Quench Tower Design

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7/26/2019 Quench Tower Design

Table of Contents

1.0 DESIGN OF A QUENCH TOWER ..................................................................................4

1.1 Poble! State!ent........................................................................................................4

1." Geneal O#e#$e% on Q&en'( To%es..........................................................................4

1.".1 S)a* to%es...........................................................................................................4

1."." +ent&e s'&bbe .....................................................................................................,

1.".- Pa'e/ to%e ...........................................................................................................

1.- ATERIA2 3A2ANCE...............................................................................................

C(e!$'al en$nee$n /es$n..............................................................................................5

1.4.1 T(e /ens$t* of t(e as !$6t&e $s 'al'&late/ as......................................................5

1.4." T(e #ol&!et$' flo%ate of t(e as 7Q G8 'an be 'al'&late/ b*...............................9

1.4.- T(e at$o of t(e l$:&$/ !ass flo% ate to t(e as !ass flo% ate $s $#en b*..........9

1.4., Cal'&lat$on of )ess&e /o) at floo/$n..............................................................10

1.4. S&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t* 'al'&lat$on......................................................................10

1.4.; T(e /$a!ete of t(e 'ol&!n 'an be 'al'&late/ fo!.............................................11

1.4.5 T(e %all fa'to 'an be $!)otant fo 'ol&!ns %$t( an $na/e:&ate at$o of

effe't$#e )at$'le /$a!ete to $ns$/e 'ol&!n /$a!ete< an/ $s $#en b*=.......................1"

1.4.9 T(e effe't$#e )at$'le /$a!ete< / )< $s $#en b*.....................................................1"

1.4.10 T(e Re*nol/s n&!be of t(e as 'an be 'al'&late/ as.......................................1-

1.4.11 Cal'&lat$on of /*>as>)ess&e /o)..................................................................1-

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1.4.1" T(e l$:&$/ !ass #elo'$t* 'an be 'al'&late/ as....................................................14

1.4.1- T(e Fo&/e n&!be of t(e l$:&$/ 'an be 'al'&late/ as=......................................14

1.4.14 Cal'&lat$on of s)e'$f$' l$:&$/ (ol/&).................................................................1,

1.4.1, Cal'&lat$on of )ess&e /o) %(en t(e be/ $s $$ate/......................................1

1.4.1 He$(t E:&$#alent of T(eoet$'al Plate 7HETP8.................................................1

1.4.1; N&!be of Tansfe Un$ts 7NTU8.......................................................................1;

1.4.15 He$(t of O#eall Gas Tansfe Un$t 7HOG8......................................................15

1.4.19 CO2UN HEIGHT...........................................................................................15

1., ECHANICA2 ENGINEERING CA2CU2ATIONS..............................................."0

1.,.1 Des$n Pess&e...................................................................................................."0

1.,." Des$n Te!)eat&e.............................................................................................."0

1.,.- $n$!&! +essel T($'ness.................................................................................."0

1.,.4 Dea/ We$(t of +essel.........................................................................................."1

1.,., We$(t of E!)t* +essel........................................................................................"1

1.,. W$n/ 2oa/$n......................................................................................................."1

1.,.; Anal*s$s of Stess..................................................................................................""

1.,.5 Dea/>We$(t Stess...............................................................................................""

1.,.9 Total 2on$t&/$nal Stess......................................................................................"-

1.,.10 a6$!&! Stess Intens$t*.................................................................................."-

1.,.11 +essel S&))ot....................................................................................................."-


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Table 1.1 Inlet stea! of :&en'( to%e????????????????????...

Table 1." O&tlet 1 of :&en'( to%e??????????????????????.;

Table 1.- O&tlet " of :&en'( to%e??????????????????????.5

Table 1.4 S&!!a* of '(e!$'al en$nee$n /es$n of :&en'( to%e????????.19

Table 1., S&!!a* of !e'(an$'al en$nee$n 'al'&lat$ons????????????";

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1.1 Poble! State!ent

To Des$n a :&en'( to%e to 'ool (ot ases flo%$n at a ate of ,;-0 @( &s$n %ate

flo%$n at 15400 @(.

