TBSRB7 Saifedean Ammous
TBSRB7 Saifedean Ammous
TBSRB7 Saifedean Ammous
Dr. Saifedean Ammous
VI. Lightning 14
This month’s bulletin will focus on the question of Before delving into this topic, a little disclaimer is in
Bitcoin scaling, and in particular, how it can grow as order. None of the analysis presented here is intended
a widespread monetary standard.This paper examines as a design proposal, and this paper isn’t arguing for
the magnitude of the scaling problem, and the chal- adoption of one technology over another. Instead,
lenges Bitcoin will face on its way to a much larger this paper presents my understanding of how
volume of transactions. Due to its nature as a hard economic reality is unfolding around Bitcoin
money, I argue it is not realistic to expect it to remain given the technical limitations involved. It is my
a niche network limited in its adoption by on-chain hope to offer the reader useful mental models with
scaling capacity. Demand for hard money is self-rein- which to understand Bitcoin’s scaling and to address
forcing and will likely make Bitcoin grow far beyond the main questions around it, rather than advocating
its on-chain scaling capacity, necessitating off-chain for any particular path for bitcoin users to adopt.
scaling solutions.We examine the trade-offs and risks
involved in these solutions, and then discuss what can
be learned from the growth of the gold standard, and
whether Bitcoin can avoid the fate of gold.
3 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
According to The World Payment Report 2018 fork, BcashSV).The sorry history of all these poorly
from Capgemini and BNP Paribas, 482.6 billion thought-out attempts is well worth revisiting in-
non-cash transactions took place around the world depth, and Kyle Torpey has written many articles
in 2016 (about 1.32 billion transactions per day). on their failures. The important conclusion from
At a predicted compound annual growth rate of all these episodes is that increasing the block size is
12.7%, this number is expected to reach 690.8 bil- not a workable scaling solution because even rel-
lion non-cash transactions in 2019, or 1.89 billion atively small increases wouldn’t move the needle,
daily transactions. For simplicity and a nice round and would come at the expense of a significant
number, let’s extrapolate a year further and say increase in the cost of running a bitcoin full node;
we’ll have 2 billion daily transactions by 2020. this would likely reduce the number of full nodes,
which is ultimately the only guarantee of Bitcoin
For comparison, the highest daily transaction decentralization and immutability.
volume that the Bitcoin network has ever achieved
is 490,459, which happened on December 14, Bitcoin’s core value proposition is its immutability
2017. Currently daily transaction count is around enforced by the consensus rules that full nodes run,
400,000 transactions a day. At current levels of de- which ensures its uncensorable nature and hard
mand and security, Bitcoin can provide on-chain monetary policy. A block size increase approach to
payments equal to 0.026% of global non-cash scaling has proved highly unpopular with bitcoiners,
transactions. Put differently, if Bitcoin is to handle all and anyone who attempts it will likely end up with
global digital payments (at 2020 volumes), it needs a pointless altcoin like the many dozens of worth-
to increase its transaction capacity by around 5,000 less bitcoin forks out there. And even if bitcoiners
multiples by next year. were to adopt much larger blocks, it wouldn’t pro-
vide the orders of magnitude increase in scalability
Current bitcoin transaction capacity is being needed to for Bitcoin to handle all global transactions.
achieved at a block size of around 1 megabyte.The
naively obvious approach to scaling simply sug- To handle all global transactions, Bitcoin would
gests an increase in the size of blocks until they are need to scale to blocks of around 5 gigabytes each,
large enough to accommodate whatever number meaning every computer on the Bitcoin network
of transactions is needed for Bitcoin to take over would need to download this much data rough-
the world. This was the scaling approach favored ly every ten minutes (and have the hard drive to
by the doomed hard fork attempts Bitcoin XT, store all of these massive blocks), which would
Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin Unlimited and Segwit2x. accumulate at a rate of almost 0.7 Terabyte per
It was also the driver of the doomed Bcash hard day, indefinitely. This is roughly equivalent to the
fork (as well as its own even more doomed hard total hard disk space on today’s average commercial
4 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
computer, implying that no commercial computer formed, the bare minimum needed for a single
owners would be able to download the Bitcoin payment to take place is the data needed for the
blockchain; only people who could afford highly transaction output, which is still 34 bytes of data
advanced computers would be capable of running per transaction. Assuming 4 Megabyte blocks, even
a full node. Such a form of Bitcoin would fail to the most theoretically efficient use of block space
have a large number of people running full nodes, would translate to around 17 million daily transactions,
and as a result it would be under serious threat still a far shout from what would be needed for
of capture or centralization. When there are only handling all global transactions.
a few dozen full nodes worldwide, it’s relatively
straightforward to compromise them directly, or to Since Bitcoin’s decentralization is the only thing
influence them to change the rules of consensus. that makes it valuable, its transaction capacity cannot
possibly come at the expense of a reduced number
Fortunately, other solutions exist that can increase of full nodes. Does this mean that Bitcoin is
on-chain transaction capacity while avoiding a doomed to never scale and remain a niche network
blocksize increase. Many of the recent improvement processing a few million transactions a day? I would
proposals promise more efficient transaction handling. suggest that this is a highly unlikely fate for bitcoin,
But even with all of these improvements, there are because hard money cannot stay niche.
