Notes Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Leadership 209-Startup and New Venture Management
Notes Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Leadership 209-Startup and New Venture Management
Notes Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Leadership 209-Startup and New Venture Management
Entrepreneurial Leadership
209-Startup and New Venture Management
Actually the entrepreneurial leader takes responsibility for their actions and those
actions must be more proactive than reactive. The leader must have ability to learn
fast and within environments of indistinctness and change, while providing clarity
and rationality for those around them.
Entrepreneurial leadership can be defined as "organizing a group of people to
achieve a common goal using proactive entrepreneurial behavior by optimizing
risk, innovating to take advantage of opportunities, taking personal responsibility
and managing change within a dynamic environment.
A Founder is the one with the original idea, scientific discovery, technical
breakthrough, insight, problem description, passion, etc. A founder typically
recruits co-founders and then becomes part of the founding team involved in day-
to-day company operations.
The founding team includes the founder and a few other co-founders with
complementary skills to the founder. This is the group who will build the company.
Its goal is to take the original idea and search for a repeatable and scalable business
model– first by finding product/market fit, then by testing all the parts of the
business model (pricing, channel, acquisition/activation, partners, costs, etc.)
Founder, Founding team, Founding CEO all have word “founder” in them but have
different roles
• Founder has the initial idea. May or may not be on the founding team or
have a leadership role
• Founding team – complementary skills – builds the company
• Founding CEO – reality distortion field and comfort in chaos – leads the
There’s no magic number about the “right” number of founders for a founding
team, but two to four seems to be the sweet spot. One of the biggest mistakes in
assembling a founding team is not thinking through the need for skills but instead
settling for who’s around.
Hiring is hard, but hiring for startups can be even harder. As a young company
with limited cash flow, hiring the wrong employee can potentially break your
startup. Therefore, you have to be very careful with your decisions and do your
best to hire top talent.
Financial cost
Time cost
Most startups are in a race against time to find, perfect and execute a sustainable
business model. Every hour spent advertising jobs, interviewing candidates and
training them on the job is an hour that could be spent on the core activities of the
business. When an employee leaves, the time you have invested into recruiting,
training and nurturing them is wasted. If the employee joins a competitor, it will be
doubly costly for you as you would have effectively paid for the hiring and training
costs of your adversary. Your organization will also waste time since the new
employee will not be as productive on the job initially. It could take months until
the new hire is competent in the role.
Morale cost
The departure of a key team member can sap the momentum of a startup. It can
sow doubts about the direction and viability of the business in the remaining
employees. This is particularly so if the reasons for the departure are not explained
to the staff. If the person has a significant role in the organization, several group
projects may be put entirely on hold. All of these actions will hurt the
organization’s momentum which is so crucial for group morale.
Reputation cost
If your salesperson changes frequently, it will be hard to do business credibly in
industries that rely heavily on ongoing relationships with clients. Additionally, in
today’s world of transparency, it’s easier than ever for jobseekers to spot a
company that has a poor working environment. High turnover can be visible on
sites like It can rapidly make or break a business’ reputation with
employees and customers. If people keep quitting because the middle manager you
hired is abusive, word will spread, and the good talent will steer clear of your
Additionally, consider group activities like days out or even simple trips to resort
to create a team spirit.
The Team - Board/Governance
Board members who are involved in operating activities wear two hats – a
“governance hat” and a “volunteer hat.” Learning how to balance the two is an
important part of a board member’s job. Board members might wear their
“volunteer hat” when reporting to the Board on the activities of a volunteer
committee on which they serve. The rest of the Board would then wear their
“governance hats” while considering questions or debating motions raised by this
• Review and evaluate present and future opportunities, threats and risks in the
external environment; and current and future strengths, weaknesses and risks
relating to the company.
• Determine strategic options, select those to be pursued, and decide the
means to implement and support them.
• Determine the business strategies and plans that underpin the corporate
• Ensure that the company's organisational structure and capability are
appropriate for implementing the chosen strategies.
