Textile Mills Limited
Textile Mills Limited
Textile Mills Limited
E-MAIL finance@gulahmed.Com
URL www.gulahmed.com
Quarterly Report|| 1
The Directors of your Company are pleased to present their review of the affairs of the Company
for nine months ended March 31, 2021.
According to the World Bank Global monthly report, the world economic recovery is
strengthening. However, it is uneven across regions and countries. Commodity prices continue to
experience broad-based increase due to firming demand and availability of low cost global
liquidity. Adaptation to the pandemic has enabled the global economy to do well despite subdued
overall activity and mobility, leading to a stronger-than-anticipated rebound where the IMF now
projects a stronger world growth rate of 6 percent in 2021 and 4.4 percent in 2022.
Pakistan’s current account surplus for nine months of FY 2020-21 amounted to US$ 0.9 billion as
compared to a current account deficit of US$ 4.1 billion in same period last year. Trade deficit
grew by 18 percent with exports shrinking by 2 percent to US$ 18.7 billion (and imports expanding
by 9 percent to US$ 37.4 billion in nine months of FY 2020-21. Whereas, workers remittances
grew by 26 percent to US$ 21.5 billion in nine months of FY 2020-21 as compared to US$ 17
billion in the same period last year. Foreign Currency reserves grew by 24 percent to US$ 13.5
billion in nine months of FY 2020-21 as compared to US$ 10.8 billion in same period last year.
Moreover, State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has continued to maintain the policy rate at 7 percent in
line with reduction in inflation and a relatively slow economy.
The Large-Scale Manufacturing (LSM) sector is continuously showing healthy growth during the
current fiscal year. The LSM has surpassed its pre-COVID level of production in the month of
January 2021, witnessing 9.1 percent growth on annual basis as against (-5.7) percent in the same
period of the previous year.
The textile exports were recorded at US$ 11.35 billion in July-March (2020-21) against exports of
US$10.41 billion in July-March (2019-20), showing growth of 9.06 percent, according to latest
data of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). The textile commodities that contributed in trade
growth mainly included knitwear exports, which increased from US$ 2.29 billion last year to US$
2.78 billion during the current year (20.92 rise). Likewise, exports of yarn (other than cotton yarn)
increased by 12.53 percent from US$ 20.937 million to US$ 23.56 million whereas, exports of bed
wear increased by 16.50 percent from US$ 1.76 billion to US$2.05 billion. Exports of towels
increased by 16.84 percent from US$ 592.37 million to US$ 692.11 million and readymade
garments by 4.53 percent from US$ 2.17 billion to US$ 2.27 billion.
Key performance numbers are presented below:
Quarterly Report|| 2
Nine months Nine months
Units ended March 31, ended March 31,
2021 2020
Export sales Rs. in billions 40.85 28.51
Local sales Rs. in billions 22.72 16.38
Total sales Rs. in billions 63.57 44.89
Gross profit Rs. in billions 12.30 8.12
Profit before tax Rs. in billions 4.47 1.07
Profit after tax Rs. in billions 3.46 0.70
Earnings per share (EPS) Rupees 8.08 1.64
Debt to equity ratio Times 1.04 0.77
Current ratio Times 1.13 1.03
Break-up-value per share Rupees 40.72 35.39
Gross Profit Margin % 19.35 18.09
Profit before tax Margin % 7.03 2.44
Profit after tax Margin % 5.44 1.56
The company has faced many challenges in this fiscal year. The one challenge was unfavorable
US$/PKR parity. The rate was Rs. 168 to US$versus, Rs 162 on December 31, 2020 and Rs. 153
approximately on March 31, 2021. This dented both the top and bottom line of the company
significantly. The second major factor to affect the company has been global cotton & yarn
increasing prices and timely availability. The company was also faced with revision in Gas Tariff
along with some supply issues in the winter months. Lastly, the retail sector has been affected
significantly due to Covid 19 globally. In Pakistan the year started off with limited operational
hours and SOP’s in place that have dented the retail revenue by approximately 20% so far. The
retail segment of our company has done extraordinarily well given the challenging circumstance’s
this year.
The management made its best efforts to counter the impact of the above with timely hedging of
exchange rates and timely buying of raw materials from multiple destinations resulting in cost
reduction and revenue optimization. The retail segment used a combination of strategies including
investing in its e-commerce platform to increase market penetration with timely promotions during
working hours to ensure optimal inventory turnover. The combined results of these efforts are
well reflected in the above table. It is pertinent to note that the Company has performed very well
in export sales despite unfavorable exchange rate. Higher sales and effective cost controls helped
to achieve higher gross margin, profit before and after tax and an improved earnings per share. It
is important to mention the following numbers: Sales have increased by 42%, Gross Profit has
increased by 51%, Net Profit before Tax has increased by 317%, and resultantly the EPS has
increased by 392%.
Pakistan’s short-term economic prospects are subdued owing to the ongoing third wave of the
infection that could trigger more protracted and extensive lockdowns, stifling the fragile
Quarterly Report|| 3
Delayed deployment of the COVID-19 vaccines, both domestically and globally, would further
elevate these risks. At the same time, economic activity is projected to dampen in the short-term
by fiscal consolidation measures associated with the IMF stabilization program, which is expected
to resume as the economy regains its footing. Moreover, as domestic consumption revives, trade
deficit is expected to widen as duty free imports surge in the wake of booming industrial activities.
The Company and its management will continue to focus on investment in balancing and
modernization through technologically advanced machinery, rationalize costs and further enhance
the sales and production efficiency Your management is confident to deliver good result in the
coming quarter, though the risks like further unfavorable change in US$/PKR parity, increase in
raw material prices, changes in financial costs, change in utility pricing by the Government, may
have a material impact.
As previously mentioned the company is in the process of hiving out its retail business “Ideas” to
enable it to be a 100% subsidiary within 2021 subject to all necessary approvals.
We acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and valuable support of all stakeholders.
