ASTM D945 - Rubber Shear Modulus
ASTM D945 - Rubber Shear Modulus
ASTM D945 - Rubber Shear Modulus
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
e1 NOTE—Keywords were added and other corrections were made editorially in December 2001.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 945
recovery rates, including set under prescribed conditions, can 6.1.2 A pen shall extend lengthwise from the beam to record
be obtained. Since the lever is supported on a knife edge, the deflections on the oscillogram automatically. From Fig. 2, it is
system can be impact-loaded to produce a damped free apparent that the deflection of the specimen under test will be
oscillation trace. This trace yields a dynamic modulus, a magnified by the travel of the pen in proportion to the lever
resilience index, an oscillation frequency, and a measurement ratio which will be 10:1 when the sample is on the inner test
of stored energy. position, B. Therefore, a deformation of 2.5 mm, for example,
will be registered on the oscillogram as a vertical displacement
5. Significance and Use of 25 mm.
5.1 The rubber properties that are measurable by these test 6.1.3 The masses, MF, MG, and MH, derive from the mass of
methods are important for the isolation and absorption of shock accurately machined disks, 99.06 mm in diameter with a
and vibration. These properties may be used for quality control, central hole 12.7 mm in diameter. Standard masses shall be an
development and research. integral or fractional multiple either of 641.252 g (1.41372 lb)
5.2 Measurements in compression are influenced by speci- for convenience of testing in inch-pound units or of 489.464 g
men shape. This shape factor may be described as the ratio of for greater convenience of testing in SI units. The lever ratio
the loaded surface area to the unloaded surface area. In for the masses is 6.25:1 for the outer mass position in reference
applying data from a compression specimen, shape factor must to the inner specimen position. Using the 6.25:1 ratio, each
be incorporated into the mathematical transferral to the appli- unbalanced mass on the pen end of the beam therefore will
cation. produce the following forces on the specimen on the inner
position at W5r:
6. Apparatus Force Resulting
6.1 The essential features of the apparatus,7,8 (illustrated in Mass Value From 6.25:1 Ratio
SI units 489.46 g 30.0000 N
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) are as follows: Inch-pound units 1.4137 lb 8.8357 lbf
6.1.1 The beam shall be supported at its center by a
knife-edge, A, and shall be so designed that a test specimen 6.1.4 It follows that positioning the masses on the inner
placed beneath the micrometer can be loaded by placing mass position, MG, will reduce the load values to half of the
standard masses alternatively on front and back portions of the foregoing values.
cross-rod, F, at the pen end of the beam. A second knife-edge,
B, and a stabilizing arm, B8, (as shown in Fig. 2), shall be used PART A—MEASUREMENTS IN COMPRESSION
to apply load to the test specimen and to maintain parallelism
of the loading platens. Optional knife-edges, C and D, may be 7. Test Specimens
used to extend the range of the oscillograph. 7.1 Solid Rubber Specimens:
7.1.1 At least two specimens shall be tested, except that at
least three shall be required if measurement of creep is to be
Available from Tavdi Co., Inc., P.O. Box 298, Barrington, RI 02806. included. The test specimens for measurements in compression
D 945
shall be right circular cylinders chosen from the following a lubricant is used, the specimen shall be permitted to dry
alternatives: before testing. The circular bases of the specimens shall be
Shape Primary parallel to each other and at right angles to the axis of the
Factor Practice Diameter cylinder. The area of the circular bases is 15.00 cm2 (2.323
0.390 SI units 19.5 6 0.13 mm
0.375 Inch-pound units 0.75 6 0.005 in.
7.2.2 The specimen shall be not less than 6.4 mm (0.25 in.)
Reference Area and not more than 29 mm (1.125 in.) in thickness. If the
Shape of Nominal material is too thick, it shall be sliced to the required thickness.