• Determine the company's appetite for risk and to engage in the process of
backing a robust risk management programme focused in the company’s
business and the area(s) of its activities.
Delegate to management
Informal Board
In the rush to get the venture up and running, setting up a proper board seems
like a heavy task, one that might get in the way of building the venture. Two
alternate forms of governance are outlined below; they provide the
owner/operator with a team of people who are available to help grow the
venture without the formal structure of a board of directors. Often, after a
proper board has been established, one of these advisory forms of governance
may be kept in place because of the unique nature of the venture.
Family council: Often, family members act as the early advisors and form a
family council. This council often includes the accountant of the firm, the
lawyer, interested family members, and the founder. It is wise to keep the group
small, with three to five members. This council is not used with NPOs because
they are rarely family ventures.
Unlike a board of directors, which has formal legal authority over a company and a
fiduciary duty to its shareholders, an advisory board won't make decisions for you
and has no obligation to the owners or liability for the company's actions. Besides
offering credibility and contacts, advisers working together provide guidance
sharpened by boardroom debate, something individual mentors can't match.
Building a Better Board
1. Company Incorporation
The very first issue encountered by the entrepreneur is the structure of the
startup. Structure of the entity decides the liabilities of the directors, tax
implications, benefits, and statutory compliances required under the said
structure and also the ability to raise funds.
3. Contracts
Contracts form an essential part of a business. A Contract defines the
understanding between the parties, stating their roles & responsibilities,
mitigates risks and defines liability of each party. It’s important to have all
the agreements in place and work under the same.
Contract can be made for commercializing startup, Human Resource,
Transactional and operational function and IPR of the startups.
4. IPR
For any venture like tangible assets, intangible assets are also highly
valuable. Therefore, maintaining and protecting the IP of the company is
very important and needs to be done since the inception of the company.
To differentiate business from the competitors, IPR plays vital role for any
5. Funding
Following sources can be accessed for funding the startup:
Equity Financing: Equity financing means exchanging a portion of the
ownership of the business for a financial investment in the business.
Venture Capital: Venture capital refers to financing that comes from
companies or individuals in the business of investing in young, privately
held businesses.
Angel Investors: Angel investors are individuals and businesses that are
interested in helping small businesses survive is the relationship of the
market price of the stock to the purchase price (warrant price) of the
Debt Financing: Debt financing involves borrowing funds from creditors
with the stipulation of repaying the borrowed funds plus interest at a
specified future time.
Friends and Relatives: Founders of start-up businesses may look to
private sources such as family and friends when starting a business.
Personal Savings: Personal resources can include profit sharing or early
retirement funds, real estate equity loans, or cash value insurance policies.
It is also called bootstrapping.
Government Grants: Federal and state governments often have
financial assistance in the form of grants and/or tax credits for start-up or
expanding businesses.
Equity Offerings: In this situation, the business sells stock directly to the
Initial Public Offerings: Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are used when
companies have profit table operations, management stability, and strong
demand for their products or services.
Banks and Other Commercial: Lenders Banks and other commercial
lenders are popular sources of business financing. Most lenders require a
solid business plan, positive track record, and plenty of collateral.
Lease: A lease is a method of obtaining the use of assets for the business
without using debt or equity financing.
Types of Taxes
Taxes are of two distinct types, direct and indirect taxes. The difference comes
in the way these taxes are implemented. Some are paid directly by you, such as
the dreaded income tax, wealth tax, corporate tax etc. while others are indirect
taxes, such as the value added tax, service tax, sales tax, etc.
• Direct Taxes
Direct tax, as stated earlier, are taxes that are paid directly by you. These taxes
are levied directly on an entity or an individual and cannot be transferred onto
anyone else. One of the bodies that overlooks these direct taxes is the Central
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) which is a part of the Department of Revenue.
It has, to help it with its duties, the support of various acts that govern various
aspects of direct taxes.
• Indirect Taxes
By definition, indirect taxes are those taxes that are levied on goods or services.