hard limits to how many transactions Bitcoin’s ledger
can record. No matter what optimizations are per-
There is a school of thought that argues Bitcoin The first problem with this view is that hard money
must remain a niche and fringe payment network is by its very nature a viral and all-conquering
accessible globally, drawing inspiration from Espe- technology that cannot be restricted or restrained
ranto as a niche global language.Their claim is that from growing. As the first four chapters of my
Bitcoin will not scale to become a global money book explain, monetary history is but the history
given its capacity limitations and government op- of harder moneys destroying the value of easier
position to it. It will only remain useful for people moneys and replacing them. A hard money cannot
looking to escape capital controls or inflation, and coexist peacefully with easier moneys around it.That
won’t ever grow to widespread adoption. state of affairs in itself is an unstable equilibrium that
contains the dynamics to alter it. When Europeans
5 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
found that west Africans were using beads as mon- when they need to dispose of it. Salability, as Carl
ey, they took advantage of the fact that the beads Menger emphasized, is the key property of money.
are cheap to produce in Europe but expensive to Hardness is key to salability because it constantly
produce in Africa, and brought very large quanti- serves to increase the relative value of the pool of
ties with them to purchase everything valuable in liquidity available for trade.
west Africa. There was no way for beads to remain
as money in Africa, no matter what the feelings of This process is of course accelerated when people
their holders. Anybody who chose to continue using understand it and rationally choose the hardest
them as money completely lost their purchasing money. Over time, as more and more wealth goes
power; in effect, the beads ceased functioning as a toward the harder money, more people will want
money.The existence of a harder money and other to use it, and demand for it must increase.
human beings acting in their own self-interest will
very severely limit your choice as to the type of The other important example discussed in The
money you can use. This is not just about finding Bitcoin Standard concerns the move from bimet-
someone willing to accept the money you have; allism to gold. For as long as trade in physical coins
more significantly, it is about the consequence to was the dominant form of trade, silver retained its
the money you hold from people able to produce monetary role due to its superior salability at small
it at a cost lower than its market value. As soon as a scales. But as technology advanced, new forms of
harder money is found, that money will store value money allowed payment in gold and silver with-
and resist losing it through inflation due to the dif- out the need to physically move these metals. Pa-
ficulty of producing it at a cost lower than its mar- per notes backed by these metals were the most
ket value.That harder money will retain value bet- obvious such invention, and other forms of bank
ter than the easy money over time, as its supply accounts and credit instruments also allowed for
increases by relatively smaller quantities. payment using gold or silver that laid dormant in
As the relative value of the two forms of money
begins to change in opposite directions, the harder As gold started to also become liquid at small scales,
money’s pool of available liquidity increases rel- even through intermediaries, there was little rea-
ative to the easier money’s pool; in other words, son left to hold on to silver, and its use as a money
the probability of wanting to trade with someone began to collapse. Even though payments in gold
who is willing to pay with or accept hard mon- began to increasingly be processed through bank-
ey increases. The appreciation in the value of a ing intermediaries, the liquidity of gold continued
money results in an increase in its salability, or the to grow, along with its value. Even though small
likelihood that an individual will be able to sell it payments could still be made with physical silver
6 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
coins without relying on banking intermediaries, silver. Even with silver’s legally mandated mone-
the liquidity of silver continued to decline along tary role, its superiority for in-person exchanges
with its value. Once silver lost its raison d’etre as without reliance on intermediaries, a monetary
a method of payment for small transactions, there role that had lasted for many millennia, and an
was no reason for two forms of money to continue enormous amount of liquidity held in it until the
existing; everyone who used the less liquid money late nineteenth century, it was to be demonetized
benefited from switching to the more liquid mon- in favor of the harder and more liquid money as
ey (and the sooner they switched, the more they soon as technology allowed for it. There was sim-
benefited). ply no reason to hold a different currency less like-
ly to retain its future value, and the market test
The lessons from the collapse of bimetallism are determined that people preferred the hardness of
applicable to bitcoin and other digital currencies. gold even despite the reliance on an intermediary
As soon as gold was usable for all scales of transac- issuing banknotes (vs the physical silver coins that
tions, silver’s fate was sealed. That it could still be did not rely on this trust).
used for small transactions was no match for the
two inexorable forces against its monetary role: the
This brings us back to the initial comparison be-
faster supply increase depreciating its value rela-tween Bitcoin and the World Payments Report
tive to gold, and gold’s larger liquidity pool attract-
statistics. The 482.6 billion transactions mentioned
ing holders toward it and away from silver. Even above were specifically called “non-cash trans-
though many governments had mandated silver action” for a reason: they involve intermediaries
as legal tender, they were helpless to stop it fromprocessing the payment. While these transactions
losing its monetary role by the end of the nine- are mostly digital today, that does not make them
teenth century (in yet another fatal blow to The categorically similar to bitcoin transactions in eco-
State Theory of Money). Misguided attempts by nomic terms. Even though it is digital, a bitcoin
governments to prop up the price of silver, such transaction is still a cash payment, because the pay-
as the Silver Purchase Act in the United States, ment is not the liability of anyone. Bitcoin is a
were futile in preserving silver’s monetary role; as
form of cash because only the bearer is able
the value of the national currencies tied to silverto dispose of it, and they can do so without
plummeted, countries on a silver standard were the need for the consent or permission of
impoverished. a third party intermediary. Bitcoin as digital
cash is more comparable to the physical trans-
By the early twentieth century the world was us- fer of physical money, such as in-person cash
ing gold-backed currency, and the growth of gold’s payments, or movements of gold between
liquidity pool further repeled holders away from gold clearing banks or central banks. It is not
7 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
really comparable to the non-cash payments, Individual small payments will be built on top of
even though the two might appear similar it through secondary layers, and this process is al-
because they are both digital. The essential ready unfolding. The similarity of this transforma-
quality of bitcoin is that it is a form of pay- tion to that of the gold standard was the inspiration
ment free of counterparty risk, not that it behind the title of my book.The movement of bit-
is digital. Those who expect Bitcoin to grow by coin on-chain is happening for increasingly higher
displacing intermediated non-cash payment have value transactions, and many more transactions are
completely misunderstood its fundamental nature; happening on secondary layers (with both lower
fortunately, most of those people are no longer in- security and cost).
volved in Bitcoin, having moved on to some of its
doomed forks. If Bitcoin is to continue to grow, it
will grow primarily through an increase in the value
of the cash payments, or final settlements, it performs.