Factor Height Circle
0.390 12.5 6 0.25 mm 300 mm2 7.2.3 Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification,
0.375 0.5 6 0.010 in. 0.442 in.2 materials thinner than 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) shall be plied up to
7.1.2 The specimens may be molded, or cut from finished obtain the required thickness, in which case the report is to
products and buffed to the specified dimensions. Test speci- include the number of plies.
mens shall be free from porosity, nicks, and cuts. (Molded 8. Conditioning
specimens are preferred for dimensional accuracy and consis- 8.1 Expose the test specimens and the apparatus to the
tency.) temperature of the test for sufficient time to ensure temperature
7.2 Cellular Test Specimens: equilibrium. For testing at low temperatures (below room
7.2.1 Specimens of cellular rubber shall be prepared as temperature), the section of the oscillograph to be enclosed
follows: The specimen shall be a circular cylinder cut with a shall be one of those shown by broken lines in Fig. 3. The
circular metal die 43.70 6 0.01 mm (1.720 6 0.001 in.) in enclosure shall be equipped with a shelf for storing test
inside diameter for cutting the specimen in a drill press or specimens and supplied with a circulating atmosphere at the
similar device for rotating the die. The pressure applied to the temperature of test. Unless otherwise specified, the cold
die shall be sufficiently small to keep“ cupping” of the cut chamber and testing conditions shall conform to the conditions
surfaces to a minimum. In some cases, it may be necessary to specified in Practice D 832. After the test specimens have been
freeze the cellular rubber before cutting the specimen in order conditioned at the test temperature, proceed in accordance with
to obtain parallel cut surfaces. To facilitate cutting of the Section 9. Similar conditioning requirements apply also to tests
specimen with smooth-cut surfaces and square edges, the die at elevated temperatures.
may be lubricated with water containing a wetting agent and a
corrosion inhibitor such as 0.5 % sodium chromate or with 9. Procedure
silicone mold release emulsion before each specimen is cut. If 9.1 This procedure for solid rubber specimens includes
D 945
FIG. 3 Section of Oscillograph to be Enclosed for Tests at Other than Room Temperature
three categories of test operation which for clarity are de- platen rests snugly against the sandpaper without deforming
scribed separately under subsequent section headings to pro- the test specimens; then lock the micrometer by means of the
vide data for purposes as follows: set screw or lock nut. This setting can be verified as follows:
9.1.1 In 9.4-9.6 for initial creep and set under a given load.
NOTE 1—Silicon carbide particles have an average size of 22 6 2 µm.
9.1.2 In 9.7-9.9 for Yerzley resilience and hysteresis, point
modulus, frequency in hertz, effective dynamic modulus, and 9.2.1 Upon disengaging the release hook the pen end should
maximum impact energy absorbed at a given test load value. retain its position. If the pen drops noticeably, a change of 0.02
9.1.3 In 9.10-9.14 for stepwise loading and unloading and mm (0.001 in.) may be visibly observed, the micrometer must
hysteresis loop, and stresses in pascals or in pounds-force per be readjusted downward.
square inch at any deformation. 9.2.2 When this adjustment is completed and verified,
9.1.4 Depending on the purpose of any test program, pri- reengage the hook. Now apply a small downward force by
mary reliance may be placed on any one of the foregoing hand on the pen end of the beam. If the added force depresses
categories, on a combination of two categories, or upon all the pen, the micrometer platen is too low. Readjust the
three. It is important, however, to record adequately all data micrometer until the micrometer setting is correct. Opening
required to identify the test conditions fully. and closing the release hook should then have no effect on the
