Audit Videos by Blair Cook. Here Is The Link: Doc /archives/edgar/data/34088/000003408821000012/xom-20201231.htm
Audit Videos by Blair Cook. Here Is The Link: Doc /archives/edgar/data/34088/000003408821000012/xom-20201231.htm
Audit Videos by Blair Cook. Here Is The Link: Doc /archives/edgar/data/34088/000003408821000012/xom-20201231.htm
Please make sure all your comment are related to this SEC 10 K and please
answer every questions. Here is the link
Also to help complete these assignments, you can watch Audit Videos by
Blair Cook. Here is the link
Assignment 1
1. Costs and fluctuations are often discussed in the MD&A section. Any
comments on your analysis here?
2. Pricing decisions often relate both to knowing your costs as well as to the
strategy of pricing. Competition, loss leaders, and other elements may be
discussed in the MD&A section. Emerging markets and product lines are also
an issue for some companies. What do you learn from your review?
Express your opinion regarding how robotic processing automation (RPA) will
impact the auditing field.
Homework 2
Final Exam
Smith has decided that one way to make the division more
profitable is to manipulate inventory because it represents a
large amount of the division’s balance sheet. She also knows
that controls over inventory are week. She views this inventory
manipulation as a short-run solution to the profit decline due to
the competitor’s price cutting. Smith is certain that once the
competitor stops cutting prices or goes bankrupt, the
misstatements in inventory can be corrected with little impact on
the bottom line.