India with 130 crore people has most of its wealth concentrated in
the hands of no more than 13 lakh people. Why is the gap
between the rich and the poor so large? Why only so few people
are able to create huge wealth, and the rest struggle all their life?
The WEALTH MANTRA will first establish clarity between earning
money and making money. Unless a person understands and
learns how to MAKE MONEY he or she can never be wealthy.
Those people who JUST EARN MONEY will never get there. Influ-
enced by old-fashioned thinking and a rigid mind-set, majority of
the people have no clue as to where to start or how to do it when it
comes to wealth creation
Though it might seem hard-to-imagine in the normal world, there
are many examples of people in India who have made well over
100 crores and that too starting with modest sums of money. With
appropriate knowledge, a clear strategy, sound temperament and
sufficient skills, this can be achieved by any one.
All these can be learnt and practiced.
This Wealth Mantra will unravel the secrets of the super-rich and
how they create huge wealth and guide you on HOW EXACTLY
TO DO IT. This will provide you with a step-wise strategy which is
do-able and a ROAD-MAP on how exactly to make TEN CRORES
starting with as little as ONE LAKH