Part 1: Obligations (VSA-IRS) : Diligence of A Good Father of A Family

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Part 1: Obligations (VSA-IRS)

1. Unless the law or the stipulations of the parties require another

standard of care, every person obliged to give something is also
obliged to take care of it with:
a. Extra-ordinary diligence
b. Diligence of a father of a good family
c. Diligence of a good father of a family
d. Good diligence of a father of a family
2. This refers to delay on the part of the creditor.
a. Mora solvendi ex re
b. Compensatio morae
c. Mora solvendi ex personae
d. Mora accipiendi
3. One of the following obligations is not immediately demandable.
a. Pure obligation
b. Obligation with a resolutory condition
c. Obligation with an in diem period
d. Obligation with an ex die period
4. The debtor shall lose the right to make use of the period in the
following cases, except when he:
a. Becomes insolvent
b. Violates any undertaking in consideration of which the creditor
agreed to the period
c. Attempts to abscond
d. Does not furnish any guaranty or security to the creditor
5. A, B, C, and D, joint debtors, are obliged to give V, W, X, Y, and Z,
solidary creditors, P20,000.00.
a. V may collect from B P20,000.00
b. V may collect from B P4,000.00
c. V may collect from B P5,000.00
d. V may collect from B P1,000.00
6. In obligations with a penal clause, the creditor as a rule may recover
from the debtor in case of breach the following:
a. The penalty as agreed upon, plus damages and interest
b. The penalty and damages
c. The penalty and interest
d. Only the penalty
7. B borrowed from XYZ bank P2,000,000.00 payable at the end of 5
years. Before maturity, an extraordinary deflation supervened causing
the value of the debt to rise to P5,000,000.00 on the date of maturity.
On due date, B must pay XYZ bank:
a. P2,000,000.00
b. P5,000,000.00
c. P800,000.00
d. P20,000,000.00
8. Consignation alone without any tender of payment is sufficient in the
following cases, except:
a. When the creditor is absent or unknown or does not appear at
the place of payment
b. When the creditor represents the title to the obligation
for collection
c. When without just cause, the creditor refuses to give a receipt
d. When two or more persons claim the same right to collect

9. D owes C P10,000.00 with G as guarantor. C, on the other hand, owes

D, P8,000.00. Both debts are already due but D is insolvent. In this
a. C may collect from G P10,000.00
b. C may collect from G P2,000.00 because a guarantor can
set up compensation as regards what the creditor owes
the principal debtor.
c. C may collect nothing form G because D is insolvent
d. C may collect P8,000.00 form G
10. On July 1, 2015, D obliged himself to give C P50,000.00 if C will
marry X on or before December 31, 2015. The condition of the
obligation is a:
a. Positive condition
b. Negative condition
c. Joint condition
d. Impossible condition
11. D owes C P6,000.00. No date for payment was stipulated by the
a. C cannot require D to pay because there is no date for payment
b. C can require D to pay at anytime
c. D is not liable to C because the obligation is void there being no
date of payment
d. D is not required to pay unless C goes to court and asks the court
to fix a period for the payment
12. Legal compensation shall not be proper in three of the following
cases. Which is the exception?
a. Commodatum
b. Civil liability arising from a criminal offense
c. Gratuitous support
d. Bank deposit
13. A, B, and C are solidarily liable to X for P30,000.00. A pays X the
whole amount due. C, however, is insolvent.
a. A alone will bear the share of C who is insolvent since he (A)
made the payment
b. A can collect from B P10,000.00
c. A can collect from B P15,000.00
d. A can demand a refund of P10,000.00 from X pertaining to C’s
share since C is insolvent
14. D is indebted to C for P20,000.00 which is due on June 10. C
owes D P15,000.00 which is due on June 5. On June 8, C assigned his
credit rights to T. D gave his consent to the assignment but did not
reserve his right to the compensation. On June 10, how much may T
collect from D?
a. P20,000.00
b. P15,000.00
c. P5,000.00
d. Nothing
15. The return of what has been paid by mistake is known as:
a. Solutio indebiti
b. Negotiorum gestio
c. Quasi-delict
d. Natural obligation
16. One of the following obligations is not demandable at once.
Which is it?
a. D to give his car to C. No date was fixed by the parties for the
date of delivery
b. D to give his car to C until C completes his course in BS
c. D to give his car to C until X dies
d. D to give C his car should C enroll in BS Accountancy

17. D promised to give C 10 sacks of rice when X, C’s father, dies.

The obligation of D to C is:
a. An obligation with a suspensive condition
b. An obligation with a resolutory condition
c. An obligation with a period
d. A pure obligation
18. The right of C before the delivery, on one hand, and his right
after the delivery, on the other hand, of the agricultural land and its
fruits, to him are referred to as:
a. Personal right and real right, respectively
b. Real right and personal right, respectively
c. Both are considered a personal right
d. Both are considered a real right
19. When the debtor and the creditor agree to a dacion en pago
(transfer of ownership of property to the creditor to settle a monetary
obligation), before such transfer of ownership, there is actually a:
a. Compensation
b. Confusion
c. Condonation
d. Novation
20. Alternative obligation and facultative obligation are similar in
which of the following respects?
a. The right of choice may be given either to the debtor or creditor
b. Several prestations are due
c. Only one prestation is due but the debtor may render another in
d. The obligation becomes a simple obligation once the
choice of the prestation is made and communicated
21. D owes C the following debts: P3,000.00 due on August 10;
P3,000.00 due on August 15; P3,000.00 due on August 20; and
P3,000.00 due on August 25 which is secured by pledge of D’s ring. If
today is August 22, and D pays C P3,000.00 with neither D nor C
designating the debt to which the payment shall apply, the payment
shall be applied:
a. To the debt due on August 10, following the first-due, first-pay
b. To the debts due on August 10, August 15, and August 20,
proportionately at P1,000.00 each
c. To the debt due on August 25, since it is the most onerous to D
d. To all the debts proportionately at P750.00 each
22. Which of the following obligations is a pure obligation and is
demandable at once?
a. D to allow C to use D’s car until December 31, 2015
b. D to allow C to use D’s car until C finishes his course in
c. D to give C his car. No mention is made when D shall give
the car
d. D to give C a car if C finishes his course in accounting
23. D borrowed P100,000.00 from C. the parties agreed at the time
the obligation was constituted that should D so desire, he may give his
agricultural land to C by way of dacion en pago to pay his loan
obligation on due date. The obligation of D to C is:
a. A conjunctive obligation
b. A simple obligation
c. An alternative obligation
d. A facultative obligation
24. D obtained a loan from C in the amount of P50,000.00. Unable to
give cash on due date in payment of his loan obligation, D proposed to
C that he would be giving instead his diamond ring to settle his debt. C
agreed and accepted the ring from D. the new agreement between D
and C involved both:
a. Novation and application of payment
b. Novation and dacion en pago
c. Compensation and payment by cession
d. Confusion and tender of payment
25. A, B, and C are liable in solidum to X for P12,000.00 X renounced
the share of A who accepted it. Later, B becomes insolvent.
a. X can collect from C P8,000.00
b. X can collect from C P4,000.00
c. X can collect from C P12,000.00
d. X can collect nothing from C
26. D owes C P20,000.00 due on March 15. C, on the other hand,
owes D the following debts: P8,000.00 due on March 1, P3,000.00 due
on March 8, P5,000.00 due on March 14. On March 12, C assigned his
right to T with notice to D but with D not giving his consent to the
assignment. On March 15, T can collect from D:
a. P20,000.00
b. P9,000.00
c. P4,000.00
d. None, because the assignment made by C was without the
consent of D
27. A, B, and C are solidary debtors of X, Y, and Z. solidary creditors,
in the amount of P2,700.00. X renounces the whole obligation without
the consent of Y and Z. The debtors accepted he renunciation.
a. The whole obligation is extinguished
b. Only P900.00 is extinguished
c. No part of the obligation is extinguished because not all the
creditors consented to the renunciation
d. Only P300.00 is extinguished
28. A, B, and C are obliged to deliver a specific horse to X, Y, and Z.
a. A demand made by X against A, B, and C is a valid demand
against all the debtors
b. A demand made by X, Y, and Z against A is a valid demand
against all the debtors
c. If a valid demand is made against all the debtors but
debtor C cannot comply with his part of the obligation,
the obligation is converted into a monetary obligation to
pay the value of the horse plus damages
d. If the debtors default in their obligation because C is insolvent, A
and B will be liable for C’s share of the obligation
29. The following are characteristics of a facultative obligation,
a. Only one thing is principally due
b. The right of choice cannot be given to the creditor
c. The debtor must give the substitute in case the principal
thing is lost due to the debtor’s fault before substitution
d. If the principal is void, the debtor is not obliged to give the

