2 Brzovic Et Al 2019
2 Brzovic Et Al 2019
2 Brzovic Et Al 2019
ABSTRACT: During the last 35 years, El Teniente mine has mined the massive and competent primary ore, associated with coarse
fragmentation among other operational problems. After primary ore mining began, the geological department started to track
fragmentation in draw points to understand and predict the process. An overall review of the existing database allowed for the
discovery of a consistent process of fracturing during material flow within the ore column. For instance, whatever the mine conditions,
rock types, height of draw and preconditioning techniques being applied to the rock mass, rock blocks split in a consistent manner,
where the largest and shortest block length of a rock block tend to define a ratio around the value of 2. Fragmentation measurements
indicate that productivity, as the amount of tonnes drawn between hang ups, increase double when rock mass has been preconditioned
using hydraulic fracturing of 1.5 m spacing. However, it is inferred that productivity, is also related to the rock fabric features since
under the same preconditioning intensity, a more competent rock, only reached 1/3 of that value. Data analysis based on rock block
size measurements in hang ups, also indicate that reducing the hydraulic fracturing spacing will impact significantly on hang ups
formation. Finally, empirical observation confirms that if a draw bell design generates hang ups, all photographic techniques and
related uses for fragmentation characterization on draw points are insufficient to recognize the full block-sized distribution, and its
results tend to underestimate the true fragmentation.
of the rock mass, but stresses on the cave back, the height
of the ore column and draw bell geometry also will
Fragmentation performance may determine the success control fragmentation results on DPs.
and profitability of a block-caving operation (Brown,
The El Teniente mine is one of the biggest caving
2007). In fact, if a large number of Hang Ups (HU) occur
operations in the world and, considering production
during production, because of the nature of the rock mass
started in 1905, is also one of the oldest. The first 80 years
and rock fabric, ore delivery will be constrained by our
of mine production occurred in a highly fractured and
ability to manage secondary breakage or to introduce
weak rock mass known as secondary ore, located mainly
changes in mine design and/or rock mass preconditioning.
near to the surface (<600m.). The deepening of the mining
Cases such as the Palabora mine in South Africa showed
run out the secondary rock, giving way to the low grade
low productivity of 350 tons between HU and delayed
and stronger primary ore. In 1982 primary ore mining
ramp up (Moss et al., 2004). Conversely, the Cadia mine
started with mechanized Load-Haul-Dump (LHD)
in Australia was able to reach productivity several times
equipment. Geotechnical problems such as collapses,
that number (Catalan et at., 2017).
seismicity and coarse fragmentation were experienced
Fragmentation also influences mine design and operating due to the primary ore being massive and competent. Due
parameters, such as; Draw Points (DPs) size and spacing, the ongoing problems, the geological department of the El
equipment selection, draw control procedures, production Teniente Division started to track fragmentation in DPs,
rates, HU and the need for secondary breakage, among with the aim to understand the fragmentation process and
others (Brown, 2007). Laubscher (1990) has presented a develop a tool for fragmentation predictions. An internal
guide to adjust mine design to the fragmentation and rock fragmentation tool was developed (Blondel et al., 1995)
mass quality assessment for a jointed rock mass. and is still being used during feasibility studies to assess
Fragmentation mostly depends on the rock fabric nature
the likely fragmentation encountered in any future mining mafic (gabbros, diabases and other called CMET) and
project. felsic (dacite and tonalite-diorite porphyries) intrusives
and hydrothermal breccias of Miocene age (Skewes et al.,
The adopted fragmentation measurement method
comprises the characterization of the two major
components of size distribution; the fine material that It has been observed that vein mineralogy plays a big role
usually fills up the DPs mouth and the coarse material in rock mass fragmentation at El Teniente, with soft veins
related to HU and secondary brakeage. Several containing weak minerals (chalcopyrite and anhydrite
fragmentation measurement campaigns have been mainly, Figure 1) controlling the disassembling of the
undertaken at the mine site, considering different mine rock mass during caving (Brzovic and Villaescusa, 2007).
