An Analytical Approach For Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation in Radial Distribution Systems
An Analytical Approach For Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation in Radial Distribution Systems
An Analytical Approach For Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation in Radial Distribution Systems
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
Abstract -In present study, an analytical approach voltage profile enhancement of system voltage stability
based technique is presented for the optimum installation margin and system loadability [2], [3], [11], [12] and [17].
and sizing of distributed generation (DG) units for balanced
Furthermore, the investment or cost minimization or
radial distribution system. The formulations of developed
technique are based on to minimize active and reactive
maximization of benefit to cost ratio, reduction of energy
components of system losses related to branches current. In losses [4], and [10], moreover, the objective of the
the presented technique the magnitude of branches current is investigators to formulate the methodology for optimum
reduced by installation of DG units at various positions installation and sizing of DG units in distribution network
(buses) in distribution system. According to proposed
and for optimization they applied several optimization
technique, it identities a group of buses wherever DG units
techniques, like direct mathematical analysis by c1assical
are to be installed. Further, the loss saving derivations is
used to obtain optimum size of DG units by c1assical optimization approach [1], [3], [9], [10], [12], [13], and [17].
optimization technique. An algorithm is also developed to Index based approaches (various indices are applied for
optimum installation of DG units in distribution system. The optimum placement and sizing of DG units such as voltage
developed method is relatively simple since it needs solution sensitivity index, power loss sensitivity index, power
of base case load flow only. The presented technique has been
stability index and index of voltage stability etc. [11], the
applied on a 33-bus radial test distribution network. The
developed technique is very much effective as far as system
author of [4] developed a software tool based on multi
loss reduction is concern as these are noticed from results. period AC optimum power tlow and continuation power
Keywords-Distribution System; Loss Minimiztion; DG; tlow for installation of DG units. The inherent property of
Analytical Technique; Optimal Sizing and Siting distribution system i.e. RlX ratio is higher as compare to
transmission network, due to this inherent property, the
losses of power and electrical energy are more as compare to
The small scale electric power generation units, transmission networks as explained in [7] and [9], as a
directly connected to loads or customer side of meter are consequence, the reduction of these losses is one of the great
known as DG. The range of output power of DG units issue in front of the electric distribution companies,
typically varies from a few kWs to a few MWs [6].The researchers and academician across the globe [7].
use of DG technologies in existing distribution network is According to concern literature described above, the
increasing rapidly because of their small sizes, local most of the investigators assumed DG as an active power
availability and environmental friendliness. Since DGs source only. In addition to that it is more important and
may be derived by renewable and conventional energy advantageous to enhancement the performance of
resources, DG would contribute nearly 20% of total power distribution network by considering other types of DGs
generation in upcoming days [1] and [17]. The insertion of are to be installed. Furthermore, the types of DG itself
DG in distribution network is always committed to reduce provide information about capability of injection and
the network losses, improvement of voItage profile, absorption of active and reactive power ofDG units [14].
enhancement of voItage stability margin, improvement of Moreover, the majority of the researchers applied exact
system reliability and power quality of power supplied and loss formula based analytical technique in their formulation
[17], ifDG placement is planned strategically. development for optimum installation and sizing ofDG units
On the basis of available researches contributed by in distribution networks for reduction of system losses [1]
earlier researchers on optimum placement and sizing ofDG and [15]. It is more important to discuss that the usage of
in distribution network it is observed that their main focus on exact loss formula for development of any methodology
to discuss various issues like reduction of system losses [1- requires evaluation of impedance Zausmatrix, those are time
4], [9], [10], [12], [14] and [15], enhancement of system consuming processes.
To mitigate hurdles of previously developed magnitude of current in the branches Iying between bus 1
techniques and inspired by research work of [9] and [12], to bus k. However, the currents in the rest of the branches
the present study proposes a new and simple analytical remain unchanged with DG installation if voltage
technique for placement of DG units in distribution improvement is negligible. The modified current in the
networks. This paper proposed a technique for reduction 'itl" branch can be given as:
distribution system.
The rest of paper is organized as: section 2 describes
=I; - D/dg (4)
the proposed methodology for placement of single DG; Where Idg and D; can be given as
section 3 discusses the algorithm for placement of DG S;g
Idg =---;;
along with tlow chart. Section 4 presents the result and Vk
discussion and finally section 5 highlights the conc1usions
of the study.