9.2 Lock the beam of the oscillograph in position by means pen position.
of the release hook at the left end of the machine and remove 9.3 Place the graph paper on the chronograph drum and
all masses. Place the test specimen centrally on the lower adjust its position so that the zero position of the pen point is
platen between the grit sides of two pieces of 400 grit A on one of the horizontal lines of the paper. An engineering
sandpaper (Note 1). Adjust the micrometer until the upper grade of graph paper ruled in 1 in. squares and subdivided into
D 945
ten equal squares per inch shall be used for measurements in 9.8 This test is the natural sequel to the previous process for
inch-pound units. A quality grade of graph paper ruled in 1 cm creep, 9.4, or may be performed without a preceding creep and
squares subdivided in millimeter squares is preferable for set evaluation after establishing the horizontal reference line at
measurements in SI units, although it should be noted that for the top of the chart as described in 9.3. With the hook engaged,
4 rpm and 1 rpm speeds of the chronograph 25.4 mm on the verify the position of the test specimen with 400 grit A paper
horizontal scale equals 1 and 4 s, respectively. and the micrometer adjustment in firm but non-deforming
9.4 This section is directed toward measurement of initial contact with the specimen. With the estimated number of
creep and set. With the beam elevated and with the hook masses required to produce a final deformation of 20 % and
engaged prepare to add masses to the pen end of the beam prior with the drum stationary, disengage the hook. Allow the
to recording both the initial impact on the sample and the ensuing oscillations to die out. Note the ultimate static defor-
subsequent creep. Normally the test will be directed toward a mation. If the deformation is not close to 25 mm (or to 1 in.)
final total deformation of 20 % plus the value of the creep. If as observed directly on the oscillogram, add or remove masses
creep of 2 % should develop, the total deformation thus would as needed to attain the required 20 % compression. Rotate the
be 20 % + 2 %, or 22 %. A tolerance of 62 % has been found drum by hand to the left approximately one small square of the
convenient. Trial and error with one sample may be used to oscillogram and disengage the hook. Repeat this conditioning
establish the necessary number of masses. When the load value operation a sufficient number of times to obtain three succes-
is established, proceed. sive lines of the same length. After the last oscillation, the pen
9.5 With the hook engaged, a fresh test specimen, sandpaper point should indicate 20 6 2 % deformation of the test
in position, the correct micrometer setting, and the established specimen.
number of masses installed, switch on the power to the drum, 9.9 After obtaining three successive lines of the same
to rotate at 4 rpm in order to draw the horizontal reference line length, start the chronograph with the drum rotating at a speed
at the top of the chart. This will also take up slack in the gear of 4 rpm, disengage the hook, and record a set of oscillations.
train driving the drum. As the drum approaches the beginning If the vertical length of the first oscillation is shorter than the
of the second revolution, change the drum speed to 1 rpm. length of the last conditioning line, there has been excessive
About three small squares into the second revolution release time between successive trials, and further conditioning as
the hook, allowing the beam to fall in an impact on the necessary shall be performed until a satisfactory test is ob-
specimen, as indicated in Fig. 4. Allow the drum to rotate one tained. The motor may be stopped when an adequate number of
or more complete revolutions beyond the end of any oscilla- oscillations, at least three, have been recorded for a resilient
tions. Stop the motor. The creep of the sample after the end of composition. When the pen is at rest, rotate the drum counter-
the oscillations will be recorded on the chart for 1 min or more. clockwise by hand and then clockwise through the horizontal
If desired, the creep for a longer time may be recorded by time span of the oscillations to record the final static equilib-
timing a longer period and observing the further slow down- rium position of the beam. Reengage the hook.
ward motion of the pen as a vertical downward trace. The 9.10 This section is directed toward plotting of the load-
amount of further drift after the longer time interval can be compression characteristics of a specimen in a complete
marked by a rotation of the drum one or two small squares to loading and unloading cycle for interpretation of its static
the left and right by hand to form a cross on the trace line. load-bearing characteristics. This procedure may be performed
9.6 Set may be measured at any time by reengaging the before or after the procedure of 9.7, but cannot be performed
hook to remove the load from the specimen, and then carefully prior to the procedure of 9.4, since it would eliminate the
turning the micrometer platen downward a measured distance possibility of measurement of initial creep.
into contact with the sample to close the gap caused by the 9.11 Verify that all masses have been removed from the
short term set. beam and that the sample is properly centered on the lower
9.7 This section is directed toward the measurement of platen.
Yerzley resilience and hysteresis, point modulus, frequency in 9.12 Disengage the hook and apply sufficient pressure by
hertz, effective dynamic modulus, and impact energy absorbed hand on the pen end of the beam to compress the test specimen
by the sample at the test load value. Taken alone, the procedure to 30 % deformation (1.5 in. on the graph for test specimens
described in this section is a rapid and informative test for 0.50 in. in height) and release. Repeat this operation at least 3
comparison of several properties of elastometers. times to condition the specimen for test.