For and on behalf of the Board
Quarterly Report|| 4
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Un-consolidated
Statement of Financial Position
As at March 31, 2021
Un-Audited Audited
March June
Note 2021 2020
----------Rupees in '000----------
Authorised share capital
750,000,000 ordinary shares of Rs.10 each 7,500,000 7,500,000
Long term financing - Secured 4 18,190,884 13,445,600
Lease liability against right-of-use assets 5 2,838,165 2,191,703
Provision for Gas Infrastructure Development Cess 1,477,457 -
Deferred liabilities
Deferred taxation - net 210,167 35,167
Deferred income - government grant 34,212 35,220
Staff gratuity 145,034 136,760
389,413 207,147
Trade and other payables 6 12,963,000 12,111,544
Accrued mark-up/profit 348,216 405,979
Short term borrowings 26,370,086 25,486,947
Current maturity of long term financing 4 2,160,886 420,113
Current maturity of lease liability against right-of-use asset 5 467,121 409,199
Current maturity of deferred income - government grant 97,816 48,921
Unclaimed dividend 9,460 9,739
Unpaid dividend 21,103 21,103
42,437,688 38,913,545
82,754,694 68,721,195
Property, plant and equipment 8 29,091,172 23,936,017
Right-of-use assets 9 2,845,258 2,314,161
Intangible assets 10 87,920 89,568
Long term investment 11 2,423,450 2,423,450
Long term loans and advances 63,343 58,720
Long term deposits 306,312 379,332
34,817,455 29,201,248
Stores and spares 2,357,921 2,047,067
Stock-in-trade 27,177,778 25,829,952
Trade debts 11,038,699 5,701,537
Loans, advances and other receivables 2,731,841 1,273,805
Short term prepayments 210,878 241,765
Receivable from government 2,771,980 2,804,316
Taxation - net 891,068 1,132,621
Cash and bank balances 757,074 488,884
47,937,239 39,519,947
82,754,694 68,721,195
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 5
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Un-consolidated
Statement of Profit or Loss
For the nine months ended March 31, 2021
Nine months ended Quarter ended
July to January to January to
July to March March March March
2021 2020 2021 2020
----------------------------Rupees in '000----------------------------
- Current 14 838,506 480,265 359,814 183,176
- Deferred 175,000 (83,368) 16,071 (44,528)
1,013,506 396,897 375,885 138,648
Profit after taxation 3,457,887 699,552 1,691,643 (369,778)
Earning per share - basic and diluted (Rs.) 8.08 1.64 3.95 (0.86)
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 6
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Un-consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the nine months ended March 31, 2021
Nine months ended Quarter ended
July to July to January to January to
March March March March
2021 2020 2021 2020
----------------------------Rupees in '000----------------------------
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 7
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Un-Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows
For the nine months ended March 31, 2021
Nine months ended
Note July to March July to March
2021 2020
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES -----------Rupees in '000-----------
Adjustments for:
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment 8.3 1,993,385 1,561,282
Depreciation on right-of-use assets 9 505,972 553,546
Amortisation on intangible assets 19,351 17,051
Provision for gratuity 51,793 116,874
Finance cost 1,273,319 1,153,509
Interest on lease liability against right-of-use asset 273,621 276,572
Provision for slow moving/obsolete stores
18,874 17,179
and spares
Expected credit losses against doubtful trade debts 42,064 -
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 173,649 125,315
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (90,246) (30,969)
4,261,782 3,790,359
Cash flows from operating activities before adjustments of
working capital 8,733,175 4,886,808
Adjustments for:
Gratuity paid (43,519) (38,690)
Finance cost paid (1,331,082) (1,421,057)
Income tax paid (596,953) (488,036)
(Increase) / Decrease in long term loans and advances (4,623) 2,803
Decrease / (Increase) in long term deposits 73,020 (13,262)
(1,903,157) (1,958,242)
Net Cash generated from Operating activities 707,338 1,459,012
Quarterly Report|| 8
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Un-Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows
For the nine months ended March 31, 2021
Nine months ended
Note July to March July to March
2021 2020
-----------Rupees in '000-----------
Cash and cash equivalents - at the beginning of the period (24,998,063) (18,469,899)
Cash and cash equivalents - at the end of the period 13 (25,613,012) (22,644,900)
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim un-consolidated financial
Quarterly Report|| 9
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Un-consolidated
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the nine months ended March 31, 2021
Balance as at June 30, 2019 (Audited) 3,564,955 1,405,415 10,362,843 11,768,258 15,333,213
Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2019 - - (891,239) (891,239) (891,239)
Balance as at March 31, 2020 (Un-audited) 4,277,946 692,424 10,171,156 10,863,580 15,141,526
Balance as at March 31, 2021 (Un-audited) 4,277,946 692,424 12,450,717 13,143,141 17,421,087
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 10
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Notes to the Condensed Interim Un-consolidated
Financial Statements (Un-audited)
For the nine months ended March 31, 2021
1.1 Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited (The Company) was incorporated on April 01, 1953 in Pakistan as a private limited company, subsequently
converted into public limited company on January 07, 1955 and is listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited. The Company is a composite textile
unit and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of textile products.
The Company’s registered office is situated at Plot No. 82, Main National Highway, Landhi, Karachi.
Details of Subsidiaries
Country of
Name Date of Incorporation Incorporation
%of Holding
Gul Ahmed International Limited FZC December 11, 2002 U.A.E 100%
GTM (Europe) Limited - Indirect subsidiary April 17, 2003 U.K 100%
GTM USA Corp. - Indirect subsidiary March 19, 2012 U.S.A 100%
Sky Home Corp.- Indirect Subsidiary February 28, 2017 U.S.A 100%
Vantona Home limited - Indirect Subsidiary April 22, 2013 U.K 100%
JCCO 406 limited - Indirect Subsidiary September 29, 2017 U.K 100%
Worldwide developers (Pvt) limited-Direct December 22, 2014 Pakistan 54.84%
All subsidiaries are engaged in distribution/trading of textile related products except for Worldwide Developers (Pvt) Limited which was incorporated
to carry on real estate business and currently it has rented out certain portion of its property to the Company for warehousing purpose.