A look at the ten years of Bitcoin’s existence is perfectly predictable, the growth rate of demand
shows these trends unmistakably. As the chart be- for it will far exceed its ability to handle individual
low shows, while the number of daily transactions on-chain transactions.
has grown, it is far outpaced by the increase in the
value of these transactions. By comparing aver- The economics of Bitcoin’s block space are a
ages for the most recent three months of data to beautiful illustration of market dynamics at work.
the first three months of data from 2010 (the first Its scarce nature necessarily means that a bidding
available price data), we find that daily transaction war will ensure only those who value block space
value has increased by roughly 250,000-fold, while the highest will get it. Over time, this pressure has
transaction count has increased by about 800-fold. priced out many types of transactions from being
In 2019, the value of the average bitcoin trans- registered on-chain, and now more and more are
action is around 300x the value of the average settled off-chain. As was the case with gold and
transaction in 2010. In fact, the number of daily silver, the inability of individuals to use the hard-
transactions has largely remained in the range of er money directly and without intermediaries was
200,000 to 400,000 transactions from 2016 until not a dealbreaker for them to hold it over the eas-
2019, while the value of transactions has increased ier money.
roughly 7x over the same period.
Today, many bitcoin-based businesses conduct a
As its demand has increased, Bitcoin has not majority of their transactions in bitcoin on their
scaled through a larger number of on-chain own internal databases, and only use the Bitcoin
transactions, but rather by increasing the blockchain for final settlement to and from the
value of these transactions. Should its demand business. Gambling websites, for instance, will re-
continue to increase, I expect this trend to con- cord all bets and winnings on their internal led-
tinue. With a fixed block size, there is a hard limit gers, and will only use the Bitcoin blockchain
to how many transactions can be done on-chain. when a user deposits or withdraws bitcoin from
Even assuming non-contentious forks can increase the website (the same is true for exchanges, where
the block size, they will not be adopted unless traders speculate on bitcoin and digital currencies).
they come nowhere near compromising average For each on-chain transaction, many thousands of
users’ ability to run their own nodes; this means bitcoin-denominated transactions can occur and
that any block size increase will likely be slow and settle on internal and private ledgers.
gradual. Growth in demand for holding bitcoin,
on the other hand, does not have the same hard This is in contrast to the situation in the earlier
limit. Should bitcoin continue to maintain its core days of Bitcoin when betting services such as Sa-
value proposition as a hard money whose supply toshi Dice would record thousands of transactions
9 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
daily on the Bitcoin blockchain. As transaction fees lowered. Currently, individual consumer payments
on the network have risen, these models are no are processed with fees of 0-3% over various pay-
longer sustainable and have changed to rely on the ment processors. Given that market participants are
Bitcoin blockchain for settlement only. less concerned with Bitcoin’s value propositions
for these use cases, it would only make sense to use
Should demand for bitcoin increase significantly, bitcoin for these payments if a bitcoin transaction
many more uses like this will inevitably be priced fee were in the cents or at most single digit dollars.
out. Because there is no hard limit on its demand, Similarly for international remittances, transaction
its total daily transaction value can rise to many fees are usually tens of dollars, which suggests that
multiples of today’s daily transaction value. If it as a potential cost ceiling for bitcoin in this use
does, the pool of liquidity for transacting bitcoin case. If the use of bitcoin for these uses takes off,
will grow, allowing for more valuable purchases transaction fees will eventually rise past the cost
and sales to be conducted in bitcoin; this will in- ceiling, and it would be no longer economical for
evitably price out the transactions of smaller value, the users.
as they will not be able to match the transaction
fees of these larger transactions. This feedback mechanism will continue to price
out all manner of uses of Bitcoin’s blockchain and
When considering the types of transactions that will reserve block space only for transactions that
will remain on the Bitcoin ledger, it is instructive need Bitcoin’s guarantees the most. As it stands,
to think of the alternative avenues available for bitcoin on-chain transactions are a tiny fraction of
such transactions. By determining the opportunity total bitcoin-denominated transactions, if one were
cost of not using Bitcoin on-chain for various use to count trades on exchanges and casinos, as well as
cases, we can see which ones can afford to bid the all manners of second layer transactions. As bitcoin
highest for block space. Assuming market partici- transaction fees increase, one of the use cases likely
pants desire superior security and hard monetary to be the most willing to pay will be internation-
policy, they would be willing to use bitcoin even if al final settlement payments between large finan-
transaction fees are significantly higher than alter- cial institutions. These are by their nature the most
native payment solutions that rely on trusted third valuable and most security-sensitive transactions
parties and inferior security. today, and the closest thing to a bitcoin transaction
currently, in terms of their finality. They currently
Conversely, if users are not as concerned with su- require days (or even weeks) to complete. Bitcoin
perior security and a hard monetary policy for a is barely beginning to acquire the size and liquidity
given use case (e.g. involving smaller value transac- to allow it to conduct such payments with confi-
tions), the opportunity cost of not using Bitcoin is dence and security. As it grows it will likely attract
10 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
more and more of these transactions, which will second-layer solutions will inevitably emerge that
crowd out many other use cases and push them retain some of Bitcoin’s guarantees while relieving
off-chain. For some of these crowded out use cases, users of its on-chain fees.