D 945
9.13 With the hook still disengaged, rotate the chronograph about 30 % of the required deformation in accordance with
drum to the left clockwise, displacing the graph 4 or 5 small 9.16.1 and release. Repeat this operation 3 times to remove any
divisions to the left of the pen point position. Thus marking trapped air from the specimen.
zero deflection. 9.16.9 With the hook still disengaged, rotate the drum chart
9.14 Chart the loading test by placing the masses, MF or by turning the chronograph drum to the left displacing the chart
MG, one at a time, alternately on front and back ends of the 4 to 5 small divisions to the left of the pen point, thus marking
cross rod and rotating the oscillogram exactly two 1 mm zero deflection.
divisions (or one 0.1 in. division as appropriate to the chart 9.16.10 Obtain at least 4 deflection readings by applying
used) to the left after each mass, except the last mass, has been approximately equal masses to the beam at intervals of 1 min
added. After 50 % deformation has been reached, or all masses and record the corresponding deflections. Select the masses
have been added, whichever comes first, chart the unloading applied to give deflection readings to include values on both
test by rotating the oscillogram to the right exactly in a reverse sides of the required deflection in accordance with 9.16.1. One
number of small divisions and then removing the masses, one minute after the mass is applied, rotate the oscillogram to the
at a time, from alternate sides of the balance beam and rotating left by 2 small divisions and record the deflection in divisions
the oscillogram continuing exactly the same number of small as D. Record the total number of mass of 641.3 g (1.4137 lb)
divisions to the right after each mass is removed. Add and on Rod F, Fig. 2, that produced the deflection D as nf in
remove the masses at a uniform rate, using smooth motions. In accordance with 13.10.
general, the time required for making the complete loading and
unloading curve, using 14 masses, ranges from 3 to 3.5 min. PART B—MEASUREMENTS IN SHEAR
Masses added at the G position have half the force value
compared with the F position. For most compositions, the 10. Test Specimens
unloading curve will terminate below the horizontal line from 10.1 At least two specimens shall be tested and three shall
which the loading curve started. be required if measurement of creep is to be included. The test
9.15 When the oscillograph is not in use, leave a test specimens for measurements in shear shall be rectangular
specimen between the platens to prevent damage to the knife sandwiches consisting of two blocks of the composition to be
edges or to avoid personal danger in the event of accidental tested adhered between parallel metal plates having dimensions
release of the hook. as given in Fig. 5 and as follows:
9.16 Procedure for Cellular Material: Dimensions of Shear Specimens
9.16.1 Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, Nominal Shear
determine the compression resistance of the specimen at a Nominal Shear Area,
compression of 25 % of its original thickness. Primary Practice Thickness, A 2 by B by C
9.16.2 Allow the specimen to rest undeflected and undis- SI units 12.5 mm 600 mm2
torted for at least 12 h before testing for compression resis- Inch-pound units 0.50 in. 0.884 in.2
tance. 10.2 The sandwiches are generally molded using brass or
9.16.3 The specimen shall be free from mechanical damage. steel plates (Fig. 5). Test specimens shall be free from porosity,
Determine the thickness of the specimen in such a manner as nicks, and cuts.
to indicate the perpendicular distance between the center
portion of the top and bottom faces and the value recorded to
the nearest 0.05 mm (0.002 in.), as T.
9.16.4 A perforated plate 64 mm (2.5 in.) square and a
circular depressor plate 45 mm (1.75 in.) in diameter fits into
the micrometer for compressing the specimen.