1.3 Geographical locations and addresses of all factory building on rented premises are as follows;
Plot# 369, Main National Highway, Landhi, Karachi.
Plot# HT/3A,KDA Scheme 3, Landhi Industrial area, Karachi.
Plot# ST-17/1 and ST-17/3, Federal 'B' Area, Azizabad, Karachi.
Plot# HT/8,KDA Scheme 3, Landhi Industrial area, Karachi.
Plot# 12, Sector 23, Korangi Industrial area, Karachi.
1.4 As at March 31, 2021, the Company has 64 retail outlets, 30 fabric stores, 3 fair price shops, 4 whole sale shops and 6 franchises (June-2020:64
retail outlets, 29 fabric stores, 2 fair price shops, 5 whole sale shops and 6 franchises).
These condensed interim unconsolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable
in Pakistan for interim financial reporting. The accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan for interim financial reporting comprise of:
- International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", issued by International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) as notified under the
Companies Act, 2017; and
- Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017.
Where the provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ with the requirements of IAS 34, the provisions of and directives issued
under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.
These condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements comprise of the condensed interim un-consolidated statement of financial position as at
March 31, 2021 and the condensed interim un-consolidated statement of profit or loss, condensed interim un-consolidated statement of comprehensive
income, condensed interim un-consolidated statement of changes in equity and condensed interim un-consolidated statement of cash flows for the period
ended March 31, 2021.
The comparative statement of financial position, presented in these condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements, as at June 30, 2020 has been
extracted from the audited un-consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2020, whereas the comparative condensed
interim un-consolidated statement of profit or loss, condensed interim un-consolidated statement of comprehensive income, condensed interim un-
consolidated statement of changes in equity and condensed interim un-consolidated statement of cash flows for the period ended March 31, 2020.
These condensed interim unconsolidated financial statements do not include all the information required in annual financial statements prepared in
accordance with approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan, and should be read in conjunction with the un-consolidated financial statements
for the year ended June 30, 2020.
Quarterly Report|| 11
2.1 Change in accounting standards, interpretations and amendments to published approved accounting and reporting standards
(a) New standards, amendments and interpretation to published approved accounting and reporting standards which are effective during the nine
months ended March 31, 2021
There are certain amendments and an interpretation to approved accounting and reporting standards which are mandatory for the Company's annual
accounting period beginning on July 1, 2020; however, these do not have any significant impact on these unconsolidated condensed interim financial
The preparation of these condensed interim un-consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates, assumptions and use judgments
that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities and income and expenses. Estimates, assumptions and judgments are
continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events. Revisions to accounting
estimates are recognised prospectively commencing from the period of revision. Judgments and estimates made by the management in the preparation of
these condensed interim financial statements are the same as those that were applied to financial statements as at and for the year ended June 30, 2020.
The Company's financial risk objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the annual audited financial statements as at and for the year
ended June 30, 2020.
a) In the matter of charging of captive power tariff instead of Indusrty tarif rate, wherein there is no change in its status as disclosed in note 11.1.3 of the
financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020 except that the Government has filled an appeal in the Honorable High Court and Company
has appointed a legal councel therefore.
The status of contingencies, as reported in the annual financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020 remained unchanged during the current period
except following;
a) In the matter of Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC), there is no change in its status as disclosed in note 15.6 of the financial statements for
the year ended June 30, 2020 except that the review petition filed by the Company was dismissed. The Company alongwith several other companies
filed a suit in Honorable Sindh High Court challenging the chargeability of GIDC. The Honorable Court granted stay order and restrained Sui
Southern Gas Company (SSGC) from taking any coercive action against non-payment of installments of GIDC.
Quarterly Report|| 12
Southern Gas Company (SSGC) from taking any coercive action against non-payment of installments of GIDC.
b) In the matter of tax credit on BMR, there is no change in its status as disclosed in note 15.11 of the financial statements for the year ended June 30,
2020 except that the Company has also filed a Constitutional Petition for the tax year 2020.
(a) Guarantees of Rs. 1,491 million (June-2020: Rs. 1,119 million) has been issued by banks on behalf of the company which are secured by pari
passu hypothecation charge over stores and spares, stock-in-trade, trade debts and other receivables. These guarantees includes guarantees issued
by related party amounting to Rs. 1,102 million (June-2020: Rs. 938 million).
(b) Post dated cheques of Rs. 3,724 million (June-2020: Rs. 3,753 million) are issued to Custom Authorities in respect of duties on imported items
availed on the basis of consumption and export plans.
(c) Bills discounted Rs. 5,874 million (June-2020: Rs. 3,903 million).
(d) Corporate guarantee of Rs 142.6 million (June-2020: Rs. 146 million) Rs.610.7 million (June-2020: 670 million) and Rs. 138.2 million (June-2020:
152 million) have been issued to various banks in favor of subsidiary companies - GTM (Europe) Limited - UK, Gul Ahmed International FZC- UAE
and Sky Home Corporation- USA respectively.
(a) The Company is committed for capital expenditure as at March 31, 2021 of Rs. 3,519 million (June-2020: Rs. 4,440.5million).
29,091,172 23,936,017
Un-Audited Un-Audited
Nine months ended Nine months ended
March March
2021 2020
------------Rupees in '000------------
8.1 Additions during the period
Land - 152,251
Buildings and structures on leasehold land 1,193,574 372,029
Plant and machinery 2,388,297 480,225
Furniture and fixtures 19,738 11,298
Office equipment 86,410 76,239
Vehicles 20,792 9,251
3,708,811 1,101,293
8.1.1 Additions to building and structure on leasehold land, plant and machinery, furniture and fixture and office equipment include transfers from capital
work-in-progress amounting to Rs.1,118 million, Rs. 1,400 million, Rs. 16 million and Rs. 33.1 million (March 2020: Rs. 19.6 million, Rs. 69.5 million,
Rs. Nil and Rs. Nil) respectively.
