Version 5.0
User-Configurable Features .............................................. 3
Open System Features ....................................................... 5
System Components.........................................................7
Engineering Workstation (EWS)....................................... 8
Operator Workstation (OWS)........................................... 9
Field Control Unit (FCU) .................................................. 9
I/O Subsystem.................................................................. 10
SCADA Data Server (SDS).............................................. 10
Process Historical Archiver (PHA).................................. 10
Summary ......................................................................... 11
Project Configuration.................................................... 13
Architecture Configuration ............................................. 14
Device Diagram Configuration........................................ 18
Scripting .......................................................................... 29
Graphic Editors............................................................... 30
Alarm and Logging Configuration .................................. 33
Security Configuration .................................................... 34
Command Windows and Group Displays ....................... 35
Help System..................................................................... 36
Operator Interface......................................................... 37
Project Graphics Screens ................................................ 39
Command Windows and Group Displays ....................... 40
Monitoring and Acknowledging Alarms ......................... 41
Archiving ......................................................................... 42
Logging and Trending ..................................................... 43
Device Status and Diagnostics ......................................... 44
Network Diagnostics........................................................ 45
Connecting to Other Software......................................... 46
Communicating with Field Devices............................... 47
Field Control Unit (FCU) ................................................ 47
SCADA Data Server (SDS).............................................. 48
About Control Systems International (CSI).................. 49
UCOS Functional Overview
UCOS is a complete control system solution. It includes The following sections describe in more detail the concepts
graphical development software, a graphical human- that underlie the user-configurable and open-system features
machine interface (HMI), and a logic processor — all based of UCOS.
on User-Configurable, Open System standards.
• Provide development software that lets you design, However, unlike these traditional technologies, UCOS
configure, test, and document projects faster and creates regulatory, discrete, and sequential control schemes
easier using patented, award-winning techniques. using one integrated development tool. This single tool
addresses every aspect of the project:
UCOS is not an HMI stacked on a PLC. UCOS is a tightly
• Configuring all system hardware, including I/O
coupled project development and run-time software product
cards and tag assignment to points on cards
that lets you graphically configure object-oriented control
logic and simultaneously generate HMI graphics. One • Developing control logic
object-oriented database stores both the control logic and
graphics data for each project. • Building HMI graphics and other displays for
The UCOS development and run-time environments turn
any PC into a scaleable workstation. In addition, the field • Documenting the entire project
control unit directly scans and controls multiple brands of …and all other aspects of a project.
industry-standard I/O, and the field data server allows the
system to exchange data with most other software and
UCOS eliminates the need to piece together a control
system from multiple software packages that may or may
not be designed to work together.
UCOS includes built-in diagnostics and component
redundancy at all levels, if desired.
One integrated configuration tool does all the work and can
eliminate the need for extensive programming. This
As a consequence, UCOS can significantly reduce the cost integration allows UCOS to support a unified approach to
of developing, implementing, maintaining, and expanding a regulatory, discrete, and sequential control – regardless of
control system. the architecture.
For example, UCOS device objects provide all the capability configuration is usually required to make each object unique
of function blocks by incorporating tag definitions, faceplates, and to place it into the control scheme.
programming symbols, run-time graphics, and run-time
dynamics. All this is immediately available when a device
object is placed into a device diagram.
Device Logic
Function Blocks
Figure 2 Drag-and-Drop Object Placement
Control schemes can be modified to fine tune or expand the
Replaces system. Process I/O and operator workstations are easily
added or deleted to meet changing control and business
Figure 1 Relationship of Device Diagramming to Both the standard device objects and the user-definable
Traditional Control Programming Techniques device objects provide you with a library of starter control
schemes that can be reused any number of times. It is easy
User-configurable devices provide a unique structure and to add project-specific templates to the UCOS library and to
approach for building regulatory, discrete, and sequential import those templates into projects, thus cutting
control for a device. This structure is an extension of state development time.
logic concepts. These concepts call for a device’s control
logic to be organized into fundamental categories, such as More important, UCOS allows an organization to “package”
modes, faults, states, alarms, and controls. its best practice process expertise and then deploy that
expertise repeatedly resulting in control systems that are
This device structure is supported by event-based, logic- more consistent, more reliable, and easier to maintain
solving capabilities in the field control units (FCUs) — the throughout a project’s life cycle.
