Ari 550-590
Ari 550-590
Ari 550-590
Standard 550/590
ARI does not set safety standards and does not certify or guarantee the safety of any products, components or
systems designed, tested, rated, installed or operated in accordance with this standard/guideline. It is strongly
recommended that products be designed, constructed, assembled, installed and operated in accordance with
nationally recognized safety standards and code requirements appropriate for products covered by this
ARI uses its best efforts to develop standards/guidelines employing state-of-the-art and accepted industry practices.
ARI does not certify or guarantee that any tests conducted under its standards/guidelines will be non-hazardous or
free from risk.
60 Hz Power
Included in Certification Program
Water-Cooled Air-Cooled
All compressor types All compressor types
Rated up to 2000 tons [7034 kW] at ARI Standard Rating Rated up to 200 tons [ 703 kW] at ARI Standard Rating
Conditions Conditions
Hermetic & open type, electric motor driven Hermetic & open type, electric motor driven
Voltages up to 5000 volts Voltages up to 600 volts
Excluded from Certification Program
Water-Cooled Air-Cooled
Condenserless chillers Condenserless chillers
Evaporatively cooled chillers Evaporatively cooled chillers
Chillers above 2000 tons [7034 kW] Chillers above 200 tons [703 kW]
Chillers with voltages above 5000 volts Chillers with voltages above 600 volts
Chillers powered by other than electric motor drives Chillers powered by other than electric motor drives
Chillers with motors not supplied with the unit by Secondary coolant ratings (other than water)
The manufacturer Free cooling
Secondary coolant ratings (other than water) Heat recovery & heat pump ratings
Free cooling
Heat recovery & heat pump ratings
Price $10.00 (M) $20.00 (NM) Copyright 2003, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
Printed in U.S.A. Registered United States Patent and Trademark Office
50 Hz Power
Included in Certification Program
Water-Cooled Air-Cooled
Centrifugal & screw chillers with continuous unloading
Rated 200 - 1000 tons [703-3517 kW] at ARI Standard
Rating Conditions
Hermetic & open type, electric motor driven Not applicable
Voltages up to 5000 volts
Excluded from Certification Program
Water-Cooled Air-Cooled
Scroll & reciprocating compressor chillers
with step unloading
Condenserless chillers
Evaporatively cooled chillers Not applicable
Chillers below 200 tons [703 kW]
Chillers above 1000 tons [3517 kW]
Chillers with voltages above 5000 volts
Chillers powered by other than electric motor drives
Chillers with motors not supplied with the unit by
The manufacturer
Secondary coolant ratings (other than water)
Free cooling
Heat recovery & heat pump ratings
Certified Ratings
The Certification Program ratings verified by test are:
Items 1- 5 are at Standard Rating Conditions (Section 5.2) and at non-standard Rating Conditions (Section 5.3) for both
full and part load (Section 5.4 for part-load performance requirements).
This standard supersedes ARI Standard 550/590-98 with addenda.
Figure 3. Allowable Tolerance Curves for Full and Part Load ........................................................9
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
3.5.3 Heat Reclaim Coefficient of Performance 3.10.2 Standard Rating. A rating based on tests
(COPHR). A ratio of the Net Heat Reclaim Capacity performed at Standard Rating Conditions.
(Btu/h) to the Total Power Input to the unit, W
converted to Btu/h 3.11 Rating Conditions. Any set of operating conditions
under which a single level of performance results and which
3.5.4 Power Input per Capacity. A ratio of the causes only that level of performance to occur.
Total Power Input to the unit, in kW to the Net
Refrigerating Capacity at any given set of Rating 3.1.1 Standard Rating Conditions. Rating
Conditions, expressed in kW/ton [kW/kW]. Conditions used as the basis of comparison for
performance characteristics.