30. Dacion en pago and payment by cession are special forms of

payment. They are similar in which of the following respects?
a. On the number of creditors involved
b. On the extent of the properties involved in the payment
c. On the purpose of the payment
d. On whether the debtor is released completely from his
31. When two persons are claiming the same right to collect from
you and you are in doubt as to whom you will give your payment, your
remedy so that you will not pay to the wrong person is:
a. Tender of payment
b. Application of payment
c. Dacion en pago
d. Consignation
32. D borrowed P50,000.00 from C. On due date, D did not have any
money to pay the debt so he proposed to C that the latter accept a ring
to settle the debt. C accepted the proposal and received the ring.
Immediately after receiving the ring, C sold it to B. D’s obligation to
give P50,000.00 to C is extinguished by:
a. Dacion en pago
b. Payment by cession
c. Sale
d. Application of payment
33. D, professional singer, agreed to sing for a fee of P20,000.00 at
the birthday party of C who was a fan of D. due to numerous
commitments, D could not go to the party of C. He sent X, another
professional singer who was known to sing better than D, to sing at C’s
party, and informed C that the latter needed to pay only P10,000.00
a. D may validly assign his obligation to sing because the reduced
fee was advantageous to C
b. D may validly assign his obligation to sing because X could
perform the obligation better than him
c. D may not validly assign his obligation to sing because it
is personal in nature
d. C cannot refuse the performance of the obligation by X because
the obligation to sing is transmissible since it would not require
much effort on the part of either D or X who both are professional
34. One peso, P5.00, and P10.00 coins are legal tender up to:
a. P100.00
b. P500.00
c. P1,000.00
d. Any amount
35. D obtained a loan of 5,000.00 from C. On due date, D tendered
payment amounting to P5,000.00 consisting of P5,000 pieces of P1.00
a. The payment offered by D is legal tender
b. C may not refuse to accept the payment
c. Should C refuse to accept the payment, D may resort to
consignation (deposit of the payment in court)
d. C may demand that he be paid in bills

36. A, an agent of P, owes B P20,000.00. B, on the other hand, owes

P, P20,000.00. both debts are due.
a. P may claim legal compensation
b. A may claim legal compensation
c. B may claim legal compensation
d. Neither P, A nor B may claim legal compensation
37. The kind of fraud which renders a contract voidable is:
a. Causal fraud
b. Incidental fraud
c. Fraud in performance
d. Future fraud
38. D promised to give P20,000.00 to C provided C does not sign a
contract with X on or before December 31, 2014. The condition of the
obligation is:
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Impossible
d. No condition exists
39. The delivery of promissory notes payable to order or other bills of
exchange or other mercantile documents shall produce the effect of
payment when they are:
a. Delivered
b. Cashed
c. Have been impaired through the fault of the debtor
d. Deposited in bank
40. The following statements concerning payment by cession are
true, except:
a. The creditors become the owners of the properties of the
debtor that were ceded to them
b. Payment by cession extinguishes the obligations only to the
extent covered by the proceeds of the proceeds of the sale of the
debtor’s properties
c. The debtor must be insolvent
d. It affects all the properties of the debtor except those exempt
from execution
41. In order that condonation may extinguish an obligation involving
a movable property whose value exceeds P5,000.00
a. It is sufficient that the condonation and acceptance are in
writing, even a private one
b. It is required that the condonation and acceptance must be in
public instrument
c. The delivery of the document evidencing the debt is sufficient
since the property is movable
d. The condonation and acceptance may be made orally
42. D owes C P50,000.00. Subsequently, D proposed to C that T will
assume his (D’s) debt. C accepted the proposal of D. this type of
novation which involves the substitution of the debtor is known as:
a. Delegacion
b. Expromision
c. Objective novation
d. Subrogation

43. A, 17 years old, B, 25, and C, 30, jointly borrowed P6,000.00 from
X. How much may X collect from B?
a. P6,000.00
b. P4,000.00
c. P2,000.00
d. Nothing, because A was a minor at the time the obligation was
44. A, B, and C are jointly liable to X in the amount of P12,000.00. On
due date, X demanded payment from A but A refused to pay. How
much may X collect from B?
a. P12,000.00 plus damages for delay
b. P8,000.00 plus damages for delay
c. P4,000.00 plus damages for delay
d. P4,000.00 without any damages
45. The following obligations are demandable at once, except:
a. An obligation with a condition antecedent
b. An obligation without any term or condition
c. An obligation with an in diem period
d. An obligation with a condition not to do an impossible thing
46. D is obliged to give object 1, object 2, or object 3 to C. The right
of choice as to which object will be delivered to C belongs to:
a. Both the parties
b. D only
c. C only
d. Neither of the parties
47. If there is a concurrence of two or more creditors and/or two or
more debtors in one and the same obligation, the obligation is
presumed to be:
a. Individual and collective
b. Solidary
c. Joint and several
d. Joint
48. D borrowed P50,000.00 from C. Not having sufficient cash to pay
the debt, D proposed to pay the debt by giving his diamond ring. C
accepted the proposal and received the ring.
a. D’s obligation is extinguished by payment by cession
b. D’s obligation is extinguished by consignation
c. D’s obligation is extinguished by dacion en pago
d. D’s obligation is not extinguished at all because the payment
should have been in cash
49. M obtained a loan of P50,000.00 from P. The loan is evidenced by
promissory note executed by M with G signing as a guarantor of the
debt. P assigns the note to A, A to B, B to C, and C to G. The
assignment of the note to G extinguished
a. Both the loan and the guaranty
b. Only the loan
c. Only the guaranty
d. Neither the loan nor the guaranty with G now as the new creditor
50. The principle of negotiorum gestio does not apply:
a. When the property or business is not neglected or abandoned
b. When the officious manager has been tacitly authorized by the
c. In both (a) and (b)
d. In neither (a) nor (b)

Part 2: Contracts (VSA-IRS)

1. The elements of a contract without which a contract would not exist

are known as:
a. Accidental elements
b. Natural elements
c. Special elements
d. Essential elements
2. The warranty against hidden defects in a contract of sale is an example
a. Natural element
b. Accidental element
c. Original element
d. Stipulated element
3. A contract that does not have any special name under the law is known
a. Nominate contract
b. Innominate contract
c. Special contract
d. Nominal contract
4. The contract must bind both contracting parties; its validity or
compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them. This is known as
the principle of:
a. Mutuality of contract
b. Relativity of contract
c. Consensuality of contract
d. Freedom of contract
5. The principle that contracts are perfected by mere consent is known
a. Consistency of contract
b. Consensuality of contract
c. Consummation of contract
d. Mutuality of contract
6. It is the manifestation of the meeting of the offer and the acceptance
upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract.
a. Consideration
b. Contract
c. Consent
d. Cause
7. Three of the following instances will render an offer ineffective before
acceptance is conveyed. Which one is not?
a. Civil interdiction of either party
b. Insolvency of either party
c. Insanity of either party
d. Intoxication of either party
8. One of the following is not incapable of giving his consent.
a. Insane persons
b. Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
c. Deaf-mutes who do not know how to read
d. Unemancipated minors