UCOS equivalent of the controller component in a traditional
control system. The FCU runs under just about any POSIX- UCOS also automatically generates faceplates or command
compliant operating system, such as Linux, QNX, UNIX, windows. You can, however customize command windows
Windows, etc. They are also available in a variety of form for user-defined devices.
factors, including high-performance PLCs and cost-efficient
ruggedized industrial controllers. The FCU controller can
directly scan and control multiple brands of I/O.
UCOS Functional Overview
The UCOS open systems architecture also features: UCOS provides an operator interface that is easy to use.
High-resolution graphics and the familiar Windows GUI
• Microsoft Windows 2000/XP providing a reliable, simplify interactive monitoring and control. Supervisory
secure platform for the engineering and operator control of devices is consistent, regardless of device
workstations along with thousands of collateral manufacturer. In addition, security is configurable.
applications, such as spreadsheets and word processors
Since UCOS standard components offer a wide choice of
• Open data exchange via OPC, ActiveX application upgradeable features, the system provides scaleable
programming interface (API), Open Database price/performance to meet budgetary and phased
Connectivity (ODBC), and Microsoft Dynamic Data implementation requirements.
Exchange (DDE)
UCOS Functional Overview
UCOS supports several distinct, yet tightly coupled Process Historical Engineering & Operator
components: Archiver Workstations
• Engineering Workstation (EWS) for project
• microFCU for low-cost, low-power, or low-point- Field Control Unit SCADA Data Server
count applications microFCU
System Components
Engineering Workstation
The EWS is the development tool where control schemes
are configured then downloaded to the OWS, FCU, and
SDS. The entire project is configured using a single
integrated tool based on graphical Windows standards.
UCOS Functional Overview
System Components
Alarms are also part of the device definition and are solved The SDS has the following features:
in the FCU and reported to the operator workstation.
• Supports both serial and TCP/IP connections
The FCU features direct Ethernet network connections and • Supports off-the-shelf, industry-standard ActiveX,
standard interfaces to many specialized intelligent OPC, and DDE drivers
subsystems. • Communicates with any RS-232 compliant equipment
• Supports enabling/disabling of COM ports and polling lists
• Supports multiple ports
I/O Subsystem • Supports multi-drop slaves configuration on the RS-485
The unique flexibility of this technology supports standard, communication bus line
off-the-shelf I/O subsystems offered by a variety of • Allows creation of a poll list for each port
• Supports unsolicited write
The same logic can be solved to manipulate different I/O UCOS data servers are available in configurations that
subsystems from different manufacturers without having to support low- or high-point count applications.
change any of the programming or operational parameters
of the configured system. This allows a UCOS system to
replace another control system without requiring
replacement of the I/O. In addition, when the I/O is Process Historical Archiver
replaced, no change in logic is required since UCOS logic is
hardware independent. (PHA)
Historical archiving involves copying the values of tags and
UCOS currently supports more than 40 families of I/O from other pertinent associated data, while a project is running, to
more than 20 manufacturers. an ODBC-compliant database. The values in the database
can then be manipulated, examined, queried, used for rule-
based decision making, and many other data analysis tasks.
SCADA Data Server (SDS) The system supports run-time archiving of project data to a
The SDS is a controller and data concentrator in one unit. disk file (database) that is compatible with the Microsoft
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard. UCOS
It runs processes logic and directly scans supported I/O, as does supports any standard ODBC-compliant database, such as
the FCU. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, etc.
For devices that cannot be directly scanned by the controller, ODBC-compliant database managers, report writers, expert
the SDS offers a generalized, flexible, and user-configurable systems, custom software, and other applications are then
application designed to interface UCOS to other control used to read and manipulate the archived data. The Trend
systems, proprietary protocol drivers, or specialized software. Viewer module available in the UCOS control system is an
Software protocol drivers may be supplied by CSI or by other example of an application that reads such a database.
third-party suppliers. The protocols run as separate tasks on the
SDS and communicate to devices external to the control The PHA determines which data to save to the database
system, such as PLCs, RTUs, flow computers, intelligent valve using exception-based archiving. If the data does not
controllers, Fieldbus, etc. change, or does not change more than the user-configured
deadband, then there is no archive entry to the database.
The data exchanged with the external devices or other
software systems is then “served” to the control system As a result, exception-based archiving minimizes the amount
database so the data can be used by logic, graphics, and of data that is stored and solves the common problem of
other applications executing in the control system storing large amounts of static data. Pure exception-based
environment. Also, commands and setpoints initiated from archiving can be overridden for all tags or selected tags by
the OWS are routed to the SDS application that, in turn, configuring a minimum-write-rate variable to be a non-zero
routes them to the appropriate external application. value. Tags configured with a minimum write rate other than
zero will have their tag value archived at regular intervals,
whether or not the tag value has changed.