3.6 Fouling Factor. The thermal resistance due to
fouling accumulated on the heat transfer surface. 3.12 "Shall" or "Should". "Shall" or "should" shall be
interpreted as follows:
3.6.1 Fouling Factor Allowance. Provision for
anticipated fouling during use specified in 3.12.1 Shall. Where "shall" or "shall not" is used
h⋅ft2⋅ºF/Btu [m2⋅ºC/W]. for a provision specified, that provision is mandatory
if compliance with the standard is claimed.
3.7 Net Heat Reclaim Capacity. A quantity defined as
the mass flow rate of the condenser water multiplied by the 3.12.2 Should, "Should" is used to indicate
difference in enthalpy of water entering and leaving the heat provisions which are not mandatory but which are
reclaim Condenser, Btu/h [kW]. desirable as good practice.
3.8 Net Refrigeration Capacity. A quantity defined as 3.13 Total Power Input. Power input of all components of
the mass flow rate of the evaporator water multiplied by the the unit.
difference in enthalpy of water entering and leaving the
evaporator, Btu/h or tons [kW]. 3.14 Water-Chilling Package. A factory-made and
prefabricated assembly (not necessarily shipped as one
3.9 Part-Load Value (PLV). A single number figure of package) of one or more compressors, Condensers and
merit expressing part-load efficiency for equipment on the evaporators, with interconnections and accessories, designed
basis of weighted operation at various partial load capacities for the purpose of cooling water. It is a machine specifically
for the equipment. designed to make use of a vapor compression refrigeration
cycle to remove heat from water and reject the heat to a
3.9.1 Integrated Part-Load Value (IPLV). A cooling medium, usually air or water. The refrigerant
single number part-load efficiency figure of merit Condenser may or may not be an integral part of the
calculated per the method described in this standard package.
at Standard Rating Conditions.
3.14.1 Heat Reclaim Water-Chilling Package. A
3.9.2 Non-Standard Part-Load Value (NPLV). A factory-made package, designed for the purpose of
single number part-load efficiency figure of merit chilling water and containing a Condenser for
calculated per the method described in this standard reclaiming heat. Where such equipment is provided
referenced to conditions other than IPLV conditions. in more than one assembly, the separate assemblies
(For units that are not designed to operate at Standard are to be designed to be used together, and the
Rating Conditions.) requirements of rating outlined in this standard are
based upon the use of matched assemblies. It is a
3.10 Published Ratings. A statement of the assigned package specifically designed to make use of the
values of those performance characteristics, under stated refrigerant cycle to remove heat from the refrigerant
Rating Conditions, by which a unit may be chosen to fit its and to reject the heat to another fluid (air or water)
application. These values apply to all units of like nominal for heating use. Any excess heat may be rejected to
size and type (identification) produced by the same another medium, usually air or water.
manufacturer. The term Published Rating includes the
rating of all performance characteristics shown on the unit
or published in specifications, advertising or other literature Section 4. Test Requirements
controlled by the manufacturer, at stated Rating Conditions.
4.1 Test Requirements. Ratings shall be established at
3.10.1 Application Rating. A rating based on tests the Rating Conditions specified in Section 5. Ratings shall
performed at application Rating Conditions (other be verified by tests conducted in accordance with the test
than Standard Rating Conditions). method and procedures described in Appendix C.