9.16.5 Lock the balance beam of the oscillograph in posi-
tion by means of the hook at the left end of the machine and
remove all masses. Adjust the hook so that the static equilib-
rium position of the balance beam will be approximately
horizontal when the specimen is under the test deflection
9.16.6 Place the specimen between the perforated plate and
the depressor plate, adjust the micrometer until it rests on the
depressor plate without distorting the specimen, and lock the
micrometer in this position by means of the available set screw
or lock nut. mm in.
9.16.7 Place the graph paper on the chronograph drum and A 12.5 6 0.02 0.5 6 0.001
B 12.7 6 0.02 0.5 6 0.001
adjust the position so that the zero position of the penpoint is C 23.62 6 0.02 0.884 6 0.001
on one of the horizontal lines of the paper. D 38.10 6 0.033 1.500 6 0.001
9.16.8 Disengage the hook and apply sufficient pressure by E 3.18 6 0.01 0.125 6 0.0005
hand on the pen end of the beam to compress the specimen FIG. 5 Shear Test Specimen
D 945
11. Conditioning and closing the release hook should have no effect on the pen
11.1 The conditioning requirements for shear specimens are position.
the same as that for compression (see Section 8). 12.3 Place graph paper on the chronograph in accordance
with 9.3.
12. Procedure 12.4 This section is directed toward measurement of initial
12.1 This procedure includes three categories of test opera- creep and set in shear. Proceed in accordance with 9.4, except
tion which for clarity are described separately under subse- refer to Fig. 6 instead of Fig. 4 and omit the use of sandpaper
quent section headings to provide data for purposes as follows: with the test specimen.
12.1.1 In 12.4-12.6 for initial creep and set under a given 12.5 Proceed in accordance with 9.5.
dead load. 12.6 Proceed in accordance with 9.6.
12.1.2 In 12.7-12.9 for Yerzley resilience and hysteresis, 12.7 This section is directed toward the measurement of
point modulus, frequency in hertz, effective dynamic modulus, Yerzley resilience and hysteresis, point modulus, frequency in
and maximum impact energy absorbed at a given test load hertz, effective dynamic modulus, and impact energy absorbed
value. by the sample at the test load value. Taken alone, the procedure
12.1.3 In 12.10-12.14 for stepwise loading and unloading, described in this section is a rapid and informative test in shear
and hysteresis loop and stresses in pascals or in pounds-force for comparison of several properties of elastomers.
per square inch at any deformation. 12.8 Proceed in accordance with 9.8.
12.1.4 Depending on the purpose of any test program, 12.9 Proceed in accordance with 9.9.
primary reliance may be placed on any one of the foregoing 12.10 This section is directed toward plotting of the load-
categories, on a combination of two categories, or upon all shear characteristics of a specimen in a complete loading and
three. It is important, however, to record adequately all data unloading cycle for interpretation of its static load-bearing
required to identify the test conditions fully. characteristics. This procedure may be performed before or
12.2 Lock the beam of the oscillograph in position by means after the procedure of 12.7, but cannot be performed prior to
of the release hook at the left end of the machine, and remove the procedure of 12.4, since it would eliminate the possibility
all masses. Remove the locating disk from the lower platen. of measurement of initial creep.
Support the metal plates of the test specimen with the end 12.11 Proceed in accordance with 9.11, referring to Fig. 6.
plates provided to prevent spreading of the specimen under 12.12 Proceed in accordance with 9.12, referring to Fig. 6.
load. Place the test specimen on the lower platen in such a 12.13 Proceed in accordance with 9.13, referring to Fig. 6.
