Lesson Plan UBD
Lesson Plan UBD
Lesson Plan UBD
The learner understands the elements of poetry.
The learner understands the poetic devices for poem analysis.
The learner determines the elements of the poem and expresses ideas
effectively through content analysis and composition.
The learner recognizes the elements of poetry present in the poem Fire and
Ice by Robert Frost.
The learner analyzes the poem.
The learner understands that a poem is a piece of writing in which the
expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to
diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery.
The learner understands that the elements of poetry can be classified into
content, form, language, syntax and imagery.
The learner understands that the poetic devices under content are the
speaker, tone, tension, and context.
The learner understands that the poetic devices under form are structure,
stanza and lines, and rhyming scheme.
The learner understands that the poetic devices under language are word
choice, meaning, and rhythm.
The learner understands that the poetic devices under imagery are visuals
and sensory, metaphor and symbolism.
The learner understands that poem analysis can be done through the
elements of the poem and content analysis.
The learner understands that content analysis is a systematic analysis of
the content rather than the structure of a communication, such as a written
work, speech, or film, including the study of thematic and symbolic
elements to determine the objective or meaning of the communication.
The learner understands that content analysis utilizes the themes and
symbolisms of the poem for its analysis.
The learner understands that theme talks about the central idea or the
thought behind what the poet wants to convey.
The learner understands that symbolisms is a poetic device that uses
symbols or a person, place, object, thing, name, title, aspect of setting that
suggests something beyond itself and has a range of meanings.
What is a poem?
What are the elements of a poem?
What are the poetic devices under each element?
What is content analysis?
What is theme? Symbolism?
How can you utilize the theme and symbolism for poem analysis?
IFL: In as much as both fire and ice are equally destructive, both anger
and hatred are also destructive.
Values: Love
Ephesian 4:26 (NIV) “"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go
down while you are still angry…”
1 John 4:7-8 (KJV) “Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God
and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth
not, knoweth not God for God is love.”
C. UNDERSTANDING (application)
1. What are the elements of poetry present in the poem?
2. What is the message of the poem, Fire and Ice?
1. The Grade 7 students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of the
elements of poetry by determining the elements of poetry present in the poem,
Fire and Ice by Robert Frost.
3. The students will be divided into groups of five members to compose a poem
similar in structure of the poem, Fire and Ice in either of the following themes:
life, love, studies, nature, and relationships; and, demonstrate in class the
analysis of the poem.
Goal: Demonstrate understanding on the elements of poetry.
Standard: The students’ output (poem) class demonstration (delivery
of poem analysis) will be assessed on the following criteria:
Preliminary Activity
Checking of Attendance
Greetings/Making Connections
Testing Prior Knowledge
o The teacher will ask the students what comes to their mind when
the word poem is mentioned, and what their ideas are as to how a
poem is analyzed.
Processing Questions
o What are the elements of poetry present in the poem, Fire and Ice
by Robert Frost?
o What is the message of the poem, Fire and Ice considering its
theme and symbolisms?
o The teacher will ask how destructive fire is and how destructive ice
as well. The teacher will post the rating scale of 1 – 10 for the
rating of how destructive fire can be in comparison with the ice.
First, the teacher will ask the class the destructive capability of fire
and ice before the prepared illustrations. (short video clip and
realia of ice)
Activity: Poem and its elements
The teacher will post strips of paper (one at a time) for the terms to be
discussed and ask the students the ideas they have on them. The teacher will give
the definition of a poem and discuss the elements of poetry with classroom
interactions. After the discussion of the elements, the teacher will post or project
the poem and ask the class to read orally. The teacher will then divide the class
into groups of six members and the teacher will give a picture for each group and
ask the groups to determine the elements of poetry in the poem and the message
of the poem, considering the photo given.
Divide the class into groups of five members. The teacher will instruct the
groups to create a poem similar to that of Fire and Ice in structure or form, yet
with a different theme. The groups will be asked to choose one theme among the
following themes: life, love, studies, nature, and relationships. No duplication of
themes. The teacher will first ask the first group their choice of theme, then to the
other groups. The teacher will give them the freedom to creatively
demonstrate/deliver the analysis of their poem in class. The teacher will post the
criteria for the poem and its making. The teacher will also give copies of the
scoring rubric for the demonstration or delivery of the poem analysis.
Handouts created by Traci Freeman, Last revised by Erin Clough, March 2009