9. Aside from fraud and undue influence, the following are the vices of
consent, except:
a. Violence
b. Intimidation
c. Mistake
d. Dealer’s talk
10. It exists when a person takes improper advantage of his power
over the will of another depriving the latter of a reasonable freedom of
a. Intimidation
b. Duress
c. Threat
d. Undue influence
11. An absolutely simulated contract is:
a. Void
b. Voidable
c. Valid
d. Unenforceable
12. S and B orally entered into a contract whereby S sold his one
year production of eggs in his poultry farm to B for P50,000.00 which
amount B immediately gave in cash to S. the contract between S and B
a. Void because the object was not existing at the time of execution
of the contract
b. Valid because future things may be the object of
c. Rescissible because B will likely suffer damage if the eggs do not
come into existence
d. Unenforceable because the contract was not in writing
13. A contract whose cause is the liberality of the benefactor is:
a. A gratuitous contract or contract of pure beneficence
b. A remuneratory contract
c. An aleatory contract
d. An onerous contract
14. The following are characteristics of rescissible contracts, except:
a. They may be set aside for equitable reasons
b. They are valid until rescinded
c. The action to rescind them prescribes
d. The action to rescind them are not available to third
persons even if their interests are directly affected
15. The following are the requisites of a rescissible payment, except:
a. The debt is already due
b. The debtor is insolvent
c. The debtor pays the debt
d. The payment is not yet due
16. The following contracts are voidable, except:
a. Contracts entered into during a state of drunkenness or hypnotic
b. Contracts entered into during a lucid interval
c. Contracts where one of the parties is incapable of giving consent
d. Contracts where the consent of one party is vitiated by violence,
intimidation, mistake, fraud or undue influence

17. The following contracts are unenforceable, except:

a. Those entered into by one who has no authority or legal
b. Those that do not comply with the statute of frauds
c. Those where both parties are incapable of giving consent to a
d. Those where the consent of a party is vitiated by
violence, intimidation, fraud or undue influence
18. The statute of frauds applies only to:
a. Wholly executed contracts
b. Contracts wholly or partially executed on the part of the debtor
c. Contracts wholly or partially executed on the part of the creditor
d. Wholly executory contracts
19. The following contracts are void or inexistent, except:
a. Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals,
good customs, public order or public policy
b. Those which are absolutely simulated or fictitious
c. Those whose cause or object did not exist at the time of
d. Those where one of the parties employed fraud to obtain
the consent of the other
20. If the illegal contract between the parties is a criminal offense
but only one party is guilty, such illegal contract shall produce the
following effects, except:
a. The guilty party will be criminally prosecuted
b. Neither party may compel the other to comply with his
c. The instruments shall be confiscated in favour of the government
d. The innocent party cannot recover what he has given
21. Reformation of an instrument is available in the following cases,
a. When a mutual mistake of the parties causes the failure of the
instrument to disclose their agreement
b. When one party was mistaken and the other party acted
fraudulently or inequitably in such a way that the instrument
does not show the true intention
c. When a party was mistaken and the other knew or believed that
the instrument did not state their real agreement
d. When one of the parties has brought an action to enforce
the contract
22. A contract of sale is not a:
a. Principal contract
b. Nominate contract
c. Consensual contract
d. Real contract
23. D insured his house against fire with C insurance company. The
insurance policy which was prepared and printed by C insurance
company was signed by D after reading its terms. You are to determine
which of the following characterize the contract between D and C
insurance company.
I. Auto-contract
II. Contract of adhesion
III. Aleatory contract
IV. Nominate contract

The contract between D and C insurance company is:

a. I, II and III
b. II, III and IV
c. I, II and IV
d. I, III and IV
24. Which of the following contracts is rescissible?
a. Contracts entered into during a hypnotic spell
b. Contracts entered into in a state of drunkenness
c. Contracts entered into to defraud creditors when the
latter cannot collect the claims due them
d. Contracts where both parties are incapable of giving consent
25. P is a minister of a certain church whose members include X. X
regularly confides in P because of his many personal problems. P is
interested in buying the lot of X and uses his position as elder of the
church and confidant of X to convince X to sell to him the lot. Should X
sell the lot to P by reason of P taking advantage of his confidential
relationship with X, the contract between them would likely be voidable
because of:
a. Intimidation
b. Undue influence
c. Fraud
d. Mistake
26. B bought a baby boy from S. B knew that the baby boy was his
illegitimate son by a woman named W and which W sold to S. the
contract between B and S is:
a. Valid
b. Void
c. Unenforceable
d. Voidable
27. D, out of love and affection for C, donated a parcel of land to the
latter who accepted it. The formalities required by law were complied
with. The contract between D and C is:
a. An onerous contract
b. A gratuitous contract
c. A remuneratory contract
d. An accessory contract
28. Which of the following contracts is valid and unenforceable?
a. An oral promise to answer for the default of another
b. A donation and its acceptance in a private instrument of a parcel
of land
c. An oral lease of a mining equipment for more than two
d. An oral contract of sale of a ring worth P450.00 between an
insane and a minor

29. Which of the following contracts is valid and enforceable?

a. A contract where a party gave his consent in a moment of
b. A contract where a party gave his consent because the
other party threatened to sue him for an unpaid debt
c. A contract where a party gave his consent because the other
party threatened to kill the first party’s spouse
d. A contract where there was inadequate cause attended by
30. Which of the following contracts is valid and enforceable?
a. A written contract for the purchase of a new-born baby who is
the illegitimate child of the buyer
b. A written contract of employment where the employee agreed
voluntarily not to demand overtime payment for work rendered
in excess of the regular hours of work per day
c. An oral contract for the sale of a piece of land for
P50,000.00 with the buyer giving a down payment of
d. An oral contract where the fruits of an immovable belonging to
the debtor are to be applied to the interest and principal of his
31. Which of the following contracts involving real property is valid
and enforceable although not in writing?
a. Sale of piece of land for P50,000.00
b. Lease of an agricultural lot for a period of 2 years at a monthly
rental of P3,000.00
c. Mortgage of a commercial lot to secure a loan of
d. Donation and acceptance of a residential lot
32. An insurance policy which, in practice, is prepared by an
insurance company and all the insured has to do is to sign thereon if
he agrees with its terms, is an example of:
a. An auto-contract
b. A contract of adhesion
c. A commutative contract
d. A gratuitous contract
33. Which of the following statements is true as regards a void
a. A void contract is ratified by the acceptance by a party to the
contract of a benefit under its terms
b. The right to set up the defense of illegality of a void contract may
be waived if the illegality is not raised within a reasonable time
c. If there is a novation of a void contract, such novation is valid
provided the new contract is valid
d. The right to set up the defense of illegality of a void
contract does not prescribe
34. It is a contract by virtue of the terms of which the parties thereto
promise and obligate themselves to enter into another contract at a
future time, upon the happening of certain events, or the fulfilment of
certain conditions.
a. Contract of adhesion
b. Contract of option
c. Contract of sale
d. Auto-contract