manner that the ring on the end plate drops into the counterbore 12.14 Chart the loading test by placing the masses, MF, one
of the platen. Early models of the oscillograph require instal- at a time on opposite sides of the pen end of the beam and
lation of vertical extension rods to accommodate shear speci- rotating the oscillogram exactly two small divisions to the left
mens. Adjust the micrometer until the upper platen touches the after each mass, except the last mass, has been added. After
top surface of the test specimen without deforming it; then lock 50 % deformation is reached, or 14 masses have been added,
the micrometer by means of the set screw or lock nut. This whichever comes first, chart the unloading test by rotating the
setting can be verified as follows. oscillogram to the right exactly two small divisions and then
12.2.1 Upon disengaging the release hook the pen end removing the masses, one at a time, from alternate sides of the
should retain its position. If it falls noticeably, (even 0.02 mm balance beam and rotating the oscillogram exactly two small
or 0.001 in. change can be seen), the micrometer must be divisions to the right after each mass is removed. An equivalent
readjusted downward. alternative procedure suitable for the shear test is to add masses
12.2.2 When this adjustment is completed and verified, MG on the cross rod, G, and to correspondingly rotate the
reengage the hook. Now apply a small downward force by oscillogram 1 division for each step. (Warning—When the
hand on the pen end of the beam. If the added force depresses oscillograph is not in use, leave a test specimen between the
the pen, the micrometer platen is too low. Readjust the platens to prevent damage to the knife edges or to avoid
micrometer. When the micrometer setting is correct, opening personal danger in the event of accidental release of the hook.)
D 945
PART C—ANALYSIS OF THE AB = vertical distance in millimeters or inches of the
downstroke of the first cycle of the damped oscilla-
OSCILLOGRAM tory curve.
NOTE 2—A variant of the resilience calculation is required in SAE J16
13. Calculation
and Recommended Practice D 1207 as follows:
13.1 The following mechanical properties in compression or Yerzley Resilience, in percent, shall be determined as the average
shear may be obtained directly from their respective oscillo- computed from the second and third half cycles:
grams (Fig. 4 and Fig. 6) and shall be calculated as required in Yerzley resilience, % 5 @~CD/BC! 1 ~DE/CD!# 3 50 (2)
accordance with 13.2-13.12, using the average of the values
from the two tests: where:
BC = vertical distance in millimeters or inches of the
13.1.1 Initial creep, expressed in millimeters, inches, or
upstroke of the first cycle of the damped sinusoidal
13.1.2 Initial set, expressed in millimeters, inches, or per- CD = vertical distance in millimeters or inches of the
cent, downstroke of the second cycle of the damped
13.1.3 Yerzley resilience in percent, sinusoidal curve, and
13.1.4 Yerzley hysteresis in percent, DE = vertical distance in millimeters or inches of the
13.1.5 Point modulus in megapascals or pounds-force per upstroke of the second cycle of the damped sinusoi-
square inch, dal curve.
13.1.6 Frequency in hertz, 13.5 Yerzley Hysteresis is the percent of impact energy lost
13.1.7 Effective dynamic modulus in megapascals or by the sample due to internal friction. Numerically:
pounds-force per square inch, Yerzley hysteresis 5 ~100 2 Yerzley resilience!, % (3)
13.1.8 Impact energy in the rubber spring (maximum) in 13.6 Point Modulus is calculated by dividing the applied
J/m3 or in inch-pounds per cubic inch of stock, stress in megapascals or in pounds-force per square inch by the
13.1.9 Plot of load versus deformation and recovery on deformation, derived from the vertical distance AJ, expressed
unloading, as a decimal fraction of the unstressed height (in compression
13.1.10 Stress in megapascals or in pounds-force per square tests) or of the unstressed thickness (in shear tests). The
inch to produce a specified deformation, numerical value of point modulus is dependent among other
13.1.11 Deformation in millimeters, inches, or percent re- things upon creep and set in the specimen. Determination of
sulting from a specified load, and point modulus based upon deformation from initial sample
dimension before stressing is analogous to service performance
13.1.12 Static (tangent) modulus in megapascals or pounds-
of a new finished part.