UCOS Functional Overview
Engineering &
Process Historical Archivers
Operator Workstations
UCOS is a single product that delivers total control system
development, HMI, controller software, I/O scanning, RAID
UCOS includes all the tools needed to develop and execute Field
Devices Field Control Unit SCADA Data Server
a control project. No other software products, tools, or microFCU
utilities are required. Devices
Process 2
Process Historical Archivers Operator Workstations
Master Station
Redundant Ethernet TCP/IP
Operator SCADA
Radio Data
tower Server
Workstation PLC Dial-up Modem
Field Control Unit Remote Field
I/O Subsystem Station 2 RTU Devices
Field RTU
Devices Remote Remote Stations Remote Remote
Station 1 3a and 3b Station 4 Station 5 11
System Components
The EWS and OWS run industry-standard Windows Engineering and operator workstations in DCS systems
2000/XP, which offers security along with connectivity to often run some form of UNIX.
thousands of other software applications.
The FCU runs under just about any POSIX-compliant Controllers use some form of proprietary operating system
operating system, such as Linux, QNX, UNIX, Windows, (often no more than a low-level executive or task manager)
etc. which gives it the ability to run other software, and the that is typically embedded and not accessible. It has one
ability to exchange data with other software using OPC, purpose: to execute the proprietary control logic of that
DDE, ODBC, and other data sharing protocols. vendor’s system. Connectivity to third-party or custom
applications is limited or nonexistent.
Communications based on non-proprietary TCP/IP that can Frequently based on proprietary protocols that require
operate over affordable, off-the-shelf communications expensive proprietary hardware.
Automatically incorporates report-by-exception No pre-configured communications. Engineers must
communications that maximizes network throughput. carefully program PLCs and the HMI to manage network
UCOS Functional Overview
Using an integrated, object-oriented configuration tool, a The Configure menu allows you to:
control engineer can implement complex regulatory, discrete,
and sequential control without extensive programming. • Configure device logic, tag definitions, run-time
Instead, graphical objects incorporating control capabilities graphical behavior, etc. for devices and store this device
and configured characteristics are dropped into place. This definition in a template. The template can be used to
technique is used to configure: insert multiple new device definitions into control logic,
which is called a device diagram. Each new device
• Hardware architecture including operator workstations, inherits all the characteristics of the template, yet each
field control units, individual I/O points, data servers, etc. new template-based device is unique and can be further
• Logical control relationships and physical • Create control logic that provides all control
interconnections among devices within a facility or instructions to the project’s field control units (FCUs).
process The control logic is organized by device. Each device
contains all the control logic, tag definitions, and HMI
• Logic behind user-definable devices, such as pumps, graphics associated with that device. You can then
valves, and motors arrange symbols representing each device in a device
diagram to represent the control logic of a project.
All configuration begins with the Project Configuration
editor. • Create project graphic screens using a CAD-like
drawing editor. The resulting screens can contain
dynamic objects that change color, position, shape, etc.
in response to run-time data.
• Organize command windows into group displays and
then display these groups of command windows by
name at run-time.
Run-time command windows, or faceplates, provide a
method of monitoring and controlling your process.
UCOS creates command windows automatically for
transmitters, controllers, and discrete devices.
Project Configuration
• Assign scripts to specific workstations. Scripts are menu item. A dialog box appears in which you can enter
programs written in a language specific to UCOS. configuration information. When you exit the dialog box,
Scripts can cause defined actions to take place through the new object is automatically inserted into a diagram of
pre-programmed instructions in the script itself or the architecture.
operator action.
• Customize user-defined device command windows.
Command windows can include data from multiple
devices. This data can be displayed in digital or analog
format or as trends.
• Use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to pass
information between the project and any DDE-
compliant software package.
• Specify an FCU’s router address that can be used to
detect whether an FCU or its router is down.
Architecture Configuration
This level of configuration allows you to name the project,
choose the type of network for the project, define the
project’s hardware components, and set up the
communication paths.
UCOS Functional Overview
Field Control Units and Associated I/O Figure 15 FCU and I/O List Organized by FCU View
FCUs and associated I/O are configured in one dialog box.