1." Geneal O#e#$e% on Q&en'( To%es

Q&en'($n of ea'to )o/&'ts $s so!et$!es nee/e/ fo s&//en 'ool$n< fo e!o#$n

$!)&$t$es an/ to a#o$/ s$/e ea't$ons. Cool$n b* l$:&$/ :&en'($n $s essent$all*

a''o!)l$s(e/ b* $nto/&'$n t(e (ot ases $nto a l$:&$/ 'onta't$n /e#$'e. W(en t(e l$:&$/
e#a)oates o ets (eate/ &)< t(e ene* ne'essa* to (eat &) t(e l$:&$/ $s obta$ne/ at t(e

e6)ense of (ot 'o!b&st$on ases< es&lt$n $n t(e e/&'t$on of as te!)eat&e. T(e

te!)eat&e of t(e ases /$s'(ae/ fo! t(e :&en'(e $s at t(e a/$abat$' sat&at$on

te!)eat&e of t(e ases $f t(e o)eat$on $s a/$abat$' an/ t(e as lea#es t(e :&en'(e %$t(

l$ttle o no %ate #a)o&s.

T(ee ae - t*)es of :&en'(es

• S)a* to%es
• +ent&$ s'&bbes
• Pa'e/ to%es

1.".1 S)a* to%es

S)a* to%es o s)a* '(a!bes 'ons$sts of e!)t* '*l$n/$'al #essels !a/e of steel o

 )last$' an/ noles t(at s)a* l$:&$/ $nto t(e #essels. T(e $nlet as stea! &s&all* entes t(e

 botto! of t(e to%e an/ !o#es &)< %($le t(e l$:&$/ $s s)a*e/ /o%n%a/ fo! one o !oe

le#els. T($s flo% of $nlet as an/ l$:&$/ $n t(e o))os$te /$e't$on 7'o&nte '&ent flo%8<

e6)oses t(e as to t(e l$:&$/< t(eeb* en(an'$n t(e (eat tansfe.

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an* noles ae )la'e/ a'oss t(e to%e at /$ffeent (e$(ts to s)a* all of t(e as as $t

!o#es &) t(o&( t(e to%e. T(e eason fo &s$n !an* noles $s to !a6$!$e t(e (eat

tansfe. T(e l$:&$/ /o)let !&st be lae eno&( not to be 'a$e/ o&t of t(e s'&bbe b* t(e

s'&bbe/ o&tlet as.

A/#antaes of s)a* to%e 

• T(e /es$n $s 'o!)letel* o)en. It $s s$!)le to 'onst&'t. T($s feat&e el$!$nates

!an* of t(e s'ale b&$l/&) an/ )l&$n )oble!s asso'$ate/ %$t( ot(e s'&bbes.
• T($s $s an $ne6)ens$#e an/ 'ontol /e#$'e )$!a$l* &se/ fo as 'on/$t$on$n.
• +e* l$ttle s)a'e $s e:&$e/ an/ onl* t(at a!o&nt of %ate t(at $s nee/e/ to !a$nta$n

t(e /es$e/ te!)eat&e of t(e ases at t(e /$s'(ae $s &se/.

• Its $nstallat$on an/ o)eat$n 'ost ae eneall* 'ons$/ee/ to be less t(an t(at of

ot(e 'ool$n !et(o/s.

1."." +ent&e s'&bbe 

A #ent&$ s'&bbe a''eleates t(e as stea! to ato!$e t(e s'&bb$n l$:&$/ an/ to

$!)o#e as>l$:&$/ 'onta't. In a #ent&$ s'&bbe< a t(oat se't$on $s b&$lt $nto t(e /&'t t(at

fo'es t(e as stea! to a''eleate as t(e /&'t nao%s an/ t(en e6)an/s. As t(e as entes

t(e #ent&$ t(oat< bot( as #elo'$t* an/ t&b&len'e $n'eases. De)en/$n on t(e s'&bbe

/es$n< t(e s'&bb$n l$:&$/ $s s)a*e/ $nto t(e as stea! befoe t(e as en'o&ntes t(e

#ent&$ t(oat< o $n t(e t(oat< o &)%a/s aa$nst t(e as flo% $n t(e t(oat.

D$sa/#antae of #ent&$ s'&bbes

• Conta't aea a#a$lable fo %ate an/ as $s less.

• Const&'t$on $s 'o!)le6.
• 2ae a!o&nt of %ate $s e:&$e/ fo 'ool$n.

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1.".- Pa'e/ to%e 

Pa'e/ be/ :&en'(es 'ons$st of a '(a!be 'onta$n$n la*es of #a$o&sl* s(a)e/ )a'$n

!ate$als< s&'( as Ras'($/ $ns< $ntelo' sa//les< )all $n< bel sa//les< t(at )o#$/e lae

s&fa'e aea fo l$:&$/ as 'onta't. T(e )a'$n $s (el/ $n )la'e b* %$e !es( eta$nes an/
s&))ote/ b* a )la'e nea t(e botto! of t(e s'&bbe. Cool$n l$:&$/ $s e#enl* $nto/&'e/

abo#e t(e )a'$n an/ flo%s /o%n t(o&( t(e be/.