force per square inch at a specified load or specified deforma-
13.7 Frequency—Determination of the frequency in hertz
shall be based on counting a convenient number of complete
13.2 Creep, expressed in millimeters, inches, or percent, cycles, then measuring the horizontal distance, JK, traversed
under a given load after any specified time interval shall be by this number of cycles, X, along the axis of the damped
derived from the vertical distance, PQ, on the oscillogram at sinusoidal curve. When the chronograph drum rotates at N rpm
that load and elapsed time. and has a circumference C, calculate the frequency in hertz, f,
13.3 Set, expressed in millimeters, inches, or percent, may as follows:
be obtained on the conclusion of any test by measuring the
f 5 ~NCX/60 JK! (4)
distance between the test specimen and the upper platen after
removing the load from the specimen by engaging the hook in where:
the end of the balance beam. Make this measurement by X = number of complete cycles under consideration,
turning the micrometer head until the platen again rests snugly JK = distance along the axis of the damped sinusoidal curve
against the specimen and note the change. This distance is a for X cycles,
measure of the set in millimeters, or in inches. It may be N = number of revolutions per minute of chronograph, and
converted to a percentage of the original unstressed dimension C = circumference of oscillogram on drum.
of the specimen. It can be considered a qualitative measure- 13.8 Effective Dynamic Modulus9 in compression for the
ment for comparison with related samples under approximately specimen positioned at B, Kc, in megapascals based on the
similar conditioning and time factors. cylindrical specimen 19.5 mm in diameter and 12.5 mm high,
13.4 Yerzley Resilience, in percent, shall be computed from shall be calculated as follows:
the first cycle as follows: Kc 5 0.996 If 2 (5)
Yerzley resilience, % 5 ~BC/AB! 3 100 ~Note 2! (1) For the comparable shear specimen positioned at B, Ks,as
BC = vertical distance in millimeters or inches of the Ks 5 0.498 If 2 (6)
upstroke of the first cycle of the damped oscillatory
curve, and 9
For derivation of K, refer to the paper by Yerzley, F. L.
D 945
IB = moment of inertia of beam, Es = 2(n + 0.5nG − nH)( AB), using masses of 1.4137 lb
IF = moment of inertia of a single standard mass at
position F and H, where:
IG = moment of inertia of a single standard mass at AB = vertical distance in inches of the downstroke of the
position G, first cycle of the damped-sinusoidal curve.
nF = counted number of whole and fractional masses at 13.12 Static Modulus shall be determined from the slope of
position F, the loading curve ( LM in Fig. 4 and Fig. 6) unless otherwise
nH = counted number of whole and fractional masses at specified. The loading and unloading deformation curves may
position H, and be obtained by projecting the horizontal lines scribed by the
nG = counted number of whole and fractional masses at pen to intersect the corresponding vertical line from which the
position G. arc originated and then connecting these points of intersection,
For convenience: thus forming the hysteresis loop. A convenient method of
For the I-beam of the Advanced Yerzley Oscillograph: determining the slope of a tangent line to curve LM and
converting it into inch-pound engineering units is as follows:
Place a straightedge in position to form a tangent line to curve
I = (0.1356 approx. + 0.00850n5 + 0.03129 n10) kg·m2 us- LM at a point representing the desired static deformation, select
ing mass of 489.46 g a point where the extended tangent line crosses an intersection
I = (0.1000 approx. + 0.00822n5 + 0.03220 n10) slug·ft2 us- on the paper, and count vertically 10 squares (dx = 20 %
ing mass of 641.5 g deformation) from there; then count the number of squares
The values 0.1356 kg·m2 and 0.1000 slug·ft 2 are represen- horizontally, dy, until the tangent line is intercepted. This
tative values which are normally subject to replacement by number of squares on a compression oscillogram multiplied by
exact measured values for individual beams. 100 equals the static modulus in pounds-force per square inch
For the beam having a cross section of 1 by 1 in.: at the selected deformation. This number of horizontal squares,
dy, on a shear oscillogram multiplied by 25 equals the static
I 5 ~0.0813 1 0.0307n! slug·ft2, using mass of 641.25 g (13)
modulus in pounds-force per square inch at the selected
For the beam having a cross section of 1 by 1.5 in.: deformation.