D; = {I
if i'" branch is between source bus and bus at which k'" DG is placed
2 }]
preassumptions are made:
a. It is considered that system is balanced test radial And the size ofDG can be retrieved by differentiating
distribution network and fed by a sub-station. (5) W.r.t. Pdg and Qdg respectively partially and equate to
b. The voltage at all the buses is c10se to 1 pu zero, therefore finally Pdg and Qdg can be given as
c. All loads are constant power load. 11-1
Pt.J<-+iQk PLn+jOtn
Therefore, fmal optimum size ofDG will be as
Sdg=Pdg+jQdg (8)
Fig. I: n-Bus Test Radial Distribution System
The current in ,/17, branch can be expressed as follows III. ALGORITHM FOR SIZlNGAND PLACEMENT OF DG
Now consider that a DG injecting Sdg power in the DG by using equations (5) and (8) by
system is placed at bus 'k' shown in Fig. 2. This changes assuming each bus as candidate bus
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
Step 3: IdentifY the node that has highest loss saving A. 33-Bus Test Radial Distribution System
from Fig. 6 and find the size of DG
A 12.66 kV, 33-bus radial test distribution system has
corresponding to that bus from Fig. 5. Further
been considered to test the developed analytical method.
choose that bus for placement of DG of size
The present test system has a total load of (3.715 + )2.300)
selected from Fig. 5. This is the case for
MVA [5].
single DG placement
Firstly, the optimum loss saving and subsequent size
of DG calculated on the basis of equations (5) and (8)
respectively for each bus except reference bus. Fig. 5 and
Read data of the systetn (branch and load Fig. 6 illustrate the DG sizes (kW) and corresponding loss
savings (MVA) for all nodes in the network except
reference node. The Fig. 6 provides an information about
highest loss saving of 130.71 kW at bus number 6 by
Estirnate active and reactive po'\-Ver and placing a DG of size (2.569+)l. 771) MVA at bus number
ClUTent by bacbvard fonvard JX)vver flovv
technique 6. The placement of DG of size (2.569+)l. 771) MVA at
bus number 6 further provides loss saving of 13.79 kW
and next DG of size (4015+)0.444) MVA at bus 31 and
Estirnate voltage magnitude along vvith
simultaneously active power loss becomes 6l.38 kW with
phasor angle of each bus
reduction of 69.72%age in same iteration. Further, a
second DG of size (0.415+)0.444) MVA at bus number
31provides loss saving of 8.17 kW and DG of size
(0.632+)0.252) MVA at bus 25 with loss reduces to 46.57
Is tolerance greater than equa kW with 77.02%age.
to specified tolerance?
19 20 21 22
Fig. 6: Loss Saving (in kW) at Various Buses for 33-Bus Test
Fig. 4: Single Line Diagram of 33-bus Test Distribution System RadialDistribution System
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
The Fig. 7 represents system loss saving (in kW) and It is evident from Table. 11, the minimum and
subsequent size of DG (in MVA) for different buses maximum values of system voltage profile under base
according to developed technique for 33-bus test radial case are 0.9131 pu is at bus 18 and 1.0000 p.u. at bus 1
distribution network respectively and that of afterDG placement are 0.9677 pu
at bus 18 and 1.0034 p.u. at bus 31.
�- .=
.S '";)
e .e. '"
�'" Q = '"
... e �O '";:
'" ...
- .-;, '"'"'" .oS '" iii'+�
'";;., '"'"''" - '" '"' � ��
'"' C
� ....l =Q. QC .;'� c,:.:
....l �
Base case for 202.7 6 2.57+jl.77 130.71
identitying bus DG
(2.57+j 1.77) 61.4 31 0.42+jO.44 13.79
MVA, DG placed at
bus 6
(0.42+jO.44) MVA, 46.57 25 0.63+jO.25 8.17
at bus 31
(0.63+jO.25) MVA, 38.04 6 (-0.68-jO.58) -
Fig. 9: Optimum Power Factor of Different DG Units for 33-Bus
at bus 25
Radial Distribution System
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
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