35. D obtained a loan from C amounting to P200,000.00. To secure

the loan, D mortgaged his lot. C registered with the Register of Deeds.
Later, D sold the lot to X who was not aware that the lot was
mortgaged. On the due date of the loan, C demanded payment but D
could not pay. Accordingly, C decided to foreclose the mortgage on the
lot. X, however, opposed the foreclosure claiming that he was not
bound by the mortgage since he was not a party thereto.
a. X was bound by the mortgage although he was not aware
of it because the same is registered
b. X was not bound by the mortgage because he was not a party
c. Only D and C were bound by the mortgage contract because
they were the only parties thereto
d. X was not bound by the mortgage because he was not aware of
36. The following are the essential elements of a consensual
contract, except:
a. Consent of the contracting parties
b. Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract
c. Delivery of the object of the contract
d. Cause of the contract which must be established
37. An insurance contract is:
a. An aleatory contract
b. A contract of adhesion
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
38. P, the owner of a business, appointed A as his agent to manage
it. P authorized A to borrow money for the business. A himself is the
one who lends the money at the current rate of interest. Thus, in the
said contract of loan, A enters into the contract in his own behalf as
lender and represents P as borrower. The contract of loan in such a
case is considered as:
a. An auto-contract
b. An aleatory contract
c. A remuneratory contract
d. A gratuitous contract
39. Sermonia agri-products, a supplier of ZZ fertilizer, offered in
writing to sell to Barbados farms, 50 bags of fertilizer at the price of
P100.00 per bag. The offer stated that the price would be good for one
week during which Barbados farms may decide to accept the offer.
Three days later and before Barbados could make any acceptance, the
general market price went up. Sermonia attempted to revoke the offer
by informing Barbados, but Barbados claimed sermonia could not do
a. Sermonia may withdraw the offer just informing Barbados
since there has not yet been any acceptance thereof
b. Sermonia may not withdraw the offer since the one-week period
within which Barbados may decide had not yet lapsed
c. Sermonia may withdraw the offer only after the expiration of the
one-week period, unless Barbados in the meantime has accepted
the offer
d. Sermonia may withdraw the offer because it would suffer a loss if
the sale was allowed to push through
40. P, the owner of a certain business, instructed A, his agent and
manager of the business to buy goods on credit from S. s issued a
sales invoice where A acknowledged the receipt of the goods by
signing thereon. P called S by phone and promised to S that he (P)
would pay for the goods on due date. S was not paid on due date.
Accordingly, he sued P for the price of the goods. P raised the defense
of unenforceability under the Statute of Frauds claiming that a
representation as to credit must be in writing.
a. The promise is enforceable against P although it was not
in writing
b. The promise is unenforceable against P because it was not in
c. The promise is enforceable against A because it was he who
signed the invoice
d. The promise may be enforced both against P and A since they
are the debtors in the transaction
41. Which of the following does not apply to a relatively simulated
a. The parties are bound by their real agreement
b. The parties are not bound at all
c. The parties are bound by their ostensible agreement if the real
agreement prejudices third persons
d. The parties are bound by their ostensible agreement if the real
agreement is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order, and public policy
42. When a physician who takes improper advantage of his power
over the will of his patient in order to get the latter’s consent to a
contract between the two of them, the contract will:
a. Likely be voidable because of intimidation
b. Still be valid because the patient is merely returning the favour
to his physician who takes care of his health
c. Likely be voidable because of undue influence
d. Be void because of unlawful service
43. Which of the following contracts is not a void contract?
a. A contract of sale of an animal suffering from a contagious
b. A purchase of an illegitimate child by one who is the father of the
c. A contract of insurance whereby the insured asked
another to take his place during the medical examination
d. A contract between F, a Filipino and A, an alien, for the purchase
of the right kidney of F for P200,000.00
44. An aleatory contract is one:
a. The fulfilment of which depends upon chance
b. The parties of which are obliged to perform reciprocal prestations
c. Where only one party actually and physically enters into the
d. Where delivery of the object is required to be made for his
45. Zenith Cars Corporation (Zenith) engaged the services of
Stronghold Construction Corporation (Stronghold) for the construction
of its showroom. For this purpose, Stronghold bought construction
materials on a 60-day credit from Durable Materials Corporation
(Durable). On due date, Durable demanded payment from Stronghold
but the latter contended that it could not make any payment because
it has not yet collected from Zenith. In this case:
a. Durable can hold liable Stronghold only
b. Durable can hold liable Zenith only
c. Durable can hold liable both Stronghold and Zenith
d. Durable cannot hold liable neither Stronghold nor Zenith

46. Erwin applied for insurance with ABC Insurance Company. The
application required Erwin to undertake a physical examination.
However, since Erwin was suffering from asthma, he requested Edwin,
his identical twin brother who was very healthy, to go through the
physical examination and pretend that he was Edwin. ABC Insurance
Company thus approved the insurance policy believing that Erwin had
a clean bill of health.
a. The fraud employed was dolo casuante
b. The fraud employed was dolo incidente
c. The fraud committed is fraud in performance
d. There was no fraud or misinterpretation at all because Edwin is
considered as an agent of Erwin
47. The insurance policy (contract) in no. 46 is:
a. Valid
b. Voidable
c. Rescissible
d. Void
48. A contract of pledge is perfected upon the:
a. Meeting of minds of the parties
b. Delivery of the object of the contract
c. Execution of the written agreement by the parties
d. Acknowledgement by the parties of the instrument evidencing
the contract before a notary public
49. It refers to a contract wherein one party imposes a ready-made
form of contract, which the other may accept or reject, but which the
latter cannot modify.
a. Aleatory contract
b. Contract of adhesion
c. Auto-contract
d. Innominate contract
50. Rescission is different from annulment in that rescission:
a. Is a principal action
b. May be availed of only by the parties whether bound principally
or subsidiarily
c. Is brought to declare the inefficacy inherent in the contract
d. Is based on lesion or damage

Part 3: Partnership (VSA-IRS)

