Rafael Steven Sot (/S/) Productos y Serv
Rafael Steven Sot (/S/) Productos y Serv
Rafael Steven Sot (/S/) Productos y Serv
039.02 - Exam: Kaspersky Threat Intelligence [e] > Threat Data Tiempo restante: 00:10:57
Progreso 4 / 20 20%
5. ABC Inc. su ered losses because of a malicious application installed on employees’ smartphones, which sent SMS messages
to premium rate numbers. Which Threat Data Feeds can help to detect this application?
6. Which security risks do Threat Data Feeds help to mitigate? El número máximo de respuestas ha sido seleccionado
Lateral movement
7. Which data are used together with SIEM systems to detect an attack?
Antivirus signatures
Snort signatures
Yara rules
8. Which of the following le categories CANNOT be included in Whitelisting Threat Data Feeds?
Malicious les
Clean les
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6/11/2020 Learning Activity
9. What is Yara?
A vulnerability scanner
IoC converter
10. Which category do APT Reports pertain to in the Adaptive Security model?
11. You aim to reduce the load on the mail gateway and improve anti-spam protection. How can Threat Data Feeds help you?
You can make the mail gateway block addresses that pertain to the spam category and have rating 75 or more according to IP Reputation feeds
You can make the mail gateway block addresses that pertain to the spam category according to IP Reputation feeds
You can make the mail gateway block any addresses that have rating 75 or more according to IP Reputation feeds
You can make the mail gateway block spamming IP addresses listed in the feeds
12. Which category do Threat Data Feeds pertain to in the Adaptive Security model?
13. Which Threat Data Feeds can help to check whether some inbound connections are established from a Tor network?
You are investigating an incident related to theft of con dential information from an organization’s web servers. There is a suspicion that
the C&C channel uses Tor.
IP reputation
Botnet C&C
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6/11/2020 Learning Activity
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