Economics, Game Theory,
handbooks in their research domains. Microeconomics. Ph.D. (Economics), The Pennsylvania State
Several ESS faculty are members of national University
and international expert committees in their
fields of expertise and provide policy advice
Ramnath Narayanswamy – Spirituality and Management,
to government and international institutions.
Culture, Society. Ph.D. (Economics & Sociology), Ecole des
The ESS area has a vibrant doctoral Hautes Etudes en Sciences Socials, Paris, France
program, attracting candidates from reputed
programs in Economics as well as other Ritwik Banerjee - Behavioural Economics.
disciplines from academic institutions in India Ph.D. (Economics), Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
and abroad. It offers a Ph.D. degree (formerly
known as Fellow Program in Management
– FPM) on successful completion of Rupa Chanda - International Trade, Macroeconomics.
coursework and a dissertation. Ph.D. Ph.D. (Economics), Columbia University
candidates have specialized in many of the
above fields and have also published their
thesis work in reputed international journals Srinivasan Murali - Macroeconomics, Labor Economics.
such as Economics Letters, Journal of Health Ph.D. (Economics), Ohio State University
Economics, Economic Development and
Cultural Change and Economic Modelling,
among others. Many of our Ph.D. students Subhashish Gupta – Game Theory, Industrial Organization,
have been placed successfully at other IIMs, Competition Policy. Ph.D. (Economics), The University of Iowa
including IIM Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Nagpur
and Vishakhapatnam and Management
institutes such as Narsee Monjee and Tirthatanmoy Das - Labour Economics, Econometrics,
International Management Institute (IMI). Health Economics, Behavioural Economics. Ph.D. (Economics),
Some of our students have been selected to State University of New York at Binghamton
prestigious post-doctoral programmes such
as the Jean Monnet fellowship in the EU and
Vidhya Soundararajan - Applied Economics,
some have joined industry and research/ Labour Economics, Development Economics.
policy think tanks. Ph.D. (Applied Economics), Cornell University
IIMB provides students with campus
accommodation and hosts a range of Vivek Moorthy – Macroeconomics,
sports and recreation facilities as well as International Monetary Economics.
eateries, to make one’s stay comfortable and Ph.D. (Economics), University of California, Los Angeles
Students Speak
Student Profiles “The FPM Program at IIM Bangalore
Current Students (1st – 3rd year Ph.D.): is one of the best in India for quality
Institution Graduated from research in Economics. It offers a
• Shiv Nadar University U.P. / MSc perfect blend of comprehensive
course work and research techniques.
• Banaras Hindu University / MA
The Professors specialize in a variety
• University of Calcutta / MA of subfields in Economics and
• Jawaharlal Nehru Institute New Delhi / MA constantly work alongside students. IIM Bangalore
• Jamia Millia Islamia University of Delhi / MA provides a plethora of opportunities to interact
• IIT Kanpur / B Tech with eminent Economists across the country and
• St Joseph College, Bangalore University / MA abroad, through a series of Research Seminars.
• IIT Mumbai / MA The Economics Department encourages young
• Ambedkar University of Delhi / MA minds to present their ideas in various brown-
bag sessions. Overall, it provides a conducive
environment for research and prepares doctoral
students for the world of Academia.”
Senior Students:
Dissertation Title Banantika Datta, 2nd Year ESS Student
• Establishing the Micro-Foundations of IT Agglomeration – “The FPM program at IIMB
Alternate Theories provides the structured and
• Essays in International Trade in Post Liberalisation India rigorous coursework necessary for
broadening the ideas and views of
• Impact of Deregulation of fuel market on Volatility of food prices
a future researcher. In the past one
in India
year, I have been able to enhance my
• Monetary Policy and Business cycles in India
knowledge in the field of economics
and pick up the necessary tools, like applied
Alumni Speak statistics and econometrics, required for carrying
out good research. Regular research seminars,
“The doctoral programme at IIMB was perfect! With
supervisors who respond by email within an hour, conducted by the ESS area, have added a lot of
courses that make you think critically, financial support scope in terms of the research topics available to
unparalleled in India, and a fantastic football field, I had a me for dissertation or future work. These, along with
dream run with my doctoral thesis. The opportunities at several conferences and brown bags, ensure that
IIMB helped me do a postdoctoral fellowship in beautiful the students know about the frontiers of research
Florence in Italy in 2013, after which I have had the in the area. In addition, the faculty always welcome
opportunity to work in different academic settings, with the Office of the exploring various research ideas with students. All
Chief Economic Advisor of India and even spend time at the Harvard this makes the research environment at IIMB truly
Business School on the Alfred Chandler Jr. Visiting Fellowship. My first conducive to free thinking and enabling students
book - India Moving: A History of Migration (Penguin 2018) - grew out to pick up the right research topics. Considering
of my IIMB doctoral thesis which was the result of extensive fieldwork, the amount of effort and seriousness put in by the
large-scale data analysis and above all, the freedom given at IIMB to institute in furthering its research agenda, it can be
explore one’s research interest with passion” undoubtedly said that the FPM program at IIMB is
Chinmay Tumbe, FPM 2013 and Assistant Professor at IIM, Ahmedabad one of the best management doctoral programs
in India.”
“The doctoral programme at IIM Bangalore is amongst Rahul Rao, 2nd Year ESS Student
the best in the country allowing its students to engage
in multidisciplinary research as well as training in the “The FPM program at IIM B is one of
management domains. The rigorous course work helps a kind in India. What makes it unique
build strong foundations to tread on the path of one’s is its dynamic nature which helps to
academic journey with ease. Regular research seminars, keep in pace with the current research
workshops etc. by visiting scholars and faculty take practices around the world. The initial
place here, acquainting you to the new domains of research. The coursework prepares thoroughly
institute provides generous support and freedom to attend and for the thesis to follow. The faculty
present at national and international conferences that helped me gain
interaction, visiting scholars and seminar series
wide exposure. I am immensely thankful to have been guided by an
are some of the key highlights. My journey has
impeccable advisor for my dissertation with whom I will continue to
collaborate for years to come. The time spent in the beautiful campus been quite enriching and the exposure at IIM B has
with a motivated group of peers, exploring intellectual pursuits will made me confident in pursuing quality research as
always remain cherished.” an academician. “
Kalpana Tokas, FPM 2019 and Assistant Professor at IMI, New Delhi Abhishek Naresh, 4th Year ESS Student
Disclaimer: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore reserves the right to change the information provided in the brochure or on the website,
including the terms of the programme and its fee. . Release date: 26 October, 2019
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