Q&en'( to%es 'an e$t(e be 'oole/ b* a %ate o o$l !e/$&! %($'( $#es t(e na!e

:&en'(>%ate to%e o :&en'(>o$l to%e. T(e$ f&n't$on $s to 'ool t(e s&)e(eate/ as $n

o/e to el$!$nate an* f&t(e ea't$on t(at !a* o''& an/ to also /e'ease t(e te!)eat&e

of t(e as.


Table 1.1 Inlet stea! of :&en'( to%e 



H2 + CH4 542 9%

Ethyl! "#$ 2&%

Pr'(yl! "#& $%

)*t-! $9.# "%


0*t!1 44.9 "%

C5+ "9 2%

N2 &$." "%

CO2 "94 $%

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H2O "& $"%

th! "# "&%

(r'(! .9 "%

0*t! 9."" %

TOTAL 5$ "%

Table 1." O&tlet 1 of :&en'( to%e 



H2 + CH4 5.42E+2 "4%

Ethyl! ".#$E+$ 4"%

Pr'(yl! ".#&E+2 4%

)*t-! $.9#E+" "%


0*t!1 4.49E+" "%

C5+ ".9E+2 $%

N2 &.$"E+" 2%

CO2 ".94E+2 5%

th! ".#E+$ 2%

(r'(! .9E+" 2%

0*t! 9.""E+ %

TOTAL $.95E+$ "%

Table 1.- O&tlet " of :&en'( to%e 


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kg/hr 3E

WATER "&4 "%

C(e!$'al en$nee$n /es$n

 Paa!etes to be 'al'&late/ ae=

• T(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t*

• T(e /$a!ete of t(e 'ol&!n
• T(e /*>as>)ess&e /o)
• T(e l$:&$/ (ol/&) $n t(e 'ol&!n
• T(e a't&al )ess&e /o) %(en t(e be/ $s $$ate/
• T(e o#eall as>)(ase tansfe &n$ts
• T(e (e$(t of t(e as>)(ase tansfe &n$t
• T(e (e$(t of t(e l$:&$/>)(ase tansfe &n$t
• T(e o#eall (e$(t of a as>)(ase tansfe &n$t
• T(e )a'e/ (e$(t
• Res$/en'e t$!e
• Data= T(e )a'$n &se/ $s ,0!! !etal )all $n an/o! )a'$n
C ) B $s a )a'$n 'onstant< 0.;-< a B s)e'$f$' s&fa'e aea of )a'$n< 11". !"@!-<
" -
ɛ B )a'$n #o$/ fa't$on< 0.9,1< FP B )a'$n fa'to< ";! @! <

C( B $s a '(aa'te$st$' of t(e )at$'&la t*)e an/ s$e of )a'$n< 0.;54

ass flo%ate of as< G B ,-;0 @( B 1., @s

1.4.1 T(e /ens$t* of t(e as !$6t&e $s 'al'&late/ as

 P × M 
 B  R ×T    7Pe* et al< 199;8

2.3 × 68.26
 B 0.08206 × 613

 B -.;- @!-

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1.4." T(e #ol&!et$' flo%ate of t(e as 7Q G8 'an be 'al'&late/ b*

QG B  ρg


G B as /ens$t* B -.;- @!- 

G B as !ass flo%ate B 1., @s

QG B 3.73

  B 0.40" !-@s

1.4.- T(e at$o of t(e l$:&$/ !ass flo% ate to t(e as !ass flo% ate $s $#en b*

 L 5.11
G  B 1.5  B -.41

W(ee< 2 B l$:&$/ flo%ate B ,.11 @s

Floo/$n /ata fo :&en'( 'ol&!ns %$t( 'o&nte'&ent flo% of as an/ l$:&$/ 'an be

'oelate/ $n te!s of t(e flo% )aa!ete78 $#en b*

 L  ρG
B 7
¿ 0.,
G  ρ L

 B -.41 7
 ¿ 0.,
 B 0."05

Floo/$n '&#e $n :&en'( to%e 'an be a''&atel* /es'$be/ b* t(e )ol*no!$al eess$on

lnfloo/ B -.,0""11.0"5ln 0.1109-7ln8" 72e#a<19,48

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−[ 3.50221+1.028 lnx+ 0.11093 ( lnx) ]
floo/ B e

floo/ B 0.11,

µ L
Csfloo/ B 7  F  p ¿  80.,  72e#a<19,48
Y flood

W(ee< FP B )a'$n fa'to< ";!"@!-  7W$le* an/ a$!e< 195;8

J2 B l$:&$/ #$s'os$t*< 0.001Pa>s 7S$nnot< "00,8

Csfloo/ B 7 27 × 0.001
80., B 0.09" !@s

1.4.4 Cal'&lat$on of t(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t* at floo/$n

T(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t* 'an be 'al'&late/ as

 ρG 0.5
 ρ L − ρG
+GF ¿   72e#a< 19,48
¿ ¿

W(ee< +GF B t(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t* at floo/$n< !@s