Project Configuration
Figure 16 Hardware Filters for Selecting Hardware FCUs and I/O are added and deleted by selecting an item on
the left side of the dialog box and then clicking the right
UCOS allows you to create location names and specify mouse button. A menu appears at the cursor location.
locations for each FCU and each rack. This provides an
alternate way of viewing and documenting FCU and I/O
UCOS Functional Overview
I/O points are addressed via structured tag names Figure 21 Assigning points
throughout UCOS: in logic configuration on the EWS, for
operator use on the OWS, and in the FCU for logic Backup points can be assigned for any points that need
execution. This replaces the traditional method of direct backup support. A backup module is assigned to a primary
memory addresses found in PLC rung ladder logic. module. Once the first assignment is made to a backup
module, any points added to the associated primary module
Project Configuration allows you to import or export are automatically made to the backup module.
hardware definitions. A hardware definition includes the
configuration information for a workstation or an FCU. You can also assign I/O to multiple devices by using Export
Hardware definitions are exported in the *.csv file format, on the Tools menu in the Device Diagram Editor. UCOS
which means you can modify them in a third-party will sort the devices to user specifications and export the
application such as a text editor or a spreadsheet. This can devices to a file. You can then open the device files in a
decrease development time by allowing you to change third-party application and assign I/O to the devices.
hardware definitions for several components at a time,
rather than one component at a time. You can also use the Another feature of the Import/Export Devices function is
hardware import and export features to create a new project reporting. Once you export device data from UCOS, you
that is based on the hardware definitions of an existing can import that data into an application appropriate for your
project. reporting needs.
Project Configuration
Device Logic
Function Blocks Figure 23 A Device Diagram
Additionally, the ability to customize the diagram symbols Tag Data Flow
associated with devices allows device diagrams to Figure 24 Anatomy of a Device Diagram
graphically represent both logical control relationships and
physical interconnections. Figure 24 illustrates that a device diagram is composed of:
The symbols that appear on device diagrams represent • Named Devices (control, computing, static, and user-
equipment and logical control schemes. They can be connected defined)
together in a way that indicates how they interact with one
another — both logical control interactions and physical
interconnections. • Connection Lines (mechanical, static, analog end)
UCOS Functional Overview
UCOS Devices
Rather than requiring you to reprogram and reconfigure every
device for every project, UCOS allows you to leverage
industry standards when possible and create custom solutions
when necessary.
Project Configuration
• Mechanical lines (thick solid) are not associated with Rather than requiring you to program each controller’s
any control functionality. They do, however, serve to functionality, UCOS uses graphical techniques and fill-in-
indicate the physical interconnection among devices. the-blank forms to configure each controller device.
• Static lines (medium gray) indicate signal flow from the You enter a unique name for the new controller device, the
process to a device. FCU where the logic for the controller device is solved, the
point to which the controller device output is assigned, and a
• Tag data flow lines (dashed) indicate flow of data backup point.
among devices.
You can also modify default tag names and definitions for
Although many devices have multiple inputs, UCOS makes alarms, setpoints, commands, and other defaulted
it easy to ensure that only valid connections are made. For parameters.
example, connection types are readily visible when Device
Connection Mode is enabled and the cursor passes over a
connection point.
Control Devices
The underlying functional characteristics of control devices
are based on widely accepted industry standards and,
therefore, do not need to be defined.
UCOS Functional Overview
Once the controller device is configured, you simply click in Computing Devices
the device diagram to indicate where the new device goes.
Most of the attributes of control devices also apply to
computing devices:
It is not necessary to program the PID algorithm that defines Low Signal Select
the functionality of a controller device. The FCU software is
pre-programmed with the PID algorithm and executes it
when called to do so. The same is true of other UCOS High Signal Limit
control devices.
UCOS supports the following control devices (shown here Low Signal Limit
with the device diagram symbols):
Control Device Diagram Symbol The user-defined function f(x) allows you to specify a formula
Transmitter to be solved in the FCU. The formula supports up to three input
variables and five constants, as well as standard operators and
(Analog Input) functions.
The input variables come from tags that can be specified in
(Analog Output) either of two ways. You can enter the name of any tag for any
of the three input variables. Or, connect the output of a device
symbol in the device diagram to one of the f(x) inputs. UCOS
automatically inserts the connected tag name into the dialog
Project Configuration
Static Devices PD
Static devices have no functional characteristics in the control
scheme but are included to fully represent the physical Device Logic Device Tag
characteristics of the plant or process. Symbol Symbol &
UCOS Functional Overview
2. In the dialog box, select the template on which the new All the logic, tag definitions, and symbols of the template
device will be based. Enter a unique name for the new are inherited by the new device. They can be modified for
device (device type and ID). Select the FCU where the the new device without affecting the functionality and
device logic is to be solved. The diagram symbol and configuration of other devices based on the same template.
execution order are defaulted and may be changed.