1. A limited partner is prohibited on account of his claim against the

partnership from performing the following acts, except:
a. To receive or hold as collateral security any partnership property
b. To receive from a general partner or the partnership any
payment, conveyance or release from liability, if partnership
assets are not sufficient to discharge partnership liabilities to
outside creditors
c. Transact business with the partnership
d. None of the foregoing
2. A partner is a co-owner with his partners of specific partnership
property. Such co-partnership:
a. Allows a partner to assign his right in such property
b. Allows partners to use such property of partnership
c. Entitles the spouse, children and other relatives of the partner to
claim support from such property
d. Gives the private creditors of a partner to attach his right in such
3. Braganza, Ortiz, and Nevado want to form a partnership with Braganza
contributing P500,000.00; Ortiz, office equipment; and Nevado, his
services. If the three were to form a limited partnership, who among
them will be the limited partner/s?
a. Either Braganza or Ortiz or both of them
b. Either Ortiz or Nevado or both of them
c. Either Braganza or Nevado or both of them
d. All the three must be limited partners
4. Refer to the preceding number. Assume that the three decide to form a
general partnership. As a result, which of the following is incorrect?
a. Any of the three may be appointed as manager
b. All of them may be appointed as managers
c. Only Nevado may be appointed as manager because he
only contributes his services
d. Any two of them may be Appointed as managers
5. Querubin, Roces, and Solis are partners in a law firm. Querubin was
appointed as jjudge of the Regional Trial Court. Such appointment:
a. Suspends the participation of Querubin in the management of
the firm without causing the dissolution of the partnership
b. Prohibits the inclusion of the name of Querubin in the firm name
without dissolving the partnership
c. Results in the dissolution of the partnership
d. Merely requires the disclosure of Querubin’s appointment to the
court without dissolving the partnership
6. A person admitted as a partner into an existing partnership shall be
liable up to the extent of his separate assets for what obligations?
a. Obligations of the partnership existing at the time of his
admission only if there was a stipulation
b. Obligations of the partnership incurred after his admission only if
there was a stipulation
c. Obligations of the partnership incurred before and after his
admission even if there was no stipulation
d. Obligations of the partnership incurred before his
admission if there was a stipulation, and those incurred
after his admission even if there was no stipulation
7. LIFE Company, a partnership engaged in the water distribution
business, is composed of partners Larredo, Ingles, Filler and Escanto.
One day, Larredo was driving the firm’s delivery truck beyond the
speed limit in order to serve its customers, when he rammed into and
caused extensive damage on the parked car of Tertullo.
a. Only Larredo can be held liable for damages by Tertulllo
b. LIFE company and Larredo are solidarily liable for damages to
c. LIFE company and the four partners are solidarily liable
for damages to Tertullo
d. LIFE company and the four partners are jointly liable for damages
to Tertullo
8. Which of the following statements concerning the name of a
partnership is false?
a. The partnership name may include the name of only one of the
b. The partnership name may include the names of two or more,
but not all of the partners
c. The partnership name may include the names of all the partners
d. The partnership cannot adopt a name which does not
include the name of at least one of the partners
9. PATOK enterprises, a partnership engaged in the business of renting
out video films is owned by Patricia, Alice, Tina, Olga, and Kaye, with
Kaye as the manager. Diana owes PATOK enterprises P6,000.00 and
Olga P4,000.00. Both debts are unsecured and are already due. Diana
pays Olga P4,000.00 for which Olga issues her own receipt.
a. The payment should be applied to Olga’s credit only
b. The payment should be applied to PATOK’s credit only
c. The payment should be divided proportionately between PATOK
and Olga, at P2,400.00 and P1,600.00, respectively
d. The payment should be divided equally between PATOK and Olga
at P2,000.00 each
10. Which of the following will not cause the automatic dissolution of
general partnership?
a. Death of a capitalist partner
b. Insolvency of a capitalist partner
c. Insanity of an industrial partner
d. Civil interdiction of an industrial partner
11. Which of the following will not cause the automatic dissolution of
a general partnership?
a. Death of a partner
b. Insolvency of a partner
c. When the partnership business becomes unlawful
d. Insanity of a partner
12. Belinda, Ara, Rica, and Klaudia are partners in BARK enterprises,
a pet shop, with Belinda contributing P50,000.00; Ara, P20,000.00;
Rica, P30,000.00. Klaudia is an industrial partner and manages the
partnership. Based on the foregoing information, which of the following
statements is false?
a. Belinda may engage in the buying and selling of rice without the
consent of the other partners
b. Klaudia may engage in the buying and selling of rice
without the consent of the other partners
c. Klaudia is not liable for the losses of the partnership
d. Klaudia may be held liable by third persons for partnership debts
with her separate property
13. One of the distinctions between a partnership and a corporation
is that a partnership:
a. May be formed by one person
b. Is created by operation of law
c. Acts through a board of directors
d. May exist for an indefinite period
14. Which of the following will not cause the automatic dissolution of
a limited partnership?
a. Death of a general partner
b. Death of a limited partner
c. Insolvency of a general partner
d. Insanity of a general partner
15. If the assignee does not become the partner referred to in the
preceding number, his rights do not include:
a. The receipt of the assignor’s share of the profits
b. The receipt of the assignor’s other compensation by way of
c. The return of the assignor’s contribution
d. The inspection of partnership books or account of
partnership transactions
16. A person admitted to all the rights of a limited partner who has
died or has assigned his interest in the partnership is known as:
a. An ostensible partner
b. A liquidating partner
c. A substituted limited partner
d. A general-limited partner
17. A limited partner shall be liable as general partner in three of the
following cases. Which one is the exception?
a. When he is a general-limited partner as stated in the certificate
b. When he takes part in the control of the business
c. When he participates in the management of the business
d. When his surname which appears in the partnership
name is also the surname of a general partner
18. A limited partner may contribute:
a. Money and/or property
b. Money and/or services
c. Property and/or services
d. Services only
19. In a limited partnership where there are 4 partners:
a. All the partners must be limited partners
b. The number of limited partners must be equal to the number of
general partner, that is, 2:2
c. The number of limited partners must be greater than the number
of general partners, that is, 3:1
d. It is enough that there is one limited partner; the rest
may all be general partners
20. The partnership is not bound in three of the following acts of a
partner after dissolution. However, it is bound in one. Which is it?
a. Where the partner acting is insolvent
b. When it is unlawful to carry on the business
c. When the partner has no authority to wind up partnership
affairs and the third person is a previous creditor who
had no knowledge of the partner’s lack of authority
d. When a partner has no authority to wind up partnership affairs
and the third person is a new creditor who has not read he
publication of the lack of authority of the partner in a newspaper
of general circulation in the place or places where the
partnership business is carried on

21. When is the partnership not bound by the act/s of a partner after
dissolution in the following cases?
a. Acts necessary to wind up partnership affairs
b. Acts to complete transactions begun before dissolution
c. New transactions where the third person is a previous creditor
and there was a publication of the dissolution in a newspaper of
general circulation in the place or places where the business had
been carried on but such third person has not read it
d. New transactions where the third person is a new creditor
and there was a publication of the dissolution in a
newspaper of general circulation in the place or places
where the business had been carried on but such creditor
has not read it
22. A decree by the court is necessary to dissolve a general
partnership based on three of the following grounds. Which one will not
require such decree but will cause the automatic dissolution of the
a. The business of the partnership can only be carried on at a loss
b. A partner is shown to be of unsound mind
c. A partner has been guilty of such conduct as tends to affect
prejudicially the carrying on of the business
d. A partner is civilly interdicted
23. The change in the relation of the partners caused by any ceasing
to be associated in the carrying on the business is known as:
a. Termination of the partnership
b. Winding up of partnership affairs
c. Liquidation of the partnership business
d. Dissolution of the partnership
24. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. Partnership creditors are preferred as to partnership assets
b. Partnership creditors are preferred as to each partner’s
separate assets
c. A partner’s separate creditors are preferred as to the partner’s
separate assets
d. A partner’s separate creditors may attach a partner’s share in
the partnership assets
25. A partner’s interest in the partnership is his share of the profits
and surplus which he may assign to a third person. Which of the
following statements concerning such right is correct?
a. The conveyance of a partner’s interest will cause the dissolution
of the partnership
b. The assignee becomes a partner
c. The assignee has a right to interfere in the management of the
partnership business
d. The assignee has the right to receive the profits which
the assigning partner would otherwise be entitled to
26. Alexis and Bote entered into a universal partnership of all
present property. No stipulation was made regarding other properties.
Subsequently, Alexis received a parcel of land by inheritance from his
father; and another parcel of land from “The Best Ito University” as
remuneration for Alexis work as professor therein.
a. The two parcel of land and their fruits are to be enjoyed by the
partnership because the contract entered is a universal
partnership of all present property
b. The two parcel of land and their fruits will not be
enjoyed by the partnership because there is no
stipulation regarding future properties or their fruits
c. The partnership is entitled only to the fruits but not to the two
parcel of land
d. The partnership is entitled to use the two parcel of land as
usufructuary and also entitled to the fruits produced by the
27. A and B are partners in buying and selling automobiles. A, by the
partner’s agreement, was authorized to buy automobiles on a cash
basis, never on the installment plan. One day A bought on credit or on
installment plan a car from X, a client. X did not know of A’s lack of
authority. A’s purchase was made on behalf and in the name of the
partnership. Is the partnership bound?
a. No because A was not really authorized to bought on installment
b. No because acquisition of automobiles requires the consent of all
c. Yes because although A was not really authorized, still for
“apparently carrying on in the usual way the business of
the partnership” A is implicitly authorized and X did not
know of A’s lack of authority
d. Yes because all transaction made by any partners with third
person is valid provided the latter acted in good faith
28. Paolo contributed P50,000; Ronald contributed P75,000; and Paul
contributed P25,000. Jay is the industrial partner. There is no
stipulation regarding profits and losses. The partnership suffered a
P300,000 loss. The loss shall be shared by the partners as follows:
a. P100,000; P100,000; P100,000; and P0
b. P75,000; P75,000; P75,000; and P75,000
c. P100,000; P150,000; P50,000; and P0
d. P100,000; P100,000; P100,000; and P100,000
29. Lets and Gets are partners. On March 1, 2010 when the total
obligation of the partnership was P450,000, Go was admitted as a new
partner. At the time of Go’s admission, the partnership was indebted to
A for P50,000 and B for P400,000. After March 1, 2010, the partnership
borrowed from X P200,000 and P40,000 from Y. On December 1, 2010,
the partnership became insolvent leaving an obligation totalling
P690,000 and partnership assets amounting in P300,000. The creditors
are going after the separate properties of the partners to satisfy their
remaining claims. How are the creditors' claims satisfied?
ANSWER 1: A and B can go after the separate properties of Lets, Gets
and Go.
ANSWER 2: X and Y can go after the separate properties of Lets and

Which of the following is correct?

a. Both answers are wrong.
b. Both answers are correct.
c. Answer #1 is wrong, but answer #2 is correct.
d. Answer #1 is correct, but answer #2 is wrong.
30. W, X, and Y are partners. X conveyed his share to Z. Thereafter,
the partnership incurred liabilities for the contract entered into
between the partnership and M prior to the sale of X’s share to Z.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Z cannot be held liable to M because a partner admitted into a
partnership shall become liable for an obligation only from the
time he took part in the control of the business.
b. Z cannot be held liable to M because as a partner, Z shall be
subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of a partnership.
c. Z can be held liable pro-rata with the other partners regardless of
the time the liability was incurred.
d. Z can be held liable to M, but his liability shall be
satisfied only out of partnership property, unless there is
a stipulation to the contrary.