Un-Audited Un-Audited
Nine months ended Nine months ended
March March
2021 2020
------------Rupees in '000------------
8.2 Disposals - operating fixed assets (at net book value)
Quarterly Report|| 13
Nine months ended Nine months ended
March March
2021 2020
------------Rupees in '000------------
8.4 Additions - capital work in progress (at cost)
Un-Audited Audited
March June
2021 2020
------------Rupees in '000------------
Intangible - net book value 10.1&10.2 87,920 89,568
Un-Audited Un-Audited
Nine months ended Nine months ended
March March
2021 2020
------------Rupees in '000------------
10.1 Additions - intangibles (at cost)
Computer Software 17,703 56,528
This includes Rs. 240.9 million on re-measurement of contingent liability of Gas Infrastructure Development Cess.
Provision for current taxation has been made on the basis of minimum tax liability and final taxation under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
Quarterly Report|| 14
The Company's Operations have been divided in four segments based on the nature of process and internal reporting. Following are the four reportable business segments:
a) Spinning : Production of different qualities of yarn using both natural and artificial fibers.
b) Weaving: Weaving is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric.
c) Retail and On the retail front, Ideas by Gul Ahmed offers fabrics and made-ups, ranging from home accessories to clothing.
d) Processing, Home
Processing of greige fabrics into various types of finished fabrics for sale as well as to manufacture and sale of madeups and home textile products.
Textile and Apparel
Sales 17,900,490 11,405,162 3,147,564 2,524,348 18,615,165 16,133,987 42,053,740 30,750,780 (18,149,597) (15,921,990) 63,567,362 44,892,287
Cost of sales 14,682,442 10,173,593 2,527,031 2,144,088 13,583,535 11,979,592 38,623,644 28,393,235 (18,149,597) (15,921,990) 51,267,055 36,768,518
Gross profit 3,218,048 1,231,569 620,533 380,260 5,031,630 4,154,395 3,430,096 2,357,545 - - 12,300,307 8,123,769
Distribution cost and Administrative
cost 181,877 135,495 87,925 82,377 3,754,637 3,403,410 2,307,691 2,182,392 - - 6,332,130 5,803,674
Profit before tax and before
charging following 3,036,171 1,096,074 532,608 297,883 1,276,993 750,985 1,122,405 175,153 - - 5,968,177 2,320,095
Assets 22,317,879 17,967,254 5,486,931 4,270,692 14,579,907 12,284,442 36,101,974 31,107,650 4,268,003 3,091,157 82,754,694 68,721,195
Liabilities 10,959,391 8,264,759 4,462,246 2,758,394 6,500,223 4,815,246 12,864,104 14,273,075 30,547,643 24,646,521 65,333,607 54,757,995
15.3 Unallocated items represent those assets and liabilities which are common to all segments and these include investment in subsidiary, long term deposits, other receivables, deferred liabilities, certain common borrowing
and other corporate assets and liabilities.
15.4 Based on judgement made by management, Processing, Home Textile and Apparel segments have been aggregated into single operating segment as the segments have similar economic characteristics in respect of
nature of the products, nature of production process, type of customers, method of distribution and nature of regularity environment.
Revenue from major customer whose revenue exceeds 10% of gross sales is Rs.9,906 million (March-2020: Rs. 7,696 million).
Quarterly Report|| 15
15.6 Information by geographical area
Revenue Non-current assets
Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-21 Jun-20
-------------------Rupees in '000-------------------
Pakistan 29,613,097 20,499,235 34,759,005 29,142,798
Germany 12,929,046 8,256,761 - -
United States 6,376,048 4,161,732 - -
France 3,090,952 1,562,360 - -
Netherlands 2,951,850 2,355,188 - -
United Kingdom 1,726,602 1,516,604 - -
Italy 862,829 1,552,483 - -
Spain 432,588 644,565 - -
China 288,124 635,670 - -
Sweden 1,159,694 781,266 - -
United Arab Emirates 11,261 258,673 58,450 58,450
Other Countries 4,125,271 2,667,750
63,567,362 44,892,287 34,817,455 29,201,248
The related parties comprise subsidiaries, associated companies, companies where directors also hold
directorship, directors of the company and key management personnel. The Company in the normal course of
business carried out transaction with various related parties.
Relationship with Nature of transactions Mar-21 Mar-20
the Company Rupees in '000
Un-Audited Audited
Relationship with Nature of outstanding balances Mar-21 Jun-20
the Company Rupees in '000
Subsidiary companies Long term investment 2,353,450 2,353,450
Corporate guarantee issued in favour
of subsidiary company 891,598 969,530
Trade and other payables 29,102 155,227
Accrued rent 3,067
Trade debts 1,304,290 1,437,347
Associated companies Deposit with banks 76,925 44,564
and others related parties Borrowings from Banks 1,155,807 564,694
Bank guarantee 1,102,612 938,326
Trade and other payables 45,536 25,773
Trade debts 8,946 3,743
Accrued mark-up 6,345 2,810
Loans to key management personnel
& executive 139,141 81,517
Payable to employee's provident fund 31,316 13,096
Prepaid Rent - 2,863
Prepaid fees 500 250
There are no transactions with directors of the Company and key management personnel other than under the
terms of employment for the period ending March 31, 2021 amounting to Rs. 1,157 million (2020: Rs.1,044
million) on account of remuneration.
Quarterly Report|| 16
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
in the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e. an
exit price) regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique.
The Company while assessing fair values uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances
using relevant observable data as far as possible and minimizing the use of unobservable inputs. Fair values are
categorized into following three levels based on the input used in the valuation techniques;
- Level 1 Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that can be assessed at
- Level 2 Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability,
either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices).
- Level 3 Inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability inputs for the asset or liability that are not
based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs).
Financial assets and liabilities of the Company are either short term in nature or are repriced periodically
therefore; their carrying amounts approximate their fair values.
