Q.No. Sub. Sec. Question Description Marks: Page 1 of 2
Q.No. Sub. Sec. Question Description Marks: Page 1 of 2
Q.No. Sub. Sec. Question Description Marks: Page 1 of 2
1. Figure 1 5
2. A patient with stroke has been admitted in emergency care of a hospital, the doctor advised
the technician to record the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. After recording EEG, the
doctor could’nt diagnose properly because of the 60 Hz power line interference hum in 5
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. Design a filter to remove the hum alone so that the
other frequency components shouldn’t be disturbed.
Figure 2
A hypothetical feedback loop is shown in Figure 3. The loop contains an amplifier with an 5
inverting gain, a resistive attenuation network, an all-pass phase shift network, and an
amplifier having unspecified gain and phase shift. At some reference frequency, the polar
forms of the various gains and transfer functions are shown. What gain magnitude A and
phase shift θ for amplifier 2 would result in steady-state sinusoidal oscillations at the
reference frequency?
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Figure 3
7. A radar signal with a frequency range of 0-10 kHz is recorded for analysis. The signal is
having maximum energy content in the band of 4 kHz to 8 kHz. In order to gather the
information of the signal, it is required to separate the signals into various frequency bands: 10
0 to 4 kHz, 4 kHz to 8 kHz, above 8 kHz. Design a single circuit to separate all this band of
frequencies in stages.
8. a)The frequency response data for a filter is shown below. Design the circuit. Assume
R1=20kΩ, C=0.0047µF
Input Gain magnitude Magnitude in dB
100 0.01586 -35.99
200 0.0634 -23.96
700 0.6979 -3.124
1000 1.1215 0.9960
3K 1.5763 3.953 10
7K 1.5857 4.004
10K 1.5859 4.006
30K 1.5860 4.006
100K 1.5860 4.006
b)If the filter must allow frequencies from 1khz to 5khz , with a pass band gain of 4 and
with the same order as in (a), What changes must be carried out in the design.
(Let C=0.0047µF, R1=10k). Plot its frequency response plot.
9. An electronics engineer designs a combination of two opamp circuits, to produce a 2kHz
triangular waveform. One of the circuit in the output side is the integrator. Design the 10
complete circuit. Assume the capacitor value as 0.01µF, if needed.
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