For example, a device named PMP-3003 and a device
named PMP-1237 can be inserted into a device diagram in
addition to the device named PMP-1001. Each of these
devices can be based on template PDPUMP-TEMP. The
only major differences among them are the device names
and tag name prefixes, which are automatically changed to
reflect the unique device name.
Project Configuration
You can also export and import templates to and from another Much of the value derived from logic categorization is the
project. This feature also allows you to use a spreadsheet or near-universal applicability of these categories to any piece
database manager to further document your project. of equipment that needs discrete outputs for actuation and
control. By exposing these categories, UCOS encourages
The Import Templates dialog box allows you to select a the control engineer to configure consistent logic, which
source project from which to import a template or group of results in a system with greater integrity and ease of
templates. Once you have selected the source, simply select maintenance.
the templates from the source list, add them to the selected
list, and then import them into the target project. Although there is no difference in the type of logic created
for each category, there is a difference in the intended use of
logic for each category. This difference is more than a
convention. The logic solving software in the FCU provides
slightly different behavior for the logic in each category
with respect to the output tags associated with the logic.
• Mode
• Fault
• State
• Control
• Alarm
UCOS Functional Overview
Alarm Alarm logic describes less severe abnormal conditions Standard logic solving
associated with the device. These alarm conditions
(e.g. bearing approaching high temperature) are not
necessarily examined by the other categories of logic
but are reported as alarms to the user.
Project Configuration
For example, Mode Group 1 may have an Auto and Manual User-Defined Devices: Logic
mode and Mode Group 2 may have a Local and Remote Configuration
mode. In this example, the FCU will ensure that Auto and
Manual are mutually exclusive with regard to each other and The functionality of a user-defined device is defined in the
that Local and Remote are mutually exclusive with regard to Template and Device Definition Editors.
each other.
In traditional control systems, sequential or discrete control
functionality is defined through rung ladder logic
programming. UCOS does not use rung ladder logic
Group 1 Instead, the Template and Device Definition Editors employ
Mode a graphical approach to creating object-oriented discrete
Group 2
device logic based on an adaptation of state logic concepts.
Alarm Logic
From the left, input tags feed data into elements such as
Real-World Tags
logic gates, timers, and counters in the center. From these
Tags elements, the data is fed into output tags on the right.
Command Tags
Mode Logic
Control Logic
Setpoint Tags
Mode Digital
Tags State Logic Control
WildcardTags State
Fault Logic
Tags from
Other Devices Fault
Recommended Implementation
Against "Best Use" Implementation
UCOS Functional Overview
UCOS supplies a default execution order that can be modified assignments for several devices at once, rather than one
for each logic element. This helps ensure that logic is device at a time.
executed as you intend.
Import and export are not designed to create new devices.
That is a task more quickly and easily accomplished with
templates. Import and export do, however, simplify the
process of making changes in a large group of existing
You can assign I/O to each device from the tabs in the
Device Definition Editor. You can also import and export
device definition data to and from the UCOS object-oriented
database via comma-separated (*.csv) files. You can modify Figure 46 Letters Around Symbol Edge Indicate
device and tag definitions in a third-party application, such as Type of Connection
a spreadsheet or database. This can decrease development
time by allowing you to change tag definitions and make I/O Logic operators require little if any configuration beyond the
fundamental parameters, such as presets or constant values.
Project Configuration
User-Defined Devices: Tags window as a convenience to the operator; they are not
used in logic.)
I/O points are addressed via structured tag names
throughout UCOS: in logic configuration on the EWS, for • Setpoint tags (24)
operator use on the OWS, and in the FCU for logic
execution. This replaces the traditional method of direct • Command tags (10)
memory addresses found in PLC rung ladder logic. (Command tags appear as buttons on the run-time
command window of the current device; to send a
Each tag requires some definition that varies by tag type. command to the tag, the operator clicks the button.)
When inserting tags into a logic scheme, the following tag
types are available: • Digital Control tags (32)
• Real-World Input (data originates from field I/O for All tags (except display points) can be used as inputs in any
the device) logic category any number of times. Only compatible tags
can be inserted in each category of logic.
• Real-World Output (data sent to field I/O for the device)
• Command Input (operator initiated) Digital control tags can be used as outputs in any logic
category. But state, mode, alarm, and fault tags can be used
• Setpoint Input as outputs only in the respective logic categories.