sectors and rock types, including those with and without Those vein types and faults are considered the weaker
rock mass preconditioning. path of the massive and competent primary ore. Based on
that finding, rock mass characterization has focused on
Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) preconditioning was
determining the content of weak veins within a unit
introduced at El Teniente in 2005 to reduce the seismic
volume (Brzovic et al., 2014b). The results of the
hazard. A detailed description of managing seismic risk
characterization demonstrated that the rock types can be
and the role of HF is presented by Rojas and Balboa
classified from weaker to stronger as follows: Cmet
(2017). After an almost three-year trial, HF was
Footwall (Fw), Cmet Hanginwal (Hw), diorite and dacite
implemented mine-wide as part of the mining method,
(Table 1). Fw is to the east.
with a standard HF spacing of 1.5 m and HF holes placed
in a grid of 40 m by 40 m. HF usually grows horizontal The El Teniente mine is located in the Andes range about
and perpendicular to σ3 to a radius of 20 m. 50 km east from the nearest city, Rancagua. The ore body
is surrounded by a rough landscape where overburden
Blasting preconditioning was implemented only once as a
from current mine operations may vary between 400 to
trial to treat the stronger and most competent rock mass at
1,300 m in height (Figure 1). Thus, stresses may vary, but
the El Teniente mine. The detailed work undertaken and
it is known that at the production level of Esmeralda and
the post-evaluation that included determining HU
Reno mine sectors where relevant seismicity has been
frequency, was published by Brzovic et al., (2014a), and
experienced, in situ principal stresses are around 50-60
Brzovic et al., (2015). Those works and the work of
MPa (σ1) and 20-30 MPa (σ3). The trend and plunge of the
Blondel et al., (1995) are the only published material
in situ principal stresses are around 300/08 (σ1), 239/06
related to fragmentation observations from El Teniente
(σ2) and 110/80 (σ3) according to Windsor et al., (2006),
mine after more than 35 years of mining in the massive
also in Figure 1.
and competent primary ore.
The main focus of this paper is to present new findings of
rock mass behavior related to fragmentation after an
extensive review of the large fragmentation database. It Fragmentation measurement campaigns have been
demostrates that rock blocks break in a consistent manner undertaken at El Teniente since 1993 to understand the
during flow through the ore column, and subsequently fragmentation process and develop proper internal tools
may have a large impact on mine productivity if HF at for fragmentation forecasting in future projects.
reduced spacing is undertaken. These findings provide a A typical fragmentation assessment campaign includes
potentially useful basis for future block-caving operations measurements of two portions of the block size
in massive and competent rock masses. distributions in DPs, namely a) the finer fraction material
that represent the muck at the draw point itself (Figure 2),
2. EL TENIENTE OVERVIEW and b) the coarser fraction material that represents all
larger blocks requiring secondary blasting or breakage for
The primary copper ore at the El Teniente mine has been
material handling, which included HU. Both size
described as very competent and massive; it exhibits a
fractions are quantified through the measurement process
brittle behavior, often failing violently under high-stress
along with the corresponding Height of Draw (HOD).
conditions (Rojas et al., 2000). This description is
Fragmentation in DPs show rock blocks with a typical,
consistent with the geological description of a rock mass
well-developed polyhedral form that reflects the
having few or no discontinuities (joints) by the definition
structural fracturing process as shown in Figure 2.
provided by International Society of Rock Mechanics
(ISRM, 1981). The only true discontinuities are faults, For the coarser fraction material, a process has been
although they are widely spaced within the rock mass developed to convert the two-dimensional observations of
(spacing around 10m). The primary copper ore has a high a rock block in HU, to a three-dimensional volume and
frequency of veins, in which the copper mineralization is tonnage (in section 3.1). This process involves the
hosted typically as vein network structures or stockwork characterization of individual, larger rock blocks that
(Figure 1). The main rock types at El Teniente include report to the DPs by the relationship of dimensions along
Fig. 1. Plan view (left) with main rock types, major faults, mine sectors and main in situ stresses orientations at the El Teniente mine.
General cross section (top right) and some pictures showing stockwork vein characteristics of the massive and competent primary
rock mass. It also shows a typical rock block at the production draw point, where the faces are sulfide vein types.
Fig. 2. Main characteristic of the fragmentation measurements at the El Teniente mine. For the fine fraction material, the flip chart
is used to help to tune the visual observation (from Moss et al., 2004). All single rock blocks for secondary breakage are measured
across three sections for shape factor estimations as shown in the bottom right photo.
Table 1. Rock Mass Characterization of Main Rock Types at the El Teniente mine (Gonzalez, 2018).