So far we have examined how the scarcity of the better security. Individuals do not want to have
block size necessitates off-chain scaling, but there physical possession of their entire life savings at all
is another reason why second layer scaling is inev- times because of the risk of loss or theft, and the
itable: demand for legitimate banking services will stress that comes with it. Homes are not designed
continue to exist under a bitcoin standard, just as to optimize for securing large amounts of money,
it has existed under any form of money. Bitcoin but bank vaults are. It is an inevitable part of human
block space does not replace the essential functions trade and specialization that enterprising individ-
of banking. There is a lot that is wrong with crony uals would take the initiative and build a facility
capitalist modern banking, but this is primarily the optimized for securing large amounts of money
result of government protection of banks that allows and employing the kind of security that is un-
them to profit from unproductive practices and off- suitable for a residential home. Individuals would
load the downside risk of their activities to taxpayers. then benefit from paying a small cost to have their
money secured at that facility. The benefits are not
There are two core functions of banking: holding de- just that their money is less likely to be stolen, but
posits and allocating investments. The need for these perhaps more importantly, banking makes it com-
two specialized services is not the result of techni- mon knowledge in society that anyone with se-
cal shortcomings of government money that bitcoin rious money will have it locked up in a safe vault
could improve upon. They are demanded in a free and will not be carrying it on them or storing it at
market for the same reason any good is demanded: their homes. Even if a criminal were to abduct or ex-
consumers value it, and producers specializing in it tort a millionaire at gunpoint, they would be unlikely
can provide it at a lower cost and higher quality to get significant amounts of money from them be-
than individuals could provide it for themselves. cause most of their wealth would be stored away in a
bank, and not immediately available to its owner.This
The majority of people with any appreciable liq- common knowledge is a significant contributor to
uid savings prefer to have most of their savings de- individual safety, as it severely decreases the likely pay-
posited with a specialized service that can provide off from violent crime, extortion, and kidnapping.
11 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
While bitcoin allows people to send money glob- building trusted relationships. People will every
ally without censorship, it cannot possibly offer day trust strangers to deliver them safe food, drink,
them safe and reliable self-custody, as that is ines- and critical tools like cars and airplanes. These in-
capably a real world flesh and bone problem. The dustries will function well and consumers will be
same censorship-proof nature of bitcoin that al- safe only when a free market exists in these goods,
lows the sender to irreversibly move money across and when consumers have a choice in their provid-
the world can be utilized by a thief to steal some- ers; this choice forces providers to either care for
one’s bitcoin. The nodes of the Bitcoin network their clients or suffer the penalty of lost customers
have no way of distinguishing between different and potential failure. As seen in many industries,
people wielding a private key, and no notion of anytime a government monopoly provides these
legitimate or illegitimate ownership of these keys. goods, consumers are in trouble.The problem with
banking, then, is not the nature of banking itself,
No matter the scale at which Bitcoin operates, it but the fact that it is a government monopoly. In a
is entirely unreasonable to assume it can eliminate free market, banking would continue to exist, but
the demand of humans to avoid self-custody. That would be subject to consumers’ choice and their
view is built on the naive assumption that people satisfaction. The freedom to choose forces provid-
only use banks for payment processing, and so they ers to behave their best and swiftly punishes any
store their wealth at banks because they need the deviations.
bank to spend the money.This ignores the demand
for storing money for safekeeping and for personal While many bitcoiners themselves have a very
safety. strong anti-bank sentiment, and a desire to hold
their own money, it does not follow that newcom-
Importantly, it is also inaccurate to assume ers entering Bitcoin will necessarily have the same
that the continued existence of banking will desire or need to follow these ideals. In fact, to
necessarily result in censorship, inflation, and impose this model on everyone flies in the face
fractional reserve banking. The systematic of bitcoin’s permissionless nature. Many Bitcoiners
lack of economic freedom enabled through may want a world in which everyone gets to be
banking censorship and inflation is the result their own bank, but the vast majority of people
of the monopolies that governments grant don’t want this anymore than they want to be their
to their banking systems. There is no inherent own butcher, builder, or baker. There is nothing
reason why banking cannot be a normal business old-time bitcoiners can do to stop new bitcoin-
where providers strive to please their consumers ers from banking with bitcoin, if that is what they
(think warehouses). Neither is there anything in- choose. It is also inaccurate to assume that
herently wrong with banking that prevents it from the benefits of bitcoin are lost to those who
12 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
choose to deal with custodian services. One may velopment of banking institutions is an advance-
lose the censorship-resistance and permissionless ment in the process of capital accumulation, al-
control of owning their own bitcoin private keys, lowing for a much more sophisticated division of
but they nonetheless benefit from holding a hard labor and higher productivity. Because bankers
asset that cannot be inflated away. While there is specialize in the deployment of capital, they allow
definitely demand for a permissionless way to send individuals to specialize in their respective fields
value worldwide, that use case is without a doubt and focus on being as productive as they can. The
dwarfed by the potentially universal demand for individual is freed from the labor of analyzing var-
the hardest money. Not everyone has a pressing ious investments and assessing their likely returns
need for making payments their government does and risks, since the task is delegated to professionals
not approve, but everyone will inevitably be com- who specialize in matching individuals’ investment
pelled by economic reality to converge on the goals and risk tolerance with suitable investment
hardest money in the market. As time goes by, and projects. The allocation of investment is an act that
if current trends continue, we can expect demand cannot benefit from the automation and immuta-
for holding bitcoin as a hard money to increase bility that bitcoin provides to financial transactions.