Transfers, if any, between levels of the fair value hierarchy is recognized at the end of the reporting period during
which the transfer has occurred. The Company’s policy for determining when transfers between levels in the
hierarchy have occurred includes monitoring of changes in market and trading activity and changes in inputs used
in valuation techniques.
As at year end the fair value of all the financial assets and liabilities approximates to their carrying values. The
property plant and equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment if any, except free-
hold land, lease-hold land and capital work in progress which are stated at cost. Long term investments represent
the investment in unquoted shares of subsidiary companies carried at cost and investment in Term Finance
Certificates carried at amortized cost. The Company does not expect that unobservable inputs may have
significant effect on fair values.
For more appropriate presentation and comparison, certain re-classification have been made in the corresponding
figures including following;
Subsequent Appropriations
The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on 27 April, 2021 has approved 10% interim cash
dividend and 20% bonus shares.
These financial statements were authorised for issue on 27 April, 2021 by the Board of Directors of the Company.
21.1 Allocations for the workers' profit participation fund, workers' welfare fund and taxation are provisional and final
liability including liability for deferred taxation will be determined on the basis of annual results.
21.2 Figures have been rounded off to the nearest thousand rupees.
Quarterly Report|| 17
Textile Mills Limited
Consolidated Accounts
Consolidated Condensed Interim Financial Information
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Statement of Financial Position
As at March 31, 2021
Un-Audited Audited
March June
Note 2021 2020
Rupees in '000
Long term financing - Secured 4 18,190,884 13,445,600
Lease liability against right of use assets 5 2,844,384 2,198,535
Provision for Gas Infrastructure Development Cess 1,477,457 -
Deferred liabilities
Deferred taxation 210,167 49,532
Deferred government grant 34,212 35,220
Staff gratuity 146,130 140,219
390,509 224,971
Trade and other payables 0 13,159,828 12,310,931
Accrued mark-up/profit 348,216 405,979
Short term borrowings 26,818,799 25,995,109
Current maturity of long term financing 4 2,160,886 420,113
Current maturity of lease liability against right-of-use asset 5 467,713 411,526
Current maturity of deferred income - government grant 97,816 48,921
Unclaimed dividend 9,460 9,739
Unpaid dividend 21,103 21,103
Provision for taxation 7,127 3,792
43,090,948 39,627,213
85,737,273 71,823,778
Property, plant and equipment 8 29,108,231 23,951,846
Right of use Assets 9 2,853,204 2,323,849
Investment Property 4,599,000 4,599,000
Intangible assets 10 223,281 232,449
Long Term investment 11 70,000 70,000
Long term loans and advances 65,478 59,830
Long term deposits 311,443 388,669
Deferred taxation 3,667 3,801
37,234,304 31,629,444
Stores and spares 2,357,921 2,047,067
Stock-in-trade 27,637,457 26,653,635
Trade debts 10,873,621 5,150,748
Loans, advances and other receivables 2,782,464 1,362,721
Short term prepayments 222,106 270,346
Receivable from Government 2,771,980 2,804,316
Taxation - net 891,068 1,132,621
Cash and bank balances 13 966,352 772,880
48,502,969 40,194,334
85,737,273 71,823,778
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 18
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Statement of Profit or Loss
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Nine Months Ended Quarter Ended
Note July to July to January to January to
March March March March
2021 2020 2021 2020
----------------Rupees in '000---------------------
Sales - net 65,047,288 46,553,226 22,413,214 14,722,054
- Current 14 843,720 481,285 361,968 183,731
- Deferred 175,000 (83,368) 16,071 -
1,018,720 397,917 378,039 183,731
Profit after taxation 3,597,126 616,650 1,711,139 (452,680)
Attributable to:
Equity holders of Parent Company 3,592,203 - 1,711,101 -
Non-controlling interest holders 4,923 - 38 -
3,597,126 - 1,711,139 -
Earning per share - basic and diluted (Rs.) 8.41 1.44 4.00 (1.06)
Re-stated Re-stated
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 19
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Nine Months Ended Quarter Ended
July to July to January to January to
March March March March
2021 2020 2021 2020
----------------Rupees in '000-------------------------
Attributable to:
Equity holders of Parent Company 3,410,709 - 1,666,030 -
Non-controlling interest holders 4,923 - 38 -
3,415,632 - 1,666,068 -
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 20
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Revenue reserve
Total equity
Capital Exchange Statutory
attributable to Non-
Share capital reserve - difference on reserve Total
General Unappropriated the owners of Controlling
Share translation of created by
Reserve profit Holding Interest
Premium foreign foreign
subsidiaries subsidiary
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rupees '000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance as at June 30, 2019 (Audited) 3,564,955 1,405,415 - 285,542 19,827 10,607,627 12,318,411 15,883,366
- -
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Quarterly Report|| 21
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Nine Months Ended
July to July to
Note March March
2021 2020
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES -----------Rupees in '000-----------
Adjustments for:
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment 1,995,283 1,563,088
Depreciation on right-of-use assets 507,714 553,546
Amortisation 26,872 23,896
Provision for gratuity 51,793 116,874
Finance cost 1,242,108 1,162,741
Interest on lease liability against right-of-use asset 278,576 276,572
Provision for slow moving/obsolete stores
spares and loose tools 18,874 17,179
Expected credit losses against doubtful trade debts 71,452 -
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (90,246) (30,969)
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 173,649 125,315
Property, plant and equipment scrapped / written off - -
4,276,075 3,808,242
Adjustment for:
Gratuity paid (45,882) (41,985)
Finance cost paid (1,299,871) (1,430,289)
Income tax paid or deducted (613,063) (512,907)
(Increase)/Decrease in long term loans and advances (5,648) 2,644
Decrease/(Increase) in long term deposits 77,226 (13,318)
(1,887,238) (1,995,855)
Net Cash generated from Operating activities 883,995 1,416,464
Quarterly Report|| 22
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Nine Months Ended
July to July to
Note March March
2021 2020
-----------Rupees in '000-----------
Cash and cash equivalents - at the beginning of the period (25,222,229) (18,440,586)
Cash and cash equivalents - at the end of the period 13 (25,852,447) (22,650,285)
The annexed notes from 1 to 20 form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial
Quarterly Report|| 23
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited
Notes to the Condensed Interim Consolidated
Financial Statements (Un-audited)
For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2021
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited (The Holding Company) was incorporated on 1st April 1953 in Pakistan as a private limited company, converted into public limited
company on 7th January 1955 and was listed on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges in 1970 and 1971 respectively. The Holding Company is a composite
textile mill and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of textile products.