1000 − 3.73
+GF B ¿ B 1., !@s


T(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t* at floo/$n $s 1., !@s

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1.4., Cal'&lat$on of )ess&e /o) at floo/$n

T(e )ess&e /o) at floo/$n $s stonl* /e)en/ent on t(e )a'$n fa'to fo bot( an/o!

an/ st&'t&e/ )a'$n an/ $t $s $#en b* t(e e!)$$'al e6)ess$on=

KPfloo/ B 9-.97FP80.;  7L$ste an/ G$ll< 19918

W(ee KPfloo/ (as &n$ts of Pa )e !ete of )a'e/ (e$(t

KPfloo/ B 9-.97";80.; B 94-."- Pa@! of )a'$n

1.4. S&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t* 'al'&lat$on

Fo a $#en fl&$/ flo% ates an/ )o)et$es< an/ a $#en )a'$n !ate$al< s&)ef$'$al as

#elo'$t* 'an be 'al'&late/ fo! t(e e6)ess$on $#en b*=

+G B +GF M f 7W$le* an/ a$!e< 195;8

W(ee< +G B s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t*< !@s

f B a fa't$on of floo/$n an/ $s &s&all* 0.; fo :&en'( to%es 7W$le* an/ a$!e<195;8

+G B 1., M 0.; B 1.0, !@s

Hen'e t(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t*< +FG B 1.0, !@s

1.4.; T(e /$a!ete of t(e 'ol&!n 'an be 'al'&late/ fo!

4 × QG
D B 7 f ×V gf  × π  80., 7L$ste< 199"8

4 × 0.402
DB7 0.7 × 1.05 × π   80.,  B 0.5- !

D B 0.5- !

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Hen'e t(e /$a!ete of t(e 'ol&!n $s 0.5- !

T(e aea of t(e 'ol&!n 'an be 'al'&late/ as=

AB 4

π × ( 0.83 )
AB 4  B 0.,41 !"

1.4.5 T(e %all fa'to 'an be $!)otant fo 'ol&!ns %$t( an $na/e:&ate at$o of effe't$#e

 )at$'le /$a!ete to $ns$/e 'ol&!n /$a!ete< an/ $s $#en b*=

1 2 1 d p
=¿ 1+
 K W    3 7 1 −ɛ  8  D   72e$bson et al< 19,8

W(ee< ɛ B )a'$n #o$/ fa't$on B 0.9,1 7W$le* an/ a$!e<195;8

L % B %all fa'to 

1.4.9 T(e effe't$#e )at$'le /$a!ete< / )< $s $#en b*

1 −ɛ
/ ) B 7 a  8 72e$bson et al< 19,8

W(ee< / ) B t(e effe't$#e )at$'le /$a!ete< !

a B s)e'$f$' s&fa'e aea of )a'$n< 11". !"@!- 7W$le* an/ a$!e<195;8

1 −0.951
/ ) B 7 112.6  8 B 0.00"110

1 2 1 0.0026110
=¿   1+
 K W  3 1 −0.951  8 0.83  

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 K W   B 1.04-

L W B 0.9,9

1.4.10 T(e Re*nol/s n&!be of t(e as 'an be 'al'&late/ as

v G ×d  p × ρG × K W 
R eG B (1− ɛ)( µG )

W(ee< JG B $ne!at$' #$s'os$t* of t(e as !$6t&e< -M10 >,Pa.s

1.05 × 0.0026110 × 3.73 × 0.9590

R eG B (1− 0.951)( 0.00003 )

T(e Re*nol/s n&!be of t(e as R eG B ;1."4

T(e /*>)a'$n es$stan'e 'oeff$'$ent 7a !o/$f$e/ f$'t$on fa'to8< $s $#en b* t(e

e!)$$'al e6)ess$on=

64 1.8
 B C ) 7  R eG  ( ReG ) 8 72e$bson et al< 19,8

W(ee<  B t(e /*>)a'$n es$stan'e 'oeff$'$ent 7a !o/$f$e/ f$'t$on fa'to8

C ) B $s a 7)a'$n 'onstants8 '(aa'te$st$' of t(e )at$'&la t*)e an/ s$e of )a'$n B

0.;-. 7W$le* an/ a$!e<195;8

64 1.8
 B0.;- 7 6671.24  ( 6671.24 ) 0.08
8 B 0.5

T(e /*>)a'$n es$stan'e 'oeff$'$ent B 0.5


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1.4.11 Cal'&lat$on of /*>as>)ess&e /o)

T(e /*>as>)ess&e /o) 'an be 'al'&late/ fo! t(e /$!ens$onall* 'ons$stent 'oelat$n

e:&at$on $#en b*=

∆ Po   (¿¿ G)
 B Ѱ  × a× ρG ×
  ( ɛ) × 2 × K !  
3 7St$'(l!a$ et al< 19598

W(ee< B )a'$n (e$(t< !

