Artificial Intelligence and Diagnosis in General Practice: Editorials
Artificial Intelligence and Diagnosis in General Practice: Editorials
Artificial Intelligence and Diagnosis in General Practice: Editorials
Diagnosis in general practice is difficult.
Within the populations that GPs care for,
“… there is growing interest in using AI to supplement,
serious diseases and disorders are less enhance, or even replace GP diagnostic intelligence.”
prevalent and, generally, at an earlier
stage in the development of symptoms
than in other healthcare settings.1 However, to train AI diagnostic systems.3 Based on variable quality and consistency.
the public, the media, and our specialist an approach known as supervised learning, Several AI-based symptom checkers
colleagues want primary care clinicians to the programmer trains the system by have been developed with the aim of
become much better diagnosticians. GPs defining a set of diagnoses for a range of improving the accuracy and the reliability
are now expected to spot individuals with images labelled by human experts. of any advice, guidance, or signposting.
cancer earlier while also avoiding excessive Although clinical information from In a vignette-based audit of 23 symptom
testing or inappropriate onward referrals. general practice is more ill defined, AI checkers available for use by the public, the
Currently, there is growing interest natural language processing techniques appropriate triage advice was considered to
in using artificial intelligence (AI) to now provide the tools to analyse more have been provided in 57% of evaluations,
supplement, enhance, or even replace GP unstructured data from records or patients. rising to 80% for emergency cases.4
diagnostic intelligence. Advocates of AI have The outputs are then in a form that is more Unfortunately, the major problem with
suggested that such technologies could amenable to further analysis by machine most symptom checkers is that they are
improve diagnostic accuracy (with fewer learning. risk averse, encouraging users to seek
underdiagnoses and overdiagnoses) in AI is a focused technology, and this help from their GP for conditions when
addition to diagnostic efficiency. But others is, on the face of it, at variance with the self-care would be perfectly reasonable
have argued that it will add yet another comprehensive and holistic nature and safe. Striking a sensible balance
information burden during an already busy of primary care medicine. Diagnostic between missing a serious condition and
surgery. It might do very little to improve intelligence in general practice is much overwhelming GP surgeries is tricky. As
patient outcomes, GP stress levels, or more than generating a possible label or many symptoms presenting to GPs are
healthcare finances.2 suggesting a course of action.1 The GP self-limiting, one option to consider is the
AI refers to computing techniques that needs to understand the patient’s context development of AI tools that enable certain
resemble human cognitive functions, in addition to picking up social and symptoms to be monitored over time.5 This
such as learning and problem solving. psychological cues with empathy, care, and symptom-based information might also
Rather than following pre-programmed compassion. Explicit knowledge about the be supplemented by clinical data provided
instructions, AI approaches draw inferences predictive value of symptoms can be taught
directly by individuals using, for example,
from, or discover, patterns in data. Expert to a machine but tacit knowledge such
self-testing or wearable biosensors.
systems emulate human decision making as how to gain an individual’s confidence
Images from an individual’s mobile phone
by using an inference engine to apply rules might not.
of a skin lesion can already be assessed by
to facts held in a knowledge base. Machine In this editorial we will consider some
an AI system using deep learning to rule out
learning — including neural networks or possible roles for AI to augment the current
skin cancers. This presents the opportunity
deep learning — develops models to make diagnostic approach within primary care
to increase the numbers of individuals
decisions, or to classify examples. This settings.
is achieved by using a training algorithm undergoing skin cancer screening and
— supplied with data of suitable quantity THE PATIENT’S PRESENTATION signpost the most appropriate ones to see
and quality — to adjust the weights within their GP for further assessment.6
One of the challenges to improving health
a model to optimise the goodness of fit outcomes from conditions such as cancer,
between the input and the output. THE GP CONSULTATION
depression, and rheumatoid arthritis is to
All AI techniques depend on high-quality get the right individuals to the right place Clinical decision making is often partially
information on which to learn and classify at the right time. Before a person presents dependent on a number of cognitive
clinical data in relation to outcomes. To to their GP, they will often have sought heuristics or ‘rules of thumb’ in order
date, most AI techniques have focused on advice from friends, their family, or the local to aid recall or understand knowledge.
radiology, as medical imaging data have pharmacist. Most will have also checked Unfortunately, as a consequence, GPs may
been systematically stored and collected the internet. But the problem with all these produce a distorted range of differential
for some time and are now readily available interactions is that the advice received is of diagnoses through failing to consider
the relative prevalences of conditions
within a primary care setting. Data that
contradict expectations also tend to be
“… the major problem with most symptom checkers is ignored or dismissed as unimportant,
especially if obtained towards the end of the
that they are risk averse …“ consultation.7
Within UK general practice the earlier