UCS E Weak Veins Intensity Fault Intensity
Unit Main Rock Type
(MPa) (GPa) P10: average ± SD (m-1) P10 (m-1)
Zone 2 Dacite 151 39 0.4 ± 0.4 0.05-0.16
Zone 3 Diorite 140-162 48-49 0.6 ± 0.6 0.07-0.16
Zone 4 Cmet Hw 135 57 1.0 ± 0.6 0.12-0.43
Zone 5 Cmet Fw 108 50 3.1 ± 1.7 0.12-0.49
Notes: Lineal frequency measurements or P10 (Dershowitz and Herda, 1992) are from multiple core and orientations (160.000 m core samples). For faults, 3 orthogonal
cores were used. SD is standard deviation. Data from El Teniente internal report.
the three major axes. These measurements are used to in ranges of: [1.0 m to 2.0 m], [2.0 m to 3.0 m] and
determine the shape factor defined by Gy (1967), which [3.0 m>]. Each single, large rock block is
measures the deviation from a cubic shape. The shape characterized by its main size dimensions along the
factor "ƒ" is a dimensionless unit parameter, which varies three major axes to determine the shape factor.
between 0 and 1. The shape factor is obtained by the Some large blocks that form HU are also
multiplication of the ratios of rock block major axes characterized by its main axes (more details in
having the largest axis as denominator as follows: section 3.2).
Both size distributions are combined and correlated
ƒ= ∗ ∗ (1) to the production database to account for the full
distribution size. Data analysis is undertaken for a
where l1, l2 and l3 represent the major, middle and minor
certain number of DPs that have similar geological
axes of the rock block as is shown in Figure 2 (bottom
conditions and/or have received similar rock mass
right). It is important to note that most of all large rock
blocks that the LHD cannot carry are usually
A fragmentation campaign may take from a couple of
characterized with a statistical analysis being undertaken
months to a couple of years, depending on the rate of
to estimate the fine and coarse fraction tonnage.
draw. It may consider measurement of a single or both
The detailed procedure for measuring both the finer and fractions in a continuous manner (including night shifts).
coarser fractions is as follow: In order to undertake the fragmentation measurements,
usually technicians join the secondary breakage crew for
The size distribution of the fine fraction is all shifts. Table 2 summarizes the fragmentation
measured by visual inspection of the draw points in campaigns completed at the El Teniente mine between
four size ranges: [<0.25 m], [0.25 m to 1.0m], [1.0 1993 and 2018. HF has been the main preconditioning
m to 1.5 m] and [1.5 m>]. A comparative “flip technique undertaken since 2005 but only systematically
chart” developed in Palabora mine (Moss et al., from 2010 onward. Blasting preconditioning was
2007) is used to help to estimate the percentages of undertaken once as a trial in SuaPi mine sector between
each size range by visual inspection (Figure 2). 2010 and 2011 to treat the strongest and most massive
The coarse fraction material represents all rock dacite rock type.
blocks identified during secondary blasting,
including HU. The coarse fraction is also counted
Fig. 3. Rock block shape factor measured along the El Teniente history considering mine sectors, rock types, and preconditioning
techniques. PC, blasting and hydraulic fracturing preconditioning; HF, hydraulic fracturing; HOD, height of draw.
3.1. Shape Factor rock block with large aspect ratio (l1 and l2 greater than l3),
All large blocks characterized by their main axes are used will have higher probabilities for breakage.
to determine the shape factor; average values from all of
the fragmentation campaigns (Table 2) according to the
HOD are presented in Figure 3, which includes different
mine sectors, rock types and applied preconditioning
techniques. The plotted data demonstrate most samples
are contained within the range between 0.3 and 0.4, based
on the finding that the value of 0.35 had been selected for
planning purposes at the El Teniente mine. A value of
0.35 means length ratios of 1.0, 0.7 and 0.5. In other
words, the largest and shortest block lengths tend to
follow a ratio of 2:1. It is important to mention that
observed large rock blocks tend to be almost an irregular
polyhedron of three sides. For simplification, a
parallelepiped shape is assumed to calculate the volumes.