△PO B t(e /*>as>)ess&e /o)< Pa

∆ Po 0.686 × 112.6 × 3.73 × ( 1.05 )
   B 3
(0.951) × 2 × 0.9900

∆ Po
Hen'e t(e /*>as>)ess&e /o)<   B 1;;.-9 Pa@!

1.4.1" T(e l$:&$/ !ass #elo'$t* 'an be 'al'&late/ as


G6 B π × ( D )   7Sea/e an/ Henle*< 19958


W(ee< G6 B l$:&$/ !ass #elo'$t*< @!".s


G6 B π × ( 0.83)2  B 9.444 @!".s


1.4.1" T(e Re*nol/s n&!be of t(e l$:&$/ 'an be 'al'&late/ as=


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G x
R e2 B a× µ L   7Sea/e an/ Henle*<19958

G x 9.444
R e2 B a× µ  B 112.6 × 0.001  B 5-.5;

Hen'e t(e Re*nol/s n&!be of t(e l$:&$/ R e2 B 5-.5;

1.4.1- T(e Fo&/e n&!be of t(e l$:&$/ 'an be 'al'&late/ as=

G x × a
 F "L = 7Sea/e an/ Henle*<1995 8

W(ee< F2 B Fo&/e n&!be of t(e l$:&$/

 B a''eleat$on /&e to a#$t*< 9.51!@s" 7W$le* an/ a$!e<195;8

G x × 112.6
 F "L = 2  
100 × 9.81

 F "L
  B 0.10"5

Fo R e2   ,< t(e at$o of s)e'$f$' aeas $s $#en b* =

 R eL
a$   7Sea/e an/ Henle*8
a  = 0.85 C $ × ¿

W(ee< C( B $s a 7)a'$n 'onstant8 '(aa'te$st$' of t(e )at$'&la t*)e an/ s$e of )a'$n

B 0.;54. 7W$le* an/ a$!e<195;8


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a( B (*/a&l$'< o effe't$#e< s)e'$f$' aea of )a'$n< ! "@!-

 R eL
 = 0.85 C  × ¿
a $

T(eefoe< t(e at$o of s)e'$f$' aeas $s  =¿  1.0

1.4.14 Cal'&lat$on of s)e'$f$' l$:&$/ (ol/&)

T(e s)e'$f$' l$:&$/ (ol/&) 7$.e. #ol&!e of l$:&$/ (ol/&)@#ol&!e of )a'e/ be/8 $n t(e

 )eloa/$n e$on 'an be 'al'&late/ fo! t(e /$!ens$onless e6)ess$on=

12 F "L a$
$ L  ReL a
 B 7 1
 7 2   73$lletan/ S'(&ltes<199,8
¿¿ 3
¿¿ 3

W(ee< (2 , B s)e'$f$' l$:&$/ (ol/&)< ! - (ol/&)@!- )a'e/ be/

+2 B s&)ef$'$al l$:&$/ #elo'$t*< !@s

12 ( 1.028 )
$ L 83.87
  1.606 ¿
 B 7 1  7  B 0.;"4
¿¿ 3

$ L
 B 0.;"4

Hen'e t(e l$:&$/ (ol/&) $n t(e 'ol&!n $s B 0.;"4


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1.4.1, Cal'&lat$on of )ess&e /o) %(en t(e be/ $s $$ate/

W(en t(e )a'e/ be/ $s $$ate/< t(e l$:&$/ (ol/&) 'a&ses t(e )ess&e /o) to $n'ease.

T(e Coe't )ess&e /o) fo l$:&$/ (ol/&) $s 'al'&late/ %$t( t(e e:&at$on

 R eL
∆P ɛ
=¿ 200
∆ P%  7 ɛ − $ L 8 e6)7 1.5
 73$llet an/ S'(&ltes8

W(ee< △P B A't&al )ess&e /o) %(en t(e be/ $s $$ate/< Pa

∆P 0.951
=¿ 200
∆ P%  7 0.951 −0.724 8 e6) 7 1.5
 B ,.,

∆ P%  B ,.,

T(e a't&al )ess&e /o) %(en t(e be/ $s $$ate/ $s t(eefoe

   B 4,."4 Pa@!