The Holding Company's registered office is situated at Plot No. 82, Main National Highway, Landhi, Karachi.
Gul Ahmed International Limited (FZC) -UAE is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited, GTM (Europe) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Gul Ahmed International Limited (FZC) - UAE and GTM USA Corp., Sky Home Corp., Vantona Home Ltd. and JCCO 406 Ltd. are wholly owned subsidiaries of
GTM (Europe) Limited.
The Group is a subsidiary of Gul Ahmed Holdings (Private) Limited and owns 66.78% shares of the Group.
Subsidiary companies are consolidated from the date on which more than 50% voting rights are transferred to the Holding Company or power to govern the
financial and operating policies over the subsidiary and is excluded from consolidation from the date of disposal or cessation of control.
The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the Holding Company, using consistent accounting policies.
The assets and liabilities of the subsidiary company have been consolidated on a line-by-line basis and the carrying value of investment held by the Company is
eliminated against the subsidiary's share capital. All intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated.
Details of Subsidiaries
Country of %of
Name Date of Incorporation
Incorporation Holding
Gul Ahmed International Limited FZC December 11, 2002 U.A.E 100%
GTM (Europe) Limited - Indirect subsidiary April 17, 2003 U.K 100%
GTM USA - Indirect subsidiary March 19, 2012 U.S.A 100%
Sky Home- Indirect Subsidiary February 28, 2017 U.S.A 100%
Vantona Home Limited-Indirect Subsidiary April 22, 2013 U.K 100%
JCCO 406 Limited-Indirect Subsidiary September 29, 2017 U.K 100%
Worldwide Developers (Pvt) Limited-Direct Pakistan 54.84%
December 22, 2014
All subsidiaries are engaged in distribution/trading of textile related products except for Worldwide Developers (Pvt) Limited which was incorporated to carry on
real estate business and currently it has rented out certain portion of its property to the Company for warehousing purpose.
Plot 4,023.16 Sq. yards Plot No. H-19/1, Landhi Industrial Area, Landhi Township, Karachi
1.4 Geographical locations and addresses of all factory building on rented premises are as follows;
Plot# 369, Main National Highway, Landhi, Karachi
Plot# HT/3A,KDA Scheme 3, Landhi Industrial area, Karachi
Plot# ST-17/1 and ST-17/3, Federal 'B' Area, Azizabad, Karachi
Plot# HT/8,KDA Scheme 3, Landhi Industrial area, Karachi
Plot# 12, Sector 23, Korangi Industrial area, Karachi
295 5th ave, suit 702, NewYork - NY - 10016
Grane Road Mill, Grane Road, Haslingden, BB4 5ES
1.5 As at March 31, 2021, the Group has 64 retail outlets, 30 fabric stores, 3 fair price shops, 4 whole sale shops and 6 franchises (June-2020:64 retail outlets, 29
fabric stores, 2 fair price shops, 5 whole sale shops and 6 franchises).
Quarterly Report|| 24
The condensed interim consolidated financial information comprise the consolidated statement of Financial Position of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited, its direct
subsidiary Worldwide Developers (Pvt.) Limited and its wholly owned subsidiary company Gul Ahmed International Limited (FZC), GTM (Europe) Limited which is
the wholly owned subsidiary of Gul Ahmed International Limited (FZC), GTM USA Corporation which is the wholly owned subsidiary of GTM (Europe) Limited, Sky
Home Corporation which is the wholly owned subsidiary of GTM (Europe) Limited, Vantona Home Limited which is the wholly owned subsidiary of GTM (Europe)
Limited and JCCO 406 Limited which is the wholly owned subsidiary of GTM (Europe) Limited as at March 31, 2021 and the related consolidated statement of
profit or loss, consolidated statement of cash flows and consolidated statement of changes in equity together with the notes forming part thereof for the period
then ended. The financial statements of the subsidiary companies have been consolidated on a line by line basis.
These condensed interim consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as
applicable in Pakistan for interim financial reporting. The accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan for interim financial reporting comprise of:
- International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, issued by International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) as notified under the
Companies Act, 2017; and
- Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017.
Where provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ with the requirements of IAS 34, the provisions of and directives issued under
the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.
These condensed interim consolidated financial statements comprise of the condensed interim consolidated statement of Financial Position as at March 31, 2021
and the condensed interim consolidated statement of profit or loss, condensed interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income, condensed interim
consolidated statement of cash flows and condensed interim consolidated statement of changes in equity for the nine months ended March 31, 2021.
The comparatives statement of Financial Position, presented in these condensed interim consolidated financial statements, as at June 30, 2020 has been
extracted from the audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended June 30, 2020 whereas the comparative condensed interim consolidated
statement of profit or loss, condensed interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income, condensed interim consolidated statement of cash flows and
condensed interim consolidated statement of changes in equity for the nine months ended March 31, 2021 have been extracted from the condensed interim
consolidated financial statements of the Group for the nine months ended March 31, 2020.
These condensed interim consolidated financial statements do not include all the information required in annual financial statements prepared in accordance with
approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements for the year ended June
30, 2020.
