CS8481 - Set4
CS8481 - Set4
CS8481 - Set4
Queries PL/SQL programs Form design and Database connectivity Viva-Voce Record Total
30 30 20 10 10 100
1. Create a table ‘Student’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Rollno number(5) Primary key
Name varchar2(10)
Coursecode number(2) Foreign key (Reference ‘Course’ table)
Mark1 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
Mark2 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
2. Create a table ‘Course’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Ccode number(2) Primary key
Course varchar2(10)
A. Add the field total to table student
B. Insert 5 records into the table. Don’t input values for total field
C. List the student names and their course names
D. Write a PL/SQL block to find whether the given number is odd or even
E. Write a database trigger before delete for each row on table course, delete corresponding course
students from Student table
F. Design and implement a student form to insert and edit the student details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
1. Create a table ‘Student’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Rollno number(5) Primary key
Name varchar2(10)
Coursecode number(2) Foreign key (Reference ‘Course’ table)
Mark1 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
Mark2 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
2. Create a table ‘Course’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Ccode number(2) Primary key
Course varchar2(10)
A. Add the field total to table student
B. Insert 5 records into the table. Don’t input values for total field.
C. List the student name with the highest mark1
D. Write a PL/SQL function to find the factorial of a given number
E. Write a database trigger to display the total number of records after inserting a record
into the table
F. Design and implement a course management system to add and delete courses.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity – 20
1. Create a table member with the following fields member code, member name, phoneno.
2. Create a table book with the following fields bookcode, category code, bookname, cost.
3. Create a table issue with the following fields membercode, Book code, Issuedate, Returndate.
A. List all the members names who have taken the book on 8-10-2007.
B. List the member codes of the members who have taken books worth more than Rs. 400.00.
C. Write a PL/SQL block to generate the Fibonacci series
D. Write a PL/SQL block using cursor to display the contents of various tables based on the options
E. Design and implement a book form to add and display details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity – 20
F. Write a PL/SQL block using cursor to display the total number of records and delete a record
G. Design and implement vendor-master system to add and display the details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
1. Create a table ‘Student’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Rollno number(5) Primary key
Name varchar2(10)
Coursecode number(2) Foreign key (Reference ‘Course’ table)
Mark1 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
Mark2 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
2. Create a table ‘Course’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Ccode number(2) Primary key
Course varchar2(10)
A. Add the field total to table student
B. List the student names starting with the letter ‘S’.
C. Update the total field by adding Mark1 and Mark2
D. Write a PL/SQL block to find whether the given year is leap year or not
E. Write a PL/SQL block using cursor to display the student names and their corresponding
course names.
F. Design and implement a student form to insert and edit the student details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
1. Create a table ‘Employee’ with the following details(Column level constraints)
Empno Number(5) Primary key
Empname Varchar2(20) Designation Varchar2(10)
Date_of_join Date
Salary Number(9,2) NOT NULL
Depno Number(2) Foreign key(Reference ‘Department’ table)
2. Create another table called ‘Department’ with the following structure(Column level constraints)
Depno Number(2) Primary key
Depname Varchar2(15)
Deplocation Varchar2(10)
A. Display the number of employees in each department with the department numbers in
descending order
B. Display designation, department no and total number of employees designation wise and
department wise.
C. List the Employee names and their department names.(Use Outer join)
D. Write a PL/SQL block to find whether the given number is odd or even
E. Write a database trigger before insert or update for each row on the table employee not
allowing to enter salary > 25,000
F. Design and implement a employee form to display and delete the employee details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
E. Write a PL/SQL block to find whether the given year is leap year or not
F. Write a PL/SQL block to display a particular item details. Display appropriate message if the
item is not found
G. Design and implement item file management form to display and delete the item details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
1. Create a table member with the following fields member code, member name, phoneno.
2. Create a table book with the following fields bookcode, category code, bookname, cost.
3. Create a table issue with the following fields membercode, Book code, Issuedate, Returndate.
A. List all the members names who have taken the book on 8-10-2007.
B. Find the total cost of books category wise.
C. Write a PL/SQL block to find whether the given number is odd or even.
D. Write a PL/SQL block to display a particular book details. Display appropriate message if the
book is not found.
E. Design and implement a book store system to add and display book details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
1. Create a table ‘Student’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Rollno number(5) Primary key
Name varchar2(10)
Coursecode number(2) Foreign key (Reference ‘Course’ table)
Mark1 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
Mark2 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
2. Create a table ‘Course’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Ccode number(2) Primary key
Course varchar2(10)
A. Add the field total to table student
B. Insert 5 records into the table. Don’t input values for total field.
C. List the student names and their course names
D. Write a PL/SQL block to find the sum of ‘n’ natural numbers
E. Write a PL/SQL cursor to display the student details
F. Design and implement course management form to add and edit the details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity - 20
1. Create a table ‘Student’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Rollno number(5) Primary key
Name varchar2(10)
Coursecode number(2) Foreign key (Reference ‘Course’ table)
Mark1 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
Mark2 number(3) Check whether values range from 0 to 100
2. Create a table ‘Course’ with the following details (table level constraints)
Ccode number(2) Primary key
Course varchar2(10)
B. Insert 5 records into the table. Don’t input values for total field
C. List the student names and their course names.
D. Write a PL/SQL block to display the Fibonacci series
E. Write a PL/SQL block using cursor to update the total field
F. Design and implement a student form to insert and edit the student details.
Query – 30 PL/SQL – 30 Form design and database connectivity – 20