They differ from direct taxes because they are not levied on a person who pays
them directly to the government; they are instead levied on products and are
collected by an intermediary, the person selling the product. The most common
examples of indirect tax Indirect tax can be VAT (Value Added Tax), Taxes
on Imported Goods, Sales Tax, etc. These taxes are levied by adding them to
the price of the service or product which tends to push the cost of the product
Do startups have to pay tax?
To make things easier for startups, a brand new section known as Section 54
EE has been added to the Income Tax Act. Under this section, startups are
exempt from long-term capital gains tax. ... If the investor ends up withdrawing
the amount before the 3 years are up, then the amount becomes taxable.
To promote growth and help Indian economy, many benefits are being given to
entrepreneurs establishing startups.
1. Simple process
Government of India has launched a mobile app and a website for easy
registration for startups.
2. Reduction in cost
Startups enjoy 80% reduction in cost of filing patents that too at fast
examination of patent.
3. Easy access to Funds
The government is also giving guarantee to the lenders to encourage
banks and other financial institutions for providing venture capital.
4. Tax holiday for 3 Years
Startups will be exempted from income tax for 3 years provided they get a
certification from Inter-Ministerial Board
5. Apply for tenders
Startups can apply for government tenders. They are exempted from the
“prior experience/turnover” criteria applicable for normal companies
answering to government tenders.
6. R&D facilities
Seven new Research Parks will be set up to provide facilities to startups
in the R&D sector
7. No time-consuming compliances
Various compliances have been simplified for startups to save time and
8. Tax saving for investors
People investing their capital gains in the venture funds setup by
government will get exemption from capital gains. This will help startups
to attract more investors.
9. Easy exit
In case of exit – A startup can close its business within 90 days from the
date of application of winding up
10. Meet other entrepreneurs
Government has proposed to hold 2 startup fests annually both nationally
and internationally to enable the various stakeholders of a startup to meet.
Tax exemptions
• 3 year tax holiday in a block of 7 years.
• Exemption from tax on long-term capital gains.
• Tax exemptions on investments above the fair market value
• Tax exemptions to individual/HUF on long-term capital gains from equity
Legal expenses
Business (or commercial) legal expenses is typically designed to help you to get
expert legal advice with problems such as employment tribunals or commercial
contract disputes, it could also provide cover for legal representation and
expenses in the event of a claim.
1) Sole Proprietorship:
A sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trader, individual
entrepreneurship or proprietorship, is a type of enterprise that is owned and
run by one person and in which there is no legal distinction between
the owner and the business entity.
The sole proprietorship is not a legal entity.
It simply refers to a person who owns the business and is personally responsible
for its debts. A sole proprietorship can operate under the name of its owner
or it can do business under a fictitious name
You are in business quickly and easily.
There are hardly any restrictions and very few forms to fill out.
As a sole proprietor, you control all of the money made by the business.
You make all business operation calls.
You are management and, thus, can respond more quickly to day-to-day
changes and decisions.
You experience less government control and taxation. You don’t have to
keep incorporation records and annual corporate records.
You don’t have to do a separate tax return for the business and you don’t
have to prepare a balance sheet for the business.
As a sole proprietor, you are responsible for 100 percent of all business
debts and obligations.
This liability covers all of the proprietor’s assets, including his or her house
and car. Additional insurance coverage may be needed to cover personal
injury or physical loss that may hamper the continuity of the business.
The death, physical impairment, or mental incapacitation of the owner can
result in the termination of the business.
It is typically more difficult for sole proprietors to raise operating cash or
arrange long-term financing because they have fewer assets.
All the decision-making power rests with one individual.
A sole proprietorship appears less professional than a corporation or an
2) Partnership:
A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee
business operations and share its profits and liabilities.
In a general partnership company, all members share both profits and
liabilities. Professionals like doctors and lawyers often form a
limited partnership.
Shared cost of start-up.
Shared responsibilities and work.
Shared business risks and expenses.