31. A, B, C, D, and E entered into a contract of partnership to

organize events such as weddings and birthday celebrations. A and B
are the only limited partners. During one of the parties that the
partnership organized, D totally forgot her task to turn on the lights
during the entrance of the debutant. As a result, the debutant slipped
off injuring her ankle. The victim sues the partnership for damages.
Choose the best answer.
a. A and B are not liable because they are limited partners.
b. The partnership is liable for damages to the same extent
as D.
c. Only the general partners are liable in equal proportion.
d. Only D is liable.
32. In a partnership, the partners share in the profits
a. Equally
b. According to contribution
c. According to the contract
d. Justly and equitably
33. A and B entered into a universal partnership of all present
property. The common property of the partnership shall be
a. All the properties which belonged to each of the partners at the
time of the constitution of the partnership
b. All the properties which shall belong to each of the partners after
the constitution of the partnership
c. All the properties which belonged to each of the partners
at the time of the constitution of the partnership as well
as the profits which they may acquire therewith
d. All the properties which belonged to each of the partners at the
time of the constitution of the partnership as well as the
properties which each may acquire thereafter
34. Statement 1. Where the business of the partnership is in
imminent danger of being lost, an industrial partner who refuses to
give an additional contribution agreed upon can be compelled to sell
his interests to the others.
Statement 2. A partner appointed as manager in the Articles of
Partnership can be removed with or without cause.

a. Both statements are true

b. Both statements are false
c. Statement 1 is true, but Statement 2 is false
d. Statement 1 is false, but Statement 2 is true
35. A, B and C are partners. A contributed his services only, B
P20,000 and C P10,000. The partnership was liquidated. After
payment of the partnership obligation, only P9,000 worth of assets
remained. The share of A will be –
a. P3,000.00
b. Equal to the share of B
c. Equal to the share of C
d. Nothing
36. A partnership is a(n):
I. accounting entity.
II. taxable entity.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Neither I nor II
d. Both I and II
37. A partner's tax basis in a partnership is comprised of which of the
following items?
I. The partner's tax basis of assets contributed to the partnership.
II. The amount of the partner's liabilities assumed by the other
III. The partner's share of other partners' liabilities assumed by the
a. I plus II minus III
b. I plus II plus III
c. I minus II plus III
d. I minus II minus III
38. Which of the following accounts could be found in the PQ
partnership's general ledger?
I. Due from P
II. P, Drawing
III. Loan Payable to Q
a. I, II
b. I, III
c. II, III
d. I, II, and III
39. A joint venture may be organized as a:
I. Partnership.
II. Corporation.
III. Undivided interest.
a. I only
b. II only
c. I or III only
d. I, II, or III
40. When a partnership is formed, noncash assets contributed by
partners should be recorded:
I. at their respective book values for income tax purposes.
II. at their respective fair values for financial accounting purposes.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
41. When a new partner is admitted into a partnership and the new
partner receives a capital credit less than the tangible assets
contributed, which of the following explains the difference?
I. The new partner's goodwill has been recognized.
II. The old partners received a bonus from the new partner.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Either I or II
d. Neither I nor II
42. Paolo contributed P50,000; Ronald contributed P75,000; and Paul
contributed P25,000. Jay is the industrial partner. There is no
stipulation regarding profits and losses. The partnership suffered a
P300,000 loss. The loss shall be shared by the partners as follows:
a. P100,000; P100,000; P100,000; and P0
b. P75,000; P75,000; P75,000; and P75,000
c. P100,000; P150,000; P50,000; and P0
d. P100,000; P100,000; P100,000; and P100,000
43. X-cited Limited partnership has X, as general partner, Y, as
limited partner, and Z, as industrial partner contributing P150,000;
P500,000; and services respectively. The partnership failed and after
disposing all its assets to pay partnership debts there still remains an
outstanding obligation in the sum of P120,000. The liability of the
partners to the creditor will be as follows:
a. X = P120,000
b. X and Z = solidarily liable for P120,000
c. X = P40,00 Y= P40,000 Z= P40,000
d. X = P60,00 Y= P0 Z= P60,000
44. A contract where two or more persons bind themselves to
contribute money, property or industry to a common fund with the
intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
a. Voluntary association
b. Corporation
c. Partnership
d. Sole proprietorship
45. One of the following is not a characteristic of contract of
a. Real, in that the partners must deliver their contributions
in order for the partnership contract to be perfected
b. Principal, because it can stand by itself
c. Preparatory, because it is a means by which other contracts will
be entered into
d. Onerous, because the parties contribute money, property or
industry to the common fund
46. One of the following is not a requisite of a contract of
partnership. Which is it?
a. There must be a valid contract
b. There must be a mutual contribution of money, property, or
industry to a common fund
c. It is established for the common benefit of the partners which is
to obtain profits and divide the same among themselves
d. The articles are kept secret among the members
47. A partnership formed for the exercise of a profession which is
duly registered is an example of:
a. Universal partnership of profits
b. Universal partnership of all present property
c. Particular partnership
d. Partnership by estoppel
48. Which of the following stipulations is valid?
a. A stipulation excluding a capitalist partner from profits
b. A stipulation exempting a capitalist partner rom losses
c. A stipulation exempting an industrial partner form losses
d. A stipulation excluding an industrial partner from profits
49. By the contract of partnership, two or more persons bind
themselves together to contribute the following, except:
a. Money
b. Property
c. Entrepreneurship
d. Loyalty, Trust, Honesty, and Love
50. The partnership will bear the risk of the loss of three of the
following things. Which is the exception?
a. Things contributed to be sold
b. Fungible things or those that cannot be kept without
c. Things contributed so that only their use and fruits will
be for the common benefit
d. Things brought and appraised in the inventory

Part 4: Corporations (VSA-IRS)

1. ABC owns 15% of the subscribed capital stock of XYZ corporation

which owns an office building. ABC owns a security and janitorial
agency. ABC, a director of XYZ Corporation, engaged the services of
his own company to perform services to the office building. Which of
the following conditions is NOT required in order for the service
contract between ABC and XYZ to be valid?
a. The service contract must be approved by the board of directors
of XYZ corporation;
b. ABC’s vote was not necessary to constitute a quorum at the
meeting of the board of directors;
c. ABC’s vote was not necessary for the approval of the service
d. The service contract must be ratified by all the
stockholders of the corporation.
2. In line with the Trust Fund Doctrine that generally renders it unlawful
for the corporation to return assets to the stockholders representing
capital, under what conditions may a stock corporation acquire its own
a. There exists in the corporate books unrestricted retained
earnings to cover the repurchase of shares;
b. The repurchase of shares must be for a legitimate business
c. Both A and B.
d. Neither A nor B.
3. In a stockholders’ meeting, Mr. Bean dissented from the corporate act
converting preferred voting shares to non-voting shares. Mr. Bean
submitted his certificates of stock for notation that his shares are
dissenting. The next day, Mr. Bean transferred his shares to Ms. Dora
to whom new certificates were issued. Which of these statements is
a. Mr. Bean can exercise the right of appraisal because he dissented
from the corporate act.
b. Mr. Bean can no longer exercise the right of appraisal
because he already transferred his shares to Ms. Dora.
c. Ms. Dora should exercise the right of appraisal on behalf of Mr.
d. None of the statements is correct.
4. ABC Corporation has 10 members in the Board of Directors. During the
election of officers, one of its members got sick, while the other two
went abroad, thus, the three of them failed to attend the meeting and
cast their vote. Nonetheless, A acquired four votes for the position of
Secretary. Is a validly elected as an officer?
a. No. The Code requires the vote of majority of all the
members of the Board of Directors.
b. Yes. The Code requires only the decision of at least a majority of
directors present at the election.
c. Yes. The articles of incorporation or by-laws may provide for
lesser majority in case of election of officers.
d. No. The articles of incorporation require the quorum.
5. ABC Corporation is a stock corporation whose principal place of
business is in Quezon City. If a regular meeting of its stockholders shall
be held, one of the requirements is:
a. Notice of meetings must be published in a newspaper of general
circulation two weeks before the scheduled meeting.
b. Quorum must consist of all the stockholders.
c. Written notice of meetings shall be sent at least two
weeks prior to the meeting, unless a different period is
required by the by-laws.
d. All of the above.