2.1 Change in accounting standards, interpretations and amendments to published approved accounting and reporting standards
(a) New standards, amendments and interpretation to published approved accounting and reporting standards which are effective during the nine
months ended March 31, 2021
There are certain amendments and an interpretation to approved accounting and reporting standards which are mandatory for the Group's annual accounting
period beginning on July 1, 2020; however, these do not have any significant impact on these consolidated condensed interim financial statements hence not
Quarterly Report|| 25
The preparation of this condensed interim consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates, assumptions and use judgments that affect
the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities and income and expenses. Estimates, assumptions and judgments are continually
evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events. Revisions to accounting estimates are
recognised prospectively commencing from the period of revision. Judgments and estimates made by the management in the preparation of this condensed
interim financial statements are the same as those that were applied to financial statements as at and for the year ended June 30, 2020.
The Group's financial risk objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the annual audited financial statements as at and for the year ended June
30, 2020.
Un-Audited Audited
March June
2021 2020
4 LONG TERM FINANCING - SECURED ----------------Rupees in '000----------------
Present value of
Minimum Lease
Interest minimum lease
--------------------------------Rs. 000s--------------------------------
Less than one year 848,104 378,822 469,282
Between one and 5 years 2,831,949 826,607 2,005,342
More than five years 1,071,459 233,986 837,473
4,751,512 1,439,415 3,312,097
Quarterly Report|| 26
a) In the matter of charging of captive power tariff instead of Indusrty tarif rate, wherein there is no change in its status as disclosed in note 11.1.3 of the
consolidated financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020 except that the Government has filled an appeal in the Honorable High Court
and Holding Company has appointed a legal councel therefore.
The status of contingencies, as reported in the annual financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020 remained unchanged during the current period
except following;
a) In the matter of Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC), there is no change in its status as disclosed in note 15.6 of the consolidated financial
statements for the year ended June 30, 2020 except that the review petition filed by the Holding Company was dismissed. The Holding Company
alongwith several other companies filed a suit in Honorable Sindh High Court challenging the chargeability of GIDC. The Honorable Court granted
stay order and restrained Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) from taking any coercive action against non-payment of installments of GIDC.
b) In the matter of tax credit on BMR, there is no change in its status as disclosed in note 15.11 of the consolidated financial statements for the year
ended June 30, 2020 except that the Holding Company has also filed a Constitutional Petition for the tax year 2020.
(a) Guarantees of Rs. 1,491 million (June-2020: Rs. 1,119 million) has been issued by banks on behalf of the company which are secured by pari
passu hypothecation charge over stores and spares, stock-in-trade, trade debts and other receivables. These guarantees includes guarantees
issued by related party amounting to Rs. 1,102 million (June-2020: Rs. 938 million).
(b) Post dated cheques of Rs. 3,724 million (June-2020: Rs. 3,753 million) are issued to Custom Authorities in respect of duties on imported items
availed on the basis of consumption and export plans.
(c) Bills discounted Rs. 5,874 million (June-2020: Rs. 3,903 million).
(d) Corporate guarantee of Rs 142.6 million (June-2020: Rs. 146 million) Rs.610.7 million (June-2020: 670 million) and Rs. 138.2 million (June-2020:
152 million) have been issued to various banks in favor of subsidiary companies - GTM (Europe) Limited - UK, Gul Ahmed Internation FZC- UAE and
Sky Home Corporation- USA respectively.
(a) The Group is committed for capital expenditure as at March 31, 2021 of Rs. 3,519 million (June-2020: Rs. 4,440.5million).
29,108,231 23,951,846
Note Un-Audited
Nine Months ended Nine Months ended
March March
2021 2020
Rupees in '000
8.1 Additions during the period
Land - 152,251
Buildings and structures on leasehold land 1,193,574 183,110
Plant and machinery 2,388,297 331,844
Furniture and fixtures 19,738 4,819
Office equipment 86,410 46,763
Vehicles 20,792 3,325
3,708,811 722,112
8.1.1 Additions to building and structure on leasehold land, plant and machinery, furniture and fixture and office equipment include transfers from capital
work-in-progress amounting to Rs.1,118 million, Rs. 1,400 million, Rs. 16 million and Rs. 33.1 million (March 2020: Rs. 19.6 million, Rs. 69.5 million,
Rs. Nil and Rs. Nil) respectively.
Nine Months ended Nine Months ended
March March
2021 2020
Rupees in '000
8.2 Disposals - operating fixed assets (at net book value)
8.2.1 Disposals include assets scrapped/written off at Net book value during the period of Rs. 24.3 million (2019: Rs. Nil).
Quarterly Report|| 27
Note Un-Audited
Nine Months ended Nine Months ended
March March
2021 2020
Rupees in '000
Un-Audited Audited
March June
2021 2020
Rupees in '000
Nine Months ended Nine Months ended
March March
2021 2020
Rupees in '000
10.1 Additions - intangibles (at cost)
Computer Software 17,703 63,611
This includes Rs. 240.9 million on re-measurement of contingent liability of Gas Infrastructure Development Cess.
March March
2021 2020
Provision for current taxation has been made on the basis of normal tax liability, final taxation, tax credit and separate block income under the Income Tax
Ordinance, 2001.
Quarterly Report|| 28
The Group's Operations have been divided in four segments based on the nature of process and internal reporting. Following are the four reportable business segments:
a) Spinning : Production of different qualities of yarn using both natural and artificial fibers.
b) Weaving: Weaving is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric.
c) Retail and Distribution: On the retail front, Ideas by Gul Ahmed offers fabrics and made-ups, ranging from home accessories to clothing.
d) Processing, Home Textile and Apparel; Processing of greige fabric into various types of finished fabrics for sale as well as to manufacture and sale of made-ups and home textile products.
e) Subsidiary Companies.: All subsidiaries are engaged in distribution/trading of textile related products except for worldwide Developers (Pvt) Limited which was incorporated to carry on real estate business and currently it has rented out certain portion of its property to the Company for warehousing purpose.