Complementary skills and additional contacts of each partner can lead to the
achievement of greater financial results together than would be possible
Mutual support and motivation.
Partners in a general partnership are jointly and individually liable for the
business activities of the other. But if your partner skips town, you'll be
liable for all the debts, not just half of them.
Shared profits.
You do not have total control over the business. Decisions are shared, and
differences of opinion can lead to disagreements, a "falling out," or even one
partner buying out the other.
A friendship may not survive a partnership.
The LLP’s income and losses are passed through to the partners, who then
report it on their personal tax return. The LP’s income is not taxed at the
business level.
LLPs are limited by state regulations due to which they are not given due
recognition in every state as a business structure.
An NRI/Foreign national who wants to incorporate an LLP in India shall
have at least one partner who is an Indian citizen. Two foreign partners
cannot form an LLP without having one resident Indian partner along with
If a partner wants to transfer his/her ownership rights then he/she has to
obtain the consent of all the partners.
5) Public Company
A public company is a company that has sold all or a portion of itself to
the public via an initial public offering.
Public companies are publicly traded within the open market, and a variety
of investors buy the shares.
Ex. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Coal India Ltd, Oil and Natural
Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC ) etc
Able to raise capital for expansion by selling additional shares
Higher status than a public limited company so will benefit from more
Share prices listed on the stock exchange so shareholders ca work out the
value of their shares. They can buy or sell shares.
Limited liability for shareholders.
Original owners lose control and ownership of the business.
Professional directors and manager appointed to run the business may have
different aims to those of the shareholders.
Must disclose all main accounts to the public. These are often greatly
publicized by the media.
Company can be taken over if a majority of shareholders agree to bid.
This will help you narrow down a pool of possible recruitment agencies
to consider. If you need to hire temporary staff, your best choice
is staffing recruitment agency. If you need to hire high-level executives,
you should go for executive recruitment agencies. For everything else,
your best choice will probably be a general recruiting agency.
3. Check affordability
Compare and bargain with the services, terms and price of the
recruiting agencies. Check affordability on listed terms.
Start-ups should not shy away from selling themselves and offer
employees the satisfaction of making a difference.
• Treat you startup as a perk
The selection process is about screening candidates to determine the
right fit for the startup
1. Candidate Pre-screening:
Review all resumes received, and screen out candidates who do not meet
your minimum requirements
2. Assess and interview candidate:
In order to check the mental ability and skill set of an individual, several
tests are conducted. These tests are conducted to judge the suitability of
the candidate for the job. Evaluate the shortlisted candidates to identify
the leading candidate(s). At this point, you are ready to conduct face-to-
face interviews. Interview helps to understand the expectation, attitude
and behavior of candidate.
3. Checking References:
It is strongly recommended that to conduct reference checks prior to
extending an offer of employment from the candidate’s previous
1. Notify candidate of Hiring
However, once decided like to extend an offer to a candidate, act
fast. When it comes to hiring great employees, it’s often the early
bird that gets the worm.
2. Initiate Pre-Employment Checks
Upon finalizing the employment offer, make the employment offer
contingent upon the candidate successfully completing several pre-
employment checks.
3. Send Job Offer Letter
After the candidate accepts the employment offer, the startup should
send an “Offer Letter” to the candidate in writing. This letter should
outline the details of the offer including salary, start date, and pre-
employment drug/background testing requirements.
4. Complete New Hire Paperwork
Before the candidate begins employment, various forms must be
completed and submitted to the startup. A candidate may not begin
working until these forms have been completed.
With this recruiting, selecting and hiring ends for the startup.
Hiring the first employee
Though entrepreneur understands the whole process of hiring employee,
it’s curial even to know keys to hire first employee for the startup. :-)
Let’s explore the keys to hire first employee
First hire is a huge step in the life of the company. Take the time to do
things the right way, and it’s e sure that the first employee will be there
for the long haul—and be one of the greatest things to happen to the
startup/venture in its early days.