even while more transactions are priced off-chain. These are activities that require human judgment
of factors outside of the Bitcoin blockchain, in re-
The second core function of banking is the allo- lation to subjective individual preferences and de-
cation of capital through credit and equity invest- sires, and they would exist in any sufficiently ad-
ments. The demand for this function is also not vanced capitalist economy.
something bitcoin can possibly eliminate. The de-
Just as transactions with financial instruments tions do not compete with first layer bitcoin
based on gold displaced silver coins, it is my con- transactions, they compete with second layer
tention that second layer bitcoin transactions will transactions on inferior moneys.
in the long run displace transactions that current-
ly take place with easier forms of money. Bitcoin The scaling limitations for bitcoin’s on-chain vol-
purists may complain that second layer bitcoin ume discussed above make it clear that Bitcoin
transactions will never have the equivalent on- will probably not scale past a few million on-chain
chain transaction security and certainty, but that transactions a day, nowhere near the number need-
misses the point. Second layer bitcoin transac- ed for all individual consumer payments. Bitcoin
13 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
itself on its base layer will never be able to handle bitcoin is to compare them to bitcoin transactions,
all of that volume. Further, transactions need about but the more accurate comparison is to consumer
10 minutes to get a single confirmation on the payment technologies on other forms of money.
network, which is highly unsuitable for individuals Conceptually, Bitcoin could scale to handle all of
who expect their consumer payments to complete the world’s transactions by next week if central
much more quickly. The level of security and cer- banks replaced all their reserves with bitcoin this
tainty Bitcoin provides for a transaction after it has week. Hypothetically, if the Bitcoin blockchain
received a few confirmations is also wasteful over- were only used to settle large transactions between
kill for small purchases. For individual small pay- central banks (while they issued currencies fully
ments, Bitcoin’s security is too expensive and wait backed by bitcoin), then all of the world’s trans-
times are too long. In the same way that payments actions would effectively be bitcoin second layer
with gold were standardized and more convenient transactions. Your government paper money, your
through banknotes backed by gold, second layer checking account, your credit card, and your PayP-
solutions will make bitcoin more predictable, fast- al account would all become second-layer bitcoin
er, and cheaper, but in the process incur a trade-off payment solutions in that scenario. Of course, this
of security, liquidity, and censorship-resistance. is not to say that I think such a scenario is likely
or even in any way politically feasible; this is just
While the purists will complain that these kinds of a thought experiment to drive home the parallels
transactions will never have the same level of security between bitcoin and settlement layers.
as real bitcoin transactions, they cannot do anything
to stop the economic reality of individuals preferring In the world of national moneys, we cannot really
these second layer payments with hard money as the expect central banks to move to bitcoin, as I had
base layer to second layer payments on easy money.The discussed in TBSRB1. There is nothing wrong
limitations that exist will also be present in second layer with bitcoin that fundamentally prevents its adop-
payment solutions for other types of money.The main tion as a reserve asset for central banks. The prob-
difference is that the payment solutions on hard lem rather lies in the incentives of central banks
money are likely to allow holders to retain value themselves. I expect that bitcoin is far more likely
better into the future. Given the choice between to grow as an apolitical system independently of
payment solutions on a hard money and payment the national central banking system, and that this
solutions on an easy money, salability across time will be healthy for bitcoin in the long run.
dictates that the harder money will inevitably win.
As the number of bitcoin holders grows and more
The common mistake that many bitcoiners make people demand payment solutions, there will be
when assessing second layer solutions on top of an incentive to provide them; the solutions will
14 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
be optimized and tailored to work best with bit- can be verified very quickly. For small sums and
coin as it is.This will likely lead to a reinvention of transactions between people with a sense of fa-
most of the mechanisms we use today for payment. miliarity and trust with one another, this is a very
Secondary layer transactions do not share the same useful mechanism that allows for in-person trans-
level of security as on-chain transactions, but it is actions without needing to be registered on the
not clear why that level of security is needed at all Bitcoin blockchain. While clearly unsafe for larger
for such transactions. When a customer has an ac- sums, it can nonetheless handle a very high num-
count with an exchange or online casino, they are ber of small transactions and allow for more liquid-
already trusting that party on many different levels; ity in bitcoin transactions.
allowing that party to record transactions on their
own ledger, after they’ve received the deposited Multisignature custody solutions will likely also
customer funds, adds no risk whatsoever. If they play a role in allowing for cheap second layer pay-
choose to exit scam, they could do so regardless of ments. Holders could deposit their coins in mul-
whether their internal transactions were recorded tisig accounts, such that the coins can only be
on-chain or off-chain (since funds are only tru- moved on-chain with both the private keys of the
ly under the control of the user after withdrawal holder and the bank. That bank could then create
from the third party service). a payment network for holders of such accounts
on its own internal databases to allow individuals
As demand for bitcoin increases, these second lay- to transfer ownership to each other, which would
er solutions for scaling will only proliferate, and only be settled with on-chain transactions at the
different levels of risk and safety will emerge for end of the day, week, or month.