Processing, Home Textile Gul Ahmed International Worldwide Developers Elimination Of Inter
Spinning Weaving Retail and Distribution GTM (Europe) Limited - UK JCCO 406 Ltd. Vantona Home Ltd. GTM USA Corp. SKY Home Corporation Total
and Apparel Limited (FZC)-UAE (Private) Limited Segment Transactions
Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rupees '000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales 17,900,490 11,405,162 3,147,564 2,524,348 18,615,165 16,133,987 42,053,740 30,750,780 336,431 344,658 1,633,741 1,650,653 - - 190,698 127,318 - 9,288 899,427 1,157,169 - - (19,539,270) (17,422,819) 65,047,288 46,553,226
Cost of sales 14,682,442 10,173,593 2,527,031 2,144,088 13,583,535 11,979,592 38,623,644 28,393,235 313,518 287,906 1,514,996 1,540,783 - - 147,941 106,170 - 8,360 857,013 969,948 - - (19,723,266) (17,442,392) 52,378,913 38,055,113
Gross profit 3,218,048 1,231,569 620,533 380,260 5,031,630 4,154,395 3,430,096 2,357,545 22,913 56,752 118,745 109,870 - - 42,757 21,148 - 928 42,414 187,221 - 183,996 19,573 12,668,375 8,498,113
Distribution costs and administrative costs 181,877 135,495 87,925 82,377 3,754,637 3,403,410 2,307,691 2,182,392 49,949 57,422 97,227 107,577 - - 39,969 61,447 1,933 255 119,781 249,512 11,522 - (25,272) 61,447 6,627,239 6,279,887
Processing, Home Textile Gul Ahmed International Worldwide Developers Elimination Of Inter
Spinning Weaving Retail and Distribution GTM (Europe) Limited - UK JCCO 406 Ltd. Vantona Home Ltd. GTM USA Corp. SKY Home Corporation Total
and Apparel Limited (FZC)-UAE (Private) Limited Segment Transactions
Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020 Mar-2021 Mar-2020
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rupees '000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depreciation and Amortisation 749,573 430,922 268,962 239,335 827,425 793,776 672,748 667,846 4,744 3,138 378 272 - - 5,002 4,601 - - 1,037 640 - - - - 2,529,869 2,140,530
Assets 22,317,879 17,967,254 5,486,931 4,270,692 14,579,907 12,284,442 36,101,974 31,107,650 518,626 409,767 910,240 738,578 73,584 72,467 447,972 463,763 8,072 15,029 234,142 708,504 4,442,627 4,430,537 4,084,356 3,091,900 89,206,309 75,560,583
Elimination of intragroup balances (3,469,036) (3,736,805)
85,737,273 71,823,778
Liabilities 10,959,391 8,264,759 4,462,246 2,758,394 6,500,223 4,815,246 12,864,104 14,273,075 59,312 47,290 1,065,158 1,327,259 - - 186,419 109,668 1,383 13,333 148,398 428,544 454,943 453,754 30,547,642 24,660,886 67,249,220 57,152,208
Elimination of intragroup balances (1,255,038) (1,655,889)
65,994,182 55,496,319
Segment Capital Expenditure 1,875,884 4,664,705 1,787,077 618,138 111,379 466,436 2,967,403 1,377,839 3,128 2,046 - 1,078 - - - - - - - 6,802 - - 709,960 513,958 7,454,831 7,651,002
15.3 Unallocated items represent those assets and liabilities which are common to all segments and these include long term deposits, other receivables, deferred liabilities, certain common borrowing and other corporate assets and liabilities.
15.4 Based on judgement made by management, Processing, Home Textile and Apparel segments have been aggregated into single operating segment as the segments have similar economic characteristics in respect of nature of the products, nature of production process, type of customers, method of distribution and nature of regularity environment.
Quarterly Report|| 29
15.6 Information by geographical area
The related parties comprise subsidiaries, associated companies, companies where directors also hold directorship,
directors of the Group and key management personnel. The Group in the normal course of business carried out
transaction with various related parties.
Mar - 2021 Mar - 2020
Relationship with Nature of transactions Rupees in '000
the Group
There are no transactions with directors of the Holding Company and key management personnel other than under
the terms of employment for the period ending March 31, 2021 amounting to Rs.1,213 million (March 31, 2020:
Rs.1,254 million) on account of remuneration.
Quarterly Report|| 30
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in
the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e. an exit
price) regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique.
The Holding Company while assessing fair values uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the
circumstances using relevant observable data as far as possible and minimizing the use of unobservable inputs. Fair
values are categorized into following three levels based on the input used in the valuation techniques;
- Level 1 Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that can be assessed at
- Level 2 Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or
liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices).
- Level 3 Inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability inputs for the asset or liability that are
not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs).
Financial assets and liabilities of the Holding Company are either short term in nature or are repriced periodically
therefore; their carrying amounts approximate their fair values.
Transfers, if any, between levels of the fair value hierarchy is recognized at the end of the reporting period during
which the transfer has occurred. The Holding Company’s policy for determining when transfers between levels in the
hierarchy have occurred includes monitoring of changes in market and trading activity and changes in inputs used in
valuation techniques.
As at year end the fair value of all the financial assets and liabilities approximates to their carrying values. The
property plant and equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment if any, except free-
hold land, lease-hold land and capital work in progress which are stated at cost. Long term investments in
subsidiaries represent the investment in unquoted shares of companies carried at cost. The Holding Company does
not expect that unobservable inputs may have significant effect on fair values.
For better presentation and due to revisions in the Companies Act 2017, certain re-classification have been made in
the corresponding figures including following;
Subsequent Appropriations
The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on 27 April, 2021 has approved 10% interim cash
dividend and 20% bonus shares.
These financial statements were authorised for issue on 27 March, 2021 by the Board of Directors of the Group.
21.1 Allocations for the workers' profit participation fund, workers' welfare fund and taxation are provisional and final
liability including liability for deferred taxation will be determined on the basis of annual results.
21.2 Figures have been rounded off to the nearest thousand rupees.
Quarterly Report|| 31