• Wildcard Input/Output (placeholder tag to be
resolved after inserting a device on a device diagram)
• Other Device Input/Output Tag (data originates from or
is sent to another device; Device Definition Editor only)
Tags are defined in a dialog box that further categorizes Tags can be defined and modified at any time while in the
them. (Numbers in parentheses indicate the maximum Template/Device Definition Editors — including while
number of tags of that type that can be defined for a given inserting a tag into a logic scheme.
All tag conventions are strictly enforced. But you do not
• State tags (16) have to remember the conventions because UCOS limits
• Mode tags (16) your choices based on the context.
• Alarm tags (16) For example, in Figure 49 , the alarm logic scheme is
• Fault tags (16) selected. When you click on the internal output toolbar
button, the resulting dialog box offers only compatible tags
• Display Point tags (16) for insertion.
(Device Definition Editor only; these are tags from other
devices displayed in the current device command
UCOS Functional Overview
Project Configuration
This data is entered into the Script Text Area. When the The Screen Editor and the Template Graphic Editor share
script is complete, it must be compiled. If errors are nearly identical functionality and are described in the next
encountered during the compile, they are listed in the sections as if they were one editor. Differences are noted but
Compiler Message Area along with the line numbers where both editors are referred to as “the Editor” in this section.
they occurred. Double-clicking an error message will
highlight the incorrect line in the script text area. Generally, the Editor is used to insert objects into the
drawing area, manipulate the appearance and position of the
objects, and apply run-time dynamics to the appropriate
objects. Objects can be primitive graphics (lines, rectangles,
circles, etc.), controls (buttons, check boxes, data-entry
boxes, etc.), and bitmaps. In addition, previously created
template graphics associated with specific devices can be
inserted into the drawing area.
Template Graphics
Templates define certain default device characteristics,
including logic, tag names, and graphics. When you insert a
user-defined device into a device diagram, UCOS copies the
default device characteristics from the appropriate template
to the new device. The new device will have the same logic,
tag name extensions, and graphics as the template and any
other inserted device based on that same template. These
characteristics can be changed for each inserted device.
Next, you will assign when and how the script is to run.
Simply click the Add button below the Execution Conditions
Area and select the conditions under which the script will Figure 53 Pump Symbol Created in the Template
run. These conditions can be opening or closing a screen, Graphic Editor
specific changes in data, a specified length of time, starting
or closing the project, or a combination of these conditions. The graphic component you create or modify is associated
with the template.
The final step is to assign the script to a script group and
one or more workstations. As described in a previous section, device diagramming
automatically generates two symbols for each device
Graphic Editors inserted into a diagram.
UCOS Functional Overview
Manipulating Objects
The Editor provides basic graphics manipulation tools for
designing graphic objects and project screens. You can
Figure 55 Project Screen Created in Screen Editor select, move, resize, reshape, and rotate objects. In addition,
you can group multiple objects to make a single object to
In addition to dynamic objects, project screens can include static which you can assign dynamics. This object can be
objects such as text labels and screen navigation objects to allow duplicated as needed, maintaining its dynamic properties if
the operator to move among multiple screens within a project. you so choose. You can also align objects, make them the
(Navigation is also possible using run-time menu items.) same size, mirror, invert, or clone them individually or as a
group, and change the Z Order (front-to-back order) of
individual graphics or graphic components.
Graphic Objects
You can combine device graphics, bitmaps, graphic Static Properties
primitives, and/or control objects to create objects on
Static properties define the default appearance of an object
operator screens. Your operator screens can be simple or
at run-time. If the object is assigned no dynamic properties
complex, depending upon your needs.
that change its appearance at run-time, then static properties
define the way the object always looks at run-time.
Devices (Screen Editor only) Otherwise, static properties define the initial appearance of
You can select any user-defined device that appears in any the object before it is changed by dynamic properties. You
of the current project’s device diagrams as long as the can define the following static properties for an object:
device has a template graphic associated with it. After you
• Interior fill (color, percent of fill, and fill direction)
have selected the device, click where you want to put it in
the drawing area. • Text color, direction (vertical or horizontal), and font
• Edge color, width, and style
Project Configuration
UCOS Functional Overview
• Run a script
A logging group consists of a list of logging devices to be Figure 62 Alarm Priority Configuration Dialog Box
associated with that logging group. Each logging device
sends data to a printer or disk file.
Project Configuration
Finally, select the alarm group, alarm priority and/or the The following table indicates which types of tags can be
logging group to be associated with each tag, as applicable. logged via which types of groups.