different use cases. Opendimes are another good
example. These physical usb keys are made to be
tamper-proof, and the bitcoin balance inside them
VI. Lightning
Perhaps the most interesting and promising sec- nel-based payment network. Lightning nodes open
ond layer scaling proposal today is the Lightning channels with one another by sending funds to a
Network, which is a new emerging ecosystem of multisig address using an on-chain transaction. Each
node implementations that allows for an automated, party keeps an individual balance on the multisig ac-
fast, and cheap implementation of a multisig chan- count, and the parties can pay each other by signing
15 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
off-chain lightning transactions that reflect their up- is highly secure, it is beyond the scope of my ex-
dated respective balances.When either party chooses pertise to compare its security to on-chain trans-
to close the channel, an on-chain transaction (reflect- actions. I will focus instead on analysing the liquidity
ing the result of all the off-chain balance updates) is of the Lightning Network and how it affects its op-
sent from the multisig channel address to the two eration.
parties with their respective outstanding balances.
But Lightning users do not necessarily need to build The real limitation of the Lightning Network is not
channels with everyone with whom they wish to in its security or number of transactions, but the depth
transact, as payments can be routed through various of the liquidity pool in the network. More people
other nodes and channels to link two parties who on the network and more money sent to payment
do not share a channel. As the number of channels channels produce a higher chance that an individual
and the liquidity they contain rise, the possibilitiescan conduct a trade with someone else on the net-
of routing payments between users increases. Indi- work (as well as a higher chance that the payment can
vidual nodes that route payments between nodes clear quickly and with low fees).This pool of liquidity,
can charge routing fees to compensate them for however, is not something that can be solved naturally
providing the liquidity. as the network grows in popularity. The provision of
liquidity to the network is a highly complex web of
The strength of this approach to scaling is that the individual economic decisions inextricably linked to
setting up and closing of a channel requires just people’s valuation of time and the inescapable uncer-
two on-chain transactions in total, and allows both tainty of the future.
parties to conduct an effectively infinite number
of off-chain transactions. Additionally, the timing In page 250 of Human Action, Ludwig von Mises
of the on-chain transactions is flexible, since chan- discusses how uncertainty about the future is
nels can be opened and closed when demand for the key driver of demand for holding money.With
on-chain transactions is low. People who establish no uncertainty of the future, humans could know
a pattern of repeated transactions can settle trans- all their incomes and expenditures ahead of time
actions locally on their channel, or through other and plan them optimally to avoid ever having to
channels, without having to record every trans- hold cash. But as uncertainty is an inevitable part
action on the Bitcoin blockchain. Despite these of life, people must continue to hold money for
benefits, it is important to remember (as Light- future spending.
ning Network engineers such as Alex Bosworth
emphasize) that an off-chain transaction on Light- Committing a balance of bitcoin to a lightning
ning is not as secure as an on-chain transaction. channel is not the equivalent of holding a cash
While most analysis I have seen suggests Lightning balance, because the money on that channel is
16 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
only useful for payment for the counterparty of provision of liquidity, and in traditional finance
the channel or others who are connected to them they are the ones able to put up cash for payments
on the Lightning Network, and because establish- when needed. As the Lightning Network grows,
ing channels involves non-negligible costs in fees, I believe it will become clear that its growth de-
time, and coordination. Also, user’s channel funds pends on professional management and provision
are only liquid to the extent the counterparties of liquidity.
in their channel have liquidity. Since liquidity in
a channel can generate a return in terms of rout- The management of the liquidity on channels to
ing fees, it is more accurate to understand channel optimize for fees is more similar to a specialized
balances as an investment to secure routing fees, commercial enterprise managing liquidity than to
as well as an option contract: having the right but individuals managing their expenditure between
not the obligation to instantaneously send value bank accounts, credit cards, and cash. It is unlikely
through that channel as long as it is open. that an extensive network of liquidity and rout-
ing could develop purely from individuals entering
Since there is profit to be made from provid- into channels with one another, primarily because
ing liquidity, the optimal liquidity decision for each individual will be bottlenecked by the liquid-
a particular node is not based on individual ity held by their channel counterparties. When an
demand for liquid cash balances, but rather individual opens more channels on the network
an investment decision based on expected they create more liquidity for it, but they’ll also
returns from routing fees. If people managed incur higher costs involved in opening and clos-
their lightning balances solely based on their need ing channels. In contrast, opening a channel with a
for cash balances, there would be no reason to ex- single node specialized in providing liquidity (and
pect sufficient liquidity to route the payments of with an extensive structure of channels open with
others. But since there is a market demand for li- many other nodes) will allow that person far more
quidity, the amount needed to meet that demand liquidity and reach.
will be provided by investment in that liquidity for
a return, which implies specialization. The opportunity to profit from providing reliable
liquidity and routing to users suggests that if the
With digital technology, anyone can send a cheap Lightning Network were to continue its growth,
signal to clear a payment and settle it. In reality, providing liquidity would likely grow into a prof-
the difficult part of payments is the initial deferral itable and highly sophisticated business. Economic
of consumption liquidity allows in order to then efficiency suggests that the network would be far
provide it to those who request it.The job of banks more robust if liquidity were to become a profes-
in processing payments can be understood as the sional service provided by businesses to consumers.
17 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
In such a scenario, one would expect a hub-and- Further, if the analysis above with regard to need
spoke type of arrangement where a global network for custody is accurate, then it is expected that
of nodes with large liquidity all open channels many people will prefer to avoid having to deal
with one another, while individuals would have with channels themselves, and instead have their
just a few channels open with these large liquidity bitcoin held in custody by lightning node opera-
nodes. A robust network of nodes each with large tors who can also clear payments on-chain.
liquidity would allow individuals access to cheap
and quick routing through deeper liquidity.