D 945
13.13 Interpretation of Results: 13.13.8 If a plied-up specimen is tested, record the number
13.13.1 Calculate the percent deflection of the specimen for of plies.
each mass as follows: 14. Report
Deflection, % 5 D/T (17) 14.1 Report the following information:
where: 14.1.1 Identification of test specimens,
D = deflection recorded on the oscillogram for each mass, 14.1.2 Date of test,
W, divisions, and 14.1.3 Temperature of test,
T = thickness of the original specimen, mm (in.). 14.1.4 Results from calculations (Section 13), and
13.13.2 Calculate the compressive stress of the specimen 14.1.5 Appropriate added notes or observations.
for each mass as follows: 15. Precision and Bias
SI Equivalents: 15.1 This precision and bias section has been prepared in
Compressive stress, Pa 5 n F 3 100 000 (18) accordance with Practice D 4483. Refer to Practice D 4483 for
terminology and other statistical calculation details.
Inch-Pound Equivalents:
15.2 Although prepared in format in accordance with Prac-
Compressive stress, psi 5 n F 3 20 (19) tice D 4483, the data generated for this test method precision
where: were obtained prior to the adoption of Practice D 4483. No
nF = total number of masses of 641.3 g (1.4137 lb) for each records exist for the original (raw) interlaboratory data. The
deflection, D. values of within- and between-laboratory standard deviation
have been used to construct Table 1.
13.13.3 Unless otherwise specified in the detail specifica-
15.3 A Type 1 (interlaboratory) precision was evaluated.
tions, test three specimens from each test unit.
Both repeatability and reproducibility are short term, a period
13.13.4 Plot the average deflection in percent of the speci-
of a few days separates replicate test results. A test result is the
mens tested for each mass against the average compressive
value as specified by this test method.
stress in pascals (or pounds-force per square inch) of the
15.4 Three different materials (rubbers) were used in the
specimens tested for each mass and draw a curve through the
interlaboratory program, these were tested in 12 laboratories on
3 different days. The results of the precision calculations for
13.13.5 The compression resistance of the test unit shall be repeatability and reproducibility are given in Table 1.
the compressive stress required to produce a 25 % deflection as 15.5 The precision of this test method may be expressed in
read from the curve. the format of the following statements which use what is called
13.13.6 Record the compression resistance of the test unit to an “appropriate value” or r, R, (r), or (R), that is, that value to
the nearest 0.7 kPa (0.1 psi). be used in decisions about test results (obtained with the test
13.13.7 Record the percent the specimen was compressed. method) for any particular test parameter.
D 945
15.6 Repeatability— The repeatability, r, of this test method is expressed as a percentage of the arithmetic mean of the two
has been established as the appropriate value for any parameter test results.
tabulated in Table 1. Two single test results, obtained under 15.9 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the differ-
normal test method procedures, that differ by more than this ence between an average test value and the reference (or true)
tabulated r (for any given level) must be considered as derived test property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
from different or nonidentical sample populations. method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
15.7 Reproducibility— The reproducibility, R, of this test defined by the test method. Bias, therefore, cannot be deter-
method has been established as the appropriate value for any mined.
parameter tabulated in Table 1. Two single test results obtained
in two different laboratories, under normal test method proce- 16. Keywords
dures, that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given
level) must be considered to have come from different or 16.1 chronograph; compression; creep; deflection; deforma-
nonidentical sample populations. tion; dynamic modulus; elevated temperature; hysterisis; initial
15.8 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a per- creep; kinetic energy; low temperature; mechanical oscillo-
centage of the mean level, (r) and ( R), have equivalent graph; point modulus; resilience; set; shear; static modulus;
application statements as 15.6 and 15.7 for r and R. For the (r) strain; stress; subnormal temperature; tangent modulus; Yerz-
and (R) statements, the difference in the two single test results ley
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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