1.4.1 He$(t E:&$#alent of T(eoet$'al Plate 7HETP8

HETP $s 'al'&late/ as

[ ] [ ]
−0.19 0.21
  '   (
HETP B  & 20 0.2  


A B S$e of )a'$n B ,0 !!

'   B s&fa'e tens$on of l$:&$/ B 9.5 !N@!


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D B 0.5- !

 (  B O#eall #$s'os$t* of fee/ stea! B 0.000 Pa s

−0.19 0.21

× 10−3
(  ) (  )
69.8 0.0006
HETP B ,0 20 0.2

HETP ¿ 0.011 !

1.4.1; N&!be of Tansfe Un$ts 7NTU8

 N&!be of tansfe &n$ts $s $#en b*

1 − )
[ ( 1− ) )
 x 2− * 1
 x 1− * 1 ]
+ )  


 )  B 2@HG B 0.000-51

2 B ola l$:&$/ flo% ate B 10""."" !ol@(

G B ola as flo% ate B ;5.;4 !ol@(

H B Hen*s 2a% Constant B -410Pa@!ol fa't$on

6" B Sol&te 'ontents $n l$:&$/ $nlet stea! !ole fa't$on B 0.00

61 B Sol&te 'ontents $n l$:&$/ e6$t stea! !ole fa't$on B 0.00

*1 B Sol&te 'ontents $n as at botto! !ole fa't$on B 0.00

S&bst$t&t$n t(e abo#e #al&es $nto e:&at$on 7,8


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 NTU B 4.-

 NTU B ,

1.4.15 He$(t of O#eall Gas Tansfe Un$t 7HOG8

He$(t of o#eall as tansfe &n$t $s $#en as

( ( ))
Ho B  1 78

Ho B ".01 !

1.4.19 CO2UN HEIGHT

Pa'$n (e$(t $s 'al'&late/ as

Htotal B Ho 6 NTU

Htotal B ".01 6 ,

Htotal B 10.0, !

G$#$n 0.4,; allo%an'e fo /$senae!ent of #a)os at to) an/ at botto! fo l$:&$/<

Htotal B 10.,1 !

T(eefoe< total (e$(t of to%e B 10.,1 !


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Table 1.4 S&!!a* of '(e!$'al en$nee$n /es$n of :&en'( to%e 

Paa!ete #al&e

T(e s&)ef$'$al as #elo'$t*< !@s 1.0,

T(e /$a!ete of t(e 'ol&!n< ! 0.5-

T(e /*>as>)ess&e /o)< Pa@! 11;.4

T(e l$:&$/ (ol/&) $n t(e 'ol&!n 0.;"4

T(e a't&al )ess&e /o) %(en t(e be/ $s $$ate/< Pa@! 4,

 N&!be of tansfe &n$ts ,

T(e o#eall (e$(t of a as>)(ase tansfe &n$t< ! ".01

T(e )a'e/ 'ol&!n (e$(t< ! 10.,1


T(e !ate$al of 'onst&'t$on $s 'abon steel.

1.,.1 Des$n Pess&e

Des$n )ess&e 7P$8 $s taen as 110 of o)eat$n )ess&e 7S$nnott< "00,a8 =

P$ B 100 M "--.04; Pa B ",.-," Pa


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1.,." Des$n Te!)eat&e

H$(est O)eat$n te!)eat&e B -40 oC

1.,.- $n$!&! +essel T($'ness

P$ D $
"f $ > P$
eB   7S$nnott< "00,b8


D$ $s t(e $ntenal /$a!ete B 0.5- ! B 5-0 !!

e $s t(e !$n$!&! t($'ness e:&$e/

f $s t(e /es$n stess of sta$nless steel at -40 oC B 100 N@!!" 7S$nnott< "00,'8

P$ $s t(e $ntenal /es$n )ess&e of t(e s(ell B ",.-," Pa B 0.", N@!!"

( 0.", ) × 5-0
7 " × 1008 − 0.",
eB  " !!

Allo%$n a 'oos$on allo%an'e of " !! 7S$nnott< "00,/8< t(e !$n$!&! t($'ness e:&$e/

to %$t(stan/ $ntenal )ess&e $s 4 !!.

