Exercise - I: (Conceptual Problems)
Exercise - I: (Conceptual Problems)
Exercise - I: (Conceptual Problems)
3.False statement for periodic classification of element is 10. The outermost electronic configuration of most
electronegative element is :
(A) The propeties of the elements are periodic function
of their atomic numbers. (A) ns2 np (B) ns2np4
2 5
(C) ns np (D) ns2np6
(B) No. of non-metallic elements is less than the no.
of metallic elements.
(C) First ionization energy of elements does not change 11. The electron affinity of the member of oxygen of
the periodic table, follows the sequence
continuously with increasing of atomic no. in a period.
(A) O > S > Se (B) S > O < Se
(D) d-subshell is filled by final electron with increasing
atomic no. of inner transition elements. (C) O < S > Se (D) Se > O > S
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18. Element Hg has two oxidation states Hg+1 & Hg+2. 30. The IE do not follow a regular trend in II & III
the right order of radii of these ions.
periods with increasing atomic number. Why ?
(A) Hg+1 > Hg+2 (B) Hg+2 > Hg+1
+1 +2
(C) Hg = Hg (D) Hg+2 Hg+1
31. Arrange in decreasing order of atomic size. Na,
19. The ionization energy will be maximum for the Cs, Mg, Si, Cl.
(A) Ba Ba++ (B) Be Be++
32. In the ionic compound KF, the K+ and F– ions are
(C) Cs Cs (D) Li Li+
found to have practically radii, about 1.34 Å, each.
20. Why the first ionisation energy of carbon atom is What do you predict about the relative covalent radii
greater than that of boron atom whereas, the reverse of K and F ?
is true for the second ionisation energy.
23. Mg2+, O2–, Na+, F–, N3– (Arrange in decreasing order 35. Which bond in each pair is more polar
of ionic size) (a) P – Cl or P – Br (b) S – Cl or S – O
(c) N – O or N – F
23. Why Ca+ has a smaller ionic radius than K+.
36. Arrange noble gases, in the increasing order of
24. Which of the ions are paramagnetic
Sr2+, Fe3+, Co2+, S2–, Pb2+ b.p.
25. Why do alkaline earth metals always dipositive ions ? ENERGY BASED CALCULATIONS
37. Calculate E.N. of chlorine atom on Pauling scale if
26. State giving reasons which one have higher value
(a) IE1 of F or Cl I.E. of Cl– is 4eV & of E.A. of Cl+ is +13.0 eV,
(b) E A of O or O–
(c) ionic radius of K+ or Cl– 38. Calculate the electronegativity of fluorine from the
following data :
27. Explain why a few elements such as Be(+0.6),
EH–H = 104.2 kcal mol–1 EF–F = 36.2 kcal mol–1
N(+0.3) & He (+0.6) have positive electron gain
enthalpies while majority of elements do have negative EH–F = 134.6 kcal mol–1 XH = 2.1
39. Calculate the E.N. of Cl from the bond energy of
28. From among the elements, choose the following :
CIF (61 K Cal/mol). Given that bond energies of F2 and
Cl, Br, F, Al, C, Li, Cs & Xe
(i) The element with highest electron affinity Cl2 are 38 and 58 KCal/mol respectively.
(ii) The element with lowest ionisation potential
(iii) The element whose oxide is amphoteric. 40. The IE values of Al(g) = Al+ +e is 577.5 kJ mol–1 and
(iv) The element which has smallest radii. H for Al(g) = Al3+ +3e is 5140 kJ mol–1. If second and third
(v) The element whose atom has 8 electrons in the
IE values are in the ratio 2 : 3. Calculate IE2 and IE3
outermost shell.
29. Which property will increase and which will decrease 41. How many chlorine atoms will be ionised
for IA group as we go down the group. Cl Cl+ + e–1 by the energy released from the
(a) Atomc size (e) E N process Cl + e–1 Cl– for 6.02 × 1023 atoms (I.P. for
(b) Ionic radii (f) At. mass
Cl = 1250 kJ mol–1 and E.A. = 350 kJ mole–1)
(c) I.E (g) Valance e–
(d) Metallic ch (h) Chemical reactivity
394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053, www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com
42. For the gaseous reactions, 49. Which oxide is more basic, MgO or BaO ? Why ?
+ –
K + F K F , H was calculated to be 19 kcal/mol
under conditions where the cations and anions were
50. The basic nature of hydroxides of group 13 (III-A)
prevented by electrostatic separation from combining
decreases progressively down the group. Comment.
with each other. The ionisation potential of K is 4.3 eV
atom. What is the electron affinity of F ?
51. Based on location in P.T. which of the following
43. The ionisation potentials of atoms A and B are 400 would you expect to be acidic & which basic.
and 300 kcal mol–1 respectively. The electron affinities (a) CsOH (b) IOH
of these atoms are 80.0 and 85.0 k cal mol –1 (c) Sr(OH)2 (d) Se(OH)2
respectively. Prove that which of the atoms has higher (e) FrOH (f) BrOH
46. A mixture contais F and Cl atoms. The removal of = 25.5, (IP)Na = 118.4, (U)Nal = –165.4
an electron from each atom of the sample requires
284 kJ while the addition of an electron to each atom
of the mixture releases 68.8 kJ. Determine the %
composition of the mixture.
(IE) per atom (EA) per atom
F 27.91 × 10 kJ 5.53 × 10–22 kJ
Cl 20.77 × 10–22 kJ 5.78 × 10–22 kJ
Miscellaneous Properties
47. Arrange the following ions Na+, Mg 2+ , Al3+ in
(a) extent of hydration (b) hydration energy
(c) size of hydrations
(d) Ionic mobility (e) size of gaseous ions.
394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053, www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com