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
Table 1. Standard Rating Conditions
Condenser Water
Air-Side 0.0 ft2 · ºF/Btu 0.0 m2 · ºC/W 0.0 h · ft2 · ºF/Btu 0.0 m2 · ºC/W
Entering Air
Evaporator Water
Flow Rate 2.4 gpm/ton 0.043 L/s per kW 2.4 gpm/ton 0.043 L/s per kW 2.4 gpm/ton 0.043 L/s per kW
Water-Side 0.0001 h · ft2 ºF/Btu 0.000018 m2 · ºC/W 0.0001 h · ft2 ºF/Btu 0.000018 m2 · ºC/W 0.0001 h · ft2 ºF/Btu 0.000018 m2 · ºC/W
Without Condenser
Barometric Pressure 29.92 in Hg 101.3 kPa 29.92 in Hg 101.3 kPa 29.92 in Hg 101.3 kPa
Table 2. Heat Reclaim Standard Rating Conditions
Condenser Water
Flow rate same as in standard cooling Flow rate same as in standard Flow rate same as in standard
Flow Rate
ratings cooling ratings cooling ratings
Entering Air
Field Fouling Allowance 0.00025 h · ft2 · ºF/Btu 0.0 h · ft2 · ºF/Btu 0.0 h · ft2 · ºF/Btu
105.0 ºF 40.6 ºC
Entering or or 70.0 ºF 21.1ºC
95.0 ºF 35.0 ºC
120.0 ºF 48.9 ºC
Leaving or or 95.0 ºF 35.0 ºC
105.0 ºF 40.6 ºC
Barometric Pressure 29.92 in Hg 101.3 kPa 29.92 in Hg 101.3 kPa 29.92 in Hg 101.3 kPa
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
Because the unit cannot unload to 25% Evaporator water-side and
capacity, the following additional condenser water-side or air-side heat
calculations are required to determine point transfer surfaces shall be considered clean
“D”, using the minimum capacity data point during testing. Tests will be assumed to
listed above that was determined at the reflect Fouling Factors of 0.0 h⋅ft2 °F/Btu
minimum step of capacity at the conditions [0.0 m2°C/W].
of a 25% capacity. To determine the capacity of the
(0.25) x (100) Water-Chilling Package at the rated
LF = = 0.60 fouling conditions, the procedure defined
in C6.3 shall be used to determine an
adjustment for the evaporator and or
CD = (-0.13 x 0.60) + 1.13 = 1.05
condenser water temperatures.
41.8 x 12000 Btu 5.6 Tolerances.
EER = = 14.35
1.05 x 33.3 x 1000 (W ⋅ h )
5.6.1 Allowable Tolerances. The allowable test
Using the A, B, C and D efficiencies the tolerance on capacity, tons [kW], EER, COP, Power
IPLV can then be calculated as follows: Input per Capacity kW/ton [kW/kW] and heat
balance shall be determined from the following
IPLV (EER) = (0.01 x 13.00) + (0.42 x equation:
14.85) + ( 0.45 x 15.62)
+ (0.12 x 14.35) Tolerance %
=15.12 Btu/(W⋅h)
= 10.5 - (0.07 x % FL) + ( )
5.5 Fouling Factor Allowances. When ratings are DTFL x % FL
published, they shall include those with Fouling Factors as
specified in Table 1. Additional ratings, or means of DTFL = Difference between entering and
determining those ratings, at other Fouling Factor Allowances leaving chilled water temperature at
may also be published. full load, °F [°C]
5.5.1 Method of Establishing Clean and Fouled E = 1500 for IP, [833.3] for SI units
Ratings from Laboratory Test Data.
See Figure 3 for graphical representation only. A series of tests shall be run in
accordance with the method outlined in
Appendix C to establish the unit’s
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
10.5 − (0.07 ⋅ 69.5%) +
10 x 69.5%
Full Load Example in kW/ton (in IP Units only for
clarity): = 10.5 - 4.87 + 2.16 = 7.8%
ARI STANDARD 550/590 2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
6.2 Published Ratings. Published Ratings shall state all of Condenser water flow rate, gpm
the standard operating conditions and shall include the [L/s].
following. Condenser Fouling Factor,
6.2.1 General. h · ft2 · ºF/Btu [m2 · ºC/ W], as stated in
Table 1. Refrigerant designation in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 6.2.3 Air-Cooled Condenser Packages.
34. Entering air dry-bulb temperature, Model number designations ºF [ºC] (as stated in Table 1).
providing identification of the Water-
Chilling Packages to which the ratings shall Power input to fan(s), kW [kW].