3.2. Main Axes Ratios
The following graphs in Figure 4 show the axes ratio
between major and minor axes (l1/l3) of large rock blocks
left by LHD at the DPs, which are plotted according to
their volume. The data in the figure support the idea that
whatever the conditions (i.e. rock types, HOD and
preconditioning techniques), the largest and shortest
block length tend to follow a ratio of 2:1. In that figure,
rock volume was calculated as regular parallelepiped with Fig. 4. Ratios between the largest and the shortest rock block
a factor k of 0.8 (angles between 60 and 70 degree). axes considering mine sectors, rock types, preconditioning
techniques and rock volume. (HF, hydraulic fracturing).
These results are very consistent, since it is logical to
conclude that a parallelepiped rock volume under It is interesting to note from Figure 4, that as the LHD in
constant movement (as occurs within the muck pile use in the Diablo Regimiento (DR) mine sector is the
column in the cave) tends to break to form a volume largest used at El Teniente (13 yd3, in Table 2), only large
having similar axes lengths. In fact, the Block Cave rock blocks are left for secondary breakage (mostly >3
Fragmentation software known as BCF (Esterhuizen, m3). In addition, as the draw points in the DR mine sector
2005) uses the “aspect ratio” variable to estimate the are also the largest ones designed at the mine (in Figure 5
likelihood of a rock block to break during the secondary and Table 2), with an opening of almost 4.0 m by 4.6 m,
fragmentation process (flow within the muck pile). The largest rock blocks are able to report to the DPs mouth
(mostly between 3 and 90 m3). Those largest rock blocks Figure 7 can be read as the likelihood of one or many
do not appear in other mine sectors (sieving effect). This major rock block(s) to form a HU. The figure shows that
finding demonstrates that by characterizing only the fine largest number of HU have a single large rock block. For
fraction material in DPs, means that it is impossible to get instance, 40% of the HU have a single rock block with a
an insight of the true fragmentation. In other words, the volume of 20 m3. A smaller percentage of HU have larger
true fragmentation can only be determined by blocks with only 8% of the HU having two rock blocks
characterizing both fraction materials – fine and coarse. with a total volume of 20 m3. The figure indicates that HU
In this respect, if a draw bell design generates HU, any with multiple large rock blocks do not occur. In addition,
related data analysis from photographic and related the HU defines rock volumes that range between 10 m3
techniques used for fragmentation characterization on and 100 m3 in this particular mine sector and draw bell
DPs, will underestimated the true fragmentation. geometry.
Figure 8 also shows, an average productivity of the The particular implementation of the HF design within the
massive and primary ore types that range around 800 and Reno mine sector is shown in Figure 10. It also shows the
1,000 tons between HU. Variations and less productivity HF intensity by calculating the area of fracturing by HF
are also observed in rock masses considered stronger, in a unit volume or P32 (m2/m3) as a block model. HF
such is the case for the diorite rock type (second strongest started in 2007 at that mine sector, initially as a trial, and
as illustrated in Table 1). then from 2010 onward, in a more systematic process
(regular grid). The block model was developed using the
3.4. Fragmentation and Preconditioning HF drill core location, the induced stresses by the Reno
The first studies to observe changes of fragmentation
cave when HF was implemented, HF features such as 20
performance by preconditioning the rock mass occurred
m radius and 1.5 m spacing (from Rojas and Balboa
in 2004. These studies, undertaken at the El Salvador
2017), and HF implementation performance or
mine in Chile, indicated a reduction of 84% of HU located effectiveness, which was not being affected by rock types.
between 5 and 12 m in height within the draw bell (Baez,
HF effectiveness is reported daily by operations, and have
2010). Another internal studies at the El Teniente mine,
shown successful rates over 90% of the mine wide.
back in 2007 at DR mine sector, observed change in
productivity from 605 tons between HU (0-43 m HOD
without HF) to 891 tons (45-90 m of HOD with HF), but
those changes were attributed to secondary fragmentation
process rather than HF effect at that time (Hurtado et al.,
A comprehensive study of fragmentation performance
considering different preconditioning techniques
undertaken in dacite rock type within SuaPi mine sector
was presented by Brzovic et al. (2015), and these studies
showed that preconditioned rock mass nearly doubled
productivity. It may be considered that the dacite rock
type is the strongest rock mass within the El Teniente ore
body or the one with less weak veins as shown in Table 1.
Mining within that massive rock mass was avoided until
preconditioning came to the El Teniente mine. The SuaPi
was used as the trial for future mining of dacite rock type
in the Reno mine sector, which started in 2016.
