Antenna Analysis and Design Chapter 3
Antenna Analysis and Design Chapter 3
Antenna Analysis and Design Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
In the analysis of radiation problems, the usual procedure is to specify the
sources and then require the fields radiated by the sources. This is in con-
trast to the synthesis problem where the radiated fields are specified, and
we are required to determine the sources.
∇ · (∇ × A) = 0
Class Notes on ECEG-6308
3.2. THE VECTOR POTENTIALS Analysis and Design of Antennas
Figure 3.1: Block diagram for computing fields radiated by electric and
magnetic sources.
BA = µHA = ∇ × A (3.1)
∇ × EA = −jω∇ × A
∇ × [EA + jωA] = 0
EA + jωA = −∇φe
EA = −∇φe − jωA (3.2)
The scalar function φe represents an arbitrary electric scalar potential which
is a function of position. Taking the curl of both sides of (3.1) and using
the vector identity ∇ × ∇ × A = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇2 A, reduces it to
∇ × (µHA ) = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇2 A
µ∇ × HA = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇2 A
µJ + jωµεEA = ∇(∇ · A) − ∇2 A
Murad Ridwan, 2 of 7
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University.
Apr 2013.
Class Notes on ECEG-6308
3.2. THE VECTOR POTENTIALS Analysis and Design of Antennas
Substituting (3.2),
where k 2 = ω 2 µε. In (3.1) the curl of A was defined. Now we are at liberty
to define the divergence of A, which is independent of its curl. Let
∇ · A = −jωµεφe (3.3)
∇2 + k 2 A = −µJ (3.4)
Once A is known, HA can be found from (3.1) and EA from (3.5). EA can
just as easily be found from Maxwell’s equation, ∇ × HA = J + jωεEA , with
J = 0. It will be shown later how to find A in terms of the current density
J. It will be a solution to the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation (3.4).
∇2 F + k 2 F = −εM (3.8)
Murad Ridwan, 3 of 7
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University.
Apr 2013.
Class Notes on ECEG-6308
3.3. SOLUTIONS.. Analysis and Design of Antennas
Total Fields
Now, we have developed equations that can be used to find the electric and
magnetic fields generated by an electric current source J and a magnetic
current source M. The procedure requires that the auxiliary potential func-
tions A and F generated, respectively, by J and M are found first. In turn,
the corresponding electric and magnetic fields are then determined (EA , HA
due to A and EF , HF due to F). The total fields are then obtained by the
superposition of the individual fields due to A and F (J and M).
E = EA + E F
1 1
= −jωA − j ∇∇ · A − ∇ × F
ωµε ε (3.9)
1 1
= ∇ × HA − ∇ × F
jωε ε
H = HA + HF
1 1
= ∇ × A − jωF − j ∇∇ · F
µ ωµε (3.10)
1 1
= ∇×A−j ∇∇ · EF
µ ωµε
Since the current density is directed along the z -axis (Jz ), only an Az com-
ponent will exist. Thus we can write ∇2 A + k 2 A = −µJ as
∇2 Az + k 2 Az = −µJz
At points outside of the infinitesimal source,
∇ 2 Az + k 2 Az = 0 (3.12)
Point source: Az is not a function of direction (θ and φ) and Az = Az (r),
where r is the radial distance.
2 2 1 ∂ 2 ∂Az (r)
∇ Az (r) + k Az (r) = 2 r + k 2 Az (r) = 0
r ∂r ∂r
Murad Ridwan, 4 of 7
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University.
Apr 2013.
Class Notes on ECEG-6308
3.3. SOLUTIONS.. Analysis and Design of Antennas
Az1 = C1 : radially outward traveling wave.
Az2 = C2 : radially inward traveling wave.
Therefore, we choose
Az = Az1 = C1
In the static case (ω = 0, k = 0), this simplifies to
Az = Az1 =
which is the solution to the wave equation (3.13) when k = 0. Thus at
points outside the source, the time-varying and static solutions differ only
by e−jkr , the phase retardation factor.
In the presence of the source (Jz 6= 0), and k = 0, the wave equation reduces
∇2 Az = −µJz (3.14)
Murad Ridwan, 5 of 7
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University.
Apr 2013.
Class Notes on ECEG-6308
3.3. SOLUTIONS.. Analysis and Design of Antennas
e−jkr 0
A= J dv (3.17)
4π V r
If the source is removed from the origin and placed at a position represented
by (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ),
e−jkR 0
A(x, y, z) = J(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) dv (3.18)
4π V R
where (x, y, z) is the observation point and R = |r − r0 | is the distance from
any point on the source to the observation point. In a similar fashion we
can obtain
e−jkR 0
F(x, y, z) = M(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) dv (3.19)
4π V R
If J and M represent linear densities,
e−jkR 0
A(x, y, z) = Js (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) ds (3.20)
4π S R
e−jkR 0
F(x, y, z) = Ms (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) ds (3.21)
4π S R
For electric and magnetic current Ie and Im
e−jkR 0
A(x, y, z) = Ie (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) dl (3.22)
4π C R
e−jkR 0
F(x, y, z) = Im (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) dl (3.23)
4π C R
Murad Ridwan, 6 of 7
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University.
Apr 2013.
Class Notes on ECEG-6308
3.4. FAR-FIELD RADIATION Analysis and Design of Antennas
Murad Ridwan, 7 of 7
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University.
Apr 2013.