6. XYZ Corporation’s by-laws provide that A, one of its directors, shall

receive 10% of the net income before tax of the corporation as his
yearly compensation. However, B, the Corporation’s president,
contends that such provision directly violates the Code prohibiting the
compensation of directors. Are directors absolutely not entitled to
a. Yes. The Code expressly provides that directors shall not receive
any compensation, except for reasonable per diems.
b. No. Directors are entitled to compensation when authorized by
the by-laws or by vote of stockholder representing at least
majority of the outstanding capital stock, subject to limitations
that the total yearly compensation must exceed 10% of the net
income before income tax of the compensation during the
preceding year.
c. No. Directors are entitled when authorized by the by-
laws or by vote of stockholders representing at least
majority of the outstanding capital stock, subject to
limitations that the total yearly compensation shall not
exceed 10% of the net income before tax of the
corporation during the preceding year.
d. Yes. Directors are not entitled to compensation.
7. In order to amend the corporate by-laws, what vote is required to
happen for the amendment/s to be valid?
a. 2/3 votes of the Board of Directors and 2/3 votes of the
outstanding capital stock and capital stock
b. Majority votes of the Board of Directors and majority
votes of the outstanding capital stock
c. 2/3 votes of the Board of Directors and majority votes of the
outstanding capital stock
d. Majority votes of the Board of Directors and 2/3 votes of the
outstanding capital stock
8. A corporation may acquire its own shares for a legitimate purpose
provided it has unrestricted retained earnings. In which of the following
acquisitions is the requirement of unrestricted retained earnings not
a. When the acquisition is made to eliminate fractional shares
b. When delinquent shares are acquired in a delinquency sale
c. When redeemable shares are repurchased in accordance
with the terms provided in the articles of incorporation
d. When shares are acquired from stockholders who exercise their
appraisal right
9. Which of the following issuance of stocks is not allowed under the
Corporation Code of the Philippines?
a. MCE Leisure Corporation issued preferred stock for P 1 par value.
b. Toshiba Philippines, Inc. issued a no par value common shares for
P 5 per share.
c. Metrobank Corporation issued a no par value common
shares for P 5 per share.
d. Malayan Insurance Corporation issued preferred stock for P 1 par
10. Which of the following acts could be ratified by a vote
representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock?
a. Acts of directors or trustees who are guilty of gross negligence or
bad faith in directing the affairs of the corporation
b. An attempt by a director to acquire or actual acquisition of any
interest adverse to that of the corporation in respect of any
matter reposed upon him in confidence
c. Acts of directors constituting an approval of patently unlawful
d. Acquisition of a business opportunity which should
belong to the corporation, thereby acquiring profits which
should belong to the corporation
11. Shares of stock shall may be issued in exchange of the following
consideration, except:
a. Outstanding shares exchanged for stocks in the event of
reclassification or conversion
b. Amounts transferred from unrestricted retained earnings to
stated capital
c. Promissory notes
d. Patents of copyrights
12. Statement No. 1 - Stockholdings exceeding twenty-five (25%)
percent of the outstanding capital stock shall be considered substantial
for purposes of interlocking directors.
Statement No. 2 – For regular meetings of stockholders, there should
be at least two (2) weeks written notice shall be sent to all
stockholders or members
Statement No. 3 - Notice of meetings of stockholders shall be in
writing, and the time and place thereof stated therein.
a. Statements No. 1 and 2 are correct
b. Statements No. 2 and 3 are correct
c. Statements No. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All statements are correct
13. Statement No. 1 - A foreign corporation may sue in this
jurisdiction for infringement of trademark and unfair competition
although it is not doing business in the Philippines because the
Philippines were a party to the Convention of the Union of Paris for the
Protection of Industrial Property.
Statement No. 2 - A foreign corporation not licensed to do business in
the Philippines is absolutely incapacitated from filing a suit in local
a. Only Statement No. 1 is correct
b. Only Statement No. 2 is correct
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are correct
14. Statement No. 1 - Non-filing of by-laws will automatically dissolve
the corporation.
Statement No. 2 - Failure to file by-laws within the required period is a
ground for suspension or revocation of the certificate of registration of
a. Only Statement No. 1 is correct
b. Only Statement No. 2 is correct
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are correct
15. Statement No. 1 - Founders' shares classified as such in the
articles of incorporation may be given certain rights and privileges not
enjoyed by the owners of other stocks, provided that where the
exclusive right to vote and be voted for in the election of directors is
granted, it must be at least five (5) years from the date of the approval
by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Statement No. 2 - Cash dividends due on delinquent stock shall first be
applied to the unpaid balance on the subscription plus costs and
Statement No. 3 - Stock dividends shall be withheld from the
delinquent stockholder until his unpaid subscription is fully paid.
a. Statements No. 1 and 2 are correct
b. Statements No. 2 and 3 are correct
c. Statements No. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All statements are correct
16. The following are advantages of no-par value share of stock.
Which is the exception?
a. No-par value shares allow flexibility in price.
b. The stockholders of no-par value shares are relieved of personal
liability for unpaid stock subscription
c. It allows the issue of stocks in exchange of property.
d. No-par value shares afford a possible remedy of relief from the
evil of over-capitalization and stock watering.
17. The distinction between a proxy and a voting trust is that in a
voting trust:
a. The trustee had no legal title to the shares of the transferring
b. Unless coupled with interest, is revocable at any time.
c. Is not limited to any particular meeting.
d. Stock certificate is not cancelled.
18. Stock corporations are prohibited from retaining surplus profits in
excess of one hundred percent of their paid-in capital stock in this
a. When justified, by definite corporate expansion projects or
programs approved by the board directors
b. When there is pension plan as agreed in the Collective
Bargaining Agreement
c. When the corporations is prohibited under any loan agreement
with any financial institution or creditor, whether local or foreign,
from declaring dividends without its consent
d. When it can be clearly shown that such retention is necessary
under special circumstances obtaining in the corporation, such as
providing preserves for probable contingencies
19. The voting requirement needed in declaring cash or property
dividend –
a. Majority vote of the Board of Directors
b. Majority vote of the Board of Directors plus the vote of a majority
of the outstanding shares
c. Majority vote of the Board of Directors plus the vote of 2/3 of the
outstanding shares
d. 2/3 votes of the directors plus a majority of the outstanding
20. The by-laws may provide that the holders of a majority of the
outstanding capital stock may elect all members of the board of
That it may also provide that no officer of the corporation shall be
required to be a stockholder.
a. Both statements are true
b. Both are false
c. First is false, second is true
d. First is true, second is false
21. A subscribed to 1,000 shares of stock to X Corporation. She paid
25% of the said subscription. During the stockholder meeting, can A
vote all her subscribed shares?
a. No, because the subscription has not yet been fully paid
b. No, because A’s shares has become delinquent which cannot be
c. Yes, as to the paid percentage of subscription
d. Yes, because unpaid shares can be voted
22. X is a director in T Corp. who was elected to a 1-year term on
Feb. 1, 2010. On April 11, 2010, X resigned and was replaced by R, who
assumed as director on May 17, 2010. On Nov. 21, 2010, R died. S was
then elected in his place. Until which time should S serve as director?
a. April 11, 2011
b. Feb. 1, 2011
c. May 17, 2011
d. Nov. 21, 2011
23. The Articles of Incorporation must be accompanied by a
Treasurer's Affidavit certifying under oath, among others, that the total
subscription paid is:
a. Not less than P25,000.00.
