History of Past and Present Illness
History of Past and Present Illness
History of Past and Present Illness
I. Personal Data
Name: EJ
Gender: Male
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Farming
Appendectomy 08/24/2017
The genogram of the family shows that there are certain hereditary diseases
of the immediate family as well as their blood line relatives are experiencing. Certain
Mellitus. 1 family member inherit it (DM) and is currently taking maintenance but the
client was not able to enumerate the such drugs. 3 members of the family have
hypertension but not currently taking in maintenance drugs. On the maternal side, the
client is not clear about his relatives since they are living in Agusan Del Sur. His mother
has 5 siblings. He only remembered one but unable to enumerate them all. His mother
had a kidney problem, he was not sure if she is on dialysis treatment. He has no
knowledge regarding this since he was separated from his mother when he was 6 years
The family is commonly experiencing cough and colds, fever, headache and
cough, Bioflu for colds, Paracetamol for fever and Mefenamic Acid for headache and
backache. These over the counter drugs were effective but when their condition did not
improve or worsen, they go to RHU for check-up. Furthermore, they sometime use
herbal medicines to treat such common ailments such as lagundi and oregano
decoction for cough. The also prepares calamansi juice. They chew garlic cloves and
ashitaba leaves for lowering their blood pressure for his uncles and as claimed they are
Some of the family members smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. The family
sometimes seek treatment from albularyo and as claimed, they are effective. He does
measles and mumps. They managed the chicken pox with traditional way of wearing
black shirt so that all lesions will erupt and will dry the soonest time. The client also
refrained from eating eggs and chicken because they believe that this will worsen the
condition. His chicken pox lasted for weeks and no complications were noted. For
measles, he recalled that they burn dried onion skin and they believe that the smoke
coming from it will halt the eruption of lesions. For his mumps, they just applied it with
gentian violet and “akot-akot” and no complications were noted. The client claimed that
The client also experiences common illnesses like cough and colds, fever
and headache. This is managed by over the counter drugs like paracetamol tablet for
fever and headache, carbocisteine for cough and bioflu for colds. These OTC drugs can
relieve these illnesses as stated above. Furthermore, they supplement it with increasing
water intake, eating green leafy vegetables accompanied with hot soup. However, if
conditions come for worst, they immediately seek consultation at the RHU or nearest
He claimed that he received all primary immunization given by their RHU.
Last March 2016, the client had a minor motor accident. The client sustained
minor abrasion in upper and lower extremities and forehead which prompted him go to
district health facility and was treated as out-patient. Antibiotics and pain reliever were
given and advice wound care. Other than that, the client had no previous hospitalization
Earlier this year, he started feeling of bearable epigastric pain. He went to the
RHU and was diagnosed with gastritis. He was just given Aluminum Magnesium
Hydroxide three times a day and claimed that he was relieved from it and was advised
to avoid spicy foods, drink carbonated products and drinking alcoholic beverages.
The client is a known alcoholic drinker since high school years. He also smoke 2-
3 sticks per day started 4 years ago. He also claimed that he is fond of carbonated
The present condition started last August 8, 2017 when the client felt a tolerable
pain (3/10) on the epigastric area at first then to periumbilical area radiating to right
lower quadrant. He also vomited previously ingested food once. He claimed that he
was not febrile and no other symptoms noted. He went to the district hospital for
consultation and was admitted as a case of gastritis. He was given with unfamiliar IV
fluids and given omeprazole IV medications. He claimed that pain on the abdominal
area was relieved and after 3 days, he was discharged and given with omeprazole 40
mg/ cap OD before breakfast and cefuroxime 750 mg/tab TID as take home
On August 23, 2017, the client again experienced cramping pain (3/10) on
the hypogastric area with no associated fever or vomiting. The condition persisted on
the night of that day and pain was intensified (5/10) and now associated with fever. No
On dawn of August 24, 2017, the pain was now then felt on the right lower
quadrant (7/10) accompanied still with fever and an episode of vomiting, no consultation
was done and as claimed it was aggravated when the client inhales. He just stayed in
bed, on a fetal position which he claimed relief and a decrease in pain felt. The morning
that day, the condition persisted and worsen. The pain felt was 10/10 with guarding and
crying. They rushed him at the same district hospital where he was admitted previously.
Present working impression was acute appendicitis. He was hooked D5LR1L and
started on antibiotics. As claimed, no pain reliever was given. He was transferred to the
provincial hospital for immediate operation. He was placed on NPO and was supposed
to be operated but he said that there were no surgeon available. The client was
transferred to nearby referral tertiary hospital for immediate operation. He was seen at
the emergency room by Dr. P, hence the admission, admitted at 04:15 pm, with an
1. General Appearance
The client is a 23-year old male, seen lying on bed, on fetal position. He
is ectomorph in terms of body built. The client is in pain during the assessment.
His face was grimacing, he was moaning and guarding his abdomen. He is
2. Vital Signs
3. Head-to-Toe Assessment
a. Head
- Normocephalic
b. Face
- Warm to touch
c. Eyes
- With visual acuity of 20/20, able to read letters from the snellen chart at an
appropriate distance
d. Ears
- With good hearing acuity – able to repeat what examiner said through the
voice test
e. Nose
- Nose in midline
- No discharges noted
- No alar flaring
f. Mouth
g. Neck
- Warm to touch
h. Chest
i. Abdomen
- Flat abdomen
- No lesions noted
- Noted RLQ pain that is felt upon slow extension of the right thigh with
- Noted RLQ pain upon passive internal rotation of the flexed right
RUQ: 5 bs/min
RLQ: 6 bs/min
LUQ: 6 bs/min
LLQ: 6 bs/min
j. Upper extremities
- Symmetrical
- Good ROM
- Warm to touch
k. Lower extremities
- Symmetrical
- Good ROM
- Warm to touch