1.,.4 Dea/ We$(t of +essel

T(e !ao so&'es of /ea/ %e$(t fo t(e &n$t ae

• T(e %e$(t of t(e e!)t* #essel 7W#8

• T(e %e$(t of t(e !ate$al 7W !8

1.,., We$(t of E!)t* +essel

=  C # ×  π × ρ !  D! ( H#
×  × + 0.5D ! ) t
W#   7S$nnott< "00,e8


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C+ B fa'to to a''o&nt fo t(e %e$(t of noles< !an %a*s< $ntenal s&))ots et'< %($'(

'an be taen as 1.05 fo #essels %$t( fe% f$tt$ns.

H# B (e$(t of t(e '*l$n/$'al se't$on< 10.,1 !

 B a#$tat$onal a''eleat$on B 9.51 !@s"

t B %all t($'ness of #essel B 4 !! B 0.004 !

B /ens$t* of #essel !ate$al 7'abon steel8 B 5000 @! - 

D! B %$/t( of #essel B 0.5-  "70.0048 ! B 0.5-5 !

W# B 1.05  M 5000 M 9.51 M 0.5-5 10.,"1  70.5 M 0.5-58 M 0.004 B 9955.95 N

T(&s< /ea/ %e$(t of #essel B 9955.95 N

1.,. W$n/ 2oa/$n

3en/$n stesses es&lt fo! t(e ben/$n !o!ents to %($'( t(e #essel $s s&be'te/.

3en/$n !o!ents %$ll be 'a&se/ b* t(e %$n/ loa/s on tall self>s&))ote/ #essels< /ea/

%e$(t an/ %$n/ loa/s on )$)$n an/ e:&$)!ent %($'( $s atta'(e/ to t(e #essel<

 b&t offset fo! t(e #essel 'ente l$ne 7S$nnott< "00,f8.

D*na!$' %$n/ )ess&e 7 8 $s 1"50 N@!" 7S$nnott< "00,8.

W ( load.ng pe"/n.0 leng0$ )= P! D eff =1280 ( 0.838 ) =1072.64 1 / -


3en/$n !o!ent at botto! tanent l$ne< 6 B 710;".4@"8 6 10.,1" B ,9"41.9 N!


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1.,.; Anal*s$s of Stess Longitudinal Stress

2on$t&/$nal stess /&e to )ess&e $s $#en b*

P$ / $
Ul   =
  7S$nnott< "00,(8


0.", 6 5-0
Ul =   = 1-."5 N@!! "
464 Circumferential Stress

C$'&!feent$al stess /&e to )ess&e $s $#en b*

P$ / $
U( = " × σ  i =
U( = " × 1-."5

' $ "0.,0
 B  N@!!"

1.,.5 Dea/>We$(t Stess

Dea/>%e$(t stess of t(e #essel $s $#en as

= T
 D$ + )
t t
  7S$nnott< "00,$8

W(ee WT $s t(e total %e$(t %($'( $s s&))ote/ b* t(e #essel %all


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U% =   = 0.9,- N  @ mm "
T( 5-0 + 4 ) 4

1.,.9 Total 2on$t&/$nal Stess

Total a6$al o lon$t&/$nal stess   (

'  2 )

' 3 ( 3o-p"ess.ve )=' l + ' ! =13.28 + 0.953=14.233 1 / --


  7S$nnott< "00,8

1.,.10 a6$!&! Stess Intens$t*

' s ( 0ens.le ) =' $− '  2=26.56 −14.233  

¿ 11.33 1 / --  

T(e !a6$!&! allo%able stess fo t(e !ate$al of 'onst&'t$on $s 100 N@!! ". S$n'e t($s

stess $s ($(e t(an t(e !a6$!&! stess $ntens$t* at an* )o$nt $n t(e !ate$al< t(e /es$n $s

not )one to fa$l&e &n/e stess.

1.,.11 +essel S&))ot

T(e s&))ot s*ste! /es$ne/ fo a se)aato an/ all tall #essels /e)en/s on t(e s$e< s(a)e<

an/ %e$(t of t(e #essel t(e /es$n te!)eat&e an/ )ess&e t(e #essel lo'at$on an/

aane!ent an/ t(e $ntenal an/ e6tenal f$tt$ns an/ atta'(!ents.

A s$t s&))ot $s &se/ fo #et$'al 'ol&!ns. Its t($'ness $s /es$ne/ to %$t(stan/ t(e /ea/>

%e$(t loa/s an/ ben/$n !o!ents $!)ose/ on $t b* t(e se)aato. 7S$nnott< "00,8 Skirt Support Thickness


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S)e'$f$e/ s$t anle B 90 VC 7sta$(t '*l$n/e s$t8

a6$!&! allo%able stess<

( ' -ax )  an/ o&ns !o/&l&s< 7E8 at a!b$ent 'on/$t$ons ae

1, N@!!" an/ 11-,0 N@!!" es)e't$#el*.