The following Figure 9 shows that applying HF in all
Cmet rock type at the Reno mine sector resulted in
productivity doubling. These results were also observed
in other rock types (Diorite rock type in Figure 8 and 9).
Fig. 9. Fragmentation performance by HF as preconditioning Fig. 10. HF-implemented design in the Reno mine sector (top)
technique used at the El Teniente mine by main rock types. and a block model plan view at 2160z of HF preconditioning
Cmet Reno without HF (2007) is included for comparisons. intensity or P32 defined by HF design (bottom).
This systematic implementation of the HF mine wide Considering HF design at 1.5 m spacing,
(Rojas and Balboa 2017) resulted in a homogenization consequently, the dimensions of the large rock
process of the rock mass (preconditioned), which allowed block, that secondary fragmentation may create
the El Teniente mine to achieve all production targets set during ore flows will be as follows: main axes as
in the last few years. However, despite that 3.0 m, 2.1 m and 1.5 m (shortest ones by HF
homogenization process for all rock types, the natural spacing, and using the shape factor of 0.35), giving
geological condition of the rock mass still plays a role in a rock volume of 13.5 m3.
rock mass behavior (fragmentation). As can be seen in
Figure 9, the dacite rock type, with the same HF design as If HF is decreas to 1.0 m spacing, and considering
Cmet rock type (particularly after the regular HF grid was that all above rules apply, the large rock block
achieved in Figure 10) has not reached a productivity would has main axes as 2.0 m, 1.4 m and 1.0 m,
above the 500 tons between HU, which can be attributed then the rock volume will be of 4.0 m3.
to the lack of weak veins within that rock mass (Table 1).
The result of diorite rock type in Esmeralda mine sector
(2017/18), which also increase productivity by double,
but still below Cmet rock type (in Figure 9), confirms that
3.5. Possible impact on Fragmentation
performance by close HF spacing
The previous section shows how fragmentation during
material flow within the ore columns is characterized by
a consistent process of fracturing. The ratio between the
largest and the shortest rock block axes tends to be a value
of 2, irrelevant of rock types, HOD and preconditioning
Figure 11 provides an illustration of the simulated
examples of how HF reduces large rock blocks during
caving in a massive and poor fracture rock mass. This
figures shows the two different scales of Discrete Fracture
Network (DFN) modeling that was undertaken. The larger
scale at the top shows caving propagation simulation in a
rock mass with and without HF. The smaller scale below Fig. 11. DFN modeling for dacite and Cmet rock types to
shows the simulation for a poor inter connected rock illustrate the effect of block size reduction by applying HF at
fabric with and without HF. For both cases the HF was at 1.5 m spacing. Color means in situ rock block defined by rock
1.5 m spacing and shows that large rock blocks will structure inter connection at the bottom images (Dacite).
reduce by improving rock structure interconnection and
then fragmentation. The calculations seem to be accurate since a thin
Following these two main aspect of fragmentation parallelepiped of rock block layer (defined by HF as
observed at the El Teniente mine, the additional impact in shown in Figure 11) under constant movement that occurs
fragmentation performance by close HF spacing may be within the muck pile column in the cave will be very
hypothesised as follow: unstable and easy to break. This is especially true if there
is a high intensity of weak and perpendicular (in relation
Based on observation, it is considered that the to HF) veins. Therefore, reducing HF spacing, and
largest axes of rock block will be double of the ensuring that they are parallel, will have a significant
smallest one (described in section 3.1). impact on reducing the number of large rock blocks in
HU, which subsequently will result in increas draw point
Then, reducing the smallest side of a rock block by productivity. Reducing HF spacing will cut all major
a fixed value using HF, will also reduce the size of blocks that form HU as is shown in Figure 7, helping to
largest side of a rock block during ore flow. reduce hang up occurrence. Based on Figure 7, only 10%
It is assumed that HF grows as parallel plains, as of HU have one single large rock block of 4 m3. The
observed in mine drives at the Cadia mine, where remaining 90% of HU, have large rock blocks above 4 m3,
HF was mapped on mine walls that were parallel which would be eliminated by reducing HF spacing up to
over 15 m long at 1.25 m spacing (in Burger et al., 1 m.
4. CONCLUSIONS colleagues, particularly Jorge Pereira, who were
responsible for some of the data collection campaigns.
The data gathered from El Teniente DPs by the geological
department during the last 25 years of underground
mining in the massive and competent primary rock mass, 6. REFERENCES
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