b. Not more than P5,000.00.
c. Not less than P5,000.00.
d. Not more than P25,000.00.
24. The rule is that no stock dividend shall be issued without the
approval of stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding
capital stock at a regular or special meeting called for the purpose. As
to other forms of dividends:
a. A mere majority of the entire Board of Directors applies.
b. A mere majority of the quorum of the Board of Directors
c. A mere majority of the votes of stockholders representing the
outstanding capital stock applies.
d. The same rule of 2/3 votes applies.
25. Under this doctrine, the separate personality of a corporation
may be disregarded if it is used for fraudulent or illegal purpose or to
escape the faithful compliance of an obligation:
a. Trust fund doctrine
b. Doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate entity
c. Doctrine of corporate opportunity
d. Doctrine of limited capacity
26. In 2006, Corporation "A" passed a board resolution
removing "X" from his position as manager of said corporation.
The by-laws of "A" corporation provide that the officers are the
president, general-manager, treasurer and secretary. Upon complaint
filed with the SEC, it held that the general manager could be
removed by mere resolution of the board of director. On motion for
reconsideration, "X" alleged that he could only be removed by
the affirmative vote of the stockholders representing 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock. Is "X's" contention legally tenable.
a. No, the vote required is majority of the board and 2/3 OCS
b. Yes, the voting requirement is only 2/3 of the outstanding capital
c. No, the required vote is MBD consented by MOCS.
d. No, the voting requirement is only majority of the Board
of Directors.
27. The Corporation Code sanctions a contract between two or
more corporations which have interlocking directors, provided there
is no fraud that attends it and it is fair and reasonable under the
circumstances. The interest of an interlocking director in one
corporation may be either substantial or nominal. It is nominal if his
a. Does not exceed 25% of the outstanding capital stock.
b. Exceeds 25% of the outstanding capital stock.
c. Exceeds 20% of the outstanding capital stock.
d. Does not exceed 20% of the outstanding capital stock.
28. ABC Corp. increased its capital stocks from Php10 Million to
Php15 Million and, in the process, issued 1,000 new shares divided into
Common Shares “B” and Common Shares “C.” T, a stockholder owning
500 shares, insists on buying the newly issued shares through a right
of pre -emption. The company claims, however, that its By-laws deny T
any right of pre-emption. Is the corporation correct?
a. No, since the By-Laws cannot deny a shareholder his right
of pre-emption.
b. Yes, but the denial of his pre-emptive right extends only to 500
c. Yes, since the denial of the right under the By-laws is binding on
d. No, since pre-emptive rights are governed by the articles of
29. In case of disagreement between the corporation and a
withdrawing stockholder who exercises his appraisal right regarding
the fair value of his shares, a three-member group shall by majority
vote resolve the issue with finality. May the wife of the withdrawing
stockholder be named to the three member group?
a. No, the wife of the withdrawing shareholder is not a
disinterested person.
b. Yes, since she could best protect her husband's shareholdings.
c. Yes, since the rules do not discriminate against wives.
d. No, since the stockholder himself should sit in the three-member
30. In elections for the Board of Trustees of non-stock corporations,
members may cast as many votes as there are trustees to be elected
but may not cast more than one vote for one candidate. This is true –
a. Unless set aside by the members in plenary session.
b. In every case even if the Board of Trustees resolves otherwise.
c. Unless otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation
or in the By-laws.
d. In every case even if the majority of the members decide
otherwise during the
31. To call a meeting for the purpose of removing a director of
a corporation the required votes of the stockholders is:
a. majority of the stockholders present voting and non-voting
b. ¾ of the outstanding capital stock-voting
c. 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock-voting
d. majority of the outstanding capital stock-voting
32. For the purpose of interlocking directorate, an interlocking
director’s interest in a corporation is considered substantial if it is:
a. At least 20%
b. More than 20%
c. At least 25%
d. More than 25%
33. The following vote on a per head basis, except:
a. Directors of a stock corporation
b. Stockholders
c. Trustees of non-stock corporation
d. Members (of a non-stock corporation)
34. Which of the following is an incorrect composition of the capital
stock of a corporation?
a. Both par value and no-par value shares
b. Both preferred and common shares
c. Either par value or no-par value shares
d. Either common or preferred shares
35. Other than from retained earnings, dividends may be declared
out of:
a. Paid-in capital in excess of par value
b. Paid-in capital in excess of issued price
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
36. Shares that may be issued at a price lower than P5.00 per share
a. Par value shares
b. No-par value shares
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
37. Shares that may be issued at a price higher than P5.00 per share
a. Par value shares
b. No-par value shares
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
38. No-par shares may not be issued for a price lower than:
a. Stock exchange quotation price
b. Issued price
c. Market price
d. Fair market value
39. Which of the following provisions in the articles of incorporation
cannot be amended?
a. Name of corporation
b. Number and name of incorporators
c. Term of existence
d. Primary purpose
40. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a corporation?
a. Perpetual life
b. Transferability of ownership interests
c. Unlimited liability on the part of the stockholders
d. Ability to attract large amount of capital
41. A stock corporation, in general, is taxed in the same manner as
a. General professional partnership
b. Non-general professional partnership
c. Sole proprietorship
d. Cooperative
42. The subscriber of unpaid shares which are not delinquent shall
be entitled to the following rights, except the right to:
a. Vote
b. Inspect corporate books
c. Dividends
d. A stock certificate
43. Statement 1: amendment of the articles of incorporation requires
majority vote of the board of directors or trustees and the vote or
written assent of the stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock or at least 2/3 of the members entitled to
a. Statement 2: any director or trustee of a corporation may be
removed from office by a vote of the stockholders holding or
representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or at
least 2/3 of the members entitled to vote.
a. True, true
b. True, false
c. False, true
d. False, false
44. Three of the following are required for the existence of de facto
corporation, except
a. Incorporated under a valid law
b. Attempt in good faith to organize
c. Actual use of corporate powers
d. Existing in law and in fact
45. A suit brought by a stockholder in the name and in behalf of the
corporation to protect corporate rights or redress wrongs committed
against the corporation, whenever corporate officers refuse to bring
such actions or such officers are the ones to be sued or held liable.
a. Individual suit
b. Class suit
c. Representative suit
d. Derivative suit
46. The rule that protects directors who act with due care and in
good faith, as long as their decisions are lawful and in the best
interests of the corporation.
a. Fairness rule
b. Business judgment rule
c. Golden rule
d. Anti-trust rule
47. Which shares may be issued with or without par value?
a. Common shares
b. Preferred shares
c. Both common and preferred shares
d. Neither common nor preferred shares
48. Which of the following causes of vacancy in the board of
directors may be filled by the remaning directors if they still constitute
a quorum?
a. Increase in the number of directors
b. Removal of a director
c. Expiration of the term of a director
d. Disqualification of a director
49. The executive committee must have at least:
a. Three members who must act with an unanimous vote of all its
b. Three members who must at by a majority vote of all the
c. Five members who must act with an unanimous vote of all its
d. Five members who must act by a majority vote of all its members
50. What may be the composition of the executive committee of a
a. Directors
b. Stockholders who are neither officers nor directors
c. Officers who are neither stockholders nor directors

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