T(e !a6$!&! /ea/>%e$(t loa/ on t(e s$t %$ll o''& %(en t(e #essel $s f&ll of %ate<

A))o6$!ate a6$!&! Dea/>We$(t B 7D $" 6 H# 6 7@48 6  % 6 8

% B /ens$t* of %ate 

 B a''eleat$on /&e to a#$t*

A))o6$!ate a6$!&! Dea/>We$(t B 0.5-" 6 10.,1 6 7@48 6 1000 6 9.51

B ,,;5,.0, N

Dea/>%e$(t of #essel B 9955 ,,;5,.0, N

  B ,;;-.04, N

W$n/ loa/$n B
1072.64 1  /-

3en/$n !o!ent at base of s$t B ,9"41.9 N!

Ass&!$n a s$t t($'ness of "0 !!

  4 M s   W 
'  = π ( D + 0  ) 0    <
4s '  = π ( D s + 0 s ) 0 s  
s s s


' 4s
B ben/$n stess $n t(e s$t


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s B !a6$!&! ben/$n stess at t(e base of s$t

W B total %e$(t of #essel

Ds B $ns$/e /$a!ete of t(e s$t

ts B s$t t($'(ness

Res&ltant stesses $n s$t ae

' s ( 0ens.le ) =' 4s− ' !s  

' s ( 3o-p"ess.ve )= ' 4s + ' !s  

 4 × 59241.96 1- × 1 0
' 4s=  B ,.-, N@!!"
π ( 830 + 20 ) 830 × 20

  55785.05 × 1 0
' !s ( 0es0 )= "
π ( 830 + 20 ) × 20  B1.044 N@!!

  9988 × 1 0
' !s ( ope"a0.onal )= "
π ( 830 + 20 ) × 20  B 0.19 N@!!  

' s ( 3o-p"ess.ve )=¿  ,.-,  1.044 B .-94 N@!!"



' s ( 0ens.le ) =5.35−0.19 =5.16



C$te$a fo /es$n

T(e s$t t($'ness s(o&l/ be s&'( t(at &n/e t(e %ost 'o!b$nat$on of %$n/ an/ /ea/>

%e$(t loa/$n t(e follo%$n /es$n '$te$a ae not e6'ee/e/=


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s 7tens$le8  f ss$nϴs  7S$nnott< "00,l8

' s ( 3o-p"ess.ve ) < 0.125 ,

( )
  0 s
sin 5 s ( 6.nno00 7 2005 -)  


f s B !a6$!&! allo%able /es$n stess fo t(e s$t !ate$al< no!all* taen at a!b$ent

te!)eat&e< "0 0C

 B %el/ o$nt fa'to< $f a))l$'able B 0.5,

ϴs B base anle of a 'on$'al s$t< no!all* 50 0 to 900

E $s t(e o&ns !o/&l&s of steel B "10 N@!! " at a!b$ent te!)eat&e.

Test$n fo !a6$!&! tens$le stent(

f ss$nϴs   0.5, M 1, M s$n7908 B 114.;,

,.1  140.",

Test$n fo !a6$!&! 'o!)ess$#e stent(

6.394 < 0.125 × 11350 ×

( )   20
sin ( 90 )=246.

.-94  -4.1;

S$n'e bot( '$te$a ae sat$sf$e/< a t($'ness of "0 !! 'an be &se/ fo t(e s$t.


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Table 1.,
Paa!ete +al&e
ate$al Sta$nless steel -04
S&!!a* of 
Des$n )ess&e< Pa ",
Des$n te!)eat&e< oC -40
+essel t($'ness< !! 4
2on$t&/$nal stess< N@!!" 1-."5
C$'&!feent$al stess< N@!!" "., en$nee$n
Dea/ %e$(t stess< N@!!" 0.9,- 'al'&lat$ons
Dea/ %e$(t< N 9955
Total lon$t&/$nal stesses< N@!!" 14."--
S$t s&))ot t($'ness< !! "0
W$n/ 2oa/$n< N@! 10;".4
a6$!&! stess $ntens$t*< N@!!" 11.--


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• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,a8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4 t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5";

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,b8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5-"

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,'8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4 t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5"9

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,e8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4 t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5,-

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,f8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4 t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5,-

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5,

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,(8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=545

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,$8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=549

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate


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l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=50

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=51

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,l8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5

• S$nnott< R.L. 7"00,!8 C(e!$'al En$nee$n Des$n 4 t(  e/.< 2ase%o/s )$#ate

l$!$te/< C(enna$< )=5

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