6.2.4 Evaporatively-Cooled Condenser Packages. Net Refrigeration Capacity, tons
[kW]. Entering air wet-bulb temperature,
ºF [ºC] (as stated in Table 1). Total Power Input to chiller, bhp or
kW, as applicable. Power input to fan(s) and pump(s),
kW [kW]. Energy Efficiency, expressed as
EER, COP or kW/ton. Condenser spray pump power
consumption, kW [kW]. Evaporator Fouling Factor,
h · ft2 · ºF/Btu [m2 · ºC/ W], as stated in Statement of Condenser Fouling
Table 1. Factor Allowance on heat exchanger,
h · ft2 · ºF/Btu [m2 · ºC/ W]. Chilled water entering and leaving
temperatures, ºF [ºC] (as stated in Table 1), 6.2.5 Packages without Condenser (for use with
or leaving water temperature and Remote Condensers).
temperature difference, ºF [ºC]. Compressor saturated discharge Evaporator water pressure drop temperature, ºF [ºC] (as stated in Table 1).
(inlet to outlet), psi or ft H2O [kPa]. Liquid refrigerant temperature Chilled water flow rate, gpm [L/s]. entering chiller package, ºF [ºC] (as stated
in Table 1). Nominal voltage, V, and
frequency, Hz, for which ratings are valid. Condenser heat rejection capacity
requirements, Btu/h [kW].
ARI STANDARD 550/590 2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
A1.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2001 with A1.6 ASME Standard PTC 19.2-1987,
Addenda, Number Designation and Safety Instruments and Apparatus, Part 2, Pressure
Classification of Refrigerants, 2001, American Measurement, 1987, American Society of
Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air- Mechanical Engineers. ASME, 345 East 47th Street,
Conditioning Engineers, Inc., ASHRAE, 25 West New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.
43rd Street, 4th Fl., New York, NY, 10036,
U.S.A./1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia, A1.7 IEC Standard Publication 60038, IEC
30329, U.S.A. Standard Voltages, 1983, International
Electrotechnical Commission, rue de Varembe, P.O.
A1.3 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-86 (RA Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
2001), Measurements Guide - Section on
Temperature Measurements, 2001, American Society A1.8 ISA Standard RP31.1, Recommended
of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Practice Specification, Installation, and Calibration
Engineers, Inc. ASHRAE, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th of Turbine Flowmeters, 1977, Instrument Society of
Fl., New York, NY, 10036, U.S.A./1791 Tullie America, ISA, 67 Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12277,
Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia, 30329, U.S.A. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A.
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
a. Water flow rate, gpm [L/s] The heat rejected through the Air-
b. Temperature difference Cooled Heat Reclaim Condenser
between entering and leaving is equal to the product of the heat
water °F, [°C] reclaim Condenser airflow rate,
the air temperature difference, and
C3.1.4 The heat removed from the chilled the specific heat of moist air as
water is equal to the product of the chilled defined by equation C8.
water flow rate, the water temperature
difference, and the specific heat of the water C3.1.5.3 The test shall include
defined by equation C6. the determination of the
compressor power requirement.
C3.1.5 If supplied with the Water-Chilling This power shall be determined by
Package, the test shall include simultaneous measurement of electrical input to
determination of the heat reclaim Condenser the motor drive (see C7.1.4). For
capacity by obtaining the data as defined in motors supplied by others, the
ARI STANDARD 550/590- 2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590- 2003
C5.2 Auxiliary Data to be Recorded for General C6.2 Operations and Limits.
C6.2.1 Start the system and establish the
C5.2.1 Nameplate data including make, testing conditions in accordance with the
model, size and refrigerant, sufficient to following tolerances and instructions.
completely identify the water chiller. Unit
voltage and frequency should be recorded. C6.2.1.1 Evaporator (All
Condenser Types)
C5.2.2 Compressor driver or input rpm for
open-type compressors. a. The chilled water flow rate,
gpm [L/s], shall not deviate
C5.2.3 Ambient temperature at test site, more than + 5% from that
°F [°C]. specified.