The move toward second layer scaling is one that their transactions and enforce network consensus
involves risk for users individually, as well as sys- rules, Bitcoin deviates from being a peer-to-peer
temic risk for the network. The first and most ob- system, and the risk of collusion between nodes
vious trade-off is in the network’s censorship-re- processing transactions rises. One can think back
sistance. Bitcoin has produced the only reliable to the Segwit2x attempted upgrade and imagine
technology for transferring value without reliance that in a world where far fewer individual users
on intermediaries, and it only manages to do a few ran their own full nodes, that businesses wanting to
hundred thousand of these transactions per day. As change Bitcoin’s consensus parameters might have
demand for bitcoin transaction increases, and in- actually gotten away with it had users been reliant
dividuals resort to second layer solutions that rely on them to enforce consensus rules. If the number
on third parties to clear their payments, these par- of nodes declines, the remaining nodes become
ties will be able to censor their transactions and more influential and easier to co-opt by attack-
possibly confiscate their coins. One of the main ers or governments. A Bitcoin network with a few
advantages of the Bitcoin network is thus lost for hundred nodes is a far less immutable and secure
individuals if they choose this type of second layer network than one with tens of thousands of nodes.
The risk of losing censorship-resistance is one that
The second risk is more systemic to the network each individual needs to assess in contrast to the
overall, and involves alterations to the network’s convenience and cost of other payment and custo-
protocol or consensus parameters. If bitcoin trans- dy options. The other risk is not directly the result
actions move to second layer solutions where many of second layer processing itself, but rather a reduc-
individuals are trusting third parties to validate tion in node count to the extent that jeopardizes
18 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
the decentralized nature of Bitcoin. However, the antees. Altcoins have nowhere near the liquidity
Schelling point of Bitcoin nodes agreeing on the of bitcoin in the real world, and exist mainly as
main consensus parameters does not require every trading pairs with bitcoin on exchanges. As I have
user to run their fully-validating node, it merely traveled around the world and met many bitcoin
requires that enough independent full nodes exist brokers, I always ask what percentage of their busi-
to prevent any one particular party from altering ness is in bitcoin; the answers I have gotten range
the code in a direction it chooses. from 90% to 99% to 99.9%. Altcoins are thus use-
ful for speculating on exchanges, but not so much
What is essential for bitcoin to survive is that the for the transfer of large sums of money across the
main consensus parameters, particularly the eco- world. Most importantly, no altcoin can possibly
nomic parameters, remain immutable, and for that be viewed as decentralized. Whereas bitcoin is a
to happen, bitcoin needs a large number of inde- neutral protocol that only has users, altcoins are
pendent nodes unable to coordinate. The larger subject to small, centrally controlled groups that
the number of nodes, the less likely that subgroups face no significant barriers to changing consen-
will collude. It is not strictly necessary that every sus rules; this renders altcoins lousy substitutes for
individual is able to verify their every transaction Bitcoin’s use case as a a long term store of value
on-chain for bitcoin to survive. If the growth of and a neutral protocol for international payment
second layer solutions results in a larger liquidity settlement. Even if an altcoin were to copy Bit-
pool for bitcoin, and operating bitcoin full nodes coin’s code, it does not follow that it can access
becomes a profitable way to provide banking ser- the same liquidity and network effects. If bitcoin
vices, it would financially incentivize the growth continues to grow in value due to its hardness as
of independent nodes, thus making the bitcoin a money, then demand for accessing it as a store
protocol more ossified and harder to change. Not of value and for using its large pool of liquidity in
only does the increase in the number of nodes trade will mean that second layer solutions on top
make coordination more difficult, but the profit of it are also likely to be more popular than base
motive would likely make nodes conservative. layer payment solutions of altcoins. The lesson of
the demonetization of silver is again relevant here.
As Bitcoin scales, the challenge will be to intro-
duce second layer solutions that minimize both As discussed previously, if demand for bitcoin trans-
the trust in third parties and their ability to censor actions increases and on-chain transaction fees rise,
transactions.Yet one must be realistic, and Bitcoin’s smaller transactions will be priced out. In my essay
trustless transactions are not something that can be from TBSRB3 on the Economics of Mining, I talk
easily scaled. As discussed above, those priced out about how Bitcoin block space is scarce, and that
of them have no alternatives with the same guar- price is the only way to allocate it. Any approach to
19 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
scaling will never alter this fundamental reality.The itable genius, and the daily consumption of about
block space can increase, or it can be used more as much electricity as Ireland to find a way of do-
efficiently, but it will always remain scarce and will ing half a million digital cash transactions daily. We
never be able to accommodate every transaction may be able to increase this number marginally
in the world.This is the reality of how Bitcoin will over the coming years, but there are no easy ways
operate, and nobody benefits from hand-waving to increase that number to a global scale, and any-
away these trade-offs and limitations, or pretend- one pretending there are is not being realistic.
ing that they will be solved completely.