Alarm Logging
Tag Type Group Group
States ●
Modes ●
Alarms ● ●
Faults ● ●
Figure 63 Associating Tags with Alarm and Setpoints ●
Logging Groups
Commands ●
At run-time when activity occurs on a tag, that activity is Digital Controls
logged via that tag’s group to the appropriate workstation,
printer, and/or disk file. Analog Controls
UCOS Functional Overview
• Group displays
• Project graphics screens
Command windows are one method of monitoring and
controlling devices at run-time. They allow the operator to
monitor the real-time values of all tags associated with a device
and to send commands to a device (subject to security measures).
Project Configuration
Figure 69 Command Window in Run-Time Another way is to call up a group display that contains the
command window you want to see.
• Tag sets are collections of tags and tag values
displayed in a command window. Tag sets can show
tags and tag values for analog or digital tags. If you
select digital tags, you can choose to show the tags at
all times or only when the tags are HIGH.
• Trends (plot or bar type) allow tags to be trended during Help System
run-time. Trends will show real-time data only. If you need The UCOS help system provides reference help for Project
to display archived data, use the Trend Viewer. Configuration and Run-Time.
UCOS Functional Overview
The operator interface features high-resolution graphics and and functionality to the operator – even if the monitored
familiar Windows GUI interaction. devices are from different manufacturers.
The operator interface running on the OWS node: UCOS provides built in features for monitoring and
controlling your project. You don’t have to do any
• Allows operators to monitor detailed activity for many programming or interface with any other software packages
types of devices and send commands using command to get trend and alarm viewing, device and system point
windows and group displays status, command windows and animated schema from
which you can control your project. All this is automatically
• Displays optional project screens created during project configured when you design the project. The following
development and makes them dynamic based on real- figures display several OWS monitoring and control
time data displays.
The OWS can also run on a field data server, allowing OWS Figure 74 Device Diagnostic – Device Points
functionality that does not include operator intervention,
such as scripting, logging, etc. In addition, the OWS can be
securely accessed using an Internet browser and Microsoft
Terminal Services.
Operator Interface
UCOS Functional Overview
Operator Interface
The command window for a user-defined device can display A trend displays the process variable.
tag sets, trends, and/or up to 10 command buttons that can
be specified by the developer. Clicking one of the buttons
UCOS Functional Overview
The transmitter command window displays the current value The bottom panel displays alarms that are in alarm and have
of the device as a number and as a bar graph. The raw value been acknowledged or do not require acknowledgment.
for the device is displayed as a percentage; a setpoint tag set
displays all setpoint values. One or more alarms can be acknowledged with a single
button click.
The operator can also control the background color and the
order in which alarms are displayed.
The ability to send commands and change values is subject The operator can display multiple Alarm Viewer windows
to security measures. each with different characteristics – different alarms,
different display order, etc.
Monitoring and
Acknowledging Alarms
The Alarm Viewer allows operators to monitor and
acknowledge alarms and to customize the appearance of the
window to suit the needs of a project or an operator’s
personal preference.
Operator Interface
will not be generated and the PHA will not store the tag’s
Archiving value. On the other hand, if the tag’s value changes by 10 or
The Process Historical Archiver (PHA) includes a complete more units, an exception will be generated and the PHA will
set of archive utilities that allow you to configure, implement, store the tag’s value. You can create more than one deadband
and monitor run-time archiving of project data to a disk file group for a project.
(database) that is compatible with the Microsoft Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) standard. The PHA supports any At the user-defined buffer release interval, the PHA sends a
standard ODBC-compliant database that runs on Windows command that causes the buffered data to be archived to the
2000/XP, such as Sybase SQL Server (single user), Microsoft ODBC-compliant database.
SQL Server (multi-user), etc.
You can configure archiving for one or more OWS nodes in
You can then use ODBC-compliant database managers, report a project with each node handling the same or a different set
writers, expert systems, custom software, and other of archiving parameters. Archiving configuration is
applications to read and manipulate the archived data. performed on the OWS node that will actually perform the
The Status Monitor displays real-time statistical information
about the data passing through the PHA.
At run-time, the PHA filters the tags that are to be archived,
based on the user-defined configuration. Only archivable tag
changes that meet the user-defined parameters are stored in the Archiver
buffer. The user-defined parameters are described in the
following paragraphs.