b. The individual readings of
C5.2.4 Actual voltage, V, and current, water temperature leaving the
Amps, for each phase of all electric motor evaporator shall not vary from
drives. the specified values by more
than 0.5°F [0.3°C]. Care
C.5.2.5 Motor, engine or turbine nameplate must be taken to insure that
data. these water temperatures are
the average bulk stream
C5.2.6 Pressure, in H2O [kPa], temperatures.
temperature, °F [°C] and exhaust pressure, c. The leaving chilled water
in H2O [kPa] for steam turbine nameplate temperature shall be adjusted
data. by an increment calculated
per C6.3 corresponding to the
C5.2.7 Fuel gas specification for gas specified field fouling
turbine drive, including pressure, in H2O allowance required for test.
[kPa]. d. Part-load tests for Water-
Chilling Packages which have
C5.2.8 Heat balance for C6.4. continuous capacity
modulation must be taken
C5.2.9 Date, place, and time of test. within + 2% of the full load
tons at the specified part load
C5.2.10 Names of test supervisor and capacity.
witnessing personnel. e. For water chillers with
discrete steps of capacity
C6 Test Procedure. control, the part-load tests
shall be taken as close as
C6.1 Preparation for Test. practical to the specified part-
load capacity as per Table 3.
C6.1.1 The Water-Chilling Package,
which has been completely connected in C6.2.1.2 Water-Cooled
accordance with the manufacturer's Condenser.
instructions and is ready for normal
operation, shall be provided with the a. The water flow rate, gpm
necessary instrumentation. [L/s], through the Condenser
shall not deviate more than +
C6.1.2 The test shall not be started until 5% from that specified.
non-condensables have been removed from b. The individual readings of
the system. water temperatures entering
the refrigerant Condenser
C6.1.3 At the manufacturer’s option, shall not vary from the
Condenser and cooler surfaces may be specified values by more than
cleaned as provided in C3.2.1. 0.5°F [0.3°C]. Care must be
taken to insure that these
water temperatures are the
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
where: R
TD = Ssp - z
a e -1
Sc = z
e −1 R
Ssp = Small temperature difference as LMTD - ILMTD
specified, °F [°C]
Sc = Small temperature difference as 10
tested in cleaned condition, °F[°C] Z= = 1.125
10.2 - 1.31
The water temperature difference, TDa, is 10
TD = 6.0 - 1.125
then added to the Condenser entering water a -1
temperature or subtracted from the
= 6.0 - 4.8 = 1.2°F
evaporator leaving water temperature to
simulate the additional Fouling Factor.
The entering Condenser water temperature
for testing is then raised 1.2°F to simulate
C6.3.4 Example-Condenser Fouling
Inside Tubes (in I.P Units for clarity): the Fouling Factor Allowance of 0.00025 h ⋅
ft2 ⋅ °F/Btu. The entering condenser water
Specified Fouling Factor Allowance, temperature will be 85 + 1.2 or 86.2°F.
ffsp =0.00025 h ⋅ ft2 ⋅°F/Btu
Condenser load, q = 2,880,000 Btu/h C6.4 Test Verification:
ln (1 + R/S)
= = 10.2
ln (1 + 10/6)
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590- 2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590- 2003
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
Group 1 - 24.0%
Group 2 - 12.2%
Group 3 - 32.3%
Group 4 - 31.5%
0.01 0.42 0.45 0.12
+ + +
C/S Chiller
Total 57.9 57.9 8670 507155 4210 DBH Total 136958 1132 225628 1738 140715 1303 3608 37
ARI STANDARD 550/590-2003
Group 1 % Load ECWT EDB Weight Group 2 % Load ECWT EDB Weight
IPLV = 1 IPLV = 1
.009/A + .309/B + .413/C + .269/D .012/A + .423/B + .565/C + 0.0/D
Group 3 % Load ECWT EDB Weight Group 4 % Load ECWT EDB Weight
IPLV = 1 IPLV = 1
.015/A + .409/B + .392/C + .184/D .018/A + .501/B + .481/C + 0.0/D