The good news is that Bitcoin does not need to be
If Bitcoin continues to survive and generate in- scaled globally on-chain. Bitcoin doesn’t have any
creased demand, smaller transactions will find ways competitors for trustless, automated, and censor-
of settlement that are not as secure as on-chain ship-resistant global clearance, and the only other
transactions. We can imagine a world in which asset that comes close to it is gold, whose move-
transaction fees continue to rise to the point that ment is far more expensive and subject to confis-
only the 1 million transactions that are most will- cation, as discussed in TBSRB1. Bitcoin needs to
ing to pay high fees will be settled on-chain, and be secure and decentralized enough to resist con-
everything else will be transacted through less se- trol and capture, and to establish a very clear, broad,
cure means. and immutable consensus around network rules
and money supply considerations. It does not need
Off-chain transactions will never be as safe as on- to accommodate your coffee transactions on-chain.
chain transactions. It took ten years and millions
of hours of software development, Satoshi’s inim-
The ultimate risk involved in scaling Bitcoin is its their hands, and governments and banks could not
growing centralization, and history has a great ex- devalue it. As gold-backed notes began to replace
ample of that threat: the demise of the gold stan- physical gold and silver coins for circulation, it be-
dard into modern government-controlled debt- came easier for banks and governments to increase
based money. The move toward ‘second layer’ the supply of notes beyond their gold backing,
gold payments was its achilles heal in that demise. which was the root cause for the business cycles
When payment was predominantly performed in (not to mention the unprecedented growth in the
gold and silver coins, individuals had real money in size of government and its mandate).
20 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
It is too soon to tell if Bitcoin could face ment banks a privileged quasi-monopoly position
a similar fate, but there is one fundamental they could exploit. As reserves were centralized,
reason why it has a better chance of resisting governments around the world confiscated large
this fate than gold: the cost of running a Bitcoin amounts of gold from their population by taking
full node is infinitely cheaper than the cost over the banking system, where these reserves lay.
of running a ‘gold full node’. I believe the ability Since governments co-opted the functions of cen-
of any global settlement system to resist capture or tral banking and forced the acceptance of their
censorship can best be understood as a function of currencies, it became effectively illegal to create
the ease of being able to build an entity that can con- banking and monetary systems that utilize gold
duct final settlement with the asset across the world. (through many laws and rules discussed in more
detail in The Bitcoin Standard). Even today, it is
The movement of physical gold is expensive, risky, impossible to build a gold-based financial or mon-
and time-consuming. As trade, technology, and etary system, as was seen with the case of e-gold.
transportation all advanced in the nineteenth cen- The cost of setting up a business able to clear gold
tury, there was a greater need for transactions, and internationally must also include the steep cost of
for netting and settling payments.The inherent na- fighting off the United States government agen-
ture of the high costs of moving and transporting cies that will attempt to force you to close down
gold made it inevitable that larger and more cen- one way or another.
tralized banks would have a large advantage over
small banks: the larger the bank, the more likely The astonishing technical achievement of Bitcoin
it is to be able to facilitate transactions between is that it significantly reduces the cost and duration
two of its clients and avoid the physical movement of international settlement, and more importantly,
of gold. Banks also benefited immensely from es- drastically reduces the set-up cost for performing
tablishing clearing houses, which later developed international clearance. The cost of setting up a bit-
into central banks. Eventually the global system of coin full node is a few hundred dollars in hardware
payments around gold was centralized over a few and bandwidth, and allows anyone to send transac-
dozen national central banks, each with a de fac- tions anywhere in the world. It is even quite possible
to monopoly on the clearance of payments into to perform final clearance with it behind encrypted
and out of its country. As these reserves became and undetectable online traffic. Further, recent ad-
centralized, it became easier for banks to issue fi- vancements make it possible to send transactions via
duciary media unbacked by gold, and for govern- radio, satellite, and mesh networks without a reg-
ments to finance themselves through central bank ular internet connection. In contrast, any business
credit. As discussed in TBSRB1, the reason frac- that wants to clear gold internationally must have a
tional reserve banking developed on top of gold physical location in which the reserves are central-
was because its expensive clearance gave settle- ized (and thus subject to government capture).
21 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
Transaction costs to settle an international payment form final settlement.To compromise gold clearance
using bitcoin is currently far cheaper than using requires a government to infiltrate one building in
gold. For only a few cents, one can send billions its territory. To compromise Bitcoin clearance is a
of dollars worth of bitcoin anywhere in the world herculean task that involves simultaneously quash-
and achieve final settlement in around an hour or ing many thousands of nodes worldwide that are
two. And as mentioned above, the more significant not very easy to find, but very cheap to replace.
advantage bitcoin has is that the cost of setting up
a full node is much lower than the cost of setting Bitcoin also has the benefit of its public and trans-
up a gold clearance bank. Even if bitcoin transac- parent nature. A bank may be able to easily lie
tion costs were to rise to many thousands of dollars about the amount of reserves it keeps on hand, buts
per transaction, it would still be cheaper and more it would have a much harder time credibly claim-
accessible for millions of people worldwide than ing ownership of non-existent bitcoin. Individuals
the international clearance of gold, which is prac- depositing bitcoin at financial institutions can keep
tically impossible for anyone but central banks and a close watch on the addresses of that institution,
governments. and can publicly audit them. Clients can also place
funds in segregated bitcoin addresses under their
It is this difference in the initial costs needed to banks’ custody and continue to monitor them. For
perform international settlement that give Bitcoin extra security, multisig solutions can even ensure
the best chance at resisting government control and that the bank is unable to access the funds without
capture.Whereas with gold we had a system of cen- consent of the owner.
tral banks for settlement, Bitcoin currently has tens
of thousands of nodes worldwide each able to per-
I thank Pierre Rochard for his comments and suggestions on an earlier draft, Adam Tzagournis for his
thorough comments, review and editing, and Jamie de Rooij for graphic design.
22 The Bitcoin Standard Research Bulletin 7 TBSRB7
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