If you do not specify otherwise, the PHA will use exception- Process Historical Archiver
based archiving to determine which data to store in the Filters Data
buffer. In exception-based archiving, the buffer contains data
only for user-selected tags with values that have actually
changed. Exception-based archiving eliminates unwanted Process Historical Archiver
transitional data and minimizes network traffic. Buffers Archivable Data
Exception-based archiving can be overridden for individual
tags or groups of tags. You can use frequency groups to
specify how often the PHA samples and stores tag values. Server Writes Archivable
Within a frequency group you can assign a minimum write Data to Database
rate and a sample rate. The minimum write rate forces the
PHA to store tag values at an assigned time interval, and the
sample rate determines how often the PHA samples tag
values. Any value greater than zero in effect disables
exception-based archiving for the affected tags. ODBC Database
UCOS Functional Overview
Log Viewer
The Log Viewer lets operators view one or more log files
produced by the logging subsystem. This subsystem logs
entries from such sources as the alarm subsystem and
operator actions. (Log files are created only if you choose to
send logable messages to one or more files. You can choose
to have each message logged to a file, to a printer, to both, Figure 91 Trend Viewer
or to neither.)
Trend Viewer can optionally plot trends for data archived to the
Any number of log files can be viewed simultaneously and any ODBC-compliant database. Since the database is ODBC-
part of a log file’s view can be copied to the clipboard or compliant, the user can also access archived data through other
printed. Log file contents can be sorted for viewing in ODBC-compliant products.
chronological or reverse chronological order.
For example, a user might use Microsoft Excel to combine
corporate data and PHA data in one spreadsheet – even
though the source data are in different locations and stored
in different types of databases.
Operators can format and view trends for real-time or
archived data using Trend Viewer. Up to eight points can be
plotted in a single trend window with user-selectable plot
lines, sample markers, colors, grids, vertical axes, statistical
functions, delta values, buffer size, etc.
Operator Interface
UCOS provides extensive custom and standard monitoring Any or all of these perspectives can be viewed individually
and control capabilities via command windows, group or simultaneously in multiple windows. Color changes
displays, and project graphics screens. representing control logic status and value changes are
updated dynamically in real-time.
UCOS also provides the following tools to help test and
debug running projects.
Animated logic schemes look just like the logic configured
in the Template and Device Definition Editors for user-
Device Point Status defined devices. The user can choose to display logic for
The Device Point Status utility shows the current value for any or all of the five logic categories.
each tag associated with a selected device. Values are
updated dynamically.
UCOS Functional Overview
The Device Point Status window displays all the tags and
current tag values for one device. Network Diagnostics
The Network Diagnostics feature monitors the
communication status between a workstation and its
associated FCUs. It can even determine the route taken to a
destination, similar to the Tracert function in Windows. This
helps the operator diagnose the cause of a communication
From this window, a tag can be taken off scan and new
values can be entered manually (subject to security
measures). These new values are inserted into the logic
stream, and the results can be viewed in the animated logic
schemes. Tags can then be put on scan. A separate dialog
can display all tags currently off scan.
Operator Interface
In addition to providing access to real time data, UCOS also Figure 98 Configuring UCOS as an OPC Server
provides access to historical archive data. The PHA uses
standard, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)-compliant In addition, UCOS can interface with third-party servers that
relational databases to store historical process information. communicate with hardware devices. Of course, the types of
As such, standard Structured Query Language (SQL) calls functions that can be performed on UCOS data depend on
can be used to query the PHA’s database. the capabilities of the third-party or custom software
accessing the data.
Although UCOS supports a wide range of I/O with built-in
I/O drivers, support of the data exchange standards listed
above allows UCOS to exchange both real-time and
historical data with virtually any external system. UCOS
users have access to a large library of standard DDE, OPC,
and ActiveX protocol drivers available from hardware
manufacturers or third-parties. These proven protocol
drivers provide read-write access to UCOS process data.
UCOS Functional Overview
with Field Devices
When an event occurs at run-time, the logic processing The FCU provides significant support for the unique logic
engine uses the appropriate event list to determine what categories used by UCOS. For example, mutual exclusivity
action (if any) to execute. That action may, in turn, trigger of device states is enforced by the FCU. The developer does
other events and actions. The real-time executive ensures that not need to write code to support mutual exclusivity of
critical control functions take precedence over other device states.
operations, and that logic is executed in the correct sequence.
Communicating with Field Devices
• System communication via single or dual wireless • Supports both serial and TCP/IP connections
TCP/IP Ethernet connection • Supports off-the-shelf, industry-standard ActiveX,
DDE, and OPC drivers
• Direct scanning of I/O
• Communicates with any RS-232 compliant equipment
UCOS Functional Overview
UCOS is just one of the open systems solutions from Control component. More importantly, you are assured that your
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UCOS Functional Overview
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